The tt tt H1LLSB6R VOL. XVII IIILLSHORO, OREGON, DEC. 15, 1910. in m were nn 111 111 11 uv I'liiim 11 iv ..wasf m n n 1 1 1 n 1 1 bUUnlLUDi uuuhuil t)ivkl Muton IktUrcd I Kilcd and Sorn In nl Scaled PUNS UAINI'D BIT ONI! Villi: AllfJ l B. ToB" CHI- icai Tkkrl RcIbi Coiinlcd Fifty Ix-opl'' were t'u' "urcil mc'tintf Saturday nijtht. when the recount f t' lIKtj ut the city fleet ion were recounted to determine who nhould Im- en titled t a neut in tin truMtceHhi lviil lloiiMttm, who led JoKcih iHnvnn ly hix vote, or tin latter, who ran on the Man Meeting Ticket Attorney K. H. i'oiik'uc U before the council in the in-terrtt.-t of Mr. Ikiwri. ami con-U-nM that the ordinance re quired the recorder to furnwh tkkeU to the flection l:ird, ami thit w the maiw meet in tr ticket t.i the only one filet I within the limit of tune, and the Citizens' ticket km not. the Mum Meeting ticket was the only one that jhoulil ! entertained in the county. William Mctjtiillan and W. (I. Hare ax-ared for the HiKisUm end of the controversy, inj aoricd that the intent of the voter wits the thinjj to In? coimid rrd. and, also, that the filing of the Citizen ticket on Thursday evening w:w inside the time lim it and. should lie counted. Mayor liatflcy put it up to the council at the clone of the arjru menU. and the vote nainst countiiiK' the ticket wan cant by Cirlile and lleim; and for count ing it was ca.Ht hy IUihcow, liar trampf aii'l TruUiner. The count then proceeded, and Mr. Ifciwn gained one vote. This left Mr. lloUHton live votes in the leml. and he wan thereup on sworn in ulonif with Council men elect K. I. Kuratli and W. I). Smith. An interesting feature of the Session wo the patuuiKT at arms between Recorder Hcnton l'w man and Mr. McQuillan. Mr. Bowman contended that he was within his rights and duty when he refused to print the Citizens' Ticket and place the name of Houston on the lallot. u.u Mi:iniNi We, the undersigned, comprisinj? lOprr cent, of the taxpayers of lUd District No. 2N. Washing ton County, Oregon, hereby give notice thnt a meeting will he held at the Wallace ScIhkiI House in said nwul district, on theSlrd lay of December. 11)10, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., for the purixwe of voting an additional tax for mad purposes, ns pro vided in Section 21. Ijiwh of 1100. page 2U5. J. K. Zimmerman, F. M. Wads rth. K. Kwnig, A. Henzen. A. L Nelson, II. W. Zim merman. Carl Herggren, II. Hendreksen, 0. K. Zimmerman, H. Zimmerman. Hated this Nov. 21, 1910. MARTIN V. MSHlil; Martin V. Hisliee, one of the i'jl known and highly respected citizens of near Forest drove, fl'cd Decemk'r 1). 1910, nged 7 ycrs. He wus born in Auburn, Muine, and from that state moved to Scipeo, Michigan. He was wedded to Miss Caressa Mc- -. hi mat piace, in inui. inirty-five years ngo they moved 10 California, and a year later jnovod to Oregon, locating on the J?rm on C.ales Creek, just above P .t I 1 . ll L "'vm, virove. uneson, ueioen, J I'ortland, and an adopted daughter, Mrs. William Johnson, survive. OR SPECIAL TAX Notice; of nirctlnu vote odilltioii' f" Ui: vVe, the unilertiKiied, coin prliinn io pfr icut. of the tHipnycri of l Dl.trict No s, WBhiinjton County, "rtKoii, heiely t've notice that n meet H will l,c ,el.t Cornelim Hotel, Cor "cllua, Ore ' In a.l.l ...... I .li.trtrt. nn the 3ut (Uv of December, 1910. at the hour 01 ' o'clock V. M., for the purpose of VOItnu . ..1.1:. r.. - I P, m provided In Sec. 34, Iw of p.Ke a,.; I) Shrpril, Jcob lleruert, II Thurn- lllr A V . - .?. .f . , y-i Mermen, tl w Htmilier, 11 r peine, J Burii,!.. ir Sflillrr. A Benson. 1 Sortnen, J VoeUer, J K Ueeves. Kd Nl Krnhmer, K Bowlhy, J M London, . Neuuinn. C R niirli.nmi. 1) J Itarrett. HunainK, R OppllKer, Fred Kchoen Jr, Win Hamrlnmnn, Adam Hergert Jr, L J ; riiiuip liergert, II iiumusun, (io V lUrrla; J. H. Collier was in from ....... I 1 . . ! oener nun ever pre We :ir.-, t,, ,u,,!y l)Ur, uhtumers. h;i'.i ru.-. r'l supply ()f Ho,,,-. '. ' I. Milan aiiil lifii-iliimr lumber ui, cm funiiHh vh lioil'.e IhIIh .ti i,luirt nolice. We also h.r.e a yi)lh Ht,H-k of all kiml-t of eoinnum IiiiiiIht. We have in kIih K all Hi-s of til- from l to If. inch tl,;,t are first ipiality; also briek ami buiMing liNs-ks.' Try our btiilding Works for your fruit or potato douse, or founda tion lor your huililin.'s letter and cheaper than brick or eon crete. Parties wantinc nr,!.. I-Iivcre. Will (In Well to place them early, while thi roads are gol, ami our t arns are not to busy, In th pa;it we find that 11 is uie lainng o! many to wait till the roads are people almost impasHalde, and then place their orders for delivery, at a cost o4 twice what it can ! done for HOW. Ni don t fori'et. this vear while our sts'k is complete (IronerA llowell Company. The appraisers have filed the inventory of the estate of Lillian J. P.urns. a daughter of the late errin Steepler, and the valua tion is given at $77. .11. Nothing has Im-cii heard of Mrs. Hums fur ten years, and the general sup position among her relatives is that she is dead, as she knew that at some time there would money due her from the estate of her father. The money in the sum as appraised has been in the hands of the county clerk for several years. The husband, W. II. Hums, who at one time worked for W. V. Wiley, has U-en dead several years, and the heirs ask that the estate shall Im probated so that there can be a distribution, and the estate of the father can be settled. Mrs. Hums Aits raised here and was well known to Hillsboro tieople. James Garfield Warren alas for distinguished nomenclature was taken lie fore Judge Harnett. Saturday, where he pleaded guilty to cruelty to animals. The Judge suspended sentence upon his promise to go home and give his tHior animals U'tter care. "Kansas" a.s he is called, de parted on Ins way for the I helia- em Mountain, with his tsittle of cough medicine in one pocket, and a harmless, unloaded revol ver at present anus, late in the afternoon, ruminating over his first cxjK'rience in the city jail. Garfield is the first man from whom it wits necessary to cut oil his socks on taking his initial iath in the city jail, and it was perhaps his first immersion since lie fell into the Chehalem river when he was a Isiy. Chief Mcljiuchlan, who is al ways alive to subtle humor, tells the following: "The other day a crowd of Swedes went up the line with me. and in the bunch wits the usual comedian there is always a comeuian in vwij crowd of Swedes and he told me this unique story, and then laughed its if his sides would split: "Mr. Kotiductor, one tarn a Svt'ilish keeng call Charles Twelve skoll go to var and he hav tu tousatul man and he skoll fate femf tousand Kussian sold iers, tu. Svedish keeng skoll keel four tousand Kussian soldier minis and he skoll loos bote tu hundred Svedish fallers and nan ofe dose bane horses, Dy-ying 'rtu.o.lor-,. C. McNamer. who (.Ml went into the Klondike country in mi, witn me una gold rush, and who is now none r.. tiw. Winter, was in town the last of the week, the guest of v,io a;ter Mrs. J. W. Goodin. "Mi." ut ill has some good claims 00 in the McKav and Emma Creek sections, which are located near the Arctic circle. Those on thy roll of honor at the Columbia Academy school for .. nmnth mil mir liec. nu, urc as follows: Klla Luck, May and Merritt Jackson, Alice, lwtlHTt. rini-erwe nn.l Steve Meek, Maoe Westcott. Herman Crocker. Jos ci.h Chalmers. Frank, Emil and Charley Hranduu, Anthony and Walter Vandehey.-H. H. Coch rane, Teacher. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wells have gone to San Diego, wnere iney unend t. 10 VV IHCr, 1. Wheeloe their daughter, is now residing at that California for the benefit of her SrwuiUf icalth. Notice to farmers I will run a Orenco every other c, t . 1 .vi -i v com menci n g Decern ber 17. located at the old black smith shon formerly run by J. 1 . Gardner. E. E. Schmeltzer. I. II. Brown, the former livery f friia was in town tn last of the week with a bunch of horses for sale. r n Weichman. of Scholls, was in the county seat Friday, i,.i,n Sebmidt was in from ur Laurel, the last of the week z IjiJ Arrested for Stcnlinif Morses mid Riii Vamoose C01KT DIXI.AKCS BOND row LIT BundHmtn Munt pay $500 Into the County TrcKUiy Circuit Court adjourned Friday to again convene Ilecemlx-r 27. The grand jury returned 17 true ills and 2 not true bills and were allowed to go home after reporting their findings. Taylor and Bellinger, the young fellows im'icted for burglary of a Hux- ton store were indicted and their Ismd was fixed at $250 cash bail, each. Taylor will lie tried Jan uary 27. Young Gerritse, who burglar ized the Hrooks store at Scholls, was given a plea of guilty and a parole, he to report to the Slier ilf every 30 days as to his be havior. When the indictment of Lau ren, who stole a horse and bug gy from the Farmers' barn in Hillsboro; and a team from E. G Hagey, of Sherwoisl, and who also was under bond to appear at McMinnville on a like charge, aiitu w iuwuii , , I 11 . 1 1 : i 1 u:.. oona 01 s.gneu oy j. u. (oilier and H. V. Laurenz, was declared forfeited. It is 8aid that the young man recently wrote from SiKikane that he was on ins wav. out he nasn t .... . . 1 . . 1 . . shown up as vet Dr. Guy Via was indicted and his trial was set for January 28. The charge against him is se duction and the complaining wit ness is a (laughter of the Angelo family, of near Cornelius. Ed. Thomas, indicted for incest, the complaining witness being a daughter, will plead Dec. 27. Decree of divorce Kaster vs, K aster. COUNTY CLAIMS The county court last week order d claims paid as follows: Mrrrill & Wolf, livrrr $45 00 W limlry, clerk'i office .231 40 Thou II Tongue, (list ntty't office. Jo 00 Willis IrtUtul. rfoimlrr's HUry...lS9 00 ilnn & I'rmthoiimie, ttionery... 87 4H " " ... ix o wii Co Td Co. riiotiM c h 13 40 W M Jnrkien, trrm Ml ul c 51 00 t c Biiey. m.1 collect oo Andrrw jck. circ ci i juror - 6 oo H v Scott, wit Ice J r court A0 1 K Stover wSl Cj. C h fixliuis 1050 (icrmo-MfK Co, c h & jail 3 00 1. w House, coinmi doner's court 5 00 J,1.1. w;lk" collcc, 4? Martin VsndcUey, CO farm 89 00 iiiiuioro iMisrmscy, c h & jiii. .. 4 -s5 Livery Co, cor tn.j 700 M Iml Hltric, water A HKiit c n...-33 00 Ho. inK Bros, com court 150 Hillsboro InWeiideni. priutiriK ml mationeiy -'7 S Vh Co News, con. court 750 Ar,tus. printinK 13 60 "U.-Cty. circ cl juror'...., -90 J W llxiley, tiuslee, r h freiKht.. Jo 00 Drrtjoii Nursery Co, stock for court house yarn 3 5 itp"1';::, or .uiock:M.eriiA.iep....aisoo C. O 1 aticiHk. 1hI pns -.104 50 11 Bainl. c h S liul hS Max Cramlall, asstssor'a h1 & c.ioo oo KlV:e J ('.oilman, assessor's fthce.. 75 oo M C Case, school supt, sal & cxp.. 86 48 M C Case, traveling exp ... 13 3 koa.lssiui hiKhwsys I H ewellIlo1 J Adkiua 75. R U Scars Auto Co a j;k Ne son tinw 10 tv e r. mu- ... . , .O . m k Ik t 1 nmacv o 06. 56 Ki and 93 44. John Heati.n lH. ohu HambT i 00, ira oraa Ifv n. KilwBTd Krnhmer Q 11 J K ..? . ' . ... i.-..u r 1.. r. . 1 r liillrv 10.O A Morri In, Groner & Row ell 13 ao, Thus Coimell n 60, City of Forest Grove S o. l,ros 7 on, o ) " " n..iiev in 7t Steven tiros 1495 ami "TV.. H.,W.n,1,l1H ??:?Y!l""Li w u i nrod co'6u 65. Sam Ornriuff io. h 11 ueeves ?o 15. ner.en oros J .... . 1n ii fi7 O W Whitmire 16 03, John Van .U.Mii.ler jo. L M Bue 1 7 44. John Ny here 3 05, L P hKerl 7 5. Wean K to tS 8,Brooks Bros 11 lh,H l Kussell 50. 1 .'.lections F I. Gemer 17 50, V II Masst-y 7 10, 1, J Francis 3 50, M R Buck -i tj. A K McCumsey 14 16. A M Col lins nil Kuratli 1 80, R K Parsons 4 40, J C Laaikln 6 50, M wngley 5 5o n-ilK(M Jtie I'liiirclnll fs 25, Wm VarulcrMlHier 44 7S. "lvc " B;r jo a O W Cassiilay I7- w-!l..f S T Linklater 45 So. Chaa F Miller 8 15, Moore & Willie luison 5 S. Delta Ptitit Store 6 30, Norman R Greer 3 15, llollilian Allen 33 43, noggs Bros 10 05. Cure of poor Boys & Girls Aid S-cie iv6o TV Wyatti 85, Cnrl HolTman J' V.; L . o. l'..ill, Wit uoneisou zu, ocuiuiui . jvunatu 10 05, C 0 Store 10. suu casn VY11I ouy vuuaiiiwiriwiu lot 98xl9G; chicken park for 200 chickens; fruit trees in lull bear- S, and l3'a"ided m7. OIL I.ti.-is i n na rfert OQ l no S17.rd) ' firms S.OUU casn. halan'ce $20 a month. Address P. 0. Box 412, HUlsuoro. yuunu m Jack lUibinwin, of Scholls. was in town Monday morning. Iui I lame, of West Union, wa.s a city caller Monday morn ing. John Simpson, of Ixdow Ileed- ville, was in the county seat Monday. M. Susbauer, the Cornelius 1 1 ii r ""pman ana dairyman, was in town Monday, W. II. H. Mytrs, of Forest ijrove, was oown 10 me wuick f .... . 1 A .1 I . '. I I tuneral, Monday. Oscar Miller, at work in one of the sawmills above Glencoe, was in the city Friday. Al. C. Wirtz, of alKjve Moun- taindalc, was in the county seat Monday, on business. Money to loan on real estate, Terms reasonable. Apply to Ku- raw nrob.. iiius.ioro, ur. ciu A. E. Dailey, of Laurel, and who is carrying man on one 01 the Laurel rural routes, wa3 in town Monday. Now on sale - Nap-a-Tan, John Sharrood and W. L. Douglas shoes at Wyatt & Co. Store, cor ner Second and Main. Mrs, V; u . ,, her sister, wro. f M. nice, at iwuii er, Kou k uonaiiei ian,- ing tne rortianu appie snow. Money to loan on real estate security. We se farms. Irv us. The Webfoot Healtv Co.. Hillslioro, 12tf p r and one of the Stern old i. v , f Methodisrnf was" in . it t. , t nf thp k the cit the last of the wttk. The best time to sit for a pho- to. on a winter s day, is between 1 n 1 o ,j Tu 1 a. m. anu o i. m., anu son s Studio is the best place. w r tho pnntraetnr RniiH. imr itnrl aa the Imbrie buildinir. ........ f fm poriinnri Monrinv nM .. ...... J. C. Henry, of Hillsboro, Route 4. recently lost a little black and tan terrier in Hillsbo- ro. Notify him. Reward. 40 r,f ,m,t f t , Hftfi Washinirton was Mr. Gifford, one of the lessees, who furnished a room and spent the night there, Friday For sale: Two h crh erade Holstein heifer calves from very good stock. Price, $25 each. A. Bendler, Cornelius, Oregon, Route I. 39-41 k 1. f u ti August Krug has sued Lulu usignont Krug for divorce, al- Lousignont Krug . j lt,f Thau were married in this county on Christ- mas Day. 1909. w o T r j mr. unu iiia. vj. J-i. uanucsa, now of i'ortland, and tormerly ol Scholls and North Forest Grove, were out Sunday, quests of Mrs. uniira aim iui. anu mio, viiao. Johnson. , n ,. w A "i " ?i nan, neeuwue. un evening ui December 24, 1910. Tickets, in- .lurlimr cminer $1 00- csnpetators r iVrn.. ut. a n miu., iueiie uicuu . nil are invited. 39-41 ,. . oumeo iiauaiai., laui.v-i "i County Commissioner McClaran, was in town Monday, tie nas just returned from a visit with his daujrhter. Mrs. Lou Peterson, 01 aoove ine uanes. WVii.n Hit kifphpn is nronprlv equipped there is sunshine in the Vinnsp Cnmo. in and see our r.Vinmnirm and Charter Oak ranees. They are the best Emrick & Corwin l en . iv. reruns , oi roruana r ana wno is witn me L.aureinursi people, was in town Monday. He made arrangements with the Im- brie Land company 10 nanaie Tl., . . ineir uruui-riy uut ui 11119 citv, . Hubert Bernards, of McMinn- villc. was in the city the last of 1.1 . ' . A A I. 1. the weeK. arranRini? to iaKe iwo or thvee ot his tnends to dinner as soon as the Hotel Washington opens to the public. Of course, the Arcus reporter 13 on the list. years ajro, was out to Hillsboro, Monday. Uberg othciated at the Mrs Oninlr whilp in nf thfl here, v' ...... .. and came out to hold the services tt,,u V j JTl X V j over the body Of the husband County Surveyor Morrill, men i.1 f ...U ..roc nJ. liuu ui wuuac iciuui nao mouc m last Week 8 ArpUS, says that ...1 l. l -ri. tl r4. XT wnen lie ieii iianicy wiuiii uy, Mo there was all the Way from tour inches to two ieet a ii .1 ftf anow in that section, with mprcnrv at 8 below zero. His tfir tPnma nnd to wade throilffh uuv..v v the snow over 100 miles, and meant miprnty siow goiny;. mr. 1 IVI fitiM 1 1 W7l I IliruiTl 1TH . I IMI K I I I I. MM i y as me weauier win uiwhh, uc will survey for the government asain. D. 0. QUICK PASSES AWAY AT GRANTS PASS Crossed the Plains to Oregon in 1852, Settling; Here WAS LAWYER AND SAWMILL MAN Wa Sent From Wabinrtnn Cnonfv In ' " Ltnislatureja Sixties David 0. Quick was born August 27, 1829, in Franklin County, Indiana, and died December 10, 1910, at Grants Pass, Oregon, with cancer of the stomach. His ancestors were people who set- tied in the colonies prior to the Revolutionary War. In 1856-57 and 58. he read Law in Hillsboro. In and wa3 admitted to the bar in 1858, and practiced his profes sion in Litchfield, 111., until 1862, when he crossed the plains to Oregon. His family consisted of his wife and one child. They ct'jfa in Ann'l anH arrivoH in August at Fort Lemhi, Idaho, They were directed wrong by the Mormons for the purpose of get tinn their waeons. He traded his wagon and set of harness for 50 pounds ot nour. His party followed the north lork 01 Wis- dom Kiver to ita source, crossing 1 t ) - ..l. .. n. ik.A,: y'lnnA tnUnmaA if in Ritta Pru-f ana zo oweu a w o u r rwuw, and followed that to Llk City, Idaho, having packed 900 miles. he walking all the way. He re- mained in Elk City for two dimii-rmonms, wnueengagea in mining. . .1 . . l m j : ; He then packed to Lnn County. Oregon, and from there to Wash- ington County, Oregon, in Nov., 1862. and settled on 200 acres of timber land north of Hillsboro, , I r roin ioo 10 1000, 11c oa cu- eraged m sawmilhng. He then sold and moved to Polk County. and purchased 120 acres of land near Suver, and engaged in farm- n and. horticulture growing all kinds of nursery stock, and was considered one of the best au thorities on horticulture m Ore gon. In 1897, he purchased 200 acres of land 5 miles southwest ot fhil omath, Benton County, and lived there until iyJ2, when he moved to Halsey. Linn MX, uregon. He was a membtrof the Meth- odst Episcopal Church since hidhJ J & took an . . A,mhJu,wt arrive nni-r in ohnroh work I t v untn the firing upon Fort Sump- . . hfl psnoused the cause tr " ...:u n u: u 01 ine uniun wiui au ins ucau and joined the ranks of the re- nnhlipnn nartv. In Washintrton County, he was elected to the ouiie Xjcgiaiaiuic aim sciicuiu the session of 1864-5 and had the honor of votine upon the thir- tT,th Amendment to theCon- :.V T. "i r. it:,J b,,, stitution i of the Umted btates. aid in the election Of beorRe it. Williams to the U. b. Senate. . democrats f-omr e"J u."r;V; in that body whch Consisted of abOUt YU rnemDerS. in 1804, ne wa3 admitted to practice law in the supreme court of Oregon, 1 hI wS married the fit time to mj Sarah M. Updyke, a nat ve of lnd ana. in 1852. ana to them two children were born: Emerson E., of St Helens, Ore., the present county treasurer of Columbia county. The other emia aiea, as am lis momer, in 1S&Y. in isoa, mr. wuick was all cu w 1 ci iiiciio u. married to fermelia & xoung, oi t Co IH who died . 1QAn Tn fu:Q ,1T1:nn tip fni , . hadren were Mra T a 8Fowles. Mountaindale; Em ... r ..j w;n:om n t v. I I11CLL w. auu If llliaill u., X VI- . a t Tjwia nf Wl, Ulv't.ail".'.".'";" Grants Pass: J. Warren, of Ball ston: Frederick Y., of Corvallis; I a T-V T" m 1 ana Mrs. u, sr. lrennoim, oi Philomath, In 1902. he was married to Martha J. Anderson, of Halsey, Linn county, who survives rum. as do ten grandchildren, one ot whom is Miss Bertha fowles, 'Clt U1? Lto "f" ysrw "t .1 iTlfi tne jvieinoaisi cnurcn at u in tail, T-lL.J ! C..iU a ruiouesm, oouiu im.a. FOR SPECIAL TAX - 1 . tttt.Avnnn. no"""1 """"I we. the undersiicDed. tuorlsioe ho percent, of the taxpayers of Koad I im... V, . nr..l.lnalnn Pminlir Ore. uuhii.. ,,..6.. v j .m .R'," I".,? . ?m mTii Tn.i.Hn nr 1 1 will uc uciii Bl & vita iiniii w v. , ia ..,.1 &h number. 1010. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of voting an adu f?r road PrPOe. provided I In See u Laws ioxx) caee it ACDuiey, w Tiffany, j ccrampton, chas Geiberger, s h under, u tumDerr., - Jftc BR I FITU ljUiauinu, rj ii iuuuiii9 I a ri,ln Wm rimlno. Geo Galbreath. rj Henry, Albert uie; Geo Meinier, vy.k.yc, . High Q UALITY The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. THE;BEST EVER" ttaminshy's Make Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. J. A. THORXBURGH President J. E. BAILEY Vice-President Forest Grove NAT ON AL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, Nov 10, 1910. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans - $253,892.01 Capital and surplus $50,000.00 U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bond 38.&40.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 145,319.25 $480,851.26 Reeervo 36 rer Cent. DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John i Wilber W. McEldowney DUTCHESS IO Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip WE are showing the fall line, fresh from the factory, with many improve ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date and stylish. Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds; fashionable colorings in striped and plain effects; cut in two styles conservative and "peg-top," and every pair warranted. BAILEY'S BIG STORE Forest Grove, Oregon VICTOR "Easy Payments" is the modern way of doing business. Many people amply able to pay cash, prefer to avail themselves of the easy payment plan. I am glad to sell you a VICTOR in that way. Come and see me about it today. 1 WtchmKer Jewalvr Graduate Optometrist I f Drug S tore V. W. MCELDOWNKY Cashier Undivided Profits 2,571.55 Circulation Deposits 25,000.00 403,279.71 $480,851.20 . Bailer J- W. Fuqu J. A. Thoroburg- trquser: 2 "Whn gal th BaM" Laurel M. Hoyt i I4 ft" 1 f i 4 , ' ocholla, Monday.