Money saved by attending the Great Reduction Sale which commences Monday, Dec. 12, and continues until Saturday, Dec. 17. Come and spend the day and bring the children with p. A good lunch served free each day during the sale. Will quote prices on a few articles so you can see how every article in our big General Merchandise Store is reduced. Groceries, Etc. , iS lbs. line raijunl.ititl, ?, J"" H'H.i fiu' Krai,,l;ll-li ! Kite, 50 ami 7c jr jkiuu-I Bans, mh.iII uhilr, 5c Jkt jMiuinl. Beans, hrc while, Jht jxxnn!. Kiiglisli breakfast tea, 1 ;c ;uil '',c. GisujHnulcr lea, jt jxitnul Com, sl itulanl, l tlucu caus ;1.IH) ToinatiMj.s, standard, 1 dozen cans 87 l'ure lard, 5 pounds, 80c I'urc lard, 10 pounds $1.00 Compound, 10 pounds $1.20 White Laundry soap, 25 bars $1.00 Crystal White soap, 25 bars $1.00 Walnuts, per pound 182 Almonds, per pound 17c Peanuts, per pound 10c Candies, per pound 8c to 25c Odds and Ends in Shoes Boys' shcx;s, 8 to 16 years 90c Children's 51.50 shoes for ..'90c Babys' 50c shoes for I.. 25c Men's slippers, $r.25 value for 9QC Men's rubbers, $r.5o value for .. 95c Men's rubbers, 90c value for 75c Men's rubber boots, $4.50 value for 43.90 Don't fail to visit our sale 12th to 17th inclusive. mm & ELMONICA STATION, Baseline Road. IE 3C Christmas - Holiday Excursion to tho CITY OF MKXICO via tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY having Portland DcccmWr iiihand i:th, iok and San P'rancisio 1 KerinlK i i , ioi A Mij-uifucnl Special Tiaiu. lotiM-stin of observation fir, l'ulhnau vestibuled Mri-pinj: ears smokiiiv; ear and i-uiiiK ear will leave $u and Townsetid streets, San Fauns, , via the Coast I. inc. The excursion is run under the auspices of the litlu-t u Pacific, Nalioual lines of Mexico, Interna tional and (.rent Northern. ('.. II. S. A. and Santa fe. Round Trip Frc $10400 From Port end. Corresponding; low rates from t ther 0. K. & atulS. P. points. Interesting side trips on the re tUMitrip, including the C.iaml Cauymi ean U-made, final return limit 60 days from date of sale. Kqnip mi'Uton ti,is train wju (C limited and 110 more passen gers will ,c taken than can W comfortably piovidcd for. P"r further information, details and beautifully "Waud booklet on "Mexico" call on any 0. K. ""i S. P. agent or write to Williom WcMurray. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. ,!av U the the C Laurel Store I laving Purchased the Stoical LAUREL I am Prepared to meet the de mauds of the Laurel section in all kind.1; of If We have not got what you want can get it for you. We can supply you in all lines E. T. TURNER. Laurel, Oregon. Annw and Oregonian at Knunott I ''ear, only $2.25. Una.. 20 cents pei id. .!. I!. Inilay. of Kecdville. was u to the city Tuesday afternoon. S. N. 1'iNile, of Sherwood, was in tnw!i the first of the week. Albert Lincoln was in from ("denote the first of the week. Ami now for drainage and streets two essentials of a xd li e tow li. John Koch, of beyond Hloom iiik', was in the city Tuesday afternoon. An'.is Me I'loud, of Mountain dale, was down to the city Tues day morninir. I' red 1 'lark, of below Farminir- tou, was in the county seat Mon- 'urenoon. leoree Seliulinerich went to .Southern Oregon ranches, til's t of die week. hns. 1 eterson, now residing at Forest drove, came down Tuesday and went out to his : ranch on North Plains. j K. tl. Steel, who lias been vis iting at the lhmtemann place, I near Oak Park, returned to .... t 1 Spokane the tirst ot uie weeK. ,1. 11. Hanson, of South Tuala tin, w as over to the city Monday, He savs that the farmers in his section are very anxious to have I rock roads clear through to the Laurel section. Mrs. .). II. (J ruble, of below Newton, was in tho city Tuesday, and called on the Argus. She slates that her father, ll.Higham. well know n here and at Ulencoo, has gone East on a year's visit. Marl Carver.of Glencoe, started to Inverness, Montana, Monday, to join his father, John Carver, w lio has been on the Jos, Connell place. He was ticketed by Agent Vickors, of tho Southern Pacific. U. 0. Gardner has already rented one of his store rooms with tho cement block iront. The room next to the garage has been leased for a year and the Wigwam will take possession as soon as it is finished. Plasterers are about through 'with the walls of the Hotel 1 Washington and the carpenters inro rushing interior work as 'rapidly as possible. The new ! hostelry will bo ready for the 1 house furnishers within a few weeks. ' F. Muhlv, of near Blooming, ! was in tho city Tuesday morning, ! Mr. Muhly has, prune drying 1 ,wn to a science, and puts out 11 vorv nice product. He states that this season he sold every last pound ho had to Portland buyers and that he could have disposed of more. II. bMITH. CHARTER NO. S036 The First National Bank of forest grove, oregon. Directors:-L. J. Corl, John TempliYqn'. T. W. Sain, J. Goff. E. W. Haines. George Mizner, Levi Sm' W. II. ilOLLIS, W. K. .NEWELL, H. TLBl'XTON. Capital and Surplus will be increased to $60,000 in January. We appreciate your paronage and hope to merit a contin uance of same. Increase in Deposits 35 per cent.- SAVING TIME ty TELRPHflKFl t 1910 Start the NEW YEAR by opening an account with the Hillsboro Commercial Bank EDW. SCHULMERICH, President GEO. SCHUUIERICH, Cashier We do a general banking business, and the strength of our institution is un questioned. Courteous treatment to all. Be One of Our Patrons Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings and Time Deposits When a man feels the necessity of being in two places at the same time, he goes to the nearest telephone and sends his voice. I f rot exactly the eatre thirjg, but when a man talks hundreds f miles in opposite diiectione from the same Bell Telephone, it i about ae good. In the daily u?e of the telephone a man travels all over town by wire in a few minutes. It is jutit as easy to travel all over the sum and other states by means of the universal Long Distance Bell System. The Pacific Telephone and Tele graph Co. Every Rell Telephone is the center of the system m For the Ambitions hucattntt by null for thoM who cannot attend tl jur.nn. All lnntnu'tlon, tucludinf flnal ty, women olubs, f nana, eng'nMri wd 1 - temilMil lkla mall n.l ' opportunity lor you. BukI for deaoiipUT bulletin to th CorrraiHi(lao Study lprtmnA ValTenltr ( Orccaa - - - Orn REPAIRING AND TUNING Twenty-five years experience at making, repairing and tuning pianos is a sufficient guarantee that Venen, the tuner, can satisfy any and all who wish their in struments attended. Recommends from every firm that has operated in Portland for the past 20 years, besides the Eastern factories of Kimball, l'Mey, Steinway and others. Country work always wel come. Leave or telephone orders to McUoruiick, or to the 1'atterson Furni ture Store. A. I VENEN. Piano Tuner. Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. IS IT RAINING? SURE Then bring us your umbrella. We will re pair it reasonable. NIGHTS ARE LONG The evenings are long, t We will sell you electric light in candescent lamps. The Tung sten and other standard lamps and save you money. DUCKS ARE HERE While ducks are here get your Ammunition from us. We beat them all. R. LEE SEARS, - Hillsboro. Garage, Third Street near new Hotel. s! V: 1st' P u f W ' .: v. I I r ' I i i