.HE O1LLSB0R VOL XVII ELLIOTT PRIZE E TO T I ,hlbH of Apple Under IIHUttoro (luarJ or Trad. Wliu TMtuD nar. swiipstakis h AWtll Ic 5llk Br tar Mo.l ArlUtk fithibil Th HiUnlx'!"0 Hoard of Trude in frelinif very proud over lh r lull of th big l'll' hw held in 1'urtluntl. where it i Maid wilh lh larjjtHt apple exhibit evrr ihown the public in the tate of Orrifin. lb! Uivcr lial over j OiW bxtit. mid The Dalit alwi fcJ i much larger diaplay than th Washington i!mnty olfcriiik' nJ yt, the hcal exhibit cup. taml threw prize, vu: The HuKinl Klliott $250 prize, for the tatuhihil from any locality on lh lin of. or any branch line f the Northern l'acilk Railway; lh thiril prize in the grand i'lwUkeH entry. rah, $2.1; md i i!k banner for the jnewt trtifttjc exhibit Had $1( more betn rxiM'iulml on Milinhing the mplrtwilh rhamoiit; and hul the frk ken morr particular in the iyif elling the center of the box in J all pack in it In-en inr furled with no tem upward, it misht have captured at leaxt leeimd iweepsUkc. if not firnL Ai it U the county gnu went who hive patriotically expanded time md money to show what thi action can do ahould feci that thrv hive doiM) their whole duty to the community in w hich they The Harney exhibit from Ik-averton, and the K. M. Ibce rxhihit of North IlillhUiro, Mfh compnainjf many boxen, were simply uplcndid. and larked only the polish -which another Jtu will U. remedied. Iluod River won the grand irt'ittakeu prize of fliTM . The Dillm won the UuU W. II ill priz of $2j0. and thin leaves the WmhiiiKtoii Countv exhibit in Uutclieuuf having received the mit money M general exhibit, Hxl Hiver growers won many individual prize, however, w here in thin section had nocomjK-tition. The Milk banner awarded for the most artitttic display w well earned, an it in doubtful if the (front flag fashioned out of fruit wan ever excelled in the Northwest, With as largo a display as Hood River and with equal care in policing and packing no one ho visited the apple allow would distmte that Washington county fn do as well in apple culture u the famous Kastcrn Oregon ection. TOW DAWMliN For ruU: Fine ful.biod Hoi Mn hull calf. From lino milk "K Htrain. Registered ntock. -A. Bendler, Cornelius, Route I. Reside on North Plums. le teen Dudley mill and IlillsUuu WAD Mlil-TINd We, the undersigned, comprising' JO mt cent, of tho taxpayers of wwd District No. 28, Washing ton County, Oregon, hereby Rive Hficu that a meeting will be held at the Wallace Scluxil House n bui.I road district, on the SJrd Jay of December. 1910, at the nur of one o'clock p. m., for the )UrjH)sc of voting an additional r) fr mud, punMist'H, as pro fund in Section 21, Laws of MJO, puk'o 2U5. J- K Zimmerman, F, M. Wads th. K. Koonltr, A. Honzen. A- L. NelHon, II. W. Zim Jjermnn, Carl Horgirren, II. nen.lrukscn, G. K. Zimmerman, H. Zimmerman. D"Ud this Nov. 24. 1910. Material is delivered for the concrete Moor for the new Nation a hunk in t.h Wehromr block and the owners inaiiRuruted a novel move to nettle the earth on ).hlch the fl(K)ris to rest-they nired Nicodemua to take his J'avy draft horses and travel inem over it for many hours. It Worked to jrood advantage, how-ev-'r. and did more to settle the newiy hauled earth than a. thou Whd tampinKa, When thn kltehim in nrooerlv 'Muippod there Is sunshine in the louse. Come In and boo our Champion and Charter Oak "Kes. They are the best, 'rick & Corwin , Mrs. Harry Soladay, of Port land, iB the west of Mrs. M. H. HOiRD COM art how r than ever preiori 1 supply our cimtornerH. We h:i.- ; in, nr. tic liiiiibvr ai I"""! HUlilllV Of llir. d.ii 'I' and litiishinjf e:tn furrnuh ,.,..1 house bilN .mi ..l()rt f(ti,.,. 'Vt. also have a ...j Hl,H.k ()f a, Kind of K.inmon lumber. We have in ;., k all sizes of til,', f n,,,, ! I" ! Huh that are first rpjality; also bnrk and Imildinir blm-ks' Iry our building hlin-ks for your fruit or potato luiuse, or founda tion f..r your buildinH Is-tttT and eheuH-r than brick or con crete. Parties wanting orders I' ll w red will do well u place Hk-iii early, while the mads are K'xd. and our teams are not to busy, in the past we find that it is the failing of many p-ope l wail till the roads ure almost imiiassahle. and then place their orders for delivery, at a coat of twice what It can bu done for now. So don't forgot, this year, while our stoek is complete (Iroio r & How ell Company. Jack WimnI, who rrcntly moved from near Hoy to Portland, where he is conductitur a hotel and rooming house, was severely stabU-d by a traveling man. nt hi t place of business one day last week. The drummer had made himself odnoxious around the place and Wood ordered him out. The drummer showed fijfht and when Wood was tfivinir him a successful football rush and Jack knows how to do that 'the ('Tender titabUn Wood with a knife. The blade is said to have entered the lunir. The drummer was arrested and is awaiting trial. Wood's many friends in Washington County hope he will have no serious trouble, with the wound. A gentleman representing a paving company that paved at (orvalhs, this Summer, wo in town Mondav. and a large nunv 1st of property holders on Main, between Second and Fourth, signed a etition asking for bitu- ithu iiavement If this com pany should do trie paving they will move a plant to tho city. Mr. Ileidel, who has over four hundred feet of street front, was one oi the signers. The two young fellows arrest i i i i iii ei on a marge oj naving rouoou a l.mted lull way lalxirer were first of the jury having true bill. It prosecuting turneil iHse the week, the grand failed to return a appeared mat tin witness had no idea as to who held him up. The two suspects had 15 xmnds of butter in their grips nml it got "Kwahful strong belorv they lelt tne tastile. Chas. W. Hrown, who in Feb- mi i . a no ruary next win nave speni years in active sawniilling and logging, has moved to the Hare ranch on Jackson Hottom. south of town, where the I toys will run the ranch while ('. . works at the sawmill. Hrown tuy ho wants two years more of it and then he expects to apply for a Knsion.' Fred Myers, of Shady Hrook, the first of the week brought in two turnips, one of the Purple U-afand the other of the strap leaf variety, and one measured in circumference 3 feet and 11 inches, while the other girdled ;l feet and 7 inches. I hey are on exhibition at the Imbrie Land Co. 'a ollice. When it comes down to the voting test, however, it appears that some who have been doing some tan laming iui o n - provemcnt withheld their voie when they had an opjwrtunity. Notice to farmers-1 will run a chopper at Crtinco everjr other Saturday- commencing iwfwn ber 17. I seated at the old black smith shop formerly run by J, 1 , Gardner.-K. E. Schmeltzcr, Ora Gardner, of Mountalndale, the lust of the week brought In some tine specimens of potatoes, showing what that section can do in raising tubers. John Freudenthal, who has seven men clearing land on his -n,,,.!, helow Newton, on me ai ler donation, was in the Qiwty seat Monday. Carrier William Tipton has one of the finest storm covers on his mnil wnc-on seen since the ad vent of the wet weather. The Hillsboro Grange will hW election of ollioew next Satur day. December Q, and a big at tendance js apctwu. Mi.wR Kveritt. of Tigard, was in town Monday, transacting business and visiting reiauwa. i o,.i,;twv of above Moun talridaie. was over to the city Monday afternoon, w ii itniiia was down from flmvn. Monday, atteuding I ... I A 1 I . . . ON FOR ENT ROADS Many Poj l)trki Will Vote I or or Against Special Tax I MM.SB0K0 PKCCINCTS WILL CAKKV to lay Stveul Milcii ol Hijhwiy Ncl Year Kock Notices are posted in a largo number of precincts in the coun ty calling for meetings to vote for or against a special tax for laying rock roads, and it is said that the sentiment is very strong in those road districts where citizens have travelled over the work which was accomplished last Summer and Fall. The two Hillsboro districts will vote the tax without any op position, so the wise ones say, and next year will see several miles more of macadam laid. If Cornelius shall vote a tax, ami Forest drove as well, the gap between the county seat and the pollngu city will be filled and we shall have a fine thorough fare U'tween the two places. This will knefit many hundreds of travellers from the west end of the county, and give Gales Creek a hard road clear to the county scat Three or lour years of special tax will give the two Hillslxiro road districts rock on all their main roads clear to the outside road district lines. kOAI) MliUTINfl Notice of meeting to vote addi tional road tax: We. the under signed, comprising lu per cent of the taxpayers of Road District No. 34. Washington County, Ore gon, hereby give notice tnat a meetihg will be held at the Her School House in said road district on the I!rd day of December, HUG, at the hour of one o'clock p, m,. for the purpose of voting an additional tax for road pur i)oses as provided in Sec. 34. Laws of 1WJ, page 295. Amdrose Schmidlin. Road Supervisor, and others. Dated this 5th day of Decem ber, 1910. 3U-41 $5H) Cash Will buy you a nice 5-room house; lot 98x190; chicken park for 200 chickens; fruit trees in full bear ing. This house is as good as new, and is an ideal little home. Price. $1750. Terms - $500 cash, balance $20 a month. Address V, 0. Box 412. Hillsboro. AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lc auction at his place, 1-2 mile south of Cedar Mill, on the Barnes road, at 10 a. m on MONDAY, DECEMBER 12 IUt mare, io vrs. 1 loo: bay mare, 10 yrt, iioo; J yr old Holslein cow, now in milk; 3 Durham Jersey cow, fresh soon; j j year old Molslem heifrrs, all fresh shout Jan. Ml; ,S )fr old HoUtfin heifers. frru in Feb.; a yr old D'"lat Jercy heifer, fieh about ditte of sale; 2 i-vr-o Ul Jentv-ttomein neiiers, iresu in Apiil; 18 mo-old hrifer, fresh in Feb.; 3 Sprinil heifer calves; these are all ciioice lock and have all been inspected for tuberculosis; pig, 6 wekj; heavy tpnng wagon, "shop made," rock! is new; old wlton, buggy, road w, set dbl harness, a sets ringle haur; la-incU steel beam olow. S "hovel cultivator, double shovel .nliivator. single shovel with side wings, 4i ft leering mower, garden drill, 50 tnnth lever (true hanow, hayrack, grind- stout, VKI barrel churn, ainKe Imipoou hsv fork, no ftet I incU Manila rope with blocki etc. 8-iuch post hole aURer, ual barrel ol viueuir. wauon cc ver, turrala. shovela. rakes, forki, hoes, some household furniture and other articles tnn numerous to mention. Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale: Under ?10, cash; $10 and over, one year bankable notes. 3 per cent ot for cash on sums over $10, Milt Keevps, owner. J. C, Kuratli, Auctioneer. C. W. Dant, of Reedville, was in town Saturday. Grant Mann, of beyond Varlev was in town Monday. Trv the Arirus and Oregonian foy. a year, only John Hughes, of beyond Oa Park, was in the city Monday, Ambrose Sohmidlin, of nea Timber, was in the citv Monday and savs that his district wil meet to vote tor or against a special road tax on December 23. Masquerade Ball at M. W. A. Hall, Reedville. on evening of December 24, 1910. Tickets, in cluding supper, $1.00; spectators, 25 cents; Toelle's orchestra. All are invited. 39-41 IIILLSHORf), ORKGON, DEC. 8, haar Allen, of near Hcedville, was in the city Saturday. M. C. Collier, of Scholls. was n the city the first of the week. (I. Heach, of Glencoe. was ver town Monday. O. Nordlund. of Wow Heed- ille, was in town Monday and ailed on the Argus. A. J. K i 1 1 in. a pioneer of the I ireenvilh i hatcher section, was n the city Monday afternson. Money to loan on real estate. 'erms reasonable. Apply to Ku- ratli Pros., Hillsboro. Or. 21tf Miss Alice Stanley, of Port- ind, was the guest of Mrs. Geo. ehulmeneh, the last of the week. special Holiday sale Dec. 9 and 0, at Greer's. Save a little money by buying; a week or so sooner. Karl Hollenbeck, of Mountain- ale. was a city visitor Monday. e says there is some mud out his way, Now on sale Nan-a-Tan. John Sharrood and W. L. Douirlas hoes at V yatt & Co. Store, cor ner Second and Main. ! G. Rhodes, of. near Ueed- ille, was up Monday, making reparations for the big masquer ade at that place, Dec. 2i .1. E. Reeves, of south of Cor- noliuB, was down to the city .Monday -just to see how Hills- joroites performed on election ay. Geo. T. Ledford acted as mar- hal at tho city election, Monday. and saw to it that order was kept as Strictly as at a Sunday School ass. For sale: Two high grade .oisU'in neiier calves irom very good stwk. Price, $25 each. A. Bendler, Cornelius, Oregon, ioute I. 39-41 We shall have no elections for year or SO -unless Some One gets busy and petitions a special ection under the charter. Ihis makes three elections within the ast 'M days -and that's going some. iH'sides this there was an assembly primary and an assem- ily county convention -all with- the past few months. ho wouldn t live here, where we can have excitement all the time.' Herman Boge, who has been i...i. ;. a. f;..,,:..:...,: vn.. nam in tuv iuissinaiuui ruiiev w wo months, returned Sunday. ... ''.r'T'ir' lives at Hamilton, 111,, and then went as far south as Texas. He nnnH th.. utWr nnJto in lltllUin, Cklll JJll-lltV 111 UIUULI1 III t.. a-i.r. i, , : coming to the front for what has been considered a back number stiite. Herman says tKof tho Farmimrton vjiIIpv looks mnd f hin ' " In the midst of the big storm of the last of the week a prairie schooner sailed majestically through town, bound for the Si- etz. The caravan stopped, and the driver went to Greer's and Lmmottsand laid in a few sup- plies. The man said he and the wife and two kids had driven clear through from Utah since September and that he had ment over beyond the Siletz. He ...L ; cu-j. oj i r "V'L : , ' " " A1! SVu" "tt -"" "t n: uiiuviuttva lie tto jLiav auuuk aa anywhere. J. N. C I N Cardner's nlace over near Pitnor iitoJi Mrs. D. Jeffery. of Portland. was Friday granted a divorce from J. A. Jeffrey, the Portland attorney who defended John D. Koselair. She testified that when she was ill in the hospital the husband neirlected her. and that his affections were won by another woman. Jeffrey gave her in settlement $750 cash, a note for $250, and agreed to pay her $25 per month alimony. JetVrey has a considerable crim- inal practice in law, and is noted for his eiral acumen, as well as bearing a reputation for being a close second to Beau Brummell. A Forest Grove paper says that the LaHue home was visited a few davs ago and pilfered of some would be acquitted of criminal intent for stealing Mrs. LaKue's pies, for at Scholls they say hei pies are the best in tne in the world -but the Argus is inclined to think that , w. u ate tne pastry and is trying to disclaim U. a granu juror uvm uic t p, a Z n th v livPd LaRue folks when they lived there, incidentally remarked that he would bet it was some one who knows a good pie, but from the looks of LaRue's waist line he believes he is the party, who should be indicted. 1910. OTDliflUP nni i roTinu OF GOUNJY GINS Portland Paper Sav it is the Finest Ever Exhibited There WILL BE PRODUCTIVE OF INTEREST Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Gets a Fine Exhibit The Imbrie Land Company, of this city, last week sent to Port land for exhibition in the Cham- of . C0?" disPlay "m a co"ection oi Washington County productions and the list embraced trraina and irrass9 as follows- Nine foot rye, jrrown by J. W. Gates and Chas. Meacham. Oats grrown by J. B. Hanley. Oats grown by Hanley Broth ers. Banner oats grown by J. T. Morrison. Wheat grown by Martin Reil- mg. Alaskan Wheat, grown bv Fred Burgdorfer, Mountaindale. Clover grown by J. A. Zimmer- man A Portland paper, in comment ing on the exhibit, says: Kye sine feet high, oats iii feet. Alas ka wheat nearly the same height, and other cereal grcwthi of remarkab e size aod strength, all from the fertile soil of w sthingtOD County, are being exhibited in the Chamber of Commerce display- rrvim Tt Is Ihtnrwl striving 1 .... that e?er has been gathered here. Such marvels of Oregon soil as this are being gathered, prepared in the most artistic ana tuective way ever Known to North west exhibit work and worked Into an HK"S oi uregon products which 11 very impressive for the visitors. It is apparent that the space will have to be enlarged, as there is not nearly enoueh room now lor tne tnanv tblnes comma in. and th demand fnr aiwli wnrV I . -.- n v. k. wmb each vear. Some time the Chamber hopes to get a moch larger exhibit space, Attorneys. B. Huston was in town Monday, and in speaking or the late ivoui Manning, told the following incident touching upon the integrity of the pioneer horseman: Manning owed me on. a mortgage and made ar rangemeni wan another party to get a. loan that would pay rAn?anlPveilr - Manning some reauy comi, nnen me loan naa k " fil 1 iu 'rVic:ui,0,ru,'I,uVt7 1 was on the table. Mr. Manning M ,5 frT the room where I was C0, HU 1 reieaSCU me I tvi r r rr o , v. an.l f.L llio n . , I ,,,1.1-L . J ,i ! wniv'ii was luuiucu uul m a uue 5lf,Ltl.rLk fH VJl6 8 Urt- 1 "o uiu P1 an exact C9unt. Supposing it was correct. Late that eve I . lH s . . ... . I iiiiik iui. iuaiuiiiiK came uuu town and asked me if I was short, saying that he had $100 too much and that ha knew the error was in mv navment as the monev had been thorouerhlv counted, when taken from the hank. He raid me the differ- tnce, and 1 have always had a high opinion of his integrity. 1 was very sorry to read of his death. , That is nt necessary to have warm weather in order to luceeasfully grow corn is demon strated by a display of the pro- , . , . t rr , , . . . - uuc.1 oy . i. murnson, in ine Imbrie Land Ca's office. The ears are iarge ana we" Iormea and the variety i3 that known as il r.." it I mo iuictv Day tuin. iui. Morrison states that he was late in planting and late in getting it irrigated, but notwithstanding, this the result goes to prove that climatic conditions are not a bar to successful culture. He plant- ed 8-4 of an acre and produced 4170 pounds on the cob. Taking the government figures for it, 78 bushels per acre is the yield Mr. Morrison's ranch is on the Tualatin, on the river road, De- low Witch Haael. Another year and he will plant and irrigate earner now tnat ne nas demon strated we have a sufficient length of season. Pber 9 & W (two days only) 20 per cent, off on silver- w nu u v1 uu u" u auea- glassware, lamps, toys, and any thing else in the holiday line Gorman u. ureer. Monday was "pension voucher day at the court house, and many veterans were before Clerk Bailey and Treasurer Jackson, swearing to their claims. T. . . . tn .f - n to, on a winter's day, is between m n , ln, - 'S. ?." "LTa r ' Fred Siegrist, with the Hills boro Lumber Co., assisted Clerk Bailey for two days the first I the week. High Q UALITY The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies . 'THE BEST EVER" llaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug J. A. THORXBURGH President J. E. BAILEY Vice-President Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, Nov 10, 1910. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans $253,892.01 U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bond 38,640.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 145,319.25 $480,851.26 Roeorvo S DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd JohnE. DiUy J. W. Tuqua "Wilber W. McEldowney DUTCHESS IO Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip WE are showing the full line, fresh from the factory, with many improve ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date and stylish. Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds; fashionable colorings in striped and plain effects; cut in two styles conservative and "peg-top," and every pair warranted. BAILEY'S BIG STORE Forest Grove, Oregon DONTS For GIFT PURCHASES Don't thiuk of buying Silverware before visiting our store and inspecting our stock of these goods. . . Our present prices of Silverware no more represent the value of the goods than the prices of bar silver. ever have we shown such an assortment of fine plated ware. The display fairly bristles with bargains. Inhere is wisdom in buying this class of goods from one who knows the quality. My 1 8 years experience is of value to me in buying and will be of value to you as well. Just received a new stock of Watches for Christmas. - - VtchmKer Jawelar Gridutlt OptematrUt of NO. 3D Drug S tore Store, Hillsboro, Ore. W. W. MCELDOWNEY Cashier Capital and surplus S50.000.00 Undivided Profits 2,571.55 Circulation Deposits 25,000.00 403,279.71 G Per Cent, $480,851.26 J. A. Thorabur TROUSERS 3 Laurel M. Hoyt (I thm 1 Stevenson, this week. circuit court.