The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 01, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 38
:nv in
irv I ! ,
Wl, .struik In llody hy H"
rum a Donkcy t CMc
, oflll MoiplUt $utiy Al
Icraooa, Nocitibtf 2k
John I- Smith, of Tualatin, und
who hat Ut-ti engaged in daw
milium "t that pluce for u rniin
Uruf ) arn, vran killed hiM Sat
unlay. He waa watching t
men try to pull a atutnp with a
donkey enjjine anil cable. Tin
cable undergoing a terrific
rtrain when the honk U-eame
detached ami Htruck him with
Urriliii' force, cutting into hi
vital. lU m picked up anil
taken toono uf the l'orthtml hv
pilaU mi the Oregon Klectrir,
iwl fi v-M every xniible medical
.ttriid.ntte. wit ton far
jprtit, however, to withstand tin
ful wound, und died a few
botin aftrr reach i rt ir the tin-
Mr. Smith wan about W ur
uM. anil hail lived at Tualatin fur
many yearn, lie was a muci n
ful nawmill man, an J was also
Instrumental in buihiitij the new
tilraii'i brick factory at Tualatin.
Ho Uavcu a widow and mir
non, Ji-KHf, who are at Tualatin,
and a daughter, Mr. Ihi Cal
breath, u ho retddc at the mime
Mm, Nancy i'hilliim Mam. of
near Soholln, died November -7.
1910. after an extended illness
anil invalidism of 18 yean. She
iu Imrn in Kdgnr County, III.,
Nov. li;, IKI. ami tnarrictl JaincM
Marrs, in 18IH. They moviil to
Kansas in 157, To the union
i horn eight children, one dy
inif in infancy. The hu.shaml
died in 1S72. Three mm. Chas.,
iWlie and Oti H., reside at
Scholia, and one daughter, Mrs.
S, R lawrence, resides at
Forest (Iruve.
Tin- funeral took place Tues
day, from the Scholia church,
iml interment wan in the Moun
tainside cemetery.
For Hale: Fine full-blood llol
itcin hull calf. From line tniik
ifK strain, Kegititcrcd stock.
A. Hendler, Cornelius, lloute
1. Keside on North Flams, be
tween Dudley mill and Hillsltoro.
J. .1. Whitten, of near Phillips.
Atw in the city Sunday.
John Humphreys, of IWtland.
spent Sunduy in the city.
Fred Mycin, of Shady Brook,
was over town tho last of the
A new juul complete stock of
all the latest und best in Uioks,
Sum Tunstall, of Fhillips. was
over to tin county seat Monday
(Ireer keeps a complete and up-to-date
line of stand and hang
lnK lamps,
Juhn CampU'll, of near Ccn
wTville, wiw u caller ut the Ar
KU8 ollice Monday afternoon.
Money to loan on real estate,
lci'iim reasonable. Apply toku
ratli HroH., Hillsboro, Or. 21tf
,C F. Miller, the Forest drove
Pioneer drugman, was down to
ilii! county Beat Monday, and
w'w excused from tho jury.
Now on nale-Nap-a-Tan, John
fcmurood und W. L. Douglas
Hhoes at Wyatt & Co. Store, cor
'r Second and Main.
l-arl Luther, connected with
in' Southern Pacific as baggage
and freight man, is making a
trip throiiKh Southern California,
a'id will be absent a week or so
When the kitchen is properly
'inipped there is sunshine in the
noimt". Come in and see our
Champion and Charter Oak
r!"iRos. They are the best.-I'-inrick
& Corwin
. I-. II. Peters and wife, of Ne
'"aska, and A. W. Peters, a
"unchman, of North Powder,
wore arrivals in the city Monday,
t'nroute for above Mountaindale,
whcre they went to visit the
mother of the two gentlemen,
Mrs. Duane Harvey. L. H. a"1
wife expect to make their home
jn the county, and A. W. will re
turn in u week or ten days.
t ! i f ! hi, ,.v,.r
I ' I I v ourru ..turner..
""I "lijilv of tli x.f
!l!a and lini-ilnni'
furnish yi,
li'il't lint ire. 'e
:' '.tM k of all
"'"'II lumber. We
a;! :w.i",(,f fr,im
't are tirst nuality :
I I . ! I- ii .
lUO'llll llllK'kH.
lil'K'ks fur your
i'u hull ie. or futii.i -i
if lr!iMini.'j M.)i,.r
an. I t f i : t : i l.riek nr ron
I'.ntiei wanting onler-i
''i.' I'M will do m!1 to plan
them eaii,'A.i;e the roads are
eo-nl, :U!, ,,ur are not to
li ;. In ii,.. pa;,t we f in. 1 that
it i t lie failing of many people
t wait till the ruadi are almost
impa, and then plan- their
ord.-r f,,r J. -! t . -ry . at a cost of
I w n e w hat it ran be done for
liuW. Su ilon'l furi'el tliin vi.-ji-
W e !, v
III''. C,
hull e I
al - h
kind .
hi. i ' n
:t t'. in a j i h
al ,.. In ,, ..
I ry our l nhimt
I'" i-t nr liutiit
le-1 fui
while oil' stink
'irtiher Howell
Meim i, Ihrtc (irct-ks Will Ask
I href I housand laicli
Dead Men hud Brother in This Coun
try Ask Administration
IS complete.
' 'ompany.
Mar ha! t'arl, Saturday
and Munday. had Will Kmrirk
busy t-iittihi.- .low n the bi maple
tree in front f the Hotel '1 uala
tin. 'I he eianl maple had
inme mure nr le-s of a nuisance
in the way ut obstruction to
I'e.le. tnans in the sidewalk, and
the debrn from its foliage also
littere.l the streets. The council
ordered its removal, and al
tboiivh there were hearty ob
jei tiuhs h its owner, .Mr. Footc,
the tree was felled. Mr. and
Mrs. Wihr.ini.: were conducting
the hotel when the tree wa.s
planted, and Mrs. Wehrune;. who
tra!i-p!antei the twitf, d'H-s not
reinemlMT whether thi' date of
plahtih.' a- in 17 or 1 .STS. It
had a ri'Mia'kalile erowth, and
allurded a handsome shade on
the hotel verandah in the Sum
mer time.
There is much sentiment for
pav ed street in Hillslioru, and
nli.'ens should rememluT tliat
with the present charter we are
all at sea. Nearly all pnierty
holders on the principal streets
are in favor of permanent hard
surface streets, and as the char
ter to be oted uHin next Mon
day nes plenty of time for pay
ment, it should carry. The
heaviest property holders along
Second and Main Streets are
working hard to see that the
measure carries. The new char
ter provides a way to get hard
surface .streets say all and
vot-rs should not forget to vote
Pel-sons living in the country
and wishing to take the l'aily
and Sunday Orcgonian for one
year can, by paying a year in
advance, get the Argus and an
Oivgnnian map. or chart, for the
one liner. This offer will not long so get in your order
Parr - Sexton, Forest Crove
draymen, have sued the city of
Forest (irove and Zimmerman &
Wells for draying and furnishing
material in repairing the pump
ing plant, and ask that the cir
cuit court give them a judgment
for .rS.7.".
Choice rose plants, shrubbery
of all kinds, lily bulbs, etc.. for
sale at the South llillstwro
Crecnhouse. Now is the time to
do the fall planting, so get your
order in early. Mrs. Agnes
Campbell. Independent telephone
West l.rl. wtf
V. II. Welirung left Wash
ington. P. C last Sunday, to
return to Oregon. Mr. Wehrung
brings with him the charter for
the Hillsboro National Hank.
While Fast he visited with rela
tives at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Kut h Trust Co., owners of
the new site of the city ot North
Plains have sued to quiet title
on L"J:? acres at Clencoe, em
bracing portions of the Clms.
McKay and Walter Freeman do
nations. The first snow of the season
fell on Portland mountain. Sat
urday night and the depth was
uUiiit two inches. Here in the
valley n little fell, but it melted
as fast as it struck the earth.
Only live weeks left in which
to prepare for Christmas. P-et-.
' ...! ,.. n,-.l,.r hi ear v for
holiday photos at Johnson s Stu
dio utut avoid me run.
S A. Currv has sued W. II.
Thomas for $:?28 in circuit court,
...... u,f that much
aueguiK k'; - .
duo on the purchase price of the
grocery store on pccouu oia
re i f.if unle nnv auanti
ty.-Wm. Hairley Jr., Dudley
Mill. North Plains. Postof ice
..ddress. Hillsboro, K. o. 10-8
1.1 Atima nnd Tena Gay
ted in marriage oy
Jito. ?; l3 Bt
ilw court parlors m ni"ulu-
was up to the county seat the
first of the wees.
'I he Cnited Kailwayswill be sued
for nine thousand dollars within
a few days, and the action will
be tiled as quickly as the admin
istrators can get their papers
testamentary from the Multno
mah County Court. When the
car ran away near Cornelius gap,
last month, three Creeks died as
a result of the accident. John
Marandas, a Creek, was appoint
ed administrator upon the recom
mendation of the Creek consul,
and it was contended that the
dead men had no relatives in this
country. Three brothers, how
ever, have shown up, and given
satisfactory proof of their rela
tionship and have asked that
Marandas be dismissed and that
in his stead a brother of one de
ceased Creek and two friends of
the brothers of the other dead
men, be appointed. Cleeton.
county judge of Multnomah, will
hear the case on December
and it is alleged that action will
then U- brought to collect ?:,(KH)
for each death.
The coroner's verdict, from
this county, will doubtless figure
in the case strongly.
The Wabash Independents, of
Portland, played the Hillshoru
High School FJeven al Athletic
Park, on Thanksgiving after
noon, and easily won at a score
of 29 to 0. The visiting team
had their work under better con
trol, and were masters of the
situation from the very start.
The line:
Wnt.uih l'otiliun
lMlulir, lliini....
Pixlwll, (Olllfl'll
Mori ill
I t- l'urilin
1 c - Cray
r c... Louk
I l.)Uc V-Hpl)
.. C
.r R.
..r t.
IXiwliiii: tl'nul) Cur
Imiiler -.1 li Schrot-ilcr
Wnlls f h Moritifth
Sdiuh f - I.hikI
Tuurhilowni, powliiiK, IUtcinnn (J),
Sptuly, l-'owlrr; K"4' 'rom pluecniriit,
HriU (4; rrfrire, Jnokseii; utnpiic, Don
rlxin; hrml lim-iim'i. Kiif; tielil jmltie,
11. M. tlrrtv)ii, li-.
J. J. Shevlin, of Heavcrtfin,
was up to the city Monday after
noon. P.illy Palmer, of F'orest Crove,
was down to the county seat
Oscar Miller, with the Pots ford
Mill, alxce (ilencoe, was in town
John Nyberg, county-commis-siom
r-cleet, was up from Tuala
tin, Monday.
William Pagley Sr., of I;isy
ville, w as in on the opening day
of circuit court.
Otis Marrs and Herman Col
lier were up from Scholls the
first of the week.
You will find a supply of Maz
da, Tantalun and Peerless lights
at the King Light Co., Main St.
J'ruce Scbulmorich, who is at
tending 0. A. C, at Corvallis,
spent Thaiiksgiving week, at
home in IlilUboro.
If then; is anything in the
hi)k line which you have failed
to Und elsewhere, look through
Hoyt's liook department.
Farl Wallace, of Portland,
spent Tnanksgiving with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wallace, near Farmington,
Miss Olive Landis, of Amity,
and Uichard I,andis, of Albany,
spent Thanksgiving with their
mother. Mrs. II. II. Cronise.
The best time to sit for a pho
to, on a winter's day, is between
10 a. m. and 3 p. m., and John
son's Studio is the best place.
Oscar Lund, who is attending
Willamette University, at alem,
was the guest of his parents, Mr.
ami Mrs. Lund, the last of the
For feed and groceries, see us,
We collect rent. Others pay
rent. A trial will convince you.
Walch tx: Company, First Street,
near S. P.
Jackson Bottom is a great lake
earlier this season than usual
ami the expanse of water is as
extensive as it has been for a
number of years.
Now on sale - a large stock of
children's school shoes; sizes
tmni hs to Us; prices ranging
from JF1.00 to 51.50 per pair.-T,
W. Wyatt & Company.
Pacific University's football
team was beaten by Willamette,
last lhursdav afternoon, by
score of 12 toO. The Willamettes
were altogether too heavy for
the Pacifies.
F.lmer Mays, of Glencoe, and
who will soon be doing business
with the general merchandise
store at North FMains, the new
city on the United, was in town
the last of the week.
Southern Pacific and Lytle Road
Begin Heavy Shipments
Will Take Many Moothi to Clean up for
Portland Use
Supt Fields, of the Southern
'aciflc, is furnishing twenty-five
flat cars for the Pacific Pwailway
Navigation Co., for the pur
pose of transporting logs from
Nehalem river, along the
right of way of the.Pacific Hall
way & Navigation Company, to
Portland sawmills. These
ogs were cut when the right of
way was being cleared, and so
heavy was the timber that in
many places the raw material is
piled several deep. The logs
were bouirht ud about a month
ago by a syndicate, and a year is
given to clear the strip of rail
road property which is the reg
ulation 100 feet in width.
the loirs wil be loaded with a
huge derrick. This will be the
first large shipments out of the
famous Nehalem timber belt
the largest virgin forest in the
acihe rorthwest
Wm. Caetter, of Laurel, was
in the city Sunday,
Pavid Wenger, of Helvetia,
was down to the county seat
W. F. Adkins was out from
Portland, Sunday, the guest of
his father.
Supervisor Bentzen, of Garden
Home, was down to the county
seat Saturday.
M. C. Hewitt, the carpenter, is
still inthehousemoving business,
and if vou have a building to
move, see him for an estimate.
Judge Fakin, of Astoria, was
in the city Saturday, holding
couit for a few minutes. He re
turned home the same evening.
.los. Miller, of beyond Glencoe,
and who has been busy whittling
ranch out of the timber the
past eight or ten years, was in
town Saturday.
John H. Dorland and Fred
Brown, of above Glencoe, re
turned last week from a visit
with Mr. Porland's sister, Mrs.
Edith Doiel, of Chehalis.
Henry Staffer, of Oak Street,
irht the Argus some fine
samples of raspberries,, picked
from the garden on maiiKsgiv-
ing Day. Who wouldn't live in
Adolnh Schumacher, who lived
for years below Orenco, and who
recently moved to Mount Angel,
was over to the old stamping
ground, Saturday, and called on
the Argus.
Washington County is to have
2.000 words of a descriptive
article in the Oregoman's New
Year's Annual, besides some
Vmlf-rones. illustrative of condi
tions, etc., from all sections of
the commonwealth. The annual
number this year is to be much
better than usual, it will be a
credit to the state. Washington
County people who wish to send
tho number to their friends in
the East would do well to order
from their news dealers early
and J. W. Cave will take your
orders if you wish.
F. L. Myers, of Forest Grove
in olden days, and now of Port
land, was in town Saturday. Mr,
Myers is traveling for wholesale
houses in the Northwest, and is
making good, all the time.
Mrs. II. C; Vaught and Mrs
C. K. Lytle will entertain the
Coll'ee Club at the home of the
latter, Saturday afternoon, De
cember 3. The meeting will be
called to order promptly at
J. A. Fineout. John McCann
and Al. .li. Hump have incor
porated the Gales Lumber Com
pany-with 1,500 shares at $1 per
share, lho new company wil
engage in logging and all that
goes with lumbering, and M. B,
Bump is authorized to open books
and sell stock.
Fifth Street is getting to be
the abode of more Missourians
than any other residence street
in town. It is said by his tnends
that Dave Houston will petition
the council to change the name
to Missouri Avenue especially
if Champ Clark becomes speaker
of the National House ot Kepre
Albert Tozier, an old-time
Hillsboro favorite, and who is
now watching the lowlands from
Dee. at the base of Mt. Hood
where he is going to have an ap-
nle orchard some of these days
has been appointed a notary pub
ic for his section. Tozier can
now swear without breaking the
Chas. Loudon and Jake and
Emil Miller, of above Glencoe,
were bound over by a justice at
Tillamook, last week, and they
will appear before the grand jury
of that county, later, to answer
a charge of dynamiting fish at
the falls, this side of McNamer's
camp. Emil Fischer, who drove
the party over, was not molested
althouuht he was taken over,
The boys deny that they used
anv explosive but the game ward
cn insists that they had. Loudon
and the Miller Brothers returned
from Tillamook the last of the
High Q
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
"Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies . THE BEST EVER"
ttaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets
Lir. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
C. L Brown, of above Banks.
has filed notice of appeal to the
circuit court on the logging road
case. The Hillsboro Lumber Co.
filed an application for a logging
road through the Brown place,
many months ago, and viewers
were appointed by the county
court, after legal formalities had
been followed. A. B. Todd and
J. W. Hughes, of Forest Grove,
assisted by Surveyor A. A. Mor
rill viewed the proposed road
and assessed the damages at
1200. The road was established
and Attorneys John M. Wall and
1. T. Bagley now ask that the
matter be taken to the circuit
court on appeal. Brown origi
nally asked damages in the sum
of $5,000.
Huron P. Smith, recently here
in Washington County, getting
specimens of our wood for the
Marshall 1" leld Museum, of Chica
go. 111., sent back some photos of
grains and grasses on exhibition
at the I nbne Land Co. office,
and a request was then sent by
the Museum, asking for some of
the originals. Grains and grass
es were thereupon sent to Chica
go for exhibition, and they will
be labelled 'rrom Hillsboro,
Washington County, Oregon."
Every little added to what we've
got, 'Makes Just a Little bit
The following members of the
Forest Grove Board of Trade
were appointed to attend the
Development League meeting at
Salem, the first of the present
week : Mayor M. Peterson, J udge
W. H. Hollis, B. F. White, V. S.
Abraham, G. S. Allen, E. W.
Haines, A. G. Hoffman, H. C.
Atwell, Edward Seymour, Gerald
Volk, W. J. Good, H. J. Goff, J.
A. Thornburgh, A. C. Alexander.
C. H. Pratt, W. J. R. Beach, L.
J. Corl, W. K. Newell, George
Secour and W. N. i ernn.
President Vice-President Cwhier
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, Nov 10, 1910.
Capital and Surplus $50000
Loans - '$253,892.01 Capital and surplus $50,000.00
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00 Undivided Profit3 2,571.55
Other Bond 38,6-10.00 Circulation 25,000.00
Banking House 13,000.00 Deposits 403,279.71
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 145,319.25
$480,851.26 $480,851.26
IlcHorvo 36 Por Oout.
Tho. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. Fuqun
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg
J. H. Hibbard, of Helena, and
who is connected with the Sur
veyor General's office for Mon
tana as chief clerk, was here last
week, the guest of J. B. Wilkes.
Mr. Hibbard bought some Wash
ington County property while
here, and expects to interest
other investors to the extent of
perhaps $50,000.
Hops the last of the week were
selling at and around 13 cents.
The Crabtree lot, of Forest
Grove, went at a quarter of a
cent above this, and the Weston
lot of 127 bales, went at 13.
Crabtree let go of some last
year's pick at 8 cents.
John Fuegy, of Phillips, was
in Saturday, and Mrs. Fuegy,
who was spending a few days
with her father and sisters at the
Henry Hesse home, retuned home
with hs.
E. G. White, who has been in
Idaho and British Columbia the
past few months, arrived here
last week, and will spend the
Winter in and around Hillsboro.
P. S. Chase and wife, of Port
land, returned home Saturday,
after a Thanksmvintr visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Marks, parents of
Mrs. Chase.
Fred Stetler and H. E. Brig
gen, of above Mountaindale, were
in town Saturday afternoon.
Dr. C. W. Lowe, of Portland,
was in town Saturday.
IO Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
WE are showing the full line, fresh
from the factory, with many improve
ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date
and stylish.
Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut in two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
Forest Grove, Oregon
Wedding X Gift is '
A Mantle ClocK.
They give a homelike air to a room,
which is lacking without the clock.
Among the handsome new clocks
which I have j ust received are:
French ClocKs,
Bronze ClocKs,
Mahogany ClocKs,
BlacK Enamel ClocKs, and many others too num
erous to mention.
Visitors are Welcome.
Laurel M. Hoyt
get the