JnllLLSB VOL. XVII IIIIJ.SRORO, OKI-CON, NOV. 24, 1910. NO. 37 . 1 SflEHY DAKS FOR orniiip Dnxpn phi III HIIIIU UUnilU UlLLi J VrUy Sitillh. YtMingsUr, Sorrc Sentence jit I rlln IttNcOi U (Ki NCt BHAKUIM) Mot M tiuihl it Salem and rtruuhl It ail la I ice t'brjc J. Wffilfy Smith, who fnun his niiuMIe "''"' ,viii,ntly hail .la yout 'iir'Ht, wiw the rrrijii-ht of a HfVfnty day wntem-f in the county jail, hwt Friday M day imi'ri timmi'nt ami ?'2"lirn which nwanrt ii uihlitiontil ten days Ut"'s h jotnjH'd liinl hill at Orcnco, Voting Smith work-i-il for tho Nurni-ry Ounjmny ami when hi drew hirt ay, kiiM! wit anil left hit Ixmrdintf mati-r in the lurch fur a Unit $?..riO. H wt'ltl U Sulftil, where he wan imimimt tu have frieiiils, ami the hherilf of Marion Count picked him up, and Slu rilT Han cock hnuj;ht the lad down Thurs day, aiul took him Iwfort llarin-s, Kriilay. Smith in hut JJ years of BKC, ttiul Haiti that he "!icm.1 theiuom y." The excuse did nut tt well with Judge IturiifX, and no Wehley it now a atrun of the hotel le Hancock, lending west from the HheritT'K ollice. Yountf Cyru Taylor, twd 10. am! who law u varied career as u diwipleof the Hoyu' & (!irln" Aid Scii ty, wtu up on a chart'e of having stolen Beyeral dollars from Mm. A. M. Kfiiiutly, wife at a lU uverton mail carrier. The Iwy was topping at the Kenne dv home and it i alleged that he took the money Udore leaving fur Klnie, Clatsop County, where lu iitil a sinter, and w here he a apprriifndfd. His hut) wtu fixed at ?!'" and in default he w ent to the faMili and the grand jury will into his case on next Monday or Tues day, He denies the theft and H44 s that he earned aUuit $l?ia year a o, and had the coin "laid by." HiH Htory in mlher weak, aiul the district attorney1! ollice taken no (dock in hin jtsnertions. ANNUAL OUT The HillsUirn public Hchool last wk K-nt their annual offering to the Hoys & Girl' Aid rWietv and I'-ahy Home, of Portland, and the shipment reached them in plenty of time fur Thnnksiriv lnlf. Kach year a nhipment is made to the unfortunate waifs of the nodal vortex which hring into exintence little ones for whom noddy must care, Pupils brought in tttuall quantities, hut the offerings were numerous, and as a result the following ship ment was sent: Six Ihxis apples, 2 sacks ota toes, 1 sack onions, 2"l quarts tanned fruit and vegetables. 2 rrates squash, 2 Uxes of cloth lug, cash in the sum of $2.ST. This has also l'en id ft week t the St, Mary's Home, and the lieaverUm institution has heen the recipient of countless sup plies. SOUTHERN PACIFIC t.ravrs for Portland Forest Grove Local 6:5i . m. Killer tin fourth St, Hlieridsn I'lver,.,. H 4 j . 111. Kutrrs Union Ith1 vlaOiwrtto Forest Ornvt Loral S i' . ' l'.ulcri on Fourth SI. Coivullii Ovcilnud j:lo p. 1". iilrr on I'otiilli St. Ivn rorlUnd for IlillnlHiro Curvkllia Ovcrlmnl ?:Jo . Lcvri on l'onrlll Ht. Fori-it Orove Ioct 8 :fin . ! I.rnvci on l'oiuth St, Slicrlilmi Hlver 4: P- '" I.rnvri llninn Dcit, via WIlUlmrK Ktirrt Orove IichI . , . 5 4" P- ' l.mvra 011 l'oiuth St. IX)R DAIRYMLN I'r sale: Fine full-blood Hol stein bull calf. From lino milk inir strain. KKistort'ti stock. " A. Htmdler, Cornelius, Route 1. Reside on North 1'liuns. be tween Dudley mill and Hillsboro. 1'. I. piitfard and wife were in irom Laurel, Monday. KiiH Milloi of Port hind, visit 'J relatives in the city the last i tho week. Greer We-ona n eomnlete and up to-dntn lino of stand and hantf- iiiK lamps. Auiriisr. Wedekinir. of Scholia, and who has been workinK over at the Oak Park section lor some "tt.-r than evi-r I i.,.iV V,.' I..,., t. 'I'l'lv oureiisbiiiier;s. l Hupply of lIM)r. 1 I'lap and litiinhin in furnish vimi Iwililier .1 n . ",: '"'I t mil ice. We a ;'.kh m t m k i,f all "'moon liiiilwr. We all si.-suf till from ! I hat are lirst quality; and liuiliimi l.l.wL u I. ; u,. 1 1 irk 1 1 ", . fr-iit tin!) ml,. ,r iildin lilcM-ks f.,r tour "i- p.. tan, hdiihe, or f-nimiu-!!' "ur buildings U-tter h-ap"r than hrick nr con I'artn'H wanting order "! will do uell to place them earl;,, while the roads are tn-td, and our teams are not to busy. In the pad we find that it is the faiiiiij.; of many jieople t 1 w.-nt till the mads are almost impa .sable, and then place their orders f..r deiiwry, at a cost of ''c w hat it can he done fur i'ow, So don't forget, this year, while our spH'k is complete, tiron.-r & Row.-ll Company. .lames Lan'worthy. nearly HI sears of a-e, ihed at the home of his daughter in Portland, last '.seek, and his remains were brought to Hillsboro, Sunday, for interment in the family plot in the .Masonic cemetery. I .air worthy was a brother-in-law of the late Noah Jobo, having mar ried a sister of Mrs. Johe. He Umeht a piece of land west of thei.ury Creek bridge, in the bfties, ami his place was that now owned by Ilonzaik and Jas. ' lb ha.s Im-ch blind for eeral years. l.a!irrworthy was injured in a i4re.-t car accident in loniand in He came to 1 'n-i.- 11 in 1 S 17. and was married in ls.il. Since coining to the coast he had lied in Oregon with the exception of three years, spent in the mines of Idaho and ( 'alifornia. State Game Warden liob Stev enson, of Forest Grove, was in town Saturday. Stevenson has made one of the U-st officers the state ha.i ever had, and he is in iiiie for ivap'Miintiuetit. The Ar ifus hopes that Gov. West will vi'. e him another four years of the biliet, as he has faithfully handied the ollice, whether or not the defendant was friend or enemy. Rev. Yailamiurham, of the Christian Church, delivered an address from the pulpit, Sunday evening, touching uihui the Py thian fraternity, and its relation to society, His discourse was one of the finest ever heard on the subject in the city, and was enjoyed by a numberof Pythians and also a numlkT of the Pythian Sisters. Pei-sons living ' the country and w ishintf to take the l'aily 1 . 1 . v ...... r . ...... ami Minuay i prehuman 101 um- year can, by paying n year in i.Kance. k'ct the Aruus and an ( Iree.oii'an man. or chart, lor Ine one price. This otlVr wi not last loinr so irel in your order soon. Geo. Schulmericli. Pr. WikkI, Win. Nelson and Hal Taylor have some duck blinds down on Jack son Lake, and the way they are .riiiK'iiiK' down these November 1 1 .... delicacies is 1101 mow . Married; At the Blooininn German Lutheran I liurcn, ino- vember 10. L)H, Rev. Steube ot tuint invr. Henry Helinold, of P.loominir. and 1'i'ona Adult, 01 Yamhill County. Geo. W. Stitt, of below Rea verton. and who is makinir im proveinents on his residence, was up to the city Saturday. Geo. is one 01 ineoiuninei bm Only live weeks left in which to prepare for Christmas, wt- er krei yom order in eariy tor olidav photos at Johnson's Stu dio and avoid the rush. Samuel Willie, nirod Alice Rarber, ant'd 42, Cornelius, were married eitv Saturday, Judtfo 57, and lKth of in this J. W. Gondii) olliciatinjr. Tare seed for sale, any quanti . vv'm UiiLdev Jr.. Dudley N.irth Plains. Postollice address, Hillsboro, R. 3. 36-8 .I,.. H. Rowland ami Emma u Dillev were united in niarriaRO November 17. liUO, at illsboro, Indue G. W. Rarnes oflimtmsr. m. ,v u.i!. Nan-a-Tan, John ci ,od and W. R. PoilRlas shoes utWyntt&Oo. Store, cor ner Second and Main. Mis Hope Kmmott returned .1... iui r the week, from a few . vst with friends, at Goble. in loan on real estate Teems reasonable. Apply tqKu- ratli lb-os Hillsboro, Of. Ml John R. Stewart and wife, of South Tualatin, were visitors. Monday. Hillsboro The Peerless Mazda lights for TRAVELING LIBRARY 15 SENTTO ORENCO I itty VdluineH Shiptn-d by State OrctKo Hall, Last Week IKI.i: TO 1I.ADI kS I (IK SIX MONTHS Inlcrculiiijt Vuluincn ol Travel, I klion, ilc, (or Vounif and Old 1 he Oregon Library Commission has just sent to Orenco a travel- ink' library. The State provide these traveling libraries for the use of the people of Oregon and are free to ail. The library con tains interesting liooks on his tory, travel, agriculture, cooking, etc., and fiction, for grown up people and for children. Fvcry citizen of Oregon should know alxnit and make use of these Ixxiks. The Ixioks are at Orenco Hall and may 1m- lorrow cd on Sabbath af ternoon, The follow ing is a list of the Ixioks. Alilrriniin. CUwiin uM kixI nr; Aim tru. l'li.U- ! jinIuc; Harrows. 1'rin rijiiri of rixikrry; lUttf 1e-1 1 . Hoy I'.IuchhiI le f.iriiiU; (Irmly, The tnir Anlri-w t 'tiaiiiltcr. I.iirine Karpcr; Clmmllir, IliibiU of l'nlifoMii jiltiiilii; Clnocb, !) y fr Ihijj uml nitn; CiKforl, Tlr irvc'Bliotn of InnH-ctor Motn", Crowlry, In trmly Willi honor; Ic la l'liiir, Mini from America; I)uki-iis, ( .irt t(-clHtion uml Imnl tiiiu-n; l)ix, A Im'.e caplive lad; Kiliotl, Two in IUly; KlUm. Story of Sir Francis Iliuki-; Kieiu'li, Sutiin CU ku and her m ilihors; Hawlhooir, llouw of the M-vm nfl'lts. Heiolemon, Short higlory i f (M-rmany; Kok, Maina; Ijiiik, Aladdin and the wonderful lamp; Lelrtrc, Sampson Kock of Wall Kttrel; I.uiiiniit, Kiiik of the Bioiuxmi; I,)1p, The Line Slur; Mcllvainc, Dutdtort, indoon and np the chiimiey; .Mirt, The hroki n road; Moore, Peed of daiing dune hy (jiil; Morris, lleros of Ihearmy in Aiiieoi a, Park nun, 1'iuiieerr of Krani-e in Ihe new world; l'cniirld, 1UI c.f Sni, ("lerton, Theee little .Mil ler, Cotter, Thnddrtis of Warsaw ; Ki 'an, IKomotivm; lioadniht, Old fash lotied rhyme and poeum; lioosevell. H liming in many lands; Ponh-I, Out little llraoliaii conin;St. Nii'hnl, Sea tonea; Seawell, Little Jfirvis; Shaw, Castle (Hair; Smith, liirla of l'ineridj;e; StMithwoilh, lluilders of our countiy; Stialdnnl, I.iltle Smoke; Strange stoii- ol the Civil War; Train, l'risnner nt the liar, Trowhridgc, lack Hajanl and his (urtiiiien; Tuipin, Clasie fahk-s; Warde, Hrtiy Wali- junior; Walson, Kale Carne gie; Wella, Her ladyilnp'i elephant; Wnxlit, I'our fiKilcd Americans and their km. I'liNNI'-NHLSON Peder S. Penne and Ida E. Nel son, both of this side of Farming- ton, were united in marriage in this city. Nov. 19. 1910, Judge J. V. Goodin ollit'iating, The United Railways gives no tice that it will start a daily train service from Portland to near Ranks, in a few weeks, and a freight tram, as well as a pas senger coach will be put on the route. Steam power will be used for a time until the tunnel through Cornelius gap mountain is completed. This will probably ie some time next spring, as there is a irreat deal of work to lo on tho under-mountain via duct. North Plains, tne new city tins side ot Ulencoc, w in at once feel the impetus of business and start to move. The promo ters of the new city are doing a great deal ot work over that wav. An amusing ieature oi ast Sunday s Oregoman was an article telling how the lualatin Valley is to hear its first locomo tive w hen the. "keers" get into North Plains. As a matter of fnut the West Side 0. & C, built out here but a few years after the East Side line was started, and Washington County people henrd the "whussle of the lo comotive just about as quick as Portland people. Sunday afternoon and night witnessed one of the big gales and rainfalls of the November season, and the wind registered a velocity of 40 miles in this sec tion. while at sea 7U miles was about the limit. Much damage was done to shipping pi the way of delays. Locally the raintal was heavy, and the streams are up. Jackson Lake is now ready for aipiatie regattas. Choice rose plants, shrubbery of all k nds. lil.V bulbs, etc., tor sale at the South Hillsboro Greenhouse, Now is the time to do the fall planting, so get your order in early.-Mrs. Agnes Campbell, Independent telephone West 154. 80tf Marriage license were granted last week to Frank Glenaghen and Nellie M. Bell; Julius Vuyl steke and Irma VanAckere. Ora Gardner, of above Moun taindale, was in the city Monday afternoon. Fi-sh crop walnuts at Kmmott Pros., 20 cents per lb. J. .1. Whitteri, of Phillips, was in the city Monday morning. Corvviu Foote, of Centerville, was up to the city Saturday. H. R. Tiard, of Tigard, was over to the county seat, Saturday. Fd w. Roge and family were up from Farmintcton the last of the week. V. M. P.ennrdt. of Cornelius, as sold out and moved to Mon mouth. C. McDonald, of Kinton, was in the city Monday, enroute to Portland. Geo. Riersdorf and wife were in from North Plains, the last of the week. Jasper Keller, of West Union, was a county seat visitor. Mon ty morning. Lew is Hamel. of West Union, was in town Monday, and called on the Argus. Wtu. Ingram and son. A. P. gram, were in from Farming- ton. Saturday. Jos. and John Cawrse. of North Plains, were in town Mon- ay afternoon. John Schmidt and Mr. McRill. f Laurel, were over to the city Saturday afternoon. The Ranks Herald issued its initial number last week and ap pears to cover the field nicely. You will find a supply of Maz a, Tantalun and Peerless lights at the King Light Co., Main St. If there is anything in the book line which you have failed to lind elsewhere, look through loyt's book department. Or. Francis J. Railey and wife were over from Washougal, Sun- ay, called hither by the death of the late Loui Manning. The best time to sit for a pho to, on a winter's day, is between 0 a. m. and 3 p. m., and John son's Studio is the best place. Fred Hamel, of West Union, ind who owns a ranch near El- nionica, was m the city Satur- ay. and called at the Argus ollice. For feed andfgroceries, see us. We collect rent. Others pay rent. A trial will convince you. Walch & Compony, First Street, near S. P. John Goodsmidt. of near Phil ips, was m Saturday. He will e in the city next Wednesday to get his citizen papers from udge Campbell. John Stribich. of Forest Grove, md who has been one of the Al mechanics of the college city for years, was a Hillsboro visitor Monday evening. Now on sale a large stock of hildren's school shoes; sizes from S's to 2's; prices ranging from $1.00 to $1.50 per pair. T. W. Wyatt & Company. Judge Campbell, of this judi cial district, and Court Reporter Kunyon. were in town Monday, at circuit court, i hey will again e in Hillsboro next Monday, for the regular November term. When the kitchen is properly equipped there is sunshine in the louse. Lome in and see our Champion and Charter Oak anges. lhey are the best, Emrick & Corwin. N. Womer, one of the pioneers of the Laurel secton, shipped his personal property to Oakville, Wash., the first ot the week, and will reside there for some time. He has rented his Laurel ranch, Taken up: Two cows, one red, dehorned, and has half of left ear cut oil; other a Holstein, black and white, dehorned. Owner please call, pay charges and take same away. J. r . Cars tens, Hanks, Ore. 36-8 District Attorney E. B. Tongue came home from Oregon City to spend Sunday, after an arduous murder trial at the rails city, wherein he secured a conviction of murder in the second degree, entailing a life sentence. G. W. Russell, of Gaston, and who is deputy game warden, came down Sunday, and Monday morning started for lillamook, conveying Chas. Loudon and two M tillers, ot near Vinelands, and and another party name un known, to a Tillamook county justice, on a charge of having used explosives in tishtngover on the Wilson, Tho boys disclaim using any dynamite, or any other explosive, and say they will fight the case to the limit. All four deny the. charge and it will be one against four. Russell says that he has a good case against them. The party went over via North Yamhill, and the trip must have been very rough. I Quite a Numberof Criminal Cases of Minor Importance VIA SEDUCTION PRINCIPAL CASE Miny Minor Cases of Little Importance Civil Docket Small Circuit court, Judge Campbell on the bench, convenes Monday next The principal case on the criminal docket is that of the State vs. Dr. Via, of Buxton, charged with seduction. There are several smaller criminal cases, but none of importance. The jury, out of which will be selected the Grand Jury, is as follows: Lewis Sbjivey, farmer, East Cedar pre cinct W F Williams, farmer, Beaverton cinct pre- Hred C. Anicker, farmer, West Bulte precinct Tell Soule, farmer. Gastoa precinct Casstus Scofield, farmer, Buiton precinct George Bolaml, farmer, West Butte pre cinct Geore L Baker, farmer, West Cedar precinct John I) Mickle, farmer, Gales Creek piecinct Thomas B Perkins, merchant, Buxton precinct William J Gregg, farmer, N Hillstxiro precinct Andrew Pierson, farmer, Reedville pre cinct Frank Dooley, farmer, Dairy precinct Fred Keller, farmer, Mounraio precinct Charles F Miller, druggist, N Forest Grove precinct William K Curtis, farmer, N Forest Groveprecinct George T Bricked, farmer, West Cedar precinct John Ireland, farmer, Dairy orecinct James H Sewell, farmer, North Hills boro precinct Thomas C Meehsn, farmer, South Hills boro precinct Samuel Paisley, farmer, Buxton precinct John W Fuqus, retired C, South Forest Grove Edward II Northrop, farmer, Washing ton precinct George W Miller, farmer, Keedville pre cinct Erin Stowell, farmer, Buxton precinct Eugene W Dant, farmer, Reedville pre cinct Gerhard Goetxe, fanner, Cornelius pre cinct Lewis L Crawford, farmer, Dairy pre cinct Samuel riiil'ips, fanner, S Tr-.alatin pre cinct Otto 8 Parson, f.irnn-r, G ,le C eek pre cinct Zina W Wood, farmer, S Hillslioro je cinct August Tew - tailor, N Hillsboro t re dact Seven of these will be se'ecud for a grand juiy COUNTY COURT CLAIMS R Goff, C h, rep.vrini; tW po! ti. 01 W Bai!ev, spec mail tlist fund 1000 i 1 Hillsboro water, liht & jowerCo, j court house and j ill a? 11 win liaison l o, stationtfry 12 u Wash Co Tel Co, c h '. nt John Boeker Jr, elections 9 00 Boring Bros, livery 3 00 Geo' Constable, reward 25 i Thos H Tongue, dist attys office... 20 w m l.iun, wit circuit court 8 o, Pac Te) Co, cnurt houa? phones.... 16 R II Bainl. c h 1 00 H Wehning & Sons, c h and jail. 7 85 G G Hancock, sheriiTs salary 325 00 G G Hancock, expense 84 40 G O Hancock, hoard prisoners 133 75 1; U Hancock, tetumt tax 31 14 Glass & Prwlhoniine, stationery... 6 jo ... ;8 8a Security Vault & MetaJ Works. 17 to " 54 60 Stevens Bros, powder 14 95 Relief C C Hancock tl, Hoffman A Allen 16 36, Moore & Wilhelmson 6 50, T W Wyatt 1 a5. Delta Dmg Store 4 50, I)r Jas A Baker 50. Bridges Knnls Lumber Co $j5 68, las Churchill at 50, And Heckman 54 25, A F ltel 60 80, J C Bills 5, Hillsboro Lum ber O 20 97, Goff Bros 7 92. Roads and highways D B Reasoner fSi 25, Goff Bros 105 23, Weitzell Bros 00, Montgomery iurner 11 85, T P Goodin 25, E Wenstrom 33 68 and 48 7o, Beall & Co 36, I 80, 7 55, 51 54, 6 70, 5, 38 50, 26 65, 19 a 5, as cts, 54 cts and 25 cts, S II Ornduff 78 5t. Connell & Co 16 30 and 10 15, Star Ifit Co 3 30, Ben Heesacker 10 so, A K McCumsev 17 40, Tin Matthteaon 36 3I, J FMcGilliS 25, Mitchell, lwls & Staver 5 90. Henry Boge, of Chehalem Mountain, was over town the first of the week. Mr. Kranse, who owns the best portion of the big James ranch, south of town, was in the city Saturday. Chas. Eames, of Oak Park, says that Dairy Creek rose four feet from bunday night at dark untill Monday morning at day light. E, D. Bentzen, of Garden Home, and who has been in that section for a number of years, was in tne city Monday, and called on the Argus. Nate Noland, of Cornelius, and who came to Hillsboro in 1852 when he was eleven years of age was down to the city Monday afternoon. Noland savs that old Washington Couuty and Oregon are good enough for him, and he expects to live and die here. High Q UALITY The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. 'THE BEST EVER" Kaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug A. THORXBURGH President J. E. BAILEY Vice-President Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, Nov 10. 1910. Capital and Surplus $50000 Loans $253,892.01 U. S. Bd d (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bond 38,640.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 145,319.25 1480,851.26 Ilosorvo 3 DIRECTORS TKos. G. Todd Wilber W. John M :Eldowney OUTGUESS .1 IO Cents a Button $LOO a Rip WE are showing the full line, fresh from the factory, with many improve ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date and stylish. Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds; fashiouable colorings in striped and plain effects; cut in two styles conservative and "peg-top," and every pair warranted. BAILEY'S BIG STORE Forest Grove, Oregon I F-1356 I am showing beautiful selections of fiOLin nnt.n .mi nmirr.n Arm GOLD FILLED in all sizes. Not a stale pattern among them -every one the special product of the manufacturer for the Holiday season of 1910. My filled cases are as beautiful as many of the solid gold cases yott may have seen in the past, and are guaranteed to wear ao and as yer. 'Any movement you please. WatcHmaKer Jeweler Graduate) Optomtriat Laurel M. Hoyt Drug S Uro Store, Hillsboro, Ore. W. W. MCELDOWNEY Cashier Capital and surplus $50,000.00 Undivided Profits 2.571.55 Circulation Deposits 25,(X)0.(X) 403,279.71 8 ror Ooat, $480,851.26 E. BaiUy J. W. Fuqua J. A. ThorabursJ The Prince o? IS STILLTHEGOLD WATCH Presents "Whtrt tal lha ' t. -A sale at -King Light U, time, was in the city Mommy.