HILL IIII.LSr.OkO, Okl-OON, NOV. 17, 1910. NO. 36 SBR I CtiMlo Hi Cot l IMi. ' Indiana or inch: Titos, nam I, kf Mian Wif Very I rl Day Uv-rt". Or.. Nov. 11. (S ,;.! ) William Tucker, u pit'r 11 0f lfvl2aiil u vetcrun of the In jun Warn. died hero lu.-Hduy. ,. rami- to Oregon from Indiana ith hin pun-tit, and hi first t,rk vktiH cutting nmlwijod in ht i ",,w tn' lMinM dintriit 0f Portland. He tik a claim of 13) acre in thtH county the Kami year anl with hi brother built the first sawmill in thin H-ctiin. Jlc funuslii il hi own horse in lli Indian campaign ami wax omjicl!--.! t kill him and nhnre him with hi comratli-H u f"d to prevent htarvation. He received iwogTiiliun hm a brave and un (omptaining wildier. Ho Huh! hi claim in K'J and Unight the pivo nar here on which he lived ti'l his death. Ho was a pioctrr Mason. Ho ruined potato- in Washington County at a time when thoy woro mId for 15 wnU j-ouml. Mr. Tucker ia mirvlved ly hi nilo. who i tho daughter of Abraham I-andrew. h pionet-r of 1MT, and by the following chil dren: Mrs. Ceorgo W. TctTt. Th. '1 ticker, of Kastorn Oregon; (Wife Tinker, Warrontun, Or.; Mrs. Henry Woolf. Pilley. Or.; Mm Win. Anderson, Mrs. J. H. Anderson, Ira luck or, Co Coun ty; Win. Tucker, llcaverton; Mrs. Wm. Hark doll. Coo County, and frl Tinker, I'.oavorton. llr. Tin ker was a brother of Thomas linker, formerly of IlilWmro, now of l'ortland. a k'i i k or oi.di:n davs A relic of olden day wan brought to mind the last of tho wook ly I record in tho clerk's ollice. When ThoH. 1). HumjihroyH was county judge the following order, maile and dated leccmler 3, 1.T72. in found on the county court dulol: "It is ordered by the court that tho county treasurer be ami is herotiy authorized to ell all legal tender currency now in tho treasury and that may hereafter U- paid into tho treas ury in the county fund until the further order of this court t '.HI n-nts on tho dollar," Sounds like greenback days. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Utft (of roftUn.l Form Grove Local . . 6:r a. iti. !: utr r on I'isiflli St. WttMn I Ivrr H 41 a. m. Knti-i I n Ion rMit vlaOiwt-go fotMi Ctitve Local i, m Killers mi I'l.iulli St. Cotwlln UvpfUml 5:lo p. m. Knlrr (iu Kimilli Si. leaves IVrllaud for IlillnUiru Corvullii OvrrUn.l 7:10 a. 111 leaves on I'liurlh Ht. Horr.l Grove Ic U, . m. Uavrs oil I'otlitll Si. ShrtliUti Flyer 4:110 p.m. leaves In lot, Prpot, via Wlllsburg r"t ('prove Loral 5:40 p. 111. leaves on fourth St. l:OR DAIRVMliN Pr sale: Fine full-blood llol ?'in hull calf. From line milk lnK Htntin. Kojfistorod stock. A. I'.endler, Cornelius, Kotite J. Hesido on North Plains, be tween Dudley mill and Hillsboiu , Aloe Cordon, of Gleneoe, was ln town Monday. Jacob Scheider, of Leisyvillo, Ww in town Monday morning. j'Ved Mast, of above Mountain-ah-'. was in the city Monday u'ttTiioon. Miss Hazel Clay, of Portland, uh the Kuest of Mrs. Ceo. acluilmorich, last week. to A. E. Peat and wife, of Varloy, at the Portland Sani wniim, Nov. 10, 1910, a dauRhter. Warren Williams and wife, of MuiintaindaJe, w.oro visiting n?l fitives here the first of the week. r Hon. Hubert Bernard.of Forest Jrove and Yamhill, was in town Monday and says he is satisfied ver the election. . Enoch Crawford.of this side of wwrel, was in town Monday. Mr- Crawford has been con WictinK all Summer and will w take a vacation during the w weather. PIONEER WL TUCKER DIES HI BEAVERTON an- ii..v l ttr than cvit I n ' I ! supply i.uri-lii.luiniTH We I,.,. ohm1 hupply (,f jl,, r. i ii';ii and linishin I 'an fiinii-ih pMnl "o : hurl nulii'f. W'i- in, P .ti luillliel' Iioil'ie hi Ml.... kilid'i i i .1 K'xhI htoek of all ".iilll"ll IllflilxT. We " i-. all nii sof til.' fmiii h:n in .'! I" l'i iih Ii t hat are first quality; ill mi Imrk and liuilditiv' hlix-ks.' I ry iiur building hiK-ks fur your Innt "I Mitato house, or fouinla tim fur Mmr buildings Is-tter and i hi a r lh.ui hrn k or con- en-le. I'artie ih-ll.l iv, will s watitm orders lo Wi'll to iihii'i' li.i iii early, w hili- the roads f are V, and mir teams are not to busy. In (hi- past we find tl iat it is the failing of many ieoi. t wait till the mails an almost iiima iahle, and then place their orders fur di'lnery, at a enst of twice what it can he done for now, Sodnfi't forget, thin year, while inn- M.K'k i iiiiiii, !.(.. Cniiier& Kuwi-ll Company. A laborer jit oin to work for the S-Aoem-y ('(instruction Company. ocron tho Nehalem, juit m li!!aimik county, whllu crossing t hi- Sa!moiil'rrv, one day l:i.t vii'i-k lost hi t'mitinip and went down etween a lot of drift. lie was carrying Ins blanket at t In time, and this impeded his progress jn crossing. He came to the surface but once and th'-n di appeared. The Sal - munltcrry was l'ipiIed, owin to the heavy rains. Coroner I'.rown was notif.ed. but informed his informants that the place was In Tillamook county, and that it was necessary to call the coroner Jrom that place. Choice rose plants, shrubliery of all kinds, lily bulbs, etc., for sale at the South Hillslioro Creenhotise. Now s the. time to do the fall planting, so Kot your order in early. Mrs. Anes ("ampls ll, lndeendeiit telephone West 1I. MU Herman Ostermann, of Cen ters ille, and for sev eral years a no reliant at (Vnteryillo. on tho P. K. & N.. was in town Monday, lie hih-h to Meinlon. Missouri, to spend tho Winter with rela tives, and w ill not return until r-prin-jHThaps in March. Social dance at Hanks, Satur !av eve, Nov. Huh, to U- riyon ,y the M. W. A. Camp, at Mc- ( J raw's Hall. A omsl time as sured. (ohmJ music. He sure to come and enjoy the ovonmif. Tickets, 7.r) cents. Hanks Con fectionery nivo supper. Contractor H. S. Sturdevnnt will have the Advent Christian Church ready for occupancy in side ot several weeks. It is ex pected that tho building will lie dedicated early in locombor. Four men wanted to Krub. Will furnish team, stump puller, cable, power, etc., to rik'ht parlv. I. H. Willers, HillslKim, tre.. Route 1. Three milessouth- w est of HillslH.ro. Daw Kenhitto ami daughter, Mrs. Merlo. were up from santa Rosa, this side of Heavcrton, t.,n.liv Daw was formerly oneof tiie Imk' om" mvn ot ms section. Mr, and Mrs. Miles Purdin, of Kirbv. where Mr. Purdin has a homestead and other property, ,i . n':.....u .....1 are here lor ine nnuei, nu will not return until the weather settles in the Sprints'. Now on sale - Nap-a-Tan, John Shan-nod and W. L Doujrlas shoes at W'yatt & Co. Store, cor ner Second and Main. Herman Collier, one of Scholia hustlers, was in town Monday. Herman is the secretary of the Republican County Central Com mittee. imdvart up irettinjr things sipiarod for the recent campaign. K. Weiehbrodt. who owns a portion of the James place in South Tualatin, was in the city Monday. Tare seed for sale, any quanti-Ruo-lov Jr.. Dudley Mill North Plains. Postollice address, Hillsboro, li. 3. 36-8 Jake Milne, of North Plains, was in the city the first of the week. it If iv of above Moun- taindale, was over town tho last of the week. A W. Smith, of Portland, and formerly of T'igardville, was in the city Saturday morum. W. Reynard, of Laurel, was in town Saturday, and called on the Argus. Fred Goetze, of Iowa Hill, was over to the city baturuay. n w Cunninirham. of Oren'co, was a county seat visitor Saturday. L. J. Crops Jr., of Hanks, was in town the last ot tne wee. The Peerless Mazda lights for sale at-King Light Lo WEST IS ELECTED j. V. St-will (Mh w Mnjority County Judgc (ikOM If I.OSI S BY I.KiHTI I N VtllhS l.ctiKlalive Ticket. Aimcmbly Winn mil by Small I'lnraliiic Oswald West, demiMTat, won out for (iovernor of Oregon, over Jay I'poworrnan, the assembly republican nominee, by al-out O.t'pKI votes. West lost this coun ty by ','.) votes, although llaw- ey carried it by one less than a thousand. The two Hillslxiros and South Forest Grove, with ieaverton precinct, practically gave IJowerrnan his county ma jority. Where the Gorman and Swiss vote was strong West Keerned to run very well. John W. Howell's majority over J. v. (looiim, for county judge, fell a little under 200 to exact, was 1 SI. This was one of the peculiar tights of the cam paign. Lach side claimed the lection up to the hour of the ist fuw prccjneUs being received. Sew ell carried South Hillslioro and lost North Hillsboro, while Washington and Columbia both went against Mr. Goodin, The legislative tickets wore very dose between the tw o high est on tho Independent and Re publican two lowest. FerdGron er lost by IS votes, to Tigard. larly Saturday morning, when it was thought Groner was but 6 In-hind, it was found South Tua latin gave him 10 more of a gain but on final casting it was dis covered that there was an error in adding on tho unotlicial vote, which nosed Gnmer out by IS. Groner ran heavily where he was well known. Dan Rurkhalter, while losing to NyU-rg, made a splendid run in the sections where he was known and it was a tine vote of confidence. The campaign w as a quiet one in all respects and there is prob ably less bitterness involved than for years. County ( lerk Hailey, assisted by Judges C. K. Kindt and J. H. W'irtz, Friday completed the of ficial county vote with results as follows: Representatives in Congress Klmoro. 387; Havvley. 2083; Shei- man, 222; Smith, 1085. State officers: Governor Low- . i- t- it . 1 . L. ennan. in.o; r.aion. io; iucn ards, IS;; West, 1.7.M'; Secretary of State -Henson, 22lW; Davis, 157; McDonald, 251; Oliver, 891; State Treasurer -Hutler, 5i.K); Kav. 2507. Otten, 132; Four-year Justices of Supreme Court Lean. 2073; Height. 5()7; Mcllride, ii)S: Myers. 31G; Ryan, 2l; Slatter. IU.i'J; Justices, six-vear terms Burnett. 221!); Jones, 381; King, 1157; liamp, 309; Attorney- General Hrix, 524; Crawford. .HJ1G: Superintendent Public In struction-Alderman, 20S1; Hins dale. 281; Horner, 910; Steel, ;585; State Printer -Lylander, 289; Duniway, 2381; Godfrey, 1011: Commissioner of Labor- Curry, 310; lloir, 2002; Houston, 12Sti: Railwav Commissioner Mcbain, 1211; Miller. 22Hi; State Kmrineer Koob, 511; Lewis. 2817; Division Superintendent Water Division lUnnnock, 27(50. District Circuit Judges, I if th Judicial District-Campbell, 2857; Kakin, 2152; Legislature Chap- man. loi; noius, io-o; ugaru, 1753, Republicans, and all eleet- d: Groner. Independent, i6o Hermens. Independent. 1231; Schultnerieh, Independent, 15l!9 Hocken, Prohibition. 492. Countv oflicers: Judge-Sew- ell, Independent, 193G; Goodin, UeDub Mean. 174. Ueo. U. ltan cock, elected Sheriff; J. W. Bai- ev. clerk; Leo Perkins, recorder W. M. Jackson, treasurer; E. C. I?rown,coroner;A. A. Morrill, sur- veyor;Kepublicans. John Ny berg lienubliean. was elected commis sioner over D. B. Burkhalter, In dependent, by vote of 1828 to 1 25. Measures: Woman's Suffrage ves 999. no 2088; Eastern Ore gon Insane Asylum yes 1217, no 1818; Constitutional convention yes o3Y, no iyyi; separate uis tricts State Senators and liepre sentatives yes G02, no 1821 taxation amendment No. 308 ves 1075, no 1411; state railway purchases yes stsi, no ibo;tax ation amendment JNo. 6u yes 143G, no 892; Baker County judge hil ves 2. no 229b; JNesmit County yes 625, no 22G9; Mon mouth Normal -yes MZ, no 1793; Otis County yes 458, no 2297; Clackamas annexation --yes 513, ri21'l; Williams County yes 115, ny 2.21; tax amendment No. yes 151.5, no 1515; Home Rule hill yes 1S27, no 1715, car ried bv 112; Kmiilovers' liability yes Kin, no 137G; Orchard County-yes 415, no 2318; Clark County yes 115. no 2278;Weston Normal - yes 7GH, no 218-1; Wash ington county annexation to Multnomah yes 771. no 2511; Ashland Normal yes 079, no 2303; Prohibition-yes 132G. no 21 15; search law yes 1355, no 2221. defeaU-d by 809; injuries indemnity commission No. 340 yes 835, no 1979; Rogue River fish law-yes 1101, no 1349; Deschutes County yes 402, no 2235; to change law on vote on co iii ties to counties involved ye-i 1195, no 1505; road building county bonding bill yes 1589, no i:50; Presidential nomina tions primary law amendment yes 12.S0. no 1051; Official Gazette yes 743; no 2080; increasing powers initiative, etc. yes 1007, no 1775; three-quarters' jury ver- ict bill, etc, - yes 1320, no 1543. Mrs. F. Lockmann, of Wheel- r station, was an Argus caller rid ay, Montgomery Turner, the Banks merchant, was in town rndav. md call'-d on the Argus. Otto Wohler, of !evond Oak 'ark, was in town Friday, and called on the religious weekly, Chris. Johnson, of Mason Hill. n-yond GU-ncoo, and J. H. Dor- uid, of the same section, were in the city Friday last. The best time to sit for a pho to, on a winter's day, is between 0 a. m. and 3 p. m., and John son's Studio is the best place. S. J. Uatl'ety. of Mountaindale, was in town r nday-wearing that same old smile of satisfac tion over the eternal fitness of things. If there is anything in the KKik line which you have failed to find elsewhere, look throuzh loyt's book department Sam Si pi), of Mountaindale. and who is again running his farm, after an absence of about two years in Eastern Oregon, was down to the city Friday. Only five weeks left in which to prepare for Christmas. Bet ter get your order in early for loliday photos at Johnson s Stu- io and avoid the rush. Erwin Hitter, of Bethany, and wlio knows the Northwest por tion of the county better than Umost any other resident of the territory, was a county seat vis itor Friday. Just arrived - a carload of Her cules stumping jMiwder and Du pout stump lewder. Can furnish any amount at any time, and al so carry fuse and caps. M. Turner, Banks, Ore. 36-8 S. F. Goodwin, of Oak Park, was in town Alondav. tie and Mrs. Goodwin were at Portland. Sunday, at a reunion at the home of Mr. Goodwin's parents. Now on sale - a large stock of children's school shoes; sizes from 8's to 2's; prices ranging from $1.00 to $1.50 per pair. T W. Wyatt & Company. J. S. Steinke, of near Minter iridge, was in town Monday. to raised a potato tms year which weighed four and one-half pounds. The tuber was well formed and was not one of the "knotty kind." Boys may be had and some times girls. The older ones at ordinary w ages and others to be schooled and cared for in return for slight services rendered. For particulars address W. T. Gard ner, bunt. Boys and uirls Aid Society of Oregon, Portland, Or, For sale or exchange for Wash ington (. ounty land - iRft) acres wheat land, all prairie, in the Alberta, ready for plow and al cultivable except a few acres one mile from railway station Address "Owner, Alberta, care Argus, Hillsboro, Or." 36-9 It. It. Gill and wife and child, of Merrill, Iowa, are guests at the home of the M. N. Bonham family. Mrs. Gill being a niece of Mrs. Bonham. lhey have been traveling for six months, and will go to California for the W in ter. returning to Iowa in the Spring. Geo. Bacon s gray ponies, hitched to a heavy lumber wagon, indulged in a pretty run away, Friday afternoon, racing from Connell & Co. s, east, down Main, until they reached the Schmeltzer place, when they were caught. They ran for all that was in them, and when caugh not a thing was found to be harmed. The livery barns are now trying to buy Bacon's brand of oats. CLERK AND SHERIFF Court Will Convene on Monday, November 28 TWENTY-SEVEN FARMERS ON PANEL Merchant, a Tailor, a Drurxist, Re tired Capitalist Clerk Bailey and Sheriff Hancock riday morning drew 31 jurors on the panel which will sit at the coming session of circuit court which will convene in this city Monday morning, Nov. 28, 1910. wenty-seven farmers will re spond; and one merchant; one tailor, one druggist-C. F. Mil- er, of the Grove; and one re tired capitalist The list is rep resentative, viz: Lewis Shavey, faitjicr, Hast Cedar pre cinct W V William), farmer, Beaverlon pre cinct Pied O. Anlcker, farmer, West Butte precinct Tell Soule, farmer. Gaston ntecinct Ca&aius Scufield, farmer, Buxton precinct George lioland, farmer, Wed Butte pre cinct Georne L Baker, farmer, Wet Cedar precinct John l Micklr, farmer, Galea Crtek precinct Tbouiaa B 1'erkini, merchant, Buxton precinct William J Gregg, farmer, N Hillsboro precinct Andrew I'ierson, farmer, Reedville pre cinct Frank Dooley. farmer. Dairy precinct rrtd Keller, farmer, Mounrain precinct Charles F Miller, druggist, N Forest orove precinct William K Curtis, farmer, N Forest Grove precinct George T tinckell, farmer, West Cedar precinct oun Ireland, farmer. Dairy precinct James II Sewell, farmer, North Hills boro precinct Thomas C Meehan, farmer, South Hills boro precinct Samuel I'aisley, farmer, Buxton precinct John V Fuqua, retired C, South Forest Orove Edwaid II Northrup, farmer, Washi ng lou precinct George W Miller, farmer, Keedville pre cinct Erin Stowell, farmer, Buxton precinct ugene W Dant, farmer, Reedville pre ciuct Gerhard GoeUe, farmer, Cornelius pre cinct Lewis L Cnwford, farmer, Dairy pre cinct Samuel Phillips, farmer, S Taa'atia pre cinct Otto 8 Parson, firmer, Gales Creek pie- cinct Zma W Wood, farmer, S Hillsboro p e- citict August Tev.s, tailor, N Hillsboro t re nnet Seven of these will be se'.ecltd for a graud juiy PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at pub ic aution at his place 3 1-2 miles southwest of Hillsboro, near the Bowl by place, at 10 a. m.,on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Span of back geldings, 3 years, 1400; brown horse, 1 too; ciay pony mate with colt, 8 A. dairy cows, fresh this Fa I, 1 to be fre-.lt this month, some give over 40 lbs of milk, test of h?rd is 4.40 per cent., 5 heifers, I will be fresh in Dec , 1 iu Feb., 3 V Mitchell wagon, wide tire, nearlv new; 3 South Rend Studebaker top buggy, nearlv new Peer ing rake, nearly new Champion mower, springtooth harrow, disc narrow, culti vator, new 14 inch John Deere plow, stump p. tiler, take-up pulley snd 175 ft. cable; hay cairicr, pulie,s and rop.s, 4 milk cans, 14 bottle Babcock tester, dou ble harness, single buggy harness, chick ens, small tools too numerous tomentiou. Lunch at Noon Terms of Sale-Under $10, cash; Ten and over, one year bankable note, at 8 per cent. Two per cent, off for cash. J. H. Voelker, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. nerman u. luioues, 01 viicn Hazel, was in the city Monday. T -P, rlJ- ll!l-L Money to loan on real estate. Terms reasonable. Apply to Ku ratli Bros., Hillsboro, Or. 21 tf Bernard Ostermann, of Cen- terville, was in the city Monday morning. John Goodin, of Montavilla, was out to his old neighborhood Washington County the last of the week, greeting friends. Pnl TIjiuo T. Hoiistnn. of South Hillsboro, and who was the Democratic candidate for labor commissioner, is one of the best losers m the country. Dave re ceived over 1,200 votes in Wash ington County, and this was sev eral hundred ahead 01 his ticket. Of pnnrsp. since the election. there are to be found all who voted for Dave. In speaking of this f!rl. Houston said: "I ao- preciate the support given me by both my democratic ana re publican friends. Since I have been defeated, I have found no one who voted against me and if this would hold true I would inaugurate a contest at once and be seated." High Q UALITY The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies . 'THE BEST EVER" Uaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. President Vice Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, Sept 1, 1910. Capital and Surplus $5O0OO Loans - $259,243.34 Capital and surplus $50,000.00 U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00 Undivided Profits 188.73 Other Bond 38,640.00 Circulation . 25,000.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Deposits 382,591.65 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 116,900.04 $457,783.38 This. G. Todd Wilber W. McEldowney r OUTGUESS IO Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip WE are showing the full line, fresh from the factory, with many improve ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date and stylish. Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds; fashionable colorings in striped and plain effects; cut in two styles conservative and "peg-top," and every pair warranted. c BAILEY'S BIG STORE Forest Grove, Oregon Gifts in Silver "The Silver Age" is what they call it in the jew elry world. Gift goods in silver this season exceed all other kinds in number and variety, and out rival them in beauty. ' I am showing a new line, especially bought for the Thanksgiving and fall trade, which surpasses any that I have ever handled The patterns are rich, rare and artistic, wmie tne price is LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler - Graduate Optometrist 'Where You Get The Dett." Drug S tore - President Cashier $457,783.38 DIRECTORS John E. Bailoy J. W. Fuqua J. A. Thornburg TllOUSEll! 1 right. I