TheT Argo OlLLSlBR vor.. XVII HILLSBORO, OREGON, NOV. 10. 1910, MM Or! PUIS SEND OUT AtUik County Clerk lUHcy. Who MUr Spirited Wcply Till! OM.V bi:ar THAT MAS DANCI I) Pwkjb.) MJ Mr. Ballry (iood Many Vole ltrr 14 Tbrrc n Home wHy '" other A. (!. Al exander never ltlti hi ecept gnce to the nomination of clerk Hi) that he wwi not on Hie ballot There is no doubt but it was no filed through ignorance of tin lUtute but when it wiw dineov t-rtsl. Mr. Alexander Houht t have pullihtsl in the HillsUiro tiapers insinuationn tliat Clerk jtailey wiu at fault The Argus refused bin advertinement on tin grounds that In must 8iiport the allegation. Thf lnleM-ndent also refused its IHlblicatioil. AI nander and hm 1'rolii friends then Hcniretl tMitne rinmlars, printed in Home nhni that did nut comply with th corrupt pnu tues act in allowing w here It was publmhed, and Heiit them broadcast. Clerk Ilailey came out and denied the entire charge, ami showed by their ow n Hfate menu that they were at fault thcmsclveH. The letter nigneI by Clerk Huiley wan a w ork of art. and that the Idcidetit made many vote goe without haying. The attempt of the Prodi to saddle the thing entirely on Mr. Jim Kerr wan not very worthy of the gentlemen in charge of the campaign. SOUTHERN PACIFIC tsarr (lit I'urtUmi Foinl l'.(nv local 6:fl Hi. I'itiUn on fimilb Si. Hhfrl.lo l'lti H 41 . m. Knlrit t'nton tcMM liwr(o Coml Criv IatI ... y yi p. in. linlrn on 1'ouilh Si. Coillli OvrrUml .o p. in. i:nlr on I'muth Si. rr I'mtliind fof HilUlmro CwtnllU OrrtUnJ J m . ui Am uit H.hiiIIi HI. Horri Oravc IaicI H Jm . m. Ixnr on Hiniilli St. Phrfiitnn HWrf 4 cm) p.m. tjruvn 1'nkm Ir(xl, tin VCIIUImrK Forrit Ornv U-l 5 40 p. ui. Irivtioa I'ouith St. I O DAIKYMLN For sale: Fine full-bhxKl Hl tein bull calf. From line milk ing strain. Registered stock. - A. IW-ndler, (Vnielius, Koute 1. liesido on North Plains, be tween Dudley mill and HillsUiro. carl wnnnwrrscM Carl Weidewitsch. of Corneliiw, died Friday momingat his home. gel 79 years and Beven months, death ensuing from rarcinonm. mid from which he had been an acute sulTerer for many years. The funeral took place Sunday. Deceased had been married two times, hut Uth wives had passed away. He leaves several grown children. Three reside at Cor neliim, I o. Weidewitsch. the well known machinist and foun lryrnan, son, and Mesdames Kice and Kinney. The dead man in dis prime was one of the best mechanics in the country Miss Hope Emmott is visiting at Coble for a few weeks. ('has. Miller, of Forest Grove, was in the city, Friday. I. II. Smith, of Forest Grove, was a county seat visitor, Friday. H. F. Hesse, of Scholls, was a county seat visitor, Friday, and called on the Argus. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Carstens, f Banks, visited in the city, Friday. Ix)st, on Oregon Electric car large stick-pin, pearl blister, wilver Bet-Howard, if returned to Agent 0. E. Railway, or to S. It. Strong, 616 Railway Ex change, Portland, Ore. 35 Floyd Hall, of Shady Brook, let a cross-cut saw fall across his hand the other day, with the result that three teeth badly jagged the flesh, severing an artery. He came to the city and had the wound dressed by Dr. A. B. Bailey. Boys may be had and some times girls. The older ones at ordinary wages and others to be schooled and cared for in return lor slight services rendered. For Particulars address W. T. Gard ner, Supt Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, Portland, Or. an- iiiiw l IT Ih-in ...... !'n i':"Vl i" -"ipi'lyourciiHtxMMTH. - h;r.- a Phh HUiii.I V of ll.n.r. Hit', m-lii', il.ti,!;,!, :.,L( I'mn l,i lllll-r :i r I i-m f,,r.,;. ... i rin ic lull i. n :,(,rt rioticc. Vc HtH k of all kiimIi n common luinld-r. V-d.-ivc in hl.M k all sizes of tile from to Id inch tliatarc first quality; uls.i luii k am! building llK'ks' 1 ry our ImiMm hM'kH i run or Miaio Iioiihi-, or foiiiida tion for your buildings lo-ttcr ami ( In ;iht than tiricli or con-n-t.-. Parties wanting order l.-ln-r.-d will do w,. ( tin-in early, w dili- th,- roals un P.1, ami our teams an- not to busy. In the pant we inl that it is tin- failing of many M-oplc t wait till the roads an- almost iitijinwtlile, and then place their orders for delivery, at a coht of ts ice w hat it can In done for now. So don't forget, this year, while our stock is complete, (rimer & Unwell Company. I'-ert Mead well known here ami in North Washington Coun ty, and who has U-en down in Siritu'!iei. l.ane Co,, and at Seaside, the pant few week, ar rived in Monday, in time to nut his vote. II,- sayn that his brothers, who are contracting down in ClaUop County, will not finish their highway work until in the Spring. Clioice rose plants, Khniblx-ry of ail kinds, lily bulbs, etc., for hale at the South llillsUiro (ireenhouse. Now is the time to do the fall planting, so get ymir order in early. Mrs. Agnes CampU-ll, IndeiM-ndent telephone West l.'j. :utf Hiram Smith, who recently moved from Klmonica to Tilla innok, was over, accompanied by his wife the I'iinI of the ueek lie found his mare ami colt up in . t -. . i .. t. . . i ineiiaiesi recu . section, .nr. ami Mrs Smith are livinir two miles this side of Tillamook, ami de parted for over the mountain, Tuesday morning. I Sod ford Lauk'hlin and ('.. 0. lux- were down from Forest drove, Monday, to attend the meeting of Haw ley and ttower num. W. H. llolhs was down to hear them beside several others from the college city. Anvone still holding a ticket on Johnson's Studio may apply it iw nne-fiiui-th the tiurchase urice of a dozen photos any style or size from jmstcanl to t.3 inclu sive till next Nov. 15th. t'nited States Senator Geo. H. ChnmlM-rlain was in the fit v Fri day afternoon and delivered an address in the court house. The Senator had his usual good crowd and made one of his char acteristic talks. Now on sale a large stock of children's school shoes; sizes fn.m H's to 2'i: prices rnngmg from $l.(H to $1.50 per pair. T. W. Wyatt & Company. Social dance at Banks. Satur day eve, Nov. HUh, to 1h Riven bv the M. W. A. Camp, at wc- C'raw's Hall. A good time as sured. Good music. He sure to ome and enjoy' the evening. Tickets, 75 cents. Hanks Con fectionery Krive supper. Now on sale Nap-a-Tan. John Shnrrooil and W. L. Douglas shoes at Wyatt & Co. Store, cor ner Second ami wain. Ttw. (lor.-d tributes at the funeral of the late Hon. 1,. A. Rood were expressive or the hign esteem in which the late county Judge was held. a .,..vLf line of nhoto mounts in all the latest and most attractive itvleshas lustarnveu ai joiui- son's Studio. t VV Undies, of Forest Grove, ami E. W. Haines, ex-state sen utor, were in town Monday, with the Ilowerman-Hawley contin gent. if iliaca ii nnv thing in the book line which you have failed to find elsewhere, look through lloyt's book department Herman Collier, of Scholia, was in Monday. He says that all tne farmers down mat way nuvc done a great deal of Fall plowing. n w .1 nrnes. of Baseline, f (Wnnliun. was down liua oiviv v - , to the city Monday evening. n , naliloii()ia and Wife. Of Cornelius, were in town Monday afternoon. real estate. Terms reasonable. Apply o ku- ratli Bros., imisooro, ui. tr t cmiiti nf Tiov. was in town Monday, and called on the Argus ollice. Col. Dave Houston waa a Portland visitor Monday. D Mnuember 3. 1910. to DIM II, l'vl f Ward Thompson and wife, of Mountaindale, a son. Argus and Oregonian, $2.2o. VV ... I . . COUNTY BOARD MEETS AND AUDITS GUIMS I'.iK Momy I'ald out for Perma nent poud Work Here MISSION ADJOl.VMiU TO TIURSIMV Koik Hauling lor Millsboro I'ractically Completed The county Umrd adjourned last l'hursday evening after a two days session, and they will meet next Thursday to complete their laUirs. The Uard audited bills in a goodly Hum, and paid out a gixnl sized lump sum for the permanent road work in these two districts -which was raised by social tax. All the hauling for this Kint is practically com pleted, and work will begin else where. The claims allowed are: 0 S & It V, krr,, crfutK. fi7 55 J A linlirif, cwcoit court ji tn M C Cow, traveling fiueniwu. 14 H- M C Cw, Ml oC.ce txpiiri..,. 91 27 ('.'mi k i'luillioiniiie, tlioiicfy... 6 74 Srhmull Hi Kulinth, rrlirf 10 16 Iiwin lltxlwju Co. niaiiunrry 21 5i Hmkk Hro, rrlirf u ,s Itrniy Ivlitr, rlrrtloti, hall rent.. 5 00 J W lUllry, clrrk ul & fp 2J4 25 I'.llie C.txlnian, nirjr' office 7S 00 Mm CrimUM, lary ind tatt wir nlfirr 100 50 IlilltWo At((uii, piintuiK 41 00 IlilliUiro liiilrprmlriit, prinliii ami lalionrry .154 70 W J lluliirr, mm iil & milrage... 41 00 Mnrlin Vatnlrtiry, inxir fatui.. 76 00 Vali Cn Nrwi, irintiii .11 90 S J Calloway, co fruit inrc!or. .. 77 4") J W lUilrv, c road work 1 1 1m.. a. 1 9 11 Jno Mi Clarun, corn aal Jk mileage. $i 00 1 W (KKxIln, ttl A rip 1 16 75 Willi Irrlainl, rrconlrr aal & rip 1S3 35 liiilrnilrnl Klectrlc Co, c ll 24 00 llillntmio l.ivrry Co, livrry coro- Urr'a iuiUcit 6 00 Win Ttipjfr, court house janitcr... 5000 W M Jackaon, treaa al A col 50 00 A J 1'roal, court house yard 8 75 Win WoX 5 00 I'ac Statri Tel Co, phone poor farm 2 50 Circuit Court Jurort John II Ilcwell fifi tx, die olcion 5 60, G W Stitt 9 60, K C Mulloy 9 20. C Wenlcott 8 Ho, Kerrl Cronrr 10, 1- S McNutt S 40, J II Dor land 9 J A Mcl'ov 10 40, Thoi Con tifll 8 20, J W MrUotitrt 12 40, N J Ra ker 11 20, Al l I'nday to, Walter Hannan . Archie 1'ike 9 60, Fred Rood 7 20, F 1 Willi mil 6 40, l'red G Heidcl 3. Bridtjea J (J Johnion f 2 50, Huierson llrm 1 Ci, Coiurlmann Hroa 17 10, Jaa Churchill 13 50, 1C Hillman 91, John McCann 2 S4, Wui amkranili-n 5 25. Rei(itering elector L A leMiller 1 1 70, II B Kt-evea 9 60, Tin Ilailey 24, 1-; llariliug 9 70. Keiiijtratioa Ceo ThynR f.'4 60, V O Cutaway 17 30, C A 1'eteraon 11, J W McKutx-rt II 40. Koada and liii-hwavi VA lU-iitzen f )9, Thoa Sain fS6 41, 75 90 and 33 65, J 11 Sewell 5, Urines Uroa 35 30, W K Cur li 54 S3. Steven Hroa 12 9.I, Roy Marlirr 3, Tlioa toonell 5 .Ho, Geo A Morrill 6, L V House livery hiie 3S, John StribicU 3 75, A W Creps 6 75 and 37 50, J Molin 1 17 36, J W Mhalera 9 35, Ore & Wash Sewer IMrxe Co '.'S4 40, Sec Vault & Metal Worka 1S7 93, Failing, McCallimn it Co freight 38 cent. PUBLIC SALK The undersigned will sell at pub lic aution at his place 3 1-2 miles southwest of Hillsboro, near the Howlby place, at 10 a m., on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Span of b!ck KeltliuiFd, $ years, 1400; brown horse, 1300: cray pony mare with colt, 8 At dairy cows, fresh this Fall, 1 to Ixr fresh thu month aouie K've over 40 tlx of milk, test of h-r-l is 4.40 per cent., 5 neilers, I will be iresu 111 pec , 1 in l'Vb., 3 V Mitchell wnon, wide tiie, neailv new; 3' South Ilend, Studcbaker top buKy. nearly uew I)er inK rake, nearly new Champion mower, suriniitooth lmnow. disc harrow, culti vator, new 14 Inch John leere plow, stump puller, take-up pulley and 175 ft. cable; hay carrier, pullets and rop.s, 4 milk cans, 14 bottle UaucoK tester, uou ble harness, single buRny harness, chick ens, small tools too numerous touieution. Lunch at Noon Terms of Sale Under $10, cash; Ten and over, one year bankable note, at 8 per cent. Two per cent, off for cash. J. li. voelkf.r, uwner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal. Clerk. Peter Nelson, of East Portland, and who for years lived a few miles east of this city, was out Saturday. He has returned re cently from a five weeks' hunt inn trip over in the Olympic Mountains, wnere ne was in com pany with Will Hay, formerly well known here. His party hatrtred nine deer, several bear, and landed several hundred pounds of fine salmon. Pete says that is the country for sport and that he expects to make a trio over there annually as long as ne Keeps uia fc""corc ouu trigger-finger. S n Tnklev. of near Banks. a w down to the countv seat Sat urday. He recently harvest over 300 bushels ot spuds to tne acre and that is going some, en i nr Pollock, who has been down in the Southern Oregon country, is visiting friends at Forest Urove. The Peerless Mazda lights for sale at King Light va. -John Johansen, who has been in HillsUiro for a year, is out in the Banks country. W. K. Stephens, of Dilley, was a county seat visitor the last of the week. T. C. Johnson, the South Tua latin sawmill man, was over town Monday, to hear the speak ing. John Siefert. of Centerville. was over to the city Saturday forenoon. W. J. Liehtv, who has been out on the I m brie farm, West I nion, has moved over below Orettco. .1 B Tnillinirer in r-harirp nf the ruck crusher this side of Os- I'ego, was in town over Sunday, isiting his family. T. B. Perkins, the Buxton mpr. chant, was down to the city Sun- lav, soenuing the uav with home folks. Alex Gordon, of Clencoe, was in town Monday. Mr. Gordon is one of the practical fanners of his section, and knows how. Mr. and Mrs. George Armen- trout, of Forest Grove, were in the city last Friday, attendants at the Senator Chamberlain meet ing. Thos. Talbot, of Cornelius, was down to the city Friday. By the way, Thos. has quite a reputation as Cornelius' foremost spcechmakcr. J. C. Miller and wife, of the Arcade District, above Glencoe, were in town Monday. Both are prominent in Grange circles in their section. Joseph Voelker Jr. w as in from South Tualatin, Thursday after noon last, ordering sale bills. You will find his auction notice in another column. Alfred Guerber, the man who has made Helvetia famous as a cheese center, was in town Sat urday. Mr. Guerber is one of the practical dairymen of his section and in progressiveness on all counts. ' SheritT Hancock estimates the delinquent tax at between three and tne thousand dollars and thinks it will not greatly exceed that of last year. He and Deputy Kuratli are now checking, up the roll. Four men wanted to grub. Will furnish team, stump puller, cable, power, etc., to right party. D. II. Willers, Hillsboro, Ore., Route 4. Three miles south west of Hillsboro. Carpenter Engeldinger, of Fir Street, is putting up an 8-room residence for r. W. Delsman, in Northwest Hillsboro. He is rushing the work as rapidly as possible in order to get the structure enclosed before the cold weather arrives. The Hillsboro town football team went up to the Grove Sat urday and played the P. U. first team. The boys were beaten and it served them right They will learn some of these davs that it is poor business to go against a college team without getting enough to pay for their suppers. Rally Day next Sabbath at the United Evangelical Church. 10:00 A. M. Sunday School Rally ad dressed by different speakers. Sermon at 11:00 A. M., Rev. A. A. Winter. Dallas, Ore. Plat form Meeting 2:45 P. M. Ad dresses by the pastors of the city. The Young Peoples' meet ing at 6:30 P. M., led by W. Foster. Sermon at 7:30 P. M., A. A. Winter, followed by Com munion services. A lady was up from Beaverton, Monday, asking the sheriff's office to look after one Cyrus Taylor, aged 14, and who was sent to live in the country, some weeks ago, by the Boys' & Girls' Aid Society. Sheriff Hancock notified W. T. Gardner, of the Society, and that gentleman is on the trail. It is thought the lad went to near Astoria, where he has a sister. The P. 11. & N. work engine, No. 1355, Al. Wagner, and Ches ter Alexander, fireman, was in an accident between the "Y" and Timber. Monday, and only the breaking of the draw-bar saved the locomotive from going over on its side. The tender jumped and turned over. Had the engine tipped over into the cut more than likely both engi neer and fireman would have been scalded perhaps severely. Another engine came out from Portland late that evening, bring ing a derrick with it, and the tender was righted and the en gine brought m Tuesday evening. nin inriTiirn unui dau nutintn nun Splendid Fall, However, and Much Fall Sown drain is in LARGEST ACREAGE FOR MANY YEARS Conservative Estimate Put Acreage at One-Third of aa Increase Rains broke over Washington County the last of the week after one of the most delightful Fall seasons ever witnessed in this section. The fine weather gave a great impetus to Fall work, and conservative estimates place the acreage of Fall sown grain one-third more than for any sea son for many years. Grain is above the ground in many places and will attain splendid growth. Rarely have we sufficient cold weather to freeze out wheat if the growth is large enough to give the roots any protection, and the farmers are now looking forward to the next season's crop with hopeful expectations. The onion harvest i3 all secure and all Fall work is done and if there isn't prosperity in Wash ington county you'll not find it anywhere in the world. SPINNER GALLOWAY Lester E. Spinner and Miss Ada Lenore Galloway, daughter of S. J. Galloway and wife, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents. North Hillsboro, November 2, 1910, Rev. Guy Stover officiating. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lic sale at his farm 3 miles due east of Hillsboro, and one and one-half miles northwest of Reedville, at ten a. m., on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Roan horse, 12 years, 1300; gray mare, 8 yrs, 1400; gray horse, 10 yra, iioo; gray mare, 10 yrs, 1 100, with suckling colt at side; Dine head of milk cows, full blood ed and graded Jerseys, all In milk, com ing fresh from January t on; two heifers, 1 yrs, full-blood Jersevs, wilh calf; 4 hei fer calves, full-blood jersey bull, Cuming 7 years; O -borne bioder, Woods mower, hayrake. tedder, disc harrow, spnng tooth harrow, three-section steel drag harrow, cultivator, heavy 1 Burg wa gon, old wagon, heavy spring wngon, open bugy, cart, set heavy work har ness, all household furniture, 3 bed room suites complete, li ft eitenMon dining table, kitchen table, Home Cotuioit range, heater, kitchen utensils. No. 4 Empire cream separator, 6 10-gal cream cans, farm tools and numerous o her ar ticles, all without reserve. Twenty geese, 6 pairs Pekin ducks. 2 pairs In dian Runner ducks, and some chkken-i Cornell incubator, 300 capacity, and a reep-o Day brooder. Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale Under $10, cash; Ten and over, one year bankable note, at 8 per cent. Two per cent off on cash over ten dollars. James Borwick, Owner. P. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. J. E. Borwick. Clerk. E. J. Lyons departed for Tur- lock, Cal., Sunday, after a fort night's visit in Hillsboro and vicinity. Lyons said, on leaving the city: "If you wish to do something for Hillsboro keep on agitating hard surface streets. Dig up that old planking and put down a good hard thoroughfare and when you have finished let me know and if a majority of your people are not satisfied just let me know and I'll contribute $500 toward its payment E. J. will be back in the Spring to at tend private affairs. If you must say a bad word for our town move out of it If you do not like it do not stay in it The man who knocks his employer; and the man who knocks his town, are of a class. Neither should have support from anyone, and he should be given notice by all that the town is no place for him. The party who takes money from a com munity, if he is dissatisfied, should get out and hold his peace until he does get out A. C. Shute, Jos. Williams, Zach Gragg, Norman Greer and Cub Klineman returned the last of the week from their goose hunt ud at Arlington. The boys found them flying well, and bagged a large number, with the result that their Hillsboro friends have been eating goose ever since. It is said the boys brought down 99 birds. Herman Schulmerich, with the R. M. Wade machinery people, was out Sunday, greeting friends. A. M. Wodell, of Cornelius, was down to the city Monday. High Q UALITY The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. THE BEST EVER" Kaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug J. A. THORNBURGH President Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday,. Sept 1, 1910. Capital and Surplus $5O0OO Loans - $259,243.34 Canital and snmlna ruin m u. o. cona vat par; za,wu.w Other Bond 38.640.00- Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer . 116,900.04 $457,783.38 DIRECTORS Thoa. G. Todd John E. B.U.y Wilber W. McEldowney OUTGUESS IO Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip WE are showing the full line, fresh from the factory, with many- improve ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date and stylish. Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds; fashionable colorings in striped and plain effects; cut in two styles conservative and "peg-top," and every pair warranted. C 1 BAILEY'S BIG STORE Forest Grove, Oregon I Gifts in Silver "The Silver Age" is what they call it in the jew elry world. Gift goods in silver this season exceed all other kinds in number and variety, and out rival them in beauty. I am showing a new line, especially bought for the Thanksgiving and fall trade, which surpasses any that I have ever handled The patterns are rich, rare and artistic, while the price is right. LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Drug S tore Store, Hillsboro, Ore. J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNF.Y ' Vice-President Cashier undivided Profits 188.73 Circulation 25,000.00 382,59465 Deposits $457,783.38 I. W. fuoua J. A. Thoraburg TROUSERS Graduate Optometrist 'Where You Get The Beat."