The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 03, 1910, Image 1

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VOL xvii
IIILLSIf !! , ORKGOX, NOV. 3, 1910.
Bjrpi.kiil UgUUtlvc TkKct
Clow Mwtliut Thli WcrW
SAY Till.
outlook is vihv tmn
Promiwal Cllii Who k I'ub
lie Suflrage
Inwmm h w many request ur
mule Argun Ui publish u
short hi itory of the Indi'iwnd.-t.t
candidal for the leginlatur.',
here .'" N me w'10 "ovv,
lt or t-iiht-r of the thrre tfenth-.
mi.n will dispute the truth of
thie lii":
perl Uruner, of Scholia, U orn
of the protrrowivo ami public
npiriU'il resident of Seholls. 1I'
owns InrK'tf farm interests; Is in
UwUhI in tutwmilling; ami i a
uMroitu nt mftnU'rof the grange
j has made the first real ex
tensive experiment in walnut
nitiriK in the county, and is al
wiy ready to lutek up loeal en
terprise of any nature. Ferd in
man w ho has idea and they
m always worthy of considera
tion. If elected to the legisla
tor, he promise to devote all
kinda of time to the public
William Schulmericb, ot rtmH)m mrtxmu ut fit ha
tocV.ii. in well knowp Y?, c
WauhiiurUm County. MnUf
ijiturn : . dairymen, ana i
known nil over the state, having
lectured in all parts of Oregon.
Mr. Sehulmerich is well versed
in slate needs in the way of leg
islation, and says he will do hi
uUwwt to promote good roail leg
illation in case he in elected
and at the same time keep hi
Dowdi-r drv to kid oil graft.
Anion llermens, of VerUwrt,
ii one of the substantial resi
dent of Went Washington coun
ty. He is a farmer and dairy
man, at. I is always interested in
croitri-sjiive stock raising. Mr.
Hermens is the carrier of confi
dence wherever he is known, and
he will pull a great vote in his
immediate section. He says he
lUwls for "honest legislation;
for chiselling of graft, and for
killing all legislation that tends
to protect corjMirations as against
the public."
arv now U-ttcr lli.-in i-v,.r
pivjcm-d to supply oureiiKUmn'M.
We liavi- :i yni nupply of floor
mi. niHtic. hhiplap and finishing
lumber ami can furniKh gfxi
house bill i (in short notice. We
also have a joh nt.K-k of all
kinds of common lurnlier. We
have in htock all sizes of tile from
ii to IC, im h that are first quality;
alto brick and building blocks.
Try our building blocks for your
fruit or jMitalo house, or founda
tion for your buildings letter
and clu aper than brick or con
crete. Parties wanting orders
i i . i . -ii i i. . .
ii im-rcu win do well lo place
them early.while the roads are
good, and our teams are not to
busy. In the past we find that
it is tlie failing of many M-ope
t wait till the roads are almost
inmaHsable, and then place their
orders for delivery, at a cost of
twice what it can be done for
now. So don't forget, this year,
while our Block is complete.
(JronerA Koweil Company.
N. 15. Mead and wife are in
the city from C rants Pass, this
week, guests at the home of
("apt. A. M. Collins and wife.
Mrs. Mead is a sister of the host,
and Ixdh are well know n in Hills
U)ro, where Mr. Mead ran the
Hi!lslxro Hotel, many years ago.
For some years Mead has Ix-en
in the mining business in South
ern Oregon, but his health is
now so broken that he finds it
imMsible to do any active work.
He has many friends in Wash
ington county who will U glad
to see him, and regret his mis-
Pailroml Laborer Prom Portland
( alls Into Dairy
VNiii (iitinj on! In Look at Station Wurk
on P. K. A N.
Alfred IVterson, a railroad la-
Itorer. and who left Portland one
ay last week to go to the front,
alnive Buxton, to look at some
railway station work, was found
cad at the edge of Dairy Creek,
where he had fallen, some time
ednesday night. Petoi son was
under the inlluence ot liquor
when he passed out from the
ity. and it is supposed that he
kept on drinking until evening.
lis Isxly was found at the edge
the creek, and his bead was
not even under water. Wednes-
ay night was a very cold night.
and it is thought that he died
from exposure. The lxdy was
ound aixnit a quarter of a mile
west of P.uxton. Peterson was
alxiut 1.1 years of age.
Coroner K. 0. Brown and Sher
iff Hancock went up to P.uxton,
and an inquest was held. The
jury lounu Uiui ueawi wasacci
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at his place, the north
east part of the Joe Hare place,
1-2 mile south of New ton Sta
tion, on the old ltobinson place,
beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., on
Bty hone, il Trt oM, uv IU. BfT
bom, 9 y ri old, ttoo IU; tilurk ltitr, l
fri ultl, moo Pii; buy mr, 7 )mn old,
ll broke; ciw, K'vIrK
111 finlirn In Match; S rlioul yk
Uiuiilhi eld, ri(lit about 115 U;
V'O'K 1'rurix; 16 Urml of brilf. yri
cl'l, (imbtn oon; bull, iS muuttia
hi, kihhI ntuck; 50 cblrkrni; 6 tturki; 6
turkrin; utw Milcbrll Vallty wagon. J
14 "n il ide tur; wi(oni, j In nurrow
itr; iliniii rurt; top buKKYi !ll,Mt "rw;
liack , in kwhI otilrt; ciHwr; iIihk bar
mw; niiriiiK-lcHith harrow; aliovrl plow;
fw MiUaiikr mower. 4 I f"
''y inkr; lmr rark: triple Uml lollrr
uf it ul!e woik barnraa: cU o(
inttK- )i: riiriw; aaiblle; fan mill; 14
mh nt-4 I, m plowt; 8 inch wx'l
""in plow; tianit drill an Krucn area
kiIcii ttml anil olbrr ar.iclrl to
Mimurniia to mention.
Free lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale-Sums of $10 and
under, cash; over $10, one year's
time at H ner cent interest on
bankable notes, 2 per cent otf for
casn on sums over f 10.
A. Corrieri, Owner.
J. C Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Kd. Shute, Clerk.
jmin iarw. win Turnii?n
stump puller, cable and powder.
Will also furnish house to work
ers, See II. H. Willcrs. three
miles southwest of city. Ad
dress. HillsUiro, Route 4. M-4
HillsUini loses two trains on
the Southern Pacific during the
Winter season. The train which
conies out in the morning, leaving
ortland alxmt nine o'clock, re
mains at 1-orest drove and elm's
not return to Portland until IliHU
in the afternoon. This also cuts
IT the I0; t2 mail to Portland in
ie morning, and the 2:07 mail
niing out, in the afternoon.
While it curtails two mail trips
the di'ixit it means a great
al more work in the evening
at the postoilice, because the two
clock mail will then Ik- dis
tributed and there has been
arge mail in the afternoons.
Horses for sale: Black mare,
years, 12(H); sorrel mare,
vears, iZ"o; iron gray nunc,
ars, l.llH); nay mare, J years,
u).-deo. U'nnen. Cornelius.
Ore.. Route 1. melamls.
Next Tuesday is election day
Oregon's first general Novem-
I . ' a L. . i . . . . a .t t hil
er e eclion in me iiiswuj v nn.
state or of territorial days. Here-
ofore this is for the benefit ot
I . ul..l.l
recent arrivals voeon n biuu
nn,l eiimitv e ection was heluin
still holding a ticket
on Johnson's Studio may apply it
as one-fourth the purchase price
of a dozen nhotos any style
size from postcard to bxS inciu
sive till next Nov. i:th,
.1 .!. Meacham and wife, o
innks were ( own to ItUlsDoro,
fterniKin. on legal bust
liens 'Mr. Meacham called on
the Argus.
Now on sale a large stock o
hildren's school shoes; sizes
from s to an; prices i'"",
from $1.00 to $1.50 per pair.
The total registration for Wash
ington county is not so slow, af
tl'r all, us it reaches the figures
t J,(iG0. These are apportions
H follown-
Hemiblienna 2.103
iK'rnocrata 512
trohibitioniats 0
opocialista 7
'opuhata 3
IndeneriflAnfa 198
ttefused to state 619
For sale: Fine full-blood Hoi
stein bull calf. From fine milk
"K strain. Reeistered stock
r-A. Bendler, Cornelius, Koute
Hesido on North Flams, be
tween Dudley mill and Hillsboro,
T. A!lrf Ullll Ui tOt.
I--. utvvvui V wwaava ' j -'ortland.
and Thos. Mead, of
gull Hun, were out to Hillsboro
Money to loan on real estate
lerms reasonable. Apply to Ku
r, v
wits in
11 i
wan ,11
from A
her lu'i
St. J
day af'
was i!o
last r.f
', of alove par.'ks,
.,; to !.hy city Saturday.
MeNf-rrier, of the Grove, J-at J rd ay.
!,i,k ( f West Union,
V- city Saturday.
niive Ljtidis was down
U, Su-idav, a guest of
;i'i:, H. H. Cronise.
I,. Sno.v, an attornty of
. ., ,va:, in the city Mon-
!;.eo).eii, of West Union,
.. ii to the county seat the
the week.
. Jackson, of Mow Oren-
m trie city .vionoay
1 ad of pigs for sale D.
v.'.d. Hillslioro, Ore., Route
.lossy.of West Union,
to the city Friday, ac-
d by his wife.
line of phf-to mounts in
nest arid most attractive
is just arrived at John-
co, v a
1, H.:!v
was ov
com par,
A !!('
all Ue I
style; li
sejn's Studio.
Mi-w Gladys Cohen, of Port-
is the guest of Miss
:;ri!riths, tho last of the
M uit'.i
(Jree n i
urilr.;-, ;
on t'e .
If tl
book li
to in
tl . , I ,1 .1 A ..
. ... . ...... -m aii . . . .a . . r ... .
derail iMfnsoed wtfi! C4 CTH ww
inn was I bxScH",lr"7r MS11
J. H. Kilhiirg. W. C. Schneider, at l.i.V. . Gal.. br.s
Andrew Kostur, J. P. Fair.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic sale, at his farm, 1 mile south
of Kinton school house, and four
miles east of Scholls, at 10 a. m.,
Tmm hour. J5 o, k'i worker; icw,
Urs'ltd Jrrwys. 4 anil 7 yeata, in milk.
.rah in 1-rlnuary; 31 Mean sue. y,
oiitmniiiK thorouxhliied KauilxniileUe
nick; MuclH'U wKotli swated Hack,
singl butigy; Knieiaon mower, 5 It cut;
lo fiKit rake, atirmtjtooth harriw, (X'K
tooth harrow, ahovel cultivator, pegtooth
cultivator, Chaiupinn ciilc-r prcsn, a sets
tram liartir, rt alliKle haruesa, geut f
a.lille, 16 -inch lerl tx-am plow, 14 inch
wood team bieakiiiK plow, to-inch (jar-
ten pltw, 30 (jal- keltic, 250-lb a-ueau
counter scaie, pair aleelyarua, nana can,
immlaiotic, llooxr potato iliKger, Su-
ierlor potato planter, tup scraper, faieui
( home evener, aewiUK macnine, unrucu
ami cullivaior coiiioiueu, 7 ium
limothv hav Uose m barn, xoo lmshela
ot, (arm tools ami many other articles.
l.unch at noon.
Terms of Sale -Under $10,
ash; $10 and over, one year's
time, bankable note, at a per
cent, 1 wo per cent on iorcan
over $10.
N. (i. McDonaki, owner.
H. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Without Railway Assessment List
is Over Sixteen Millions
Hores and Cattle Decrease, But
Land is Cleared
Strohmay r of near
, wa in the city Sat
d while in town called
iv i anything in the
which vo l have failed
here, look thr iugh
V(k.,..- T.
ions! iii fur some time.
MU; i .'die Jones, of East Port
land, came out Monday and went
out witi. her uncle. N. H. Jones,
of If : d (ileiH-oe, for a fort-,
nigh.'s ..sit.
K. R. i'altorr, of Ik'Iow Per.ver
ton. 'T 'i.e S. P.. near Raleigh,
wasi i t. citv Monday morning.
He uys t!;at Fall plowing is
nearly a ! finished in his Fection.
Ar-!n r Pacen, of Arleta, and
who v.t a former resident of
this i !-.;-. ty. and well known at
Fore; t drove. Cornelius and to
the W Ji. was in Friday, and
cailcil c the Argus.
En m' it Quick, the horseman,
was (iown from Forest Grove
Mom av :.i ternoon. Fnimctt was
a Hi;;si"roite when he was first
bitr eH' .irh to hold a pair of
N. A. Frost, who has been
fa.-tii U' iuvn in the east er.d of
the -J! ty. I. as moved to the
Pert t f t's -ction. Mr. Frost
to-ik ih. census in South IIillst
ro at d - ;cuity.
Assessor Max Crandall has com
pleted the Bummary of the tax
roll, and his total gives a valua
tion of over sixteen millions to
say nothing of the railroad as
sessment, which will be made by
the Btate commission, and which
will add about one million dollars
to the roll. The figures show
that within the last year Wash
ington County has made a gain
of eleven hundred acres of clear
ed land, which means that be
tween three and four acres have
been cleaned up for every day in
the year. Cattle are not so
numerous; horses are not so
plentiful by about 200 head but
the Missouri mule has made a
pain of 100 head and it is his
time to be heard. Goats, also,
have made a gain of 1000, or 33
per cent, increase, and it is his
turn to look wise. The last two
years assessment follows:
Tillable land, 102 261 acres $6,359,975
f-aiOQtillable land, 357.165 acrai 5,511,2.0
United Suites Senator Geo. E.
Chamberlain, who is touring the
state in the interest of Mr.
West's candidacy for governor,
will be in Hillsboro Friday (to
morrow) November 4, and speak
to the citizens of this vicinity at
2:30 in the afternoon. Senator
Wyatt & Company,
.lohn 11. Bailey, of above Pux
. .. .L . I..,,
i,,n u'ji in l ie cuy me mm
week, after getting through with
a good year on his orchard ranch
in the lulls.
ci,. v.l - H:iv mare, some white
in face; yearling colt with ner,
1 ,.ri roitfU on Wilson River road,
..,,,1 ,or Imve straved back to
UIIU i""" . - tl .J
unuhiiio-ton countv. ivewaiu
Notify M. O'Meara, Peaverton
Ore.. 11. 2.
.Ins. (Jibaon. of lieedville, and
who prides himself on having
the best garden in the county,
was in the city Monday, and
called on the Argus.
W. Cornelius, of south of
Cornelius, was down to the coun
ty seat Saturday, greeunK
many friends.
For Sale-Two dozen fine pul
. i... ut,;t Pivmouth Rocks, and
tainn.1 lleds.-Eli Bowbeer. 8th
and Fir. 6i
Tohn Hoover, who has been
working with the rations near
nafnn WHS (lOWn iU LIIC V.tjr
Monday morning.
Roy L. Grecar returned the
last of the week from a trip to
Southern Oregon and Northern
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25,
Chamberlain is one of the real
platform orators ot the state ana
Northwest ana ne aiways iih. a
arge audience when ne visus
this city. Turn out ana near
He will speak at Cornelius to
morrow evening-Friday, JNovem
ber 4, at 7:30 o'clock.
Roll of Honor
Sa V Two thousand h.rge,
heav . .tra tine quality sacks
fo- s de at low figure. Will out-
la:! ;hre ordinary sacks. Sam
nli! sent on request Pacific
Coas;, S. rup Co., Portland, Ore,
Wilder.! II. .loos, of near Glen
coe, was in town Saturday after
noon. He is farming the Joos
homei.teud. which he now owns,
andv.hit-h has advanced largely
in values the past few years.
A drummer was in town Mon
dav and found awaiting him s
ticket from Portland to the Last,
which he lost last May or June,
An adv. in the Argus brought
him the desired pasteboard.
Act n ! Cooner. of the Electric,
wits visited Saturday by the
com puny' s general freight agent
who was looking over tne possi
bilites of business in the county
seat and other Washington
County points.
.ludre Magers. formerly of Me
MinnviHc. now of Portland, was
in the. c'.tv Saturday. The Judge
canu nmr passing in his checks
a few months ago -and the Ore-
1 il .i L - 1 A
gonun reported inat ne eoiuu
not ne ,,ver. Ue is now on me
road to health.
The bail of Joe Laurenz. the
i 1 ...'il
young man cnargeu wuri steal
ing horses h.ere and at Sherwood,
was fixi'd at row, and a good
mod eiven. lhe bond was
fixer, al this figure because the
dot'endrmt was under bond up in
Yamhill county.
The chap who sold R. M
Ranks a horse a few weeks ago
and then shipped his saddle to
fVot-soi via New berg, alter
High Q
Drug S
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
"Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies . THE BEST EVER"
UaminsKy's MaKe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
I. 'Imitnli on larm landi... 1,211,210
' 7 i -a loU... 626 02.5
improvement ;
deeded ,
Fanning implemenU, wigtm V
etc 149.910
Household furniture, watches,
jewelry, etc 200,100
Rones, 6,332 hesd 393. 460
Mules, 178 head io.iho
Milch cows, 10,378 head- 238,620
Stock and beet cattle, young
stock, 3.jQt head
Sheep, 3,779 head
Goats, 4.439 head
Swint, 2,264 head -
Dogs, 141 -
Automobiles ....
Merchandise stock in trade....
Stationary engines and manu
facture machinery.
Forest Grove
Money at interest or on deposit
Notes, secured or unsecured.....
Accounts, due or to become due
Value of shares f stock, 1725...
Value of libraiies
Tot .1 valuation .$16,146,360
Tillable land, 101,153 cres $5,357.35
Nontillable land, 356,267 acres 5,607,300
Improvements on same 1,177.295
City and town lots 633 915
ImproTcnents an same M.0
Improvements on lands not
deeded ai,45
Railroad trackage, S2 29 miles 891,460
Rolling stock 1,190
Telephone and Telegraph lints
140.52 miles 9.3i-
Maoufactures and machinery.. 143 755
Merchandise and stock in t-aile 284,31s
Farm implements, etc 173.841
Household goods 194,170
Office 6atnres, etc U.775
Money 10,040
Notes 192.130
Accounts - 7.2M)
Stocks - 76,638
Libraries a, 100
Horses, 6,541 head 379-225
Mules, 49 head 2,22a
Cows, 14.381 head 259,620
Sheep, 5,904 head n.55
Goats, 3,423 head 4.425
Swine, 2,058 head 9.659
Dogs, 63 on roll 090
Capital ariuw
Loans - $259,243.34'
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bond 38,640.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 116,900.04
'-v-Iiursday, Sept 1, 1910.
Undi videcTtrouvi In'Z, ?
Thos. G. Todd
John E. Bailey
Wilber W. McEldownex
J. W. Fuqua
J. A. Thornburg;
Total valuation
i5. 54L555
Those on the roll of honor in the
Firdale School, District a, tor
month ending Oct. 28, 1910, are
as follows: Chester and Carl
Rruster. Frank. Ulmer ana Mary
Boge, Meta Wolf, John, Martha
and Wilma Haase.-Blanche
Bride, Teacher.
Now on sale-Nap-a-Tan, John
Sharrood and W. L. Douglas
shoes at Wyatt & Co. Store, cor
ner Second and Main.
A quiet wedding was celebrated
at the parlors of Judge G. W.
Barnes, Main Street, Hillsboro,
Monday, October 31, 1910. when
Hon. Fi M. Wadsworth, of Mason
Hill. Dixie, and Mrs. Hannah
Ellingsworth, of Portland, were
united in marriage in the pres
ence of Dr. J. E. Adkins and L,
A. Long. Mr. Wadsworth and
bride immediately left for lhe
Cedars, north of Glencoe. the
home of the groom, where they
will maintain their home, lhe
groom is the father of T. C.
Wadsworth. cashier ot the Amer
ican Type Founders Co., of Port
land, and the bride is a highly
respected lady ot trie nose uty.
Return From The East
IO Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
WE are showing the full line, fresh
from the factory, with many improve
ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date
and stylish.
Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut in two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
Forest Grove, Oregon
ward telephoned to have it sent
to Led Blutt. California. It is
now at that point, awaiting the
calli r, when the authorities hope
to catch him.
Chaii e rose plants, shrubbery
of all Uinds, My bulbs, etc., tor
sale at the boulh hiltsboro
Greenhouse. Now is the time to
do the fall planting, so get your
order in early. Mrs. Agnes
Cariipbt il, Independent telephone
West 151. oOtf
Attorney H. T. Bagley and wife
rptumed Sunday evening from a
sixty days' trip to the East, and
renort an enjoyable time. They
spent considerable time at Can
ton. Ohio, and return west oy
the Southern Route. New Or
leans and Galveston were both
visited and when they started
Westward they stopped to see a
real bull-fight at ElPaso, where
it. was necessary only to cross the
border. Thev returned via Los
Angeles. Going East they made
the trip via the Canadian Pacific.
Edwin Morgan returned to
Independence, Saturday, after a
weeks visit with ms motner,
Mrs. Susie Morgan.
Miss -ing
Dozens of different patterns of links for
the Misses as well as the men each
one prettier than the next one to it.
A pair of Gold Link Cuff Buttons is al
ways an atceptable present at any time.
Just received a large package of new
styles, which I will be pleased to show
you. They "look a lot for the money."
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Oetometrla
nag: . ij
i -
raui iiroB., Hillsboro, Or. mi