The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 27, 1910, Image 1

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JIII.LSliORO, ORIvOON, OCT. 27. 1910.
linn I.I
"- ..i. .. i .
i i ' i l M
uriUnJ Awakcnlni'and Will Ik
Ual Attempt, lo A II mil
j), nul Waul Whlnclon County'i II
Square Mile
1'urtiutiil'H big I'llxitK HH iiifii nr.'
.wakening n tin inaltrr of th
pro-.-.! utmexutior of territory
frvm Uunhinglon lind Clai-kamas
CfliintifS, tun! tin leading rili
n-nH of tlnit city arc HtrenmiuHly
oijK.siiik' the Bihi-mi'. 'lhevii.r
In WiiiihingUm con ii ty woo wi'th
ft to xee tl oou nty utnlisiurlwii
ihoul-l ! to it that all whoiip.
jxo l.wing territory ure at tl..
put! to rwt a negative vote.
Ourly, Multnomah d-x nl
want the territory in Washing
ton or fluekunww rountie. Sam
uel Connell. well known here, W.
). Wheelwright, of the t'liamU r
tf Ci.minero', Mr. Wortmnn. .-f
OlcN, Wortrnan & King, all
Iw tin- measure unit J. I!.
Cerr. prumimiit in financial cir
cle. Hays;
"If the ('lackuina-H aint Wash
ington Annexation whenies in
creating Multnomah t nearly
two ami one half time! her iv
i-nt mv art HiHTesNful. erne
questions art likely t arise by
the severing of the Fifth Jmlieial
Iistrict, coinjMwetl of Clatsop.
Columbia, Washington and Clack
amas ( unUn. There would l-e
confusion ami tlillicultv, arisinir
out of the purpose of the Clack
amas iiiinexntion measure t
make the 'middle line' of the
ClnrkamuM Hiver not a a ig:i
ble utrrnm antl with no estab
lished threud or renter line the
southern Ixnindary of Multno
niali County. There is a likeh
IummI that alt the county division
juheiieH proios'd this year by
the initiative will prove lo be
Judge C. K. Kindt, of Kinton
was in the city Monday.
J. f. I'.ills, of lieyond Glencoe,
wan in the city Saturday after-
G. L Wee, buyer for the limit
Trust Co.. promoters of the new
town of North Plains, was in the
city Saturday, enroute to Port
land. Mr. Keen nays that a gn at
ileal of money in being expended
on the new towtiHite, and that a
new water supply is being in
Ktallml, on the deep well system,
nimilar to that in this city. An
electric light plant is also to be
established, and grading of
HtreeLsamt laying of sidewalks
is now being accomplished. The
rails of the United are nowjaid
as fur an the bridge near Glen
coe, and in a few days they w ill
have steel laid to the new tow n.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic salenwar the Pnlniateer place.
1 1-2 miles southwest of Keed
ville, at 2:(K) p. m. sharp, on
llrtiwn liorM, B ym.ll.iil, ! I v ran rliUmr
lrlv bay mare, III yro. It" ti. Imlv rim
lrl vp ; Kmy horwi, 10 yr, IIW. tnn In
1'iiU; tiiw. H yr, 111 milk, ilui' i-i fniii'ii
I'Vlirinry lilt Imlfrr. lmi to ficxlinii in
M"'li. April ami M) '. Hprlnif li UVt
vlym; i-yt Uer. nrw riml enrt. whir
tlrn wiikoii, kimmI aa unw, Immi uumI 1'iit
lw llni)w; ti) iiiiKKV. I"1'" '"' "I"'11-'-
liniiat iiiiw; art almol ill' vtotk loir
maiiulil liariimta, 6 UmiIIi mi1II lir, I".
Oii'li plow, rlilltiK outfit, mi.lillt' inn! I'rl
U, "lian." Hinra ami ipilrl; Kinplnj
tiiii apparator, 8 ft Kl ilk cims. .Vi:l
Imrrnl cliiirii, ami iminvrnua oilier nrl I
Terms of Sale Under $10.
cash; Ten and over, one year
bankable note, at 8 per cent.
Two jht cent, oir for cash.
F. 0. Wilson, Owirer.
B. V. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
I 1:1
if" 1
a i '
! I i
ifi I1
, i.
Who lii.-
pilal, i',
Mr. K:
t I!
( ,
k I 1 1 1 j i I ! Ill ,;
1 1 . 1 r Hi 1 1 .
tu lc ii.i ii u
a! hi hi ii i. :v,
Try our ii'nM.
I ruil nr p! a
III ill fur Mi
aii'l i l.i-a r
Trie. I 'art
iti'lr. i TiM v,
tlli'lll I'illlv,
pHiil, ainl n:
li-y. hi ti
ll l Ihi' !:t
t i wait til! ti,i- n
impa - aii'i-. ainl t !,
nnii-n f i ir i . -1 1 -, r
t n'f n hat it fA
lln'A . Si i dull ' t fii!
A lllji' lit, I' Murk I
limiii t iV l;. i.i.i ii i
Mr. Am
I'ortl.ind. s
She a.! .,!
l!i-hi'. r. !:
San I ra'n i
l.-n.l.-.l the
.li.hii Kapf,
I ra'n is ln
f.'lte I'ltV.
Ultl'l' of tl
l!iliiii I'.i'us.. ct
w a1! liru in Ialr!i
ar. ao,
.In I'ph I 'a ri m."'.
i'nMi'!i!in'iit faim
I'liiiltii riiiMr., lii-i
' Ir.'l'nll, i- I'
fur a fi-'.v da s, the
1 ai'i'ii;'tii!i a'ld fannl;.
the tun rail i1. ays r,
that Seetimi are ihui
in the a of ie v!n
lon' liej-'leeteil empire
l'eter frn-Sell and
Tlllle, of dear le!eti:
a few das s avrii f n un :
to Kansas ('itv. w hen
sen ii tt-i t w ith hi fat h' i'.
sa S he W'as there in time t
W 111) the Clint llll'-ki !!'.', and
lie had art enjovable ti-ie
was in tin' city Sat urda;. .
inn friend .
Ira 1 loard. of I i s iiie.
"The man w ho kick-1 ;
thin ear has -onn !!,
with him. Violets an
straw berries arc found
there; and the string
ddiu-riiur their
theold vines wi
live in Oregon''"
('has. Koontz and fal dack
went topairy Creek, aboti'town.
Sunday, and Koontx laniied vine
line trout, t'al hooki-d one aluiut
a foot lota:, but lost him alter
ill M,
i l.tU-nsivc AtreoKC (
all Sow n Ijrain
mm) iiur vinos ui:st
.iihI Svediiijf Largely Indulged
.ill (her Coun ty
beautiful Autumn weather
i.iue'ii for Washington
!.. Ail thimrs bein.r eipial
'a n I'rain always yields a
d' a! ii t ter than the Spring
aud the j'im weather f
a I 1'iuiith has-'iven fanners
ai re to plow and seed an
; e that largely exceeds the
"a n ( nip for a nurnber of
Wm. Haley Sr., the Iisyvillc
lopnrowtr, was in the city
urday afternwn.
A. K. Itcynolds, of Glcncot.,
was in the city saiuruay, ana
ailed on the Aryrus.
V. W. Delsman is hauling lum-
er lor trie erection oi a resi-
lence in North Hillsboro.
Money U loan on real estate,
'ernis reitsonable. Apply to Ku-
ratli I'.ros., iiinstoro, ur. 2111
.it i
i i 'A l,e
1 ill I -, III
! i i ' i line
!'.'! i a- d
t ! '
:.' w o'
i. re! ;
i f h
I I''
I In
secoll'l cl'np
II. w ho wouh
m'll :
l.'.t aim',
1 1 1 1 k el
John It. Kupple, with Flccken
Htein & Co., of 1'ortland, was in
the city Friday. Mr. Kupple is
the father of Harry UuiiU w ho
lived here last season, and who
was a civil engineer on the 1'. It.
&N. construction work. Harry
is now assistant engineer on
some double track work for the
Oregon Railway & Navigation
Company, near Huntington.
Father and son are coming out
early next month for a lew
days' hunting trip in Washington
One or more men wanted to
grub land. Will furnish team,
stumn milW ruble, anil nowdi'l.
Will also furnish bouse to work
ers. See U. II. Willers, three
miles Ron r.hwest of city. Ad
dress, Hillsboro, Route 4. 1-4
The Huber sawmill, below
Wheeler, is acrain rebuilt and
running every day, cutting up
Ur and pine on the land neiwee,,
Mv 0 nnrt Menverion.
mill burned last Summer.
net ling turn a few
water. Such is the
Horses for sale: l'.lack mare.
7 years. ljtNl; sorrel niaiv. S
years, ll'OO; iron gray inare. :!
years, l:'lK); bay marc, W car,
L'UO.- Ceo. Lennen, Cornelius.
Ore. Route I. Vinelamls.
Hon. Wilber K. Newcil and
Homer f. Atwcll. the latter o!
whom is President of the Slate
Horticultural Societv. were down
from the west end of the count .
yiimlav. attending the fruit
Anyone still holding a ticket
on Johnson's Studio may apply it
us one-fourth the purchase price
of a ilozcn photos any style or
size from postcard to (!S inclu
sive till next Nov. loth.
Ceo. Kngeldinger has taken the
agency for a book, whoso authors
are competent writers. They
laUe no the subject of the W bite
Slave trallic, and tell bow to
. .i .. r.. ..: (,..,. ,i
prevent im neuu iou u .m .
Now on sale a large stock ol
i,;i.i...,..,j ehiol shoes:
from S's to '2'si: prices ranging
from $1.00 to $1.50 per pan. 1.
V. Wyatt & ('ompany.
,1. L. Simpson, of South Tuala
tin, and who is one in uu- con
st orchanlists oi nis secuon.
. , . L' . i .... I.,,, CI,....
was in the cuy oaninui.v am.
Friday of this week till 4
o'clock, you can consult
Mr Lowe ahout your ejes .um
glasses at Hotel Tualatin.
Peter Zurehor, of below Oren-
i i , I ..I' Pii't'ofton
co, nnu ii. o. .
were up to mo irun meeunK
Saturday afternoon.
Hondlor, the North
Plains Holstein breeder and dairy
man, was m the
Monday forenoon.
Plumbing and plumbing ma
il,..;.. I'n'st. class
.... w'w If nl Is. at Connell & Co.
Ull li ... ,
xi.w.(iir,.r Kinser. of the two
xA.Linolon CountT condensers,
was down to the dairy bale, Sat
Henry P.rock, of South Tuala
tin, was in the city Saturday.
i. ei-
laud has been
i it was dry, still,
' places, the soil
shape for sowing.
roueedeii by competent
in ) hat the acreage of wheat will be any
fr.iui :;n to .7) jH-r cent.
.' than last vear. In
p!:.ces Winter wheat went
lo to lo bushels per acre in
rain w as sown too late
a ';- late that in many
inti-r-killeii. With a
'ru'.'. tli it will take a severe
r t'i kiil grain, and the
:eediii's forbid an easy
I 'I 111 IC SAI.H
r i'neil w ill sell at pub-
I arm, 1 mile south
ool house, and four
a l of Seholls. at 10 a. m.,
n unAV, Nov. 5,
"h. jv i'. iil vw.rlttrs; I Cows,
.In-. 4 i.ii.l 7 )rie, in milk,
ii li'nii.n; u hrml dhetp,
i'i: t!...n tiKltliinl Katnliouilrtte
:i MflKoti, 2 srnk'il hack,
1 lii tMni mi wrr, 5 ft cut
-, prini;toilli liurruw, veg,-
-linM-l ciillivutor, prj;looth
I hHiiipii ii t'i.trr press 1 -ts
.rl tinnlc lminrw, Kent's
in h sWvl Ix-iitii plow, t4 inch
:i Iti -nkiiiK plow, 10-inch tar
; k 5 kt-il!c, 2S"" a l"ran
r, imir stirlviirds limid cart
-10111' . Il'.i'vrr .otatu ilint!er. u
i e'liin p'iinli r. slip semper, patent
-, iM in r, si wiiiK iiiaohiiir, unnlen
.mil riiltiviiior roiiiliimil, 7 tons
alis Inn liww in liiirn. .VK Imshela
, l oin tools mill ninny other articles
lilt ll III lllH.ll.
ernis of Sale -Under $10,
and over, one year
bankable note, at o per
Two per cent oil for cash
N. C. McDonald. Owner,
P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
i j i1 w .
('. W. braim. mueiiemlent can
didate for Recorder of Convey
ames. was born on a farm near
lloiiewell. Yamhill Co., March 1
1 sfr. and lived there with his
parents until 1871, when they
moved to Washington County
where he has lived ever since ox
a pt two short periods.
He received his education in
the common schools of the coun
ty, and in 1SS)5 went to Willam
ctte University, where he re
mained two years, graduating in
the commercial course. In 188G
and ISS7 he took the teachers'
course at the same school. He
"1 am a firm believer in the
intitative and referendum and
the direct primary law, and am
opposed to any effort to nullify
these measures. If elected, 1
.... i .1' ..ll ...
will, iiurmg my lerm oi oincc,
vote mv entire time and ener
gy to the duties connected there
Mr. Thrapp some years ago
st an arm in a shotgun acci-
('. I'ri.wn fif lifvond fllt-n.
was in the city Monday sy He S areat tmprovement
in Hillsboio in Two Years
Says Get Tbern by all Mean and There
Will be bo Regret
E. J. Lyons, who for many years
was a resident of this city, and
who still owns considerable prop
erty here, is in the city from
Turlock, Cal., and will remain
la .1 I 1
lorn, to Mr. ana Mrs. Haul- '"""-" "'
f . . ir-ti i . ft L" i. If f
win, oi l irsi street, iiinsrxjro, aiier nis inieresis. wr. L.yon
OctoU-r 22, PJ10, a daughter. still owns some Main street prop-
Dance at W. 0. W, Hall, Glen- erty, ant also the farm out at
coe, -aturuay eve, uciooer o. Sewe station, on the Uregon
Toelle's orchestra. Everybody;,.
He savs that he sees a irreat
Wm. Mohr, for years the coun- :mDr0vement in thecitv since his
ty seat shoemaker, was in from . . . .. , . , r,
V . . . . . I loaf via.f hara turn vpum f. trr
us Jobe Crossing ranch. Monday '," w '
I Mb I tmrto DQiifl. llo all munrta
niOnitng. mi, ujuna oajj, i muoiia
... . , niusooro Bnoum pave jus sireeis.
A new line Of photo mounts In A owwl harH unrfjirfl nnvumpnt ia
all the latest and most attractive what we want and an property
styles has just arrived at John- 0wner8 should get together and
Sons Studio. ,nv tn that Pnrl If Hillshnrn
P.. H. Dunbar, formerly of puts down hard pavement, mark
Jelferson, has taken up his res- my word, you will never regret in Hillslxiro, and moved it. It will help your town and
lis family here. help it wonderfully.
II. T. Blair, wife and child.
of Portland, were out the last .if f f ' o ' f L 'I
of the w eek, guests at the home " t ! Ji- in . tZ
of Mrs. Kuth Plain 1!.. 1! S
1 lk now iiiu a pvyuiawuu ui vv,
.Now on sale-.Nap-a-lan, John and is growing rapidly
Sharrood and W. 1 Douglas
High Q
Drug S
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. THE BEST EVER"
Kaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
shoes at Wyatt & Co. Store, cor
ner Second and Main.
H. II. Cochran, who is teach-
ing at tne uiumuia Acaaemy
School, on rsorth riains, was in
the rity Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. C. S.
Mondav from a
Braverton, Ore., Oct. 10.
Editor Areas: Ia last week's Argus I
noticed that of the recent Fair there is
left nothing but pleasant memories.
Well, to me they are indeed not very
i..i . i pleasant. There is no doubt that the
laiKer reuui neu . . ,, .v, ..... .. I
few da'S Visit ,v count could produce. Hood River
w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. not excepted, but to give all the credit to
P. I. Lilligard. Of near Laurel, one man is in my estimation not doing
I me rigm ming. u tu conwucu uy au
that nil apples were the best shown and
i ... j .- j I were seiecien so inai uoi uicunmi ui
in-joiiu DiiKMiniiK. '-u1w 1 ny could be found on them-even
Saturday, Mr. 1 humher COmtng the Fruit Inspector told me I was too
to attend the b IT da rv StOCK particular nd my blue ribbons will
how it. For nine boxes ot apples I re-
i mvni six u ue iiuuuui. iwu u uc i uwua
Experienced farmer would like for prunes, and one for pears, making
t Kn( furm WnforonKoa fur. nine nrst prizes, wane sir. nousion re-
nished. Address by sealed letter SSTSj Saffi
only. F. Armer, Care ArguS, mea fair deal? I think not. I went, oa
Hillsboro, Ore. 33 Monday, to Meier & Frank to see the
..- I exhibit, ana to put u very mini, i was
John (ileller, OI above JMOUn- astonished to see Mr. Houston's ribbon
taindale. and who has a nice up. and a card reading "Grown by Col.
Ilttlo vinnviiril una in KriHnv Houston, Hillsboro. I; was understood
i i u that the growers should have their names
ard brought to town some fine I their but , failed toseetUem
samples 01 nis grapes. except Mr. Houston's. I dare sav, with-
1). H. Willers, of beyond Jobe 5!!' 'Lc, JI. ITJ
: ii. rj. .
crossing, was m inc-cuy iuuuuy ,n the county to brmx the fruit Industry
morning. Mr. Willers wants to up to its ptesent standard. I have writ-
Clean Up some land this winter, ten many articles, in the Argus, on the
. i u. . nn n,l.. ii,' fmar, management and care of orchards, which
and has an adv. calling for men ,..?.,,. t .Jni v. ,,v
111 another column. yeari- of experience and study, bnt there
M.. . ii. i c..j.. cki ii seme satisfaction that people are tell-
Uie nvywu ouiiuj iha , . "Uis, I never had better fruit
Will give an enieriauimeiiLai, me tnatl this year, since taking your ad
HevwCKMl schwl house On Satur- vice." And, why should I bediscrimi-
itnv ovonint' October 29. There ti against? But it is the old adage,
,.,,-il 1... ,rrmn nr,H an "Horses that ; earn the oaU don't get
. " i"'" anv." I inclose a clipping from Port
auction sale of pies. Everybody hal;d Journal commenting on the show
invited. Slipper Will be Served, ami who gets all the credit? You can
see for yourself. As far as my spray is
Paul L. Long. Who has been concerned, I have refused orders for bun
running a locomotive over on the 1'ei1? f bytel!! frew Portland dealers,
J,,M ...,lr ,,,,,-i Un-iuin pmt but have refused all of them as I intend
double-track road between tort- to Mmke an honest irticie that the grow-
UlllU aim iuconia, oa uvci nn-
past week, the guest of his broth
er, of the Argus. He expects to
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, Sept 1, 1910.
Capital and Surplus $50000
$259,243.34 Capital and surplus $50,000. (JO
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bond 38.640.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 116,900.04
Undivided Profits
Tkos. C. Todd
"Wilber W.
John E. Bailajr
J. W. Tuqua
J. A. TKornbura;
er can depend on. I could say much
more, but I am intruding on your space.
county seat
work. Call
Tne undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at his farm one mile
south and one mile east of Lau
rel and 8 miles south of Hillsbo-
One hundred tons baled hay, at
right prices, rot particulars,
inquire ol Mays Bros., Clencoe,
Civ. L'oth phones.
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
Miss 11a Blaser has been visit
ing with friends in Portland the
past week.
Albert Koord, who has been at
Umatilla, Ore., for some time, is
home for a short visit with his
mother, Mrs. Alice roord.
Stewart Vaughan, of McMinn
ville. and who formerly resided
near Middleton, was down to the
Washington County county seat
Saturday, grevling his oldtime
friends. Stewart is thinking of
buying some onion land down
this way as a matter of specula
tion if he can find the right kind
, of soil at the right price.
spend the Winter in Arizona and
Southern California.
J. C. Lamkin last week ship
ped by express a barrel of apples
to I. N. Archbold. of Ridge
Farm, Illinois. The apples were
o.l,ifrr x.'itfi irpunt earn nnH
-j..,Kti Anic),m. ro, at ten a. m
wcie uimwuuuuy noiamp- rr.rTTTror v Tnir.H(DtD q
ment ever sent out of Washing- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3
ton CountV, and embraced Sev- Colt, a yrs, Hambletonian strain; pony,
1 ,.o..tio 8 yrs, broke to saddle and a gentle
erai anting. driver; i cows, both in milk, one to be
t-., triif ...u- hoo'tvum fwh Dec 4; with six weaned pigs;
. Ray fcmmott. who has been , bIood Duroc Je , rmce
down at Lowell, bOUthem Ore- ghoats, about 60 pounds each; a lot of
ovm. sin Summer, and WhO IS the full-blooded Buff Orpington cockerels;
Anmnlnn hno. H1W nf hia ai. I Osborne binder, in Rood repair; Osborne
V. I ICll 1 1 IMVll lV C L 1X11 IV t. V. aikJ I , . . 7.,, . ... .
. Km nf tlna nU mower, steel wheel wagon, Oliver chilled
tlOll, not barring any Of the Old- piOWi9teellever harrow, Sharpies. cream
timers, came home the last of u.n.rtor. 2 io-cai milk cans: 1 5-eai
the week lor a few Clays Visit milk cans; 10 tons clover hay ana 5 tons
With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ?t hay, baled ; potatoes in grounu sup-
ti iect to previous sale; 2-seaied hack in
Iiomer Eiitiiiiotu fair rep8r; logging harness; new set sin-
Gracie, the 10-Vear-old dailgh- g'e harness; new saddle; cart, some
f-f n- on, Mw M H Pr. household gooils, farm tools and many
other articles. Lunch at noon.
1 . . r 1 .......... 1 1 , ii.n .1 tnlrAn Tf I
Kt'l, III til t"f 1 V 11IC, WttO liiCU w I C1 ITJ,- fflrt
S: r: imt n,.,ii nf Terms of Sale Under $10,
OL Vlllfl'UWl UUOiHKU UlC 1MV UI , j.f, 1 MJ.
h vvm.U- for nn oneration for sh; W .an.d. over. one year 3
: ;.;nit;o Tho luti-,flP.r time, bankable note, at 8 per
In r fiinn nrA Yr rnnr email I CCIlli
IO C IY 111, C41 Ivi llvl iUUIIJ OlIlMM
friends, as well as the entire
Greenville community, hope for
her a speedy recovery.
IO Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
WE are showing the full line, fresh
from the factory, with many improve
ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date
and stylish.
Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut in two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
I 3
Forest Grove, Oregon
Newton Womer, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
M P. Rt-ponlpa nnrt wifp. who
innv ho visirina- friends in For sale: Fine full-blood Hoi
Washington County, are in' Port- stein bull calf. From fine milk
ing thi wppW storminp- with ing strain. Registered stock.
friends. Thev leave in a day or A. Bendler, Cornelius, Route
fnr Hnmiiam where Mr. 1.
Steeules has some work of re- tween Dudley mill and Hillsboro.
annnciihilitv. Rofore leavincr
Hiiilmm hp wvi thft Rteenles' G. A. Wehrung went to Olym
mviinrrl hplow Npwton. ft cut- pia, Wash., to look after some
back and arranged for horticul- business interests in the Wash-
tural care for it next season. 1 mgion state capital
I put a Victor in your home today, and you
pay for it a little every week.
You want miss the money, and the first thing
you know the Victor is yours.
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