HiUSIOftO AAOUS, OCT fit t'Gt r .1 i is 7-1 "1 M . : ( r I .. s V -i .. - - -- r " i ' " I. 7 1 500 Acres Added to Beaverton-Reedville Acreage Thr lust tract in this hvlttr now cut into acTf-agr lot n.l cflVjexl ( Kile. Rapid devrlopetnmt of entire community now awniied. Select choice location in this Uryc new addition. c have mid nn ihmi vo actci adjoining Ihi new pntlui. which H rapidly developing in fruu and intensive tunning. On!v to units out; cool stream and electric cr serVic; niuuitv conveniences established. Timbered land, with tunning water, $t5 to $.00 p.r cre. All cleared land, ready for crop, fJv per aora and .p. Some tracts with home buildings uml lorae with orchards. Small cash payment anil balance to uit. Call at our other. 145 S Stark slreet, arrange to go with os, out expense to you, ami verify the above. all coui- Olh- Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Surh St. Portland. Oregon i i. vl Monuments Forest can Grove Monumental Worris Save Money for You. '' : m m k Designs and stock, none better. Quality and work manship unexcelled. Prices lowest on coast. All work guaranteed' Orders and all communications promptly attended to. Will call and show designs and samples atjany distance. Main street, N. of P. O. Block. GEE JONES Box 343 Forest Grove, Oregon. If You are Going to Clean Out That Old Fence Row Call and AsK . E. BORW1CK For Prices on American Royal and Pittsburg' Electric Fencing' I am still selling Dough erty Fithian Shoe Co. Shoes. The BEST Of The GOOD ONES All kinds of Farm Machinery and Imple ments, of standard makes. We can sell you as cheap as in Portland, and you save the haul or the freight. J. E. BORW1CK General Merchandise, Reedville, Oregon. m i Gumsey Sawmill Dimension Lumber and Timbers 10 Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. miles from B. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Mill Ji K. W. Pint widup from Rend villo, Monday morning. Now Holland Milchnor horrinff. $1.10 ivr kejr. at Greer. P. l Lorsunir. of Farmington, was up to the city Saturday. Greer keopa a complete and up- to-date line of stand and hanjr ng lamps. Born. October U 1910. toWm. Meierjerjren and wife, of West I nion, a daughter. A new and complete stock of all the latest and best in hooka, at Hoyt's. Herman Uishup, of the Moun taindale saw mill, was in the city Monday afternoon. Ed Mizen. of Shady Brook, was in town Friday, and remem bered the Argus office. Carl Pfahl. of above looming, and Pave Wenger, of Helvetia, were in town Monday. Workmen are busy nutting down the concrete floor in the new Hotel Washington. Thos. Matthiesen, of below Scholia, was a city visitor Fri day and tailed on the Argu while making his rounds. Sam RatTety, of above Moun taindale, was in town Saturday. Sam brought in the champion ap ple for sire at the recent street fair. V. S. Montgomery, of Hood River, was it town Friday, aid oalled on the Argus. Hi son is in charge of th Hood River Glazier. Keep your chickens enclosed! Just received a large consign ment of poultry wire. Now is the time to buy. Emerick St Cor win. Christ Grand, of West Union, was in town Monday, taking out medical supplies for his twelve-year-old daughter, who is sutTer ing from a paralysis. Arthur Bacon, an oldtime Washington County boy, and well known here and at Forest Grove and Mountaindale, was oit from Portland the first of the week. Chas. Gittere, the cigar manu facturer, placed a man at the bench, last week, and will soon have a good stock of cigars on hand for local trade to the re tailers. Persons living in the eountry and wishing to take the Daily and Sunday Oregonian for one year can, by paying a year in advance, get the Argus and an Oregonian map, or chart, for the one price. This offer will not last long-so get in your order soon. W. N. Ford, of Astoria, has been up this week, hunting Chinas with Marshal Maddox, of Orenco. They killed a china rooster that had two gold nug gets in his craw one the size of a match head and the other somewhat smaller. Just where the rooster picked the gold up will remain a mystery. Ja3. H. Sewell returned from a trip down to Myrtle Point, Southern Oregon, Monday, and he brought back with him a fine buck horns and all, so a not to run afoul of the game law. He killed two of them while on his trip and feels that he is still in the "big game" when it comes to hunting, and that he has "came back." Jos. Bishup, of Helvetia, was in the city the last of the wek. He says that he has not heard a word as to his son, Joseph, who suddenly disappeared from Scap- poose, several years ago. f he missing man had just returned from Portland, and had paid $125 down on the purchase, and had left about $600 in one of the business houses of the ity. lie turning to his work, he complain ed that he did not feol very wll. and had taken a gun and gon out for a walk. Since that time he has neither been seen nor has he communicated with anyone. His relatives hare given up hopes of ever seeing him alive. Young Bishup is a brother of the saw mill men of near Mountaindale. Memories of pioneer days were forcibly brought to mind Satur day, when a schooner, drawn by a horse and a cow, driven by a forlorn looking traveler, passed through this city enroute for the Siletz, where the immigrant had purchased a homestead right. He had his family of a wife and two small children with him, two yellow dogs, and a brindle cow, the latter of which looked as though she were a Texas long horn from the Panhandle dis trict. The man was very taciturn and refused to stand tor an in terview, but the woman looked as chirky as a Washington Street belle- Portland Washington Street is meant here and if she doesn't make things hum over in the Grand Ronde it will be be cause she falls sick or gets dis gusted with the "better half." COTSWOLD BUCKS THE STORE OF QUALITY - Second St. Hillsboro, Both Phones People of OKEOON it is now Up To You I'll i'i"tt l'olonlt l',t wilt 1 i - Iwrrn (M-lriulwi Ijth nil (M.'lwl I Ih luting wliUll l l ,.,1 ti. krU W HiIUIhiio lt I on ' 'Ull)f fioiu $33 oo 32.00 25.00 2500 2500 A. E. McCUMSEY Cornelius, Ore , Route I I have for sale a numberof year ling and Spring Cotswold bucks, of the best registered strains. Call and get your pick, Jos. Cawrse, North Plains, Cornelius, Ore., Route 1. 25-33 UNDERW UNDERWEAR! 1 EAR to srll int lmlr now all w ill That's what we wunt Our new supply weights. Surely we have the hind that suit you. We bought these goods rii'.ht and have made SPECIAL PRICKS on them. Please call and sec. We can save you $$$$$ Bost Firo Insurance MlvNV ok I...SSKH 1, JOHN VANDkkwAl shire 1-iu- lusU,.UH.cC farlAc Nuir. wt U Chicago at St. Louis Omaha Kansas City St. Paul oti.l It'.mi Olhrl lltr f.inr.HH'tly Thrw me WrtlUiilM.t. OiwT firiulr. tivi'lic lirl rM I'lr ..y (of rUlirt vi I if ilriitcl NOW IS THE TIME M lrl (he o!.l know ol ntf ! I toiif.'ri 6.t .plrn.ll.l i. l.ltulUU fill iiiimi: in ii.iim;. wmi iuw' tlu 111 ln.tni. lnr .tllltrl Itlollcf , .n.l rtl (liriil 0l ill f 'f Kr0 In ir it lull lull lliuir lliu half ii.ii .l r.l, iit l f!l OM lriirrlil ali i'( the Southern Pacific Co. fur Ui!r,lir.l liifiiiltiiii. 01 ttiM WM. McMURRAY (lctut.il Passenger Acut PORTLAND, DUHC.ON. Compare Our Prices -11 .. ... LTVl"'.!.. .J I i" li , Yours for a always ROWELL BROS. & CO. BCHOLLS, OREGON, Plume s x ' PIONEER WOOD YARD aii ,.f r:. n,.u ...,,i A-i ill iiiiiua vi t 11, uai .11111 iii Wood, four fiMit, or 16 iiuh. First class Mouutaiu I'ir and Al pole Oak. Prices reasonable. All fir wixk! sold by lue will be sawed for 50c per cord fur lir, (ie )cr cord for outside wood; (x.c jut cord for liardwoixl. Three-eul sawing, ire extra. HOT It TKI.KI'lloNI.S. 3S John W. Masters. AN INDEX OF YOUR CITY IS YOUR LOCAL BANK Our Banking House is one of the solid Institutions of Washington County. Us management is of the safest, (live it your deposits. Danh at Home, where ou can daily meet the guardian of your funds. Try our Savings Department and Fee how it will make your deposit grow. CORNELIUS State BANK Cornelius, Oregon. New - Meat - Market SECOND STREET Saelens &i Spiesschaert, Proprietor NOTHING BUT FIRST CLASS STOCK CARRIED. The management will be pleased to have old and new patrons call whether they buy 01 not. Market open for inspection at all times. Wc' are here to stay. Highest price paid for kef, pork, veal, hides and pelts. " i.-i,,, 1. mm mmm .', u "' ...i.t nnmJZ' Wise Dental Co.Z I'alnleai DcntUti ftitaf few. ik t4 .i-M fjtwm m "- i.i; i.Mnjf I CI K (IIVIR Barber Parlors Courteous Tu atmetn Capable wiiikimn Hath in I'uiuu aiuii, ami 1 l'inc Sh' ah P.atli Newly l-uriii'.hed Shop. , trial will pica c you. JAMES ANDERSON, Pythian ltM. HilW AU MINIM HAT HIX' NOTICK .p.TuttliHi U My I'ulirarnt Jlo In n ! licrty liiltn tlil III ll,ilnrl'Xl : 1. Ifii npi'iinln.1 .1 111 U lt r l f I m "I U10 ) ( n lUirnanl Wcfliult, lhaHl, . 1 it.h f ( Hi" r.itiiity I una nf Id MU ul 1 in-,;. hi for V i.liuiuUiii i iumljr in.. on Uir ( iUjt if Autfn.i. A. I . Iwli) ml I, . -1 . . I y .pilinl tin h Aiiiitnilrlfit, S in, I hrrrfurn. All ierwi liatlng .-t-.iiik ' nl mi1 Ktln mtm Itoivliv im ii. ml in. I rr-iilrv. l.i inwnl Ihniti tlli tho ,.r..i.r v.iiii lici' ! in. ! th ofttr uf II t ..iif 10. Jr.. Aitnrtiir ! I, hi Uin luilrr filmi UK)! In llilliU.ro, urruii. vtttiiu ! niuiitlt frutu Id. I '.e uf tlm (tr.l iiilili ll.ni nflht luHlrv, tu t. iilin nit munllit frum Auiul I1I1, I H" A nii W lh"f1. A.niiiii,lrlil uf Ilia '('. uf llnrnanl linff. 1 I, 'Mi" H. TuitKu. ir . AUiirii)f fni Ail mmlouttrt . 1 lirtlr rii-ii Hil lU 'Ui Itfue-t, ttn.ut.il ul tti.l M Ir.Uuiciil uf Uio ;u I" li X k)W. b lMl, llM ni I'll I Hi i'iil il IM .liiilnl.tl!! Ul uf Mi-I Ut ,:lh 111 n.unljr r.uifl uf Hi. Mat uf IllTfJO,! Waalilnrfuit l .uinlr i l Ihtl ll m,I mull l,fltal M !.y, Utl..ll ! tsi. I len in uf Mi l ' T,ln lli nxinf mull ni.Mii In iuii"li''i. itt. v lii lltue.iul til" l" li''ii -t Inniii)lii Hill ftmulltll. If n V llirf ! tut 1 1 Uio filial Uiii"t ( I wuw. T. M KMX K.lntttol uf U"- III ill"ltnH muni f A'loii. a iKi.a i M'H.i.if.i. ' (.. u.v.;nhijf Hi(iiiIi. IUk J.iIiii !. Wall. AU i M Kuwu. Nolkr ol l innl Sctllcmcfil N'nllra ! Iirl'r pf. l!c.iilrl Nullcc .tin (Jil in iw lKt.nl, no. iil.it ul Ul" Ul l.llrt m lli.lll uf Ji'OII lnllil'. llMl. " fllfol hl rm.l xvmm "I lli Hull uf Ml.l rUU .illi II" I'uunlifun.l ( lllll hll f Olrk'. !l fur Mt f.iiltiir ."'I ll'' 1 r""' hu"" humlar, Moeiiil- I'lo. l i.i.". Mill ilar, at llm iiniMir muiiMm lllll.bulii. ItiatMli. Ul.ti il' U..U, IO lam w M-Ul'ill'lll ' S'llui I lirtnl.y i;lrii llial llin uinUr " h'lir.t IliW Imttii liy Utn illUlll iMtirt uf tin' -SUlr uf Orrtfull fur Ilia (Viuulr uf asiiiiiCiuii nuif ainiiii aa-uirii oi i fU hrin final "' J I'm t&ot in ami iratauiiitit uf John Olautt I ouulil ll l lu llin Ima .rrwi.il, ami llial ,li liai July iiialfiiNl I Mia, M ll II. Nu. Ijirrrfura. all nrnia liarlnn rUim, maIii.I llin rvlntff nf i m!i Jlillll uUuii iu.Taci ata liriobj tunllflml ami f r.iilfMr.1 In .u..,l lltrlll lolliral hl ft. iidrtu al W rfl.ni, Uimiiii, lUiulna, I'm i in muIiiii an iiiuiiili from ilalo hrrnuf, ami wtlli uf iir viitirhria allat'lial ilirtuu. 1 (! at llnatarliiii. OlMilt, llllll ,HritrllllK I. 11H. Klna Oltuii, K t ra ulrl i nf Die lul will ami mtamaiil f 'lilt It O n.,11. ltMV..M . Walilrmar hnlmi. ill IT! Wufilr i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k . I'lirHaiul, Orrifiiii, alluriirjf fur in utr 1 1, i.Mii',11 v l v'-Vlllli.v Rlwtllur ta.4 alll ami li"Um"il J luhti Vnmlonl'iir. tli-vt. Juli'ii'M 'wall. Ali ni'T ("f "" bUMMONb IN THK I IIU I IT f ni HT or TH NT ATK or oIlKu'iN. Ki'K NoM All i't MHICI; or S.M.I; riattili" I lirfrn-lanl 1 I'uraiiaiil to an ( riltr nf Ilia Cumily ('tmrt nf llin Mala uf Orrtfiiu fur Ilia I'uunlV u I llUlllimk, Inn. In nil llin .1)111 iy III Hlil tiMiii.fr. Ililii. friuii aiul allut llm .vth itay I Oi iulmr, lulu, I, llin niiitrrattfiinl, Knar .Inn uf Dm i tkin nml ntaln of Ikinalil Sua mall, a iniiinr, aliall iruw. lu all ul (irlvaiii lo fur nvli, all rltflil, lllla nml lull-nut ul nattil inlimr In nil In Una iiiimlittrril llin ii li ami ( I) In rln tlun (0) in To iinliip twu i;) Nnrlli nf Itangaali HI Wtmt nf llin Wlllainrltn Mnrtillau antl llin rt tl hail ul llin Huiillii-aal qnarlnr nl iiil.l Hix.tlmi III In mil. I Tuliiiliti 1 Nurlli nl Kiiiu II Wral nf (lit) Wlllaiiinllfl Ma rlillaii, nil In llin I .unity uf Waxliliij(Uill unit Htntt nf Ori'K"ii. Iliila III li ninirril dv ma at N'u. K2X I'lminlii r nf Cni iiuiiri ii al I'urLlaiul In Ilia 1'iiiiiity nf MnlllMiumli anil Hlata t.l Orn- Kon. (ti-irun W. KlKtir. (Iiinnllttii aa aloraaalil. ilrlllU"! Suna Van llriiitl. Ilrt Van llfunl To Itiuirjr Vail I1""'1 l,,U.im...a of llii; W.l. ara.tI.T ln.,.ilr-.t " '!'''',, , W.I ll.a l u,.. -lalnl l ...flll...l.l-..l ,V,l',htfI. plar nr anawn , IT aanl n rallnf iirm.t, n ... . nnimii, ... " " In. v.iii ami fur am Ii 1 rtillrif a may ii Hi" t'"1"1 i.ul.lii.1 l.yor. -r..f ii.. I; Hlalaul llrrnuii, "'."". '71J hir" ,( r nml i"""". kCI'AIUINd AND TUNINd AlUimi'T '", 1 Notice lo Creditor ... nillE Twriily live yenn tiniriKe nl ttiaklnv. I i M Tint COUNTY Ci'l'IlT ' ti .nltiiiK n. tiinliiK iliiiiiKiUuiliilriit HTATK OK oll',i(,s tU KiiiiniiiUr Unit Vrwn, llie tunrr, ran w a h II I Nil CON l ol'NTV iwlUfy anynu.l nil wlio wl.h ibrlr In- WAHHIWUi airiiini'iiu iitli-ndr.l. UccuiiiuieiiiU (ruiu In tlm Mnllar ofllif r.""'"1 I i-vc iy linn llml Ima oiwmL.I lit I'ortUntl .. , "f... n.,..l.! lur Hit- ...si an yraia, l.r.idra Hi hatttin " . , lh unlr fu.Mt.rua Li K.mli.11. Iu-v, Slrlii,Y , N.Hlr- la Jbrif'u" 'M , linl'- ml iilhi-ii C.iiiitry wmk iilw.yi wef '.'S'' ' I. I"""1".'" cine. l.e,,v or t.l.Mmn ..Xa Vn tuK.Jl.i:i M.Cnrmjtk.or I.) Ihr l'allnm l'uini.J " 7..T:'. 7, r ,J r,.rW.-'"f1'"!, : iiiv .iiiiir, I , .i,.!, A. I'. VI'.NKN. I'lHMO runrr. Iiaatlnf. I'm nl- VI'.NKN. IMnno fimrr. SOUTHERN PACiriC '" V .1 .1 1141 1 ...I llllll . . ... I mini fllll'1t " , ...a ly. ii nr maun . H1,iiliir" in tluiy n'laiuii"! !iV"'p Now, llinwliit". a" I" . r,,noi Unvc for Portland Koreat (irove I.ocnl 6:i a. m luilrrn on J'unrlh Si. Slieriilan I'Uer H:4i a. m. Knli-M Union Depot vl 0wcKo I'ortHt (Uove Loonl mj , I'.nli ri on Jellumon Si. l orcm i, rove l.wnl Itiilern on l'ourth Hi CorvitlliH Uverlnml 5:0 p Hiilrr on 1'imilh St. Hlalnii annliml aal.l ,1,,, aili llatlaml r..Ur. in i - llin umli-ramiHHt, l"K- i " n,,, of ' vonrlirra llmrrlur, nl ' ' . ' ,,.l,hi'l( Illllainr... WlohlllK"" , f th. on or Uillirt. Hit l H"1 ,r"'" ( H..I...I ll.ly I lul III lltr III, I'1'" m J'"'" 1 "., M II. luttniu JIJI p. til. A.liuliiUlratiir llf UK' Dav.npnit. ilfini".. lalrnlnr- fnr A'l'"1"' Dl. tleiiie1" A-nrn l'orllnnd for IlilUlioro Corvnlli Overlmut 7:ao a. m Linvft on l'ourth Kt, I'orrnt C.rove I.ocnl 8:o ni. i,iHVei on I'ouitli St. I'urrHl Orove I,ockI i;oo Lriivm on li ft, mm Mi 8l.rrl.lHii I'lver 4:oo , I.inviii Union Driot, via WlllHliurir I'on-Ht C.rove Uirnl . . , , j;40 p I 'nvtB on l'oiiilh St. Notice of Flo' Null... In hnrehy Kv'H I'.L11'.'"! iKiiial Ailmlnm-rnUir f , h, tllr U.iiln V.n.lm,..vi.ri..f, ;' ot pf ,,lh?(:onnty(r ; ,,, P Iuilll lor w annua" .. (.i nuinici , thai nnlil (loiirt h "V"1.. iiilfl. t I7ih y niH" 1:01 Z Ico cream ilclivfr-ml f part ol the town. Remember we liave lla.elwfMid. Hoth tele- phoneH. - Koober'H Confection-cry. o'oliM'.k A. M.ofNKi.i i.y. - oo.irt itnom Hl'" inclV"", tlmr. ml pin f'T ',r'"'r1,.. liiial ,cl" nnlil dual Hul lit. aiiu i' nient of wtlil .Hint". u.,i(,iiitn"i ' Dnto.1 U1I11 I HIi DiV (ifHoi't"'1' ,,r II... imLillfl III I.' "'" X ilmiaNil, vol. Argua and Jouru-1, 2.25.