The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 20, 1910, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    HlU8BG0 AAQU9 OCT. in. mo
jyi Thl Will Open lH.r to All.
I ree of Tuition
H r.i.bli.bra' Will C.pltlc
dm.alloaal Sysleni
SupL M- ('W4, of t,',, Wu''
inKt(l County SchU. wIh-h
qutinel yeterduy ulM.wt the
LM'.I Hitch Sehool Futul law.
vhirh wU'T will 'l" at
the coining election. Kuid:
"The question of the llitfh
Sthinil Fund to U voted on ut
he roiling NovemU-r eh-ction,
puW it "l to the voter of Well
ington County to decide whHh.-r
they will provide exccllfiit Wyh
,ch.H U'lvuntage tr their "il
jrvn or continue to Bond them
out.ti'l''tif tin' county for Haiti ltd
vnta . Under the ytem. if
jml.-iwl at the NovemU'r elec
tion, tli" tlimrsof any high whool
in Wu-ituntfton County will Ire
own to pupiU from nny dint rid
in the county without paying
tuition. In other word wild uyri
tern will frm the whole county
into one iliHtrict for high ru-hool
wr-. with neveral high
ichonlnhituutHll different parts
of tin- county. Under thin law
my district may ntart a hik'h
fchiml and U entitled to draw
$.d nr pupil from the hik'h
tfi-hool fund up to the tiumlM-r of
IS) piipili. providing naid amount
It iaul f Ir t hat iluiK rirlutn
li((i . work. Any (irl.n hiII
urtltritil any wirb athuul ilhoul
ln( tuilii'it Ai II l now. after the pupil
U boulird tltr Hlh K'lr bla M kix'l
dtn " nuleae till pa.rt.ia can mmI
kin lu " A C. or awn oUirr buol of Ibc nmiilt, or put up
hm (r tilt tullk.ii In Ih high atho( al
Purrat llrua or IlilUhofO, AI pirarnl,
llllttluia and Fwrfl Oo m malii
U oic( f"r year tiltb arboola, but tlir
Uilton h i rar, and Ibti with tlir
rati of Uwitl ami buuka la Uuttc limn llir
ti: (aiinrr ran afford, racially l(
to h. arteral rht'.iltrn lu rdi.ralr
Wbrrrai. it llw High 8thal I'lind U
ralabtlahrd, tit only riprnaa In attaint
luf hi(li K hnut will be tha board ami
luki. Willi fl bl(b tcbiMii near ai
luw tint cq luitkin to J. (aiutrr ran
irat luottn nrar the nbool hrrc hit
chililiraraa da llialr cwa raiklritf. ami
fifiriitra may t rvtlurtil lo the actual
cut) t( 1 1 1 11 K at bow, and for lo dayi
Is rarb artk Un hoy and flilicaotr
lain liunie 10 thar In Ihe altilra oi thrlr
koa life. W'ltb Ibti High Hiboul I'und
ntatilMbnl, uur at bml lyatriu In
IdiIimi ( tiunlr will I coniIrlr, kiIiii
oui rhil lira Iht oplmttuiilty of allrrnf
lD(arh(t tmul h f art 6 it l trart
M c, ami fuillirr rdiw-allon. II hi:II
Mini to ntrialli In any riiuia'
CDaiar. ruuld I rarrlcd out by aald pupil
IbimiKli Ihi uB cHuru.
J 'miiig ibc at acboul yrar, 111 uIU
(tatlualnl limn I lit Nth arailr,
A laitr if cent of tbrar ttia.lualrt arr
IbrnuKli ihr gradr laughl In larlr boutr
diiltlcl, and lo carty Ibelr at btvl wotk
lurthrr rami Icav bom and iwt !r lul
lion, Uanl. and bouk. Ttie CtMinly
Huh St houl fund ealablUbrd will kii
Uif h,m,i, ( all IHkIi Srbuula In Wanh
iBKlon County, frr of tuition."
R C to John K I'rarJ. H 75
Cli Hlrwart donation. f I no
K N Jrnar it to F I Wtblirr, actri
WMUiri w 175
W (,' 1 Iratnii lo A C Kiu(er, rhi inn
wj'Uill ..
hlitli Kmworlby lo A II Stiwlrr, lt
In Vallry Vlrw ad Forrat ('.rovc.,1 oc;
Wu mmrlaon to J J Krrba, W K
Jnckxin property, Firl alrert.
inn lUtrn 1500
in Kuprrrbt to fran Ixirent, J a
fj'imiw. H;s
lluiacr lligrlow to W 8 Morrta, Hi a
arc iu I r m 7V
rivii Miui-brn to Nellie lliown, 10 a
iiirim as'
lliMtiiin Uhmann to Klifalwtb
ljiulKiii(t, a lota Uliuianu Acre
Trurt Iixm)
Bi'lna Kanr to William Kane, 661U0
I'acllic Ave, I'oreat Grove,
HM !,uirl loWlllia Ireland, loin
urn 7 iui'kr& Stewart ad. J5l
hie WciSKcrtief toCbai Hermann
4 wc jj lliriw J'h
ijiih Kimk to David IMbrook, 1 acre
J li u lllrkliu donation J"
Atciiiittiiop to Pioneer KMiicational
. iwirty, 1 lota Klecl'tad Ileaverton H
l'ortl.1,,1 llclvbu Realty to Albert
W'lilirl, j Iota 1'orlland Hebta
No. j
K'j'a June Darretl ci'aV toTrephnu
Pleru-ln, 16s acrea near Green-
, vine l4o5
iianv AnderaoD to t)caf Carlaon,
. 1 1 arira C'haa Klewart donation., lo
J,"y ("Hrien t0 jM .uther, 40
u- 2 nrw. 173"
"einian Mcixirer to Barbara Camp-
" l't 6 blk 41 Meliger Acre 4'"
""'mil aielmer to Murdock Ktew-
ft. lot 1 blk 41 Metiirer arret 3H0
H Watta to Krneat Renter,
.. 0 S Marvll Watta donation... . aoo
orllnnd Height Realty to Mra
Mm V M Huahea. 1 lnta Port lull d
, Hr'nlila No, S i.A 1
J0" H Smith to C A Parvln, 40 a
c h t a 1 r 1 w 10
Mark I) Puttpt to-Q . Burton Beat,
alxiiit o acrea tee as t 1 n r 3 w....
Jaiiim Sewell to V B Knderlin. ao
re halley & Hewell Acrea... 4o
. I irnrtla Ada M Curtla, tracta
4 nn.l 38 Virginia Place
Al'K V. Hcbrteder to Marie B Kocti
""man, aec 16 1 a a r i w
1 wish to clos out all my Fal
nd Winter hats. Pleaae call and
B lor yourself the splendid bar
Kailia VOH eon ant -
Mrs. Uhea Frost, Main & Third
. Wanted: Cook for sawmil
navinfr crew of about six men
will ensrao-e for Winter. Woul
rather have man and wife-man
to work in mill or woods, and
woman to cook. Bishup Broth
f'ol. P. I,. Houston, f-f IlilUUi.1
ro. in on tlie tate tickt fur
Stat- l.alir CoiimiiiHiniicr ainl
liix name in tin- tirnt from Wash
iiiKton County hinreaway hark
in the ilark nes. Of cnurse, lt
ii on the ili iiiim rat ic ticket, hut
in wi'' rriwhlicati, the nt hi r day.
Ut it: i- outrht ti five l):uc
t'oiHl n.ii .in vote ami not con
M'liT iMihtll'H w hen we V'ct ilowii
tint other. Jlr in worthy.
h it w ide ai-uuaifitance ovrr tin-
Ktatr. ami would make a han up
llirial. Ah for llir I'm L' ti.
ivr him a vote, and Me.- if
an t i'ct oth.-r n inihliratH to
ivr him a cimmI semi otf in this
ounty." Im ii no paid adver-
tiHruieiit, rithi-r. ami David will
not k now of t l,n until he read;; it.
When tin- kitchrn is properly
piippnl th.-iv in xuimhinr in the
lounr. i nine in and Her our
'hainpioii and Charter Oak
anri. They are the In'.st.
Iinrii-k iV 'orw in.
Coumilitian I'M. Schulinrrich
hainnan of the flf'.IHiO re-
UIHlin ImuiiIh roiuniittee, is ad
ei li.un for Healed hids for the
urcha.iC of the i;lHiir. The Ixim)
iHsuew ill lie for taking up out
MtariditiK' warrantM on the water
and la'hl fund, and will lear Kix
-r rent. Interent will hr rol-
rctrd heini annually.
Just arrived the famotm W.
Doulas hlioe, formerly han-
lled in the city hy W'ehrunk' &
Sons. For a J.!. flu kIum' these
annot U lieaten hyany mIhm- the
world ha worn. W'yalt & Co.
Speaking of climati! where
uld you lind a more U-autiful
OctnlM-r (lav than M'terdav, with
its warm hree.e frmn the north
and l-Uat? Old settlers were out
taking in th warm sunshine; the
nick, fell U-tler; and nil nave the
limine kicker at the eternal tit-
nr.HM of think's fell that life was
worth living a thousand times!
I he Schiller a 10 cent ciar,
and the (Irand Marca. a two fur
duarter civrar. are w hat you
want when you buy a ciar.
Kept at every har in llillsUini.
Ask for them.
llau in fur the road out hy
the W arren and Jackson places,
northwest of the city, has com
meneed, and it is expected thai
it w ill take aUut three weeks to
macadamize as far as the work
is mapK-d out.
Just Kmrick & Corwin to
r .1 I
see one oi uieir new k'opnci
trats. Cu ts them every turn
and there is no chance of shout
in yourself or running a spear
in vour hand.
Jural mail curriers have leen
uiviiiL' ine weainer lor men
lailv trips for the past severa
lays, ami tlie roads have Urn in
lineshaiH- for travel. The entire
hunch iret hack into llillslHiro
arly in the afternoon.
Mm A M P.rown. who has
H'-n visitinu: Uick at Salem,
owa. for aUnit two years, r
Inrne, inme f Hi lav. aui is nea
til to k'et hack to Oregon.
I' our men wanted to jrruh
Will furnish team, stump puller,
nlile. iKwer. etc.. to rik'in
i.nriv i). 11. vuuers, iiiiim-oio,
' . .. i i:n .1
Dir., Koute 4. 1 hree miles bourn
i - ' : .... ., . ...i.
west of HillsUiro.
Miss Meta Wallace luw accept
el a iHisition in lloliman a store, at forest drove,
I her new duties the
first of this week.
Tim Modern Woodmen will krivc
a dance in their hall at Ivcctiviue,
. .. . i'u .
Saturday evening October
Tool I c s orchestra, iicheis.
Supper extra. v.ihhi nine
sured. KveryUnly invited.
c r. Mullov and W. N. Ha
thorn, of 1-aurel, were in town
nfternoon. ami were
rniovimr the rarest of October
a - '
m.i.w... t Aloha Hall. Corneli-
' .V . ...;..., n,.lol,ii-'.
us, aluruay eviim., .
Walkers' orchestra, hverybody
J J. Smith, for many years
farmink'on the North Plains, has
I o i n new V ourcnaseu
miMi-ii i.v -- ,- .......
farm near Lebanon, unn coumy
If llwinl ill II 11V thimr in the
i i, i:,m whieh vou have failed
to lind elsewhere, iook vni-"uB..
Hoyt s Uok deparimenu
J W. York, who ranched near
i i;m, for miiiw vears. minks
..f mnv nir from ine uruvc
Ol III". ."O -- - , . ,. , lf
Ilillsboro, and to mane una ..,
his homo.
ah nf Dm latest Uwks. in both
n,l Hlanihird WOfks. Will
IICIIUII Uiin on..." - ,
, I... in mv bOOK 00
aiwaya "" :
u...ri. Smith, of Forest Grove,
. . i nrniltfl
was in town yi'swumj, v.
to Orenco, where ne mcv
Umnd for the l.iencoo Btrnu..
Money to loan on real estate
security. We sen
us. -The Webfoot
HillsUiro "
Ileal ty
it. iimti nf Hanks, was in
JUIIII lUKVi'l - - ,l,.,
town yesterday, and says it looks
like a biif acreatre of Fall sown
o-rain in his secuon
:.... niivn Cnndis. of Amity
was 'in the city Monday, the
guest of hor motnt;r Mr3, x
Father LeMiller, of the Vor
boort Parish, was in me cuy y
Mr. William Ku nr. of I i.n-il
hove, Died Monday Niuht
w M
UcJ Cuntiiluuuslv in Wahinrlnn Gum.
ly Sixty l ive Vcara
Mrs. Sidna C. Kane, aed 70
years, and wife of William Kane,
i' u ai im- lamiiy liomein I'orcst
. .1 ,
drove. Momiav evetiinir Oelolu-r
r .... v.".
17, l'JlO. after an illness of sev-
ral w eeks. Her health had Urn
failing for a nuniU-r of years.
T liushand and two children
re with her when death came.
Mrs. Kane's maiden name was
Sidna C. Cornelius, and she was
native of Missouri. She came
to Oreon in M' w ith the oritri-
al Cornelius family, and thev
tiled on the North Plains. She
as a sister of the late Col. Cor-
lius. the founder of the city of
( orne ins.
Mr. and Mrs. Kane were mar
ried .ScptemlHT Z. 1S.7;. The
iel husliand and two children
survive .Mrs. .John iiehlne. of
rtland, and l-'rank T. Kane, of 1 hree children have
assed awav.
The funeral took place from
the family residence in the Grove.
it one o'clock yesterday.
Mrs. Kane was a lovahlc
woman, ami had a w ide pioneer
Of her immediate family two
sisters ami one hrother survive
ohn II. (Vnelius, Cornelius
Mrs. Ann Freeman, Jiillsltoro,
md Mrs. Kmma Ulum. of San
rancisco, Cul. Mrs. Kane was
an aunt of Postmaster P. P. C-or
pt lu.ic sai.i:
'he undersigned will soil at pub-
ist if Hil hUu'J 1 ml
He h'll f nines mirth west of
llvilL at en a m on
KttiiMiif, ai un a. m., on
sale at his farm 3 miles dm
Until lmrw, w vrarn, I V', K'V male, h
14 k, gray hoitc, lo yr, liou; uray
mine, 10 via. lion. nil niKklinif coll a rniir lu ail I milk cowt, full blotxl
nl ami crxlnl Ji-rwy. all in milk, rum
iii liruli from Jnnuury I on; two hrifers,
r, lulI'Mioil Ji-iM va, w till rail, 4 lit-1
icr caivra. full i.w j,-,vv bull, cominK
yrar.; ( biii.ler, Wooila mower,
u" l- ...i.i .i.... !....... .i I
1 1, liurrni. t li r.-u-rt II ill li'rl itmu
h.Mu.,,.r. hr.vy .VV H..rK
' ' ni
on, oi.l waKn. utavy aprinK waKon,
own iuit; y . carl, an uravy wora liar
iii-u, all liouM-lmld furnilurr, 3 brilroom
tuitra comiilrlf, 11 't nlriiMun dining
Intiir, kiU'lirn IhIjIi-, Home Comfort
rnK liralrr, kilcht-n utensils, No. 4
!miiir crram ncparnlor, 6 lO-gal crram
can, laitu lixuit ami numerous onicr ar
lic!c, all willuuit rracrve. Twenty
r , '1 iwiiri IVkin ilncka, 2 paira In
ihii Kiiiinrr ilm-ks, ami mhik chickrna
Conirll niriilmtor, 100 capncily, and a
'crji-o Pay brooder.
I.uiuh at noon.
Terms of Sale - Under $10,
ash; len and over, one year
ankahle note, at 8 per cent
1 wo per cent, oil on cash ove.r
ten dollars.
James Borw ick, Owner,
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
J. E. Borwick, Clerk.
coronation or yunr.N
The (hurns of Avilion, of Hills
oro, will give an entertainment
wi be the coronation oi me
newly elected Queen, Miss Mar
iraret Hancock, lhis will lie fol
owed by a musical and literary
imirram. and the Queens prom-L,
e a rare treat to all whoattend.
Admission, 10 cents.
The undersigned will sell at pub
ic sale near the Palmateer place.
1-2 miles southwest of Reed
ville, at 2:00 p. m. sharp, on
..... 1 . 1.. .11.. ...
llrown lionte.H yrn, ".', .any at;, rmo
irtu... ivttir uihi. 111 vrn. nwv. muv enii
Irive; irrav noma, 1(5 yra. 1100, triie to
,ull;eow.8 yrj, in imu. aue w iwannn
Vl.niary l; n. ? '"V"
March. April ami May;
ul.iu. 'i.vr Htetir. new roi
! "l. Vi 1 .. ... 1.1 ..
rott u lu ri,, ,i -1 u w inn
iir waizoii. irood as now, nen 'til inn
ton liuirirv. noln ami shaft,
almost iibw; set almoxt now work har-
neHa; old ImniHsa, 6 Uiotl. ciiiuvawir, io
in..i i.l.iw. riillnir oulllt. saiblle ami bri
dle, "almpa," apurs ami quirt; Umpire
crtam separator, 8 6-l milk cans, 6-Kl
Imrrol churn, and numerous oiuer sru
Terms of Sale-Under $10,
cash; Ten and over, one year
bankab e note, at a per ceiu,
Two per cent, off for cash.
1'. c. Wilson, uwner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
wu-amv Tnn.mnnd Mm Re-
llhamMLL h Zh (VntS
ville. were united in marriage at
the home of the bride's father,
Hon. O. W. Marsti, at Renter-
vine, uciouer it, ix", ncv,
ar . i!
jvioore oiuciaimK.
George Hellaire, 01 Ulencoe,
was in the city yesterday.
wanted: To buy cheat seed.
A F. Homrich, Beaverton. Ore.,
Route 4, Box 11.
Geo. Zetzman, of North Plains,
wai in the city yesterday.
Porn, to A. P.. Caples and wife,
of Forest Grove, OcUU r 10, PJlO.
a son.
Marriae license has Urn
ranted Wilbur II. Weston and
Pena Purser.
l!orn. to Walter Heaton and
w ife, of near Scholls, OctoU-r 19,
l'JP), a son.
Jud MeGahey is carry in a
hand in a slin. the result of a
severe case of hhxxl rioisoning.
J. P. McNew. of U-low l-cd-
ville. up to the city yester-
(lay afternoon
Sheriff Hancock
made an of-
ficial triji U Portland and Jeffer-
son, the first of the week.
The HillsWo LurnUr mill
started its wheels this week and
will run on orders indefinitely.
1 have added a very complete
lm'' 'f cloth-Uund Uxjks to my
ueparimeni.-u W-
S. A. I). Mcik, of beyond
Glencoe. was in the last of the
week and pays that plowing and
seeding are in lull blast out his
M. C. Hewitt, the cariienter, is
still m the housemoving business,
and it you have a building to
move, sec him for an estimate.
Postmaster P. P. Cornelius
and wife were at Forest Grove,
yesterday, in attendance at the
funeral of the late Mrs. William
lame at Morse Hall, Beaver-
tun. Saturday evening, OctoUr
Richard s orchestra. Splen
did floor. Tickets, $1. Supper,
Z" cents.
Jesse West and Anna Richter
were united in marriage ai me
Roy Catholic church. October 19,
1910. Rev. Father Uaum offi
Gabriel Dohra and Szida Arg-
yelan were united in marriage at
the home of the groom, Orenco,
OctoUT 17. 1910. Rev. Frerichs,
of HillsUiro. officiating.
Axel Anderson and
' tVy?1 nnf
fl U,'n ltc holc church, Octo-
lr 19. 1910 Ilev. I-ather Daum
bmtinir the nuotia s.
celebrating the nuptials,
& Kuhsch nav cash
for fresh eggs. 40 cents; first-
class dairy butter, to cents per
roll. Klmomca Station, Uregon
nmn..r rfmcr.H-t anH vlin Wnnws
! . , ,.. n
nuw lu ii u lit aim iisii u vu I
terday. accompanied by Wm.
. I
He nir.,-
Mrs. Bertha Drew Gilman. of
Heppner, insjected the Woman's
Belief Corps in this city, yester-
dav. The G. A. U. members
were present and they enjoyed a
luncheon at noon, the session
was a very pleasant anair ana
was uiorougniy enjoyea Dy me
members ot both organizations,
Mrs. Gilman w as accompanied to oy ner niece, miss uu-
man, oi i oriianu.
A.rnni rwmr tbp PWtrif
in mis city, ami Ageni in.
th jf tv nn A.rpnt N. I
Atkins, of the same line at
Forest Grove, were down to
u.....i.,.i ...... ,.io f o mrinn-
l ui tianu cnn iviujf oi a mc-cking i
called by W." E. Coman, general
freight, and. passenger agent of I
the road, to informally talk over
Ulf View ui uiauKUiuuiiK a luiii-
paign for business,
At?lltS from I
, .. Ba 0, nu
, l ' U Tu;a f Z "nl su,
Uhand onemileeastof Lau-
rel and 8 miles south of Hillsbo-
ro, at ten a. m., on
Colt, a yra, Hamblelonian strain; pony,
s yn, broke to aaie and a geutie
driver; a cow, notn in mua, one 10 oe
fr.h IWi'Mn -ith six weanetl ois:
fuii-bioo.1 nuroc Jersey w; 17 mc
ahoats. about 6r pounds each; a lot of
I f..n I.I.....1...1 D..IT n,nin mi.-
in-unwi ........ v. f. t
1 1 inortie Dinner, in uouu rcpttir. vswnic
mower, steel wheel wagon, Oliverchilled
,0 8tt.e, lever harrow. Sharpies! cream
ienarator. 2 lo-eal milk cans; a 6-Bal
, lk cans: ,0 ton. clovet.hav and tons
1 , , . - f k
oat Imv. baled; potatoes in ground sub-
Jhh SJrTSS..
gle harness; new saddle; can, some
icrms ui ouie-uiiuci . m,
..U.1 nA n,. nrn. VMi-'a
-') fi" "'" "wi, vi.t. .v... .
4-;.v..a KnnL.oh 11 ri-t a nt K Yn-
nuiv, uumiiuB- iiwvv, tm v jv.
Newton Womer, Owner.
P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
The Hillsboro Water and Light
!ystet hf,ee!l -t -Xl n
dependent Electric Light Com-
wi,h n, Hnll nnd thpv have
Uaken - jwssession, the transfer
having been made Tuesday af-
ternoon. The consideration was
I . . a .a. a t
not made public, but it is under
stood to have been over $ZU,im
Tbf. m hnldino- enmnanv will
at once inaugurate a big un
provement in the plant, and it is
expected that they will at once
develop, a greater .water supply.
Spoke to Ijtrge Audience on Home
Pule Measure, lst Niht
Slrofl(ly on Proponed Siezure
Mcnure ol Prohibition
A larife crowd listened to Capt.
Daniel Morgan Smith, former as
sistant corporation counsel of
Chicago, under James Hamilton
Lewis, and now ireneral counsel
for the National Model License
League, at the Crescent Theatre,
fast evening, and his address was
one of the best on the anti-pro-
hibition side of the question ever
,lelivered here. He is an orator,
Capt. Dan Morgan Smith
and presents his mnts in con.
.. .. n . c ...
fecuUve connectton. Capt. Smith
is a Cuban war veteran, and is
:n(T u:a -jj-na,, ho u.-pnr intn his
subJect in a business-like way,
and said that prohibition did not
prohibit; that the model Jicense
? u j dv. .l.
league would do away with the
low dives: contended that no-
where in the world were better
i . . , i
fathers, more loving mothers
tnan m uermany, ana tnat tms
nstinn hnn fnmishpH mnrp prpat I
I . . r,
scientists and aoie men oi an
classes man any oiner oiu w onu
, .i .1 1 ill
COUntry and Vet they Were a
i , . , .. - I
I Athrt. hnnd , i hiin I niLratr I
ZJT. nt
thwe was more novertv. and less;
tnf eon Tiiruc in T n a T mm'
progress than in any other clime
in th world.
Tham m.mhomf nm.
hibionists in the audience, and
thev trave the cantain a respect-
fui hearuig.
His philosophies were of the
entertaininc order, and if a lee-
ture of any kind could make votes
m3 address was all that could be
asked bv those who ODDOSe oro-
hibition. He did not deal in sta-
uai.t-o, i.c oo.u v.itr, ?tv- t.w
. 1 t" 1. V
? J'CTV, JCu T.v
ers. relative to murders in Maine.
j ,r ii. i , : j .
,i:,'.,! '
" - Vft0C w
f. .u
" it uiiucua man ttic
IlCVCU UUOUailU OUIO lOl ailClia-
tucky they kill people for these
in discussing tne convict suua-
tion. Captain Smith said:
l. i 01..c"" V Z
' c,
'L t:0 cost ana Delow prices.
L pnard. who for the lack of oth-
er excuses for his depravity
claims his downfall was caused
by IiqUor, Seems not only credit-
ed by some, but the unsupported
t i j - ufls a fnr t At s.
' " : . . . .
tics, and you are asked to vote
away my ngnx 10 annK even in
j t: it.
iiuxKmuun as a imun i uicac
1 rj
pV o.:tu :J A u
iapt, oiiiitu as muuuut-cu
tlenry M. Browning, represent-
ino- ihe Hrtmp Pnla Asaneintinn
an,i ,v,r. iA nf the
I e v.... .v..v - 1
body of business men not one of
iwnuill is a urewer, ur iiquui ucui-
K-.Wyatt, wife of the
l antain mJtn s c osine oerora-
hi" .J tJl...t:;fu.
tion wus tt Kianu uiuuie wuic-
I J ... rt f t U firtf.4 -
uyn mill Was UUC UI Hie liucsi
fimires of SDeech heard here for
We are making some classy
chocolates this week. Den of
Chris. Peterson, of North
Plains- ha3 moved to Forest
Grove for the winteri
Dr. F. J. Bailev. who s inter-
ested in the new woolen mills at
Washougal, was in town this
weeK, greeting inenas. ne
I . t 1 t t . "111
- 1 states mat nis company win oe-
gin operating in a iew weens,
onrf tW thev hnvpn snlpndid
Avater Dower on the Washougal
UI1U vaav vaavj v
river. All their wool can come
to them by river or rail and the
place is ideal for manulactunng.
Jaa. Borwick, of near Reed
ville, was in the city Tuesday,
getting out sale bills for aji
auction at his farm. Novemlrr 15.
He will associate himself in the
mercantile business at Orenco,
with his son, J. E., now conduct
ing a store at Reedville. Mr.
Borwick will also conduct the
hottd nt Drpnrn Renders of the
Argus are requested to look uA
his sale notice in another column.
Farmere in the vicinity of Bea
verton, Reedville and Wheeler
are notified that the Wheeler
warehouse is now open and ready
to receive hay, grain and pota
toes. Will also buy and sell hay,
grain, mill feed, sand, gravel
and cement. Give me a call.
I). li. Wheeler, Wheeler, on
Southern Pacific. 5
Chas. Boy and F. J. Saunders,
of near Bethany, are fixing up
the telephone line between the
Jas. H. Sewell farm and Beth
any and Phillips, the community
having bought the Sew ell system.
Ihey expect to have a good
system inaugurated U-fore bad
weather sets in.
I represent the Spirella corset.
Make selections in your home.
where accurate measurements
can be taken, and you get a cor
set to meet the requirements of
your figure. Send postal card,
or phone call for appointment-
Mrs. M. h. Caudle, HillsUiro,
Oregon, Fifth and Jackson Sts.
Ind. phone, 58-1. 2G-37
Frank Holcomb and wife, of
North Plains, and Geo. Darety,
of Glencoe, have Urn down to
Myrtle Creek, Oregon, guest3 of
Ralph Johnson, formerly well
well known at and around Glen
coe. ihe boys are having great
times hunting down in the South
Anyone wishing a bargain in a
good Holstein cow, fine butter
maker; also about 2 dozen Minor
ca hens and pullets; 2 dozen thor
oughbred Brown Leghorn pullets,
and some Plymouth Rock hens,
inquire of It
ir patpr F
Mr. beater.
Rood 54, Ind. Tel.
Farmington. 31-3
Geo. Frost returned Tuesday
evening from a trip to Ukla.,
Texas and
New Mexico, and
says "although he traveled about
ten thousand miles in all. and
saw some fine country, he is sat-
;.a af n.i.nnA,,
isfied that Oregon is good enough
for him.' Mr. trost lives in
worth rlillsboro.
Choice rose plants shrubbery
0f an i,;n(s lilv bulbs etc for
i- t. .l. c-...i. u:ni
saiB at int: ouuiu tiuisuuru
r.rppnKnnw 'nw i the, tim tn
--..-"-. " v....x
do the f-u rjlantinff. socet vour
nrHor in oarlv-Mra Aotipu
Pvest M- u
... . . -. . t
arcra rrDonA wifo
vivit,, vui i.v "v, v
Oak Park, west of Hillsboro, re
turned Saturday from a two
months visit at Anderson, Indi-
ana. Ihey report a hne visit.
DUl 91 course mey are giaa 10
ei oacK 10 uregon;
Mrs. Mary Harris Armor,
president of the Georgia W. C,
T IT u-ill iralc at tht V.
Church on the evening of Octo-
ber 30th. The speaker is said
tn Hp th "finpst n atform siwak
er since Frances E. Willard.
ralU rtUV
To rent: Farm of 22 acres
... u j uj
I VaLloil. nuuse, uuni auu uiuiaiu,
Fifty yards from Elmonica sta
tion. Oregon Electric. Inquire
of M. 0'Meara, Beaverton, Ore,
Xl TWnn Wn(4
i inio. vn I'vuauva, v. wjvuu
I J iv uvuv , ivvuiiivu iuvwuwj
cus, and returned home with her
son, J. H. Dorland.
rv, nnt fmw tr hnv Hrp5
before the magnificent stock is
reduced. It will pay you to buy
Capt. Johnson, who has quit
the steamboat business to ranch
near iaurei, was in rown mes
utJ ul""w"
Ladies are respectfully invited
. otf,1 fi rn colu nf
w "u'u "" U1V""J'1" "l H"--
goods. Each sale will be a money
, r Hmrli RmoN r.
1, tnt t..... .aub... v.
Buxton, were down to the city
T , . , . . ,
yesieruay moniiii
bargains at his piece goods clos-
iuk uuv oaic
rv v ot...
Vre8u"' M" wt oaLUI'
Jav onipor of thp Wvatt5
l " - -
Andrew benson and wite, of
Cornelius, were in the city Tues
1 j .. r .
uuy aii,ernuun
Fifty to 65 cent dress goods on
sale for 50 cents, at the C. C.
The Hillsboro W. C. T. U,
will meet each Friday at the
Christian Church, at 2:30.
tne aress goods window at
the C. C. Store.
H. R. Edigar, of near Bethany,
was a county seat visitor yester
, .
day morning.
. 01 uress BOOUS at
a :i 1 - i j 1 .
J. f 1 1 fa.
uie OLUre-
AI. b. VVooUman. of Banks.
was down to the city yesterday,
ana cauea on tne Argus.
F. A. BAILEY. M. L).
Pbyairlaa anil Surfi-mi
OIBn Bailejr-Monran bliok, uUira,
Roomi 12, 1.1 ami IS. Km.tmv - Hutitb
wfwt rornar HMollnaand ekcoinl Mrwta,
Botb '1'bonoa.
S. T. LINKLATER, M. 0. C. M.,
Otfloa upntalra OTerTtie PeKa lm titoia
fUaiilano Kail of Court lli:,
In Um oomer of Ilia bl'k.
Suriraon Southern FaclHo Kailroail Co.
loiiaultation In Franco or Kiitfliili. Of
tic upatalra, over A. (Inw' atora,
north aide of Main St HUlahuro, Or.
A. B. BAILEY, M. D., D. D. S.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7. 8 and q.
Bailey-Morgan Block. '
Both Phonea. HllleUn
Osteopathic Phy.ititn
Monilays, W'nloesilnys anil Friilaya
9 ton; I to 4; 7toS.
Tuestlays, Tlnimlays and Saturday
7 to 8 p. in.
over I)eltft. Both lbonc
Rooma 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailpy RlnrK,
atreet. Over Dannia Storn.
Oaav R. Bmttmy W. B. Hmr
Eoomu 1 and i Shot Building
Rooma j, 4, & 5, Morgan Blk, HUlaboro.
Offica UpaUlra, Bailey Merman Block
Rooma, 1 an a.
Or not: Main Btreet, opp. Coart Houik.
Morgan Blk, Upatalra, Rooms 3, 4 and 3
Hillsboro, - - Oregon '
The only graduated and licensed Veter
inary in Hillsboro. Sixteen years prac
tical experience.
Office phonea: Pacific Statee 601; liul. 213
Residence plionew; Independent il.'l; Pa
cific States S1.
I am Prepared to do Hih Class
Dental Work. A New OHice with
Modern Equipment
Tcuiieaie Bldg. HILLS HO E0, 0KK.
Main and Third.
Silver Leaf Camp No. 8I93, Modern
Woodman cf America, meets every tint
and third Saturdays in each month at
their Hall in Reedville, Oregon. Visit
ing and sojourning Neighbors are cordial,
ly invited to attend camp meetings.
S. G. Riiodks, Consul.
R. E. Haldrrman, Clerk.
1 Contractor "and Builder "
M : .
Large Barns a Specialty
Ind'pt phone 151 Rood's Div.
I Hillsboro, Ore., R. F. D. 5 M
DR U. r. HEINECK, V. S. 0. V. D.
lad. Phoae09, Sherwood, Oro.
Physician and Surgeon -Office
Calls Promptly Answered
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
ra, Uornehus, Koute 1.
terday lorninjr.