The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 20, 1910, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PCt 0
musBCuo ou oct v: 1910
fiiiiinl at tha I'oH-offlr at Hillhnro
I ttL-on, aa awnriti -class mail matter. I
l.. !..., K1Hr
( . i-nty Official I'm per
s.,!" rijt on: yT Annum.
i.nct1 K.vrry Tlmradaj
Mrs. William Kane, for tv a resident of this county
ati.l a woman of womanly charae
Uristvs a woman who novo
f::ili'il in her duties of wifehood
i.ii.l iroiherhixid -died at Fores I
lirove the first of the week. Shi
had reael-.ed her three score am
ten. and each year of her life in
Ore.unn was worthv in all re
sjkvts. The a .cod husband and
her two surviving children have
the s mpathy of on tiro Washin.c
ton eour.ty.
U. H. Stratton, former fruit
insjitvt'U" for the county, was
di'W!i from Cornelius, yesterday
Try the A reus and Orecem"an
tor a year, only j2.2o.
( R. Bloyd, the machinist, i:
pri pared to do a!! kinds of ma
e'lir.e work and repairing. Can
repair any thine from a penny
whistle to an aeroplane. o-4
T. V. Cnxxlin, of West Union
art! who is onca.ced in blinxied
poultry raisinp as a side line,
was in town this mornin.c.
When you buy a box of candy
at our store, you are sure it is
rot several months old, nor pack
ed in some Eastern city. We
make the candy that pevs in out
box s. Den of Sw eets.
Ne.vton Womer was in from
laurel this morning, brinpinp in
his brother, Sylvester, visiting
hero from Kansas, and who left
for Pedee. Polk County, to visit
another brother, w ho is ill.
Shropshire bucks, yearlings,
for sale - eligible to registry.
Ferd Groner. Scholls. Ore., jost
office address, Hiilsboro, Ore.,
E. ll. Miller, one of Hillsboro's
oldtime tonsorial artists, and now
living at Oakland, Cal.. was in
town this morning. Elijah suf
fered the loss of a leg a few
years ago, and for the first time
it has been giving him trouble,
and he came to have Dr. A. B.
Bailey look over the member.
S. G. Harding, of East St
Louis. I;;., and who is out in the
West looking for a location, was
in town yesterday, and went out
to the home of F, S. Smith, of
South Tualatin, whom he knew
years ago in South Dakota, He
says he likes the appearance of
the valley, and expects to locate
somewhere in the West in the
The Washington County Teach
ers' Association held its session
in this city Saturday, October 15.
After a musical program the sub
ject of the High School Fund
was discussed by 0. M. Gardner,
in the absence of Principal B. W.
Barnes. The completing of the
organization was then taken up.
A general talk on the possibili
ties and probabilities of the As
sociation was then indulged and
the general conclusion was that
"w e need the association and it
must move."
l our vice presidents were elect
ed to be heads of departments as
B. W. Barnes Supt. Work
R. L. Warn Pedagogy
W. K. Thomas. .-School Matters
Anna Taylor Literature
Altera talk by William Scott
on "The First Day of School,"
the meeting adjourned, after
voting to hold the next session
at Forest Grove, November 12.
The Independent Anti-Assembly
Candidates of this County are
billed for meeting as follows:
Monday, Oct. 24 Scholls
Tuesday, " 25 Sherwood
Wednesday, Oct. 20 Hiilsboro
Thursday, Oct. 27-. -Forest Grove
Fri lay, Oct. 28 Beaverton
Saturday, Oct. 29 Bethany
Monday, Oct. 31 Forest Grove
Tuesday. Nov. 1.... Gales Creek
Wednesday, Nov. 2 Gaston
Thursday, Nov. 3 Banks
Friday, Nov. 4 Buxton
Saturday, Nov. 5 Glencoe
Monday, Nov. 7 Laurel
The Democratic Candidate for
Congress for this District will
speak as follows:
Wednesday, Oct. 2G. .. .Hiilsboro
Thursday, Oct. 27. ..Forest Grove
On Monday. Oct. 31st, the
Democratic Candidate for Gov
ernor will speak at Forest Grove.
All the meetings above sched
uled will be at 7:30 P. M.
John M. Wall,
Newton Womer, of Laurel, has
a sale notice in another column.
Ho has rpnted his place, and
some time in November expects
to move to Oakville, Wash.,
where he has town property. 1
iNiu:iT.Nm:NT cvnoiu mi:s
i Petitions for the follow ir." inde
! pendent candidates for the legis
ilative and county tickets have
Iven tilled and will at oruv tv
liied with county clerk Bailey:
Legislative. A mono llonnons.
Yorlxvrt. and Win. Sohulmerich.
Farmington: county judge. John
W. Sew ell. Hiilsboro: county re
corder. C. W. Thrapp. Orenoo;
county commissioner, l B.
Burktialter. Farmington. The
candidates have set dates for a
nr.mbor of meetings over the
county, and Mr. Wall announces
the schedule in another column.
WANN - l)Yi:i.l.
Thomas li. Wann and Miss Fan
rue M. Powell were united in
marriage at the apartments in
the lmbrie Building, corner Main
and Third. Wednesday evening,
October 13. 1910. Judge G. W.
Barnes officiating.
The groom is well known in
this city, and at present is em
ployed by Council & Co. The
bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Powell, of Gaston.
They have taken up their resi
dence in the apartments where
thev were wedded.
The poultry men of this vicinity
are reotiested to meet at the of.
fice of Ripley & Hare, w ith the
Washington Countv Poultry and
Pet Stock Assiviation. on Satur
day evening. Ootoler "J".), l'.HO. to
take up matters ot imiwtanoe
and to discuss the time and
place for holding a poultry show
in Hil!sloro. this Winter, and tv
to the procuring of a licensed
judge. All tvuiitrymen are in
vited, the meeting will he can
ed at :30.
H. II. Greer. Pres.
T. P. Gootiin. Sec.
There w ill bo a Union temperance
meeting at the Gleneoo church,
Sunday, October 2o, 1910.
Speakers of the day, Geo. M.
Hunter, Rev. P.laekwell and Rev.
Colman. The meeting will be
called to order at 2:30 under the
auspices of the Young Peoples'
Temperance Union. Good music.
Harry C. Gordion, of The
Dalles, and aged 70 years, was a
Hilisboro visitor, Tuesday, and
took out license to wed Mrs.
Mary E. Wilson, of Forest Grove.
Mr. Gordion was for vears in
early life a followerof the Bailey
& Barnum circus, and for some
time was an inmate of the Bar
num family. He came West in
1S54 and later settled at The
Dalles, where he perfected the
famous Gordion saddle, well
known to horsemen all over the
Pacific Northwest. He is now
engaged in fruit raising and he
and his bride will reside on his
Wasco County orchard lands.
W. S. Tilton Tuesday exhibited
an apple that was in reality two
apples. The freak had one stem,
but there were two perfectly
formed apples leading from it
with the exception- of about one
eighth of the circumference,
where it was but one pippin.
There were two bloom ends, how
ever, and this made it a sort of
Siamese twin. It was gathered
from a Lady apple tree.
The Hiilsboro High School
football team will play P. U.'s
second team Saturday, Oct. 22,
at Forest Grove. They have a
good team this year, and lovers
of the game should give them
support. They are trained by
Mr. Rogoway, Albany College's
star. Hillsboro's backfield con
sists of Vaught, Monteith, Lytle
and Schroeder. Take 1:05 Elec
tric car for the Grove.
Herman Bendler, working on
the Bowl by Bros.' farm, this
morning nearly severed one of
his thumbs while splitting wood.
The cut was diagonal, and cut
through the bone right at the
base of the hand. Dr. A. B.
Bailey dressed the wounded
Mrs. Geo. Schulmerich and Miss
Madge lmbrie will attend the
State Convention of Women's
Clubs at The Dalles next Mon
day. J. A. lmbrie contemplates
making the trip and from The
Dalles to go to Goldendale.
Wanted: Horse-must be gen
tlefor family use. T. W.
Brown, 2 1-2 miles northeast of
Hiilsboro, on Sewell Acres. Ad
dress Hilisboro It. 1. 32
Tennis Pyl, of South Tualatin,
was in this morning, and says
jtnat a nig acreageoi seeding will
be completed if the good weather
shall hold for a while.
Editor Pentreath, of Tillamook,
is in the county, and is a last-of-the-week
guest with Henry
A communication from B.
Leis, the Beaverton fruit grow
er, will appear in next week's
Jos. Rooks, of Upper Vinelands,
was in the city, today, getting
medical attention for his baby
Argus and Journal, $2.25.
j I'.enj. SclloileUI. for a long time!
j regent of tho State Normal, was!
down from Cornelius today.
; Mrs. H. T. Ktvlvr has lnrnj
; visiting relatives at Scholls I he j
'past week.
j I. r. Grabol and wife, of i
! South Tualatin, won in the citv
; todav.
I V.illcy uln-At. t ln
I O.Us, No. i while
Timothy liav " "
Onion, nrw, vr Mi k ..
IVtatm-a, )i r su l
lAuntiv luittrr, pt-r It' ..
OnStile CtoHinoiy, jcr N
l-fcKS vt iliwj .
IU in, vr lb
ok'ixio.N i:i.i:cTkic
The tt'lu-ilu'r i-f .Ivjuitiire an.t arrival
of OrcRnu Kieotric Car for I'orUamt
7 l5 a m s .h a in
s 55 " 4 i.l m
t- 4S a in it ij a nt
n ,S in i oj j 111
1 M p in . 05 m
4 " P I" 4 J.S p m
7 15 P mi 6 i m
"J ?s P "I i) jo p III
J 4s p n ; 1 . j N m
ii Sun.lav only J Sunday ol
Administrator's Sale
X0I100 i hfifd.y liivrn, thai lli lindrr
Mi'iie.1. AiliinninrsUnr of tlin mtair of
1 rv Mmly MaliMl, iltH'oamsl. tv virtur
f an onlor and ilwim of llit ('.miily
Court of ttif StatiifOrKuii fur Wlmit
ton County in th mattrr of nai.l ritr.
il.tlM tin- t.sih iar of Oi tolwr, KMO, aulli
oruiii);. lirviiijtig ami miih riii llir
miittrii;nt to mko "Bin of I tin ifl
(niriy hrrinai'liT ilrirnl!. will hy
virtu til .1I Onlur au.l IWnw. mi M hi
.lity, tint ."Mh ilajr of NovKmtvr. t'.UO. at
th S.iulli iliHr of tho t'oiiri lluui m
Ihlinlmro. tirtvon, t th hour of ton
o'..-W M.ofaaiil tlay, w'l at piihiii
Hiii'lion to tht tiihtvl liiililnr for c.t in
hanii, all ol tnK lollow Uit ili-M-rilml rrsl
t.rownv Ivimr. Iwtii ami Mtiiat In
Val-tnt;tiii l oin. IV. On'tmi, ami artn
uiarlv ilo-oriUnl a follow, to it;
'vi hl t.'rvs in tlin iithnt i;uartorol
i!ik nor'liwml iiirtir ol 4 T. i
N. K. 4 W iltwritml a follow, to-wil:
I'oiiiiiixnciiiK at a stakf in thu ontrr t.f
thr north wt-nl qua'itr of Snon 4, 1.2 N,
"f K. 4 W. of tli. Will. Mir. ami runnlni;
thiriii wost s roiln; lhoin't aoiith I.I rutin:
thpiii-o pstsl S riKt! llx-noe north IS rml to
the piixc of Iwititinln.
ftiith aio will t mailo tuMort to con
tirmation by tint nui.l t'tmiily Ctiurl of
Wa-hitiKton County, Oregon.
Paiwl at HillUro, on Him -.IKh tlay of
iihoiht, i-ni.
W. I). Simlh.
Ailuiin Htralor of the ital of Mary
Kmilv Matixl, lm-rjrtl.
Halry ,v llaro. Atlorupy for Admin,
For the Ambitious
91 nibersitp 1
ft Silrlf I At f
by mall for trmn who eitt altrad la
paro. All loUiv tl.. lat-lwttnt tnal
f tuDinatlnnA. la FKklC. Kur twvhara,
tarlimta prvpartng fur ool!g or anlvvrM
ly. wiwsmo cluhn. frag, Mg'arm tod
boma Bkra. No prvlimnuiry ffiaiulo.
Ua I rtxiulrn). Tbi mad ouuna n I
opportauUy ft yoo.
bud tot a acatrtpttT balktla to Um
Coct-flu Htudr IttninMI
UwlTeralrr ( Ornaa
- - Ortfaa
Jack's Kind.
"Jack Ims n new nult."
"Yes; I li.-:ir,l nlxnit It."
"Hoiinl about It! Who told you?"
"Ills lawyer."
"Ills lawyer?"
"Yen; It In a breach of promliw suit.'
"Is lna reliable, deiruletit, honi"Ht
in i i n?"
"I am bo Rlail. How did you dud It
"lie said so himself. "
Slie hid It fixed what ahe would any
When : hhould make advunrei,
When li- ahould coin In words what thlnga
Till now hud bwn In Klancea;
ilow Bhe Hhould rmike him tome nnd go,
A tremMlni. doubting ilnncer,
Now hoplnif and atjiiln in douht,
itt-fora ahe made her nnawer.
And, IhoiiKli her noheme waa primed and
With evory anwlo alanted,
Ho never did trorH nt nil;
Ho took ttie thliitf for granted.
"1 feel e bea p."
"Is that ho?"
"I i'j."
"Well, well! We all mine to a real
IztiUou of values after awhile, don't
Of Course.
"I like n rlieerful kmer."
"I don't know any."
"I do."
"Tho fellow who bets with lilmHelf."
Surs Sign.
"Why, how youtiB you are looking."
"Dear me!"
"T t In It. dear?"
"1 ti. rt sii)K)He I was eueli a back
number all tlint."
"What Is n hiiHlmnd worth anyway?"
"A husband?"
"Oh, Horrjetliinrr like 2.r. a week und
"It Is queer."
"What is rpjeer?"
"That the summer frlrl Is apt to be
such a coW propoHltlon In the end."
1 1 10
....3tt VS
. ..'41' !S
U- l"
Sudden Illness and Ail
ments In a grave enicrneiicj', telephone service
is indispensable.
Just stop to your Boll Telephone, v.i'.l i j.thc
doctor or druujjist, st.ttc tho iy.m-, .nid .ut n tin- .i.Kin
which you tcccivo.
Should you need souicthiin: wliich iwt in I'.k- l-'cal
ftoros, the Hell Telephone will u.uh :in 1 d y in .my
place at any hour it the day riiielii.
!f .... . ' .
lelofjrcipli lo.
Guns! Ainmiinitio.i!
The open ?foon for ISinU
U 14 ilt. t .u October 15. .voe -.;:
line as.i'itttietu id" siii;.;U- and !.".i
'le h.nteud slnt guns, latest tu.t'i
f.utuic. l'lij supply of Mtaud.i!.!
aniuiuuiti '.i. See vi lnf:-M';i
buy our prices ;ue an in,li:c
inent. I'ine Hunting Ivniipnu m.
licst uiamifactuies of hicyi les .1!
wajs in Mock. Our hicv. h- u
pairing is the kind that "Stay'
R. LEE SEARS, - Hiilsboro.
Garap Third Street.
Do a Little Thinking
This Season !
Call A round and Study the n w Tiylor
line of Men's mode-to-meuure Cloth
Compare Prices feel the quality of the
all-wool fabrics and p;ive some thou;ht
to the new and nobby styles. Do it now.
We do the right thintf to all Cull in.
AUG. TEWS, Tailor, IlilUboro. Ore
Upstairs, Schuliiictkh Uriel
Laurel Store
Having I'tirchased the Stoic- at
I am Prepared to meet the de
inands of the Laurel seetion in
all kiutls of
If We have not got what you want
we can get it for you. We can supply
you in all lines
E. T. TURNER. Laurel, Oregon.
at moderate prices call on us.
Wc carry a full line of window j-lass, nt
25 per cent less than you can get it any
where else in town.
Main St. and 1'. R. & N.
ii i"ono iimi ;
Tracks. Jioth Id. cm
i kVuMrfllloii ol I aiiJ llllo
' f I' 1 1 K i'K oliKitOM ii
Id ttot in ttiiif nt tin. iilteal iot of l.oin
M h iiln t' lie I'oiirr nod aimitd i.
j K tt. I i . io it (o.iri Id lilt, to Ilia lolliiM'
.ax n.ti ini ittny in n aaiiinit
I HI I 111 V I Ut'tl.MI. I,. W ll! I't KOillli'K
mI tt t-ioi 1.' 'd i'Ii oiiih t.f tdtt 1 1.
! ...tort i't .'.'Holt a I I S. It S ,
I.,.iiii. i it tt ti Inr rt II til th, Ihtiitiv
ii I . ''I i lit, limn l 4( ui ulia, thtunw
i , 1 1 1 1 t i I li. I llin .ai ti ol l.eallicliiit .
K.liUoillH. l . ir, Mioltt of Imta. I10I11K
I ol ui i he S.nlli on half of mhIIoii K, I
I N. II. .1 VV,
llrli ol t'rrihloii Kii'lrr. Helta of Jack
.hi Ku.Ur, ii. aae I'ttrld (tiaalllon
.nut ail w ltMii It ciar tsjncfif it, ItalviidaiiU.
.i All V In. in ll May Ooitccrti'
ik noliiv, Ihat oil Ilia I .'ill day of
tM.i.r, A I1. I 'I" aidli alioii wa
.I,, I li aal.l Uilil K lOlr, Oll.a 1'nllri
mt.t iiii..I i. Kinlm III III t In tut I inn
.1 W Illusion I nunljr foi Initial iiwlt
li in. ill of Um lillti to lia land aUita.U
i iit"l, Nn imlru oti ainai on or
l. ..l,.ie Ilmlmii day of' Not ainlKir, A. I1
1'ini and ahoa tan why ti Ii a'dlia
liiHialiall in , I giaiile.1. tlin Mm alii
lit. i.ikrii a inifMo ami a itnt iMi tt III i
rn eiril ai t'ol.lliiK lii I lie Tnr nt Ihn
i ili all. in and ..t III la. form r .rrtl
It Iinltiig the aniK,
Tal I W, Mailt-, t int,,
.lolui VI. Mall, ,:idl.aut'a Allottmy.
Noll, t to Cr.dito t
IS IIIK Kit'MV t'ol ltr OK rit K
r. I TK t ultr UH.H, rult
W AHINii l'i iuI'MY
ti In.. tail. nt Ilia tMlitlr nf I'liaiiinry
It U i l'l.
N..l!i-r t. I.rrrl.y ifitrn, that tlin -
ti.'i r.t ha. lirrll tlillv a it nlr adit. lit.
U!.ttit ol Oit. ivnltttr nt I Itailli.ey II
VVtt.l. .Iittv.trd lt oi.lni ol tint I i.inily
t ..tot i. 1 l.e ?tiir nf 1 t.r....Mi tv.r VV al..if .
I nt 1 .'..nit, and In. duly .i.alillml
.in ti a-ltiit-i.raliit ll.i, all ivtta.lia lia . t.. af airaio.1 tid ralala ara lrrl.y no
iiltr.l . I rt.itlir.l I 1 .tiMri.l tlin ttaitin tti
On. iiirl.ii.iK'iii.l i.-iMl.tir ttllli lrt.r
t'Mi.'.r. Il.r.fl.-r, a' llitt aa t.l
II t. A O. " III lhii .HI.ula t.nli.lliiit 1.1
Multi-it. i, VV t.lil' . Ini. l Uti n I
li i t l.o
li t. ..I
li:l Ih
I'. ,l
. tit iiionlli l. 111 Hit. data
K'lli day t.f lk.l.iU.1, , .
V I.., ..I li f t ..( iha naialtt nf t'haiiii
. I II A i l l. .tm Mr. I
iu .11, A lla.r ail' t . f if t-tta', Ol Change Of Nan it?
l I 1 1 K ttll MTV lOllir Or' t tt K
I A IK Or nHMiiiN oU
In Ihr MtlUl A i.i. all.iu
V 1 limi t II i.rirll.'r Io . liangn
lot 1 tine Io W itUitin I tiny Jllllinf.
S..t.-.f 1. hrral.y nitan llial oh Ilia Jala
lay IM..I. A. I'liu, art oftlar at
ma dr 111 ll. al.ii anlllicl (Vuaatt ami
1 "autr, ot.lrrii,j(. adjn-lKing. and dt-'ri-luj
I 'lllin 1, a i' 1, .1 (,vl.l( Milt, am
H iiry II, Kc rliaor. Ut W llllani
Hnnfy Mil rr, and that not I. a
't thr 1-Fiti .fn . trn.1 1 hIihii
.........,1 Mi Ua in. 1. 1. Arum, a
j itt.Ov lira, il,l, ,, (
inrnnral .'ii.u.aUi.ii ailhlli Wa.liliijlun
j, 1 itr,,,,. ,,,,, a ami, (.,, (,mt
i Ttinmiiii ..ititn ullia arnka, and thai
j !-,l. K'.Ufil of J.t.a.f ,.f t, e ,gt.U,,n
j !l,. rr..r, a 1-t.ftitiraia I- (raoll on. In. ll.a
"i 1 I llmalaitn rn, iinit. ,,( ,r
1. u .r,.,,, aim h .,a! l.rrrarr( i
in i t4. 11 a, nr.
I I.p Hal l-lltut.-aUoll 1,1 lln. ,,,,, al,l
1 -k ,..l.ii.l.... 11, Uir ..m of .aid natt.
I 'i.'r-l ihi..ii ittt. an, I ll,.
i .l III llir ,.,,o, I ,lal. ,N'.nnli,(
I 1 Ii. I ' o and .l.m l.l.ilil of ..a.f
..( ..aid ..-iiii.i.i. anl l canled In a.'.
. .r laii.t. a ilh tint in, Irr
WiU.t.. i,;T , lh u, ,
('..iiiiiv i.uiM. Iir.rt.niii,, adiiatl, thl. tVih
..HI ... . r. ll.iri, .t, ll .,
J. W. Ilallar. link
01 in.. i.,iy ( ( vVa.hliilon
. ....... j , . ..rK,M.
Nolkc ol Change ot Nnmc
IN lilt: nil Niv to ut ok TIIK
f I A l t: Of)' ii;Kii )N Milt
W AMI I .NiiTii.v (, 4Tv
I n ihf M,al!rr ,,f llo. A.., atl-in
' liirh. llttf.oihrr torhaiiKa
lot iMiot.n ha,!,,, Krhardt .Vlillnr,
S"li. ll.,r.i,y lilttn that on tlln
""' III lllf ),, mtlllnl rmt ,J
an..-. . nltirii,,. ,i, ,!,;, lir,.nnlx
inn l, ,, m ,rw fh.tiKr
l-iirdt ll., f , ,.,,,, ,
.' .' Ml"" '"! ordrintf that .,,
ol tll.. rl.aMK.l dMfr KUn H,,M.
y""-l l" Ihr,,,, Alti,tm, ,
--.. y ina. (.Hhluna.! In. and id
i-....,.,l .nrnilauoi, iii VVa.hi,,Bton
"""'. '. onra, ,,,, ,,",.
m'lwrnliv., ttrt U, and that
Ml-.'i f'inrn ,,.,f f ,,, ,
. . ..Hilnatr .M-Krania,! iindor I ,a aral
M l,.Mil,..t .,,i ,., ,,,,,,.,, .
I i " Wl 1 h "''" ""'"-"nr ha In.
h I'ul iinn a,
Tha drat f..ildlrt,. I.f thl. noil,- ,
Ii.'r , ,i " ",r
, t . ll,,'","f N'lvrmUr
'll Ill-oil rrllirn f ,H,f
llo'.M .l. -,,l vv l,iai uilllH.Krai.1,,1111
1 ;i'l,iiii., win, .h , , , . t a-r .
W'llllI'M. I. IV I.U...I ....I . . i ...
, , " "n iim anal of ilia
nnnly I in, rt h(rt?l li to allHtal, 11,1, ,,
d.lV i.l ll. lol,..r A ' ' ""
'"'"D ' "j. w'. i i..,l
I thl' Colnili I'...... ... .. .'
' mm er.llli.if... I'lali.liir,
Jotndi W. Collii,K, Ii,.f,.,,,nt
Til .lllHI-llll W ('..II .1 .
i ,i..t.:(i,: nM,v"
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"r" ''""''V r.", ami c. ,a,, t
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hi-l nihil, mini, iharanf ,K tl, Ht,llv
l -;. r. I'Mii.t,, wit: ,, r l,Vf ,i,
will I'l.uiN., Ik,.,i thill If yt.u fMil Mi.
Io i...-r and miNwar aald c..i.i.,Ih t , t,L
'"'"I'llwlll aiipl, u, tha ,,,,,' if l "a
' . 1 1 ly'-'I for and d,,,n ,. r
.m. Inr ,rr,., ,, ';, ;:
thn Mini riu '-0 rn.-t now and m.
oiir.i.-.HlinK l,.,twin you a,l( .iiai.oin
"I"'." "'" k'r Ih nf dimnrth , , H ,, .
J. i,l, .illinr ,,,,,1 furl. ,, ;H' ,
TI'iH m.i.ii.i.m.h lH,.rvti,l ii,.,,,, yim ,y
;y ;.n r r ti, iLrahi
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I"",lt i rl-r..r tha tiiplratl,,,, ol i U
Nfroiiith,, ,,or thn hr-t pu.ilh'a
""ii f I ,ih HiiininiH.a I o wll! 011 or Imi.
t.-rj- It,,, lHt,l,ty r 0,.,,l.-r, 11.10
Iti'Klny -V. iliarn, Atl.riinyB for 1'lali.l.lir.
$1.10 ner keK, atGreer'u.
Cider Apples
At tht- lni,.,b, luK.
v" i-a u,. !llso '
uiMoni w,,tt y
lor hale. c'
lii-iir. imi. ,,,,!,, Vi
lltl I SII0K0 Ml Sic SIU)
iVrry It,,,,, ,, Ara
N-lh- I . Wil.ov
tliis S. , ; . ,M)(.r(.
Ti.rtMiK, and m ,
Uik' Ht ii iihnI, rat. , J n"
l'l"M I I I x lllf
I"trt rt.
Toil l tha l,
l 4 ,(l
MUaiatat at tU ktaaaaUt. a,ia
r a.arm. tJ all t a $ at.
1 ' al alW..., .. t ...
ta. I. l-a.a Itaatta.
H. tt. a at a li.a..a. i at
t-Jlaa. talavaWata, rki.a nut. tat
Va Kaa our on t. u ij ,,,,
fU tha III add !t 11. at, t j,t. I.t , ,
aarafullr t4 .hi,. a, ,h. Nl,
ua fiMtr Hal t( min i;
AtK rut s,, v,
. B. WIltlAMS Ct.
1 iu i, ... ..Mk, f
.altd I'topo.iU Waand
Hrall .rttaala fi il, i haaa ,( ':..
'taitti f In., ,llii I.. 1. Is . ti, a..t,nj..
laraxl from iki:,i . i a !i h. i.
Kltrd by Ida t ,1, .. , v. li.'i.,,
littTr.,0 and iii,.. I ,.,, y,.
r I. IIU fai I b.,,.1, a... Ulvla-
hialioiia of 'a tta I, l tr.' ( til (a,
tttl. Ill ta,tl, it a' :r tt.-- : ...t.ia J
aal.l Itoltil. to tw iai. f ,. , i.
Hut ytata from it, i ... , v t
Kl. r , li. l. in m IW
II itlalairo t tt , 1 1, i .11 i-,.,i
An l?nfiii!iiH' S;ri!lr For
c ata ami. ii r uvr.r
COLD an. I all .!,.....!
llt.AO. T It WO. AT. t.fSG4
nnd qrral
Cun-H u ln-snl;irl,.' In a U
iniiinU-H, u fr.-ih iu!l in a!
hotir ntiil nn or.hnn ry couk'ti
cannot I tut l mir nii;l)t, I"
ilisiHMimililf for i ' i f i ti- sa'a!.er
i.inl Hink'iTH. 'I tii' l!isj)irator
la.Ht.i a lift" tint. f.-ni laTarrii'i!,
in tht Vint iHK-ki t titnl ii '
vvnyH ri'inly for in'.t.tnt ust1.
So ( onl(iou lirnr ( ' 0
vrliio, Whrit I srd.
S. on an alimlutr ,;n .mhIit l Ci'
Wlirn nw.l at Ihirvlrd
Wrtlr for full (arlti ami nook
- It. I n r
JOHN I CRM,, Orel 0 2
I3uy A Cuarunteed
Umbrclla To Day
Ity a a-ell airniiic niO'l ""'j
Ihr iiiaiiiif.ulni.-i" K"' B0?
rlllliK liltr ol iniihtrllM "
. a ilrliultc Kiianuil"- in ''
inllftOirlory arivii-r.
Shoulil the rovrr n' 'r "I'Jj!
willilll lliat tlin.-. mi' one
l.r fntulahril fr.c .
We loinw of tin "Hit
a.,1,1 In thli fiiy mi'lff m
Afnarltinn Ta(li"
Cinulna lilorla.
Spatial Tafl'lla
HilUboro. - Oregon.
-I'al.l Ailvcrli if "t
Settle It No
Settle It RigW
For constitutional m
giving to cities and tow.
exclusive power to UceW
regulate, control, supprw
or prohibit the sale of inw
icatlng liquors within f
328 X Yei
40,000 OREGON CtT&&
V T S1.50