The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 20, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 32
fcll, M" ,,,r 0',e
Hundred l iny
TM i llaM.iblc Story and Rcfuwd lo
Sell Saddle
rt stranp-r iUJtHiiif under tl
Mmtfuf l" A!U'" 11 L
Itank. 'f Hank, anil who rutin
I meat market lW man-.
.Luit tWO WlH'kH Rk'O. rtfl'ivillK
$150 for tin' utiimsl. lit had n
new t-MU' ith him, ami Mr.
Hanks ohVrcd him 125 for it. Iut
h rffu.Hol to null. wiving it I
onl to hi !'. Mr. Hunks tit
first had hi HUHtiiriotiH, ami
,, A!!i-n whrrv hi nunc frum,
nJ he to!.! him that he lived on
the ("hrlnili-m Mountain, near
Ni-wU'W, He told him that hi
t..m' the Kiirhlern. th Jones
family unt a Mr. Davw. all of
whom w ere known to Mr. Hankn.
Thi allayed all miHpirimi, and
Mr. Hank paid him trie money,
ll.i iln-n wrote his name on a tug.
attache.! it to the middle, ami
ha! Mr, Hank nhio it to .New
Utk'. From NewU-rg, the thie
had the saddle Hhtnie! over to
Jefferson, Oregon.
The home had lwn stolen from
Lincoln. Marion County, and Im
lonKed to Fred t'arruther. Mr.
Carruther came over the of
the wnk and satisfied Mr.
Jtank in to ow nership, and bk
the animal home with him.
Sheriif Hancock won the tniil
of the horso-thief, and thinks lie
ran eet htm Uyond doubt. Mr.
Banks wa in town Monday
morning, an.! hiivh he in atnioim
to nee the crook lehind the bars.
(At Auction)
The undersigned will tell at pub
lic auction at the Wiley bam,
Keom.1 niul WniihiiiL'ton Street.
Hillslmro. Oregon, at ten a, m.,
Itm entire henl of III) or niort
dairy cow, all high grade Jer
suv. the re.milt of veurs of best
Meet ion for litne.Hn and milk
How; f rom imported Jersey bulls,
and lire descendants of the tnt
milk producing Jersey HtruinH,
such iw (Winn (jimliiiiiitiiin. nnd
the wm.H of Itrown Bessie, who
took first prize at the Chicago
f.xoKition, Hie chance or a
lifetime to pet splendid dairy
rows Wilt nlmi Moll n fine reiris
tereil Jersey bull n milendid Hire
- Kim (if llnnilKu stnLiMl luril.
lenim of Sale - Cash, or one
year k bankable note at 8 (ht
tent, interest,
Hil. Schulmerich, Owner.
H. 1'. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
IIOCKliN- WIUil.l.liR
We urc now better than ever
rconrvti tn Himlil v unr
e have a pun! nupply of lloor
ing. ru.'itif. Hhiplap and finixhinif
umber and can furniwh food
lionne hill. i on Khort notice. We
hIho have u emul Htoek of all
kindu of common lumber. We
have in utoek all m.eti of tile from
."I lo Id inch that are hint quality;
iiImo brick and building blocks.
T ry our building block for your
i run or itoiaio noiwe, or rounua
tion for your building better
and cheaper than brick or con
crete. Parties wanting orders
delivered will do well to place
them early, while the roads are
good, and our teams are not to
bony. In the pant we find that
it is the failing of many jieojde
i ) wan tut the roaus are almost
iintiHHsahle. and then nlace their
orders for delivery, at a coat of
twite what it can lie done for
now. So don't forget, this year,
while our stock is complete. -
I roner & Lowell t -ompany.
Tin- fteellt of the I'jiV' Xi
Girls' Aid Society, of Portland,
came out the last of the week,
and with Marshal Larsen went
to the Second Street confection
ery, cant aide of the strewt, and
took charge of a child belonging
to the proprietor. The matter
was taken Iteforc the county
judge and the little one turned
over to the Society and taken to
Portland. The balie was not
given sulficient care.
l ihiblU o( Production of luwer
Tualatin Surprise to Visitors
Mr. Clara Waldo, Former Orange
fkial, Makci Cumparinons
Wm. Haidey Jr. was in from
Oak Cove Friday.
II. Mvera. of Cornelius, was
in the city Saturday.
Ceo. .1. Jack, of near Farming
ton, was in the city Friday.
II. C. Pearson, of Iowa Hill,
was a county Heat visitor Friday
Dan Ennes, of near Hoy, was
over to the city last Ihursaay
J. J. Nusbaumer, of beyond
West Union, was a county seat
visitor rnday.
Mrs, L. 0. Dersham and
daughter, of lx;yond Centerville,
were in the city Friday.
Commissioners Butnerand Mc-
Iiran were in town Monday, at
la S(!s.sion of the county court
James Iiudon, of Iowa Hill,
and Chas. Iiudon, of Glencoe,
Old Washington County Agricul
tural Society Premium List
The Scholia Grango F'air, which
was held last Saturday, was a
revelation to the visiting con
tingent. The apple display was
superb and gave evidence of
splendid care of orchards. The
exhibit of other fruit, vegetables,
wnlnofii imiinn. ete.. as well as
the display along culinary and were in the city Monday morning,
riairv linen, were a rredit to anv I Chas. Ijimkin went un to the,in;i, on,t it uoa nr.tipufl front. Saturday, the sruest ol
that the art work was not le-1, Alexander, fireman on
..... ... uie i . u, k ii,
Mrs. t:iara Waldo, a former L. Now ." sale - Nap-a-Tan, John
int.. crnnu-i. othci-il and who re- pharrood and W. U uougias
UU grange, ana w no re- , ... r R.
contly returned lrom a trip to - y - , -r. -r-
Europe, delivered one of her "er Second and Main,
characteristic addrosnea, and N. G. McDonald, of below
made comparisons between this Kinton, wan in town Saturday,
country and what she saw getting out sale bills for a public
abroad. She said Bhe found that auction, dated ror iNovemoer o.
Oregon was known in hurope tor
Booklet ol IMI Found ia old Rummage
Mrs. K. C. Hrown and her sis
ter, Mrs. Tucker, of I Angeles.
departed Monday morning lor a
w eek's trin in Washington. They
will Htoo at Toledo to visit an
aunt, then go to Taeoma, where
Mrs, Hrown will visit relative,
while Mrs. Tucker will lie the
guest of Mrs. C. L Haker, at
Sumner, and their last visit will
m with their brother. John Ke,
at F.ven tt, Wash.
Whv ! bothered with two
pairs of glasses? Call at
.i,. Tualatin. Friday. Oct 2.
io 4 o'clock, and have Dr. Iiwe
show you the new glasses with
which you can see all distances-
, .. .-1 K'.
one sol ia piece 01
ines to strain the eyes or collect
dirt; no cement to come apart
Free demonstrations, tall ana
see them.
l.'nv Cmk joid J. H. Rervt ef
( orne Hum; Harry GotT. of Forest
Grove, and Dr. Pittenger, nea
ter Alexander and County Clerk
Bailey, of HillslKiro, were all
down to see the last league
irnlinui 111 the season. Sunday,
and to their sorrow they saw the
Heavers N-aten two limes ty me
Los Angeles team.
f'nW'iinii I jiundered -1 am pre-
V'll. ,...'. . " " T
i,iirei to laundry and stretch lace
curtains at the following prices:
,arge size. 50 cents a pair;sman-
..r m-es. tWO Pairs IOr to itiiw,
and three pairs for $ 1.00.-. Mrs.
, C. Haldra. Haseline near imru
street, HillslKiro.
of Portland, and
tnict down at
Tualatin, was up to the city Fri
day. Alex says he isn t for any
county division, and that he is
satisfied to have tus proper
Slav in old Washington county.
The style, design, finish, work
its timber, for its salmon, for its
wheat and for its apples. She
urged specialization in all lines
attemnted. She asked for fideli-
in dealing, and stated mat
Earl Towne, on the McCourt
place, near Jobe's, was in town
the last of the week, suffering
from a piece of steel in the eye.
17 ill u( ufiiim, v.- - - - ... UvlOl iliV. vaiKH, VII uviun Vlll
Bhe hoped that some day Ameri- COi Was in town Friday, He haa
ca would be first place in com- rented the Sol Jack place, below
mercial integrity, a place now Farmington, for the ensuing
enjoyed by a pagan nation- y0ar.
hina. cchmitke. of Mountaindale.
r t f 17 JtiSSr tlZ ented was in Fridayleading a gasoline
Board of Horticulture, presented . . ' , choDUe, He
1VE iHh SSEt fu- miir the engine for irrigating
i.a U'ouKln.rtnn (V.untv wmiltH neXt BeSWon
Li rv(itiiH u a thi hint) of famous Public dance at Orenco Hall.
Friday night. October 21. Good
fc.r,w.r,in..r nri.iili(l nd Mr. music and a good time truaran
inmiith orned the exercises in toed. Tickets, 75 cents. Ladies
the afteriiotm with a cordial ad- free. Spectators, 25 cents,
uresaui mwv,..,0. . v . After a short v 8 t Geo. Alex-
numlHrs were presented, among ,r . to th p.
them being a numr by is. n. . country where he is asso
Alexander, of HdlBboro. . t . contract work on one 0f
S'hri 4 m s ruaieu in u i iosi :. ., , . . ,.
tne-new ranroaas running mio
beautiful section, and its lands, p , 0
both Unch and bottom, are Ltntral Ures?n'
among the most ierine in me anyone suu uuiuimk uciwct
Its farmers and mercnanis on jonnson s oiuaio may appiy u
J it ... 1 ... fn,a.iU iVin miMiVnon tiwrtrt
The other day while a Hillsboro
man was looking over some old
reapers he ran across a booklet
printed in 1881, issued by the
Washington County Agricultural
Society. The Fair dates were
set for October 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7,
and the officers and directors
have all passed away. Wm.
Reeves wa3 president; the late
Congressman T. H. Tongue was
secretary; and the late Robt. Im
brie was treasurer. The di
rectors were Robt. Imbrie, Isaac
Butler", J. Freeman, Wm. Reeves,
W. u. Scoggin, I, tt. tongue, b.
Corneliua (known as Uncle Ben,
and who was killed in taai Dy
Jack Powers.) II. Wooley and R.
91 PprUlriH
L B. Lindsey, who was super
intendent of the horse depart
ment is still alive, and also Wm.
Chalmers, who was in charge of
the cattle. The late John it
Porter, in charge of the fruit ex
hihir ia alsn in tha land of rest
Mrs. Peter Boscow, who was su
perintendent of the flower and
fancv work exhibit on which
Dnzes were paid, is still alive
nnri nnite well.
J. D. Rowell, of Scholia, who
died a number of years ago, was
in oharceor tne dairy. nouseworK
onA HnmpKtie pxhihits. R. Cave
passed on the mechanical depart
ment; J. freeman on equesman
ship, and J. C. Weatherred was
superintendent of the grains,
crosses and veeetab e displays
A season ticket cost $2.00, a
day ticket $1.
High Q UALITY Drug Store
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
"Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies . THE BEST EVER"
liaminsKy'a Mahe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Vice-President Caahier
It is a gross abuse of the rights
guaranteed by the Initiative and
Referendum Amendment to the
Oregon Constitution to bring up
woman suffrage at every general
are all prosperous, and the sec- as one-fourth the purchase price election. This measure was sub-
tion is dotted witn nne nomes. pi a uozen pnuius any bij ic ui mitted in iwu ana oeaien uy a
The grange fair is an annual size lrom postcard to oxs mciu- plurality of 2137. In 190b it was
currence, and if it shall en- sive till next Nov. 15th. again on the ballot and it was
...III 1 ...,.. nunrtuN .. V k.. 1 A1 7Q In 1 QA8 it l.'Qa
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, Sept 1, 1910.
Capital and Surplus $50000
I .nans - $259,243.34
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bond 38,640.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 116,900.04
Capital and surplus $50,000.00
Undivided Profits 188.73
TKos. C. Todd
laree it will need larger quarters
for the exhibits. The hall was
rnmnlotplv filled with exhibits.
and the people in charge of the
fair gave all visitors a very cor
dial welcome.
Wilber W. McEldo-wney
John E. Bailey
J. W. fuqua
J. A. Thernburg
A pretty wedding occurred at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. K.
Wheeler. Wheeler. 'Ore iron. Wed
ni'Mil'tv nvioilnir fief ' 1!)1().
when their youngest daughter
Lthe Marimret Whee er was
married to Albert Maxwell Hock
en, of lleaverton, Rev. C. B.
Kees, pastor of the BeaverUm M.
I'-, church, nerforminu' the cere
nionu fn A vIVmih t liuviittil lift-
'd as gnximsman and Miss Kthelj
Hocken us bridesmaid. The spa
rinus tarlors were beautifully
decorated with evergreens' nnd
flowers. There were many use
ful and ornamental wedding
gifts. After the ceremony at
K:(0 p. tn., light refreshments
were served in the way of ice
(Team and cake with punch. The
bridal party caught the 10:30
Klectrie at Beaverton for Port
land. Those present were:
Mr. mid Mm. 1). R. Wheeler, Mintrr
Ti-'l Wheeler, Mr. and Mri. W. O. Hoik
'i. Mia l'lhrl Hocken, Mr. mid Mm. W
A. Wheeler, Mr. ami Mra R. .S. 1'eiklns,
Mr. iiiid Mr. n. A W.Urnlmck. Mr.
"id Mr J. M. Weiae'ulmck, Mia Hon-
'"e WVUeiibmk, Mr, Arthur Clement,
Mr. nnd Mm. V. H. Hocken, Mr. and
Mm. R. Hocken, Mr. ami Mm. T. J.
Howe, Mra. W. H, Hoot, MuMer Robert
I'liriNtenni'ti Mr, t V. DnflV. Mim Nell
"fee, Mr. Albeit H. I'enrce, MKSter
nianship, material, all contribute
to the i esired effect Dr. Ixiwe s
Hurry lWee, Mlna Dora nuck, Minn
Mary Rmmiusneu, Mr. Roy Huron!.
Dance nt. W n. W. Hall. Glen-
w, Saturday eve, October 29.
roello'a orchestra. Everybody
invited. 32-3
, N. W. Chilcott, of East Hills,
boro, Saturday, brought to the
Argus odice some tine strawber
ries, of good size and tlavor,
wlwiunrwr ...Unr fmmn nnn (10
with a line Autumn like that ol
irlasses produce. Consult mm ai
Forest drove. Oct 27; Tualatin
Hotel, at Hillsboro, tne asm, w
4 o'clock.
Dr. J. C. Zan and L. F.
'm.:i.f r Portlnnd. were out
Saturday and Sunday, on a hunt
ing expedition, ana unpen v"
limit before noon on the second
ir,.,.. f,. aiilo' B ack mare,
7 years, law; sorrei ""',
years, 121K); iron gray mare, 3
years, law; oay nmi, - j".-,
,,,u e.,Ui I.fnnen. Cornelius,
Ore.. Koute 1. Vinelands.
d family are
here from Klamath Falls for the
nr.- Tim r.ntps have solo
out all their Klamath holdings.
0 B. was in charge of the
Klamath Falls plant
Frank Pranger, who has been
interested with Spienng & Soh-
i..- : fha I minr imivuu nan-
niil'l, has sold out, and taken up
his residence in this city.
Plumbing and plumbing ma
terial. First class work Call
on F. W. Ralls, at Connell & Co.
store. M
Born, to Carl "inman and
wife, of Forest Grove, Oregon,
October Id, law, a oo.
Money to loan on real estate
Terms reasonaDie. Ayw"
ratli Bros., Hillsboro, Or. 21tf
j w York, of near Reedville,
was" in 'the city Saturday morn
ing. 'John Koch, of near Blooming,
was in town the last of the week.
Argus and OregoniajjgjS.
n iin ...k u ,i,A ,n. hontpn hv 11. in lyuo 11 was
. I. lldO, uuill uic oocir . .. . , ..
ties and early eighties was in again on the ballot and it was
charge of the Dick Perkins farm, beaten by a majority oi tun.
Ll:. :.i.. o t NntuMthRtanrlinc these repeated
IIUS Slue ui oeav ri ivn, noa UuV o .
Saturday. looking after his cem- defeats, more decisive at each
eterv plat He now resides in eiecuon, ue ai c " "
Portland. again on tne oauoi wus yeai.
. ., 5 j ... ine oaiioi uue is inisieauios anu
J. L. Borwick, of Reedville. inHi(,ates - DrODOsal to trive votes
, . . . , . was in town I-nday. He has Spaying women only, but
The undersigned will sell at pub- about concluded to conduct the the measure t0 be voted on. is
lie sale, at his farm, 1 mile south store at Orenco and may run the th proposition which the
of Kinton scnooi nouse, oou ium S0re aiso ai iveeuviue, wucre u pgopie have so often and so re
miles east of Scholls, at 10 a. m., has been in business for some ntly condemned. It should be
SATURDAY, NOV. 5, time. voted down this year by an in
Tem mne. so. Rod worker.; a cow, Ed. Wann, Wm. Gifford, Thos. creased majority, especially be
,.d,d Jemv., 4 .ml 7 )"'. ' Williams and Geo. Kirkwood re- cause of the fraud undertaken to
lining Rambouiietu turned Friday evening from their be perpetrated on the people by
buck; Mitchell wan0"' 2-seaiea nac, 1 mamooK trip, ana repon an ex- me use ui s laoc nu uusicouius
sinifie biiKgy;Kmeron mower, 5 (1 cut; celient time. The boys arranged title on the ballot
,0-U rake. "r0- tJfS to get back so as to get out the Oreeon Association Opposed to
cultivator, champion cider juek a first day of the open season and Woman Suffrage.
. 1. ....... u.t .inuV ImriirM. ueni's Will 9 fow hirrk Mrs. Fran CIS
Mrs. Francis James Bailey,
Paid Advertisement
team harness, net line hatuesa, Kent's I kill a few birds
addle. l6-inch atcel beam plow, 14 men . , v
"olxi beam break i..K plow, 10-inch gar- Carpenter C. Larsen has heen
den plow. 30 Kh kettle, aso-lb a beam building a plank road to the rear
counter acale, pair atelyar.ia, nanu can, of tne ArgUS building SO that Doll of Honor
1.. .1. ...... llnnvrr nntato (llffirer. SU-I , 1 I I HOli vl liuiiut
1 II u , .lin acrancr Datent automobiles can De run arounu
perior potato planter, alipacrapcr.paieni u:u: rt
, dnw fwnrr aewimr machine, Bamen ttuu entfi uic aiuic uuhmiuk w i . .
,linnrcuuivrVmbined,7 ton. the North via the back door Those on the roll of honor in the
h.t innw in trn. 100 busheli I A A r-n o m onnn I Frickett LSchOOL tSanKS. UregOn.
Viuiwtur 1 , , IV'UtV KaiMKV n Ui wii a- - m . ,
oata, farm toola ami many other articlea. j jn the structure. D St No. 75, for the month end-
Lunch at noon. nta m ltie struclure jng Qct u mQf are foHows:
Terms of Sale -Under $10, Marshal Baker, the Chehalem Raymond, Giadya. Newton and Carl
cash: $10 and over, one year's Mountain thresherman, was over sutpiey, Dorothy. Gerald and Russell
time, bankable note, at a per town tTlday, and says at . w, taXwteT joY
cent Two per cent off for cash large acreage of Fall-sown grain ,SKW&Sey.Ai"
nvorSHl. , is e-oincr in over in his Section. u tin, MpCUI. Bessie Dunn. Rex-
N. u. Mcuonaio, uwner. xhe yield this last year was (bid sommers, aeryi, noacoe ana vaea-
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. much better than usual, and he te Beneue . L.r. .na n.
had a tine threshing run. . , Peterson. Leonora Robinson.-
Mrs, Harrison Gruy, Teachr
IO Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
Fine full-blood Hol-
WE are showing the full line, fresh
from the factory, with many improve
ments. They are all new, snappy, up
. to-date and stylish.
Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut in two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
Forest Grove, Oregon
a in Tfi DPCT
Hiram Smith, who was on the
, it r ,a Sam B. Stoy place, below Orenco,
The funeral of Mrs Raymm. i gj1 t si8Pon, has moved over
Uorvov fnrmerlv Miss Mariruer- : 1 mt.
na. .vi - ; . v, , . 1 1 to llliamoOrV Willi 1 a uuua mm n ,
umnrwl tnok nlnep. Friday. tu. .? r . . xi . !j For sale:
'', 0? f riends who Wl11 . dai7. Yer . . Anes1 IZln bull calf.- From fine milk-
" W"V w fian to the county, vvmie goinK over one ux r -.. Retristered stock
larTv of the voung lady. Cornelius, Route
The floral offerings were the aereu tu u,c um llu",c' 1. Reside on North Plains be
finest ever tendered obsequies j, c. Lamkin packed a tine tween Dudley mill and Hillsboro
i tkn nlf.r ' Paw Rvnn P. r.f Dimluii tho otVipr rlav
111 III,- ,11.. . . V. T . ' " . I 11,11 III mi ULSl.,l.kJ H'V w ....... ,
Huches preached the funeral and sent them back to Ridge J. C. Smith, of Greenville, was
discourse, and every business Farm, III., to relatives, lhe in town tnday.
... . . I . . ! f 11. . I
i Mti nmci iiAcnn mir. i t.-vm r mnv rT mu ir i . m i a a -
nouse in uic citjr nooviuovv. uv.. pippins weic .ireini j , A new line ot pnoto mounts in
ing the funeral. chards about Hillsboro, and they u th ,atest and most attractive
I i ui IL I LUH.U nuuuv " " f
FOR SALE ment ever sent out of this sec
styles has just arrived at John
son s Studio.
, . , , x ... a i .. Arenoo a ana wue iiavt;
One hundred tons Daied nay, at M C- steeples and wife, of J ' d from a visit with their
right prices. For particulars, Hoquiam, were in the city this ,3pt Mn, Geo. Loeb. of
inquire .of Mays Bros., wencoe, WHjk visiting friends Ihey ' Rideneld( Wash.
Lire. uuui yuviiw Will SUenu a ween, ui au ucie, , .
pr0t HrnvP pnrl on (la es Creek. JNOW on saie a large stucn w
. . ., ti ....... r ci l..., tioi ot mronr phi rtrpn s scnooi snoes. suca
j h a flams, tne farminuxon wir. oieeuico oojro - - .
" ' r .i t i u n m.i.nt ,m tmm is a to l. a: uncea ruiiKiiiK
u.Am ih una m HTifiav. ne annual visa uc dcm ki. im-i"- ---- -zr-x . . m
1 days hammering piow snares. Mngtuu wuuv,. - -
Have you ever examined the
excellent stock of high grade
watches I have m stock?
If you will spend a moment
in my store I will show you
the very best in high grade
You will find here one of the
most comprehensive stocks of
watches m Washington
county, and the prices I as
sure you, will be as low as you
will find in the state.
Watchmaker and Jewc ler
Graduate Optometry