The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 13, 1910, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    HiliSttCRO AR&ijH OCT. 15. ilo
War J I'wU I lnt
, mil Wish t' .Uirpt
lit r MlK J. w. SI Will
-,rl 1I lhal hc M Ci'uniy
,Vjti(.. , I.K-itlly. are moving rath
ilnniM-ratH nu t
Iti organize
,.r si" ' 1
S.d onlay
Antral tn m it t . No ticket
i,am.-.. It IH (dated that
ir S .i! .1. "f l'Wi'ht (roi. iii
f tin' lvr V tn tliitHM-H mi
tl. .l.-iHK-ratir ticket. iIim'S not
ul,, i,, run. and will doeline.
I'..iiti..n'( are naid t ! out for
:,,.,( ,.v-i axking J. W. Sewell,
..- I .. I... I . .1.1 i.l .,f.
iTl'., alio wu" o ..v
mm- earn. to run for fount y
, and a M'lition i also Im-
t.d lor i .. v. innip.
Ior count v recorder.
HillilMiro (Irani- met Satur
day and initiated two iim-iiiImts.
when adjournment wan taken for
dinner. At l.:',o re wan a lit
miry proemm. After a Sony,
and a nutation ,y Mr , Shuti
"f II"' mo,t iiiiH,rtani
nii a .iiri 4 to be voted iimiii wen-
inoroiiiUy , , i .,-,1, ami t(.
and hail feature thorough
ly h . . ti ll. 'i utoiH an- alwaya
w eleoiiie at I In- open meetings,
which arc held ut l;.'yi t'.
"conil Satunlay of each month.
I rcuc ;. iii the Spirclla corset.
Mal e mi-Iim t n, ns in your home,
Mnic accurate mi'.-uureinentH
can le taken, ami you i-t a cor
Hel to im-. t tin- requirement of
your lu'uiv, Semi jnstal rani,
or phone call for appointment.
Mr. M. -:. Cau.lle. HillnUiro.
lii'i:on, 'ilth ami Jacknon SH
Iini. idioiie. 'jr, :',7
' i"-t , and aeij 07 years, died
Cimiidl j-Klslatrlor Jood Walk
In Miic Icrrilory
MWOR VI70I.S W. & L. MfAStH:
Dance at Hilluboro Hall, t-
nrday evening, OctolxT 15.
iorn. October 11. 1910, to Ceo.
K. Mcacharn and wife, of atxwe
Mountaindalt', a son.
('. to Wvatt & Co. for the ccl-
liiati d Packard dress fchoe. SeephoulJ l?t Out and Vote Against
all in Heart of coun
Annexation Nov. H
Uit a) I. canon That it Would InvoKc
a New I ramhiKC
Orcgoniaa Run F.ditorial Opposing An
nciatfon Project
I he city council last Thursday
night passed an ordinance re
poring that all new sidewalks
huilt after October 17, between
Railroad Street and ( .Irani Street.
North ami South, and KirstStreet
ami to Ninth Streets, inclunive.
lam l reiierick Seluil.. of Ll i.i i... i.,,;n ,.r
. i.iifmn i;iiil ill v ill' III.
A nuinlier are already nuttintf
t'V I'
I'h'c !"
,f l!V!l",
at t he Si liwrril i ll.i-.i.ll-.l
l ue-dav. and the remains were '",wn n,'w '""""d walks to tfet
lii'H-( to the )oueson Under- ahead of the measure.
i.imiik paiiors, ye-ueruay morn- Mayor liailey vetoed the or
III. I In' Wile ami three I'roWII dliiiowe .,!,.. ..lin.r t tt, a,.!,, r.f
1 I I.. . I . . v '"" "
iiiinrcu p'Miie ai wrenco, ami
. i r
M'i'11 JUXl iwioie noon
r Sewcll htated that it
that hts
friimls wire
and that he
tHlt With (K'tltiollS.
wu!.l Miakf the run.
! 1 1' . Ward shall not acceit,
this a., ild leave I'Vrd tironer
a!,,i:c tl'- li'k'iftativt' ticket.
i andidati-s 'oin on the
Ui'llut in it now ko on ly ti
sciiot i s tikVMii: r.Mw
S,h..!!-i ('.raiu'i' will luld its an
nua! fair in Odd 1-Yllnwn' Hall.
Si'hi'lh. Saturday, (H-toUr l.V
II. M. WilliatiiHon, Secretary of
the Slate lloard of llorticullure,
will I..- there ax a KjM'aker; also
Mrv i 'Lira II. Waldo, for sonic
tutu- t.i'.e h cturer of the Ciranc.
jiiid !. has just returned from
the l a t and ancxtviisive trip t"
J i.,-. WrlistiT. the v,:hI roads
tilth i nca, and head of the Ore
j,M!itii'd lloaiU Association, has
i.Miin -d t h in attcndaiu-i', if
can imssililv so arraiik't' his
datci. iiiuier will Im-served in
the h a.i at noon and in the eve-
Ihc afternoon will n- devoted
t.i ii: -.i !, .sioiis alonif lines of
fanm?.. fruit k'rovv in j. and dairy
ini'. r tci-sH'rse. with music and
i ai nu'nU-rs. The e Tiling w ill
W u . d for a literary program
ami MK-ial intercouie. Kvery
nI is cordially tnviUnl to m- in
nlleiidanee. and all in the wet ion
an r. .nii-steil to tirinu exhibits
as a matter of local pridi
Scholia alvvayH K'ives a sueeess
ful fair, and as it is situate in
the heart of one of the most
productive sections of the coun
ty the displays will Im wort!
Willie M'Cintf.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lie sale near the l'almateer place
1 1 :! mili-s southwest of keoil-
ille, at 'J;(Nl p, tn, sharp, on
Item i 1 1 . . r , j-r In-1 r run rl.ln
iliivi; i iy n nir. Ill v m. i. Ilv ran
Im. k.4j liofiio, Jii vr. I too. Irun !
fill; ., vr, III milk, lu I" fr"!nti
r'rl.t ,..uir ; ,1 infiir. ilnn In friwlmii
lnli. April ninl M: i Serinif liollrr
"- ' vr "lr..r. in r I I'.irt. a I" i'l"
On w.u-ihi. tf.H.t nn hnw. Imll lli. ImiI
I' ; liilitifv. (Niln nltil kIhOI
' -' i': m i ulni.oi iii.k Murk lir
"I I Uri'm. ,1 IiniIIi ruUivnliir, III
Ii I'.uw, rlilliitt uiitlll. mi lain nl I'll
ll', ''nlitt." Niiiini mill iiulrl; I-" 4
i f. an r,.n u,,r i a , Kt milk run". '-ii
loiii.l , inirn n, miiurrniiii i.lliir nrll
Terms of Sale Under $!,
(,;i'ii: len and over, one year
nii'ikable note, at 8 lief cent.
l'wo per cent. olT for cash.
F. C. Wilson, Owner.
II. I'. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
MAk'dlHIkiri; I.. IIARVKY
J. K. Oickason, of alsve Moun-
Liindale, was a county seat visi
tor Tuesday.
We carry a choice Btock of
fiuits and nuts; - Kwber's (confectionery.
Sunday from an extended visit Pvtry vmer in ine nean. oi me
in Seattle. county, wno is opposeu to losing
When you want ice cream, Ret the f'a-stern I,art of the county.
the best. Hazlewood -Koeber'B should Kt't in and rt'RisU'r so as
Confectionery. to be able to cast hi3 vote atcainst
Iiistrict Attorney H. H. Tongue the measure at the coming No-
is attending court at St. Helens vember election. The oprxwition
this Wf'ek. to annexation tn Multnomah arp
Wanted: To buy cheat seed: receiving support, editorially,
a i- ii. i. ..- . I. . . . ...
a. r. iiouincii, iea t-i ton. oie., Irom the Uregonian, which Tues
I Joule 4. IJox 11. , j lj u f!i,..;.
of abdve
"Tht piTe krhinrl tbete achemetlt
the funeral t x ik place tixlay, at
this cit v. Heath was due lo
itmphy of the prostate land
practically the same malady suf
fered by l.dit ir Scott, of the
( hcL'oinan.
( lara I.. r uller. of tins county.
ha sued William O. Fuller for
the water and light plant be
cause he held the measure was
so drafted that an entirely new
ordinance would hav
inks, was in town veslerday, uition o( I'oitlanrl for toadbai itinir in
en route to 1'ortland. country ditHcti. This county, however,
ill unauie o provide all trie roan lin
Mi.SS Mant'llC LangleV, Of " Of- provementi ureiltl in its preicut area.
est Grove, waH down to the City Then how much more impossible the
ni ij ,, t prouitm antr anneiae.oor
to been- Jt 1 JUy" If thwe Wanh'nuton and Clackama
Dr. A. E. Tamiesie, assistant
superintendent at the Oregon
State Hospital for the Insane,
recently made a trip to California
to induce the California author
ities to commit a man who has
been threatening the life of Gov.
Benson. He was successful in
his mission. Dr. Tamiesie recently
had a narrow escape from a seri
ous injury. He was struck by a
roek thrown by an insane patient
who had smuggled the missile
into the ward when coming in
from exercise.
- Capt. Dan Smith is billed to
speak in Hillsborn, Wednesday,
Oct. 19th. on "Prohibition is
Morally Wrong." Every intelli
gent citizen should turn out and
see how little can lie said against
"Prohibition." Smith is one of
those orators in the field on the
liquor side trying to win votes
for the Home IJu(in)le Hill, but
really making them for "Oregon
Dry in 1910." 31
Tinner J. C. Lamkin is this
week cutting out 100 decoy wild
geese, out of galvanized tin, for
A. C. Shute and five others, who
will soon leave for Arlington, to
hunt on the wheat fields, as soon
a3 the geese begin their south
ward flight in earnest. The de
coys will be stuck in the ground
acted with the purchasing com- Everyone should be particular county al.cei e.pect to u, l'ortland for after na r.ainten and it is
... I l . . r l r. I .... ,f ,.!,.. Io ,..,t,n c. tun; vrnr their rcdi, why ihou il they a one enjoj aiier oeing pamiea, ana 11 13
-any, and he preferred to leave of v,hat is ea en so buy your lhjt ivih;e? 1 iatA M , said that at K) yards it is almost
the old franchise and contract candy at the Den ot sweets. the whole ute one road district, giab- impossible to tell them from the
Miami as a guiiiu until a new
contract and franchise is
luorce, a!!eiiij.' that he has fail-
d l" proude food and clothing An ordinance was nassed an
lor plaintill and her three minor thorizinir an issue of JKi.OOO in
hildivii, and that when hIh
would talk to him he would tell
her to ".shut her d d mouth
She a.sks the custody of the three
little ones. They were marriei,
it Sett's liluff, Neb., in l'.MH.
We have just received. Mi) pairs
f the tamouH nnd yfunuihe Napa
tan sliiM-s the kind handled by
ImhhIh to take up the outstanding
water and light warrants.
PL lil.lC SAI.I;
1). II Wheeler, of Wheeler.
l lie umiersigned win sen ai pun
lit' auction at their place, U 1-2
miles south of IJeedville, I miles done while you wait.-
east of rarminirton. and I 1-J
Wehnmi A- Sotis for a numU'r of nilleii north of Seholls, at ten
years. This stock is now en- o'clock a. m.. on
FIJI DAY, 0CT015E1J 11
R i hiii marr, o ym, iuo; ujkj tiiarr, u
i, lino; brown vrliliiiv, u yn, m
ImmnKrliliiiK. S T", H5; l'V geldiiiK. at Hovt's.
. . . i i . . -it J ' j . ' j j -
.Mesirs, lie.'il ami rosier Will frt,h m May. red Ji-rwy
.1. E. Hutler. of Portland, is at WH .ror w,w "mt . . genuine wild, living article.
i.r. " . .' . ,i ' l nif u a question mat luouiii be prop- " "
J" ' present working at the county Lrly Hecidef by home mie of the ticaii- The Schiller -a 10 cent ciear
!!"rf:.J" u!f! 7, and the Grand Marca, a two for
John P.oge, of Karmington, whoiu know .nd re iitlle ,,.. ' tht a quarter cigar, are what you
was a county seat visitor yester- real menu of the conuoreray. similar want w hen you buy a cigar.
day afterniMin, ocal qoetions are involved in the no Kept at every bar in Hillsboro.
I'.eil Tluirilhur. of alsiVO Bloom- which voters are called upon to cast their AbK Ior lnem-
mg. was a couniy suai visitor anois mis neiieiecuon. jnesecoumy cna3. ivoontz. LalJacK Jr., J.
yesterday. 'S.? Connell and L F. Emmott
y our shoos can now be repaired concerned. The initiative h been sore- returned Tuesday evening from
at the Wvatt & Co. store. Work . ,n ltl, wneM.
F. A. BAILEY, M. L).
rbyirlo and Mai ii
Otflc Hailry Mrrgan bl.n
IUmhiis 12, 1.1 ami IS. Kmi i t.
wt rornar Itwrlina anil e. i
llnth 'I'honM.
I Mrotta.
.k Stoi
OlBoa n (Stairs orTli pel' !
Kkalilnnca Kaat of Contt M !,
la Um eorner of tin .,M-k.
Surri Southern Faclrio lu.lad Co.
ConaulUlion in Kronen or Kiii;';h.
ui-o upauaire. ovr A. (imV utora,
north aide of Main HU, HUls.,or,., tr.
A. B. BAILEY, M.D..D. D.S.
Physician and Snrpeon.
Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9,
Uailey-Alorj;an Lk ck.
Both Phone.. HillsWu, OfC.
Osteopathic Phyiini
Mondays, W'edueailnys he-! I' . I.tva
9 to 12; I to 4; 7 m
Tuesdays, Thursdays and .s.iiu.-il.iyt
7 to 8 p. m.
Ltnltlater Bldgover Delta. V.Mh 'hones
route J rmii .Napa, shere they art
manufactured. New leather and
newly manufactured. Wyatt &.
a fishing excursion over on the
Wilson. The boys made a good
catch, and Koontz has the cham
pionship for landing the largest
salmon. The boys also brought
tn a fine lot of venison, three
bucks having been killed during HILLSBORO,
their trip.
If you are in the market for
Rooma 10 and 11 Morgan-I'.iii-y iilix'k,
atreeU Over Dnnl! ;
row, frrnh In
ent entitled "The Htory 10 "'lk' a chu-kri... daughter, Mrs. M. H. Stevenson, p'y,
. , I, ... 11 11 Clismpliin biiulrr, almott new; II11111 L, , . . .
.liar, ul drange Mall, ,U)P, nrw; , y so. Sunday. bik 1
t'.; 1 .. . . t .1 .1. 1 I . 1 ... . baliv V 1
Ileynolds, of Moun-
S. crram srpatatur, new; lull arts work
h nici, and other ailii'les too urnm-ious
lo mrotion.
see L. i,
Ed W'ann will be associated wvmwmmmmmmmmwvVv
with his brother-in-law. Mr. Uit
. . . .. j 1
was in the my yesierqay, anu James M willey Jr to Thos R Son
called on the ArgUS. der. to acres sec Uir 1 W....J750
, , . . . t . 3 Jiatcn to lil Sinclair, b& acres
A new and complete stock of sec 17 1 s r 1 w 1
!i tlwi latest nnd best In Ixiokfl. I Allxrt Dledsoe to J Francis Teevin.
&o acres sec Jj t 3 n r 4 w 3000
S S Dill to Mrv U' I'lrnm U nf if.
Mrs. M. A. Sweanngen, of siecjttnriw 600 cedar shingles, cut or sawed, in
free sterwititiian en- SponKilnsey cm, 9 yrt.fre.h in March, l'ortland. was a guest of her J11M pcnramei to a k Hoimea, 7SI- large or small lots, do not tail to
"J ' IJ" tvJ
erhoeven to W A Long, lot a
Bailey's ad, 1-orest Grove ...
riday, Octolier II. harrow. s,.r.i.g harrow, .hac V,,,. sh(., f0P hidios-inst ar - te. e',V". 10 V?" M "l '
at the M. k. church, uouw. , w. kiK pto,.. cuiiiwtor. t-. ,v : . vh'ta- TItJ nunn uT r ' rK,u'r.T"v:;r 375
Shoes now 011 Sale at Wyatt. & Helwtia Swisa Club 150x177 feet
at neiveiia 1
T S Mrllanirl tn Jnlin A Xfror -.
Free lunch at noon. r iii.,o,.P nnd Andrew Jack lots M vers ad Reed vilie .'. 10
To rent: Farm of 'ZL acres, Terms of Sale under ?lfl, ovt.r in the Wilson River K c Mulloy to Mary Jane Hathom,
contaming acres tinner emu- casti: over iu. 1 year s ume ai ...nmtrv th s week, on a sa mon .'.r...'.. Sr.";:"-':.--
at.on. I b.use. barn and orchard. 8 ikt cent interest bankable note. flsllil, eviedition. Z w T t
Fift) yards from Klnionica sta- 2 per cent off, for on sums . . . , , , , , bavid Miller to Mrs Klla'Morriwn,
tion. Oregon I'.leclriC. inquire over IW. 1 V 1 Vi Z 7lTo J 10 acr" Virginia flace, reserving
S'.ick iiirnij luia irriLti man nic 1 me interest 10
factory-made kind." Den of C V Bergen to R N Jensen, 5 acres
C,. (1t sec 24 I 1 1 r 1 w
. nui 1. nanuc w, H uuuges, OA.OO
Sam Schmidt, of near Laurel, acres sees 14 and n t a n r 4 w.35oo Supper extra.
and who is the champion nop 3801 ? -f's nougmon
..l,!,... Ut ooftinn iinanvw and Thomas Prince, 4 interest in
picker of that section, was over s ,Cressec6 nan w. 10
tow n yesterday. Clarence Cave to Guilderoy Little-
held et al. 2 lots S V ad F Grove. ..1400
Cm. W. Mmtlmy V. U. Harm
Eoomi 1 and 1 Shute F ti: Iil
Vive their
of a Doll
I teas erlotl,
S p. in., am
1' annint'ton. lin-sdav. lMh, and
rantre Mall. Sc hulls. Wednes
day, the l'.tth.
Rooma j, 4. A S, Morgan BU. ruinboro,
f M.
O'Meara. laverton. Ore
U. '1. residing near Klmonlcu,
David and ('alizte la'U'atl. of
Ih-Iow Scholls. have sued Henry
I,. Hart for a balance of $-KW al
leged to Ih due on a hop contract
for Imps delivered at Sherwood
station, this season. Attachment
has been issued to hold the crop Mm,
:it the SUierwood dclKlt Ulltil till
case is decided.
The Spirit of Idaho," by
Arthur W. North; "Creater than
Cold," the harnessingof Western
rivers, bv I'lavton M. Jonen, in
the OctoU-r Sunset magazine,
now on sale at nil new stands.
15 cents. iy-31
Mil, Wann, Win. (iiiTord. Thos.
Williams and Chhi. KirkwiHHtde
Simon Neixskn,
John Nki.lskn,
J. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer.
Kd. Shute, Clerk.
ford, in the management of the
new hotel. They expect to have
the hostelry opened by the Holi
days, and if perseverance and at-
i. A" A- I .' ...Ml 1
10 lenuon 10 uusiness win mane
things go the boys will soon build
up a big and profitable business.
The Modern Woodmen will give1
a dance in their hall at Reedville,
Saturday evening, October 22.
Toelie's orchestra. Tickets, $1.
Good time as-
Offica Uprtatrs, Bailey MVea Slock
Room, 1 an4 1.
Orrioi: Main 8trect, opp. Court llotme.
unrtci I Saturday for a fiKliingand L..,..!... tm
hunting trip over to Wilson Kiv- Grove, known as David's Hill,
M. C. Hewitt, the carpenter, is tLlJ"
V. W. David, of borest still in the housemoving business, to Herbert T Kini?. 4 lots Portland
('.rove, died at the home of her and if you have a building to Heights No j 10
youngest son, William David, on move, see him for an estimate. m 10 aticnaei weison, a lotsm
lUliuav miuiiuiK, vcvvi , ,in ,inn nf Woe I I mnn K.n. lo KA I vin i
1 1 ni I tlV'llll IVV-lllvlli VI j w viiivii, 1 vwuiw w h. m itw au aut.
910, at 7:.W 0 clock.- the w as whoso brown Swi buU took I ct I0
Imrn in Hamburg, t.erniany, .. . ,.:.,., n) th .pnf HilU. Shaw-Fear Co to J F SDixon, 3977
March 4. 1810. her girlhood days . . " " ' TI " ' u s ' U 10
being spent at her blltliplaie yestmlav 3 lots In block C Tualatin Grove
When a young woman she moved ' - Tract I0O0
to Australia, w here she lived two rostmaster t ornenus biaies wash Co Abstract Title & Trust Co
years and then went to Califor- that the postal receipts are gain- to Mary M Fisher, lots 1 aud j sec
nia. "Liter, with her husband, ing right along, and that they !i"'i::-' 1
she came to Oregon, and in 1871 are considerably m excess of last
sured. Everybody invited.
Jacob Mauss, of this side Banks,
and who can see both the P. R. THOS. H. TONGUK IR.
the farm near Forest year.
1 i,. ru, f l)f l.,r,,l bit 4 111
iiniii-i uioi ai. , i . vi . u, R D A,l01 (J j, K B,an,on oU
& N. and United Railways from
hisDorch. was down to the city ATTORNRY-AT-I.AW
'I' 11 .1.', n 1' n ft- j- r rsY A frtiT s - - 10 I
.unuajaic.,,. Morgan Blk, OpaUlrt, Rooms t. 4 and $
ago such a thing as a railway out
in his section would have been Hillsboro, - - Oregon
considered almost an impossibil
t.-m, p.-....- J Dr. S. M. REAGAN
oust tun rjiiun-rv u. vui n in iu
see one of their new gopher veterinary physician
traps. Gets them every time and surgeon
and there is no chance of shoot- Thr only graduated and licei scd Veter-
mg yourself or running a spear inar7 m Hiiiaboro. sixteen years pmc
in your hand. tlcal pe'ice.
Last Saturday, Joseph Welch, hthtii! k i
bik4 Thome's addition 1500 of Portland, and who is a real oicr,hn. Pacifinst.t.Mir imi.iiis
lots I ocf Qtn ilntAr u.'Vii1a in triia pif v I d.,i.i ..i t...i ...i ...... i,.
Altnn A,M H1....onIJ -l. """" . .'.""' V"" v, morauo, 1 "
M J Harvey to Elnora M Goff. lot ij
stepped on a nail, which ran cttic states i.
i L- -1. . .. ! i - r .- --. -.
er ami iiiu"" wnere inrjf ivomcy "-" was out 101 av. loOKing oyer ine Alton AnH.
.i ..I I I, ,i lumillii Till1!.. it,.-.,. c.vlH Ihn . . . a- I ...
u em i iu i ii. i - ... ii ---iveiirH liuo iii.-ii tow ouiu tin. i f .w.t,,i.. m.imanr nr in w pitv to i vih m
Ihvs. and he promised faithfully .,,,..,, 0 its present owner. Her
ei flint- liff nnil limh were riot I R H Alton to Shaw-Fear Co, s lots 1 through the sole Ot the shoe and
i,,see that thev eot into no trim- husband died about a year ago. L.,.1 .,h insametract 10 penetrated the foot. Dr. I. A
- ' - . I I HUllllUl 11 li. I it...-. i .1 i i : . . i i . ,
b e during tin' trip. T ie loliowing cnuuren survive;
n,.,. si-hombiirLr of Maun- Mrs. rrank inatcner, iienry anui''.;;" m . o Herman Metzger to J H Ellison, lot
fc " li'Mi: 1 ,1 n a tKa h'nwwt U U UIUIVC OU ul HI in aii I Jm i
d M -.1 T..l T a " r
u i.viunuivmu iniHi-o, jim Roct.nwnt Cnoonrt Str Sat.
urday night, Oct. lo, from 11 to
i nas. v-x noimm.K. w. ;.... M..vili nu nf ti1p i,1Pt,st and who tiroke an arm in a iau
!ai,1,,1l!r.insSring fSn an GTJ$$l& fio?urewas from a windmill platform a month
'oil tS? If he rt" the cause of death. Interment p.3, m t' and had
the H.ivton eometerv. Die splints removed.
Mi"'. Marguerite Kedniond
v,,y, wife of Kayrnond A.
v'.v. and (inly daughter of Mi'
Mrs. 0. W. Redmond, ol
llillslioi'o, died at l'ortland, Oct
(iIt 1'J. 11)10. She retired th
('cinng before with no apparent
'"iii'tTn of her health and diet
iieiore mot'iiimr. The news came
her parents ana friends in
llillslioi'o as a great surprise.
Mrs. Harvey was born in South
'l'iat;it in, July HISS!), nnd spent
'''i' life in Washington county.
Me- was universally popular, and
'"'i' demise is a matter ol deep
recret to a large circle of friends,
w'l'o sympathize with the be
reaved family. She was married
" Itiiyinond A. Harvey, May l.r),
J;"". and they took up their res
lll,;i,ltv in Portland.
The remains were brought to
this city for burial, and the fu
'"'I'al takes place tomorrow, from
"'e Uedmond residence, at 11 a.
liev. Kvan P. Hughes con
hicting the funeral service.
,'i'iends can view the remains
''""in i) to 10::i0 in the morning.
..nii'i.M.mtKr to make t he wius in tue uumuh '""'h-ij,
COMl.- num. '-""J -.. , , ,, . '.,., .!,,
i..:,. I,.. ,m, I hws s eiv Miss tk'S- roresi, invM.-, touj,
n i) in in, -- -. - - -
. 1 .,i r ... '..IK..., ! di-ul
Sll. Will It'ave Uiri uiinm mv
of the week.
J. Hartley, of Gleneiw, re
turned Tuesday irom ainp uoe
i inn Conntv. having niaue
1 1,., ti'in down overland with W
tin n I
W. Paine
on HIS ooo-acn iumuo.... , -1i,1.iirn,l northeast of
II lllU UllVtVt VIIB.IIVU a.wm w. . . - -
Krownsvilic. iiilluluirn will he nroseouted to
M. t II lUi'vi V ' " " t "
Bailey attended the injured
Will serve oysters at the City
near Glencoe I0 i..u..n, A , V i
Julius Shanlet to C L Swaim, 4 lots
I am Prepared to do Hih Class
Dental Work. A New 0! ice with
Modern Emiipmetu
Trmiesie Bldg. HILLS BdiiO, ORE.
Muin and Third.
West Portland Helo-hts i: 1 9 n'elivW H F? Fnllpr Pron
Dl. F. A. Bailey Was a Port- Ellen Forestal to Union School Ceme-
Mn Duvid was a verv kindlv bind visitor vesterdav. and States tery Association, 0.57 a near Cedsr Major Hendershott, the hop-
woman. and had a host of friends that he found sentiment rapidly 1 50 buyer, was out in this section,
in Washington county. growing against annexation down to Mary o-Neiii, a lota Portland Tuesday, looking over the hop
, 1. 1 . .:-. vt - 1 ro.-iiaro M.3 cava rnor i-'n-T I n n -i
inai wav. rieitnis o. 1 10 uv Ja wmiiuum tTT-inirvf
NO TRESPASS ... n. . D.., Same to Msry b Smyth, a lots Port- will beat the proposed annexation Uivu,kn w jjurKr
. u. onB a, V'"a'Tl" Heights no. a 10 0f portions of Clackamas and ?,1.lvef wa VmP - M'n
ana W no is coruracuns wan jut wary 3 tioover 10 1. rreer ana j VVoonin.rtnn nnnnfmo
When the kitchen is properly t, extent of the law
couipped there is sunshine in the $ Lyons, North Hillsboro,
voire, alleging
Woodman cf America, meets evt ry first
r.r.3iSlW All porsons luintinit or othonvise ivlsman, in concrete work and , MP..l16;-.;lit,i,7..,1oo n "nmgron touiraes. ..HhiM s.iu,.Uy. in, ,a,,l,
iiie uiun.-iainin;u nuii.iii.iw3v v. viSlllllK relatives. I A Y Beriren tc. R N Jensen. 5 acres .....v... j u nU. v wmu ly invned to attend camp me, iwks.
5nfanf MA nf Mr onH near Garden Home 1750 to hnd elsewhere, look through S. G. Rhodks, Consul.
lniaill tniltt OI lUr. anu ... tiM, ,n r w lTryi Hm-t'a Wil flurartmont R. R. HArr.RHMAM. (llerk.
. ri I T"i i . - J ' . . J iS w v " w.fc'w, -1 x vJ V awi va v uui vtiivuin I '
Mrs. t.amuei n. uaies, uieu in seci4t2nr4w jsoo
PortlaiTd yesterday, and the re- Sam b stoy to L T Houghton, u8 a Mrs. Mahlon Malone, who has
mains will be brought hereto- 9ec6 ! f 1 w"-"""-:: ; 10 been spending the Summer with
morrow for interment. Mauielrso t? iUncock- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
Chas. Mertz and Jack Latta, pa"" Je Hiu to a m Porter","'.- ard Baldra, departs the last of
of l-'oreyt (Irovo are to start a "3 " Aimoran tun common..... 1925 me weeic ior ner nome in Ana
w. " ' - - 14 M ynriar W U7 Vslarann u a I I 1 . I 1 A
i,,,iwi 1 01110 in anil see
Chnmnon and Uiarier
ranges. They are the
Mmrick & Corw in.
sues Doris for di
1 inn 1 ii r, - - - .. j
ii nir that sne caueu
Chris Hesse, of Scholls, was
up to the city yesterday.
Yellow Jackets seem to be
more poisonous than usual this
vear. and a single sting was
names too vile to put in the aun,oient to have medical attend-
steam laundry in the old Forest
drove Methodist church building.
I'iiiK'o at Hillsboro Hall. Satur
day evening, October 15th.
lb T. Uagley and wife were
rt'nisU'i-ed yesterday ut u promi
ll('nt Chicago hotel, enroute
Westward. They expect to stop
a few days in Wisconsin before
starting; for Oregon.
(At Auction)
Owing to going out of the milk
1 will offer at public
1 Contractor 'and Builder 4
All of the latest hooks, in hoth " T
fiction and standard works, will I Large Barns a Specialty Kj
always be found in my book de- ..,. . , VmIU j
partment. L. M. Hoyt. M Ind ptphone 151 Rood 4 ,,,r'
Adeline Kern, who was wedded 1 Hillsboro, Ore., R. F. D. 5 h
Farmers in the vicinity ot l!ea- - ; ' "7 ' TlilMwn 6 mUes west ot fortland, on aneging mat. ner nusoanas love
Keedville and Wheeler .v. - njorneii roaa at iu 0 ciock a. m., on nas uruwn as coiu as an AiasKan
fkf w.i.,1, considering enlarging ner Doun-u.rnTmn a v nnm ic min winter, and that he has bppn an
OAiuwni, v-ziji. xo, iviv ..V ,7 r , " "
Ll ULLt'llll- .... .. . 1
, I" They were married " & other day. The little hh ey nuy pctvasea Btntn in l!M)l). Lhil.l nf .Ineob Schneider, of Lei- V11
... avvilhv wiw stunc the other dav y
delivereii to any - - . v . G h employed T.
..1 .,1' (Im town Kemeiliuer . l, ; ., . . i ,i n mm i .1 i 1 uuoiiicoo i vviii unci at uuu u. iiuniui. vv...., nu i no n cuucu
01 k.1 ... , :. n it , t,.le- that Dr. V. A. Bailey treated the S. Wilkes to survey the outskirts sale on the Samuel Wa,ters farm, to Chas. Kern at Fairbanks.
we n:n e . .. u. - WOUnd- with the view ot taRmg in tne u t f c d Mm d AlasUa in im sues for divo
11I10 nert. - IMH'Ol 1 vAiiiiivuvii 1 onl,iii.l,.in iiictficfd nr rho nnmincr .. n il.i i 1 i i. ,
- 1 . i
,,..1 Purgdorfer, of above v mo.
. 11 . iAin vua. arc nutiucu hil niv i.mvivi . 1
iu. , until in :de. was in town yes- , . j j danes.
.. . .i . 1 WHrtMiniisu la now uuc uuu icituy
terday, and called on int L. rece;ve hav. grain and pota- Choice rose plants, shrubbery
while making tne rounus ot u. Will al80 buy and 8e,i hay of all kinda. lily bulbs etc. for toee head ofgoodwk security. We sell farms, fry
cmnty seai. mjn feed sand p-raVel sale at the bouth Hillsboro
m r 17 l,..i unit son KlCharil. I .t Aomtil Ciijo mo n pnll ( .rimnnoiiKP. Nnw IS the time ni nr, n ,, A , t ,n u:iu...
w. v. vtiivj H""7"' r ' n; ' . m, 1 T V, -",, , : 1 ou ga ion m m tanK, jno. 1 nmsuuiu izu
1 i...i vit.iw iiv for Corva lis. n xt WVioo r When pr on do the fn iihmt.incr. so iret vour n .t .1 .m, -
uepai ui jwni'i'v --- - . ,u. xv. ..V.V..V.., ,, v.. r - ueLiave miiK separator, new: The new hotp i3 mimr ;i,
where they attended the weddngSouthern pacific. 5 order ,n Mrly.-Mn l Agnes milk wagon and other articles Uncr3 nZnuZJnl"?
oampneii, inuepeitueni teiepiioiie tnn nilrnpPO,iq f0 mprit-inn 71 i 1 j Vl "Vlt"us
West 154. 30tf iJS thank you! And the Argus re-
.,.., . . . unc" , , porter will eat Christmas dinner
Anyone wisning a uargani 111 a leni.s-oums u i anu unuer with you at your expense,
. . 1 Un nln.H . .v . i . ti , hllflAM Annli f I...H If 1 1 1 1 If mAnlhn .mvaI
;oou iiuiouuni tun, line uuttci taan. uvci pxu i.u uiuiitiis tunc
maker; also about 2 dozen Minor- at 8 per cent, bankable note. 2
ca hens and pullets; 2 dozen thor- per cent for cash on sums over
oughbred crown Leghorn pullets, $10,
hi m mm. sj mi
40 head of good milch cows,
some tresn ana most coming
unfaithful husband.
Money to loan on real estate
WlU'i -
of a daughter oi ivir. ..u . , Tamiesie and Frank Tam-
VirgH Waiters. iesie. of Missouri Valley, Iowa,
i imvi. ndded a very complete ftrft jn tne citv. oruests of Dr. J.
line of cloth-bound books to my Tamiesie, a cousin. They are inner v department. L. M. touring the coast and seeing
v, v......- I... .. , mi i;i- il..
America ' nrst. iney iiKe i,ne
of the Willamette
M C Hewitt returned yester- appearance ot the Willamette
lav from a trip to South Bend, Valley, and lt their vacation
.lay..irom f. Wi,b . where he doesn't bring them out here it
attended as a witness in a lawsuit. will be surprising. ,
DR I. r. HEINECK, V. S. D V. D.
Ind. Phoae 09, Sherwoid, Ore.
and some Plymouth Rock hens,
inquire of Rood 54, Ind. Tel.
Mr. Seater, Farmington. 31-3
J. C, Kuratli, Auctioneer,
Ed. Shute, Clerk.
Menzies' Shoes for menthe
best quality at the lowest price.
Wyatt & Co.
James May, of upper Vine
lands, was down to the city
i I
Physician and Surgeon
Office in
Calls Promptly Answered
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.