The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 13, 1910, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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" .
Call at our store and hear the specially prepared Records of Rinds and other Iu
strumeutal Music, Songs, Stories, Recitations, etc., and assure yourself that
this is the best ottered. You Buy Only the Records.
A? a hoiue enteruintr it has no jul. The best ultDi in the country is brought right to your
fireside to while wy the Ions evenings with comical imitations tod songs. An impromptu
dance way be gotten up at a uu menl'e notice and here you have tbe beet orchestra of the
country to play lhedtice ruuie. Or you may wish to learn a aong and what better ioetructor
can you have than one of the IVerle singers to phraee a song over and over again it need be.
Tee possibilities of Ihi wonderful little michine for instruction and amusement are endless.
The Ctbinet Made of heavy, sold oak throughout. Corner poete are made with fluted moulding.
Nickled Tone Arm The latent triumph of scientific research, producing the largest volume and
purest tone juliiy. eliminating the metalic scratch o common in ordinary type of machine.
The Motor 0; special etre igth and construction, unusually durable.
Turn Tab e Ten-inch diani-ter, accomrrod tting any aire disc record.
S andard Analyiinj? Reproducer (sound bos) Insuring the moet perfect reproduction of any
known sound; fitted with automatic needle clamp, permitting of the instant releasing or fast-
eninz of the needle.
Spel Regulator Permitting the ready adjustment of the speed to lull the individual fancy or
rf q jiremnts. such a- for dance mueic or speaking records.
Flower Hon, Seventeen inches in length, wih a fifteen inch flare bell. Finished in a beautiful
deep, rich red enamel, and decorated with gold stripes.
One Standird Talking Machine with handsome Flower Horn KRKE to every Customer whose
iVh Pu'Chaes amount to $50.00.
GOFF BROS. & 1RMLER. Forest Grove and Cornelius.
SellHardware, Stoves. Ranges,
Beaverton, Ore.
J. A. 1IOTT, Prest W. E. PEGG, Secy.
J. T. WILLIAMS. Vice Pres. II. W. BOLGEE, Cashier
Transacts a General Banking Business.
4 Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits.
Money to Loan on Good Security.
Fire Insurance in the Best Companies.
We are Insured against Burylary and Fire,
Our OtFieers are Bonded. Depositors are as well Pro
tected as in the Largest Bank.
Start the NEW YEAR by opening an
account with the
Hillsboro Commercial Bank
We do a general banking business, and
the strength of our institution is un
questioned. Courteous treatment to all.
Be One of Our Patrons
Pays You 4 Per Cent Interest on
Savings and Time Deposits
The First National Bank
of forest grove, oregon.
At the Close of Business June 30, 1910.
Loans and Discounts. ..f 9.5,214.00 Capital and Surplus $ 30,000.00
U. S. and Other Bonds... 46,875.00 Undivided Profits M 1,671.21
Banking House Fixtures 10,710.49 Circulation 25,000.00
Cash and Exchange.... 50, 310.03 Deposits 146,437.31
Total i J"3.roy 52 Total $203,109.52
Directors: L. J. Corl, John Templeton, T. W. Sain, H.
J. Goff, E. W. Haines, George Mizner, Levi Smith,
W. H. Hollis, W. K. Newell, II. "T. Ruxton.
We appreciate your paronatfe and hope to merit a contin
uance of same.
DErosiTS: - Official statement January 31, 1910, $108,635.91
DEPOSlTS:-Official statement June 30, 1910, $203,109.52.
Increase in Deposits 35 percent.
11 Hi 11 GKADti
Natural Tone
ag ms, Bugiea and I nplements,
Pinte, Building Material.
Initiative for Matter of General
I ntrett.
"Tbe Initiative privilege la a valua
ble right and tbe people of Oregon are
fortunate In the poimMlio of tho
sine . It la a right though that ahouM
bo used with dlacretlon. If the Initia
tive li Invoked Indiscriminately it
will be of Injury rather than of henry
fit." aaya the Pendleton Ore
Ionian la it lamju pf July l'J.
"Uy the nature of thlnga the Initia
tive should be used for the settlement
of question that are of general state
Interest and quentlona upon which the
people at Urge are capable of Judg
ing. It waa proper that the direct pri
mary law be enacted under the init
iative. Tbe law could not have b-n
epacted In any other way. LegUla
tura ulecied under the old convi-ntlon
aysteiu would never have panned the
direct primary law. It waa proper
that tbe corrupt practlcea act bo en
acted under the Initiative and refer
; endum. That law pertain to political
' morality and the people were able to
Judge of tbe merlta of tbe law. It la
all right to settle the school
problem under the initiative. The
legislature baa utterly failed to handle
tbe question.
"Put the moHt glaring abuse of the
Initiative la on the part of those who
have proposed county division meas
ures, Eight bills have been filed aak
Ing for the creation of new counties
or for the changing of boundary lines.
In each cane tbe question Involved Is
of a purely local nature; not of state
Interest. It will be ImpoKslhle for
the people of the atate to Judge of
these measures with Intelligence, All
division disputes should have been
held In abeyance pending the passage
of a law calling for the settlement of
such disputes by the people directly
concerned. The cpunty dlvlslonlsta,
however, have refused to wait. They
have submitted their bills In hopes
tbe people will vote blindly for them.
They have abused the Initiative priv
ilege and they should be rebuked for
doing o. Kvery county division bill
ahould be voted down.
"Insist that tbe Initiative be uxed
only when It may be Invoked with
The Hobble Skirt.
What a combination a bobble skirt
and tbe man who rocks the boat would
make! Philadelphia Inquirer.
We Imagine a woman with a hobble
skirt on feels like a man does when
his suspenders break In company.
Cluyton (Ala.) Record.
According to a New York dispatch
the bobble skirt fud 1m "dlHappearinit
rapidly." It was not suppoxed any
: thing In a bobble skirt could dluuppoar
rapidly. Kansua City Star,
German Gleanings.
Germany exported nearly 2,000 tons
of lead pencils In 11)00.
Noiseless paper for theater pro'
grama la a German novelty.
Tbe Berlin police department la pro-
Tided with an extenalve typewriting
telegraph system.
The Berlin police recently gave the
contestants In a boxing bout ordera
not to bit bard, and when one of the
overzealous boxers scored a knock
down be waa at once disqualified by
the referee.
Prim 11. V. Kir nos I'rvM-nt
kYasoiis for the Mea.un?
tiki tr hup to school svsriM
What I he taw IVonUcs. and How tu
(lot KcmiII
Principal I. V. lUirncs, oiu of
the lost educators of the county,
sends tho following communica
tion to tho Aryus and it should
bo road by all who have children
in school, or all who have an in
terest in a better educational
A ity important mcmum1 to I voted
iioh ncvl N.nrniU-r i "The Hit;'1
School I'litiil." Tins law !'iwtd
ihintiK I lio ij vuiiio ol the ltc U gii
Utii'r. It Inki-t the plmr o( tlir uKI
High Sn-liiitd l.sw, which will ht irinriu
I CH-.l wm nislly "wiimtil uuilrl" two
ymr ik' in thu county.
' Thr u.U-ptuni of the old llmh Sclnml
I. aw nirni'.t a uhl Ur the location ul the
h-IumI building. Then- I notliiii); ol
lb; kind in llir nrw law in a word It it
' )ii.irr deal" tor all.
There should lc ill tliia county irvrial
hih achools carrvtiia! full or part lub
school work ami oprriitut); un.lcr thr
provisioiH of tin law.
llillslioto and l oirt Orovr cadi Ua
a four year accrrditcd high achool, while
I'cavrrton. Coinclliia, Pillry, t.aklou,
Pank. lmt. o. and lint. No. i arc
all doiut; high hool work, and would
lc N-m hi cil alike v Inn law.
The l.iw provide that the high school I
of I lie coiiulv sluill Ik- frtc to anv pupil
ol the county who liaa pitrd the eighth
Krade evatuinatiou. Tlinl the pupil may
wlcct the school which i tier the l-t
alv!HitNKr "r I "ot convenient tor
linn to attend The cmitty shall pay III
to the district tieitsur of the district
maintaining a hiU school, or grades
lUive the i ichth, lorty dollar each for
the nrt twenty puplla who attend said
HcbiHil, thirl v each for the next iweuty
pit, and twelve and one half dollars
r IS others, provided that the counlv
that 1 not pay into any district treasury
more money than is rtulred to maintain
the teaching fone of the achool.
You will notice that this fund cannot
he used to build cosllr buildings nor to
piovlile ni I Atnlus - ttils inuat be done l v
the dilnct in which the sctu I is
Laws Kituilnr to 'his are In effect in
many of the slates with the result that It
has doubled the high achool attendance
This lor Washington rontitv would mean
a higher uudard of citueiiship.
I know that the "new comers into
our county liste U-ert surprised at the
poor liiKh school advantages they have
found here,
Vote for the High .School Fund.
11. W. B.USKH.
Tin: ki:ci:. r tair
Editor Arjnis: The Fair i over,
and all we have left of it li a
pleasant tnemury of the most
Ix'autiful apples ever seen m
this section, or any other. The
growers are to lo congratulated
on the quality of their fruit, and
complimented for the lilwral
manner in w hich they rescinded
to the reoui'st tor exhibits, as
some of them put a yreat deal of
time ami some expetme in yet
tin": their display together. P-r-nard
b is, of Meaverton, is to a
irreat extent resHinsibIe for the
tine apples, as it was from the
use of the Aetna Spray he man
ufactures that made the tine
fruit possible. He had 1) differ
ent varieties of apples all of top
irrado, which took blue riblxms,
as well as the Winter liartlett
Pears and the Italian and Silver
Prunes, w hich wero extra-fancy,
and also took blue Hblxms. Mr.
Houston, who took the prize for
the largest display used Mr.
Lois' sprav as did a irreat many
others. The owners of the fruit
prave us permission to take it to
Portland where it is attracting
immense crowds, who exclaim
"Where is Hillslxiro?" The dif
ferent varieties each receiving
their share of praise, the Gloria
Mundi from J. 1. Morrison, and
the Blue Perrnaine of Bernard
Leis receiving the most attention,
the Meier & Frank Company have
through the use of their window
shown Portland and the traveling
public that right at Portland's
door can le found land that will
grow the finest fruit in the world,
and that people do not have to
go from one to WK) miles away
to buy fruit land of tho highest
Now that we are on the map,
we are going to try to stay there,
and with this object in view every
one who believes in the future
prosperity of Hillsboro and
Washington County are urged to
attend a meeting in the City Hall,
1'ndav night, at 8 o clock, to
devise ways and means to
continue the good work that has
been started by the fruit men,
and so generously aided by tht
'Meier & Frank Company, of
N. H. Al.KXANDElt, Sec.
The road from the first bridge
northwest of town, clear to the
city, will be finished within a few
days. Kock is already haulet
past the Michel place, the ok
Billings' site, and the macadam
is to be brought through to Sec
ond Street and brought far
enough south toconnect with the
planking, thus giving a goo
road clear from the condenser.
As soon as the stretch of road on
the Jackson Bottom is macadam
ized there will be a good two
mile stretch ot fine road.
Try the Argus and Oregonian
for a year, only $2.25.
for Rainy Weather
If Not -
Children's ruin capes Boys' SlicKer cape;,
with hoods und hats.
Men's, boys' &. ladies' Men's, Boys', Misse)'
rubber boots. High top shoes.
Numerous Divison Measures
Would Change State Map
Beyond Recognition.
"Ilimlnm t,., f or,.Ku m d !
"li to OH., u.ilu uf ti, luiHiiii.-rulilu
comity dltrUl.u, Mil fur tlx- . ml.l..rii
"uu or th iiimi in. i i,.,..i
) inuny IlvU..ti mi-amiri-a liuv.i un-n
I1M with tho avrr. ury u( ui.i that
If tuilf of tlwin aru Kdiiiitfii Hie umu
of Or.-Kon will . , ihi It '
Will tli.t b- f.-( r.KllU.-d ,.,. t.y u li '
the Moll," (lerlnri-M ttm l'. ri1ll..t,, t',,-1 !
Ori-Konlnn In lu Ihhub of July 2.V
TurtlifnimrM tl, liiUlmrliiilnal., of ii. .cuiitl. i;.hiii fn
U) lii. r. um. tiinatl.m TliU Htat run
iml t. n rii'w cuuiitln anil ,n
vlil.i fur t.-n u,l.ltHl nut ()f c-uuiily
rfl.:.ra hii.1 Imp.. i K,.t al)I1K wu,
.r..H. nt U-vI.-h. Tin. cIIvIhIuhIhI i.mkn
aHM.'rMoiiH to tin, w.ntrury. lint timt
la '(iiinpiilKir talk. Thai hhiii arau-
" "'lv.iii..., in ravor of II,.,
creation of ,)( nivor county. Y.'t
A t cliirri.-r. a i'..n.II.1ton tailor who
owiih property in 0ol i(iv,.r. f,,.i
til tiiXf Incr.MiH.Ml 61.4 p:r oiil thu
yr of tin. iiw count v'h ..ui.
fnee. It Ih tin, hiHtory of .Vcry ww
cjumy unit dlvUlon hrliiKH on luimma
nd timitlon. Thla In onlv I.:. I ii ml
"Anotlior fimturi! ol thfHu UIvIhIoii
fliU la tlm fiu:t that UlvlHlon mi....
ura are nprufiK wtiun tl, p,.op,, re-
"KliiiK in tlie uronoaed
do not want dlvlnlon at all. Tako for
Inanities the Orchard county aclieniH
1 '
iviiiiiiiuHiiy the pt.ople rimldlnif In n...
grentor portUm of that proponed conn-
iy u not wunt (UvIhIoii. Two of tint
four towna lndudi.-d In Orchard couu
ty are hotly oiipoHed to th dlvlHloti
They are Wl-hIoii and Atlii-nu. They
Iihvo sood roaaon for l,..i,K opp(M)(.d
DlvlHloti will tniNin lucreaaeil tnxulloi,
and that buHlneMs now held l.y Athmm
and Weaton will lit, to Walla
Walla. Milton p0pu I11HKI10 tM,y
will get that biiHlrifHa. Hut thUy
won't. Milton Ih practically a auburn
of Walla Walla und audi It will al
waya remain. If Orchard county car
rlwi, that bualuoaa will bu loat to thlH
"The Orchard county meamire waa
Unified In H-cret by a Uttl,, clique of
Milton biiHlneHH men. It H purely ft
HeiriHh meiumre. Hepresentatlve men
UvlriK rlKl.t In Mlltxm and In Free
water ure oppoHed to the propalllou.
In communication to thl paper they
have ho declared tlieu.Helvua. Kyvu
tho nowapapeiH of Milton and Kruuwa
tr have fullud to take up with tin,
Fail to see some
of the several Styles
in Men's Shoes in
Blach and Tan.
In llif New llr'ulrl Uloch
pr(iHMl!lin Nrlthrr thr. Krrrut 1
lliiu- ..r tho Milt. in Hl 4rurta
tlm il!j..u ui.iimis iilltorlalljr ami
thl fin t hn ia if4 niuih i.
Tho Vi.t..ii ami Iho AtliMu
I'rn ho d.'diirrij tln.unrh. tt
utterly tippoimi to ilin.inn
County Div.a.un Till II 4 '
Ptr Cn.
I I'.nt ( iri'K'ihlan ) !
Tht entity man In- 1
fr.ii.-(l uiU..n for tin. i-rimltitn I
U li.n l.y th.. rjp.-ruti.i. of K" A
Hrhlffli-r, On known .nl ttillor, I
who on num.. j.r..t..'rljf In tin. rlty of
II.miiI Itivir Tu l!m jit (in-Kunlan
Mr Hrl.lffl.r luu .hll,t..d hl lu to
Iplit nii.l tliry how thnt ilurln the ;
(Iriit yi-nr of U exUt. iii n of Hood '
Itlver comity Mr H.hlff,.rn in ft In 1
cr.'ii.i..d fit 4 p.-r c ut 111 inns tain !
Mi ll wrre uil. I In Wm.o county, !
a nt.-d tu s', :,u tit ao tau.i,
the flml levied uft.-r (lie rrt.ntli.ii of
Hood Itlvc-r ouiny and hli h hn paid '
mi Keliruary 14. l'J ID, aitiouiited to
$i:!M Therefore the creation of Ihu
new county com Mr. Kchlfflup th tutu
of ,'.2,f.O dnrltiK tlm flmt year of
Hood Itlver county' iltern.
"I have nlwnya aiil.l thnt It la fool
IhIi to divide couiitle," declared Mr.
Hchlfflep. "It ,,nly iiieima Additional
eipeiiHo and liicre.iHed taxation."
(Kant Or.Konlan, July 9.)
Voter of OrcKon will be coinptillml
to piiH upon 32 l. Klxliitlve iiieaaurna
when they vote tl,u fall. Tho number
la entirely tun ri! mJ mny of t,)e
nieaiiureii are of audi nature that
votum Dimply cimtiol liopo U) Judn
IntelllKently aa to their merlta.
I'oiiHplcuotiH In tlila clnaa aro the
elKht county dlvlalon bllla that linvo
heen filed. Kacli of thcHti inpaaurea
perlalna to an Iahiio that la atrlctly o
fiil In charactep. Tho peoplo of tho
alate at larxn are not IntereKled In
county dlvlalon dlaputea. Tbe avonine
voter cannot luipo t.) JuiIko of the
iiieilta of Uichp dlvlalon bllla. Krom
one Hide be will be ahowercd with lit
erature favorubli) to dlvlalon; from
another quarter bo will be Implored
to vote iiK.iliiHt dlvlalon. Often peoplo
rcMldlng; In thu proved now counUea
do not want dlvlalon to carry.
Now what la tho poor voter to do7
In Iho view of tho Kaat Oregonian
mere la Hut one loKcni wny (o uln
county dlvlalon pmhlema. All Ihoan
problema ahould bo held In iibeynnco
until a law haa been enacted leaving
tlio Hettlement of Much dlaputeM to tho
people who are directly Intereated In
them. It Ih pretty certain that audi a
law will be piihh.mI by the next li'Kbila
ture. Hindi a luw waH paaaed by tho
laat li'KlHlntnrc, but fo- aome unknown
roamm wua vetoed by (loveriior Chain
herlaln following tlm cIoh of thu aea-lon.
it a
Ie l
to. ( ih. bi .4.'if
mi MiuUHr lri
ord.rln from our I'"!''
MU.ta ? '
(( twmmt l.
H. I. IhM "V2 . m i.a.fc r"k " M,
W. hkv. our own ft7 " ,
rou th. n.l.lJlc' f''' , i
Mir.fullr id '!" t;ri"'
u four of ii.t"1
ABK rou fTll"t
O. B. WlttlAMi Civ
ia rir.i . ami '-
Ccncral HLuksniitlu"
1I(KSK SlI(iKlN-
a siH-cialty
IU..Un. St Cpriwllua. Or.
Nol.ce ol Final beiilenic"
Nolii I ben-by K"y"'. ''J!il,"5
.1.. t...lM the.luly "I'l"'1 "
II.hU.i.I .. lli.K Kareni..
.,! ol " ' J . fvo'""
,1, liave lllwl i" ""0,,,l(i.'
... tii.... f llni!..ll e'f . ...a
(Nullity llielrlli.a Ucc.mi a ' . hr,
lora. ailil that nl.l i-ourt ,,k i.
thait day or .-. t. tr. t ir ,ii. ra lh'Mi;l ,,,
IV court P.H.i.1 of W'1" ,f .Hll'H'
.i....., i.. tiri'K11"."; ,ir
fop hrilrlna ol.J.--tJon oi
eoiiiilaiul for Ilia llnal
"!"' .mIi. II"0- ...
DaU'il HUH lii-ii ".".. - ...,ir .NSJii..
Wl l.l.I A M Jl i'"r
Kxi torn of th- laal W'li
uieiil or Wlllinm J ' rV'" r(Vr K,.-. ul
i !.... , ii.ii-ii.Altoriiaya,r
Nolle, ol Final SWl
Notice I hereby Weii,
NlKiie.1, lielUK l''V '1.4 W i,
eonllr. mil, nM '' f Al
r hiNi iiami : r::
IC. Illeo, iibc ii., noil"' V "' ,i
a audi executor, In ,,inilt
roiiniy, hi in"' . Krl' i'' .1.1
tlmtaalil court ha ' f rof t( l,u ' I
A. m. Ill .lie. i iituh I Ul.'"" lit
counlv court Pr!!l!'?M, ,US
ly.Oretf In "''"oii 1 U
,,l uio for bearliiK 0',-l' ,f ietil"1"11 '
account and for Hi" ''"""
V v?