& I i r OlLLSER0 vol. XVII IHIXSIiOkO, ()RK(;ON, OCT. 13, 1910. NO. 31 PROHIBITION PARTY NAMESJGAND1DATES s,,r tk. ami Nnme Cnmliclnlc li.r Sib''! SuHilnlriiJfiit I MN I OK HI CUt'lll K ecl ''" ,irU t,crkhiP N'"in (lun. lo KcpreacnUlUea J-),,. 'n,hi!.iti"!iistS nut ill llilh l.im, :it 'I" ",irt hoiim l;iHt r'ri.lay. nnd nrniiiHtf a ticket to ! M.t.-l upon Hi tin" ensuing i!.'ti'ii. Trt'i rfpn-Hi'iitativt-K, a iVrk. r r-'i-r. tivmure-r. i-oiin- ,ioin-r, Juki a caiKiiu.iU' riiiliMnlriil oi HilnNtlM ii-rin;iii . tli'r there- e- idi-rio-d tin- III.--I til v !: (V c'Min 'r iii" . i .1.1 i. i... tmflllliitU'il uuiniuKU ii" w.ii uM'rlluiif, n Mr. in iIim'.h nut expire utitil later, l'.il'J ttlu-ii Vufi lattc-r v 10 Set!' the K'''" ' iiHiUMi nitaii elect a f u-i-i-Hsur. John f Corm-liu!'.. wa chuirnucM of tl' meeting ""'I J. K K f! ! . "C 1 1 1 ilnl r , W ,04 SeeTe- Ury. T!' candidate named VU-r.-; W. IV lUki-n, Ili avi-i'liiii. ivp rc'ii!,i!r. '. li. N. I'l-nfii-ld, lorest (!ioe, ! j.r-""-f ; ,t t i i'. Win. ti !m:in, CorncliiH. fur shi-riir. AC. Alexander. I'ore-Kl Grove, cVrk. Jat. I-'. Kerr. Hillshor.), for rwvr.i-r. J ft. i. I-''I. t'onicliuH, treasurer. (J. . Honiliiraiit, IlillsUirn, SUJrili!' !!i'Ht of Kl liool. Jmi. VY. White. tlillhlMirct, coiu- nNiiiiT, The' iiiiiniiiatiom have been f.inl, ami tin1 candidate- will all In- mi thf ballot with the exe-ep-tin uf en i!ily iu-heol nuM-rinten- Ill I WHIN S MM Th little city of !e-avcrton UasU the I -.it band of any town of in imputation or for that matter twin- iU Kie in the Male, utnt the youngsters tire do me remarkably lino work utiiler thi'lca.l.THliiiM.f f. U. A. I toll man, who wiw bandmaster nt Alhaiiy, when the Linn metroo lin Wits without unequal in the matter uf hands in the North-'i-t. The liiemU-rs Htld illHtni- nietit.H: I leecilo Frank Teilfel It l.l f. I.li t larinct .. lt HI. Clarinet I'.li Clarinet S"lu I'.li t'nrnet. 84) lili Coniet. Ui I'.li Cruet.., 2ml i!l, Coniet,, 3rd llli Cornet.. U Alto 1st Alto 2ml Alto lt TiHHimiH .. 'id rrnmUiini,. t ..I m inn liariloni Kh Tuha .... lili I'.ass iiiirc ) nun Ih-uin . i Mine A M Mills Koy Iters! W V I (essinger Hoyd Tetlt John Johnson Win lierst ... Carl Morelock Carl Uessinger l'Yancis Uoliinsou Vilas Shepard ILtrry 11a rues ... Krfnk llolUike V Kinmons ... .(Veil Khun K M Kmnions .Otto Muessig Karl K Fisher Mjirl K nns ...lniin INinhson lie ham! will iivo u concert t draiiKe la, IVaverton, on witunlay eveninij:. Oct. 15, with mmhers as follows: '"-li ' VmumiIhc" ..I, I' Uiirrmtrnii A'"I'U , Willi, Kls.i" D S Mc-cAwh """'li- (I 1' SiiiiiIi Iwiliiir "I Niiiuh-" ) S MoCosh MiitiiM ,P 'Klkwooil" V -V Hi vni,,,,. T, ,.e" ,,,,( Soutliwrll '"''I, While iiml lllnr ., , I NT KK MISSION "'"'li ' r.nlioi.l" J, Kmimnil "V' Mui, T. ,mil.f 1,,,,,,,.1,.11-mi .Ainlunir W.U,. "SimtkllllK W S Riplry ""ilui,. -lUliI,. f Crtlvnliuru" C K A llnliiiiiiiiii -r M...i.Ku l llminrr. IAIKY COW SAI.I; (At Auction) Hi "MdersiCToil will soil nt iul- y 'iel ion at the Wiley larn, and Washine-ton Street, HHshor,,, Oregon, at ten ft. in.. ii , SATURDAY. 0CT0KK1 "? enure herd of HO or more 'll'.V cows, all hiirl, n-rude J or- "7. the result of vears of best "''lection for fitness nnd milk w;troin ininorted Jersey bulla. iu are descendants of the best "UK iiroducinif Jersey strums, , " as uretron Combination, am 110 sons of Hrown Hessie, who r'K lirst prize at the Chicago f.fixwition. The chance of a I'time to Kt.t splendid dairy ;"' . Will also sell a fine reikis 'eil Jersey bull-a splendid sire Dorothy Stokes I'oris . . "is oi Sa i- ( ash. or one yoiii-s bankable note at 8 per nilerest. . ''tl. Schulinerich, Owner. 1'. Cornelius, Auctioneer. Oiwal.l A. (Hhi-u, ,f Corni-liim, ami w ho hai U e,, taking vim :i' muhii' and traiiuiiL' :tt lir,.u,l.. h eainin puhlic m. in mu.'iieal eirc li-s ;w m V llie followihL' from I' n Ciiide, umli-r date of ' ' m I hurnilav M.-m Ainl.ru it.-r and Sparks united jn eivm a elosin pupil perform ance for tin- Reason. From a h-nt-'thy piocraiu we will mention the names of tin rmwt talented. i; Miss CiHiM-r, Frl. Schuster', Mr. Ccilohau, Mm Vouu and Mr. Otwald Olsen. We ' have iH'ain to c hronii le much advance and improement in the first mentioned, especially in the case of Mr. Colohan, which was in remarkable evidence since we last heard him. Mr. OIh.-ii, too, has mai,'niliieiit mate-rial in his basso profundi! tye of voice. The work called forth much ap plause and encores were demand ed froui tie la.it three men tioned. " , i .i e aie now m-uer man ever prepared to supply our customers. Welunea iood supply of tloor- ' i s,r . rustic, hlnplap and fmishin lumlM-r and can furnish tfood house lulls on short notice. We also haw a tfood stink of all kinds of common luniU-r. We hav e in stock all sizes of tile from to Id inch that are lirst quality; also brick and building blocks. Try our building b(K-ks for your fruit or jMitato houm or founda tion for umr buildtni,rs In-tter and c heaH-r than brick or con- creie. i arues wanlunf onlers delivered will do well to place them early, while the roads are (.'xxl, and our teams are not to busy. In the past we Iiml that it is the failing of many Jieople t ) wait till the roads ore ulmost impassable, nnd then place their orders for delivery, at a cost of twice what it can U' done for now. S don't forget, this year, while eiur stiK'k is complete, tlrone-r A- Howull Company. l arun rs are busily enaud in putting in their Fall Krain these days, and if the weather shall not ! untoward, the acreage will lie considerable greater than that of last year. Since dairy ing has hemi in voic the land has lieell so rejuvt'iiutejd that wheat is yielding like it did "back in the sixties," as the old pioneers say. Curtains Ijiundered 1 am pre pared to laundry and stretch lace curtains at the following prices: Larue size, ft) cents a pair; small er sizes, two pairs for 7?i cents, and three pairs for $1.00. Mrs. K. C. Haldra. Ilaselino near Third street. llillsU.ro. 31-2 Jim- Chechatski. of Vinelands, while haulimr IuihImt the lirst of the week, fell from his wajron, trikitur his face on one of the wheels. He badly cut his lower ip, through to the teeth, tind (.rave ins nose a very heverc iruisuur. Ir. I.inklater nttemi- ed his wounds. Horses for sale: Black marc vears. 1200; sorrel mare, S years. I'JH : nui irrav mare, o years. l.'KKl; hay mare. II years. 2ihI.-C,chi. Lennen, I ornehus, Ore.. Koute 1. Vinelamls. William Schuhnerich, of Farm- 1 A I. . inirton. and who capiureu me sw eenslake nrizes at the recent fair, for his Jersey cows niu mil. was over to the county seat Monday. arm for rent. Sixty five - . 1 Ml acres under Plow; lair uuiiumus, r, ncivMshishinirnasture. Faitht miles south of Hillslioro. Cash rent S.'tf.O. J. M. White, blXttl and Oak, IIillsU.ro. 21-31 lolm Witt went out to Moun- ..;.,. int.. ilin first of the week to innke a visit with Fred Schom hurir. and while there is RettinR Ids hand in at seeilinjr, auin Mrs. A. W. Barber, of Eiust shoro, left yesterday ior an extended visit wiin ikt nmiein m California. She will visual iuv rside and Ontario. riumbinir and plumbinj? ma terial. First elass worK. i . ill II..II., ..t mnil iVr lilt on . uann, ui. vwi. ...., store. J, J. Smith, who exnects to move to Lebanon in a fortnight l l.i fminl C.lnni'OP or ten ciavs. n " " v.. --- Monday morning. Miller and wife, and ll.i.vh Miller, of Portland, were quests at the J. M. Brown home, mi T. Conklin was out from Borthind, Sunday, a Ruest of her mother, Mrs. Ann l-reeman, W. J. Ingram, the Farminfrton hopRrower, was in tne cuy mou day morning. u; ill Hnthorn. of near Lau rel, was over to the city Monday morning. J. Q. Johnson, of below Witch Hazel, was in town Monaay. BIG MONTH'S FEES September Collcttioiit Over run the Juki Mark CITY ()l: NDKTI1 PLAINS tilTS IILSY k lor ind Kcccitc IramhUe for bi Public Wurkic ie county commissioners trans t'd the following businc-ss at their session last week: Kejiort of county clerk, ap proved. With fees collected at $.h.:h Fees of county recorder ap proved ut ?LMJ1.10. Petition of K. Wcnstrom, for Is'ht to use explosives in creek arScholls-McFec Creek branch granted on condition that ikt- mission !e granted him by State lame Warden. A. B. Todd, road supervisor hstrict l:t, authorized to con struct stiK-k-w av for A. K. Alex ander, under roadway. For sale: Fine full-blood Hol- stein bull calf. From fine milk- iru strain. Uetristcred stock. A. Bendler, Cornelius. licjute Ugard, legislature 11.J5 1. Ueside on North Plains, be- Chas W Iudon, legislature 47.85 twe.-n Dudley mill and Hillshoro. John Chapman, legislature 16.00 J W Gwxlin. county iudee.. 52.00 NOTICE! G W Marsh, countv iudire.. 35.10 Geo Hancock, sheriff 27.00 Whereas, my wife has left my N W Kailev, clerk, nothing bcsl and Uard without iust paid out and no liability Viewers reiiort on road as kt provix-ation, I hereby notify all lncrf1 0-00 tition L. M. Herron et als, ktsohs against extending her jo"" commissioner i.w ml for lirst lime any credit on mv account f mm m JacKSOn, treasurer 20.00 Viewers report on road as per and after the date hereof. J y np- treasurr 24.1o tition M. S. and Iivina WihhI- ?.-.', John liuhack. rurninn, recoruer io.oj ...... . ,, . .w. ...... ii l 1 ni:.. ii' u.,u. t it man, re-ad for tin lirst time. i i msiK.ro. ure., sept, a), tyiu, y v 1, y JUBtlv;c " "-wj w-w Anol i.Htii.n of imh "iiml v. - t-an noixman. consuuie or franchise to construct main. llenrv Hol'c. of Farmincton. rOrest Orove 0.00 tain and otH-rate an electric litrht was in town the last of the week, h orown, coroner 1.0J system, water system, and gas ., c, , , , . v . it. mn'Mien, ill x: ijdims, was in tow n Monday forenoon. Sam Dallas, of Gales Creek, w;ls down to the city Saturday, Money to loan on real estate Huntinc. or othprw-i I erms reasonable. Apply to K.U- iniz on the Dremises of the under- R Will. A II T''!'!, Aulirry Moore, I' red S ilfoin, Jhu AI'N'tl, 13 t-Hch. S JIiIIiImiiii .Irw Ail-atr. (4; Oto h I111I111. rii li II Kfiwiiimi, f S W either- rril, l ! .Iki Ic , C K )ic iiinan, $1 earb. S TunUtni W II M'C'orniii k, $7.40; lli-rman Cillie-r, C K Ac.aim, A I (red Mul.oy, Will H.1II10111, I) B liuikbHlter, l e-nrii. W'pt lnUr J C Smock, $10; C True, J A Ivly, In, Smock, Cliu H)ei, A W II.1II, 1 1 mill. Vaiiliiii('toii Th'id Cbiinrll, $S.o; Alf i.uerlrf-r. I'lulip 1 'eoldl, Henry Kuratll, Ji'liu .iiniiii rui.m, 1 lank Jackton, $3 each. Vi nt Jiiitlr-Olc OImiii, H 60; C Cliriv te-fiw 11, A V Iirnny, J H Imjwdiiik. Harry Koliinviii, A I! I'lmt, each. N Hi llm k II Greer, J (? Umkin, 1' T Kine, V K I'iltenner. Ira V. Barrett, V V llaiilry. 5 eac h. .Vive-Hum u II K Krahmrr, Catloo riH k rnnlii-r, $ 17. t s; li I' Punly. upecial Iih. 24. ?4yj.8j, I'airbanki Morte Co, rrai!, s W J K lleac-h, for Matthew rt, burial, J T Newlx-rry, $45; burial (.t-o lliiyilun, $45 I O DAIKYMLN CANDIDATES FILE ' ELECTOEXPENSES Men in I-nte Primary Spend Hut Very Little Money Cir.Uii BAILEY SPENDS NOT A CENT Sole Man on County Ticket Who Files no Account The various candidates for the primaries have filed their election expenses, and all on the county ticket paid out but little money. Clerk Bailey makes affidavit that he expended nothing. Th list of expenditures, according to the affidavits, is: J N Hoffman, legislature ..$32.98 W H Holli3, legislature.... 18.24 High Q UALITY Drug S (ore ystem, in North Plains, Wash- gton ( ciunty, Oregon, granted. Adjourned to meet Saturday, October H. J Dinner, com ml ami rip f 4 Ho HiUsboru i.lverv Co, livery - t 511 I'acilic Trlriibutie ('u. lelrithonrf 7 21 cieruio Mf( Co, court bouse it 50 ratli P.ros., Hillsboro, Or. 21tf It . . . ..... ........ .... . ... I DU'O'WB ntt.iiiig ..ituuiiic- v.., Il.l 4 , , a, V1l rr. 111 MrC aran. ramu & tin cure i'i 6c milium 1 tiuiiinuii, w r.ouelui. iulKc aal aud rap... 1.040 (it Cedar Mill, were county seat w Uyaiija.il 1 Sj visitors Saturday asL (lie J (KMluian aae.aor 'a other... ? 00 I M Ja.kaon, tiea net & exp , . 51 00 Henry Harris, the dairyman or Winn irrian.i, &ai ami eap i;y 35 w'lween i s Kim and ( orne ins. Hirira .v coriu, piiimi-r sun- t.t b.i n v. I nnH.. , . . ... I " I'.V. l. tl.V VII, .,11.1. V4U. phri, court hoiiac 3 45 W lUiley, aal & ep so Ceonre Schulmerich smnt Sun' 1IK4M l..nKue. nut any oil.ee ... ,0 00 1 1 t .1 Shcw.stHncr l I'll. ll. rn, I , li.l 11 .1,111 hh I J r . o i'Ciw, aai t oit.ee eip. . m s6 ranches, In Southern Oregon. C t tray rip 1145 V II and 1 r Millor MaiCramiaii.asarwirMl & np..ioi 00 of alwvt Gleiicot), weru In town lu.onic iiioi, hvery 3 00 sioiuiay morning. I ... I. ,1- I 1 l.l. ..!.... . , r U I I 'I " .w iivnnit Ult,.v,,..MJ 11-.. .11 1 I 1 . . . . C l...irlm . muntv fallll 150 I1JIOU1 lldnursVII, Ul - - ' ' - " I t. wm Tupir, janitor - 51 co rarmuigton, w as 111 town The Imlrprmiriit, priming 'mral drove I reas Sec Vault & Metal Uoika, irriubt II Wab Co Ncl, priuliiiK I Galloway, co fruit itnH'Ctor. ... IHII14IUIIO.V.O, -,..... .,. ..., ..,,.1 Una lo..4 , OK ClH.ke, powder 5 25 I ton, iuiu ow 11m vieuicu uy ll u'irti, rrui.triitionof ciectoia 45 30 muue a rancn on me luaiaun, K Kimit " ' 5 00 was m the citv Monday morn Koau lew era i. 1 va'ii.-iis 11 Lyila 4 Ho, k k li.iliimiou 6, John .Ny bet 4 So. llnde V II Massey. justice Cor nelius precinct 10 NO TRESPASS signed, near West Union, will be prosecuted to the extent of the law. Dated this October 1. 1910. C, K. Holcomb Fred Hamel Frank Imbrie J. C. Bechen Herman Muller W. J. Lichty Frank Holcomb Fred Grossen A. L Holcomb Lewis Hamel Herman Glaske. The PI ace where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of . their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. 'THE BEST EVER" ttaminshy s Mahe Man Tablets -and lir. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. A. THORNBL'RGH President J. E. BAILEY Vice-President W. V. MCELDOWNKY Caahier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, Sept 1, 1910. Capital and Surplus $500O0 Card ot Thanks 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to all who so kindly as sisted in the sad bereavement, near Mnn- 94 5 dav. eettintr some fumishintrs the death of my beloved wife, w.l . . ' . -ra.',,. T 1 l . j r.... 1 ,nt , . . u........ v, u p . nnnnn nnn rpriirn psnpr. 101 vnil i.iiKv' new uuusc uc nasi .-- --r- .-' I,,.-. ...,,,.l..t.l I) d)N'l UII'IUIU, ft 6 I 1 I, ,,1 WrtC-ln.. III.11IIUII IIMtlCI, Loans - $259,243.34 U. S. P.ond (at par) 25.000.00 Other Bond 38,1340.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 116,900.04 Capital and surplus $50,000.00 Undivided Profits 1XN.73 Circulation Deposits 25,000.00 382.59-l.Cr $457,783.38 of below tal thanks to those who con tributed the many floral otf erinps. Oliver Johnson, Hillsboro, Oregon, Route 3, October 8, 1910. A Hood River aonle man. who W. H. MeF.llloWneV. for manV I .a nnf tn tba nan foir orA a . s wj i I " 'in UO VU b WW HV lVVIafc IQII t I IV i. ion mm 4 ,5. narnrsi veara one 0f i .tj,r8 famous farm n He ? 50, (.nan I-, rotia 104 9,s, 11 1. , , . ... "v vnu.u uKf.v t 7, iho aK . M"v"' niDiw writes me iouowinj? 10 c Chan 1-; I'otta Russell K 50, Cbaa R Wesco1. Murphy 16 Kelirf Ilrljja Bro f 1 4 y.i, Moore Wtlhetusnu b, Hotlmnu & Allen S t9. J O Johnaon 7 so, Martin Vamlehey JJ Sihnmlt .V Kuliacli lo, lieiia nniR Store 4 85. Mlrctioiia I C l.atnkin I4, A C Arch ild Jr VJ 7S. Kre.l Sirirriat 1-' 75, K X llanlinif I J H Wirt x 40, C K Kimlt S, I W Capli-a 2 50, C V Tii;ril la o, V K lMirlt-M 10 S'1. M MilUoy J, J 1 flelcll er 3, J W Vauilervelilen I )$. Roads and Highways U A IMletb life easy at the college city, was former neighbor: "I am sorry I uowniroiiiroresiurove, flionaay. m ,1 not trpt to sw vnnwh p I 1 . w J. S. Wright, of Forest Grove. etr 'our county- and who has boucht and sold 10 nuTro K . X an uivijr new iuca aa iu cue ijussi- pro very found that land suitable for aoule rais- SupeJintendent Vandehey, of ino- could be boueht anvwhere the county farm, was in town from $50 to $200 per acre, and as TKoa. C. Todd DIRECTORS John . Bailajr Wilber W. McEldowney $457,7S',.3S J. W. Tuqua J. A. Thoraburtf nmvi" hnrctiq thnn nnv nthpr nnul man in the West end of thecoun- Rllltl.es of. yur. sectlon in n b., nrtf,. oi duction oi apples, i was M..i..., nff.,,., much surprised when I fS47 79, v w i-iner on a as, John Herb Monday, and says that with the soon as I can sell out here I am isi 7s, jonn lu-yer w 75, luaiaun nun advent oi tne close oi tne year, coming down in your county to i0Ll Tntoaltn"" the cooler weather, the num- purchase a tract to start an or VT nu erm... 5.7 w au.i isa'so. it b btr of inmatos have grown from chard. In a few years apple or- ueevea n. D.euon Iron A Steel Co S4. 11 one to live. 1 he last one to re- phards will be seUincr for as hio-h cou.tin 15.J00 NybeiK 5 r. A Mor- ceive accommodations is an old prices in Washircton Countv as .111 ... 4 lui.iimlir t'2 ftc .1 N Hoirnmii I e t 1 : I T. . , " c j .... j, .-- '-m i; ; " u I"'' '"'ra r thev are todav ud here near V V abmer 8 fto. lliahop Hroa x 60. ' vt'ars- .W e "0 ICiavs Hood River, Resides. I find that the number will be very likely the aDule crrown down vour wav PRIMARY ELIXIION liXPLNht; increased to a round dozen or )s immenselv suerior to the ap- iwenkm-Freil lterner. is 00: Cbris more. For a long time this sum- nle trrown here so far as flavor is Schindier, Robt iiiomtwon, b 11 Kevea, mer mere was mil one county concerned. u lumrr k Killer, at eacn. 1...,...., r,f o.n rm.m 1 Beaverton-J A Johnson, S.6o; Oeo 1 e - lal"- Georce Krebs. One of the SUC- stitt, w V Deaatnijer, C K HcclRe, H o Marks & Jacobs have taken a rpssful dairvmen of the South Vincent, C H fry, fi ch. contract to Dut uu a buildine for Ti Buxton-Hluier l'ease, f) ao; U 11 TT n r.,.,i u.t,:u will havo li. rji...i: Holt, C A l'eterson, B J Dhvis, J f I Vt v..v...., .....v.. ..... ...v same uu&uifss a.i neiveua, was i..i.nim. a I. sievena t each: Graiiire a concrete frontage of bO feet, down from Cleone. on the Colum- Hai1.jj.50. commencing nine feet south of bia, where he is now conducting uaDaB-i.eicr.re.....,,o,Vv... tae -araiT0. ftlr. Uardner Will n h o- rtn rv Wh P n thomnntv 1.., N I lliirnrtt. Kreil V1 COX. U 1188 I. " ' ..... , . I - 'J - ..- " nave a store inn uinp- netween n ntuHiinomrura hunHmH h . llnrrett, J w vaniiervemen, eiccn. , . , .V I r I F,v-"-" "-' -"" uul Cornelius-Albert Uuumng. P bo; r his shop and the garage, the iara worth of fine dairy stock to W McNutt. TIids Talbot, M H Hender- back Part to be of W'OOd. He shin tn hia nlirc on tho river sou, J w Cornelius, A N Cox, $j each; wjj enclose twenty feet back to He Pxnpota to he down here Mrs Anna Miller, nail, J. t ho ahnn foi hi hlnnl-amirh shon ...u tl.' Cul :v.l Columbia J C Corey, Juo Lotus, Ueo .......v.. usam yviwu mo otuuiiuciitu saic Hellalie, C A Miller, A K McCuuisey, J wuu nil oiucc- in iivov. w, jg called. w m ti nn-1. !imiesu u-i run a eoncrfltft niiiey-Aibert Dethicfs, f4 40; Wm front for the ' iraraire and connect The Washington County apple Stepbens, 75c; Jos Ver-niiyei , 75c; Am. . GarJner ieavinfir an arch exhibit has been on display at Zi iv 4oot driveway, between the Meier & Frank store in ,.'aiwi,m. (i,-i, th. cr.o-.mr,, nnd f.ftnWr. This Portland, all this week, and is Knsi Cedar-i, Julius, fo) j, fy; w ll bo Quite an improvement. auracung me auenuun pi me rom. Leonard pinnii, j v nenry, r. . . .. irpnorfl nun ie. ann ann e men. ' . - 1 t t 1 a 1. " - 1 r 1 x" - - v - - r r-- - Green, V K Uelberxer, fi eacn. unless sometmng goes amiss n an ove te 1,1... R.-. -i it.-i - me jiuioooiu uiuiiLici vju. a nun cfQf0 IMietb, W E Shaver, U h Sparks, Al - B!lwin.rnpvt. Mondnv btale- 'iHA,, as logs are expected to roll In Ed. Schulmerich has .a sale of cims rotu, ug hilly, jno Greeniood, from the timber near Buxton, his fine dairy herd scheduled for Walter Sargent, FM White, Jj each. 0y that time. Steel is being wciooer cc ns wui nave me Gaston K x HnrdiiiK, fs.40; r .1 j )hi k on tne ioeirinp- stock brought over from his . w I ,-. . o..: i:t: thoWi nv Xr I lunnisi hum Sor, Hall.JJ. Since litsi opi ins uwuiK w hur- " Lf -"" Mountaiddale-Tbos Murphy, in ao; f nn 0VPr a r irht Of wav. Without ono anu vy asiungum oireeis 1 r.. L' t l.lit..rin.t I . . . .. . .. X . .1 ."j"'! it was impossible to get .. u si""-". ,J 41...!... l,.iil,H out 4, ttit. ninnl I UK M forest, urove 11 1 nuxion, jy an, - r a Prtrrar.n. K a Dixon. 1 t Fletcher, line, roreman unaries crown 1 ... . ... I , 1 .1 i i' . Irt I 1 1 1. 11-J I i j c ciaraA i uaruner, a eacn, savs ne welcomes me starung-up une nunareu ions uaiea nay, at U...I..I11. In im tiru,i,lr t 11 11 " . 1 , i .... l J. I l i. V !..! ,T , , ...-.v-, ri . - ot tno p ant, ior ne is never sui- ngnt, prices, rur particulars, Wheeler. J W York, Miner Horwlck, J . .. , . , . . ... I Hf l ni T Vn,V loalab Miller tacll lSIieu UllieSH lie iicilia Llie aao 1 inquiic oi majs uiua., u.cutuc, - ----.j , I ...j.: l., .!, I ,!.- f Unfh nhnnao Ji '? S Forest Grove C U Uinuiau, o.oo, cuiitnji niiu tuc uihoci, vic. mm iiuwkd, ovroo DUTCHESS TROUSERS IO Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip WE are showing the full line, fresh from the factory, with many improve ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date and stylish. Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds; fashionable colorings in striped and plain effects; cut iu two styles conservative and "peg-top," and every pair warranted. BAILEY'S BIG STORE Forest Grove, Oregon rj r v"" I I HAT PINS I have the most extensive line of hat pins to bo found in the city. When your new hat is ready you will surely need one of these new shapes for it. The long spike pins are really the prettiest thing for the hat brought out for the hat in a num ber of years. Also the white stone pins will add to the appearance of any hat. All prices from 25c to $4.00. LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optamelm i f i . n