T. 3 Some Photos of the Exhibits at MiLueoao ahqus, got a ino ssavs? s?ea? " ir i Hillsboro Fair, 1910 01 Now OrloanB on, ol tl, fl,nl ?l B htnt , D,x cheor ticflnd vmciiiB, will apoak in HIU.SBOKO. at Iho CRESCENT THEATRE Sarurday Evening, October 8, on con- "Model License Law, the Only Cure For the Evils ol Intemperance Mr. Story's treatmont of this subject has brought tears and laughter to thousands of his liatonors. It is an acuto appeal to tin common sonse of every sound thinking man and woman and is worth fjoinf; miles to hear. Don't miss it. Admission Free. MOW WASHINGTON Col'NTY VoTl-D AT TIN! PRIMARIES v. V. llrjilrtrillallt ll!ry 1 71 l 4 SI " M JS Jl 4 47 tt .'5 ;H 16 tt 2o jl ll 717 Mu'.kry 1 19 ii 4 9 15 "I -5 S 14 4 y jj s 3 17 II 9 14 t .tirlllor AMiliwi. , 14 19 II 4 9 lo lS 3 ' 4 J 1 7 I - 5 M 5 lo 4 " " 2Tl'. u.rimii 11 7i sj 11 .1-' iy n V 11 JH 9 J-1 11 w 11 1; 10 2 m Jpiimk M is 4 f i J J 5 33 31 9 11 5 4" II 9 si "7 .' 13 9 31,7 Hi Ire II "1 14 J S H 9 7 5 '' S 9 K 5 8 9 7 5 I f Mrirn t S t I 1 4 ' 3 1 I S 4 1 I I "' V,,1 I 6 b u 4 S 5 .1 4 4 " U J 4 7 4 3 4 6 Sr Ir'.Sfy t'f SU'.f R... icnm J7 V 7 I V SI 3 41 Jl 9 'l JJ 15 ;i II H 1J 36 7 J,, Wii'Kttf IS y 19 11 14 '4 3' '! '4 17 4 31 I" 9 4S H tb " " 10 t;ts n. no 4 V $ IS $ 10 (. 4 I 14 7 4 II 4 6 6 6 I trctutrr Ujr II,,, I 74 61 1 M Si '7 4' '5 37 15 4 41 IS 10 5o 10 9 19 7 m'7 I. ., M Jl yi 17 19 1 47 W 17 7 4" 3S 5 j 33 tb 1" W '5 N l trine (villi. 4 IW.11, 3" f JS yi 44 1 I 4S 37 H 41 ' 6,1 i" "l i 11 S 1" IS '6 AMtl.lv J' l-S 4 l s 4'' 4" 44 " 4 ') 7s 34 4S IS 44 lS M i.n.ul 4 kJ S4 19 S 4' " 3." ''' 11 " i 31 14 " f H IS II 11 7 m S i'i r J 10 N 9 14 J 7 T 41,,4 4 4 it 3 a 7 li.ifffil 41 lot 7S SI S 49 M 10 " 3 17 Si ij ,U IS 33 s J" M.k.it 39 91 7 11 "i o ''J 4' u y. ' , 44 S9 38 41 19 jo IS JJo km ., 4 U S i.i 1.1 s 0 hi 0 ; 4 I 14 5 4 11 4 a 6 6 6 All l.rlirml t,,,!..!,! JS J bi 1 47 sS 1 '4 41 --s Jo 9 S7 4 S 74 34 41 14 31 7 II, ,! 14 4 J 11 in 2l 10 's ' " i 3i 9 Jl 7 l' 10 13 V A .lrini.n.. 4'' MO SS 6 J.S ;.. 4 6j 35 $i 3 '" " 4' J7 91 '7 39 5 J 2 W1 lr I'lllllrr . , u j-T I l.ikt tt 4J V-S I,. H (S J'. 14 J 1'. b 33 S 10 4s 9 I" 9 2 lM,.,y 7 hi 0J 10 4' 4S "' v 43 1 Si " V 43 JS 4 J :3 14 17 7 "!f'rv .. 4 V S I 14 7 7 5 S S ' " 7 S 4 ... S f I II al I .. I ... ...Ill ... I I ... I I I ... - I'lll. jllHjr...M. ..... w u 117' ll . Jl W, W. 1'. Jl sj '5 4S i'i 1., Ji s 4" .'I 1-' 55 17 16 IS K) Js 4a: u.1,,1, lb A4 j; 7 Jl ii " 4i ,W is .s 3 4J j,. S 45 ,3 1S 17 9 lo K K Cuililitluiiiiirr v . . ,u lull M,;ln 47 107 M 11 S4 ;a " 64 37 si 33 s fc5 39 jS 14 J7 J5 37 B NS M, I, in .' .... 7 j 1 i,i , 4 ( 4 0 1 'i S 7 3 At 1 J J 4 is Miiii." ... J ft 1 4 1 4 2 J . - - 7 ... 4 J 1 I 1 3 U.. . 4 115 1(7 13 "' 71 73 41 IS 3S " 7.S 45 '9 93 3'' 40 4l 31 rrr::.!:! : 3, 5, 4, .. . 37 7 ... . sh ,h .7 I. -llr,,, 14 jo 4" U i7 r; 10 -'s 10 3' J 19 11 I' 44 9 9 4 W 6 l-..n,,.lH.... 4'' ll 9- 1' 74 J' Sl 33 54 43 75 45 3 91 3 40 h 39 11 !...ki 40 ?s 71 19 47 Jf. " " is 35 33 ' '3 JS 14 73 Jl J 9 IS t :ui.r." 1 59 '-I 34 50 14 47 , .,1 .5 r,l .7 W 9 J3 l IJ II Hum.. Jl 4 44 3 .Ift 4" " 3- J 3' I 4 3 S 0, is '7 10 ,4 M7 II. .1I1 . I w. S7 19 4S y. '5 "9 4 3 M 37 7 95 4 Jl Jl iH imI . 17 47 V 5 37 41 ,J 39 19 31 35 4" " 44 11 . '5 lb 14 M J;:::;;: j":,k: 19 h.. .5 4. .- . ? . 9 . Mi, .,.1. ;;;;; J4 3i ji 14 . 7 55 .7 & - " 41 7 js 9 M nlmtk 5 114 ..7 4 31 l'S SS sr " r'3 37 "7 44 4S 'S 37 '4 !!W llmlry 49 lu9 1.4 46 6j ;S i l 4S 5" 5 " 9 4S 33 ill J 44 9 39 24 IvTk.t 49 l4 97 it ' 7' 33 79 44 45 47 4 49 3 lo5 Ji 4 V 3& ai uZZ' .7 90 80 19 41 t '? 51 .VS th 43 31 4o 55 34 4t JS II JW B" .I...'. 45 ... 96 as 59 77 47 4i 4 " S 5a J4 .03 J9 4S 9 J J U lu'C 4 nt .03 IS 64 70 'f' Hl 47 4i 4S " 5 51 34 ., 36 48 Jo 39 ,5 IW ;r;;to,:.,.: 4 M s 76 44 5 3S 5J 35 39 47 ji 4. l4 STREET FAIR WAS GREATEST SUCCESS lies! luhibit of I ruit liver Held in County, Opinion of all BOARD 0I; TRADE MAKES GOOD For the First Time People Realize What Can be Done Here A 1 1., t. c :r... "ii I'liiuiiuiK opwiiic r" CATAARH. M AY-TEVKBi 1 11 . bAIVkl wi- SUMPTION. DEAFNESS COLDS and m dUan of w.rvu. THROAT, LUNW "II INSPIRATOR iiul qrcat 'MVA KLMLOY f iiivh a headache in a few "iimiU-s, a fresh cold in an '""' and an ordinary couh 'an nL last one nirht. ln MispfiiHublo for public speaker j'nd sinjfera. The Inspirator l!wtH a lifetime, can he carried " I he vest pocket (I n'' wsi.vs ready for instant use. 0 1 Dnlii(ious Diteaeii Can De vi'lope, When Used, f I'HIVlNrS ... IF CIRIS w' l on nu absolute gimmnttf lo Cine When unci! nn Dlrecleil ,Vru" f"f full imrHcnlnunid look!el. It l'tee OINlGIUI.Porlland, 0rc.,RD2 Naturo Cure Supplies APIM.I! AU;N Reaverton; Emil Stalder, Beth any; John R. Bailey, J. K John son, Huxton; and 15. N. bproat, Tl,r,ur, iheeH'ortsof N. H. Al-1 Keedville. A II rt . I 1 i 1 exunder, Secretary ol uie warn of Trade, and the valuable assist jance rendered by the llillnboro ' press, an ajiple growers associa i tion was temporarily ' organized I in the county court nouse, ouiur Mrs. Mary Shattuck departed Monday , for her home in North Dakota, after a month's visit with her sisters, Mrs. Agne8 Campbell and Mrs. Francis Cota. She is very much pleased with Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. t a 1 o in Mi hion Kl " Oregon, and especially with the temiKirary chairman, and Mr. is: N. Sprout, temporary secretary. After extended discussion by Mr. Tigard, of Hillsboro, and John H Hailey, of lUixton, the meet ing adjourned to meet again on Friday, Oct. 21. in the court house, at 2 o'clock, at which time it is hoped that all those who are raising fruit (or expect f. will bo on hand to help per- f anermanentorgan zatinn. uuisih. mini Tlu. f . k vi, g fruit growers 'Spring, and who spent the Sum jne joiiiiwiii. f . . Kurene. with his fami- were present: i . , . n,tllP1,LHi to Portland, ant ton; h. Nicliols, SciHils;J.L,Sin1pr,a:rneli..s: line apples. Choice rose plants, shrubbery of all kinds, lily bulbs, etc., for sale at the South Hillsboro Greenhouse. Now is the time to do the fall planting, so get your order in early. Mrs. Agnes Campbell, Independent telephone West 154. , ' 30tf W.' C Pickens, who came to Hillsboro from Tennessee, last The street fair and carnival which closed last week was one of the real successes of the his tory of Airs in the county and all who visited Hillsboro were profuse in saying that never be fore had the exhibits been so nicely handled. The apple and fruit exhibit was under charge of N. H. Alexander, of the Board of Trade, and it wan artistically arranged. APPLES Col. I). L. Houston, owner of the Fair Acres farm, received the blue ribbon for the largest dis play and bost of apples. Bernard Leis for the second largest display of apples, Henry Hunteman for the best lox of Wolf Rivers and 2nd. on Newtown Pippins. J. 1. Morrison best box of Gloria Mundi's, Bernard Lois for the best box of Gravenstines, Jetf Hayden, 2nd Peter Zurcher for the best box of Baldwin, Ileaton & Son. 2nd, Peter Zurcher for the best box of Red Cheek Pippins, J. T. Mor nson, 2nd Geo. Harrow for the best box of Spitzenberg, Peter Zurcher, 2nd Peter Zurcher for the best box of Northern Spies, i). H. Willers, 2nd Emil Stalder for the best box of fancy select Spitzenbergs. Henry Kuratli for the best box of Ram bo, Bernard Leis, best box of Gano, Heaton & Son, best box of Roxbury Russets, J. T. Morrison, best box o Swaar s D. L. Houston, best box of Ben Davis; G. L. Harrow, 2d, Bernard Leis, best box of Blue permaine, Will Hathorne, best box of Duchess of Mengot. D. L. Houston, best box o Kay sand Bellnowers. Mr. Til ton gets first for the largest display of apples on plates, 35 varieties, Mrs. Borwick, of Reedville, for the 2nd. largest display of ap ples, 1U varieties. Blue UibboiMM-H on grains, grsse mid vegetables Pr John Hulmck. awoet tiotato souanh Col 1) L Houston, gold coin potatoes ami parsnips. Pml' Barnes, rutalmira and kohl mba Jake Mttaslngor, Swedish and white giooe turnips. Albert UenderlliiK, largest tomatoes, Mr Peat, tarces iniinukliis. Mr BaniKruver, old lasliioned Kastern puiii)kln. Herman Collier, largest onions. Kll'SoliiflVeliii, largfut squash and best niHpiny oi garden tnii'K LV. V. n li.is Beaver-'nur near Eugene, with his tami S'S t, UltaM y. has returned to Portland, and V.n! , v ,l cm,,,.. Alfred was out the first of the week, S F : Goodwin, A. W West berg, F. J. Williams. G. N. Taggart, Hillsboro; J. F; D.ckason. W. 1 . !;., r iwi-yi . . F. ki - goiisCornelius; Peter Zurcher,! Argus and Oregonian. $2.25. Dance at Alpha Hall, Corne lius, Saturday eve, Oct 8. Wal ker orchestra. Tickets, 75 cents. All are cordially invited. Hick Onrrieri, largeel cabbage A celery, V Miller, Unrest litibhard squash. . K A A K llaiilvy, Nhadeland climax and silver mine oats and alfalfa showing three cult inns each 3 feet loug. J T Morrison. Hue tomatoes and Ir rigated oals. Judge Crandall, garden liuckleberrtes, willow twig a;ihw ami red peppers oil the bush. H M Holland, iiiaiiinioth eiiRiiinber. J II llHiiley, regoi.erated Hweilish oats and Mhndlaiid challenge oaia. 1) H Willem, surprise wheat. I.anesa l.angue, beat timothy. Martin Keillng. rink wheat. Kugene lielplanuhe, ouw horn turnips, gab lack man ii.uhIi mellow (banana.) Maty for oh ill almi lies. Charles Delchmuii lor pop corn, John McPherson, grape Vint toaiatooa. Grant Mann, iiiaiiclmna blAk kartoy, brewing Larler and broom eora. Julius Asnahr, oderbrucker barley. Hpiesoheeart for tobacoo. Win Bagley for hops. Continued ou Page 4. vAVV ill til T 4 - r " i-f i I 1 J J tjf Wi fe. . i - 4 I .;' fmr jaim,ir.iiirnaj'27r3T.kI1"J;iaIV. k4i 7-Zf 3 JT, if J If f i SI 8 1 1 ilk --.iJriiwa" 'sl at at l