JnllLLSBK ARGU HE VOL X VII IIIM,SIMKO, ORKGON, OCT. C, 1910. NO. 30 IV PIONEER OF FORTY-FIVE PASSES IN NKIUID l'.ii.n- b.xl.-y, who taught in lh h.ti.ikI vrr:il- in )(,.. iHUn Imh.K, ;thi v-ar. ha k I tt,.. ?'-!' ami intcrt-Kt on inn' Jim,. ,i I ' 1 r ViIIKm"" Aunl AiiRilmcCfilili- THW'Kill Till: Mi l k Ct T 01 1 SitHini Woman l rtrjr Kc.pcil limtlitcr Kcllc Merc Anntli r .im--r has dinappfiuvd fnilI1 ih, funt-fading rank of tl, Orrpm old titnrrt. Mr. An-'i"'' I', Catching, aged Ki, w, n-,,, l tin- plain from Mi. Muri hi lt." d w-t t 1 willi uT luiM'.'ii"!. William W. t'atrh ir.K'. I"1"-' di'mis'd, M a ilo nation naim f '.H am m-ar rrvt liniM-. Or., difd Friday. S.pt. :", l'-'J". ul iXo Sixtt-fiith s!r,.,-t, I'mtlaml. Ttt.i m ks ago Mrs. Catehing was in a':uvnlly the Ih-hL "f h-;i!lh. --k a'o Sunday xhr Uyuiuc il! ami languished bt-a!i y till death relieved lu-r miffer II'1" demise was due ul mi I cut in ! y to old age, Mm. Catehing. wli'e maiden name wai YatfH. wilh lrn in K.-iitu. ks in lH'i'i. When 1 1 yarsof :vr"- .she married William IV. Cat. -Link' and in ISl." lln' family left St. .Ioh.-j.Ii, Mu.. with an o train of tM wagtix hound f(.r the then territory of Oivpm. The tnp mc-upied exactly nix months, from May 'JO In N'ovrm Uf :d. Portland, at the time of Mr. fftU-hii arrival in the tat. was a hamlet of nix lotf cabins, fir.'on City and Vancouver, Wash.. U'th mere frontier vil lains, wnc tin- rini'iial trading jmstM ill this Hectioll, while The la!!i-H, thru Tort Italics, wan the nioht nnHirtaiit place fiuilii-r cast. Mrs. t'alchintf'rt liv in descend ant n itnlw-r .VJ, of whom one, (Vtler Kdwill Clark. Hon of Chester Clark, of Portland, was airn at v:i i-at randH'in. Sin' w as tin- ninth, r of HI children, of whom live an- living. They arc: Mrs. K. C. Haldra, of Hilbdtoni; I!. V. Cad King, of Wardner, Ida ho; Mrs. A. C. U-velis. of Port land; W. A. Catching and ("has. II. Catching, of Missoula, Mont. Mrs. Catching became a incm U r of the Oreon Pioneers' As sociation in the vear of its formation and until her death never missed attending the an nual rally. The funeral took place Sunday, tin1 Uhls having Urn taken to Forest drove on the Oreon Kleetrie. JOHN K LOMOND John Kcilinond, a hrother of (. W. Redmond, of Hillsboro, died it his home near Mc.Minm ille. Wclitesday. Sept. 'JH, llU. aed "2 years, one month and US days. He was Un-n in Ontario, Canada, Aug. lv. ls;ui. and at the ae of Ul came to Oregon via New York and San Francisco. In lSf.7 he returned to Camuia, where he remained ,r years and then re turned to Oregon. He settled '"'r McMinnviile, ami Iwnight lu acres, and has ever since car rit'd on tanning and stockraising, hi herds of lihHided sheep ami tiittlc heingof the hest. He was "prominent Mason, and the fun- 'ral Priday was in charge of the Masonic hody. His snrviv'ing children: W. J. lu'dinnml, Oak Point. Wash.; "'"n P., MM. Kttn Wheeler. , Mrs. Stella Michclbrook, and kcsley, Mm and Lerov. of Mc- f'ninvjlle, Matthew, of L(dam, aah., ami Daniel, of San Fran f'WJ, Cal. district f,.r the aine, She nets nn in h. r r.i!i,i,h,;,,t tl.-.t lie hal a nine inonths contract with the city at $ou p, r month, ami when hh.- arrived here Sept. L'7 there was no rHnii prepared for her. and that nhe was delay ed for 1 1 days. At the date of June J i,he mit. claiming that she was entitled to $'ir, fr the time which she .wt. Miss (V ceha Crei-r linished out the June work. I he ',uard would not pay her for the service which was unperformed U-cause of latcnons in the contract work In-ing lin ished on the new addition. The case will (lotilitleHS come un f the NovcinU-r term of circuit eourt. Miss Iixley also asks for intere.ht on the amount claimed from June 1 to date of the ex pected decree. We are now !ctter than ever prepared to supply our customers. We haven good supply of floor ing, rustic, hhiplap and finishing lumU-r ami can furnish good hotiM- hills on short notice. We also haw a good stock of all kinds of common lumher. We have in !itick all sizes of tile from !l to Pi inch that arc first quality; also hrick and huilding hlm-ks. Try our huilding hlocks for your fruit or Hitat house, or founda tion fur your huilding U-ttcr and cln-apcr than hrick or con crete. Parties wanting orders delivered will do well to place them early. while the roads are good, and our teams are not to husy. In the past we find that il is the failing of many N-oplc t-i wait till the roads arc almost inipasHahle, and then place their orders for delivery, at a cost of twice what it can Ih- done for now. So don't forget, this year, while our stock is complete, (ironeri Kowell Company. Kmniett Uuiek. of Forest drove, was sent up to the Uavis & llauiiau right of way camp, on the P. It. it .Y. aUive IiuiIkt, the last of the week, to hnng in a crazv man. w ho w;is making all kindsof tniuhle for theoutliL When Quick arrived the fellow had cooled down, and he was al lowed to remain, lie had U-en down to Portland and looking on juniK-r juice when il was parti colored, and was consequently a little out of his head. He is all right now. and is working like a "nigger at an election." 0. W. Path was down from Coldemlale. Wash., over Sunday, to spend tin' day with his family. Mr. Hath and son. Irving, Uth of w hom are well known in Hills Ikiid. where they were handling the destinies of the Independent, have Ixuight the (.oldendale Sen tinel plant, building ami all, and will settle dow n to the newspa per hu.yiness in that enterprising tit v. They have a good field and will do well in their new venture. 10 OPENJY HOLIDAYS Will be I iiicvt Hostelry on Wil Side of Willamette Wll I.IAM (ill 1 01M) TO TAkli CIIAKCil". Will Hive 5 Modern Koom Traiuicnt Traveler lor I'r. Tamionie has closed a lease with William Gilford, of Port land, and who was for five years with the Portland Hotel, and Mr. C.iffordw ill take charge of The Washington, the new three-story hotel, Ik-fore the holiday season opens. This new hostelry will Ik.' the finest on the West side of the Willamette river, and is the finest public building in Wash ington County. It will have ff guest rooms, six baths, with four lavatories on the two upper lloors. Pesides this the building has apartments, one of which will lie used as a home by I)r. Tamiesie. Dr. Tamiesie, w ho has shown his faith in Hillsloro by the largest huilding investment yet made in the citv, hopes to have the building ready for the public by the holidays. He has given Mr. (iilTord excellent terms, and an effort w ill le made to have the institution a financial success from the start. Mr. Gilford is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wann, former HillsUiro residents, and Mrs. Gilford is a sister of F.d. and Andrew Warm, of Hills Uru .NO 1 kliSPASS Itoy. Hunting, or otherwise trespass ing on the premises of the under signed, near West Union, w ill Ik prosecuted to the extent of the law. Dated this OctoU-r 1. 1910. C. F. Holcomb Fred Hamel Frank lmbrie J. C. Heehen Herman Muller W. J. Liehty Frank Holcomb Fred Grossen A. L Holcomb Unvis Hamel Herman Glaske. MRS. O. S. JOHNSON )- 0. S. Johnson, of Shady """k, died October 1. 11)10, 'ruin heart failure. Her maiden name was Marguerite Frank, lliu prior to her marriage she resided iw.Mf lt,,ll,i.,u.L- Her Infills are both dead. She was ''j'l-n m Nebraska, and was aged ! Yea CM II m.,i.ll,d .,.,,1 OI ,l.itm - t iiiwiimn (inn .ii..i. She 'was married to Mr. Johnson, ... i q '"'II Wl 111 I . Illlli M I -lohnson, Oct. 27, 19(H). Mr. ''"hiison was making prepara " tn move to Palmer, Ore., Ilt! husband already having gone 10 Work up there. Mrs. Johnson was to have joined him Monday. IOK SAl.li VJ"' liuii.livd tons baled bay, at 'MIV prices. For particulars, "quire of Maya Hros., Glencoe, Uru- Unth phones. 3D-33 Arri" and Oregonian, $2.25. H. Taylor Hill, on whose place near Motintaindale the four pairs Reeves pheasants have Wen turned nut. was in Saturday and took the game birds out for lib eration. Mr. Hill says he regret ted very much that the pheas ants could not he placed on exhibition at the street carnival, but they were packed and ship oed in such a manner that he feared trouble in getting them back in the crate. For the best pictures that ar I wt ie skill, combined with chem- i.vil mienci can nroduce. call at 'sStudio. Twenty three tlV'IKOX'ii . . . years continuous service heinnu the camera. Gold meilal awaiu ed at St. Paul, Minn., in 11KX).- Heid-.'l Huilding. upstairs, over Haird's store. -V-W Mim Cmi-1 Hunsen and child re turned Friday from an extended ,.:..:( ltl, Iw.e imrents. at Gales- inn . i. ii i . , ville. 111. She was accompanied home 1V her brother, Farl lap pen, who will make an extended stay in Oregon. Horses for sale: Klack mare, 7 vears. 12(H); sorrel mare, i-,.niN VM): iron gray mare, "years, 11100; bay mare. 3 years, 12(H).- Geo. Lennen, Cornelius, o.-e.. Koute 1. Vineianus. rv.,.,ii. C.iistiifsen. of below n..',i,.;n, whs in town Monday i .iV. l...,,:.,,.uLi auHlinir the 011 prouaie ininon.cn, v r. estate of his late iauier, do.m (iustafson, before County Judge Goodm. II. G. Kinpr. of Forest Grove, nn.l who was the assembly can didate for county treasurer, was down to the city Monuay. Plumbing and plumbing ma 4..;..i lOieat class work. Gal on F.W. Rails, at Connell & Co, store. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beck were : ,.irv from )illey,J5atur- ,lay. Pul says the faOTwas "or sale: Fine full-blood Hoi tein bull calf. From tine milk- M . 1 .1 ing strain. Kegisiereo siock. A. Pcndler, (.ornelius, Koute Reside on North Plains, be tween Dudley mill and HillslKiro. Frank 1-ichtv. of Cedar Mill was in town t he first of the week. Carl Pfahl, of Blooming, was in the city the last of the week. Chits. Emrick, wife and son, of near Glencoe, were in the city Monday. John A. Chapman, of near Middleton, was up to the city riday afternoon. pippin. COR DAIKVMtN J. S. Ixirsung. the bridge con tractor and builder, was up from Newton, Monday. J. L. Crandall and son, Paul, of Portland, were out Saturday, isitingwith Kenyon C randall. Bert Rowell. of Rowel 1 Bros. & Co., was up to the city Monday afternoon, and called on the Ar- William E. Smith, of South Tualatin, and who always has a fine colt on his ranch, was in the city Monday afternoon. Jake Milne, of North Plains, m m 1 It 11" was in Monaav. ne ana nis wife are now located in their handsome new residence. Mrs. Frank Crabtree, of Lau rel, was in the city Saturday, the guest of Mrs. L. A. Long and Mrs. G. J. ralmateer. Store building, dwelling house and barn, for rent at Laurel. One of the best trading points in Washington county for gen- ral merchandise store. h. U Mulley, Laurel, Oregon. 28-30 Two more years of rock road building, with connections irotn outside precincts, with paved streets, which are likely to come next vear: with the finest hotel on the West Side; and with a few more handsome cottages in the city, and Hillsboro will forge rapidly to the front. I have moved my dressmaking parlors from my residence on Second to the Tamiesie Building, rooms 12 and 16 upstairs, where, I will be pleased to meet mv friends and patrons. Thanking you all for your patronage in the past and kindly asking a share of it for the future, I am, re spectfully. Mrs. M. Malone. Wm. Robb and wife, of were city callers Friday. ('has. Davis, of North Plains, wai in town Monday morning. V,, N. Thomas, of Beaverton, was a Hillsboro visitor, Friday. N. I'. Oakerman and wife, of Beaverton, were in town Friday. Mrs. G. Solder and family, of VerlxKirt were Argus callers Saturday. Fred Bishup and wife, of near Orenco, were up to the city Saturday. Fred Bueher, of near Kinton, was a county seat caller the last of the week. W. C. Heaton, of below Farm ington, called on the religious weekly Saturday. Money to loan on real estate Terms reasonable. Apply to Ku ratli Bros.. Hillsboro. Or. 21tf Wm. Ridgely and wife, of For est Grove, were Hillsboro visitors Friday, taking in the carnival. . Girl wanted for general house work. Steady iosition to right party. Inquire at Argus office. Richard Connell, of Portland, was out a few days the last of the week, the guest of relatives. John Johnson, of below Farm- ington, has rented his farm and goes to Portland for the Winter. J. K. Nichodem us departed the firstof the week for a fortnight's trip to the Sjxikane and upper country. hli rH?, ot Cornelius, ana a former Hillshoroite, was down to the city Saturday, renewing old acquaintances. Frank Harberg, the West Un ion stock buyer and butcher, was in the city the last of the week, mixing with the big crowd. Herman Kannow. ol near Farmington, was over to the city Saturday, and remembered the Argus in his calling list "Agent wanted for the Pheo nix Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany of Oregon. 821) Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon John Freudenthal, of below Newton, and who is close to good duck shooting when the water is high, was up to the city Monday. S. N. Tunstall, of Phillips, and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rasmusen and Mrs. Wm. Lay field, of near Cedar Mill, were in town yester day. Allen Warren, who is now working for the McCumsey mill, near Mountaindale. was in town the last of the week, for a few days. fohn Klink, of Virginia Place, and Wm. Brogden, who owns a fine tract on the Geo. Smith do nation, were in town Monday morning. F. S. Bradley, the Banks hop- grower, and L. L. Craw ford, of Crawford Station, were down to see the big exhibits the last of the week. B. Fleischhauer and Ernest Kerr, of this side of Gaston, were among the fair visitors, Friday. While in the city they called on the Argus. A. SchalTner, of below Beaver ton, on the Canyon road, and who has been conducting a big dairy business, was in the city Saturday, and called on the Ar- KUS. Farm for rent. Sixty five acres under plow; fair buildings; 25 acres slashing pasture. Eight miles south of Hillsboro. Cash rent. $350. J. M. White, Sixth and Oak, Hillsboro. 29-31 There will lie an open Grange meeting at the Grange Hall, Hillsboro, on Saturday, October 8. Several topics of in terest are up for discussion and a large attendance is requested. LAST PAYMENT TAX HAS ROLLED IN Sheriff Office Busy Last of the Week and Monday COFFERS ENRICHED BV BIG SUM Tax Collection Reduced to a Minimum, aid Few Delinquent High Q UALITY Drug S tore Sheriff Geo. Hancock and Deputy Dave Kuratli, assisted by J. B. Wilkes, were very m busy last week, and up until Monday night. collecting the last payment from those who had paid half of their taxes last Spring. The three street carnival days were very busy ones at the collection count er, for many took advantage of the gala days to call and settle up with the county. Several thousand dollars rolled in, as the time for payment ex pired Monday evening. It is stated that the delinquencies are few and far between. It is sur prising to note how many have lost their receipts and were in ignorance as to whether they had paid all, or half, or none, and it kept the force busy looking after this one point to say noth ing of collections. Hundreds up on hundreds always take advan tage of the half payment and the talk over the state of chang ing the law of collection has al most entirely subsided. Many, who are able, pay only half because they argue that the money is not needed for all the tax until the Winter months set in, and they aver that money is worth more than six per cent to them for the purpose of moving crops. AUCTION SALE The Place where you ' are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies . THE BEST EVER" ttaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remed: The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. The undersigned will sell at his farm, known as the Ben Hay or J. K. P. Brown place, 1 1-2 miles southeast of Hillsboro and 1-2 mile south of Newton station, on SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8 2 bay in a ret, weight Uoo; 8 cows, will I fresh this winter; I heifer, I years; 1 heifer, I year; a sprint; calves. X ' in. Bain wagon, 3 hor.-e wagon shafts, top buggv. Champion binder, 6 ft. cat; Deenng mower, 5 (t. cut; hay rake, 3 horse Tiger drill, 3 section harrow, spring tooth harrow, IS in; it disc har row, a 14-in. plows, Aspinwald potato p'anter, Aspinwald potato digger, stump puller with aoo feet of cable, 1 horse cul tivator, hay rack, set work harness, set single harne'S, and other things too numerous to mention. Lunch at noon. Terms Sumtof $10 cash, over $10 one year at S per cent bankable note; a per cent clT fur cash on soms over f 10. GKuKtiE SAtiKK, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer; R. Shute, Clerk. J. A. THORXBURGH President J. E. BAILEY Vice-President W. W. MCELDOWNDY Cashiir BANK Forest Grove NATIONAL FOREST GROVE. ORE. Statement of Condition on Thursday, Sept. 1, 1910. Capital and Surplus $5O0OO Loans - $259,243.34 U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00 Other Bond 38,640.00 Banking House 18,000.00 Cash and due from Banks and U. S. Treasurer 116,900.04 Capital and surplus $50, CO ). 00 undivided Fronts iS.T:i Circulation Deposits 25.M MM) 382,591.05 $457,783.38 POULTRY MEN ORGANIZE A number of the poultry men or ganized last Saturday, with A. L. Cameron as temporary secre tary. Messrs. Cameron and F. Saunders wish all poultry raisers to meet at the second Street Feed store, on October 15, at 2:00 p. m., for the purpose of electing permanent officers and adopting specific plans of organi zation. NOTICE Whereas, my wife has left my bed and board without just provocation, I hereby notify all persons against extending her any credit on my account from and after the date hereof. 29-31 John Huback. Hillsboro, Ore., Sept 29, 1910, Thoa. G. Todd WilberW. McEldowrnex DIRECTORS .John . Bailey $457,7i!.:)8 J. "W. Fuqua J. A. Tharabur swcm-Bj DUTCHESS TROUSERS IO Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip WE are showing the full line, fresh from the factory, with many improve ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date and stylish. Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds; fashiouable colorings in striped and plain effects; cut in two styles conservative and "peg-top," and every pair warranted. B. G. Wills, well known in this citv as a boy, and who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Wills, has been appointed claim adjuster for the Atchison, Topeka & Sante Fe Railway Company, with head quarters at Fresno, Cal. J. S. Miller, of near Scholls, and who spent three years or such a matter at Hood River, was up to see the fair, Friday. Mr. Miller says: "WelLI lived at Hood River for several sea sons, and, of course, they have a fine apple section up there. I visited all their apple fairs, and admit that they have an edge on most sections -but Hood Kiver never in all' its apple experience put up a better exhibit of apples than can be seen here today. And then, to those who know the difference -and the only way is to have used your palatethere is no comparison between the ap pies of the two districts. Our valley apple has it all over the Eastern Oregon product Mr. Wilson, a brother of W. H. Wilson, the Gales Creek horse man, was kicked by a horse, ear ly Monday morning, near the Oak Grove ranch, owned by Geo. R. Bagley, and the unfortunate man suffered a fracture of the knee cap, which the attending physician, Dr. lamiesie, states will Rive him a great deal of trouble. He was taken to the Oak Grove ranch to be treated. and was taken home later in the week. The horse succeeded in kicking the cart to splinters be fore he was stopped. William Curry and wife and two sons, Arlie and Verne, de parted Tuesday morning for a Winter's stay at their old home in Custer County, Okla., and they expect to return next Spring. Mr. Curry goes for the benefit of his health. George Zetzman, of North Plains, was in Monday. He says he and his neighbors are about to get into telephonic communi cation with the outside world. Perry Gardner, of Quatama. on the Oregon Electric, was in the city Monday. BAILEY'S BIG STOR Forest Grove, Orego E I " J NOT BIG PROFITS but BIG SALES, AND QUICK. Mine is not a business of princely profits and few sales I sell quick and fast on close margins and make my plan win purely on its popularity and fast siling merits. My stock is one of the largest and best selected in in the county. My watch stock embraces all the best American standard makes. Any size, any style, all at the very lowest price, and on easy payments, if you wish. Come in and see what fine values I am offering. LAUREL M.HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometry