The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 29, 1910, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    -Gt a
! t the Post-olttoa st Hillubnro
, f. wxMi.l-r!mi noil msllr.
I.. A. I,UU,
C :mty Official Paper
ripuon: $1.50 jr Annum.
I--upI Kirry Thrlj
For salv Fine full-Mood llol-
stoin bull calf. From fine milk
ing strain. KHtfiblo to registry.
A. Hendler, l orneluis. home
Reside on North Flams. l
twtvn Dudley mill and Hillsboro.
rhi:m:s pm i:s vnts
if Orvgonian, the next dav
v ti.o 1'rimaries. said, only:
is the dav after."
(' ".
i i
i ir.v
0"; "
.. -
j ri
asjomhly primary ticket
:-ui:y beaten in Multnomah
: . and Rnverman is nom
d by about of a plur-ovt-r
Dimiek. with heavy
for Abraham and Hofer.
anything like a clear field
I'ears that Dimick would
w on overwhelmingly. Pun
. for state printer, and Craw
attorney general, won with
y majorities over their as-
; opponent. It would ap
as though the assembly
has received a quietus all
;he tate, for where there
any determined opposition
iiroct primary advocates won
Kilis, of the Portland dis-
was badly defeated. The
:o evidently want the direct
a;-y to stay.
he state has purchased 100
pairs of luvves pheasants, prvwn
tw a nephew ot Mrs. it. lay lor
Hill, and tour uairs of the birds
will be shipped to Washington
County to In? turned loose on the
farm of Mr. Hill, above Moun
taindale. These are the most
beautiful birds of the pheasant
variety, and are very prolific
hrvdtrs The birds will be
shipped trom Corvallis at onco.
and Mr. Reeves hopes to have
them here for one day's exhibi
tion at the street carnival.
I! uiulersipned. one of the re
in ,.:'.i':ir members of the Western
Or. 'i Stallion Association re
: I've' i",nly requests the owners of
?i..iiio is in Washington County
i iut at the ottice of J. M.
VY; in Hillsboro, Washington
O-. ;. Orepon, at 10 o'clock
si:,::;., on Saturday, the 1st day
oi'CvU.ber. A. 1). 1910, for the
;;,; , o of re-organizinpr the
VW -urn Oregon Stallion Associ
ation, from the fact that the
I'r-.- dent has died, and the Sec
re"; y has died, and some of the
Dir, c-tors have passed away.
only remaining officers of
tr.e A.-sociatior. are as follows,
tj-o. it:
Mr. Moon, of Centerville, Mr.
II. l Johnson, of Forest Grove,
iiivi tr.e undersigned, Wm. Mc-
It -s riestly requested that
th j tr. promptly at 10 o'clock
in rr the fact that the stallion
pa: a ; will go out at 11 o'clock
th;.:-'! oi the same day, and the
Ju !-.s will pass on all animals
;;t '2 o'clock sharp, and following
tie : i.uging of pnze winners.
will K- an exhibit of driving
h m the street. The busi
i ,t-?s men will offer a premium
fir ;ke best and second best
Liu-py horse shown in harness,
Wm. McQuillan,
I Sector of the Western Ore
j:on Stallion Association.
v. ith
v. a;.r
S :U'l
: .10.000 to $20,000 worth of
residence Drooertv in Hills
to exchange for a erood
or ranch. Would urefer
. implements and feed to go
iarm, and will pay the dirt
e. I also have a tfood 9-
1., 3 blocks from busi
in Hillsboro, for sale
i accept as part payment
ro lour eood work horses
i, .Tain and hay, and also
a! cows. Call and see me
t this.
F. M. Heidel. Hillsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Toelle, o
CU ii'-';e, entertained a number
of relatives and friends at their
b .iiiu- Sunday, Sept. 25, the oc
cusioii being the fifth anniver
s:,ry of their marriage.
Those present were:
AI.-. ni;ii Mrs. T. C Johnson, Mr. and
M;. J Ii. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs, D. b
1! rkl. iter. Mr. and Mis. Fred Stevens,
l S it ,.b 'i''.ialatin; Mr. and Mrs. J. C
Shu ;;i-t: h find son Ferdie, of Banks
Mr. Mrs A. M. Toelle, I'hilipa; Mise
ttl livll-nan, Air. anrl Jlrs. J. C
Ti".- ir. J'cirtland; Mr. and Mr, Wm
Ju.sni.iJ children, Mr. and Mra. W. E,
j,in-iv and son, Orin, and Geo. Darety
at ii i-. (f. i oeiie, ol Ulencoe.
G. A. Webb has sold his feed
store to S. K. Weyrick, and Mr.
Webb and wife will leave in a
few days for Southern Oregon,
in tne Migene secuon. iney
will, for the immediate future,
take up evangelism, and sing at
meetings here and there. They
followed this for many years.
and will bo at home in the de
parture. They have made many
friends in the city and they will
be missed in church circles.
Just ask Emriek & Corwin to
see one of their new gopher
traps. Gets them every time
and there is no chance of shoot
ing yourself or running a spear
in your hand.
George Alexander, who has
xvn spending the Summer in
Central Oregon, where the Hill
and Harriman lines are building,
came down from Redmond, near
r'rineville, yesterday, and will re
main until after street fair, the
guest of his mother, Mrs. C. E.
Koontz. He savs that work is
progressing rapidly up there and
that all available men are put at
M. C. Hewitt, the carpenter, is
still inthehousemoving business,
and if you have a building to
move, see him for an estimate.
J. C. Lamkin has finished the
argest phonograph horn ever
made in the county and perhaps
in any other county. It was
manufactured of heavy tin, and
is five feet in length and the
bell has a diameter of four feet
It was made for Manager Phelps
of the Crescent Theatre, and
should give out a volume of
sound that will satisfy anyone.
even in the deaf class.
Wanted: Teams for lumber
hauling. Botsford Lumber Com
pany, mill 2 miles west and
miles north of Hillsboro. Post
office address, Cornelius, Oregon.
Route 1. 29-30
Dr. Linklater is fixinz ud the
building north of the Argus for
a garage, and will have it so ar
ranged that machines ean enter
at the rear and leave out of the
buildine without backinir out.
u. Larsen is doing the improve
When the kitchen is properly
equipped there is sunshine in the
house. Come in and see our
Champion and Charter Oak
ranges. They are the best.
Emriek & Corwin.
Chas. Gittere has opened his
cigar manufactory', and has turn
ed out some of the first Hillsboro
smokes." His business is lo
cated in the building formerly
occupied by W. B. Dolan, near
the Crescent 1 heatre.
A. C. Shute and wife returned
Tuesday evening from Arliwrton
Ore., where they attended the
Siegrist-Emrick wedding. Thev
made the trip out from Portland
in the auto and arrived in after
Guv F. Phelns. formerly nasttr
for the United Evangelical, has
taken conference work from the
Methodists. He is one of the
real orators in the Washingto
County ministry.
When you want ice cream, get
the best.- Hazlewood-Koeber
I wish to thank my many friends
for the liberal support for Rep
revritative given me in the late
Pri nary Nominating Election.
While we have received less than
a majority vote we feel that we
made a good showing. Now let
us one and all endeavor to hold
our varty together by our sup
port i.f the candidates nominated
on the Republican Ticket.
J. N. Hoffman.
Shropshire bucks, yearlings,
fur ::ale eligible to registry.
!'"' Groner, Scholls, Ore., post address, Hillsboro, Ore.,
ttjt,- 2. 28-33
A. F. Homrich, of below
W'i.f -!; r, was in the city Tues
day, i.:it called on the Argus.
A. ' V. Walker, of South Tuala
tir ... v. a i in town yesterday, after
Ja.J7 s implies.
you flitch y(re Von
Joifuj tJo Sveu or
t a JW or Qeercoaf
J )our
We'll Show You the LateM Moilels.
The Richest nd lct Wcnvrs,
With All the Smart Mens for the
Season, And You Will Not lluve
To Puy More Than You Can Af
ford Eithwr, Whether It Be
$12.50 or $30.00
No Motter What Your Limit I?. We
Have A Big Value to Fit the Price
We Would LiKe to Have You Looh
Over Our Stoch of Suits and Over
coatsNote the Sma:duni Values
and Smart Effects.
Third & Main Sts, Hillsboro
('. JiisK'r. f I'oivst Grove,
wiis in town thi morning.
.1. It. Imlay. the K.vdville
warehouse mwn. was. in town
(his morning, and called on (he
Argus, lie states (hat the grain
acreage was more than usual in
his section, this season, and Unit
(he increase was in oiil.s. t
prettv fair crop, nil around."
savs Mr. Imlay.
A NU'k'OW i sc vi'i:
S. K. Goodwin, of a mile west of
(ow n. bad a narrow esi aiK1 I nun
death. Tuesday morning,
ten oYWL He und his brother
were putting baled straw into
the upper story of (he burn, mid
the (ran was sprung it Utile too
tpiick. letting go of (he bale. It
descended from 3 to X feet.
and (he brother called to Mr
Goodwin just in time to give him
11 elianCC lO notice Hie uimmiu,
The corner of (he bale h truck his
eft shoulder. tliil.Kiitlng It linu
ausing two or (hree fractures
Had Mr. ( oodwm not seen it
coming it would have struck him
fairly on the bend ami death
most likely would Have etisueu.
He is under (heeaieof lr. Link-
nter. and was able to In- brought
into (own sesUrday morning m
take treatment. Mr. Goodwin
is feeling thank fill that it is no
w orse.
Daniel Deaville. of Baseline, I
and who owns a portion of the
leywood place, was in the city
Tuesday, and called on the Ar-
Guernsey bull, IS months old,
for sale. Inquire at County
Farm, New ton. 2S-'JU
Mrs. Geo. W. Phillips, of Wil
bur, Wash., is in the city, the
guest of Mrs. Alice Koord and
other relatives.
Aerial Flights. ' j
Among the other advantages of 7.e(-
pclln'i dirigible route to the north j
pol. It la Dot uecessary to rut the
dog. tcha rjjjo.
War ballooun are all very well, but '
until one bas bevo Invented that run
dfy Um ordinary rbtk of u- tho
art of warfurv, military and tmvnl. ,
stands la no preMlug need of revwlou
Youth' Coniaulon.
Zeppelin's contemplated aerial dash ,
for the north pole 1m not to ls made j
for Are o ten years yet. Indeed, It 1m
suspected H wHI take place about'tho
same time that Walter WeHuian flies
across the AtlanUc ocean. Kansas
City Star.
Money Matters.
The International credit of the world
today rents upon $4,WJ0,0O0,OUJ worth
of gold In the banks and treasuries of
Europe and Amerka.
The Dank of England does not divide
Its protlto directly with the govern
ment, but the amounts paid for taim,
franchises, etc.. reach annually about
The eight banks of Scotland are prac
tically one bank. The managers of
the principal banks, living lu lUlln
burgii or Glasgow, meet frequently to
fix the rate of discount ou loaus and
the amount oi Interest to be allowed
on deposits.
Cider Apph
t the KnioLi p ... i..
. . . 1 - - Ml l
Co. Citlcr
iclills. Hi-
pticc j..iid
CUSloill woik
bauds and 1
lot sale.
I'll"llr. In, I. ,
L .i
at l
Now Man
HOMK Sl'Vij.
Kver) thing II
of Ser ii e. I i ,,
age Holieiled.
Httine tin ii) 4. l;.,.,..
by the Week.
Main St. rast 1 1 I,,
. w !.,.;,
I lie
Vai.Uk Monthly' Spcilal
IntrtHJiKtory OHUc
r. i't I'.illUlid. tit HI .m 111
Laurel Store
Having I'urchascil the Stoic
I am Trcparctl to meet the de
mands of the Laurel section iu
all kiutls of
If We huvo not got what you want
we can get it for you. We can supply
you in all lines
E. T. TURNER. Laurel, Oregon.
Short Stories.
Builder's - - Opportunity
fc ca a
Doors, Windows, and the
best Plaster made, at less
than what it costs you in
Main St. and P. R. & N. Tracks. Iioth Phones.
I'lir l'rifii' M'mlh'
toll i liC.UlldlU
iu;iHir wlutli in vtl lull OtliHiun
(I. hi nl'.Hil Iht irMitiiirt mi l Hiittiiii
Ur ! llir I'omitii 1 1 1 It k Wnl i( th.
U.kir ll lr!i nil IhiuI Ihr i:.ciii
mrnt Kn-UimlK n l'i"r' U, (trm li iv
rtiiiiirul Un4 ii l I c 1 . al-.Mil llt iIi
llli( U)'lr.l In I'Ult MitllnJ. .tat j Mit
nllltiy lanuiif. rt- It ll llr .! I I
luo I V Jvk l.)liliii. ul olhl II tlr'l
llir I'lUT l )l V' . '"'I l"
ilil.r II r Mill I i lli .utln i hfiv
rrlit TIO"t1( mini c.T-trd mi
r l(urr I'c'nimv I. liol. rll. .nii
liauir u 1 il lir. iv iiii oitr.l ltlil
irul In i'l I'am nil '"ill !'
gull Vliinifl'". t-Ult id tVll unit
Ull'l, t lirgoll.
NOlki: IO I WI'.W l.US
The half of the l'.KO taxeH.
where the hrit half wm paid
jdior to the iirt Monday in
April, U'ln, in due and payable
on or U fiite the lint Monday in
OcIoUt. l'Jlu, and utde?w iiid
by October 15, Kl. will Urome
delitniueht, and penalty and in
terestwill U- charged until Kaid
tax is paid.
(!eo. (J. llaneiH-k.
Sheri'T und Kx-ollic o Tax Col
lector for Washington t'ounty,
Dated at thU lnl
duy of SeptemU-r. I'Jio.
I.rvr lut I'urlUnd
Koiral Urine lrl 6 fit . ui.
I ulri. iii I .nirlli Si.
Shcttilao l'lrr H4, ni.
I lllrn t'niiill ItmiI lUttri-ii
forrl (ftu-.e I.h1 in 11 a. in.
Iltttru Oil Jrllrrwm Si.
portal t",nie luteal . i ll p. n.
l-'tilria mi I'iiiiitti SI.
Ccuvalha llvriiaml vlo l. Hi.
I'.iiln on I'miith St.
Ixavrt I'uitiamt fur IlilUU.rn
Cutvallla Dvrrlaiid J ti a. in.
I.rvr mi I i. mill S .
1'iirml Ciinvc I,k I h m
l-avra mi I'lmtlli St.
I'Vrot ( .riivc Ih al . . I mi ii. in
jovrnn IrffrtiHiii St
Slirrjilnii Flrr i oo ti. m
I.rnvr I iiimii I -( l , vm VIIIbiir
Kurrt llrov l,i l . , 4,1 p. m
Lravta on fnutlli SI.
ouitioN 111a mc
till I SltOlU) MIM(
Perry l. n t .... ,
Nelili- I . ; ,
I hofouvdi and . '.!
inr at a nii"li 1 , . i
ll'.NI I I I 1 ,,
s u mo
11. 1
Nulwr til I
SM. la l.irl T , ,
lfm-t .n,itttlr .
I aiiiI. aiith-. . . f ( t-
ill - .
011 for W a. M itr ... .
.II1 ill H.n 1 1
that limit I .1
I. til ) .1 ! ' , . 1
u . I. . U ..I .,, ..!
1 '.HiM U.MMll In It. n
iiiir - l. .U e I .1 L
il filial ...I. t.
il.riit i.f aAiil r.l,iir
l'nlr-1 II. n II Ii ,Ui
Vtrf I .i.
f tl.o rt(n ..f I . .
Rteb Indiana lu Oklahoma talk of
building towns wblch Iim 1 1 be fur lu
dlaoa only.
In strong coutrant to tho ninny hot
water geyneni of TellowHtotie uirk a
new on eject lco cold water.
The tUne set for tliu couipletlnti of
the i'aaama canal In 1115, and pren-iit
ladicatloiMi aru tbut tbt work will be
Untuned by that year.
In Mie thirty year ltf8 to l'J03 tlm
yearly exijendlture for public acboolit
la th United States Kr-'W from $7!),
IW0XJ0 to $371,000,00, a nearly Ove
fold lotrease.
Train and Track.
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at their place, 3 1-:
miles south of Reedville, 2 miles
east 01 rarmineton, and 2 1-:
miles north of Scholls, at ten
o clock a. m., on
Roan mare, 9 yrs, 1350; gray mire, 12
yrs, 1400; brown gelding, 9 yrs, 1200;
brown gelding, 5 y. 1150; bay Raiding,
15 yrs, 1100; Jersey cow, 5 yn, coming
fresh in May; red Jersey cow, fresh in
Spring; Jetse cow, 9 yr, fre.h in March,
all now in milk; 2 doz chickens, mower,
Champion binder, almott new; Bain 3
wagon, almost new; hack, buggy, 50
tooth barrow, spring-tooth harrow, disc
harrow, 2 wa king plows, cultivator, U.
S. cream separator, new; 2 full sets work
harness, and other articles too numetous
to mention.
Free lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale - Under $10,
cash; over $10, 1 year's time at
8 percent interest bankable note.
2 per cent off, for cash on sums
over $10.
Simon Nellsen,
John Nellsen,
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Ed. Shute, Clerk.
Owing to the cheap electric power
electric car lines art springing up lu
all parts of northern Italy.
A.B audlblu fog alguul for railroad,
the Invention of a retired Dutch naval
officer, eiplodi a cartridge behind a
megaphone automatically whenever n
train enters a block In which there In
another train.
The new railway line planned In
Nova Scotia I mis beeu.caJled tlfe. Hall
fax and Eastern. Its length will bo
IM Billet. It must be completed In
three yeurs or forfeit tlm government
subsidy of $0,440 per utile.
Guns! Ammunition!
Up to Date Don'ts.
Don't pattern after the busy little
bee. It's the other fellow who eats
the honey.
Dou't look a gift horse It) the moult,
Sell him for what you can get and let
the other fellow look.
Don't be a clam. If you must be any
thing of that kind, be a turtle. Then
you will have some snap about you.
Don't take the bull by the hnrns.
Take blm by the tall, and then you
can let go without getting some, one
to help ypu. Upplncott's Magazine.
Porosknit 2-piece underwear,
The open season for Birds
begins on October 15. See our
fine assortment of siule and dou
ble barreled shotguns, latest man
facture. Uig supply of standard
ammunition. See us Ik.-fore you
buy our prices arc an induce
ment. Fine Hunting Equipment.
I'cst manufactures of bicycles al
ways in slock. Our bicycle re
pairing is the kind that "Stays
R. LEE SEARS, - Hillsboro
Gamg'ei Third Street.
I have for sale a numberof year
ling and Spring Cotswohl bucks,
of the best registered strains.
Call and get your .pick. -Jos.
Cawrse, North Plains, Cornelius,
Ore., Route 1. 25-153
1 lie Si'lit-ilnli-of ilrjutfturr unit univnl
of Oregon I'.lri liic Cum fur t'ortlmul
l'. id l-ukri.Nii
I MuM ii im TI. A Mi
f A .l-i
In It f (Miiili ('"iir'. . t r
. ,; :i
In Um ii,il. r . i t
l'lii i II.-'.
hi utii In t liar--, t r.
1 1 A Ii IVi"i. t - ii i
W tirt.M t .r t
(hi tur IUI li
lUHI, tltr irtUi..ii .ii 11
t'mirt l. I All.,-, a.. ;
liiit. l.i t hr . i
Sum . Ihrlrf.un. hi
i.f I ill tfili
1 oil til Ail -r :
lltltttitl AfV lir.-nl-K . ...
ttl tl'" ' I'll'.t
t IfC.ill tlx. 1 ,
4t tliw t unit '. m'ln '.f ' '
lh t ..... J i.f W .
I Ifnull, nil ii iiii.U , !.:
li, A !.. I''!". '
in. hi iif Hist .U) i.
ml Mt.t'W iaiiw, if ai.)
ililfr of Ml. I ismit nil.
tlltf fttrtMB Vlittl.rMl i "lt
ihK tlm t(itt n .(
Ui f!:t :
l; IU
1i I ' Uif liH
if i'.f.l n
I ! l-j .
......J .,f -.
..( A .( , , .1
r-,l, t llil I.. .
, . i f,.n. fi'.i 4
... I !
. .!- In IkrW
n I i.'i" l. ''''
4 t .t. I
I I l.-: l."M:!i
ll.fultllrt. m. lit j ll a tin t t- i
llSflr II .!.' '' '
Kf Milinr.mi.l .1. 't '' 10 '
III. Ii kI nam.
w lllirM, IM It"" I ' i.iui. J
f llif n.tmlr nnirt ( " -nf-f
if Ilia r.i.iuty ttn ' i'.''
Hoal ul .11,1 r t a' l'-l tl.H ii '
Hrilintrr, A . I'.. I '""
(Htil fllli"! J. IU'"?,"--
Thos. Williams and family and
Nick Williams and wife havu re
turned from an extended outing.
They were over on the Tillamook
coast, and then wound up by
taking in the Yamhill hopyarda.
C 'A. Hanley. of North Plains.
25 cents per garment, at Baird's. was in town yesterday
The undersigned takes thin meth
od of thanking those who no loy
ally supported him in the recent
primary, and hopes that he may
be able to return their kindness
He also wishes to state that his
faith in the direct primary and
Statement No. 1 is still firm.
Chas. W. Loudon.
Martin Cuene, of near Hanks
and who harvested night acres
of fine hops this year, was in the
city luesday, greeting friends'
7 "5 t" H ihi h in
H 55 t v is a in
" 45 I" It is a m
" .15 ' I" I s in
' 55 I' I" us ) in
4 'ft I' ' 4 IS HI
7 '5 p m 6 js p ui
H Vs I' I" to p in
.1 4S p m! j w j ,
II Sutiilny only Sumly nulii
I t i .i
i.i i nr. i lin t rr cor u r ok tiH'
Nllm I', Nullum, jjIbIhUii, i
vs. I
Mils A Ni liiiii,ii f,.ii,i1i (
l.lilit A Nrlmui, illinlititnHiv liHinml
Hi t in imim, of tin, Hlitli, i,r tlrfu'iui, vim
urn lifir.l.u I . ' "
. ..... , .,,,,,,,, in niimltr ni lllm
.ir tin. ciKiipiHiiil lllml lienln iiKhIiiiI
'" rnuiliiil mill liv tlm Wil
. ..j ... w.-.i i hit. i:hii, tii., , hi-inu tin
Mlltll lillllll'il ,v tin. II, ...I... i i.
(.HIIIj.MI , nil,,,, f t1B )V miUt,.(
'r tlm limit iri.M:rtl.iKl In , til
' , ''V ".' V'1 '" """IH, l,l,., NHIll
niilur In iliti, Anximt ;ui nun
Anil II yoiiMi. I,, npin-itr a.t.l ,,
r mj .l ninii.lulnl bihI nimiiiiioiih rr
WHiit lli..ri,i , i.lnlntiir, will
l'llylliHlmvi.tiititl,,,1ri fur lit..
if-l ili-.tiitn.!.,,! In ,m cninliilnt, wlilrh
hiiI, I r..i. n M fi,ws, lo wl . tlmt
I'taiiiUII III imk fr .!,,., ,
Hvor.-... rot,, imi.I (l.-l.i.iilitnuin! ti,l Hi,,
li Minor inuli my liiiniu.liiri, ninl now
UlHtltii; iH-tw, .,1 ,) MMl,l
I ."! 1", ! '"r"v"r '""""IvihI,
. o"1 '"r H," "I'H'f, rnrtl.iir,
Kil.lltiot.Hl Hint iliii. r.M.1 rolli-riiMtlim l.
oriililn ,umrl mHy , , ll(,n ,t, ,
Hllll JllMllr.. '
.1. A. NlriiwlirlilK,
i,'uui . in All"rll,,y '"r i.litliillir.
'Irul liiililli'itlliin Hi,il..nil,i-r nl, lino
JiHmI inililliiiilim Oi'ttilmr l.ltli, iDio,
Vitllcy wlirat, t,(.r ,
Oalii. No. i white
TIIK CufM '. ' "t'l-r "' "!h
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WAMIIMi I"N 1 "'MV ,
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WIIIUmi ll-iiiy ..fiitlht-r i.mM1'
l. am. to W II, lam lli un Ml,..
Tit all imn.'ii -"' ' '"". ";',
W hrtraa. H"i"V Hot"
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lino, inn -titi..n in i" "" .
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lll...i. lo t. I'r ! : T'" Z ;.i
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lli.roiinlyi.f Wl.t.,, i ... '""" .
K...i. Moti.Uy. ii- '""l"v,",,'l:.
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ll.tiry Mlllur, hh'I
hi. It'tfitl liHlim.
tt. I. - ,i. 1 1.... I W . lino'
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Ihi tin. . i.i.iily "I SV,.li"f "". T, u
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Diiiiins, now, jht sm:k i,
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biiltcr. ni-r Hi ' ....,'.,
Ciuiitry biilter.
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UINI-NXI I Mil "I '"' VilllU'll
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t'oillily.Hliiliiiif Ori'K .ii. -
-1'sM A'tvirlif ""111-"
Settle It No
Settle It RigW
......ifti nmcni
laicnnsiuuuu'"" ..,iri
giving to cities ana
exclusive power to
regulate, control,
or proniDuinew
lcatlng liquors wlth
328 X Yes
40,000 OREGON ClTlZ