The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 29, 1910, Image 1

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i r
NO. 21)
I Kit IN y limies
xs (tt, InUrcst J iVnwIly
...,tui itlorSANO VLT IMMII)
Hiay W ill hf I" u( 10 I'M-
,!lc st Ihc Counter
Tlii- '
llii- last full week of
f,r tin pityriH'iit of tin-
, .i . . . i . . . 1 ' "' Uv "",l,u it,", Mau'
in, ai. t hundreds will take ltd
vanta;" f ntre-t fair wn-k to
walk " I' I" tl" '"rl bonne ntnl
,mil.' up t Imlance of their
,m- t Siit rilT IlaiHMK-k. If tin
la.4 tin! f km il-linu.Mit. after
n.vt M"inlay. there will ! a
f.-ty.M and illtelVHt. Ituii it runs
into iiH.n. y rapidly. S if you
liavf paid luilf your tax bc.Hure
.....I lnr.ii. kite ttie other pari, or
litaixl to Hnitif money.
Tau run 1h paid ritfht up to
Maml.e, l U'iiiui.'. M tin law nays
t i; sit (.. k'raie run up to. unt
,.,,! , ... .if, tin lirnl Monday in
h", i-ral thounatnl dollars will
tWrf. iv Ih plared in the hafiilH
i.f the f iunty in tin next
liUMhr'i 4 ihlVH.
pi itt.ic sai.i:
Andre.-. II. i kinann. II,. road'
Hiipe, ) .,! f,,r ;. av. nl. mi. w:m
10 toAM . I, IV. II.- I a t jl;,t
linihhe.l Hume hue rm k road work
ill the Cedar Mill ,in!n, l Mr
I'kmanii hn.iii'ht to the Ari'iw
llMlO- three line Ill, III. fl-nln .
thlee earo,J Oreneo tree, which
Were the lihehl of tiie line for
color and ImilMUi-l. 1'hi'V were
very larj-e, a swell. md were uer-
fect as to formation and freedom
f n mi hcale or worm.
1 I . I ' . r . . ...
AiHui tinny ol the visitmi.'
ttlltlisters Were taken out to See
the KurroundiiiL' couritrv. Mon
day afternoon, inakim.' the trin
hy rivr and automohiles. The
Visitors Wefe elitllU.liaUil,' over
their trip, and all united in say.
inn that they had never seen a
liner .eetioii anywhere ill the
Northwest. . Sears, Dr.
W, D. W.n and Thou. I'.mm.!!
were aniline those who droe
their ears.
Postmaster I'.. I'. Cornelius
and wife, and Hon, William, re
turned Monday afternoon from
a three weeks trip hack to Kan
sas City. Missouri. Mr. Come
i us arrived home two or three
flfivu t bun hi evr.eet! -
line l.xhihit of Horticulture .i.:..i.:.. : 1.1
IL I II 1 1 r 1 1 1 K woiou in; an't njto
to get back and see how the fa
mous street fair is going. Mrs,
(melius was ill two or three
days after her arrival at Kansas
Citv. but aside from that the
Ni Climaic In ihc World Can Eu-I Our trio was very pleasant. Ben
I.CK.I Prodmilon says that Oregon has the edge
on every state that ne passed
throturh. and he is irlad to get
lew years ago. Washington hack to the land of no extremes.
' ouniy s apple production u(lt,l considerable oil on th
amounted to nothing because of waters to tret Kemrter Krantz,
the general apathy for better of the Urenonian, In Km lavor
horticulture Tiwl:iv it Is .titr.-r. with the M. h. conference, which
ent, for growers everywhere
All Old Timers are Asked to Meet
at Court Hous Saturday
Requested to Meet ia Court Room, Lp-
stairs, at II A. M.
ai loumod Monday evening.
Ik runt-, sent his miner in. an (
this section are prunihir and ,.,
spraying for all there is in it. minister, and as the discharge
i .... ... .i .
I'.t jiii4 ii. iiH ;,. H i. and the so endid exhibits at the came through executive session
i ..." I . . . ... iLi m ! ii !e f i tti rnf Jmfifrino
ami wi i.ihi.' to take the Dai v street air is a demonstration ol .u,v- '"' .-'"' v .-
- I II I ...1 ',.-a.i" Ann
and Sunday Oxonian for one what the section can do with r. IT, hy paving a year m (.are and culture.
amanre, yn me ryiis ami an
1 1 .., i f. .. t
"iil.i'i'h.n in...", i ...ii l, iui ui. . .... . . 1 ... . .1
one nrice. This oiler will nt th-r- U found liner looking nature without the entire con
la t Ioiik' so K"l in
Nowhere in the world
story . As a
matter of fact it is always easy
to get these things Ijecause it is
can hard to transact business of this
The mid.-r :iigtud will Hell at pub
;ca u t;i.n at tlie Farmers' Feed
Shed in IlillHUiro. on Main
Street. Udween Third and
Ku'.irth. at one p. m., on i'kday, (urroiu'.u 1
.v.. i. l ead i.'tN.l tnilk cows, 2
nun in U'tw een Oct, ' and
Nov, Tt halanco fresh in SpritiK
thee rows all have txd the
PiUT.- . m test and are absolute
ly health) ; all in tnilk; 7 heifers,
1 to 2 . .u s old.
Te-n,. of Sale Coder $10,
rash; 1 l and over. t months
bankable nolo, ut S per cent, in-
teri-t. Tnree per cent, oil,
cash over ten ilollars.
11. W. Smith, Owner,
J. t'. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
K. I.. Shute. Clerk.
Slltlk'isr KMKICK
Adolph Siegrist. of HillslHiro.
and Mixs Kva Knirick, of Arling
ton, (ire,, were united in mar-
nur at the home of the Pride H
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Km
rick. Arlington, on Tuesday
Sept, -idiel- 27. UJ0.
I he groom is well know n in
this citv, where ho was raised.
or many yeans ho was in the
Wehnmg Store, in the capacity
of sale;man, The bride is one of
thi popular young ladies of her
natnc city, and is also well
know n here, w hore she has rela
I hey will make their home in
has. J, Herb, of the (Ireen-
viiie-r-aiiKs section, was in town
Saturdav, en mule to Portland.
He has just finished a fortv-one
day' hiege of threshing, and
turned out 7'UW bushels of
grain, ltus is a gixxl record,
and one that few thresherineti
eoual in this section.
or sale; (J.xnI hop Paler,
Krebs" pattern; hop baskets,
and Mime hop sacks in good re-
your order apples; finer colored apples; or 1 t're "ce Knowin. ii,
lipiiles with liner iKiuipiets. 1 he Llmer Mays and wife returned
displays here have been eyeopen- from Kansas City. Monday after
rs in more way than one, and noon. Klmer says he saw the
home people have never dreamed place where Snyder, the father
that such penmion could io a of the murdered Larey Snyder,
matter of history. Was killed by his auto colliding
Hood Jti vermen who come here with a telegraph pole. He says
and see what we can uo are that it is a great country uacK
astounded that there are not more there, but that Oregon haa them
orchards, and that applo land is all beaten a mile,
selling so cheaply. Whuru the
Hood Hows apple lands run only
alnnit from $1000 to $1500 per
acre while down here one can
at u bargain. I
HiilhSioro, Hout
pair. iU Hel
ialph Imbrie,
1, West 1'nioii,
J os. Iirutig and son, I'. 1'.
irsnng, i',i. nasnon, wick iiuiiu-
!v and others returned rnday
from a hunting triji over in the
Nehalem. Saxton hnHiglit down
a line uiiee prong duck, mo
Utys also bn.milit back a line lot
of fish.
lor rent: ,U acre ranch in
met'ountv. 1 tn acres cleared
and in cultivation, (tood hay,
slock and grain ranch. Inipiirt
of C.-o. Schuhnericb, at Com-
mercial Hank.
William llasharth. of Bristol
. i i i. .. . . . ...
.av. Alaska, arnvou nere
. t. ,.,) ... t,.
oav. a ler rcciiu hkniuw .i v..v
Alaskan country, and will he the
guest of a fortnight of Henry
ivitag, of West Ijn ion
Store building, dw oiling house
and barn, for rent, at Uurc
One of the I test trading jKitnts
in Washington county for gon-
ral merchandise store, v.. t
Mulley. Kaurel. Oregon. .-.
I'eter Ash and family, who
I I I H .1 ...I I. ..,.! t. ,f
ia'0 Peell lllUSIHini I e.-Mlieiu.- mi
three months, have reiurneu io
TillaiiHKtk. Their son, I etor, is
still crippled from a fall received
while hero.
rimk Hill, of (Jaston, and
who has made that Section ins
homo practically till his life, was Llimay
own io ino cu jtioiHiui ...iMi.
.i . . f i
niv acreage thai win peal noou
Kiver at from $50 to $300 per
For the best pictures that ar
tistic skill, combined with chem
ical science can produce, call at
Johnson's Studio. Twenty three
years continuous service behind
the camera. Gold medal award
ed at St. I'aul, Minn., in 190Q,-
Heid'-'l Building, upstairs, over
r.aird s store, jy-.iU
II I RinvViell wnrkinsr fnr
I he undersigned win sell at P'- the S. I'.. was in town today ac
he auction at his farm, otie-quar- (.()miianvinir J. B. McNew.of be-
ter m lu wi-t of the 1-armington i,,(K-iiifl if T. in suffer.
store, six miles south and east ot imr from an injure( foot and leg,
Hillslxiro. at ten a. m., on tht, resuit 0f feine in a collision
TUESDAY. OCTOBER 4. hetweon two engines, on the
Mir, iv yer oiJ. weiKtu i.35. I'""1 10 Fast Side, Portland
vr. oi.i. i.iw! not bred': 2 yearling Mrs. J. R McDonald, wifo of
eolu. mrii tv ciubroi. rrtistered Bel- a street commissioner at huurene,
Kim) .uihuiKiucking coit, iimiDv me Qre., was a guest at the home
. ... i . ... ,1,1 . tn Ul 11. VJ. iiRl'uiiam, vi Ax.t.wi.
iroin i.'.o io cikih jmn vm, kuv j i . i .1 r - .
cult in Ik-totwriiud three to come fiesli last WOOK, ana Uie laiuny tai ly
in NuvTinU-r; one jmt fn-nii, u.i tne vvas up to the city Saturday.
oilier btcl m July; 71 tfering diu.i
Horses for sale: BlacK mare,
7 years. 1200; sorrel mare,
years, 1200; iron gray mare,
vears. 1300; bay mare. 6 years,
1200. Goo. Lennen, Cornelius,
Ore.. Route 1. Vinelands,
Auto drivers have a fine run
r, rtrany new; vxnurnc inuwrr, n"".
irimir: luivrnlie, lmck, tlic Harrow,
GuiidUcli drill, 3'' wiikoo; two 14 iucU
nlows. Krden culnvntnr, 1 dun clncK
em. J lnn lUninli (omit eed ot
bunch at noon,
Forms of Sale Ton and under,
cash: over $10. one year's time,
at 7 iter cent, approved banka- 0n the stretch of road on Base
bio note, two per cent, ott on 1 me. from the 1'. K. & N. clear
1 .. .n
casn over ?m
II. H. Ilogo. Ow ner.
H. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vunderwal, Clerk.
to the top of the Honzaik hil
and the way they let them out
will make your hair curl.
Track will soon be laid into
GTencoe. and the United eon
tractors are rushing work
rapidly as possible in order
t leil' l, I. I..,.. ...,.! ,.f lb.
mi H I'HMK.ll"". ....TV"! 1 . 1
nlv Park, and will bo at home to "ig. on i.usinoss.
Rev. C. L. Hamilton.
Ole Olson, of below Beaverton,
was in the city Monday morning,
Richard Wilov. attending the have rails laid and trains running
Hill Military, was in town over by January 1
Uncle Thos
their friends after a short wed
ding trip.
Frank Shepard and wife, were
in the city from Portland, bun-
Miss Anna Connell, of Port-
here are many aged pioneers in
Washington County who are very
anxiou3 to see the formation 01
county pioneer association, and
those who are foremost in this
desire request all pioneers who
are in Hillsboro on Saturday,
October 1, to convene at the
court house at eleven a. m., for
the purpose of organizing.
Washington County has many
pioneers, and it 13 tne wisn 01
the promoters of the proposed
society to get an accurate history
of each and every pioneer in the
If an organization shall be per
fected thi3 will be an easy matter,
and there is no county in the
state, in proportion to population,
which has any older in pioneer
age. So, if you are a pioneer,
coma in Saturday and help or-
Jabez Wilkes and several old-
timers will be hand to meet you.
High Q UALITY Drug Store
- The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
"Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. 'THE BEST EVER"
KaminsKy's Mahe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
The undersigned w ill sell at his
farm, known as the Ben Hay or
J, K. P. Brown place, 1 1-2 miles
southeast of Hillsboro and 1-2
mile south of Newton station, on
2 bay mtret, weight 1100; 8 cows, will
be fresh thi winter; I heifer, I yean;
1 heifer, 1 yrar; spring calves, j in.
Bain wagon, 3 horse wagon snails, top
buggy, Champion binder, 6 ft. cut;
Deering mower, $ it. cut; hay rake, 3
hore Tiger drill, 3 section harrow,
spring tooth harrow, IS in; it disc har
row, 3 14 in. plows, Aspmwald potato
p'anter, Aspinwald potato digger, stump
puller with 200 feet of cable, 1 horse cul
tivator, hay rack, set work Harness, set
sinele harness, and other things too
numerous to mention. Luucti at noon
Terms Sums of tio cash, over to one
vear at 8 per cent bankable' note; 1 per
cent off for cash 00 sums over 10.
. C. Kurstli, Auctioneer; K. Shute,
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, Sept 1, 1910.
Capital and Surplus $5O0OO
Loans - $259,243.34 Capital and surplus $50,000. (X)
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bond 38.640.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 116,900.04
Undivided Profits
25,0 X).00
The Pacific Railway & Naviga
tion Company will run an excur
sion from Buxton, Saturdav,
leaving Buxton at 8 in the morn
ing, and return, leaving Hills
boro at seven in the evening.
The train will stop at all way
uoints. This will give all who
wish a day at the fair.
The Barnes' saloon, at Beaver
ton, was robbed the other eve
nine, the pilferers getting away
from the place with thirteen dol-
Tucker was out ars. all m nickels, bhentt Han
1 . ... Nil
cock went to tne scene oi tne
iui ''In , i (-t . 4, io a. HI., quarter of a
inr -.niniiiint of IIiIImIiiIc poMollice
(Hri'lm uLiiion), lull mile northwest ol
'M'1'"' 11 II, on the McCafil farm. 1 wih
I'll'-' "1 public lc: 3h hriol of Kik1
iUiis i w, some frrsh ami some coming
flesh S'.i.n ; i 3 ycnr uUl Irrwy lio!slfin
nun, au cows are teste . l.micli nt
li mm-Simia of fio and undor cash;
vir id our yem'a time at H per ci Ml,
oni.L.lili- hole; i ivnt for canli on
"ins i.vr fio.
I'KTIiR HTKl'DKK. Owner.
J 1 Kuiatll, Auctioneer; lid. Shul'"
i ik.
Harold Oberg, ami Kev. u. i
ii n ,i.if.i Ihivii hi'i'ii en-
!.""'. . :...i: r it:iiciu. lun.i wha a Hillsboro visitor,
!, frienCs t irougli uie i- w
conference week. ivter Jacobsen, of West Union,
m:ii i., , i,...iriv new iiuino was over to the city Monday
If 111 lHv i.'.t ,
i i iwissjii nnn lanwuuni
nr II IttMHl IIOI M1, UI j
hmrirv. Address ly leiier a. i., Money to loan on real estate
. I . .., I ... - .- ..1.1.. A tn U II
cure oi uii' mni". lertus reasiniuuic. ai'h'j
v;,.i,,r v. Wisner and wife, of ratli Bros., Hillsboro, or, ,4Ut
The Dulles, who have been yuMt- w j0y the hopman of
ing with tuo uiuwfHsi. nyit ; North Hiiisboro, was in tne city
the city, reiurneu u im- Monday.
ern Oregon homo Tuesday
V. Vamlervelden, of Hoy,
and wno
Whereas, my wife has left my (
l"'d and board without just of h
Samuel Connell and family, of
Portland, were among tne con
ference visitors, Saturday.
Girl wanted for general house
work. Steady position to right
" Wt the home party. Inquire at Argus onice.
if her sister. Mrs. EmmuMcKin- frank Keenon, one of the pio-
1 I!..!
is merciuuiuihiiiK "i
that thriving point, was in town
Monday forenoon
Mrs. 1. H. Smith, of Forest
Invocation, I hereby notify all
persons against extending her
an.v credit on my account from
"in i ai lor the date hereot.
! :U John lluback.
llillsliom. Ore., Sej.t. 21), 1910.
. Nun Vaiiey, of Buxton, was
111 bwn Saturday.
lolin Koch, of above BltKiming,
was u county seat visitor primary
neers of Vinelands, was down to
the c
. week
ney, Mii.-j. tL ia(iT f rv,o
. 1 1 n , .li m been on tue euuiiijr v...
J. II. 1 'illlll i. -
, i. . i m vv ii o ii !ice. e i ijmu-
i-el has eft the place, ami ia a. r. nenci, ui iui
,g in town. who is prominent in M L. church
i u I.'oIV.iWa and W le. Ot councils, ... .v , r
jutiiu iv""" v . ,jnlr ottonoinir cnnierenee.
M..,inf,.in.bile. were in town w "
Monday afternoon. "Agent wanted for the Pheo-
. .. !. i..,i,. u n r ire insurance uom-
J..K-. i0,TV. 1 : M 7 Orecon. 829 Chamber
was m town hi oi.u.v, v
nt the Argus otlice.
.i. xr..:.,.,nK,.,.u- nf Witch Vnrm for rent, bixty nve
l-rUIlK V,al V, '. . " , - ..1..,. ,- Knilin.ra.
...... in tiwn y. rin n sl vi nnrps linuei uiun, im. uuuuhii
wan in . i. L:.k4.
vh acres siasning imsiure. miKm
i r . miles south of Hillsboro. Cash
nf Commerce. Portland, Oregon
j n.(ini' vi.. i M.n n i' r u i c. i
Miss Mtta Schulmerich depart-
(,U lliesi MV nvininir fnrAmnir
ton, Oi'oiron wlwu-ii mIiii nltentlet
e Sieirriui. li'nwioW wedding.
iev. V. V. Visiliei has been
traiisfniliirl n,r,i,.n Hfnh.
. V. i.W UKUVII, v... v. , .
W'licro ho will tinvnrdmiw nf the wns over to tut
M. K. niilnit. Mr Fisher has Monday.
l,t''n here the past conference Roichen, of West Union, the uk. Van says that Spo-
yt'ar. uwfiitiruf n lnro-er lie d. j m-imarv day. konA is growing substantially,
I'ishoi) Smith nnd his cabinet ' .. . ,i that it is the place for quick
, - - - - --- rsi iirt n firnu iiiiii slvuivs. i
1 JCtUlUO Wll
the week.
Joe Delsman
,i i'..;,im1j
relatives auu n.v.
n P. hroer. of West I
county seat,
: i. or.i
"- - . . u . f a t I rHnL. iDOiIW.
Portland, Sunday, u.e Bu"- - r . w k Hinsboro,
0. G. r'reer, oi we , w . , h ha3 been down for a
" IS T i 1 IT 1
h'isher has Monday. Unnch. was in town the last of
Van DeLashmutt, of Spokane,
fVw diivs. at his witcn nazei
1 . . . . ... in i rrmr
fluently considered Mr. r isner .j j.., 05
was the man for the Utah charge. ' for a year, only -..
from Portland the first of the
week, a guest at the U. G. Gard
ner home. Of course he will
visit the street fair and meet all
the old-timers.
William Gifford, of The Dalles,
was out the last of the week,
the guest of his brother-in-law,
Ed. Wann. Mr. Gifford is think
ing of locating in this place,
11. S. Sturdevant is progress-
ing finely with the construction
of the new Advent Christian
church, on Fourth, between
Baseline and Oak. x
Chas. and Jos. Hickenbottom,
of Shady Brook, were in town
Monday," to witness the general
breaking up 01 conlerence.
Jasner Keffer. of Glencoe, was
over to the city Monday, coming
over to rind out the status ot the
primary returns
William Richter. who has car
ried mail on route one, out ot
this citv. for many years, has
resigned his position.
Plumbing and plumbing ma
terial. First class work, tall
on F. W. Ralls, at Connell & Co.
store. jy-iw
Calla Whitmore, of Laurel, and
Wm. Schulmerich, ot arming
ton, were in Monday.
Ed. Olsen. of east of Farming
ton, was in town Monday, and
called on the Argus,
J. A. Thornburgh, of Forest
Grove, was down to the city
Monday morning.
Peter Vandenberg, ot near
Centerville, was in town Satur
day morning.
N. Womer. of near Laurel
was in the county seat the last
of the week.
Argus and Oregoman,
theft Saturday, but lound no
trace of the thieves. A one-
armed man, who had been sell
ing shoestrings here and at Bea
verton was in the city the day
before the place was touched
and it was thought that he might
have had something to do with
it although it appears there
were two in the bunch.
Wm. Otto, whose ranch is sit
uated at the extreme highest
point of Balk Peak, was in town
Monday, f rom Mr. utto s
place it is possible to see fourteen
or fifteen counties in tne.state 0
Oregon, and several over in
Washington. Some of these
days there will be a trolley line
uo there when the population
of the cities in this section of the
state is doubled.
Mrs. Bennett, widow of the
late William Bennett, who was
sheriff of this county back in the
fifties, and who settled Last 0
this citv. was out from Portland
the last of the week. She ac
companied Mrs. Julia Wilcox to
the o d home, ana they were
guests of the Archbold family.
On Saturday they took luncheon
with Mrs. J. C. Lamkin.
Considering the limited hotel
facilities it is considerable of a
task to care for several hundred
extra people, but the citizens of
the city extended every help to
make the conference visitors
comfortable. Many families
cared for as many as five or six
people throughout the session.
Richard Linton, who is putting
the finishing touches on a fine
ten-room house, was in from his
East Plains ranch, Monday af
S. A. D. Meek, of beyond
I Glencoe. was in town Saturday.
Thos. G. Todd
Wilber W.
John E. Bailey
J. W. Tuqua
J. A. Thornburtf
IO Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
WE . are showing the full line, fresh
from the factory, with many improve
ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date
and stylish.
Made iu closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut iu two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
Forest Grove, Oregon
A lot of several dozen belt pins all new styles this
summer worth $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50
and $3.00, at a choice of
95c and $1.30
In this lot you will find all
the new effects and finishes, and the most popular
stone settings such as Amethyst, Topaz, Jade, Lapis,
etc., and many beautiful plain buckle effects in gold
and silver. This lot will soon be closed out at this
special price, and the first buyers will get the
choicest selections.
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometry