1 . PAGE M 0 4. 3 1 ' If 'I Initial Fall Showing of LaVogue Suits and Coats Jic Standard of StijL-ashion s fairest Creations Arc Jow 7(cre slivaitina Vour iporoual Tlu'V Ui'jircscut the )fsi).His ittul the best Ideas of the Country's Leading StyU AutlinritirH. Tin' Ktreiiie I'aris Innovations Influence the American Stylt-H, l.ut happily do not nominate them. American Designers use the New M-as, the Novel Features of I'aris Origin, hut in Adapting them to meet the (I.kmI Taste of the American Woman, these Features are Worked Over, lie-de signed and toned from the Extreme to the Acceptable. Now is the Time to Se lect Vour Fall Suit or Coat, Because the Choice is Limitless -the Assortment is Complete. Then, too, there is Great Satisfaction in having your tall Clothes early in the Season and tret the full use of them, also avoiding the delay and an noyance of buying later in the exremely busy season. Millinery Opening, Thursday, September 15th Our Millinery Department Has all the New Parisian Pattern Hats on Display from the Above Date, Come and try on THE NEW FALL MODELS OUR COUNTY SCHOOLS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH. Now is the time and here is the place to buy the Boys and Girls School Wear. BOYS' KNICKERBOCKER SCHOOL SUITS $2.50 to $12.50 . Fxtra I ante Stoch of Boys' NniclUrbotlUr School Suits in endless variety of materials, patterns and colorings ages, 7 to lO years, we nave maae spec id i h'f' 'r.Vir tKtl ,li,.rtm.-nt and tun safely suy that you -will find these suits as near wear-proof as suits can be made. A combination of Style, Eit and Wearing yualitie 1 n, ", from $2 60 to $12.50. ASIV TO SEE OUR WANDES' SPECIAL 2-PANTS SCHOOL SUITS We guarantee these Suits to give satisfactory wear. . V$6.QC Boys School Shoes , 1,,-avv Ux calf n..a nm metal schmUI..H.s. Just the jl' for the - 'i I i ,M, Id Pi v jn'fiitl heavy storm school shoe made of fMni strong tan ea tries our guarantee ' Educator School Hose The Itest hose for hoys and girls on the market. Irish linen heels and toes. The kind you will huy again, price per pair 25 cents. Girls' School Shoes Girls' and Misses' box calf, velour, vici kid and patent leather shoes. Blucher cutgood heavy soles lace or button, price $v.(K) nr 9 a f S HI f s J iibby Suits A Ml If e Quality r HIGH -CLASS, ALL WOOL Strictly hand-tailored suits for men of discriminating' taste. Over 200 new suits in all the latest patterns and cuts. The pich of 3 of the best manufacturers in the country. Workmanship, and finishing' done by ex perts only. If you are going to buy your new fall suit we want you to see this line. We selected it with great care and don't believe its equal can be found anywhere at the Prices. Snappy models for men in Plain Colors or Fancy effects. A variety of Models in Drowns, Blues, and Greys for conservative Dressers, prices $15 to $30. When ready for your Overcoat come in and looK over our stoch. Plain and Military Collars. Adjustable so that you, can wear them either way $10 to $20. n m (7 m & mm mm 1 I r & i k-' r r. y