The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 15, 1910, Image 1

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vol- xvii
NO. V?
lurmi-r ll.llN.riilf It CliU-f I :ct u
live t State I lr
lAtMl III! I.SIHt CtNriMil NT Crt of the VUllort
Nccdi no I'ullu
A!Urt Tiizu-r. Wfll known to
JlillnU'iti iM-ople in hi lnylnxi.l
ia( ii mayor of tin "Tint
C'ity." t II"' Oregon StaU- Fair,
at SaU tn. nod i uni)tii-ttioti-
ably the right 11,11,1 tn'' r'''1
place. Mr Toit-r cH that tin-U-ht
of order prevail in Ida d
main, an. I In' generally nllotx
tn t he anotiH counlirH no
t;at incmlrt can camp in Pioxi
nnty t" each other.
While he heed no jxliif P
keep tl jH'afo lu ha api"inti'tl
j, , ImWie chief of H.lic' in
ihe !l)!li!ort Hftion untl John
W. S-mi-II is tlif Mi!ici'c.
1h y art- having no liusim-KH ami
antii ij ;il no trouble, ulthniik'h
th expected to have to line
-riti:ui Collier, of St holirt, Wed-iie-lav,
for entering the precinct
without registering.
Mr. 'IWier iver" jmpntar with
the ramping contingent "I the
Fair, iu i every year he iuI.Ih to
Inn hut if friend from all uv r
the xtati' of Oregon.
low mi; I ioisi.vh vv.
) hrir' anununrr invwlf ntnlnl!c
( ,Mlr . (:i (ilff ')' In tile Krj.ul, 1 1 uari', M-l.l H, lto. I ui
fum Urn id ih illicit nmir i '1
twutir iii it lM-i!g krpt w nut llulc
1 mi I lirif In illlrri Irguialiun
n! Maifiiirnl Nu I, lil imi ItKtr ,iu
u r k,i trlmr the WnttllHUJU tVuntv
l i li fair,
I V, l.uuiton
I'ikiiiiiI-i I'trviorl. Coiuf'iu Kolc t.
Mr, tun! Mrs, Frank I ?ti 1 trit. t
West I'niun, are attending tin
Stale I'uir thin wwk,
W. L HaUhelder, of (Jlencoe,
wt-nt to Salt-m, Tui-Htlay, to.sweil
thr Washington ("uunty eonting
fut at the State Fair.
lor County Judge
To !hr Rt uWtct voln of Wlmi!!nH
t'otiiiiy Hi uu,rii in il I cniiill
ilmr ir ir tin- hrfuhtiran iiimiu,
tl t -,'i. ivio, (r Ih ny hviiitiitiiiii
fui CuiiiiU Ju.l(r u( Vak)iiliKtill I'tmiily,
Jl 1 mn miminairil unit rlrclfl. I
Uioi-t; tn v trim ut iiftnf, rniiaclTiiliOiitlf
ml ini "utlial'.y (ctloim the ilillicj
-rum -it to the nitiec, mi t will ur in v
ll nl .iu (o Kive ihe j rtijilt" nf Wah
IiiKImu ( 'limy H Jul gi"tlvr, lniiiirn
likr sii.l rn in ll.lm) mluil,.itmlH'll l
cuiiiiiv nllili fnirtir ill IiuiMiiik 1,1
j 1 m i i . ut t, luailt, a umfuim ic iii
H n-4'l timliliiiK, uil KttltiK Hrilimlirtil
irliiiii , lot oiuliry r ( Illicit ami
I ill i uihrlly woik Iu Ult end.
I iU Mir In have ;!t"td on lb t-allol,
fli i my immr, tlie futluwliift:
"llmiiirmlikr ailiiiiiilntralinn: IVMlia
iirul Ki,,U. and full valur fur rvciy rrnl
( l.dril. "
(1 W. Matitl.
Curnrliiu, (rr)jiiii.
I.. A. Johnson, of below Beth
any, w as over to the cit y Monday.
FirmKharn SfhiolTolin, of (Vn
terville, was over to tne city
lay afternoon,
l.oui Manning, the oldtime
imrseinan, was in from North
Blains, Tuesday morning, and
called on the Arus.
Captain J. I). Morryman and
wife, of Portland, were in the
fit.v this week, jfi'ts of rela
tives and friends. Mr. Merry
man is still with the Portland
B. S. Customs service.
'flu1 undersigned will sell at his
larin. known nsthe (dark or Jos,
Bixby ranch. 3-4 mi. west of
Schnieltzer school house and 2 1-2
. ni. on
Oruy iimrn, U yer nlil) liV luiran, W
yi'iiiH niii, W(iKi V-1 llli.! brown niiiro.J
Vi'iiimoI.I, wi.Kht ji7(i ii,.; lirown iniito, H
"his nlil, wrinlit 1.1HJ llm ; lilitck cult. 'I
I KIHlllil; oowK.Kll 111 milk, mint iw1'
'"''iii Ji'iHuy hnirnr, I'rmli tn Murulu
'-.irluiK ImHoiM lit'lfwr onlvBii.Bimi.oldi
tiirlnii, IiiiUi minkim, null'! ''OnliTH. ,1 1110
..i.. , .. . " . . . ... uiii
j- i.mmmi mivvh; a niiimlH, wmkih niHiui.
1 1 IN.
"'"n. 1 t ado., Hiiriim iililfkeim, 7 (InckH
"W'tij iiiiiiut Sift kiiuIh : mioiii i "'
i l ki iwh, nun,, itirky m unit K'lhn'i'H, 11 1
i'. Milrhnll wHifim. II 1-U In whkoii.,'1
Ii'hnii nIihiih, iiiowtir, rnkB, wnlklnn plow
onrnn iIInii. 4-horHii nowiir. uanollliB
'd niiw, u-hnriw miUlviilnr, 1 liorne
'inuvuior, a ert.wi-imt hhw, MlilKi
Weti.,.H .,.HM. r,,,B. .1 uplnilti)ll(is. 4 111
K'U. Illllk l-Hllll l.ulii,,r ulnvil. IiiiiihiiIioIiI
J'l'riinura untl other arlluUm too nuiiitiruim
l'l llllllltlon
I'.'rma-Sums of $10 cush; over
MO 1 year's time ut 8 per cent
'merest, bankable note; 2 pe
eent oil for cash on sums over
F. W. Johnson, Owner.
J. C Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Bd. Shute, Clerk.
Sunday was a r- 1 letter day
for the ii,,,. nf tin- liny eom
inuiiity. '. N,.w Mt hnli:-t
i:-:enal Church wan dedicated
at hoy last Sunday, with llr I!
F. Rowland, of Salem, an the
preacher. At the ronclu.sion of
the Heniu.n 1. S. McllanielH, of
I'ortli'tul, took the chair finan
cier and hi hiii had the people in
the mood of giving. At 12:. 'JO
lunch w;u announced und the
audience repaired to the m-hoo!
hoii'ie where it was enjoyed.
When 2;.'!') arrived the people
strain as.-nihleil in the new
building and listened to short ad-
illVHHes frnni ;ev. F. V, Fi.sher.
of HilUUiro, Key. Sojht, of the
Baptist Church, Key. Carrick,
of the Tualatin l'laiim Presby
terian Church. Mr. McDanicl.s
took the platform aain and in
an extremely nhort time it was
announced that Kutlicient funds
had l-en raised. The indebted
ne on the building wan NiK)
and w hen announcement of the
amount made it was found
that P' had been rained. Thin
new church property which
in worth alxmt f I.Vh).
There will m a liietil dance at
llannan Hall, Buxton. Saturday
eventnr, SeptemlrtT 21, under
the auxpices of the I'atholie pe-
pie of that vicinity. The Buxton
orchestra will furnish the music
and all kinds of lu'ht refresdi
mentH will be nerved jri the hall.
There will also be a bijf supper
m-rved such a supper an the
Buxton ladies know how to pre
pare. The net priK-eedn will o
into a fund looking toward mak
ing tiome improveinentH on the
church property.
J'he ojM-n (iramre meeting Sat
urday w as jumrly attended owinu
to the n hue nce tif so many to the
hopfields, but the exercises were
very intcreHtiiitf. Five Mew
members were initiated in the
third and fourth decrees. After
a jolly (iraiu'f dinner the literary
meeting w :u held. The Normal
Schools, to 1h- voted ukii this
Fa!!, came under analysis, and
it was considered that such a
school in Hastern On'K'on would
U- desirable, and that thu Mon
mouth school should be'
tamed by the state, as
verv worthy institution.
it is a
question of a constitutional con
vention wan also taken up. and
the general opinion was. that as
the amendments were to be rat
ified by the electors of the state,
it is worthy of an affirmative
vote. Other questions to Ik
voted Uhiii at the election will be
taken up at the next open meet
in is'.
Prof, French, of the Oregon
Atrricultural Collejre. was in the
eitv Saturday. He is making a
triii over the county for jreo!oni-
a! resean'h. lie will reiniri on
nil ilemisits of rock whit'ii can oe
utilized for macadamizing roads;
ell how best reached by team or
bv rail, and stale wincn rocn is
1 1,.. l-s! for the purpose, lhis
...mirt wil t'o into the staie
ni-chives and also lie senl nach 10
Washington. D. lor nuw
IK.ratioii in the nad records ot
the nation.
Alfred CuerlK'rand daughter,
Miss Ksther, of Helvetia, reiurn
.,,1 th.. first of the week from a
visit with relatives in the Bitter
.mt and Butte sections, iuon
tana, ami report a
t,- c.nerlier. however, says the
('n-.uron climate suits him, as it
was snowing in Butte, on Sun-
ii e Sentember 11. Vvnai uo
yoii know aUnit that?
Pei-vjnns livimr in the country
,.i vi-ihitur to take the Daily
1 f. 1.... n...,,.v,!ii-in for one
ami rnmua.v vivt,"-
year can, by paying a year in
advance, get the Arpis and fin
Oreironian man. or chart, for the
one price. This offer will not
lastlo.iK' '1 1,1 'our u,ULl
15 C. llollenbeck, of Clacka
. il,., Cnvt of the
mas, was o '--v. -
week and went on oia w mm
taindale. to visit relatives, find
look after his interests in that
section. Mr. Itoiienoeciv uu
owns his ranch on Dairy.
Cood lion baler,
K,-ebs'iattern;5t) hop baskets,
anit some mom ...
,,-iii- vv se ai a
)alK. V" .V n;iiel-n Route
Ralph limine,
1, West Union.
F. C,. Hacey and Dr.
of Sherwood, were amonB uw
1 Ul 1 Mill nuitTI
r.f-F1 ... witnnll 111
Pot rein; "- ,
r ,. Countv. I W acres
" " .1 on,l prain ranch. Inquire
1 on t1v.1r.10n
.limi uj 1
of heo. Schulmerich, at Com
mercial Bank.
Herman Collier and wife, and
JfihteP. Mi Lucile, went to
Salem, Tuesday
spend the week
rrmrninir. w
at the State
junns bills
Contract for Armcntrout
l'rld(c. Near liunkn
Bcmonitlrsnte PreHtnted, but not Heavy
I'.ouujh to Kill
I'he county court closed its Sep
tember session last Saturday
evening. The Armcntrout Bridge
was let to C. K. Potts, for $101-
l.), and the till has been let to
Wolf Bros., of Cornelius, for
$ I.V). This makes the total con
tract $H5 less than any other bid.
The bids were: J. S. Iirsuntr,
.ridk'c and fill, ffilW; Chan. K.
l'otts, bridge. $101.95; li. F.
Keasoner, bridge and fill, $697.70.
J. M. Miller, of Banks, was
granted a liquor license, the re
monstrance beinir not sull'icient.
D. R. Wheeler, of Wheeler, lie-
low Keedville, trrarited ware
house license.
Road petition of John Oppen
anderand road petition T. J. Al
eii et al read for first time; road
ictition L M. Herron et als re
ferred to district attorney; road
petition of Gus Barsen and Al
fred Krickson et als, continued
to Oc toler term.
Coroner's retwrt inquests Thos,
Caudle and Geo. W. Parker, ap
proved and ordered paid.
Resik'nation J. H. Hays, Sher
wood, as supervisor Dist. No, 2,
accepted and K. Murdock ap-
jiointed till vacancy.
il K tirtiny, roadi & liiiiliwayt... til oo
Spirnmjj A Solilrr, tax refund.,.. 13 03
Ktrl Sirrnit, n-KHlrallon loco
A C Aiihiliold, rrij suation 34 00
J W llatlry, ruatli A highways,
Siwcial lit 11 irfuml 137 l
M 0 Ca, aalary it oflice tip ... S 36
Mam C'lnndall. auciwt'l aaiary loo 00
M C t'nw, ollice tiiiM- 5 90
Anna Thomjiaon, aeiicir't ollice 30 00
IvtfieJ (exluiail, ijkmi I ollice 81 OO
Clun K 1'olt. roadi and hliwayi $0
Conrlnian ilrot, rondiiiid liigh-
y 3 J4
II 1' kranoucr, rod and high
way 5 4
Willw lrrlund, recorder' lalary 18300
Tlioi C llailey, urveyor'i office 31 9
tleo A Morrill, road survey - 33 ao
V M Jackton, naliiry, trcaaurer 50 00
J V Itailey, salary & cpente.... ajj ao
Miirtin aiidelicy, rellel 17 50
W'm Uehrinan. rtiada & hijhwv loo 00
Cass A rriidluiniine, stationery 6 oj
S 11 Slowcll. roads and hiiihways 61 bo
I K Borwick, siccil road dist aS 38 60
Win fumicr, court House anitor
etc SI 50
O W Hsrnt-s, reniilering elector 70
Schmidt & Ku.isch, rclii-f 10 00
liillsboro linlrjieiHtent. iiriiitiii 43 40
lliilfalo Stiiim Roller Co, Mads
& hiithwavs - 1
W J Iliilncr, rond dist II special 1000 00
The Argus, tirlnling ao 5
The Delta Drug Store, relief 3 no
Hoiing Hros, livery a 5o
I, M lluell, bridges - 9 6o
Amhrosc Schniidlin, bridges j6 io
James Churchill, bridges 39 75
I tollman Si Allen, relief Thomas 71 7J
Montgomery Turner, roads Si
highways " 5
Thos Council, roads and high
ways 7 00
Washington County News,
jmnting - S 5
K M Kelaay, viewing rood 6 40
Moore & Wilhelnuon, relief
Thomas 5 00
Washington County Telephone
Co, telephones 0 II H 55
Mi-Gilt & Richard on, roads and
highways 75
J S Case, teacher's eatniulng
board 40 00
K J Condon, registration . 3 70
J 11 Westcott A Son, roads and
hiuhwavt 3s 91
S I Galloway, fruit inspector S8 35
.lli n Nvberif. roads and hiirh
wm'H "5 1
' - c
tlilUboro Livery Co, livery-. o 50
Johusjii Bros, roads anil nign-
a 37
J C Wenger, bridges
J J Adk.ius, roads & highways...
7 75
305 ao
V J Ullllicr, WVJllluliaaivfuv-i a
59 40
13 a
10 00
T K Davis, roods & highways....
I C Bills, roads & highways,....
' . I..I
Hillsboro l-OUiuierciai imu. . , . .. . w
A Beimrolir, roads & hignways 51 52
Kienuel & McFarlaue, roads K
highways 75 97
C C Nelson, roads and highways 5000
iiii, Mi-riaran. couiuiifsioner s
salary and mileage 00 00
. to
J V Hughes, rcadi
as ana nigU'
A A Caulit-ld roads & highways
K K Homer, roads & highways
Roy II Jiuiuith, roads and high
way "
G IMieth, roads & highways...
G VV Marsh, roads & highways... .
J p Ciratens, roads & highways
A B Todd, roads & h ghwavs
W M Thurston, roads & high- .
Ira T Mill, roads & highways...
Jos Council, roads & highways
Frank Bany, Wit. dist attorney
Grace Dekhuiann, suiveyot's
nll ii-e
9 00
a 00
a 00
'2 00
146 75
9 OO
10 OO
9 60
a 00
5 ao
4 00
36 00
C B Buchanan, roads & highways
Andrew Jack, roads & highways
G1bs9 & l'rudhomuie, stationery
6 40
4 30
4 60
Barthold Barg Co, stationery...
Maya Bros, roads A highways;...
A K McCumsey, roads & high-
WHVD ........ ..'
a 88
rj 45
Johu A Johnson, roads and high
way , "
Glass & Prudhomiue, stationery
L N Buell, roads & highways....
T K Davis, roads & highways....
B N Sproat, roada & highwsys..
5 ao
7 10
27 ia
a 00
2 00
1. W Honw ilirriir'
Ore Iron & St-cl Co, wtxxl for
8 75
70 00
6 40
a 00
I' M Kelnay, r'U and hiKHa)
W W JkiiiiiiIi. ni'l survey
FairUnk Morse Co, roads and
hijihway 44 M
A K I'luit. roads soil rnxhways...
V. li Kerr, roaila and hiKhwayt
1. M llne, nads and hi(ii"
Hi hup iiro, roads and highway.
K Weiutrom, rovU A highway
Christ Tolke, roadsaml highway
Krauk Miller, rdsand liiKwsy
Ilrnry Tolke. toads k highways
A II Amos, roads and highways
O A roads and highways
IVter Vaiidcrzauden, roads and
Anton Krei(er, roads stfd hijjh-
J W Hughes, roads and hiKhwtys
K It Ilouijhly, roads & luuhways
39 6
5" '
1 OO
1 00
a 00
a 00
s rn I
ia so
Urii.n. Hr,. ...'if KOO
Kmrrirk A Corwin, ccurt hcjuse a6 00
A H Todd, roads and hixhwat
J I' Tamiesie, coroner's pliysit ian
(Caudle inquest) -
9 00
Security aull A Metal Works,
loud and highways 64 o
Security Vault Sc Metal W orks
roads and highways
67 70
Sam Oiendoif, roads ultiixb-
J W (ioudin, salarr and epeui
Pacific Telephone to, telephones
('. H -
Thos It Tongue, Jr, Circ Ct .....
16 00
1,7 15
15 iS
ao 00
The undersigned will offer for
sale at the Hamnjrton farm , one
half mile north of the Center
ville sUire and near the Dudley
Mill, at ten a. m. on
Oi.e U'arn, bay mar and lirown horafl,
elgttl ami u-n y-r old, blafk toam, horse
anil mare, nlnn ami Imi-lve yctiri oiu.oue
blai k Imri-f-, nlnn sum nil, good smK.e
drner. uray iiiHrti. lu years oiit. one span
ufliruwii inllM. Ihrm anil lour vears old.
full hrotlier and m-iter froiii lllack flla.
iiioiKl-lour year .'"t .lron i gray colt. Win
Via inlua I ta, vnr (till ISiiw rA. II TMi I
hen 'I cAttla. winiit4tinK of 04iU h ant) young
UMftrn, ftmr frinh otiwi, two with alvwt 1
ly IIUQ, Ullt) 1MH1WIII Ullll, Hirrj Msnsa
liHUrr calvM, nine hran gMHi ftnuau.
Miiii. hinder, four horse drair. four
imrie spriiig uxitii, four hure dine liumi
lacn uriii, lour waming uiowa, 10 ai
moat new. ehampion mower. Md'ornik-k
hayrake, two wagons, hayrai k, two
aealiil oovtreu rarnago, aiugie ougt7,
r" 7 .r " ... i
loi uneai n-eu. ioi nay, auu oilier iiungs i
Uk nminriHH to mention.
rreeiuncn ai noon.
lerma-buma ot WJ casn.
uver one year s oanKaoie
noie ai O per cent iwo per
cent olf for cash over $10.
Henry Harrington.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Ed Naylor, Clerk,
L. M. Hovt has been down the
Columbia this week, on a busi
ness trip.
Henrv Boge, of Chehalem
Mmintriin in the rmintv
seat Tuesday.
r,. . m
niu i3iffii, hi me nictcaiiuic
"u lc f "" K""'.
III IIIM I'll V I I I 1 Jl V I
Terms reasonable. Apply to Ku-
ratli Bros., Hillsboro, Or. 21tf
Mr nn,i M f1 Pnrnplinn
went to Salem Tuesday to take
;,, il,., ciia v0;
III 4lie UlttLV A H,
in iraae my neany new umnu
tor a good horse, or horse ana
ail 1 1 . i A 1
buggy. Address oy letter a. d.,
care ot the Argus.
W. H. Connell, now residing
in Portland, was out the last of
tne weeK greeung nis iormer
miisooro inenus.
I I'll .1. . x"..: - j .
A. Krieo-er. of Verboort who
has been a subscriber ot the Ar
gUS since 1894 its first appear-
nn,,p W!1a in town Tuesday and
ante was in town mesuay, auu
ca eu at me uinire.
. . ... , .. , ,
John risher, Wife and tWO
little daughters, were in town
Tuesday, coming in from the
Jolly hopyard, where they Were
iV . .
J. E. Zimmerman, Of Maple
Hill, was in town Saturday, and
1 j ti a ,.,,'fV,
remembered the ArgUS With a
pnneiimmpnt. nf hne draven-
- -
SLf Ills.
Miss Pearl Smith returned
Snndnv from a tWO weeks trip
tn CUlvoet-rtn whfre ?he was the sddle ami collars from 18 to tl, milk
to bilverton, w nere sne viab uie mUk im chickens, grind
guest 01 her SISter, Mrs. JU. U atone, sickle grinder, line post diggerand
Jack Wood, Ot KOV, and wno
has purchased a hotel and room-
iniT 1UU5B Ull CUllismc oucci, iu
Portland, was in town Tuesday.
tie will conduct tne property on
a four year tenure.
W. H. Galvani, of the Oregon
Electric, and who has been with
the company since its inception,
was out to the city Tuesday, and
went on up to Forest brove in
the afternoon.
W. L. Batchelder. ot near
Cleneoe. was in Tuesday, and
Sf h5!!5t.f. rlh
mi i in f i in st'i i. ii ii i. unu l tab lanir
:7xV. v i..-u
era are waning ior a u w ... u.
E. W. Dant, of Reedville. was
in Tuesday, and says that his
mni-hine turned out twenty per
PAnt. more trrain than usual this
season and he thinks there was
nn o-rpftter acreatre than last sea
son. He reports a good yield
everywhere except in late Spring
Clerk Bailey Oets Ready for the
Primary, September 24
County Ticket
is a Blank Only State
Officers 00 Ballot
County Clerk J.
V. Bailey ha3
sent the primary ballots to the
and the first of next
week Sheriff Hancock will take
the ballot supplies to the various
precincts. From the county
down, on the democratic ballot,
there are no filings, and the
places are left blank, to enable
the voters to write in their choice.
The State and district candi
dates, however, are complete.
Even the usual number of candi
dates for justices of the peace
; t;n, .u fn,..QM
Lf jefferson and Jackson will
have some writing to do when it
Rets down to county and pre
cinct affairs.
The Republican ballot as
usual in fc.n overwhelming
county-is filled, and then some,
and the X will be about all there
is to it for the Republican voter,
GXCept Where there
are more
,un ftri --nHMatA
- sy..
The undersigned will sell at the
Grant Holcomb farm, on the
o ;n j i -i r
bpnngVllle road, 1 mile east Of
Old Bethany, at lOo'clock a. m. On
MOVri 4 V CrDTrtlPPD 1d
t... v,., ,.-u v, 1 oaa
i. u uuioco, cijn oluui, iovu
1KS . O riu-o fi hpifpr5 ncroA from
14 tn is months- nil winHu nf
fnrm imnlpmpnts 1 wno l
hiiircn- hnnsphnlH f.imitnrp 19
IA era m k cans snmp nnfutn
in the ground, and other articles
too numerous to mention.
Terms Sums of $10 cash: over
$10 six months' time on secured
note at 6 per cent
Lunch at noon.
L. A. Johnson, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer.
Ed Shute, Clerk.
Ihe game law states that the
open season ior upland niras De-
n.,v, it :i.j t of
berl, as erroneously reported in
i mi a,
several state papers, l ne Argus
inadvertantly fell into the same
error. So don t get out and
shoot any birds until October 15.
forif you do the State authori-
"wwiu gee you Ana reaomg
it October 1 will do you no good.
I .,, C 4. l
euner. get. your gun priraeu
f,1P n.fnhfp In
auction sale
Trip nnrlppsiimprl will saII at. flip
Gea Robinson farm at Farming-
i. .
boro at IU o clock a. m.. on
matched team ; sorrel. 7 years old, weight
l;grT re. year old, weight 1400;
. m years old. weight im, bred
to Helwnnn nors?: Drown norse. 3 years
old, weight 1S00; bay brood mare, 9 years
old, weight l.V0; all sound aud first class:
M'i?o rJLTr.L'! SJif!!
ino'iitha old: 3W-in. waeon. Oslxirne mow-
ing machine, m ft. cut;Osbome binder,
6 ft. out: buirirv: 13 disc. 20 in. reversible;
npauiuuig ouggy, pom auu suaiut; nuornr
Osborne spring-tooth barrow. Oliver 14-
i- teei beam plow. Oliver u-m. wood
beam plow Scueuttler lo-ln. ateel beam
plow, 3 sets 3-horse double trees and ain-
ifle trees. 2 8-horse shafts, 2 hay racks,
C.. f..i. i f.,.,r ...111
I mimUn ttnniD Duller and 90 ft
w Ji
ble Inimrv harness.S single buggy 'harness,
other articles too numerous to mention.
.LiUatJll at ssuva
Tormo Sums nf S10 ensh-nvpr
U10 x year-s time at 8 per cent
Lent off for cash on sumg over
i0.ocf hnnk-nh A nfrf' V. npr
Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Ed Shute, .Clerk.
Lilburn Jobe was in from Cen
terville. Monday. Lilburn was
born a mile west of this city,
and knows the country like
- United'itailwa EiTat
L. W. House went out to
ius gap. aunoay, taKing
i r i . i i
c . Ju(J Goodin w G(
Horo . t Prpnv, w;th
the 0. A. C. Mr. French says
that the rock coming out of the
tunnel is not good ior macaoam
work, as it is too soft. House
says that over 1600 feet of
- tunnel work is completed,
that there are about 2400 feet
more to construct, and that they
are worKing mgnt anu uay
High Q
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. 'THE BEST EVER"
ttaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug
J. E.
Forest Grove
Statement of Condition on Thursday, Sept 1, 1910.
Capital and Surplus $500O0
Loans - $259,243.34 Capital and surplus $50. 00(i
U. S. Bond (at par) 25,000.00
Other Bond 38,640.00
Banking House 18,000.00
Cash and due from
Banks and U. S.
Treasurer 116,900.04
Thoa. G. Todd
Wilber W. McEldowney
IO Cents
WE are showing the full line, fresh
from the factory, with many improve
ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date
and stylish.
Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut in two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
Forest Grove, Oregon
The Birth Stone for September
"A maiden born when Autumn leaves
are rustling in September's breeze,
A Sapphire on the brow should find,
'Twill cure diseases of the mind.
Mounted in sold gold at from $2.50 to $15-
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist
Drug S
Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
- President
Undivided Profits
lcV I,,
25, 000. Oil
John . Bailx
J. W. Fuqu
J. A. THornburyj
a Button
a Rip
And to employ theminthj
making of birthday gifts.
S "
k s-