HUH8GA0 AAGUS ,lPt 8 i9'1 tho NKW YEAR by Opening an Ftiirt account with thr Uillsborp. Commercial Bank j.-pW. SCHUKMi'KIClI.ihcsi.Um i;K(). SCHUI.MKKICl!, Cashier I IN TOILS OF LAW 'ml W. Taylor and lnlph Itellin K r Chnrtced W ith kolibtry 1 . . .. 1 i 1 1 I ,n '. 1 1 1 1 ', c '1" Krm"" " . , . ;llcMK,h f our n.Mitutn.n is i!fiiiiH tu-iitim iil l'i stl.iIH-tl. v- 15o Ono of Our l'alron Hlld U 11 all. nt Interest on on. You '1 Per Savings and lime Deposits jvmis vwiiy Kor.m i) at mxton Victim Claim he l.rnd One Hundred Thirty Dollars, Aug. Jl A Quick Revenge P., MJJ.Y TKIMM1NOIIAM l i,yrl(M, KH'I tiy Af" A' In! f'l. l aylor :tn.l linlph IMIin-arrv-.t-d Sunday nixht Guns! Ammunition! 3 m ft 1 ti... .,-r rttn lor iiru U-;iiH on Oclohcr 1. Svc ur due assortment f mih:'1' ,l"u' l,!c shotguns hii ,: f.ulutc HH Mij.ply of standard .Kiimiuiti'm. Set ut M"tc ou buy- uur i:''l's au' im ul. an induce- Fine UmitiiiK l-.'iiitiitiit. kst in was s in Bicycles an noctures f bicyvlcs al i in stuck. (r bicycle u- ...irin.f U the kind that "iUiys Repaired." I LEE SEARS, - Hillsboro. Garntfei Third Street. JY.-d w. i t'l-r, wen jat Fniihi ( irnvc, hy SlfrilT llan-ji'ix-k. ami liroiiL-ht t. the county jail, charyi-d with robbing one i James Wiley, at Buxton, Wcd- neHilay. AuguM !'!. Wiley had : i iti ! . e teen i) acKsmiiiiini: in one m Sweeney's ramps mi the l'.citie Railway & Navigation road, above Tiinlier. ami had drawn a Hint Jl: K. e arrive.l at l'.ux- t'lii ami inx eeded t get hilar iollK. The two UiVH, who llSU worked a dav or ho at one Sweei.e v eamiH, were Buxton, and Wiley he w an robbed of ; dollar vpui jiu-ce eiirreticv i bringih ; ?bH). i After Wilev had hevn held uj 'tin. Iu.vh it w ku'kI. walked to Hunks, imi from there rode in :m auto to Forest Hrou'. From ('.rove thev went to I'ort land, where thev remained until Sunday, w lien they returned to the roileire citY. The lads were taken before Justice C. W. Barnes. Tuesday, where each pleaded not guilty. Judge liarnes fixed bail in the sum' of $1. each, and they were remanded back to jail until they could secure counsel. : Young Bellinger is well knovn ' around Forest drove under the ; Holnmiuet of "Sharkey." of th( also m alleges that four twenty besides Some and other money tis total loss up to ove of Widow (il ANT AIM'l.l: UIROUGH TICKETS EAST ON SAI.K DAILY Oregon Electric Railway And Choice of Route beyond Portland LOW ROUND TRIP FAKES EXCURSION ST. PAUL ST. LOUIS CHICAGO r rates Skctr u address, . L. Kn i-, A (i I' I'litllnud "f . DKNVKU NICW YORK p.OSTON On Sale Sept. S, !)!. i i.. n :..r..iMiii. reservation atul mu iu... V A H. Ckoxisi:, A.v;.ut lifr;in lilrtlric Kv. llilUlioto, f. An aidile w eik'hink' . JO ounces ami measurink' 1 inches in circum- erence is the product ot a six- vear old tree Rrow n by 1'. thns- n near Sherw(XMl. 1 tils .... r.i . ) I ,.k, . . I... tree Which" 1SOI ine liieuKiieiiiiii trncuciu v " - 1 II. ... i. vu-ietv is one ot an orcnaru quirk uoi. eumnrisimr four acres, lhe tree Uirni il crol) Ur llif uim ui three vears. I his year s pnHiuci was considerably damaged by a hiK'h wind, the apples beuiR badlv broken on account of their weight. This particular speci w without blemish of any kind, and is in color a peculiar shade of deep pink. Christen- i i Hiii ..imiiiW declares "- rr;- . I Ll Aiut ffT 111 lhe J3IICIWVHK4 uiaiuvi every respect equal to in uisincis in un A fiiriiii-r' lniy u ilriUnc uliin;: I'iiuI wIii-d li ovi-rliimli'd n iium wail; ln In tti miiiie din lion. "IluVfi a lift. utriniKiT'" ilwkon I will tf )''U l":i't 1'iin't How fur you koIhT "Oli. 'in liulii' un fur e IItibvliU- rm'lilH: further." Tim man K"t P fr'mt lili tint Uijr. uikI tlii twg )vx' 11I0114 nK'-llii-r. Tlii-n; a Ui-sintory con- riiillun lKint Hip Htnte "f Hie th lii'li ttm tniy Ulgl titu tiri; o. ";it o, Tuiu! I ilnn't want t Xxe rWliii' ruul tiT- nft-'r U irn wiui nion In my iMwket mi"! ti'iliim rouiln' off ri.ry Kif imyii. The'iiKiT Kiiiih-u. My i"J, y"n (l.m l waiit H tnke up tr:im?e iiopi: ir trnvcllu' roiiiputitonn ml tell em viiu'vw not fundi uUitit you. How ly kieiw hut I'm a footiad inym-lfV" "Vou ain't no footpad." 'Mu nawsi'iicer turned nd mirreyt-d the boy. Ho uilKbt liae nnj wlii-re betwwu elubtwu liud twenty I, nt lila roiniiaiilou. noii'-iiiK In- had no bt-aid. urmli-d that the low rr (iKurt) wan nearer tliu in-Hi. You're rlK'it. boy." u mM- 1 '" no footpufl, but I'm woro n a foot om.I I'tc hud eyernl wrn with "-o I,..r,.!ilu.iif iim! ll) Klienir WOUlU glvo you .",0"0 If yoa eould land urn." "Vou dou't uieau ll! Who lnought you be?" T in Skinner." "Jack Skinner iw killed P.en An 3rw and Hill Harrison aiid Andy Par ker 1" Kkltiner nott'-rd that the boy iki' the lnt nattio with elimllon. "What vii Parker to you? tie aK- eit nuleklT. "(ib, I only knowed him; thafa all. What made you kill blrnr "i wii kind o upapt that day a him m drink with me, and b wouldn't Parker wasn't much of i mnu anyway!" "Md y' ever w hla wife?" "No la hc a gmxl iookiu womuui "Vou bel Bhe tuk on bad when you killed Andy." "I beered that, and I beered the sntd she was golu' to kill me fr killin' her husbond" "Waal, of Mrs. Parker Bald that yd better keu outer her way." Uh. wtinniln alwaya talk that way when they lilt a tjrudgc: "Put 1 heered Mri rariser h.ib t and has got to b a raiKUiy l,.;;e n day wlien w-t- !;',;' d Id l'k and talk, lie a NHI r'A? lin n if t'if'y nnd u-nve out that he wa a ,n.fir of la-l.o.lijiit t" Nw l i-liind (oUiK' III !. ' boUt (ifj. and he rurri.-il a mlle on UU r,... thnt would have Hilled a rrocu out of tlie ground a riiotitli ahead time. In tilnniotidvlile livid the Ktemlmaii. She m f'.rly year old ,; v.-, off. Sho wan tn liiU rotniwi liy the town 'iiiHtnh!e, who was an old ba t,i'!or. It wa ald they wers enirnfl. b'l' 'I'" nfrlval of the very Hire profct-tor wront'hf a rtiniise. In a wk he bad made netiaititane and wan ealllnit on her. In a fort- ,,1,-ht the none of the town fonftnti.e ; wait out f Joint. The ptofew.r np- J H an d to lie In the lu st of healt.i. but , . clalend that im-ta phHl. had bro- j tain down and that be tin 'I romt to the vlllat'H for rem. , The rormtabic wan f-allcd -tttipld ait nn r...... .,..,t tu.nrlill tillt Ptlltild. We hadn't fi'd him up rorreiuy the KtniiM tmrt. A aoon (Hoovered that down .n Hit i ei n an elt'.er 1 almiildil siirprl-e,1 If le' rould makeyo.i umllf. I'll take you to tsee blm " ( uinmlne-i awntel. and they wnt tn hmlttier In B "J ! nn he be whs belns thrown Ix-cnn to '""'y tl,,! I""0''"" lie wrote to half a dozen col- it wilt told that tht-T bad nev- atJ wna r In- p.y a'f Idetit tie ee the hypnotist. -Hmlthent n-ild he could mak tho yonng man urnile. but a noon a the hypnotic ef-f.-t wan removed he would bccolt wrloim aitaln. lU-rt an Id he believed he'd try It. He wa to ko to we Olla Ktonshnm that evening and he would like to R' fr onre all the amllea he renilre.l. At half pat 8 that evenlnR Mt i t- finghnin heard th doorbell ring to admit her lover. There Ilert with a teantlfiil amlle on bla fare. Cells was rltrtit atxut Uert'a untie It wa entranelng. There was . rt.tit.iitful curl to his Hp. dimple In earb cheek, ana ni regumr teeth howel beneath bis dark mu- f nrhf reil.i. clasplne his mu. i ' . -liow handsome you are when you smlie! Keep it up!" "ITI trv. Ha. bar Bert reaiKinded. "Ilecause Helen and Molly and I.ou are all comlne In tonight to meet you If you will keep up that smile all the evenlnif they'll be dellghteu wun jou. You know how anxious I am that , friends should be Lilt-? IHJ i of th bo'd of n iiajrf-r that put blm on ! pleased " roa- i h. ir.,11 lie went iu to the 1 m be cordial. Ha, ha. ha 'tv nod bad a talk with the police. j There was another ring at the bell ii-,.. time dav the mat'e from the , .n,i Mie clrls were admitted. r-.iir..l rolled In. and Its cargo con- "This." said Cclla. km d of eleven have In and ' SUMMONS the Circuit t.oirtof H' -s''.f "f vrv yon. for Watiiiiiittou County nine dtihieid. CUmiid. v. .' K. ( aiitirld, IWeieUnt. ) T.. I K Ulltlelll in (rinini.. women. They might n tald to be of all ages, wxes j ri As the vehicle halted at J ... . ... , - ft... the Inn Profestor Watson Rat ou m' i Ho was put under arrest by .l-tertlve and the constable as he snt. bt he got on hi feet and raised f htH hnt eleven different times to tlie eleven females. sl-ht of him, Is Mr. Albert Cummlngs. Mits Helen wara. Some cried out at 1 some smiled, and some A bow and a ba-tia: "And Miss Molly Malloy.' A bow and a ha-ba-bai "And Miss Ioulse Truesdale." A bow and a ba ha-ha-hal JV Ibert's smile was contagious. His fiancee caught It, and it extended to tbf three other girls. "Helen." said Cella. -you are raj . . , i.i kni ! .... ft.r t.rt fihall shed tears. After repiarn.g mi ""- eft menu, i irim the professor shook bands wlta me , t by you erst while we nice ..a. at the bead of the if eleven, beginning line and saying: Mv dear, your name Is Ilannan 1 remenilier, and, though your call Is nnexpeeted- you are nevertbclesg wel come." Then he took up the case of Jane. Iletsv. Mnrv. and so on. Every wo man there was bis wife, and a wife be ..imnrtnned. and yet be oameu ii. . ,.oi.. nnrse ves. ilien in Ull Pvwi, "'J turn blm over to Molly and then to Lou.1 tli men ot in .-"- ' ; herelvre.Vo,r.l to V, r lhe CoimiiitlMt tiie.1 .''" " "" .uiveeniitled Court c-ii ' -f lie Mt n irimi tii ' in tirst puimeittioit oi mm ... .... ..r nlioul Kri.Uv the W 'V of If ml if vou tail K -' the plKiiiliU lor -mu. lnriiiB the notrri.iit" eie"i. ...... ...i .Tilth pUoiUtt t Portland. reon the I ' "f rVbnmry. l l' n.iilsnd volit. aiol el no e .-,. v tll tH vrinuiog. ai d nt bo dm oo tn .llnllltltt. IHl lor Slieil I llli'i mm relief to the t onri iny im imh o-. J".'.'. ,. i. .... i.i,-l,...l hv Order I hi imt nion i" "-" of Hie llononible J. W ("ley (ohhIIm." of trie Comity Court ul too fur the t onniv in unii"". nl tinier a iiukIc ami it H' .i on in. -on ,Uv of Augiitt, imo, m the sixer..' ot the ( irciiit Jiirtge Iro-.i v ..miiiiKi"" ul tlie ilule ot the lini hioim-i'o ... tins Mimmons I tn I n o .u ..i;-. tlH mel the 1:t:o !li lift 1"" ' of this r'liiiinioni ii Thurwlity tl dy of S item her. ln. . t lyile Itirhtinlsoii, Attorney for pliiin- lit?, I tmmiier of Comiiifroe I'.lilK r...rt!nd, Oregon. Notice id Fina' Ec'.tltinent No' ice Is Hereby (iiveti thai lhe under i ,li..i,,itrn!or of the pttate of W'rt Jaim' M.-Kldowney. .Iec.nise.1 has tili-l in the County Conn of the Male ,,r Oregon for Washington County hi riiml Ai-oiint io the not'iec of s-tul .e UHeand tafi eoort bus used MomlaV. , l-Jth dav of S.-pt. l'.HO t the lonely Court room tn tlilisooro, ori-umi, I...,,, ,.f in oViin k A. M ot suet me lime and place for hearing "1 jeetmns i.o chiiI Final Aei ount and for tlio tuml settlement of snid estnle li.ite.1 this Arif. ''h. 1!MU . , Kiank K McKldowney. AilmmintrHtor f the estate o MarKiifet Jane Mr KUIoW- nev. Oh'CHmii. rtsgleyA Hare. Attorneys islrator. at the ilny as for Adinin- K)R SAl.F. "Ward to get acquainted. Tin very glad to meet you." says the lady. "Cella and I are such very old friends that one who Is to be so much to her must be much to me." Bert smiled that heavenly smile of that smile and bis nerve right through hls aml Miss Ward was beside berfieil. it lie was taken to Jail, and the Jailer Never before had a man smiled at ber ,U . .. , . . ho I .. mho marie ft re- snid he wag one or tne mew had ever met. Tho officers bad a case against blm blgger'n a house. He had practiced bigamy for twenty years. He bad married girls, fpinsters. wid- old women. One of the vic tims was sixty-live years old. He bad got money from some of them, not h didn't mm as If that was ms muu.c As he explained it: 1 just fell In love, nna bub love, and we were married. 1 didn't know I bad married so So down sit Mr. Cummings nndiMlas A dairy an( stock ranch of 380 acres; atiout li acres oi gocxl iKittom land; about 65 acres in cultivation; balance of liottom in gcxxl pasture; about 100 acres triwl timber: ulentv of running water; 3 bams; five room house; about 100 fruit trees; county road and telephone line runs through place. Two and one- half miles from railway siauon. like that Every time sue maue a mark Bert smiled, or. rather, his lips wore a perpetual smile which was ln .oniifieit t every remark. lie made $30 per acre, on easy terms. J. 21-4 son are in those "Town state that are better know n. C D Schafer. who formerly e.-cided ' in North Washington County, is reported missing at Hut'ene, w here he was insiami K a heating plant. He had a JU (KM) contract about ono third com pleted and drew $:l,000 to pay for supplies. Later he could not K., r,md and it is not known "That's all right. She wou t uo none ..... ii .., i if A woman never uots. u in. They aiu't built Hist way. "What's this y' was sayln' about the sheriff paylu" any one that 11 lami . Ain't -' worth as much dead as alive?" "Ileckoti." replieit Skinner, looking ni the tKir uuensily. "What put i hnt into your curly head?" "Waal, I thort that ef Mrs. Parker s .rulu- to k.d y' she'd gtt Hie money for the children you made orpuan i Kkluner whs uuMled nt this grew some remark coming from a country i,v lie turned and looked bis com n mor m-rutlulrlngly. tintisUed that the lad was very simple, be dis missed tho mailer from his nana. ..!.....!,.. .,,i,t the bov. "I'll water nt'Ui ---- , 1 1. iinnw at this trough. Whoa. Tom'.' ud. pulling up. he got down, unloosed the check rein and let the animal .tiiiita. Skinner caught sight of some thing on the other side of the road nnd half turned. Suddenly he was brought his surroundiugs uy ui'nriuK t As he turned tits rigui unuu to L-llcks. PIONEER WOOD YARD AlIkimlsofFir. OaK ami Ash Wood, (our foot, r 16 Hkll. l'irst class MciiiHain l'ir aiul Al 1'rieeS reilSi lial)lc. All fie ..ouiil S.llll bv nic i 1 1 l 11 - f,,r cue tier coril fr hr, iter conl for outside turd for lumlwooi sawing, ioc extra. BOTH TKl.l will lx? 6oc wood; 6oc per ,d. Thrce-eut IB 'NHS. John W. Masters. whether he has met foul play, or ,low to ilis hip. He was too late. The hecome Ol ilim. A i,ov was str.natng lacms u. raaranty company will finish the Ug hi... with pair of revolvers. nanus up. "Thnfs ycr game. Is It?" ald Skin ner "You kid. you wnut to make the Why fell In I call. v. And when the women were askeu to explain they answered: Whv, he's such a vers, very .'. . !... hnln it lle'B man thai we i-oinuu v .iv.i- .- lust too sweet for anytmn. ... ..... . tl'I..TW And. would you believe u, uie " m" Stendman. who woum nave iuuo twelfth, was the first one to sena nuu a nnd ber sympathies after be had been locked up! The nrofessor hadn't gone tar aueio. He bad done all bis marrying within a radius of 'JiW miles. He had made a nice, kind husband while It lasted, ne had painted kitchen floors, washed ,iii,. mot whitewashed cellars. Yes. uifinia .. - the officers thought they had him dead to rights, but they soon learned to the contrary. Only one woman out of the eleven "was willing to swear against the man. The county bad the whole gang on Its hands to lodge- and board. The wife who was willing to do It was an old ninid and so bony and homely as to excite general .v.-i.i...- For a time she was oerce to seuu t..c little man to couldn't bite . . . . .. . I . . A r n: . no other reply. Whether his nypnouc M ureear, wrrvauio, ui, mrHtinn sdmltted of his receiving what was said to him and making a READ AUGUST SUNSET reply is a question. Probably his keep- Philmnines as I saw h,s mouth shut was aa advantage R ac 1 The PPPJ f t0''lm- . . c: Pr r.nrr,nr of the I'hil- yerj iook u i rhnne the eiri with iumnes. and Calitornia ii i what m tract. it ii Pioee. of FarmiiiRton, i il . i . i Till it j I tl v rit IIII.K was in town i l" ' rented his farm and will take a rest from that pursuit lor a w one. -11 1....... n on .1 I lei 111111 i. e W tuoe a and shortly afterward will take a trip back to Illinois, on u wu to his boyluHKl nome. For heaters -the finest over brought to llillsboro, and the best in quality and endurance, appearance and style -see J. U. Lamkin s tmsnop. ti,,. mnrninir and evening trains passing here, carryinjr the mails, have been late many times since the nop picKiiiR &euun opened. The excess of passen Kor traffic and the handling of so much bappage caused the delays. It was not ptmcludthl to whom her lover was getting acquaint ed Cella had observed Helen's gaze fixed on Bert's beautiful smile and thought it time to break the spell. So i,.iu- ni substituted. "I'm so glad for dear Cella," said Molly. "Ha, har "I consider her happiness ' the same as my own." "Ua. ha. har In the beginning of a conversation Eerfs smile was more of a laugh After that it simmered down Into a , ,,,-- ,-. nt th llns. But the lueic vui.a.- - dimples were there and the peerlT teeth under, the mustache. The ef fect ou Molly was the same as on Helen, only more so. t-eua, that Molly couldn't very long beep her hands off Bert, made the third' change, putting Lou In Molly's place. "1 don't blame you for not being able to couceal your happiness," said Lou. "Ha. har "It's delightful to be engaged, lsnt It?" Ha. ha. har n nine w here the nogs ..-, f.voia ia- mrill ne an tue htm None of the ten ! "One while." Black Gold, the Romance ot the uu Wells." by Walter F. Woehle, in Sunset for August now on sale, at all new stands, fifteen cents. REPAIRING AND TUNING Twenty-five years experience at making, repairing and tuning pianos is a sufficient guarantee that Venen, the tuner, can satisfy any and all who wish iheir in struments attended. Recommend from every firm that has opetaUd in Portland for the p3t jo years, besides ths hasttni factories cl Jvinioan, r.stcj, .v. y and others Country work always wel come Leave or telephone outers to McCormick, or to the Patterson 1'utni ure Store. A. P. YENEX, Piano Tuner. MOW VeW TIME U kuo ... - oar tet'tll out nl pitta od liriJt wnrkdone. For out-of-town j,tr,n finish plute H'l l,rilie work in ou clr l f niM'twsHry. rvcui nn a!fCin 50.1)0 22k8ridsTwth3.5!J l.U'J money offered for me." lie mnue a ,,w,ve to nut un Ids hands. A bullet -..n rrnshimi through the wrist of the h,t that was ernier to spring to his revolver. He writhed with pain and Ire. but with his best hand disabled dared make no move. "Hands upl" the boy again said calmly. "Here, you little devil." said Skinner, let up on this, nnd I " make u worm vour while. You can't expect to land Tom Skinner" "I've landed you alrendy, Tom Skin ner, and you're doomed. I'm golu to kill you, not for the money offered for you, but to revenge Andy." "You his kid?" "His wife!" when a man looks at a woman who holds his life In her hands he usually PKiuuer others would speak to ber. Mio was . ,.na na ba na! sent for by the professor. When she Let,g haTe tbe conversation gen hnd arrived at the Jail, determined pra, sn!J Cella. moving her chair to that his cajolery should not move her. ; warJ Dort Rua jjou. "Draw up, girls he held out his arms to her and said: j CeUa trlea t0 talk to one or two of "P.irtlio. you can't find It In your the wbile tne other converseil heart to do It. You are too noble and , wRh Bert But lt was n0 use. Every .,.,r.-,.i If I Ir.ulu't seen the ucblllty ,.,. ntt..ntion was fixed on that beau- of your character In your face 1 should , if , smile Cella rose, with great v .i l...,,..l,,nca 111 ; . .... . j .... kali mn. have trusieu mj uw nauteur, and waiseu uuu iur uu... and they made all CHARTER NO. Ho CONDIONSKD UHFOUT OF The First National Bank OF FOREST GROVE, OREGON. r mTO. lJllSlUCSS JUlie , LlAHlUTIvS At the Close of ASSETS Capital and Sur plus., Undivided Profits... Ciiculatio" Deposits . ,f 30,000.00 1,672.21 15,000.00 .. M6.437-3' I " m i end Discounts. ..f 0.5,314.0 s hi dOUn rllondM.., 4f',S"5-o l'"id:iti.i House Hutures to,7io..9 c .1 li m il lUclmnne.... 50,310.03 lotal ., f 103,109 53 Diroctoint-L. J. COUU JOHN TEMri.KTON. I. COFK, E. W. HAINKS, (iK0BK II. 1 UU. I.IO, IT. ' " . nt!n W,. appreciate your paronage and 1 to munt a contm nance of same. 1 mmm - Official statement January 31, 1910, 91 li',fos.TS:-Official statement June 30, WW, $JB,10J.6-. Increase in Deposits 35 per cent. A. BAA fllOPPV. lOlll Irving Bath, who has been on . tw0 es of Mra. rar. a Goldendale paper for some ker nnd 8nw 0 more mercy there than months, was home the last of the ,n the two baruers she held m ber week His father, 1). W., goes haud Por tUe flrst time m his life ho back with him to take charge of whitened. ... the editorial department of the .Tve been followln' you all day. she paptl. ... . ,i .hora there wasn't Taken up-Roan heifer, two or JJ to be any on0 t0 ,nterfero with three years old; has rather long . . ,ettera rm soiu- to send 1 . 1 L U : . . 1 linn horns; brand on ngni mp. i. never vour kivpins " She believed him and fell on his shoulder and wept. When the trial was at hist cnllod not one of the elev en was complainant. When put on the Ktnnd as witnesses tney v.e I'hey perjured themselves, n.i.iiK.M1 and twisted and Af Pcusos for the man. and the 'jury had to strain a polut to convict hlni. He got a sentence of three years. ami before being tauen u i'u" had interviews with the eleven in sue- j cession, and to each one he said: ... ...... . fT,,,.,, ra(ll4 Sever mind, uaruuK. xunc j - will soon pass away, ami men we v.... be with each other again, to part never more." And the constable didn't marry uu wtii.iw Stendman. She sum ne even a littlo bit nice and mat u nono of his business now man? the very, very nice Profess tr Watson had. , " rSl s. "a ML W. L Will, Pmimw mmim n mm BimMM iw" tnanwl fillings l.UiJ 8!lr niliaw .50 good Rubbsr - Plata! O.U'J Plitn 7.53 Ptinleu Eitr'tlon .50 tT MITHOOH er please call, prove property, nay charges ana iaKe same ay. -J C. Schulmerich, Banks, Ore gon. 26'8 J B. Downing, of below Bea verton, and who went over on the Wilson the hrst ot last weeK you goln' to run rue In for the little love you.' "Ain't trial?" Nor But when she tried to shoot the man dn tn cold blood her woman s na- mynlted. She marched him Into , the village near by. and wtion some m the men there saw what she had done IT WAS LOVELY, BUT NOT SAFE By ELIZABETH GAINES Copyrlcht. 1910. by American Press Association. riiinlnir Rert to follow ner. T.o home." she said, "and get that idfMlc crin off your face!" Bert went to Smlthers, who-dehypno-tlzixl him. When Bert saw hia fiancee acnin he had his hard look on his face. "1 don't like lt so well." WW Cella. "but It's safer much safer." Polite. "1 really think a good deal of my self." "Do you really?" "1 do for a fact." "I hope you dou't find it difficult Evidence. "Brown has appendicitis." "What?" "Fact. Isn't it too bad?" "When did he have his salary rais ed." Usual Combination. He came, he saw, he conquered 'Twas plain. Indeed, he must. He had a moldy title; Her father owned a trust. Wise Dental Co. INCORPORATED Painless Dentists FCIR CHAIR Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Capable workmen Baths in connection, and a Fine Shower Bath Newly Furnished Shop. A trial will please you. JAMES ANDERSON, Pvthian Bide, llillsboro. Getting Results. Total f 303, 109.5 T. W. Sain, II. ..... Ll.vtrmr MIZNIOK, LiKVl own". T. Buxton. Massed through town triday, en- . r.,1Ieved her of the necessity of route home. ending Tom Sklnner'i murderous ca- Tlnirnor. one of Bloom- reer. i.Hi-'s nroirressive dairymen, was over to the city Monday, greet ing friends. Capt. A. Johnson, a former Columbia river steam boat man, and who is trying ranching near Laurel, was over to the city Monday. Mrs. A. B. Flint was in the city from Scholls, Saturday af ternoon. Geo. S. Robinson, of Farming ton, was in town Monday. A VERY NICE PROFESSOR By M. QUAD Copyright. 1910, by Associated Lit erary Press. i whnn Professor Watson took the staeo nt Ellsworth to ride over to Din- inoudvllle the Innkeeper liked his looks nd talk. He hadn't been lu thti vli- '1 have but one objectiou to you. Bert, s:ild (.elm--you re uu'S'""' too serious. When your face !s at rest have n very harsh look, iour smile Is dollghttul. Unfortunately you never smile." Have you any more compliments ilim thnt?" asked uert, rur u j"" have you'd better dismiss me alto gether." Bert CummlnKS icrt uis unnceu .-ijr much disgruntled. He unbosomed him self to his friend Arnold rriestley. who sat thinking while ISert talked. Finally l'riestley said: -1 would advise you to try hypno nani i know a man who can make niMinle huiirh or weep or anything else ho likes. I SI:,, i SAVE SASH, DOORS He doesn't put them to seep. "Mrs. Drowu went through her hus band's pockets." "Did she?" "Yes." "Well, what of it?" "Then she sued for divorce." In Harmony. "I hear he sot Into trouble." "Just violated the letter of the law.' "And what was the consequencer "Fined the letter V." Read our d- Bi rtiitliins an note the qutillty. fully guaranteed by us. Loiniitti'- tha prices wlti most) mar others ask foi the name quality. "Save middlemen's iiroflts for tliB children." Ask lor Catalog No i Send us deal er's, estimates or your own list- Ask us about fielgnt rates. We pack carefully. hip promptly, anywhere, tn anybody. O.B. Williams 1943 FIRST 10. AVE. S. ftttle. Wash. I, ,dO B WILLIAMS CO 1:1 k ri trr rr it re m: mt This "ii" ' Catalog W M. l JMi.ihi(Hiii" J