The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 08, 1910, Image 1

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    ll il
dud t C'rmliu. I rldny
Horn in Co... County l lAS. and
Mr. AiiMiiH-tlf Marrth. wife f
ll. !! known .inHvt, a.
y,in,li ii. d at U Ixmif of h' T
jauu-r. Mr. U C. W.-i.l.-ttitmh,
t iWrn-liua. Knduy
murI,U:,,S. i,t-mlH-r2. li10. uit.r
jt-ar. Mr. Maih lTf h r in
vaSi.liMsi with much fortitude.
;i. w.i Ihi dauliU-r f tli
hi!.' Jat'h l l.'Ux, ami m Utii
inl!i!"l" .I'd. I oh ('.. , ' t'
Ur-. 1'"' l'" family i,v',l
lu tYM. mil.' in ls57 and !"
y. .... "
I'lfl Ivuwi-r, -. hn ha.
lirinj.' oil an i-uyim- mar Admy
t'Mi, Wa h , v a . (is t r t'i I li'.h'
Ihu-i aii't S h"il i, l hf la -I f I he
w k , it i a ara! n. Mr. ilu A cr
in a win !' I', . ',ov, cr, v il
known hir, at Ci-'lar Mill,
Moiuitaimlaii' sitid S hull, 4, ati'l
who ii now im ad''! m Maho.
l'H''l wa.i in tin' ri't i iit wn i k
that the riivMiii't-r ol the !u
(oiitut ! hii itl-, ami a tmic-ly
jump H all thai navt'd hi hi'-,
lie remains in the valley several
ilayrt Hint then pie-i Hl to I'lal.O
for tin- halaiifi- of his wi-;itioii.
1'erHon1 lis irttf in the country
Ulxl V". lhilit' to take the I :ii V
uii'l Suii'lav Urep.iiian lor one
year can, hy paying a yar in
ailvance, (.'i t the A r;' . i ari'i an
Ore'oi.ian inaji, or chart, for the
one price. Thr olfrr will not
la-it ItiiiK ho (.'et in your order
(1. A. I.ei hner, of near I'.' thany
I'htHiJ'S section, WW in the
city Situnlay vetuni'. .Mr,
l cliiier came in to et a permit
to Iciru a hiahini' Imt toiiiul
that there w ar no lire w anlen
here. He ;ia s that many are
jrea-ly to hum ami do not know
where to apply to ct enniHHion
to hum. lie M'ht I" the State
Hoard of l'ore.itry, at Salem, lor
I'or nale: (IixmI hop haler,
Krchs' pattern; .Vi hop basket.,
ami Noun hop i-aeks in K'od re
pair. Will sell at a bargain.
Uiilph Imbrie, llilKUiro, Uoute
1, Wet Thiol!.
Ihoni'lit to Have I'.uricil Itself in
I 'at. i lie ikc.'tn
that t "ie ileceU-Sed llU. lllllde luT
home m that hn-ality. Six" wa
mam.-1 t J. V. Marsh, ( K toU-r
6, l.s'pi, and they ul owv Hcttleii
mi tie homo on Ihiiry Creek,
Jh r mother, now Mrs. C. J. An-(h-rsoii,
of Salem, nud two sit
lew, Mrs, Molly Newman, of
Sea!k, am I Mrs. A I in Wiiwn
tun, of near tiarden Home, sur
iw of her immediate family.
In her liome sht leaves Hie hus
band ami tht' following children:
John Marsh. iVre.t (irtne, Uoute
2; Mr s. 1.. G, W'eidewitseh. ('r
nehus; Mr. T. ireeti. I'anks;
Mrs. . Cumminys. Fofrst tlinvr,
Route 'J, and Benjamin Marsh,
at home.
The funeral took plaee Sunday
from I he Ciiriieliiis M. K. Church,
and was attended by a htrne con
4'iMirse of friend.
ki (iisikxiiDN io ci.usr.
lh v'i tration of voters who par
ticipate in the primaries to be
held on September 21 will close
on next Wednesday, September
II. All who wish to vote in the
Primaries must Ik registered by
the end of that date, as mere
will lie iHisweanne; in of electors
at the primaries as there is at
the general election. Those who
register now will not have to
register the second time in order
to vote at the November election.
(U ili.- i-mulitliiit of the Hunk f H-vn.
h ii. nt lU itvPtlun, in (he Htnle of t:r
K'. l line clow of btuiiirM Srptvinl xt
111, I IJ 10.
I. " n nn 1 .liMMinnU f 10,051 6
H 'olinfti, trcuiril ml "II-
sn iHt-.l.,,, S'i '1
lunula, rt-rilir. etc 3i
Hun inn house, futiiitiirtr mul
" fomi upprovett r-etve
luniks ,
O'itIih mul olhrr CHkIi itilll
l ie.!! on I111111I
3 9"
7,956 yi
4 1
j,jS 09
...f,IS,4l8 1 3
e-iiiil utock paid In 10,00000
I'li'liviilcil prulitt. leu x-
i inm mid tiut'R pniil 13
biiliviiliml ilfiioniU utijt-et to
duck ,. ai,J45 5
1'' in mil (crtiliciilr of ilrposit l(,a 0(1
I niii- iiTliliciitu of I'-el'"""'- -
Totnl .1 JS.4'I
SI iite of Oregon, )
'niity of WiwhinKtoil )
1, II. W. Ilolm-r, Ciichief of ihe ithove
iiiuiietl lmnk, do Bolemny nwenr tlmt the
"hove nlHtenietit is true to the hint of my
kiiowleilui! mill belief.
H. W. Holder,
Kiilmeriheil and iwom to befoie me
this 5U1 day of September, 1910.
W. 10. 1'euK,
Notary Piililie.
J. A. Mott
J, T. Willimin
Dr. Elmer 11. Smith, osteo
pathic physician and consulting
Hurvreon. Linklater Block, up
stairs. No charge for consultation.
Conntv Clerk Bai'eV celebrati
lilxir I ay by keeping open for
registration and liepnty Con
Arclsluld was Imy nearly all day
fixing up lho,i who came to the
city. Many came up for the
purpse. not realiink'that it wan
a leeal holiday. Very few came
in the city on other business,
and the toto!?ice kept to holiday
hour throughout the day.
I'.,.- rent' I'-Vi acre ranch 111
Line Comity. 1 1 acres cleared
and in cultivation. UmhI hny,
st.H-k and erain ranch. Inquire
of Ci-o. Schulmerich, at Com
mercial Hank.
The sawmill lelow Wheeler.
,,k! of lleedsille. is lieinir rebuilt.
I I,.. mill lnii-ni-.i a few weeks ago
ami as the company had a lot of
loes cut It was .leemeil a.ivisame
I,. r..ti..u the structure. Ihe
tinders are Uung placed and the
machinery will le installed 111 u
few days.
Will pav $l: ler ton for go
t 1 j -M 1 lo drier Money
: 1 jo mi. ..v -
readv oiidelierv. X I- Holh;"
U-ck. Mountaindate. Or. l!i t)
't'i,.. mm on the Forest drove
local via (k's ami Oswego is
ne tif the prettiest on the
Side after the laKe is reacne.,,
the scenery reminds one of the
l,.,l Pools in North Dakota, or
some of the Wyoming fastnesses.
Keep your chickens enclosed!
.Inst received a large coumkm
.,r ....oltcv vi ire. Now IS
mem in ......... . .
the time to buy. hmenek
1? lto, of the Cot'
f Buchanan &
neiniM o. ...-- . .
Company, says that nearly double
the usual ainouni 01 nun
I....... U'lll'l' housed this season.
This report is duplicated in many
other sections 01 me comuj.
i t,. loiin on real estate
Terms reasonable. Apply to Mi-
... I. . . 1 1 . 1 1 .t 1 ...... . in.
ntlll I'H'S.. nui.-"""i v
....t..,i. liolirman. of Cornelius,
went down and caught a game
.. 1. ,.,.f,m fiundav. against
1 or 2 4 ' v 1 v ----- . -
a team from l'ortland Beaver
, was beaten but the stocky
little catcher says he is willing
to try them again.
Frank Wallace, in the govern
ment train service at the jetty,
Mow Hammond, was out Sun
lav, and went down to his Farm
. -' ' ..t, mul 11 so visited
Sh his'daughter.Mrs. Scott, of
above Dilley.
.....i 1. 1.. .i o.iork' new oiano
Will iraue oij i'i'v - ,
ror a good, .horse, or horse ami
buggy. Aituress oy leiuvi
care of the Argus.
Seen by Many Who Were Abroad Short
ly Alter NuoB Hour
Between 12 and 12:W o'clock,
Sunday, a huge meteor passed
over Washington county, coming
from the southeast and passing
to the northwest. It was seen
by a party of autoists who were
near Helvetia, and thev say it
passed over toward the coast,
disappearing across the coast and
sea line lietween Tillamook and
Others throughout the county
sav they also saw the meteor,
and that to them it appeared to
l. from two to five miles high,
ind il appeared to Ikj a foot in
liom.ter There were a num
ber of Hparks shooting from the
hhIv, and the illumination was
mite nlain. notwithstanding the
mm u:m shinimT brightly.
A minute or two alter it pass
ed, many claim they heard a (lull
intonation, as ihougn u nan
truck the earth or landed in the
It is possible.
however, that the noise heard
-..u from :i blast. :ls several hea-
vy intonations were heard as
earlv as ten in the morning.
c;..niKt4 from other parts of
of the coast allege that they be-
ieve this to have leen oneoi me
argest meteors ever visiting the
. 1. ...Ill k.. mnAn
coast, anil a searcn wm uc mauv
to see if the terrestial visitor nas
anded in Tillamook county.
.Jacob Jacky, of near Glencoe,
was in the city Monday forenwm.
C. Vinhl. of near Joixj's, was in
the city Monday.
C. A. Ifanley, of North Plains,
was in the city I.aUr Day.
W C Jackson, of Gleneoe.
wai'. over to the county seat Mon
day morning.
I). T.schalold, of the Helvetia
section, was in town Monday
Peter ( lot leih. of North Plains,
was in the city the first of the
1 hivii 1 Heediitto. of Ik-avcrton.
was in town Monday, on legal
Was Out Shooting at Chicken
Hawks, Friday Morning
Coroner E. C. Brown Says ao Question
of it Being Accident
. 0, Cummins, of near Seghers,
, i I..,f,,... Indire
ileaillHl K'Uilv uviwiv vv..r,
?.,tnr, hiv. to the charge
of mutilating the carcass of a
leer, so that the sex couiu noi oe
i ;n..,l He was fined $50
w Inch was 'half of the cash bail
ie had dejHisited the tirst 01 me
i. Tioj law was oiLSsed so
that 'hunters could not easily
vade the statute wnere u u r
,ids the killing of does. The
iittornev 's office can
, .1,.. ,.Vinnr of kl liniT a flOO.
I cw lov "'n- ...
I . ....1... anMi.
ml the one penauy may
the demands of the law.
n ..... .. ;u i. -i heneAt. dance at
i nerc m ,
Hannau Hall. Buxton. Saturday
evening. Se.teiiUer i-i, m
.i .a .,f the t atholie peo-
pie of that vicinity. Ihe Buxton
orchestra will furnish the music
.uid all kinds ot ngju reues -
ments will be served in uie nan.
There will also be a mg uppe
crved - such a supper ua mv
Uixton ladies know how to pre-
Mil ..L .,.,...,1.3 t'lll iTi
pare, nil1 ncni""-" 7"
into a fund looking toward mak
ing some improvements on un
church property.
On Monday several townspeople,
newspaper men, court attaches,
etc , received the following card
-the last preliminary for the
celebrated John. u. Koseiair.
Oregon State Penitentiary
C. W. Jame, Supt.
Sak-w, Oregon, Sept. a, 1910.
I or County Judge
To the voters of Washington
Xiiy. The a camli
U)iini. ii,,l,l cn DiliiiarieH,
ll'M 'W thM-artynlnuiimtion
Sejit. 4i iv r u,,wi.ilu,toii County,
for CoiiMVjui"B " "
1 Warn nominato. .l electeil, I wit'.
1 i, J ,,.v "nn of ollice, conscientiously
(luring my .iie ,u,iies P-
111 e ,,mv a P grensive, business-
county ulliuru. .,iforui system
reiurun nn 1 .. . 1
flfllV-rSL: Penna-
tJtS vieforeveryceut
expended. ( w Mftrsh,
CorneliiU. tlregon.
You are hereby invited to be pre ent
. ..... 0,..i nf .Tnlin ll.
ami weness uie - t
Roselntr, on Thursilay. the Sth day cf
Septe,n.H.r, ,910, a? , tl , hour of n.30 p.
lion Chamber, of the Oregon State Pent
nary, at Salem, Oregon
Superiutendeut Oregon State Peniten
John Vanderwal, a week ago
Saturday, adjusted a fire loss for
Thos. Hinton, wnose nouse ouui
ed the same week. Mr. Vander
wal mailed the proof of loss and
adjustment on sunaay morning,
Tiun-sifav afternoon re
ceived a check for Mr. Hinton,
v,n onni of xiHi tne amount.
111 mo oui , , - .
of the policy carried by the gen
tleman. Hie policy was in vuC
London & Lancashire.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the leglsiaiure suujcti m u '"i-"
llcan primaries, bept. 24, 1910. I
r.... 1L1;..,., In tin direct or marv ami
IITHI UCI1V.V.. ... . -
believe in iu being kept on our statutes.
t am also a believer in unm i.-B......
c-i..i..,t Nn. 1. and on these prin
ciples go before the Washington County
Columbia Precinct, Cornelius Route 1.
Thos Monteith and A. M. Car
lile were l'ortland visitors, Sun
day, and incidentally attended
the ball game.
Miss Madge Imbrie visited last
week with Mrs. A. H. Flint, of
SehoHs, returning Saturday eve
ning 111 the Hint car.
A K Kholes was a l'ortland
visitor Friday, getting material
for the finishing of the three
newly built bungalows at Cor
Fireman Alexander, on the
work ti-.-iin betweun Buxton and
Timber, sient Labor Day and
Sundav in the city, the guest of
. . . . y IP .
bis mother. Mrs. U. C. Koonw.
Wm, Conley, working at the
Stephenson mill, alxjve limber,
u'a Urn t.h ast ol me weeK
and remainod over Sunday with
his family.
F.lmer H. Smith, osteo
pathic physician and consulting
snreeon Linklater Block, up
stairs. No charge for consulta
Wanted: Woman to care for
modern house, and three small
bovs. CikmI wages to reliable
rmrtv. Hoth onones.-irs.
Spencer Brown, Ilillsboro, Ore.
W. F. Hartrampf, who was
formerly connected with the
flouring mill at the Forest Grove
S P tloiMiL is buildinir a feed
mill on Main Street, uptown, and
will install tht? latest macmnery.
Iliimi:in llehse's nicking crew
finished the Tohervard, near the
Hood place, ihursaay, ana com
mmifwl nn the Rehse vard Fri
day. They expect to finish by
the end of next wees.
.Quite a number of Hillsboro
itn eh.Miiei-oned bv J. W. Cave.
went to Portland. Monday, to
witness the opening day of the
Livestock Show and the double
header at the baseball grounds.
Apple growers report one of
the best crops tor years ootn
for min i v .111(1 OUanillV. All
along the railway lines are found
trees which are propped up to
keep the limbs trom oreaKing,
so heavy are their loads.
O. W h'nnerson and wife, of
St. Johns, were out Sunday,
guests of Oscar Kelsay and wife.
I Thev en from here to their
ranch up near Goldendale. Mac
Epperson, their son. is now fir
ing a locomotive on the 0. R. &
N., out of Alhina.
Keen ville has more cordwood
mi the sidetrack than any other
station along the line of West
Side Southern Pacific in the
county. There is a great deal of
Innil elivifimr alontrthe line down
in that section, and the timber
is being converted into tuel.
n W. Mormn. of uuner Vine
lands, was in town Monday
mnminiT. an d states that he saw
a monster black bear near his
home iust after starting. He
returned and sent the boys out
after Bruin, but results naven i
been telephoned in as yet.
Zina Wood Jr. has concluded
irrigating for the season, and
1,-ia run water for 60 davs. irri
gating about 100 acres, sown to
if to oats. Mr. Wood
says that it has proven a success
and that he has now used water
nmr prion trh to Drofit by exper
ience. Hi3 pump has thrown
Rnn non iroilnns of water every
day it was working, and this
means a great deal ot water,
fine crop lias been the result.
The Argus notes that! Portland
auto men generally get through
the county to report the "awful"
..rmitinn of our roads. They
are not compelled to ship their
machines in by treigtu as xney
from other counties
in the state. These same people
go through Eastern uregon,
where the dust is worse than it
is here and you never hear any
nl ai n t. Meantime the Wash
ington County farmer gets his
product to market and it is safe
to say, with the condensers run
ning," there is more hauling per
acre here than any county in
tbo atntfv And. aside from this.
road improvement is being made
all along the line, with promise
of more next year.
High Q
Drug 8
George Washington Parker, aged
58 years, and who arrived at
Forest Grove last Spring, taking
possession of a place near the A.
B. Todd ranch, between rorest
Grove and Dilley, was found
dead in the timber on the Nay-
lor place, Saturday morning, by
his son and daughter. Parker
had left the house Friday morn
ing with a double barrreled
shotgun, and wa3 shooting at
chicken hawks, which had been
molesting his chickens. A shot
was heard shortly after nine
o'clock Friday morning and when
ha fat-hpi" riirt nor come to tne
house the wife and children made
a search, ihe body was not
found, however, until early Sat
urday morning, when it was lo
cated about 225 yards from the
house. Everything pointed to
accident and Coroner E. C
Brown, who went to the scene
nf loath oavu thnt Parker most
W i. .1 " v... . . ...
have stumbled, the gun had a
safety and this was not set.
One cartridge was discharged,
and the shot had entered his
temple, blowing a hole to the
dome of the skull. His cap was
found on a small limb close to
where his body was found.
Parker bought 20 acres and
went on the place May 6. He
had made many improvements
and was well thought of in the
His wife and a son, aged 19,
and a daughter, aged 16, survive.
Coroner Brown lmpanenea a
found that death was
accidental. The coroner's jury:
Alex Todd. Ueo. bloan, mw,
Nav or. J. M. Hiatt, Ed Kivett,
0. H. Wilson.
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolutC'purity and High
Ouality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride iu the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies . ''THE BEST EVER"
liaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedi'
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, 0
President Vice-President Cashier
Forest Grove
Capital StocK $25. OC':
Surplus and Undivided Profits 20.00C
Exchange to all parts of the World
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Ti
tip last, half of the 1909 taxes.
the first half was paid
prior to the first Monday in
April, 1910, is due ana payaoie
on or before the first Monday in
October, 1910, and unless paid
by October 3, 1910, will become
delinquent, and penalty and in
terest will be etiargea uniu saiu
tax is paid.
ueo. u. naiii;t:i,
Sheriff and Ex-officio Tax Col
lector for Washington County.
Dated at Hillsboro. tnis isi
day of September, 1910.
Of the condition of the Washington Co.
Bauk, at Banks, Oregon, in the State
of Oregon, at the close of business Sep
tember 1st, 1910,
rnnil discount.- f)3.6n II
Overdrafts, secured and un
secured J"'
Bonds, securities, etc 19 37
Banking house, furniture ana
Clur 3,056 71
Due from approved reserve
banks - o.wj-
Cah on hand o.9" aS
Rxnemes 594 4
(lilipr Items - a0 75
Thos. G. Todd John . Bailor J. W. F
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg
Total 49.3!l 05
.m.W aM in ... ....( 10.000 OO
t...l:..l.l..o1 ltvsita Rilhieot to
-l.k a.oujw
Hrmand certificates of deposit 983 02
T.uie certilicates 01 qeposn,. 10, j
Total 49.3i5
State of Oregou, )
County of Washington )
t w n r.alnwHv. Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to tne Desi 01 my
knowledge and beliet.
o..i..;ki atul nwnrti to before cue
this 3rd day of September, 1910.
Notary Public.
N. I. Burnett
L. F. Carstens
t 1 tn uola a nnmhprnf vear
ling and Spring Cotswold bucks,
01 tne Dest registeieu ouauio
Pnii onrl o-pt vour nick. Jos
Cawrse, North Plains, Cornelius,
Ore., Route 1.
Julius Asbahr, of South Tuala
tin, was in town Monday.
A. M. Carlile and Geo. Schu
merich and wife were among
il rln otfanilarl tho cramp
between Portland and Los Ange
les, Sunday.
IO Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
WE are showing tlie full Hue, fresh
from the factory, with many improve
ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date
and stylish.
Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut iu two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
Forest Grove, Oregon
Autumn Wedding
Engagement Rings, daintily
fashioned and set with diamonds
or gems of your choice.
Wedding Silverware and Cut
Glass, beautiful new creations in
these wares that will make the
bride rejoice.
Remember that this store for
Autumn Wedding Gifts.
No trouble to show you goods.
Watchmaker and jeweler Graduate Optoi . 1
l f