The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 01, 1910, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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5 i
; j
1 500 Acres Added to
Beavertoi.-Reedville Acreage
T.ic last tmct in Ibis locality now cut into acreage lots ami ctTcJfd
f i ;.!e. Rapid developetnrnt of entire community now assured.
S.-lcet a choice location in this large new addition.
We have sld mnt thau 1 w acres adjoining this new p'atting,
h'ch is rapidly developing in fiuit ami lutensiv lamiing.
Only to miles out; goJ stream and electric car service; all com
munity conveniences established.
Timbered land, with tunning water, J 115 to $XXJ per acre.
A'.l cleared land, ready for crop, f ioo per acre and op.
Some tracts with home buildings and Home with orchards.
Ja.nall cash payment and balance to suit.
Call at out office, 24,5 "i Stark street, arrange to go w ith us,
t ut expetse to you, aud verify the above.
Shaw-Fear Company
245 1-2 Starh St. Portland. Oregon
Forest Grove Monumental WorKa can
Save Money for You.
ar a' k x x x x z x i
Designs and stock, none better. Quality and work
inanship unexcelled. Prices lowest on coast. All
work guaranteed' Orders and all communications
promptly attended to. Will call and show designs
and samples at any distance.
Main street, N. of P. O. Block.
Box 343 Forest Grove, Oregon.
cGumsey Sawmill
Dimension Lumber and Timbers
Rough and Dressed Lum
ber of all Kinds.
Mill ) miles from B. P.
Cornelius' Place.
Will Deliver.
Cornelius, Ore., Route I
If You are Going to Clean Out That
Old Fence Row Call and Ash
For Prices on
American Royal
and Pittsburg' Electric Fencing'
I am still selling Dough
erty Fithian Shoe Co.
My Groceries are up-to-date, clean and
fresh. Have recently added the Schilling
Line of Extracts and Spices. "The Money
Back Goods.
I Will Give, a coupon with every purchase which
wliea presented at my store will be exchanged on a
$3.00 Framed Picture.
1 w m -t- ill
y General Merchandise, tveedville, Uregon.
! William Ri&hup. of I?ishup
Bros, sawmill, was in town over
Elmer SootC of Mow Witch
Hazel, was in tho city th? Ill's t
of tho week.
! Z. N. Seelye. formorly of Hills
boro and thinks, and now of Ti
'parvi. was a county seat caller
1 John and Aujrtist IVg-o, of
', Fannin jrton, were in town Mon
i day. John was up trotting ready
1 for hop picking.
j David Corwin has been out to
i the Jacob Milne now residence
;on North Plains, this week, imt-
tin in the plumbing.
K. C. Mulloy, of laurel, and
who w as one of the first to break
into the hop cultuiv in his dis
trict, was in the city Monday.
Will pay $13 per ton for pood
A 1 prunes at the drier. Money
ready on delivery.-S. L llollen
beck, Mountaindale, Or. -4-6
Printers' ink is beintf used to
advance the new town close to
Gleneoe, and its promoters hope
to have quite a city there inside
of a few months.
J. R Downing, of below lieav
erton. and Waldemar Seton. of
the Portland bar, were in town
Monday, on probate business in
the John Olson estate.
Sam Johnson, born and raised
in the Gleneoe section, and who
lives up in the Shady Brook sec
tion. close to the deer trails and
trout haunte. was in Saturday.
Frank 11. Dailey, who went
from here to Albany, where he
enjrajred in the bicycle and repair
business, was a truest of his
brother. A. E.. at Laurel, the
first of the week.
The United is working nirht
and day on their 4, (XX) feet tun
nel on the Cornelius eap pass.
Modem machinery has been in
stalled and the mountain is beinjr
bored at a rapid rate.
Thos, Connell. of Gleneoe, was
in Monday, and says that the
Sunday rain dwindled to a
sprinkle in his section, and that
threshing out of the shock re
sumed Monday morning.
Frank Petrzilka, of Buxton
was down to the county seat
Sunday, meeting friends. Frank
says that the Buxton Catholics
will soon build a new church to
replace that destroyed by fire a
few weeks ago.
Dorothy Dent, of Portland, has
sued Frank Dent in the hx-al
court, asking the circuit judge
to DUt a dent in the marriatre r.
lations between the two con
tracting Darties. She alleires
Chas. Holcomb, of Bethany.
and his nephew, Cleve Holcomb,
of Springfield, Ore., left Hillsbo-
ro, Monday, for a three weeks'
outing over on Salmon River,
Lincoln county. They made the
trip overland, and will go clear
through to the coast, hunting
and hshing enroute.
Paul Bailev. son of Countv
Clerk Bailey and wife, and who
recently surtereu a second opera
tion for appendicitis, is so far
recovered that he departed from
the hospital in Portland and re
turned home, the last of the
week. He was on the street
Monday, and looks rather pinched
from his experience.
The United Railways will build
its line above the Iillamook road,
between Roy and Banks, and the
sills of the trestle will be 24 feet
above that of the P. U. & N. A
large force of men and dump
cars, besides the steam shovel,
is now working at ' that point,
and Bishup Brothers are furnish
ing the lumber for the false
Charles Gittere, a cigar maker,
now residing at Carstens, above
Banks, was in town Monday,
looking over the field for the es
tablishment of a cigar shop. He
intends buying a residence here
and then opening a shop if he
can get any local encouragement.
He was given the glad hand by
a number of business men who
wished him every success.
John W. Cornelius, of south of
Cornelius, was in the city Mon
day afternoon, and feels good
over a bountiful crop this year.
He says that he has 274 bearing
prune trees, and that he is fear
ful that he will not find a drier
to cure the product. There are
but few small driers in his local
ity, and the Forbes' drier, near
Dilley, will have about all it can
do to care for its 40 acres of trees.
State Game Warden R. 0.
Stevenson, of Forest Grove, was
down Monday on official business.
He states that game violations
are keeping him rather busy.
Last week Harvey Baldwin, of
Forest Grove, went before Judge
Wirtz and paid $50 for mutilat
ing the carcass of a deer so that
its sex could 'not be determined,
and the other day J. E. Bateman,
of Thatcher, beat the game officer
to it and went before Justice
Geiger, of Cornelius, and pleaded
guilty of shooting quails out of
season. He was fined $25 and
half was remitted. Mr. Steven
son states that he will try to get
the state the sum of $50 for the
offense the minimum fine. 1
, i i fl
Second St.
m y
Hillsboro, Ore.
Both Phones
August Greetings.
Pvicc aud Ikmhs and cupboard catches
Overalls and shirts galore,
With many clerks to wait upon you,
Ever ready to sell you more.
Little care we what your wants are
Let us till them anyway.
Bring your whole and happy family
Ready for you any day.
Only first-cls.s goods are carried;
Say, come look our prices o'er
&t we're sure you'll keep on coming,
Coming, coming to our store.
"Only this and nothing mote."
Two Innocents
tit txKonu"A hau:
Yours for a Deal always
SGH0LL3, OREGON, Phone 51x16
Km TliuniM, fiainLlir. j
WlllUm Thomas. IWmnlaiit. )
To William ThuniM Itafoiiiinrit :
In the nam of Hie Male of Onunii jruii
are hnrebv rttjotrixJ lit r nni aimwwr
tli. Complaint lileJ aitannt you In Mm
above entitled Court anl caui no or bn
lore ttifl expiration of mi wc.-ks fnnu ami
aftr the ilat of the llrnt putmratlon of
thia Huinriioin, t-wlt: on or aIhiuI Krl
day, the 7th ilny of 1 'ctolmr, l'i;ii; ami if
jou fail to aiiHwor tin pliiintill for
thereof, will lake Juiljfmeiit a-fultci you
for a tirer clusolv lii(j the Imhilx of mat
rimony i'Xlntliij between you ami the
plailitllf, anil lor MUi'h other ami further
relief as to the Court may .! 11 u t ami
Jut ami euitnhln ami an pr-iywl for in
.ti'l Complaint.
This Hiimmoiia la puliliht l hy Onlnr
of the Honoralilo J. Wealnv Oooillii,
J iiilK of tliu County Court ol I n' hittte of
OrvKim for the County ol WuhIiIiikIoii,
ami Maul Order waa made aiol ilulxit on
trie Kinil ilay of Auituat, l!io. hi thn ai
mim ofthe ('irruil JikIkh from Waih
itiirton Conn y, ami the ilnii ofthi'lirt
polilicatioti of thia Huiiimoiia i Thurnlay
the i'lth ilay of Atixuil, I'U'J, ari'l the da'o
of the laxt pulilication of thii Muiiiiiio'ih
la ThurwUly the i;th day of Oct iher, nil).
Clyde Kli'hardMon, atty. for I'luiiililt'.'.lH
Chamher of Comiiinri! KldK , I'ortluml,
wasminuton county
Oeorife Tonkin, I'laintill", )
vo. V
Klla Craft Tonkin. Diifeiiilnnt. I
'l'o Klla Craft Tonkin, 1'i'fcndiint;
In the name of thn Hlate of Of-i gmi you
are hereliy required to aptwar ami aiuwnr
tho Complaint liln l aKaimtt you in the
above entitled Court ami ';aun on or he
fore the expiration of Bin from and
after the duUi of the llrnt poliln ati m of
thia Nuiiiiiioiim, to- wit; on or about Kri
day tha 7th day of October, I'lld; anil If
you fail to anawer the plalnlill for waul
thereof, will take judgment aninst you
for a liecreo (linHolvinx the lenida of miit
riinony exiNlloK between you uml the
plaintill, ami Co,' audi othor icid further
relief an to the Court may hmhii meet uml
euilal)lo and ai prayod for in aald (om
Thin auinrnona la pn ll IhIkhI by ordor
or me rionoraDiH.'. wnaiey Jm h
of the County Court of tfie Nluto of Ore
iron for the Coil .ty of WitMliiuuion. uml
MHir order whh ma le and dut.-d on the
l!)th day of Auuat. VMU. In the a!iemui
of the Circuit Jinie from W n.hiii(flo'i
!ounty, ami the date of the lirnt, puhhea.
tion of thia RuiiinioiiM la the 25th day of
AtiKiiMt, IHIO. and the date of the' last
publication of thia eiiiuinoiiM In Tliuradav
the flth day of October, 11)1(1.
Clyde Kichaiclmin,
Attorney for I'laintill', 60S Chiimlior of
(Joriimerce Ifldi., Cortland, Oregon.
I)jrothy Fram:i Uent, I'laintill
Krank lent, Iti-fnn.lant.
I't rranli Dent, lH lrmlatit
tn the name of the Hiato of iUrt'tn jruu
are hereby rnuiml to apftrar ami ana
wer the Coioplailit lilo.1 ai(aiiil you In
tho ahotrn entiiiiwl Court and hum mi tir
before thn enpiriitluu of an aprkt from
and afb'r Hie ilat of the Ilfot iMlji tt..ii
of this Minimum, to It: mi nr aix,i,t
Krl lay the 1 lilt day of th tolr, l'iU; and
II you Tall to anaanr thr pUliitill f r ul
theri-of, will takii Juduumol ,'aihi y,,u
for a diHMiw iln,.ili inn thn Uiuiii of mut
rummy eiiatniK li.n-o yoii ind tiir
plaintill, and fur mn li oth-r ami further
ridiiif aa to the Court may iinwt itn.l
t.piilalileaa pniywl for In I I oiiiilaint
I'lila ailiumoiiH iiiibliibixl liyiirili.r ol
the llomiralile J Wealcy (,u.hii Ju.lur
of the County Court of Ui Miiln o i r
K'Ui for Waihiiii'imi I ounly, aiM Rni,
order "an mndn anil daUnl mi in ,ih
ilay of AiiKUit, IHIU, r. (he aUeiir n
the Circuit JuduH from Wmlilnt.,0
County, and the (late of thn flrnt piitiiti-a-lion
of thla .Siiiiimoiia li I lunula y in.
lat day of Neptrn.lair. I'll'l, ami lh it,
of the Unl publli ation o tbia iiiiiinoua It
Thursdiiy the l.iih day or October, IDIu.
I I. vibi Itlcha'dum, Attorney fr Cuin
till, ;M Chamber of Comimtrc n III, Ik
rortlnml, Oregon.
Notict of Final Sc-ttlcinmt
Nolice N herrhy Kiv'nn that wn, tlm uti
dernlgned Admliiiatratora of lli K,taL. ol
John Uiialiilaon, iliM-eaaeil. have e. in
the County Court of tho Slai ,,( (lr. ,
for WaahuiKUiti County, our dual i: uu tit
as audi adminliiratora ami that enid
Court haa act Monday, October ,1, 1'llo i
tlie hour of 10 o'clock A . M. ul hmd ,uv
an the time and the County Cum !:,
hi illllaboro, Oregon, aa the iilacn f,,r
hearing ..bjec.tlonH t a.tld w ,in,t arid
tho linal aoitleiuont of said ealalii.
W. N. tiarreit, Attorney for Haul Kilialo
.lolin I , Oiinbilaoii, AdmliiiHlmtura ol
the hxlate of John (, l)i,1(m!..
Best Fire Insurance
Agent London & Lanca
shire Fire Insurance Co.
Pacific State Phone V4 IINXSIIORO
Cixecutrlx Notke
Notl.te la herehy Kvn that II,,, un.ler
K,i, haa been by ll, County t!,,rt of
the Htaw ol Oregon for the County f
WaxhlnKto.i duly ii,pol.iled eie,.trI
tlm lait will and leHlainent of Join, 0.,
ileceaaed, and Hint she Imi duly oiiull lit-,
iu Much. ' '
Now. therefore, all p(,rH,m mvlll
r aliiiB aKalnat he OMtate r tnB Ha, join.
OIhoii d,aHed are herooy tinLIDer.l u,,,
rciueMed to present them to meat lv
reaiileiicBut HeaverUni, Oieimn ltmii- 'i
( I'-x II) within Hi mon.hH U;m,l,,i;
hereof, a, d w.l h proper voucher, attached
thereto- Dated at Heaverton, Drcifon
thin ricpLuuiber 1, IHIO. K '
,, . , , , , HlnaOhmi,
of nhn",.1; "f ,Wl"
ol .ohn OIhoii, ileccaimd .
Waldemar Hnton, i;n Worc-m...
The firm of Mays and Conovcr
having disolvd parlncrBhij), it
is hereby requested that ull ac
counts due said firm be paid to
E. C. Mays, and all outstanding:
bills will be paid by him.
F. F. Conovcr.
Nolli.o T.i U.'l...... I.
ice h hereby KlV(, that the niiil, ralirrVo I
ban been nimoiiu,,,! a.i..,i..i-.. .... '"'f'.'V"
KHlate or Ifertmrd Wcellioll, S i,
Order of tho County (Jonrt of i,T2? .' V,
ore,,.,, f,,r WaH1,.trtm.V,'y,;?on'
the h day of A uiiHt, A. if, L,
Now, Ihmelore, All peraona liavltfa
JalmaaKaiUHt aald KHtato are I, ,,, by
;ll urn) re,re, to preeent th wit
Thrii,,Tv;'',,,,'BIHI l" "IH Hl ' nS.
IIioh. I Ioiikuo, Jr Atlorwv at 1 uw
1.1 the lialloy-Hhule liloc.k in IllllVboro'
OreKo, within hIx montha Ir, , ,n
lU of tlm Unit publication of t , '
to-wjt. within aix nmuth. tlti
Anna WoHthnlt Ailuilniatralrl, f tlm
hHlateof lt,,rar.i Wealhoir, l,.,,lH(,d t""
"IX" rmM Vn. Hnlliaw.y. "I 'tl
Jlownul t rH.k ami I tll wmiM uk
a IJixhI IIihIi b "
If )iu wlh tlu in d male il.m't Id
(hem know It Noililnu kl yotuitf
people nparl like lr)llt to brlliK Ibi-m
together "
"I've m li.'pe of llielr KeltliiiJ to
lid her They're ltl o bnahful they
don't ttnri' bM'k at i' It olhcr "
"l et Vui alone, Biol If Ihcy Iib
nalurul auractloii f"r -acli oilu r Ihcy
will make It up hi lime. Hetti-r allll.
tell thcin Ihnt not mi any account
ahnil they f.ill In l"ve. that I hern U
Hvlal rvnaotl why hcy tiiul Hot
ninrry "
'NiUiacnai1! Thcy'rw tiai banbfill t.i
frl toKrlher anyway I ilon'l rara lo
put BlittilU! '! l-twricti 'etu to keep
'em apart "
lint Mm Hathaway nollceil that the
younit iwoplo tfeilc! a.'Uie apbn to
liiove thclu toward each ollur, nod he
cou.-ludi t to try her tiuhand a plan
Hhe called tier ilalluhtrr to her one il iy
Hint told h. r that "lie n led o lake
any nlcrct In Howard. lm mi no
aicouiit could lie tunrry lilm 8He
Would lime aald the atiloe to Howard
but It l md a i-ry plcaiaut thine
(ell a )oiiii! man ttmt he limit tint
think of iuarr)th one' diiUKhtcr. i
n billy when thai younit man haa
thow n no predilection fur her Wto-ti
lm Haltiaway had eUcu lftl lit
tit of Information "Ue told Iter tula
baud what he Imd ib-tie AI the time
he w n ha t it e
l'a," !" "nld. "I't warned :rfle "
"About wbair'
"Not to full lii loe Kh UowarJ"
"Hot did "he Inke tt Y
"She acted kind of funny "
'"What do you mean by thatT"
"She coiiubt her brent h "
"That would Indicate that be baa
already at itetnii r)i- Uo Mm"
"You tueati Unit thn t"'f t'dbl l
joiiiig and Iniea'riit tlmt the 4rry men
lion of her faliliu, In b'e pul her tit
a flutter V-u tniiat rnurinlwr that
i;ftle'a only aHleeii, and Howarsl la but
nineteen two ihlhlreii We ouijlit to
lai abame i.f urrlvr to talk about
marry Ititf to either of them"
"You tiu-an )oil otielil to tw a!miiiet
of youraelf t"e (tat nolhllitf to
with It "
"You know )ut aa well a I that
when Howard cuim-a of bi he'll hat.
"Weil, tny dear, I ho(H you'll gel dim
for tier I'm ttolii, il.iwnbiwu "
A few day laler com eraatlun n th
nine aubjn't was rr-i.prmd ly Mr
lUlhawat Mr Hathaway i read
UlB hl rt ruing paper
"I'b," abe aaht, "tbiwH, two t btldrrn
flinkK Use tired "
"Wbat'a t!.e matter nowf
"Oh, yeterdiiy 1 t'ibl thetu they
(tilKht take ll ih and the U wagott
mid b for a drive toci-ther KfB al4
he dldu'l like (truing, and llowrarl
aald ho had a beball tnab h on hum!
You needn't tell iii that two younit
tbttiK like them would decline 'an of
fcr to I tocether tr a whole after
niHin tf they weren't Indifferent to iacb
other "
"i thouuhl you aa id It wa bnabftll-
"Well. I don't know but it la When
I told them they inljcbt ro i:i!l.. turned
red and Howard l,kc, kind of iUe-r
1 mean they looked na If they wanted
to, but (lulu I dure "
"Well, my ib ar, If you can t manaifn
Uicm 1 can't "
And Mr. Itatliawny went upatalr. to
Their bnnlifilliicaa or whatever It
waa a.-i'ined to Increase i,t,.fl,i f
(HiiiIiiIhIi. The "children" didn't awni
lo net toKeiber nt nil If Mm Hulli
nwny went Into , r,1(,m w.r (.y
were ahe wmuld Uml Howard readliiK
a bonk at one end of the room, while
I'.llle would b, (Ulllutf out piiftirea at
I he other end Then mIio would Wonder
If the child would ever ".-row to be a
woiurui. f Howard unt ever at the
Iioiimi! to n meal he nnd I'lll,. would alt
ilium on either aide of the table, uerer
ri'iilurlnu n remark except to one of
the older people tin omi mcnidon
llowtird anld aomelblnij nnd Cllle cor
reeled lit lit. Iloimrd n erred that 1m
rlj;ltt iibout It. icilie offercii in
liel him. Him wiih tlilukliiK wlmt lo bet
him when her fnihcr, wlnkliiK nt licr
"jollier, Hold.
"Met hi iii n klHH, KIT."
Ellle colored In thn roola of her Imlr
mill llowurd looked na If bo were
IfolnR to bolt.
"There," anld Mra, Iliitlinwny lo tier
hiiHlmml, "you've Hpollcl ever) Ihlnit.
TIiohi. two cliililren will never b etiay
'ii pitch olher'a coiiipiiny imnlti,"
Tlm next Hum Mr. Uiiihnwny bu,1
nyihliii to any t ,r biiabund on
HiIh Biibject It wiih but three ikya
Inter- her t olio wiih cliuiiKi'd.
"I'll," aim anld, "I iimat Imvo Home
"How inm h (lo you want, my dear."
"I think about will do, tltuiiKlt
reiilly I ntiKht in v(. inoru."
"H'luit la It In (j,, f,,r'r"
"Why, you ace, Millo Intan't bud tiny,
thliuf new for it i,,,,,, while uiul al'm
h"H,t reHpcclnbbf rimluiim t her
"It iMti't for n iriuiMMciiii, u It?"
"Yea, It la."
"You don't menu thorn) two chlldri'ti
nre I'tiKiiKcd?"
"No, I don't."
"Well, what do yon mean?"
"I iiu'iui Hiey'vo been imirrlcd ever
"Ineo I first Hpoko to you about iliem"
"Ch.rmi" In Cornwall.
Comwull. i.;nKllm,( u
hrough holea In ti,o curtii. rock, or
ireen, onco nn eHlnbllHhed rllo, H n(II
practiced In viirlotm pnrlH of Com
wnll. wrot TlmmtiB y. Vm,b ubout
fl iy yera nKu. "Wl.h UH IjoIIh ure
ciriHl by croeptg on thu hunda ,,
kneen hen,.,,,), it bratnblu which Ijiih
Kmwu into tlm null ,,t both mht Clill
flreu nllllrted will, hernia. Br hIIII
jiiiHHed through (t Hilt In tin nnh tumii,,
J- ore HurlM,. faHiinK. nfter which tho
""U'ortloiw ura hound i, Bud Ma thejr
la Indeed re f
Vem.MMi.i. reptile, Br hi 1 "
lo r.,.t ..,.,l..r Ii , . '"
. . " .: "d a a;
" iiom ail aat, ,u, u
ilea in lit an a,!,!..
.. .... . ., . . '" i.v . i
... , irtH, liu t.i. in,, 5
retain inarki uf nr.. .. U
. ,,,i(ti i
' lll ,'.
ley", cuioet vaa kn..,, ,,,
of that I all, not ,,i,k-
Mallay'a Com.i.
A l'rt uch acleiitlot , tal ..
" noil,,.,-
ramo Into nuteie e , , n. . ' "f
nllat I'liolea frIM , i ,;,, ','". " '
wlae mm of I'ale.t). (;.,.I ,H "
J-lma. made a ..,.,.,
The nrat had brought i t, tillt , ,
lo eat. The a-ond one i.,, !
broiiaht flour When i,,,,, "i.JJ'1
n nil Ma bread bo ak,-,i i,,... , ',' '
aayinu lo lilm, 'ow ,l: , ,,. .
i "ir'.r
1" WI,M
a -r,
'' etj a,.,
'Il U.0M
we aliolild bo an lima
that thou dl.lnt bring ! ...
J"ahu dhl auawcr n
biljjbt atar whk li a .,c
ruty yram and td. h il
hera. h,n. tl,.u;ht ,., ,.(.rriai(
it mife-nt aurpriiw ua diuh, ur .,
leii) ua aatray and tU i ,,,, j.,lt(
otage on the .. . .. P hl'
. l'roldel tnjaelf ..', 8ur.
-""!! th.
' f the a,
!"d Ibi!
"f llri
"' 4-lill' .'41
1 -f na-i;
a'"' '"( ,.'
" r W.,
y t.
Tha ralklaxil t, ,),
Tli I'nlkltmd lalumU ,,.
ieaat kiiowu ami uo-nt .
riflier of thu wl.Uij
Inh etujilre, J bey f.,rm
tali aiiburb of Hie uili
mile In. I, l the I ,
a. H ru A f..,
the Falkland lalaudi it
llaill Unblown, usd i
Would bate c..,u i ,
Iheiii If he could Into f, 3 (,,,
et'-'Uiih to liana biun. il . ,,,)
A Wim,a Who t ouo, . ,, ., r,
t Jr fr U j Ami,,j.u.
"What h.ia I-. . i. . ;i , l v.
dull who (altral ..u ., . . ,, (,u..
one w able a rf
llher allilled t t Va
b.-y are l!.e . !'.-.!,,
and !. w aa lout. I ! . t: ,i
t .e I If i .Hll se !m
but 1 liel or ttU.i vi !
toui Ii .if a 1 1, tlm , f h
I li e t an v In lo. 5 1 i
ew, lol be ibt ,..t 1!.
of lo-r t.lldlru Ml.- I.,
plltilf lo itioe- n ft. i
i r ) ti ll..; In ob..n, '.
anay loone, ni.d
hnldt of . ndii b r . ;
Iny b.oi-r f..r me lo t ii.
er hc W Nb. d t. i; 1
i bbtl l Mna (iliie t ), for lor o 11 ,;.
I lie i l.liiltvh. na , si ,
did -
"I m,pp.i thai (Hi.
ni'l t '?'
"(III. Iio; It coolilnl
aiiHblnt,' aliut It 'H.
i I I'd, . ii nine in . r 1 ;
ll'.ll Imclllllg llll'lll li'Ci. 1 ff'lll IW
lU'.ie, nnd they didn't I i. I l! . iVM
Ij rlili-l(aiillK i l'.-j ; aa
It Juat liw l!ir m "n '! t'-i !
It out tt It!, their ' r I .! . ;t-t !.&,
b'll r.(l(. Ibea .,!!.! i, ..!
(:' ( if .on b,. . . .1 fl.'.tf
lo ln t hlld d.ili.'. n: f H ', ! ' -I
a (cry mp!o ai.!utln" N. w :l
I'f. .
J - f !
i ' u.i I.f
t; ( hd
if. "f
I !'
p tu
tut "f
ItJi.e, m
rt rr okl
l.Ul t
,'. nf'ff
Th On'y Tim That Ol.l John J
Ea 1. 1 (Ual ty
"lIH of the lo... t llli;.-til red
bile rule of the ,alr fjmth ia 'IW'f
aril," ami only one .i..- I t.-ordol W
the entire life of old ,1 ! o J " A
tr." aultl Nlb-a I. V alkio , a I'll ('
tule br..ker of New "ik "In
.r tore down bin li.ol In lit''
way, clenr.'d the whole bi. k ttM
cy to I'.iir. l.i) at reel .not built !'
hu'.. (Jiilu. y Kr.tnile b. t.i k. ti
the Alor Hon at, will. Ii ! eoe ef
the flrnt liolilhle biliilio l k l ill S'
Y-rk iuhI nUo one of the l ! 'a:'-'
pl,T,.a of pr..-rty,
"A few da a after It i- tlliltlieilllw
old Kitilletlinu ami bl 'l
Hum, w.-re Hnlkltitt lbi'. u,:li CM' I'3'1
park, where the ...lolli. c ii-w ntati'l',
mi I al..iH-d it liioim nl lo udmlri llt
hulldliii. the ltuet bold in A iiierl'H
II, at time. ,
"'i. iliiifa u iiJlk'ld) nn. bulMlnJ.'
enid Wllllum. 'I wIhIi to Knicleuit I'
waa mine,'
"'Ho, nnaweri'd the f.illor. 'Well.
Hilly, kIvk Hie f I liud )'" ' "
"Out fitilitt the dollar -n hit. lh''r
dollar thai la cli(rlbed by the f''' W
to thla day nnd wlihln m' l,mr 1 ,
deed of the property whn "''' "ul
recorded. Thla wan old Mr. Ai"Hr'
only aiilo of real cilale la l)l I"1''
WiiHhlni'tdti Ilcrabl.
A Bolomon-hK. D.tlilofl.
A Itl.ode iHland JinHce
Upon Id delcnilllio Hie oh licfHllll"1'
brood of lui'licya, The il.-ck. '" '
Iiik of (If n youtiK i . 'iid i"ul'
(red hy two licna, a whH ""
tiron,1, nnd had I n nmiilnK '"r
(liilio it tlnmovcr lw IJolahiK f"rm.
The owner of I ho while hen .I''if''1'
Ihnl tin. ttirkcyn were hi", while w
iiuiii who owned Hie bronze hen n'T
cd Jimt iin poHlilvcly Unit they l'"mB
cil lohlin. Thi'JiiMllei' wnHpiir'-li'd'
hod ii w lllicHH.'iiliii forward w,,oH!. ,
I ha I ho had nccii ii il"K l',ll")'l' .,
,. . ... . ... ..... .I.,..'., HIHlI'lW ,1 "'
iioi K ; i nut ai i in' o.'i, n t .
Votmir IiIiiIm Hew- UP hit" 11
Hie l,l'oii'.( lifll look lo Hie
bill thu wlillo hen tiii'iii'l ",,a fc
htitlU lo the (lo. The JliHllec ' "
upon (h-cldcd Ihnt Hie (iwiier '
wlillo hen wiih iiIho the rlnhlr" "
er of llm brood of )''"' '
New York I'i'chh.
Hit Niflht Work,
('.vnlcnl Krlend-lf I ho u
Iiohh of lh eHliibllHluiiciit umi
inolhoi Ih (he Hii)ci'li'l',",l,''l,,Yl'll,j(
Whit t liimllloll llo yon CH i itP-V
l.'aih.'f (wearily) -'h, I'm ""
walker.-Itiillliiiort' Auici'lci"1-
Jewalry Galore. K
Mm. Hnyle-Coveretl wlllj J ,
iHii't Hhc? Mi'M. Itoyhf-Ai'H; "
lo tell at Ili'Ht Khiii'M wlii'll''r
lonirn to tho r lllliml
Want of ciii'i. dooM ' ihii'11111""1
wuut of kuowleUjiu.-l'i'uulillu.