The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 01, 1910, Image 1

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ii I
NO. 2
lrrywhcrr Uenri I 'die
id J SHitly 1'nJcr
1 Like MlnlalHrt C!l (iruunJ I uul
Well I'upuUlcd
Tin- l-:rv-il for Wll-HhittK'ti'li
(.vtlll(y o itul i 'ttriH-Ht
t. lir-t f tt'' lna"'
yards brinning Monday and
0tt.r Mart ing fHUTi!iiy iin.l
tuby. I liy ar''H "l WiUn
ia.l. an.! tin Hiivrl. y yur.U. at
Uiu!i--. tiiv uihI.t way, and
thecHtn i-'1""1""'1 H,lu l'lm''!,
I...L I,'..- itimiutun' fili-.H. with
their Mil ami cabins w -ll lill-d.
IjIi.hI I.Y I'U k.TH. Itlowt of tin
h.n.-t.n living from tin- Uul
ni.l.-itK pirking afford
miiii- u !. i ini' for families, ax
rhil.lrrii ran tiirk imlly " wrll
ti thi'ir Mt. Hundr.-dH ulno
yomit.a.h year an a tnattiT of
I that I he work is
,nlm tiu'tif Imth health and up
la-lite it a matter of hinlory.
Thin is a nea.Hoii of "outsid.'
jiii-kin" largely, ami the quality
,,f i),,. ti,ii u line, altlioiik'h the
yM is said iii many plan- In U- -;nlly tame from Mis
Mmvl.alumlrr thenveraK'e. lh'V nwl Ihv
ATording to tlie Ktat.'IMflit of
the Stat"- lirv Insiiraiiei' mm-1
mi::tioniT Tin" ;.-nnan lin- In
Miiranee 'oiimany. of I It v.
I'Veii l!rpr, ir hii.Tit, ami Kr
win Kilt.-r. mrrrtarv. had in
force lire iiiHiiraiici' to the i-xt.-iil
of $;il,.Ki on ).'c..m..-r:!l. V.W.
I he eom.:iny h;m inrn .wi-d this
ainouiit hinci- the liml of the
n . . .i i
year. Jiie hiaiiMin-tu uiho hIhiws
that the company has ntxmt
fit,'"" on ham!, ami m they !"vy
Illl U-HMi'HKHielil ciicli lime Uiere IH
a lire Iohh thin awt will not like
ly Hiilfer any reduction.
ii ' i .i -ii
l-oliep .laiii, inf gllif.'SS, exlitluteii iiii tin llillHiKirii
track a few years at the
matinee, is to he one ol the Ktar
attractions at Portland wh-n the
.isentiK'k Show and races are
tallied o!f. The clever little filly
w as in tin- hearts of all out here,
and has made many meet oints
since ea Ititf Iltllsltofo. College
Maid i-'ik s in alxnit 2:i7 w ithout
an v iinver. ami sue works like a
veteran, never breaking.
I'or Sale Team; 7 years old,
gray weighs I'iOo. lay, uoo; set
$71 harness; Studelmker wagon,
!1 I! I: all fur $ 7.. Also hlack
Iming liorse. pacer, l.'MI lbs.,
H'M, Horses all round am:
trustworthy. W m. Herbert,
Cornelius, Koute 2. Z u
Wolf P.rothers have one of the
finest mule team in thi section,
If You Wish to Vote in Primaries
You Must (Jet Itusy
lluoU Will
Clou Tea Diy Prior lo the
The registration hooks for the
primaries, which will be held
September 21, will close at the
clerk's otiice and in the field, on
the eveninir of SeitemU;r 14.
There are now alxiut 2,000 reis'is-
tered, und this in probalily a
pxkI hall ol the voting iMiiHila-
tion. If a voter wishes to vole
at the primaries he must k'et
busy or fie w ill Ik- shut out. No
one knows just w hat necessity
there may be for a primary vote,
ami all who consider the nomina
ting franchise worth anything
should commence to think aliout
netting their names on the books.
It is estimated that there are
from 3.KO0 to -1,000 votes in
Washington county, and although
the registration in larger, pro-
John Hrwk, of South Tuala
tin, was in town Saturday.
Anton Vandehey, of near Hoy,
wan an Artfus caller, Friday.
V. M. While, of Gales Creek,
wa;s a county Beat visitor Satur
day. We carry a choice stock of
fiuitsand nuts: - Koeber's Con
fectionery. F. G. Brown, of near Glencoe,
was in the county Heat Saturday
Alfred Guerlier, of Helvetia,
was in the county seat Saturday
morn in is'.
J. Q. Johnson, road supervisor
of near Farmintfton, was in town
Herman Collier, who is busy
with his onion harvest, was up
from Scholls, Saturday.
C. I'. I?errv, of near Glencoe,
f ire Caught on Top of Building
Early Sunday Morning
A Few Minutes More and Property Would
Have Beei Lost
Just before seven o'clock Sunday
morninff the water and light
building caught fire on the West
cornice at the extreme top, and
but for a timely discovery the
tower might have been a total
loss. William Wolf notified Supt
Gilmore of the blaze in time to
was in town Saturday, and called prevent a nasty conflagration,
at the Argus office. A cinder from the smoke stack
Wm. Wohlschlegel. the Scholls had evidently fallen on the top
dairyman, was up to the city of the cornice and there must
Saturday, on business. have a considerable time
Mrs. Henrietta Morgan has elapsed before it caught suffi
moved into her new bungalow on Ppntv tn pt fl or The
property on becond, near coal ,te . hole tnrouirh the roof
about six inches in diameter and
Lura Jackson, of East a few sparks went down into the
High Q
Drug S
Hillshoro, w ill commence a term
of school at Clatskanie, Ore.,
September 5.
Money to loan on real estate
:imi i n snaii draw nu.tMi w in
t I t I ..Ii. fll.llt it ..t t-wi, fnltn.
apparent ease on uie p-ck na n- '' v1"""'". r . security. We sell farms. Trv
1 ... t . ... . .1 , .... I'lill Illlf Hl.Ui1 1 1 1 I I S Klllt W H I . " - .
i IK iK'iMTii nmi 'an j i us. The Webfoot Realty Co.
l reek. 1 lie loiiK-eiiis nui ie-l'" "'" i" v'""
(r,,m Missimri tmd Meld men. an well as the coun-
are afed ty clerk h olhce, win txj open to .Miss j'ean amun ieu ior on-
framework of the building. It
also gave the cornice quite a
scorching, and some fire fell to a
lower cornice causing alittlefire.
Supt Gilmore extinguished the
lower blaae and then started for
the top. There were ninety and
nine steps to mount, and some
of them are not the shortest in
Nona: in i.wp.wr.ks
'i and H years, ami are as true as regisiry unui me cwiumk o me verwn, uun, ure mst w uic ine wona, dui uumore maae
steel to the harness. Mr. Wolf iun. weeK, 10 visit wun ner sibier, Nancy Hanks time to the sum-
was offered ?-"0 for his bargain
The hi-1 half of the taxes,
hrre Uie first half was paid
unur to the first Monday in
April. VjU is due and jiayabh
on or iH-fore the first Monday in
(ktiilsr. P.ilO, and tinlens pui
bv Octi.U r ;i, HMO, will Infome
deliiKj'K-t. t, and K'iialty and in-
tm-slwiH I charged until saidi
lax is paid.
lis), (!. HanctH'k,
ShrriiT and Kx-otlicio Tax Col
Itntur Ur Washington County,
hated at llillslxuu this 1st
lay uf SeptemU-r, IU10.
Argus and Oregunian, $2.2o.
J. H Wirtx, of Forest Grove.
was down in his auto, Monday,
and was highly pleased with the
risk read to tlie w est of town.
within a few days after the pur but refused it.
Notice to Fanners l'.achot.
the celebrated Imiortrd Kcgis-
tered Pcrchcron Stallion, w
Mrs. Lee via. mit where he connected the noz-
.T u Tnillimrpr in rhnrtrp nf zle to a hose and soon had the
" - - - - - J . til VIIHt hV VI.. .
tho n-W rrnshf-r nt Crvwlin Snur blaze OUt Of bUSineSS.
I n i tha Tiva iQimhr i r thaiioirl
Miperiiuendeni names, oi ine r"'A" n nf mrht whn nnnnAwm.M hav
ii:n . .. c.i,,!.. j i..ic.h,ui ins ii l suoru uoiiic. -
i 4 ! i o I , , , been ab e to witness t the tow-
the Argus to state that students We wi l? readv to se and a -n wv.nV.. u-..
make the Fall and Winter at the of the High School, as well as all deliver brick after Monday, July L- irtC j u;ucw nA
ranch of the undersigned, two Others, are uxpected to be in at- 23. Give us a call. Klineman kavft hvreft nf watpr and
The Place where you
arc always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies . THE BEST EVER"
UaminsKy's Mahe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.!
J. A.
uf:m:ht dancu
light A projecting galvanized
Pearl Heaton and Miss Ambee roof will more than likely be
Mooney were united in marriage placed over the top of the struct
August 25, 1910, Recorder Ben- ure to prevent a recurrence of
ton Bowman officiating. the incident.
. r n ti.j t n- Mr. Wolf discovered the fire
US & iSwtti Si" oi Sffl -Mn,up the P. R.N.
her father. P. M. Jackson, a few
days, returned home Sunday.
The Buxton Jackson IIoo er, one of the
n't . i .
nice was some lightning in
Sunday's thunder ithower, but 'in house.
damage was renorted for this
immediate section. A young fel
was killed in a barn at
I 1 t "I . I . : ll.n..lMnn lnt.lit.wl II . . VT.....I- lllll-l
anil olie-liail nine nuriiivmuM iniu.uu i.MM iiic iik'i niiiMi iuvtu yruj,, iNOJ Wl jiiiiaooro.
'.anks. K. K. Northrup. of in the evening, as formerly
n,..o ii;,....,, lWll i,lltl contemplated.
burned ast week. wa.s in the
fit v Saturday, loin says inai
In. uent to the circus to see the
'h.wxI.Hi." as he wm bound to 1 hero w ill le a fH'nent dance at
i .I.... l. .. i . .:..:... I ii tlu l),..i U.,Mlnt.
l ie iinima i ai i n um.n a nui iu . ihiah.hi, uawiuai
lim so often the l'Jist few years, evening. September . under
F I.
He expects to rchuild his home the auspices ol me uunouc peo.
.1 . r I ...III 1 ...... I. . t !,.. .. . nli.
in in near iuiure. am win iih itui uiuk tiviunj
iii the I.eisy homestead until the orchestra will furnish the music pioneers of this section, was in h nave forsaie
new one is completetl.
The Climax Milling I
fni-iiisli sacks free of
to farmers desiring to sell or the city Sat- Cawree, North Plains, Cornelius,
.... . .1. .....ii . nnhv lin o-ivra that nninM nrp I VJn?.. KOUie 1.
I'lm tie net. i roceeas w iro ".' K....
nto n fund hx)k nir toward mak- registering rather small this year,
. : I ... .
ing some improvements on tov lce cream dei,Vered to any
i.iiLiiv.11 h,vt1"." n:irt 01 me lown. hememDer m io-.-j- "i. i.
... . I 1JC(1 CI LU 1. - UUtlUa V . n L3 r 1. 1 lit K
we nave nazeiwoou. no in ieie- Kv - n;tuj hnli j
unconscious. The injured man
o niimKfliAf vaqp
ana an k mus o. i Pim - town Mturoay. greeunjr inenas. iing and Spring Cotswold bucks,
. w ill nwnts will be served n the hall. He ,s now residing in Portland. of the registered strains,
charge Hu'rew.ll a so be a big hip er ,.lpn.1(k nf Call and get your pick.-Jos.
Forest Grove
Capital StocK . $25,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits 20,000
Exchange to all parts of the World
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time
.store their wheat at
their ware-
wind of ast week piayec
-.i ....i i i,i,i
i-iviie iv 1 1 ii ein iv noun.-', nw
hundreds of bushels were blow n
to the ground. The thrifty grow
th iiiekeil iiii the w lm tall
' 1 . , . i ... ... I I
i-..r.i lir l! V I rillMMI. liu m'm
i hem here for f0 cents per Ikix
unthrifty or tK) busy at
One of the Portland ball play-
n t J ers with the team that played at
Kemember Rp..prtnn Snnfiilv Wfl, str,,.
Inn Salts, a Mexican cook,
tliivw hinihelf under the a.ssen
K'T train near Bertha. Sumlav
niorniiiv. and was dead in n few
liiiurs. He was a native of Tun
fii'ho ro ince.
Ernest ll'i'ei Ihn s)inf!i Inn K'eei! voiir chickens enclosed! accoiniianied bv his Just received a large consign
Wife II I'tM iiii I lit foieti VJ 1 1. In V I rtm I (if Itlll ill rv wire. Now is
niorniiK'. and thev wern tiixi of iln time to buy. - hmenck iV
Koeber's Confection-1
the week guests tit the J. W.
Jackson home, ut Glencoe.
,.Fr sale: Good hop baler
ImvIis pattern; of) hop baskets,
im some hoi sacks in gmnl rc
pi'ir. Will sell at a bargain.
iih Imhrie, HillsUiro. Koutc
. West I'nion.
J. J. Nushaumcr, of near Phil
Neal P-ennett, of near laurel, phones.
was mine cuy oaunuaj aitt-i- erv. .oa K.t;ruy onj tha haU e,nV
II iiim uuvvtug Miivs waa. tui t otl uvi
I ff UVll.l Ut HVl 1.11 V4. II 111 I I1MM VII tvu v lillV IIVMU. llv n UUJ
V. T. Kane is roughing it out was in Fridav. He states that carried to the drug store, where
. I .1 1 1 .l I . 1 Ml 4. 1. . - UJ..IL. .' J
olliei iniiiKM "it lu'", . ii..:.... A.,,, i nf...,.i.. q.,. k
ground for the yellow jacKeus. ,ja u u .. uv. Superintendent Vandehey, of
Ulrich Kenipi, 01 neiveua. the count f at Newton
w as in town Monday, enroute to Housemoving and other like wns on Mondav. and stated that.
and from Cornelius. Work done in the right way. there was but one inmate at the
Jesse Mavs. of Glencoe, was in Leave orders with Goodman 61 piaCe as a county charge. This
the city Friday, enroute home nuggies. uuicoa ruit jiuc speaKS wen ior me cnaniy nsi
from a business trip to Portland. yr ornenus. 0t wasmngion county, aanougn
S. H.
Thos. C. Todd
Wilber W.
John E. Bailey . W. Fuqua
McEldownex J. A. Thornburg
Huston was a McMinn
..;u.i viuitm- last. week, reuresent-
l 111.. ..-.- - - -
G. A.
Plieth. one of the real
ing the city of New berg in acase nulJ sul)orvisors of the county
in circuit court wherein the wajj u from ncar Tigardville,
council is trying to nave a imuu- ulomay forenoon.
i :. i ,mr in 11111
"JZ1S t L lie Ervine . Burkhalter.. who had
Mini, i..w, th th thresher tor a
Monev to loan on real estate f t i ht. vva3 over from his
II ft 1.. .-v 1. I I ' .
. nd 1 ienry Freitag. of West Terms reasonable. Apply to Ku
ratli liros., niiisiKim, vi.
1) H. Willers, of beyond Jobe's,
as sold his apple crop to Page &
Son, of Portland.
I OK Tills l.lIdlSLATl'Rli
Utimn, wen; in town Saturday
Jir. hvitag has about recovered
iniin the fracture of his arm,
nidi occurred si-veral weeksago,
1 . M. I ... ....
Meinke, of the Winter
bndge section, was in the city
Saturday. H0 8a.VH that not
withstainlinjr the dry season he
m had the best crop this
year of his Washington County
South Tualatin
Hop pickers wanted at
ranch, Monday
navid lieo-hitto. once the onion there are a few who are drawing
king of Washington County, was a little money from the county
up from Beaverton, Saturday, exenecquer ana living ai nome,
accompanied by his daughter, or with relatives.
Mrs. Hose Merlo. Tu0 fnn. vr n,j arir,
Team for sale: Mare and Peter Rasp, of Tillamook, while
horse, weigh about 1300 each, visiting at the home of his
Good work animals. About nine grandfather, Antone Lunow, of
years old. H. Harrington, near near Glencoe, fell from a porch
Centerville. the last oi the wees ana Daaiy
Mr and Mr John fipnnimrpr. injured one of his legs, although
Ray &Co.'s yard, at Witch Ha- f Ohio wrrguesU there wa3 n0 fracture- 0x1 th!
zel. S. P. trains stop at station. ?"nFj?nNV' prior the 10 year old son of
7.e . t . irains stop at Buitiun. . r Pviiher home near aay Pnor "ie 10 year oiu son oi
Write to W. B. Peterson, mana- Dr. Coffeen, of North Yamhill.
ger, Reedville, Ore. 21tf Sd Fridav was struck by a gate at the John
. , " nates tarm. L,eisvvu e. ana sus-
Fred B. Clark, oteastot tarm- t w. House left for the Ship-UflinPd a severe bodilv ininrv. al-
that the Sunday raintall
.... r reu u. jh
. l,..,,l,v Hiuiouna- niysrlf acan.ii.iMe . M,niiv ni4 sava . - - 'a: "" " 'r't
; w i,.uuituif subject to the Knmi- 'r7.. V a " i' 12 x' ?n n T..aa lltlu. ' "ks, ."ca' ou, iu'u tnougn no Dones were proicen.
... . iu r hit vnniviu tii i n i u i ulmmi i i i i i . ...
i,.,.i. nrmmrlrs. Sept. 34, 90- !' tout tuv u..v.?J on Uie LAHUmuia, monuity IIIOIU- l)r H' A tJaileV Sttendea bVi.evrr in the direct primary am very heavy in nis neigntx i noou, ymg He expects to be absent the unfortunate lads.
u i.. ll Iwlllir kl'.ll UHUIU Bin"."-' nn.. Thflr TTilien nillTH LUCI t I - 1. 4-.,., .J..n I
. ... ... !)ninciii".'--n i - , i....i.i.,iin I " u v ecu ui ten uao. i
oeoigo k, Baglev. of Bagley n .m iso a triievrr m innii. ' " ... than UD this way. . . We are now better than ever
ijare, came over from New- an. ''I'l'vKcsiiity w v Timmr of Beaverton Next. Monday -the 5th-is prepared to supply our customers,
lt the last of the week, and cli,u"0,afl,R,he VUs K W .K V.ef.f'n,S?1. a '.uJ Labor Day and the cognomen foe have a trood sunnlv of floor-
iUOIluay, vvitn a , . 0;,rnifinnnr. bprp with : V,:1 .j C.l.i;.,
m,l(U' Hying trio to Portland to
8'c John F. Stevens, President
01 the Hill nwuk Mr Itiiflev
'turned to Newport the first of
tlie week, to remain with his
J.inuly for a few days.
Clms. W. I.oii.Uin.
CoUuiilila Prcciact, Cornelius Route I.
was in town
profile of
I -or County Judge
i, il. Re.mhlinui voters ot wasmnKui.
.. . A-. i..,uiaiii'il is a
trio nrnnnwd new utt3 1IIUU1 "ll-tt",-c v ing, rustic, snipiap ana nmsning
hnnl hnnE The hopgrowers striving to save their iumber and can furnish good
Ii.....t., i, tnn,i nnv. ""i1. ullu ovijuvujr tv ..u nouse Dins on snort notice, we
also have a good stock of all
Wilt I C ulA IV k7wvia mvw l . . t 1. .. T
and dollars John Howell, of Bacona. was kinds, of common lumber We
,, n nii-i ia ,.,r nrnA m aaturuay, wringing in nueen ''
i . .. 'i-.. ..n.i,.tHiiriieii is r. ij. iHu.a.u 10 ivij iivuu .1 1 i .,.j u , i ,m. rn 1 n men rnar arp nrsr. nnanr.v:
)m:;J.. his. Northern "VTC" Th,v al brick Vnd buildinlock's.'
-livonv' t 'TJIK ale? a ,n .m8 0 teShute residence, in East Try our building blocks for your
the . lll'J h young orcnara, sei oui since ne . , fruit or potato house, or founda
'al. mTv Ti'ww tin 1 iiihufi's in Bin iiotiiiimte.l ami elected, I will, came to Hil sbpro a lew years " -7. tion for your buildings-better
,1.. .. ' . ..",Jr ..-l una unegen f conscientiously ntrn The V e d was so heavy William ntman, wno was Daa- j u00
. .r w..... op rn in n 1 i uie lruit ui ace iicai uouiiauu. a iui umi," 6"i n ,roiui unii -i.-v nm tn n ana
lutein linau- ouij w - - I. ,., . , , , , i I UCUCI6I4 t. ill nr Vll w umv
i..,.:....h.. iim iimUn is snfheiontlv recovered that he L.i ... 1 iZ
employed in Portland. V0? I, ic'ni 'adnd.mtion of "7 " i. was able to leave the hospital the t .t to
I . . t...:i,li.... n VW III IM V f I Htiva LllCI C 13 llJ OULll 1 i , a ii . I -" -v. vv...w -ww
play's rain fell in streaks c.....y iv. 'Y busy. In the past we find that
Vtr this section, and laid the i,",,m ,. , . Z , ,ui Peitinir permanent , fv will Kmrick. who went J. C. Miller, of the Arcade dis- it is the failing of many peopl
"llt fmely wherever it took a "'t,,,,,, for public money expended-ami M ' excursion to Timber, Sun- trict, was in town Saturday. J. to wait till the roads are almost
""ll,'ii to favor n l.u-ul tv. In i w.ii euinextiy wotit to uim en... . -oncrht. i7 hean ties, at the C. savs the prune crop is hardly hmoassable. and then place their
!,lily Places, however, it was l desire to have place, on . , rf e f u to the average this year. He orders for delivery, at a cost of
i.'.'t a small snrinkle. Here in ttfli;.r.v.1?. ,.,i,,,ini9tratio'n: rerina-Lv,J mpnsnred 1R inches in came in to meet his son, Eslie, twice what it can be done for
oillHhoro. nnn nn .lmim ntiatwiird i ,..... ..! full value for every cent . nfV,oM traA tVioirVinnH who with bis wife, came out now. So don't force t. this vcar.
tn. UA " Ii . i.i I. ....... tU r.l.r nnn fpnm I'nrtlnnH fnr n fpw rinvalurhiln .llir Rtrwlf 19 pnmnlptp
.. "vvii. niu t.inin juiinv" i cik " i iii Muiah. IIUL rilllllCIt woo tnc unij uni. iivm " " i " .... , .
utm was vif Kiiomi niuila of .. .. ." ...u .r..t .vr.,1 lin the eountrv. I fironer & Kowell Comoanv.
.... , ' 1 ' .7 "v ii.., i v " i ri,.vn.,Hna iirptfiiu. i win) iiiaui; kvvjvi. i " . i
I llUUOHIiiv
IO Cents a Button
$LOO a Rip
"WE are sliowing the full line, fresh
from the factory, with many improve
ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date
and stylish.
Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut in two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
I 3
Forest Grove, Oregon
Are you among the number who will want a new watch
ere school begins? If so, here are a few substantial reasons
why you should come to me for it.
Having sold watches for the past 18 years, I have had
an opportunity to observe just the satisfaction that each
grade and kind gives, and offer you the benefit of this ex
perience free.
When I sell you a watch I put my reputation back of it.
I am interested in the service as well as simply selling it, t
e t 1: il.i r.-i. 1 j j ... l: I
ior i realize inui my iuiure saies uepenu on me eausiacuou
my goods give.
If for any cause your watch should go wrong, I am in
terested and can not afford to do otherwise than make
right for you.
Mr stock is large enough to meet your wants as to style,
quality, or make.
My prices will compare favorable with Portland. Come
in and let me show you some new style cases.
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate OptMMtrlat
' i '
sianuing in the road.