r r HIUSBOftO ARGUS AUoUST .1 1910 1 500 Acres Added to B eavc r to n-Reeti v i 1 1c Acreage The last tract in this lootlity now cut into acreage lot and. crTfJ I alc. Rapid iveiopnnMit of entire community now assured. Select a ch lice location in this large new addition. W e have sold nnr lhau i w acres adjoining thia new p'attiiif, wV.'.ch is rapidly developing in fiuit ami intensi-e larming. Only to miles cut; good stream and electric car service; all com m:!iitv conveniences established. r.mterel lan.l, with tunning water, $l5 to $i00 per acre. Ail cleared laml, ready for crop, f too per acre ami up. S'uie tracts with home buildings and tome with orchards. Tiall cah piyraent and balance to suit. Cil at out office, J45S Statk stree", arrange to go with na, with- ul expei.se to you, and verify the above. Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Starh St. Portland. Oregon H1LLSBDR0 SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBER 19 Will Have the Usual Nine Months of Open School Work A SlCCESSFll TERM IS PSEWCTED Stipl. B. W. Bara4 Asks Hit School StuJeol to Report at Nooa The Hillsboro public schools will opon on Monday, September 19, for a nine months session. R W. Barnes, for several years in charge, will have the superin tendency of the trrades and High School, and asks thai all students of the various grades report on the morning of the 19th. while he requests the high school stu dents not to arrive until after the noon intermission. He states that it will take all forenoon to register and start the classes in the grades and he can not pro ceed with the high school pupils unui mi eise is nnisnea. iMoining will be done the first day except to register and start the classes on their next days work. 1 his will be late enough that, hop picking will be over, and thus give all a chance for the annual hop festival and vacation. The teachers have all been employed and all have sent in their accept ances. The corps is as follows: B. W. Barnes, superintendent Miss Smith. Salem. High School. Miss Sarah Boldrick. Forest Grove, High School. Miss Ava Buckingham. Port- and. High School. 8th Grade Mrs. Josephine Case, Hillsboro. 7th Grade Miss Tennessee Weatherred, Hillsboro, 6th Grade Miss Jennie Beam ish, Cedar Mill. 5th Grade Miss Ruth Jones. Hillsboro. 4th Grade-Cecelia R. Greer. Hillsboro. 3rd Grade Miss Dell Young North Hillsboro. 2nd and 3rd -Miss Walker. 2nd Grade Miss Mayfield. Hillsboro. Primary Miss Yard and Mrs. Brown. THE STORE OF QUALITY Monuments Forest Grove Monumental WorKa can Save Money for You. - i ? wm m m Designs and stock, none better. Quality and work manship unexcelled. Prices lowest on coast. All work guaranteed" Orders and all communications promptly attended to. Will call and show designs and samples at any distance. Main street, N. of P. 0. Block. GEE & JONES Box 343 Forest Grove, Oregon. If You are Going to Clean Out That Old Fence Row Call and Ash j. E. BORWICK For Prices on American Royal and Pittsburg Electric Fencing I am still selling Dough erty Fithian Shoe Co. Shoes. The BEST Of The GOOD ONES My Groceries are up-to-date, clean and fresh. Have recently added the Schilling Line of Extracts and Spices. "The Money Back Goods. 1 Will Give a coupon with every purchase which w hen presented at my store will be exchanged on a $3.00 Framed Picture, J. E. BORWICK. General Merchandise, Pveedville, Oregon. av.iaBBBMaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBHaBaaBBBHBBi cCumsey Sawmill Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill 14- mles from B. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. A. E. McClMSEY Cornelius, Ore., Route I W. 0. Donelson returned the ast of the week from a few days at Newport Money to loan on real estate Terms reasonable. Apply to Ku- ratli Bros., Hillsboro, Or. Zltf Henry Huhmann, of Blooming. was in the city Monday, and called on the Argus. J. N. Loudon, of Iowa Hill. was over to the city Monday afternoon. I. H. Maxwell, who has 12 acres in hops above Mountaindale, was in the city Moiday, and states that he will begin hop harvest about September 1. F. M. Crabtree, the hop and prune growar of Laurel, wa3 in town Monday. He has contracted with a Partland firm to pick his hops this season. J. F. Wood, one-time editor of the Washington County News. was in the county Sunday, visit ing relatives at rorest Grove He is now with the American Type Founders' Co., of Portland, in their ready print department Fred Vrooman, Adolph Sieg' rist, Thos. Bailey and Carl Heid- el, of this city and Dr. Kline and Ur. Yates, of Portland, who have been keeping bachelor's hall in the Vrooman cottage at Newport, returned the past week, after three weeks at the beach at Nye Creek. The Adolph Siarrist bungalow near the city park is rapidly ap proaching completion and will be readv for occuDancv thla Fall Mr. Siegrist ha3 a five acre tract and expects to plant it all to orchard and small fruit, and wil run a hedge around the entire tract Jessie V. Kerr has sued Joseph L Kerr for divorce. They were married in Multnomah County April 13, 1908 an unlucky date, evidently and she swears In her complaint that he was very crue to her and that he once chastised her, physically. They have been residents of this county for some time. Kate Thomas sues William Thomas for divorce, alleging de sertion. The wife swears that the husband was last in Louisi ana. and she says he deserted her and has failed to provide for her and her little son, now 12 years of age. She wants the marriage annulled and the custo dy of the lad. M. M. Mead, A. E. Mead and Lee Mead left Wednesday morn ing for fourteen miles below Seaside, where the Meads have a contract to build two miles of road for Clatsop County. They will take a grading outfit with them and hire more teams as soon as they establish camp, The contract covers much cut and fill and will amount to $6,000 worth of work. It will; take them several months to complete the work. a aimm fa- .jajaaa Second St. Hillsboro, Ore. Both Phones August Greetings. c 3 Rice ami Umus and ctiplxMid caU lies Overalls and shirts galore, With many clerks to wait upon you, Ever ready to sell you utotv. Little care we what your wauls air Let us till them auyway. Bring your whole and happy family Ready for you any day. Only first-class goods arc carried; Say, cotuc look our prices o'er Si we're sure you'll keep on coming, Coming, comiug to our store. "Only this and nothing more." Yours for a Deal always ROWELL BROS. & CO. SCHOLLS, OREGON, Plume 51 x 16 'IIi.tw w "no I" tli" frt who f I f.re.l a iii'Kl'. il.-iil.l ! fif Hum Kay ll""'lf "l'li n" ' ,-r Mm looked (lif'iiyll loophole. li. ro she i-i'iiM ' lil'" I" perlloti poMtloii, nml 'io culd a ,-.i. h I'"'' "f "i""1"' ' Kn n dlitn rl(1 knowing that ! marked Mm ..lutlMii -t a ImlU-l ! Mil lii-r ly Ami liny omiIiI 1"y l,,'nr " M lnii l' l'l n,"l '''' "" "I''1" klliitf 'iT I1I111, lull 'tw lil il iiiKr r il.vtnl lii tiimlirr fin " ll'ilir Itftrr tnuir 'i'l wlllunil any i IkiiiW"' I" l'i" l'litl.ll lirn II miMii.'il luip.illili' tr Mm In Hit any luntrr In mm mltlnii nml hn nllnui'l n lit ilmiik'.. II. I ho . iiiltil fn nuro of K.iiun Mir(l.m of Ma I-h1j woilht draw moro Itro, mlinouliililiitf liliu In rluluto Urn riiiilruliui bMIIiiiIo rallior Hum rl n woiiml Xy iryltiii ! rolli-io II Tin i.tuiiiiiI on h alilo of Mm lorn tin In fnerona iy lli ImlltU Hint llml I-"-" all"' lltr'HiuH II. anil h mi -i-r-J h) 'I111I l'"7 i,t H"""ii Hl,ii ,lm MkIiJ roliilnu oil ami Iho In ilhiii i-ro ilmwlni! lo-nrir Whi U It Ihviiiiio it.trl. Iln-rw i-oiiM Iw UnlMiiB I.i ,r-'ii! ilu ii att-n from roinlni; n,i" .ti.iiiKh In luan M"l '' ,u frutii n h.IIIoi wIiito Itm Ininii wonlil 11. i 1rot.1i liliu I 'or four lo'iir l Mot it ut In ih w of !hiM' In Mi" fori. Iil luoltirr t r lutf lil riKotirnKO lilm, yrl tnrs. lf io-.1.hi; i-iomrn;i'iiii-iil. wlo-n a niiililon ili.n.k'lil it iirril him "for lira rn naV"." U rriiM. 'ili a liolo timlor Hi.' nMu wall au.l lako mo In " All ..ii.l.-lwl hy tli'-y hail nl ihoiiutit i f Id.' I'liin U foro I'l. ami H'iiilo w.ro l.toiinhl. ami a ImU' "ja una In Ho' crouu.1 tlo-n hrti II of a il.-i'lh uitiiii iil lo r. aali timlr h wall, a itmuii.'l aa run oul lo l!i )ouui: Imnt.r ami h ilrawn llh Ui Hio fori ! (ny lia.l ti" n.N.urr rm.-r-.-l fr.itn Vu j holt. Itwin In' f.nunl hlmwlf huwiint I" hl iii..ili.'r ' nrun. mot th olhrra I 1 riin.lo.l roiiml I" i-.'hijratul Hti him : Tho r.-.lklu h.nr.t Itio ah.ml "f Irl i u ni'h ill ! Min.M In ih.i fort ami ' knrw llml Iho ninn Ih. y rrn nilnfi al 1 I. ..I t.!.l Hut how H 'lll llht i-notifc-li f -r tti.-m lo In l' ll tumii Ix-Mml wlil.'h li tnkrli rrfiuro. mol lia.l to- K"! up an.l t-.-n niilt.l oi-r Iho ( kn.l" h WoiiIiI tm ri Im-tii In lln-lr full lo Th t ha.l o( l-ti oomtt Sur. ly Iho iMilrf.oi. li.nl ln lranlall Into lh fort hy l!m lirrit i!rli SIMMONS 1 in thk riKcnr rociir ok riiK BTATK UK nKKiiil S Koit WAtjllIMiTO.N fol'.N TY Kate Thomas, I'Uliillll. I va 1 William Th 0111 an. liefcrnlaiit. I ! To Wttliaiu ThoiiiM IWifrmiKiii : In the tiaum of Hi Mat of t in-iMn ymi re borehy rw-uirm) to aopoar nml anaanr lh Cuni)lalut til m. t nKHui't von In On. j abuT eiitultMl Court ami ran on or ! ' for the expiration nfmi wooU fruin sml i after tha lal of tlm llrst initilL atloii of thia Nuinmona. t-wit: on or annul ( rl- I day, Ihf Till iluy of 1 otol.or, l iH; ami If you all to anawor thf i,iuiut;il for want thereof, will Uko luiliniBiit aamii you for a df-crm ihiiolv litir Hi- IkuoI t of mat. rimonr eilatlng lirtwiwu you nml tha plaintiff, ami lor niii'Ii ulln f nn, furthrr relief at to the otirt may m mn ini'ol ami Jut ami tuitiihlu ami praywl for in a lil Complaint. Thli tjuninioiiH ia imliliHlm I l,y Orilor of the tlonurahlH J. Wclov iio.i,lin, Judge of the Coiiniv Court of tlu Hmtn of OrfKon for the County of WiiMhiiii;tnh, ami i-anl Onlor inuln nn, ,lati-l mi ine 22ml ilay of AiiKual, lulu in thnali- aonne of the Clroiiil Jmliro from Waih- liiKton Coun j, uml th ilnto of tin lir-t publication of lliiK.Niiiiim,. n in Thuri.luv the 2th (lay of Aukiih, I'llo mi'l tlm .lain of the lut pul.lU aliou of thla Numm.uii la Tburmlily the nth ilay of I'. iol.or, 1'iui Clyde Kldianlanii, atty. for I'lnuililt !,H Chamber of Cominwve UliU , I'ortlnnil. Oregon. TRANSLATED n, I IARKY VAN AMIltJ'G Cnpyrl-ihl. 1711, ly Amrt.-an l'r A. lal Inn SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COIMIT OK Til K HTATK OK OKKUOM lull WASHINGTON COUNTY George Tonkin, I'laiiitlll'. ri. Ella Craft Tonkin. Diifi-mlnnl. To Klla Craft Tonkin, Dulomlaut: In the name of tlm Hut" of Ori iron vou are hereby requirwl toHpix-nr nml aniwnr me Coniplaiul lilo'l aKimit you in the above entitled Court ami causo on or be fore the eipiration of nix wf,,ki from ami after the date of the lirnt publiralion of thU Hummona, to-wit: on nr lmt Kri day tha 7th day of October, l''Ki; ami If rou fail to anavver the plulnlill for wntit thereof, will tak JudKiumit acalimt you for a dfcrofl illmolvniK tlm Iximln of mat riniony eilHtln ImUtm you ami the plai n Li IT, and for aur.li othor nml furtlmr relief an u the Court may nornri iiient nml equitahloaud a praytxl for in Hld i'iiii pUlnt. Thin aiimmoiiH in iiiibliHliiil by order of the HonnrHblo J. W chIpv (lon.liu, JiiiIkii oftheCounty IVuirt of the NtiUo of Ore goo for the Cou.ity of WaHliiiiKton, and aatd nnler wan Hindu and dm, 'd on tho 19th day of Augiiat, 11)10. in tin; nb'euoo of the Circuit .luil)e from WaMiiiiKto'i I from tho dnte of tin. llrit arttl in I of Ainorlra I hi rn na wnrfnrn with th. j Indlinii, nml during llo ur of th llovolullon thfro n nl.1.1 nr llh tin- Ilrltlah. Hill by Hint limn tho In dlun llt-htlug hml rotr.-atrd witwiird i In 1777 I liirroiNburg. Ky , wu ur romidiMl by rod n. nml llio pooplo, not ilurluif to ku out to hum for gnini', won- ofi.-u In Kri'nt dtriilts f..r food. Tin- Ni tlli'inotit win proliH-ird by on.-of IhoHc jiH'kinli' forla un-d ut Hint tluio for kiopliitj off auvagoa. iiml whoii lln-y wcro hi-Htll.. the Inluibllniila of Hie JiIhi'i' witi ohllgcl to kii-u within ItH llirlimuri'. InirlMg thin Indlnii hoatlllly and rim j t'iiii'iit lin k of food a youth of aUtom j mnilo hliiiMolf liiviiluablo by lonvlnit llho fort iM-fore dawn, tiuiitliig nil duy una rctuming nftor nlghifnll wild tin. KBino lie hud ahot. Jmuca Hay wna tho nnnn of thla brave boy, and ,( Bftorwnrd Iwfnine a goiiorul ollUcr In Hie I'nllod Htiitra artny. One dny Ituy and n companion were outsldi! the fort n hooting nt a mark. Kiiddonly Itay heard tho report of h rllle and hu friend fell dend. It did not roijulro a proecaa of reHaonlng for liny to know that tho ahot Imd rotm from nn Indian. Looking nbout him ho wiw tlm reilMkln who hml killed IiIm friend mid ruling Ills rlllo wua about to ahoot lil m when there wiim a whoop from nnother (jimrter. Then uUj took to hU heela und run Ilka a deer toward tho fort a few hundred yurtla dlHtunt. liny wna a very quirk runner. Tho Indlaim could not catch him, but they followed him with brink Ore it,. County, and ih.niaio of Hie l) r. publicii-; reached the fort without havlnir been tlon ol Una luiiiinoiiM is tho 2VJi dny of 1,0 i,... ,,,,, , , ,, Atiguat. l!U0, and the ditto of tlm W 1 ;,' t! "" 'I'h1. Thoae publication of thia Numinous in ThurHday wltlln him heard tho llrlng, hud Mhut the 8th day of October, llilu. ' theniHelvcH In and wcro too terrllle.1 to Attorney for vJX'mviwZr o. t. Itay c,h upon them Commerce Blilg., I'ortlaml, On on. lrt lllm ""t fearing that If they idld the Haviigea would follow him and miiHHiicro tho gnrrlHon tbey refuHi-d to do 80. Huy threw liliiwolf fiat on the (round, a stump covering him from the lire of tho enemy, 'j'lmt t, IndlaiiH couldn't hit Mm, though their liullctM Hung In micli proxlmlly o bin ears ox to mnke him think Hint tho next would cut off ono of them, or per Imp tour n hi rip out of hla Hldo or Ko Ihrough LlH foot. Ho wiw but half IIIl.LSIiORO !n "lusl Ht'IH from tho fort, within which ho would lm aufo If he could only get there. Hut HiIh wuh lmpoHHlblo ho long HH tho IndlauH were threalenlng him. Near enough to see Hioho In the fort looking through tho loop holes ho talked with them about wnyn lo extri cate him from Mh poHlllon. While tho bullets were Hinging nn either tddo of him ho wuh convening with bin moth er. There Heeincd no way (0 relievo him except to open tho gales, and by doing HiIh many lives might be sacri ficed In an Ineffectual at tempi to suvo one. FOR TIIK Best Fire Insuranca AND PROMPT SHTTI.H MKNT OH I.OSSKS .SICK JOHN VANDEKWAL Agent London & Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. Pacific States I'hnne 334 NOTICH The firm of Mays and Conover having dissolved partnership, it is hereby requested that all ac counts due said firm be paid to E. C Mays, and all outstanding bills will be paid by him. Respectfully, F. F. Conover. Arjfus and Oregonian, $2.25. MINI) YOUR OWN BUSINESS It, (AKI .SAIUi.VJ (JIAtT, l"l)llM. I':; ,r Am.rl.on l'i... A.iu. la I Uill If th.re'a llnti nil i.tli w II ,ulio i Miiml) d ruUirr d lly i'!-r' l.uifn.-. mo' tiiiutf I'd rti'tor do r tt'in,,' it mlmliii tuy i If Ci.-l.- om lti:n' toy It to tllllld Hill I ti:uu toip h-r t tin lio.ir.,.. !,,,,,. -,. , d y a a It u. 1 " 'IheiP ).. . , youd Vki-f,.., ,,.,, ,.., ' -If woiildu'l !,.. ,., .,, , . "')" oln.'trii 119 .),,,, t , ,,,, , ,l' "l iii p. rf.1 ll wii;i- , to t.-ii ,i,.,t I i,; m,v"H I hul'a wbiit )ot ,,., ,., )oi don npi ui ,, ,, , ny rrp.ii,l,lll j ,iM, y.r country " A tnnn. aim I,,. !"'..l::i,J it i.,,.. i:"i 'uni, ,. It 'HI hla w tfn'a tun...... i . 1 1 i hi 1 1 , t i bead almut hU i,l,i,, f t . ,. Il-lia of Mii-ti. ., .., .7,'V''" ThU khrt her up f-,r a , "" II... .!,. ... 'l that the prin. -Ipal lrotii!.n we fc-!t liit.i hi thla world l Ut our lni- Into other an,lr' aflllr When It..ri ami hi lf, romn to K-iupy t!o- form adjoining ourn toio M.Uldy to let '.III ttiolie M, bo he could 'n' d me It If It luulii't bill Ho t could lour 'rtu ipiurreiln' rl.tsn ai rii Hi.. Held a ipinrter of a inlln away Ihat t. irt.il Mnndy. HW am rontiininlly n lliteiiln' and a wntchin' nd a p In' 1 1 .t If he couldn't find out aouiep'n It ni iilioiit tli middle of ettmmcr heti Mntidy'a tuolher that llnl In the ndjliiln' roiiiily tuk i k. Hhe k.l' a a.'iidln' for Miindy. but Mamly Wouldn't go wllhoiit me I if. t in tlm nlrly rr..pa mid w gitiln" ready fur the biter one I Io n mm dny a b tt'-r roiue mi) In' Miim)' uioth.-r w na ndln'. That n.tti.d It, Mamty Iml to go, and I Iml to e,, w llli h. r One luornlu' nlrly I put tlm gray luaro In the biiifgy lo drive Mandy over to any k Iby to lor mother We hadn't xl.'p' inore'n half the night front henrln' the (pmrrellu' g..lu' on between the linger.- Jt a we got on lo the road, Mandy, who couldn't keep her eye off olr tl.-lghlior'H hotle, miw Itogrr go oiiii'ii hl Iioiue i iirr)ln' the limp Dgtire of a woman In hla nnn "Law Hiiken!" my Mandy, "llo'e killed her." "HuppoKln' he lm," Niiys I, '"Tiiltrt none of our huHliie " Am), whlppln' lip tin. gray inure, I druv ahmg In a hurry mo' Mandy couldn't aeeuuy moro of It. Waul, Maiidy'a mother waa a cm aiirned long Hi iv'. Mundy wouldn't Blny there without mn. alio wouldn't come homo with inn and aim wouldn't let lue come home wllhoiit her. CoiiMeipieii, e was we was gun., a long while. After Mmidy'H mother died, know In' the imps was aufTerln', I got home na noon a poHHlble. As we was n drlvln' along Mainly aaya, any "lie, "Wonder ef Ihey'vn dlacovered tlm murder," and I Maya, miya I, ej,.t you keep your inouih shot." I was iiilghiy busy after Ihat and didn't think about noihln' but gllllu' In my corn, but Mandy she went miooplir round to llml out what wus known about ilm murder. All nho could find mil was that Mrs, lingers lied gone away. Him asked whero Mrs. lingers bed gone, but no one kuowed anything 'boul It, Feurln' she'd git us Into trouble, I tried lo slop her picHtluiiln but It. WUHU't no use. Kim Jest talked Olid talked till the wliumeii susplcloiicd Hoineihln', then they tnr 1 In and did H lot of iiucslloulu' on their Hide. I stopped her Jest In lime prevent. Iicr telllu' the wlmlo story; hut, consld crln' she'd tallied mud, ,,d nobody kuowed where Mrs. lingers lied gone, people began to Htispect thar was soinethln' In It. I''lrst thing I knowed lingers wna ar rested for imirderlii' his wife, lie couldn't tell where hIio was, 'cos ho wild he didn't know. They waren't llvln' happy logeilinr, and after a bigger miarrel 'u any lliey'd hml liefore Hhe'd left him. Hut everybody knowed that, mid Mundy 'n nie knowed a good deal more. Somehow the Idee bed got iihroiid that he'd murdered her after one o' their lights, and (he atilhorllles was dotormlnitl lo find out about It. When the case was ready for trial "UOUatyi'jKlt "JJimHlaJdi! Iejft a.iiu.iier mil l II l r.'nl i i 1.1, ,,. only cln uniBlnii. , ., I waa put on Hi., m ,, but I didn't In I., , . a.l'lll' lii'liel .llltili. aUiiil daw ii I I i, v lo tell If If !,e '!u' anotu to , l imtliln' but the tt,i:, I ho hull .-..ui t .,1 , i i el.i tertled It. r, aoiui p n, nut lie ,M inlet I unny, hi, t it Iho iri 'ii ui... i i,,., hn know Himi, I! torm-y wna it Hun 1 . er Wloll th .,! n u In Tho mill 1 r.-. w ,.i:, J-lk-e." .he ait,. ' 1,,,, that Hi) hu... m l ,, , s..;b. Itlol fur ii::ii me 1 i , ' Tlu, ' I- . , - 'I'l'illniwl " l"-l. ui I"1, M -'"I Hal. I tHllli ,LJ "t anhu '"U:i..s, I titi t , ' "'""I to k. ""' ! t 1 1-"i" mn,' 'IkIii IIi b,f i i .1 in to ll) Holt If k 111 lit Id a it lie .' I 1 he nmrt ml, .'! . ., w n net fr.i 'Til llUe to In. v. Itogff. "W ll.HUI I.. ,1 Hoi I luornlu " " J ho if.' w iti .-1 w illtt.il lo .top , i , wli wn a a i.r.. i .i "Uln Uf 1 I it ,., I " "M M.-M; la "i '"'..J wt '' ''l-l'Ttni 'Hut M; The 5tli.ii c a An raat.ru fat.:.- i, , ( , ,!rt.,,, who lr liin.l, ,1 i!,, i, ,,uj bMllght to littu II,, i. j ,-, , alld I art klili.l t,- , colony had d.ir.! :, , i i,.ttu;.., lif itlliKltig tin tin. ,,1 ,.f ,. they were t.roiijM.i !, n,,, tJl!f thlll.blo tlio kh.,; ,., h, :,,) s Ottd that tli."i,.u..l if !:,, Ink l.lut liiltile m:. I, i ril that ho atit a n n ', u i0 ! f.i t that tli.-r. cif:. r i.o j.i o ." t tho Im.uh.1 of ihr k! , ,'..,o, .. , romplalu at tto ! j, . f u, pj, lcaol of Iho f.lt ie ! I!sit -!. a tioyaii.'-a hurt v.n;r ( ,.-; n ts( teniie.1 In tho n h .. i! u aws ftr, are arrn Ui Hi.ir m'lmi pfviorH-. thoy are a :itit n m ntli ', contempt How m i. ti I, i.fiirt i) come lo Itm major.:; if prt y they could I ut Ce !!: i a u of '. bew atlitk'a that in.l .. , to ,ti tt pctulancr. word of a: t, r riiirm, of rrpr.Mi. h, 1 to. t-ir ancc hare caul lir.-:.'!- I rr.:! : frlrndahlp 'I hey h.io ! ? Irii arifij. I1I atid caui H!:,ti ai.il foarilRrt to take ttio plarn of Kmc Ul UalllliMirn Auierl.-nu. The Miaami(ipl o" Sl'tali A afrti-t la like a ri-. .-r. aiiliius ninn currviil rnrryhig a '.I masraf 4 drift betwra-n It I ink if fn.ilfis'jl or al"p u clttier ;.!. AnO ll tu litille bo appruprliie then V V-rti Itroadway la 111" M'iU:j o of (IfW Probably no other mriiiif In ltit4 proaenta ao many coi,tr.iat In tbr ti atn and Jetam It rnrtiea froa Hi' leill lo tho ttattery Kiery ljioflis timtilly-upr..t.-l fl"- frmii (i:i and orchard, pr. u I hiolnl rrif! Ii llkt and antlna -tuny U- .btrrllwl tho aurnliig tiiitna llmiai-r il I black, Iho awn,;t;i'rtng .-il dragj.'!.) deroll. t. wa.'k hi'UMt t houlder-rtih. rnlhi r. ( f l!r"i!iJ la a inneUtroiu. Hie r.i,!l!mnt Npw York's buHe nn. I imrTy. ll'' whero nothing can nt.unl "till "'' ard Harding ImhI on c mK l1 cvurylssly "aea-ut lo .e It rlna torraf Iho bnnk lo hum n clm-k iwW foro 3 o'clock" - iJeoiKO " B I'lltahurg Uaacttc rimes Quiir Collattral. "llcrn la n fact n trniii! ' true." anld nn u-"iM-inlet In ancient ICgypt - r uh,1cHW' ly na rollaicrnl. "When an Kgvplb" mit.-tl l row he gavt hi futher'a or l falber's tiiuiiiiny n security. S"" tlmea. If he reuh nl ft lnn! i"1 " gave hla father and both jrtiiUritlKT. and ho would 'ci tliro la th W my of his mother In law If l,l ,r tutiatcly Impis'iietl to ho In amf fled alalo. "Joking aaldn." tho r.K)l't'l"1",e"' nsl, "what I tell you Is H An i:g).tlan ns not I'""11" borrow without i.l.-.tKlm H' ";u" ' of somoucar rclalho It "J In Kgypt both luiplou ami '"" not to redeem so sm rnl o P1" that, and ho who dl.il ''h mummy atlll l l"1,v" ml .Qt burlisl In uiicoiisccnited ground, clniiull liuijiilrcr. Tho Poalaua 8l-'P' ., Consider the postage stiiiiil'. w nothing regarding lh.) .Itilla-til y task asslgn.iJ loll. l""l,v ''"!' , ,w application It usually p" l"t'"!, It delivers the goods. . Again, If ono Isn't "w Iho thing through. ' or working hariimnloiiHly togcihcf thing to a Mulsh. . rt No matler If Ilm (m" V r Vnf welghly, It puis a K''l f'"'c ,lie Ingioni on It anil goes dlr.s'ti . ' t It gets l'l;,l - j;,, liMin, and men tiesiuu. " t0 ii turns and oftilnii' Kv0 I ulll'' .... ,,,,1,111 carry than tin) U1""" gc Hut, In spllo of n . " 1 , M ftltichlngly to iho nuitt.T m ' t virtue of tho Met Unit It bus good bncUliiK. o( em its Htlck-to-lt ivlly In ww''" ' " ulallon by you. Juiln-J-l' ' Customs and Habits. W Our custom mid tmbliH h; " mil In roads. 'Ilm 'heelH r tie Iniothem. nml we JoR 1 m thu li.lru becausf It U too tniu'li " to get out of thcin. Why 6h. Didn't. New Kmployer-H.it why leave your Inst mistress? m ... Illvensl Did you f"- m 1. hot along wld uw?-Clovel'ifl w