The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 25, 1910, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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t 1 0
I TROUBO YftMHILL f nnnnnnn rp rpnnrpnn
Harry I.. U'" 1 4avi ,i,u '"r
-i -
' J
J4 4
Natural Tone
Call at our store and hear the specially prepared Records of Hauds and other Iu
strumcnul Music, Songs, Stories, Recitations, etc., and assure yourself that
this is the best ottered. You Buy Only the Records.
a hnT.e enl,rui"fr H h? no iqual. The beat talent in tha country is brought ritht to your
ti-e s d? to whi'e awy the loni; cwnings wiih couiicl leciUtion nd songs. An impromptu
d-kiioe may be gotten vj t a ttiment's notice nd here you htve tie txt orchestra of the
country U ilv thedtnc muic. Or you may wish to Iern a eoog and what better iostructor
ran you hav t!nn one of th Peerless singe e to phrase a song o?er and over again it need be.
Tte pjibilities of this wonderful little mchioe for instruction and amusement areendlees.
The Cabinet Mde of hevy. Fold oak throujhout. Corner posts are made with fluted moulding
Nickled Tone Arm The litest triumph of scientific research, produciog the largest volume and
purest tone qiuliiy. eliminating the meialic ecratch so common in ordinary type of machine.
Thf Motr Ol special sength and construction, unusually durable.
Turn Tiib'e Ter-itch diameter, accomtrcdticg any siz disc record.
S smlard Analjzing Ii-produc-r (sound boi) Insuring the most perfect reproduction of any
known sound; fr.trd with automatic needle clamp, permitting of the instant releasing or fast-
et.ins of the ndie
Sp-ed Regulator rerruiaing the ready adjustment of the speed to euit the individual fancy or
requirements, such as for dance music or speaking records.
Flower Horn Seventeen inches in length, with a fifteen inch flare bell. Finished in a beautiful
lep, rich rnl er.aml. and decorated with gold stripes.
One St indird Talking Ma.hine with hndsome Flower Horn FREE to every Customer whose
Ci-h Purchases amount to $50.00.
GOFF BROS. & 1RMLER. Forest Grove and Cornelius.
Sell Hardware, Stoves, Rang-s, Wagms, Buzgiee and Implements, Paints, Building Material.
In tli matter of the application of J. !
M. Milier fur lioense to 11 spirituous,'
milt and vinous liquors in les quant
i'.ios tlia:i one (t iUon, in Ranks pre-inc.
To trie H innratiie Count Court of the
Stnte of Oregon for Vahinetnn County:
The UMilerriftiied tutio'ien, letfai vot
ers of Hanks precinct, Washington Cou"ty
Oreiron. and commuting a majority of
thln;l voter of siid precinct, an l le
Ini actual resident of td precinct and
haunt acinaliv rel'lt in sai'l precinct
;t ''hvs iiiiiiieriiatelT vrwtdmir, the cinte
of this petition ami the date of tiling
thereof, would respectfully p-tiu n your
Hoii'THie Body and that a license
to sell spirituous, vinous ami limit li')Uors
in les quantities than one jrail.ui, in
lianki prtcim-t. v ashii.t'ton County,
(iregiin, he granted and issurtl to J. M.
Milier, a resident of said precinct, for a
period of one year.
listed this 1st day of July, V10.
John Martens, llert Reynolds. T (ir-en.
Jesst .1 Heard, A J Vandehey, J (' Smith,
J M Vanilerzanden. C I) Ranks. J T Turk.
Ja.-ob Vohs, W T Reppeto. H Saliler,
Aioert Ru-t:en, 1' Mooii' y, Arciiie May.
C C Wnriey, George M iitti, lii-irfe Lae
inennati, W II Went, Hiram Raker, Her
mann Huntrer, John (' Waienecker, John
Lippert, C R Plnlip. V N Jacolwn, (ieo
AV ilainell. Henrv Piepka, R Vanderz-'ui-den,
P H Miller, Carl pi-.ka. J BThomp-j
son, C (i Thompson, Wm H Errly,Gi
l.itttt field, Yakz Bilidiiou, Jos Sjjierings, i
Kl Moijian, Robt Hlmon;lson, Wm i
K lker, A SpiennK', W II JiCober, I
H Ktndel. K L Roy, Robt J Katli, Krtd
Narup, Thos Connolly, Henrv A Smith.
I.ouis Brown, Wm Palmer, John G:j;lor
estv, I R Yates, E H West, Alexander
Selling, C Christiansen, Wm G Walker,
I. Wellington, Burton I'hiilip, J W
Philhps, leltjert Follet, Martin Vandcn-
brook, R K Benefiel, II 11 Hehzel, Henry
Yogt, II Urate, Witiard Maloon, Chas
iJolils, CC Dunn, John C Smith, II J
Smuh, R P McPberfon, D J Kalher, S
T Munroe, Chas Pippert, Anion Mtemo ;
sen, J E Cox, K J Martineen, H A Todd, i
A K Weetcott. Chas Spierin((, F W
Pribnow, William Zieglrr, J J Meacliam,
J J Roberts, Wm VanlJerzanden, C C ;
Homers, Theo Vandi-rzanrfen, C O IIoj-,
pins, Anf'y Maceiuo, II B Danchy, N W
Raslv, Geo Lipoert, II M Vanderzanden,
Hen y Narup, H J Mailer, J Wood, M ,
H Parker, Henry Yandomeleu, Yinzom!
Dolp, M G Woolmao, T M Rngin, Joha ,
Rledsoe, A C I-ydia, K K Hunger, A La-;
chine, Jacob Mauss, John Friday, C R
Cox. L R Ing er, W II Lyda, W J Soh- i
ler, W M Eashy, J N Berry, S J Thomp-1
son, O James, Wm Yandomeleu, C V j
Remolds, Herman Piepka, F M Rey- j
t o ds, P N YanDerzanrlen, Jack Kberlv,
John I-htrly, W J Wilson, Frank Sell,!
I rank Cteps, J B Frost, A Vanderzan
den, George Herb, Bert Van Dornelen, '
F Li Pranger, L Vanderzanden, W H
McGill. F I Berry, J G McLarland, Wm ;
Vandehey, WRiiim Cop, Win Smith, J i
A Moot, Martin J Yandirzanden, Geo
Vanderzanden, O K Mil s, C Valideliej, ;
0 U HamiltOD, John VanDomelen, I
Montie Grffin, Arnod VanUonie en, '
Harry Yarull, S Cops, Henry Vandehey,
FS. hleg l, Lewis Roy, J W Phips, W
H Reding, W C Hines, A (J Killin, John
Cop, Charles Fields, J F Eberly, Chas
Reiling. John Boos, Henry A Smith,
Henry Cop L L Crawford, C h Roberts,
John Narup, Geo Vandercovering, K lis
Puribn, G W Hines W W Ixingureotb,
(ieo Vaudehev, R M Ranks, J C Schul
lnerich, A H Phipps, l'atsy F Toofey,
John Wunderlich, M Kohl'r, Curl
i,orenz, Carl (Jribner, Henrv N Peter
son, Geo B Aydelott, W N Jacobsnn,
August Crop, W H Baker, John Schlatel,
Marki is Adams, K C Friday, B A Fri
day Uemiie Nelson, C W McConaliey,
Trepheon Dierich, J F Carstens, George
Smith, A U Reppeto, U W Uodson, J
W Miller.
To Whom It May Concern
Notice Is Hereby Given that tha und)r
Hiicned resident of Ranks Precinct, Wash
ingtoti Coiintv, Oregon, will on Wednes
day, the "th day of Sept, 1!)I0, at IU o'clock
A. M. of said day, present the jViri'noinjr
petition to the County Court or the state
of Oregon for Washington County at
Hillidmro, Oregon, and at said time and
olace will ask that a license will he ihku(1
to the undesigned applicant authorizing ;
Iiiintoselt spirituoua, vinous rrwl malt
lijiiors in isanKB precinct, wnsnmgron
County, Oregon, in low ouantities than
one gallon, (or a period of one year from ;
Hie oate or me iMauaiice oi much iicenno,
Day.l this tu day of July, 1910.
J. M Miller, Applicant,
Jiaglcy t Hare, Atuirneys for Applicant.
Deaverton, Ore.
J. A. MOTT, Prest
J. T. WILLIAMS, Vice Pres.
W. E. PEGG, Secy.
II. W. BOLGER, Cashier
Transacts a General Banking Business.
4 Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits.
Money to Loan on Good Security.
Fire Insurance in the Best Companies.
We are Insured against Burglary and Fire.
Our Officers are Bonded. Depositors are as well Pro
tected as in the Largest Bank.
"Keep Your Own Key and Counsel"
Sound advice within certain
It's all right when applied to holders
of keys to our safe deposite vaults.
Absolute privacy. We can rent you
boxes for $ i .go per year. Call and
examine them.
Cornelius, Oregon.
Newport Yaquina Bay
The Only Beach in the Pacific Northwest
Where the p e'tv Water Agates Mobs Agates, MooDBtoiet,
Carnt-liana, and Rock Oysters cm be found.
Out Door Sports of All Z.lxxcl
I c'uiirift hunting, fiBhins:, digging Rick Oysters, boating,
surf bathing, riding, autoing, canoeing and dancing. Pure
mountain water and the bnst food at low prices Fresh
crabs, clams orsters, fish and vegetables of all kinds daily.
Ideal Camping (Jrounda, with strict sanitary regulations,
at tiouiinnl cot-t.
Low Round Trip Season Tickets
from all points in Oregon,
Wxshingson and Idaho on
sale daily.
3-Day Saturday to Monday Rate
from S P. points, Portland to
Cottage Grove, inclusive, in
cluding branch lines, also
from all C & E. stations Al
bany and west. Good goiDg
on Saturday or Sunday, and
for return Sunday or Monday.
A Sunday Excursion Rate of
from Alpany, Corvallis and Philomath, with corre pocdiDg low
rates from points west, in effect all summer. Call on any 8. P.
or C k K Agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules,
etc.; also for copy of our beautifully illustrated booklet, "Out
ings io Or'gon,'' or write to
WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
i mm m . m m w I
-a ii n r n r m
rORMLK Will AlliHRS t)N SClNf
lor a Mia Sixt -Thrc tti uun
Vounj U day
H. I. Lowis, motition of whose
arrest was made in hust week's
Arjrus, eviiiontly carries his M
years lijrhtly. for he is itt trouble
over the everlasting and eternal
question woman. Lewis settletl
at Iilley a few months aro, uiu;
later went to Newberir. What
hapiK'ned to him there is K'St
analyzed in the following Irom
last wtvk's News KeHrter, of
"CkuuI t hippy tth eitttrr ilmr
cbirmrr, ir th other ilcur climmrr
wv", tiit, for ttmt nmttrt, uvuM tw
tiling to do most iivttiuii to Ri t out
M th prrtrnt pirilicmnrul liv with
filter or wth of tlirm, if tttrv wouUI
mijtway until he ur Ur ihiI of
111 for kmkI, At lrt tlut 11 itir r
Krti concrrtiinj; lUrrT I.. Young, lm
II. I. lft, at the pretriit ilrtsioetl lu
the Ynuihill county luittile.
According to thriw mine rrjirt. Mr.
Young it young man of lUmt um
niers who in hit youthfulneM lim !
couietio much nurtir t It wouUI ap
pear that Mntrthiug like four year ago
he married wire No I, or alie la ti
poseil to I No. I, aiul for Ct'iivruirnce
will t rnKeit to iu DkUhouia. A )rr
or so ago, coining to Una itate lie I
cutiie c(uiuteil with Mary A. litown
He o. 1 anil laal July m.irrir.l her.
They hare been leantiug at Newturrg.
Kvrrvthirg apiarel loclv until a week
or two ago when wife No. I appeared on
the aceue, ami now the fond htulianil
languishes in jail, and i likely to have
to face a charge uf bigamy In the court
Vi ita o. t it the reprewntationa are
to te telieved, who ia now in McMinn
ville, d-e out propose to allow Lewis to
recline ou flowery txda of ease while
tusking iu the fjvor of No. J. and wife
No. 1 has no liMwition to permit Young
to remain iu the nuushiue of bins with
wife No. i, while she remains out in the
colli. I a the meantime oung n be
ginning to rraSie that the way of the
tratigreot is hnrd.antt fails to see very
much ol a ray of hope.
Ihe women are bottj said t) be nearly
or qutte as old at th" man for whom they
ate mating tue troutiie. or perhaps who
has ni.nle trouble for himself
means iod time to you for
years to come. True economy in
a time-piece lies in cleanliness,
Ihe delicate parts doinjr indes
cribable work will soon wear
themselves to ruin, destroy their
hinh finish and jK-rfect fit, w hen
running in accumulating dirt and
rancid oil. It will cost you noth
ing to let me examine it. C. F.
Libby, Jeweler, Ilillslxiro, Ore.
The four var tld son of Dan
iel Smith, of Jackville, Ulow
Farmington, was taken to a
l'ortlanillhospital. this week, un
tler directions of I)r. F. A. l'.ai
ley. The little fellow has a type
of paralysis which at first was
thought to be the scourge "in
fantile paralysis, " but the at
tending physician says it is not
that malady.
The estate of the late Jens 1'.
Hansen, of Dilley, has U-en en
tered for probate. It covers
realty and personal property in
the sum of seven thousand dol
lars ami will all go to two heirs
at law. Harold, of Dilley, and
Walter, of Portland. I,. L.
Langley filed the petition for ap
pointment of an administrator.
Ladies' and gents' underwear
at cost. Ladies' sleeveless vests,
8 cents; 12 l-2centsand 25 cents.
Men's shirts and drawers, 2Zi
cents, 39 cents and 40 cents.
H. Wehrung & Sons,
County Clerk Bailey did a poor
Cupid business in August up to
the 2ord. There were but seven
licenses issued for the period
one of the dullest Augusts for
years at the matrimonial counter.
It is but little wonder that Dep
uty K. C. Luce feels there is
something wrong with the condi
tions. See our prices-ladies' and
gents' shoes. You know the
lines and know we are selling at
cost and many lines less than
cost.- - H. Wehrung & Sons.
Jasper Keller, of nearGlencoe,
was in Tuesday. He recently
threshed 10 acres of oats which
went over 70 bushels to the acre
and 14 acres which yielded over
52 bushels to the acre and that's
going some for a dry season.
The undersigned wants from
SO to 10 head of Angora goats.
State price and particulars.- Ole
Oleson, Hillsdale, Oregon, Uoute
Rheinhald Schwanke, of North
Plains, was in town Tuesday
morning. Mr. Schwanke's place
I is located in one of the richest
sections ot the county.
Otto Wohler, of Jobe's, was
over to the city Tuesday. Mr.
Wohler is harvesting two and
one-half acres of onions this
J. S. Steinke, of Minter bridge,
was up to the city Tuesday
morning. ,
Leo Schwander and wife, of
above Mountaindale, were in the
city the last of the week.
t r
25 Per Cent
On all Oxford s and Low Shoes for men, women atxl
thiWrcu Taus, Patent Leather, Snatlc
and Ciiui Metal.
BARGAINS In Figured Lawns, at 5 cent
IVr Yard.
In the Now Uridel block
Personal Property
Three Year Lease
As I am leaving the farm ()ctlcr
I, I offer the following descritad
projxirty at private sale at my place
lt mile north of Ik-thany store, 8
miles northeast of I Iillsboro. Any
responsible person purchasing the
Ier.soiial property or a major part
thereof can have the lease on 106
acre farm for 3 years at 5 175 per
year. Will sell any item singly.
5 winter cows, 3 aoon to be fresh $270
4,2-year old heifers all bred 120
New 600 lb per hour cream sep-
ator 35
3-year old horse, weight 1500 250
2 old ponies 50
2- horse corn and potato cultivator
Shaher potato digger 10
3- inch farm wagon 25
Tr PfoUss onal Vis
AO English t-hssl. U- 'f
tnrlM nr In rlr u ' ' -ss
uusj-uijmiiiiiii' i i
dot wm to uinln Mm M"
rUiUt ou all rt r '
rvrt-s sin) llio ( ii . i.
ruislunt wtiU h Mutcii!,:"
thm. Out uf las .. i
rllsljls pcrwitt. If sutUU uij n
dUlrwaetl, 0.1 Id tli NH s
romniixM siatB frvun whi'li t.ti
tut t rotiK-U until Hie 1
tnrli had (i"L l l
broil lUlllinuiii'il nf i!ii a: l n.
It hmiiwiu-il llmt Ii
frum hums nt tin tln'.
rrlvrd on tlio sii iio i f a- U ii 1
tlont hull rvciteni. At ItI v
b w luumiimril mil! nrrlml
liotiMi whll tlm wiimiii "
Coiuk-Iou. IIo Imrrl'it ni-'
Into th room wlmrs lin ') 1
th coach. II l'H'kr.1 t h-r. 1
iprsxNlon of tiilrrwt orrrspw.
"Now, thin," he Mid In '
ehMrful ton-"thUi ti
County at $2.20, while They Last
Main St. and P. R. & N. Tracks. Iloth Phones!
2reeXr,er gamerit fFT J" W' lWhitt' of nks,
sw cents per garment, at Baird's. was in the city yesterday.
Whlsllsr's Wsys.
It W Whlntli'r custntn
drowty to fo dplllMriitl; t" "ll "
mtter whir or wtmt th ci
tsnrr inljjlit N. At m ltitn-r
hit) gntltlo lioro miilili'iilj' nri" '
npltflilwr, who liU'lKixl lilm o
with his oIIkiw. "I ay. M'
h protaatrd xeltilly, "you ""
1ihp hre!"
"Lear tim nlnno!" nimpi1"-1 v
tlr. 'Tto unld nil I nnil
no Intflrent nt nil In "'
your frlondit Imvo t ny "
Ono evcnliiK ho wiih my '
dlnnor at a tnt'l. i:'lul" y '
wn sUo tlii-ro. HUrht nf"'r
Whliiller wriit cnlmly
tho way to I ho thoni'-r h f"JllU'
other nap In tho onh, ami I'""1"
d pweefully thmiiKh tho Rn"'";r
of tho piny. Tho n.-xt """'"
blnndly aaki-d 1110: "NVhnf ill''
have to nay limt iiIkIiH a";
worth whller-Ouliiry.
Tho atibjolnoil In-m "I'l"1
French nowapiipor:
"Thoro wn found l rv ,
moriilin tho body of a olH ' ;
plecoa and aowed up l ,
clrcuuiatauci-a wt'in to ll'
uaplcloa of nuk'lilu."
ii r"
A Forscsst.
Jniioa-Whnt do J""' lhlllli
tho end of tho woiiinii 'I"'
llrowu-Thoro won't ""
They'll nlwaja l uHklni; Vi"
How It Cams Ou .
no - 8 yon n.iiHiii 11
brought you. How H' 11 ,
Bho-Th mil hor iiiiihI M
I rnn't boo nny oilu'f
Trn imcrlpt.
Tin truo to yoiirMi-lf H"1 V!l'1'I1
ii.-.d lo worry iibout wii"
borit think.
""mimMllIll -,