The" ir r JnllLLSB VOL X VI I HILLSBORO, OREGON, AUG. 25, 1910. NO. 2 R0 iS i MISSING TEN w BBS IS LOCATED Ar,Jci. Aru Hud I'mnk I.. plK,Ur Junior, In t M'r tyilMDTO AW M l W St I T In.ldc ol One ty lo 1, $hi MD Hctt I a'hcf, Wbu ''" ,.,. l ' Argun continued u fur the location of a man not hcell Ileum ol l'r far w hi parent onhr. Th- in ur Drum! ;M-Mrr Korku, 1x4 IJ'HT) who h' I,,, yr:n fjiiliiv livi' ti.,ti-. Tin- tin U-ft that ' ,; t-'ii .-:rs . and " ,lin.'u tin father and mother ca!llt,Wl.,t l. SHikn. ti vwit ft.t;,(iv.-s. Before leaving they m-iv informed that W. N'e s,m, f the -M:"" ''urler i..,' l,l -i.-.-ii llii' in in thi ,!.v hUm.i five or is week ngo. ti,;. f;.!,.-r I. -ft tin- wife in Sih. i ,,,-A arrived in Hillslmro ti,.I-.- morning. He Holieited .'niiiMim I-rank in ( 'atcliimr if in-ar I'nrcht Drove, ilieil .-it t n. family home A'igir-t 17, l'jp), from an utt.u k of In-art failure' II.' wa.H lxirn (in tin- urifinal Catching i'natii)ii Ian. I claim in lSTi ami ha always lived on a part of th.- ..I,! liuiii.-hti-ail. He wut marn.'.l t.. a Mim Anna Oweim, lint no i-luldren survive FurwMiir y.-aiH Mr. Catchiny lian Ih-cii in th,- Iniiiin.-HH (if brick manufacturing. Hi widow ami two brothers mourn his loss. Tlii- lirot her an- Ivlwanl Catch- ifivr. of Fnn-t drove, an.l J. R. Catching, nf California. Catch ing win a prominent Knight of I vidian, ami wan buried Sat urday iiii.l.'r the auspice of that Contractor Adam Put In Hid (or fourteen Seventy live to hi: ah'Kovkd by run court Construction it Soon lo Continence Much Talked ol Building Mimnd t'"" county I-'- oril of .. ilr ill.ill MTI HeitmH'U. l w.-i! in the t.tx roll, but no mum yf ;.K-a, r ou!l l found. II Hu n ran tin' inquiry. uu MIHTK-'im: 1 1 Km-ilviUe tilt tin 5 J(l train Tlturl:iy fvi'tiinjj. Vwr .!'i-'-f the am evening U ..!, r went over to Ui't'UVllk t ... Lis mail, when he VWU tod! of lh- imniirv anl of tlu- rcH- rtu-f of the fatluT in Hurt City. U,,.,:, r Sr. Im.l tutt'ii.'ninal y, lor.-main here until Satunlav. Ath.-iiav nroi'n'.'Wi'tl. howovrr, u- U-vam.' .liHlii-arU'tH'U ai "i truslvuirthv.-vun ir.-ttin- ivhuILh, nn. nUhtHii-rii i'tJrmm. limit ta!. thai d- tnitfdt t-xiMtt no in- f..rm:i!io!i for a day or ho, wt-nt to S.tlem to visit Miiint'iota fricn.h. I'ri.lay tnorninit youtur U.-s!i-r un-tved at the Artru of fkv to tmil tin' lari'iil Kont. T.-i.-iiiioii!.- rommunication wm mal.-Hith Sali-m lit ono o'tlm-k mint a Mrs. Hilkc Haul that 1mh-h- It-r l-,ad rcntaiiu'il with llu-m Tlmrsday niiflit and had tfone to across Urain your low land ami make it Jirotlui-e doudle. We will htart the manufacture of tin- tile ina fi-w dayn. We now have a KUpply of 1 inrli. .r inch arid fl inch, on hand. Put in your or- l.-r at once, uur clav is tin IichI for jirixliicin v,ro durable tiling. Order novs. (Irom-r & IioM-, Co., Scholl.-i, Hill.slxiro, Ore., liuute 2. Ind. Tel. 7tf N. H. Joih-h 4 cirrvitiK a twenty !ie cent m-ce w Inch wan dun out from under the old chimney in the houne built in pioneer dayn, on the present Jake Milne farm. 1 he coin w dated IK 1.1 and it took astroiiL? t'lass at the Shute bank to determine the vear of cnimtK'i'. The house tin ier which it was found was no . i i i i cuiue.i in eanv uayn nv aames Imhne, an uncle of the Hillsltoro Imhrie lvs.'SaSe Team; 7 years old, L-rav weighs bVx). bay, 11W; net $7 harness; Studehaker waon, IS :i-l; all for $075. Also black IrniiiK horse, pacer, 1,000 lbs.. $1.10. Horses all-round and Herk'ert, 2:5-5 visit a Nick Simon, another Minnesota neiL'hbor. llu Hilki'S sent word to the father, at once notifying li.iesler of the fiiui iiiL' of the son. who has U-cn workitnr on a hav baler in tlu SchoISs and Keeihilk' distriot. liKs!.-r Sr. is a wealthy lam owner in the Dakota, tind is 73 years of ul'v. il.H-sier Sr. arrived here from Salem Saturday afternoon and the Anns retmrter picked tlu m mi at lieedville ami had the two toed her at ten o'clock. The mceiimf was very nlTectinvr. father ami son Ixith cryink'. Tin Arnns ivjMirter turned on lu'i'l 11ml made his iret-a-way fore he t.H, wius uliout to have a ihnoiistnition of tears. I hey went on to Sisikane the first of tin.' ue.-k, where the Uy meet. the mother, who w very feebU1 ami who wished to utfain see her eldest born before K ie nassei away Hon. Henry K. Mctonn and wife am I it us Uinifiey and wife were in the city Sunday mtirniiof. Mr. Mcdinn had spoken in Forest drove, Saturday niK'ht, Sunday monuni? Mr. 1-ank'- lev eave them an auto irip thnmeji NerlHKirt and t enter- ville ami then into uus my the North riains. 1 tie ortland visitors tlioitnlit w asm iiiftoti rountv had tt on all others in the state. '..tice to Farmers liaohot. the celebrated ImiKirteu M'k'ls Contractor Adams has revised i liures for a cement block building to U' used as a rest room, ami located on the court house sonare. and the price is to $1,175. The plans and spec ifications are now Inintf drawn, and they are to Is submitted by the ladies of the committee to the county court for approval It is said that the mnldinir, as at present conceived, will lie modern as well as an ornament. and that construction is to lietfin in the very near futurp, tpving plenty of time for use this Win ter. The ladies have worked Ion and faithfully to Ket funds for the erection of this building, 1 . , . 1 1 . 1 and it wi come as nanuy tins Winter as it would have been in the warm period. It is understood that the struc ture will be located on the east ide of the court yard square U-tween the bandstand and Lincoln Street, somewhere. It is something that the city has lonjr needed, and will be a great convenience for those from out of town who trade in the city. When this is built and the city puts in a concrete watering trouirh for farmers' horses farm- .1 ...... 1 ers mav come U) me my anu have modern conveniences, for their families as well as their teams. Hess brothers, whose machine burned last week at the M. Fitz simmona place, paid Mr. Fitz simmons $85 for his tfrain loss, although they allege that no one knows 111st how the tire started, and they do not think it started from the engine. the oiaze started when all were at dinner. tather than have trouble the owners of the burned separator and the lost irrain got together and adjusted the loss. Hess irothers state that they have , 1 i r... used every care 10 prevent, ore atching from the engine and they are at a loss to know the lire's origin. Sheriff Hancock was out in the Greenville section Sunday, to re store to a woman a minor child. She has sued for divorce, and asked the court for an order re straining the husband from in terfering with her during the pendency of the suit The hus band went out Sunday morning ;ind took the child away, but be fore the sherift arrived he had returned the little one. When told that he was likely to get into trouble if he molested the woman le was considerably abashed. We manufacture rough and dressed lumber of all kinds, and out of fine timber. If you are going to build, give uh a chance to figure on your bill. W ill figure at vard. or deliver. W e are now sawing from the best timber cut in our section for years. Oroner k Row ell Co., Seholls, Hillsboro, Ore.. Route 2. 7tf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lazottand daughter. Mildred, and Miss thel Fineout, of Buxton, left last week enroute for the coast. They intend to visit friends along the way and are prepared for a good time in general, tak inir with them a lot of fries and a good supply of other good things. I hey will be absent about three weeks. I OH Till; LHUISLATURU hrrrtiT ittnounr mvsrlf as candidate (or the It-Kiitature itiliiect to the Kepub llcan pnmatin, hept. 24, 19'- 1 "m fiim U-lirvcr in the direct primary ud believe in its beinit kept on our ttute 1 Hill lu a Ixlievtr in direct leRiilalion and Statement No. t, and on these prin ciplca jio before the Washington County electorate, Clm- V. Loudon. Columbia Precinct, Comeliui Route I AUCTION SAI.IJ The undersigned will sell at pul t. ...... I IWchenm Stallion, will make the Fall and Winter at the -"- . 4 i A. . . ranch of the undersigned, two .,n... ha f miles northwest, oi iaiiKs. i.. 1 !- I-Vcd PritzlolT. of C.ales Creek, was in town Inday, enroute io Portland. I' red is in the uairj- , I ..U.-lK- h:IS nig liUHiness, ami "v . -his Winter supply of mill feed aid in. He uiai , . hi; ..tore profitable to lay in at tins ol l lie year a.i on rl i i. ' .... (I... Win. invanatuy auvame.-. ..v ..... ter comes on. The Climax Milling Co. will C,,.U1, iacks free ol cnarge to fanners ucsiiihk Uore their wheat at house. Paul Bailey, son of County Clerk ami Mrs. l.aney, bni recovered from his seco nn o tion for appendicitis that he is able to wheel himself around in 1 L Growers Requested to Bring Fruit for Packing Ice cream delivered part of the town. we have Hazelwood. phones. -erv. J. S. WILL HAVE FINE FRUIT DISPLAY in COMMITTEE WILL PACK FOR EXHIBIT Then Wishes to Send lo Portland for Exhibition, Naming Crower Those orchardists and farmers who are contemplating to send in fruit for the street carnival are requested to at once see N. H. Alexander as to receiving and packing the fruit for display. Mr. Alexander has a practical man who will pack the apples, pears, or other fruit, and he re quests growers to bring in a box, if possible of fruit of each varie ty for exhibition, and he will have it neatly packed free of charge. He asks that the fruit sent In be free of scale and worms, and after it ha3 been on exhibition here it is intended, with the growers' permission, to ship the displays to Portland with the growers' names attach ed. Neat packing in boxes is one half the value of the exhibit, and care taken in this regard i3 worth a great deal to the grower. High Q UALITY Drug Store The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists yvho take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies . 'THE BEST EVER" Itaminshy's Make Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies For County Judge To the Republican voters of Washington County. The nndereiirned is a candi date before the Republican primaries, Sept 24, 1910, for the party nomination for County Judge of Washington County, Oregon. If I am nominated and elected, I will, during my term of ofbee, conscientiously and impartially perform the duties ap pertaining to the office, and will use my trf.t fTiirta tn viv th rort1e of Wajth- to any ington County a prcgressive, business- Remember hke and economical administration of Ruth tele- untT aaairs. 1 lavor tne building ot Koebcr S tonlection- o building and MttiDi? permanent returns for public money expendedand Ixirsung and family re- l desire to plMed on ballot. The Delta Drug Store. Hillsboro, Ore.j to sell or their ware-17tf lie . ., t.ij r if.v mi .. 1. door ambulance. ,M .... lll.T 1.1 I Mill. IW'l 1 v-,.i 1 1.1 I l.ll ,1...'. .... ,1 the P. U. &N. Railway, at ten k, expected that he will be awe u. m., on to leave the hospital ny me THPUSDAY SF.PTKMHF.U 1 of next week. tir. ti M'ltra ..1.1 tni. Ilia. Willi Hill'kl 11.... . WltntOd ill I tit '"! i"U, 1 mmitliaotd; aotrt-l mate, gry ..... A . , .j .,,.,.,1 nt Witch 11a- Haie. Uo vrKill.iu rnlla. J cnwa. nil aj lv.v . .' . . . , , t.,:,in f..i. ,1,.. r.(, r .... ...1.1 s. r. tra ta w - : .i" 1 ti., unr now 1. run, jr.,, . ... t. - - - lfc . fer. f,rl, ..,.1 M.r,..- t hnfers. iH VVVitu tn W. i. reiersou, nuu.-, t; .Iim- il)w. Canton rlllH-t ,, limxlvilll'. Ol't1. -i11 1,1, 1 " . 1 . .... K". , nrw; nurniw, tuyruKr, uit " 1 . 1 liUL-irira. 1 aria luiav harilc.S. act n t.' K'ooiltZ Itml Witt! aiUl 'k ii.uusa, cultivator, wnuou, j hoa "i, ,.im-netl Saturday eve mr linuw hold Iiiniiture ami oilier v iu. . , - mQ ailUIi-H I.K) numirniu to mriit nil. lUK 11001 '..... .1:1 t 1 :... i. 1 nev 11 01 1 1 i. ol 'iv nv,... 1.1111111 HI 111:1111 I 1 111 II. 1 . J 1 , . Teniii nf Sule llti.lrr K1 canh: Ten their marksmanship "'1 iivi r, one year bn.iknble nule. S per , ,;.,l,....-..n's luck did break r,.. 1 I - 1 I ! 1 T I I 1 I I n I 1 1 1 lllvii "in im.ict -j-w0 ,,er cent, nil cuati With a drougthy Summer and late Spring, Washington County emerges from harvest with a fine hav and trrain crop equal or let ter than the average of coast crops, and away ahead of the Mississinni Vallev. There's no place, after all. like the William- ... ll... TV... rnif nv-,n cue vttiiev, nit mm .iv.t., worth millions to our orchardists, will be very fair. farmers are now hauling in ornin and hav and the dust is ted abominable from all Quarters of the county. A good soaking rain wouia ao mucn to make it more comfortable. Mrs. Rena Rrewer, of Portland, as out the first of the week, a guest ot relatives. Mrs. Brewer formerly worked at me inue pendent oflice. .1. H. Dance, of near Laurel, was in town Saturday afternoon. e is farming on tne wnue ranch. .1. A. Chauman. candidate for tv-A renresentative on the as sembly ticket, was in town n ;ty. NEW MILK ROUTE over ja, Jack Wood, Owner. J. W. Unfiles, Aiirtioiiii-r. f roni H:ilph Imhrie was in West Union Saturday. We will lw to Hell and 'jeliver brick after Monday, July 0r Portlatul, was out to the old f:'- (live us a call. Klinenum uimiiv. trreeting friends. 1 l-IW M....II. IIMI.l UOIIHl (."". - . .,,,,.). ""I tit Hiiisuiiio. 11., ...j luiuir ii oroiieitj' m wn-- and fishermen atrainst them Keep yur chickens enclosed! Just received-a .v 1 r rion rv wire, ixuw uieiiiy t" i.i..,..:i, v. the time to miy.-woeiun. (lorwin. Kx-Marshal W. V. Atkinson, l!r lelV I, Crandnll. of Portland. Lul iiml is making his permanent lllHl Who in r.,ur.r,. of the Hhil)- home there. He thmKS iiiisuo- I'ini-r department of a big lumber ro is improving wondertully. 1111 tloor concern, was out bun- , , . Mare and "y. the guest of his lather, , VV ni,oot 1:500 each tU'llvon f rnndull IHMe, - Al.,.f ,'hp Team for i-.-imp. weigh animals. or hii 1 .1-1.111 i,m lit er. .0, - arnngion, neai a . -'.ix.- a VIVH'tl tlt'l' - I I VI'll n WIVa relw' pattern; CO hop baskets, (Wervillo. 'inusoino hop sacks in good re- c vl via Tucker, of ClarkS' '-.. Will sell at a bargain.- , '"T,:. r .- in the citv Sun Imbrie, Hillsboro, Route ( n , , - r Mr9. A, West tin an I 'iy. " " cu t,.,c tinnn I 111 A I'ovve II. Due oa Jiidi2t W H llolliu of Koruat ri; no- 11 moil th at Newport, n. . :' " 7. ,1. . i'l",'".ir,v ".i....f,.H v,-,- was uown to ino cu an icu iuoiuiuy i"i ?aturduy. on leiral business. Mr. . f.v ""His is handling the legal busi- We carry Voobcr's Con tor the United in Washing- ft tuts and nuts. Kotbtr s uon wn Cotmtv fectionery. turned Saturday from an over- after my name, the following: Innrl trin tn Tillamook and the "Businesslike administration; Perms Vul,..l,im witornmo- hv thp wav BeDt Roads; and full value for every cent iH IIUIV Ilia jvkuiiiliif, . - - J I tut K.laH of the Salmonlierry. They made "" q" w. MMti, 170 miles in about 0 days ana Cornelius, Oregon fished along the line, , t,i,i.u anA ;f. nnd I Eugene Delplanche, of near o. r'- Centerville, was in town Monday, son liolierL are snending a tew ' davs at the New nort beach and Geo. Biersdorf, of North Plains, surrounding country. Robert was in Monday, taking out hop took along a hunting and fishing supplies. license and ett with nappy an- R Stewart" of South Tual- ticipations ot a good time. atirii wa3 jn town Monday after- Money to loan on real estate noon, security. We sell farms. Try Toni Gassner, in the merchan ts. The Webfoot Realty Co. dising business at Reedville, was Hillsboro. liti in town Sunday J. C. Smock, who has been August Boge, of near Farm identified with the town of Sher- ington, was over to the county wood formany years, and w no seat the last of the week laid out one of that town s addi- . .M town MAnrlnv. nn Martin Vandehey, supenn hiK nxsit at trie COtirt house. leuucm, ut lire wui y loiiu, up 10 me city monuay aiternoon. J. k. HorwicK. the Keeuviue merchant, has this season ar- J. A. THORNBURGH President J. E. BAILEY Vice-President W. W. MCELDOWNEY Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Capital StocK $25,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits20.000 Exchange to all parts of the World Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time - Certificates. DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailer J. W. Tuqua Wither W. McEldowney J. A. Thornbur r A. W. Waker, of South Tual- he undersigned will establish a new milk route in Hillsboro on September 1, and will furnish pure, first-class rniiK, wun stana ard tests. Those wishing milk mav leave orders for same at the Ballard Shoe &nop, near tne Crescent Theatre, or telephone Indeuendent Tel. usa, or drop postal to John Madding, Hillsbo- ro. tire. IV M. Whitesell was over from South Tualatin, Saturday, and called on the Argus. Hountv commissioners Butner and McClaran were in town the last of the week. Mr. n.nd Mrs. John W. Connell and Miss Susie Morgan returned Friday from a ween at JNewport. Hmintv Clerk J. W. Bailey spent Sunday in Portland with wife and son. J. B. Walker, of below Beaver- ron. was a county seat visitor Friday. r.reen Walker and wife, of Roy, were in the city Friday, visiting friends. Mias Margaret Crusoe, of Port land, was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Bagley. red "his store and wh a caller Monday rooms so that he is able to Keep - his stock in nice shape. He is Daniel Bailey and family, of also postmaster for that section. South Tualatin, were in town Wolf Bros, teams, which are wonaay' hauling rock for the road work L. F. tarstens, of Banks, was west of town, haul over three down to the county seat Monday vardsata load. These Cornell- afternoon. us toys know how to make it Do not forget to hold out that pay. extra nice fruit for the coming Benton Phillips and wife, of street fair. near Buxton, and who have been Lee Mead came down from visiting over in Clark tounty, gheridan the first of the week Wash., passed through enroute to g0 on to Seaside with nis nome, last oaturuaj . father John Goodin, who years ago T Af FWef r,mw built many bridges for the cqun- L' who ig the chief factor in ty, was out from Momaviua, the new race track up there Saturday aiternoon, and caned stAt.Ps that several horsemen are on the Argus. desirous of opening training Hans Rasmusen, the West quarters up there. Union carpenter and rancher, rnnttmnni. v M p;PO uQO was in town Monday morning. LTT" T" , " ; John F. Carstens and wife re- from its old foundation and set turned from Newport. Saturday it eastward a few feet. This and were in the city Sunday, en- house was built by the late Will- route home to banks. iam Hay, m the fifties, although R. S. Alexander, formerly of it has been remodelled since. above Blooming, now of forest pQ Grove, was in the county seat ing machinery has shipped Daturuay. out to Kov for the United Kail Thos. Murphy, road supervisor way work, and everything is be- fnr his district above Mountain- ing crowded to the limit The dale, was in town Mondav morn- contractors have orders to get ing. to the mountains oetore tne wet E. T. Turner, of Laurel, and weather commences. in the general merchandising Louis Ennes, who runs the big business, was in the city Monday steam roller, which weighs about morning. seven tons, is doing veteran work John Friday was down from on the road between the P. R. Banks the latter part of the s ana race irac grounus. ,l. The only trouble with Louis is . . , , . , , , , . , that ne ia so lau mai ne nas io A. A. Mead, tne oidtimer, nas .'t,mn'i nvpr wVipn ho ia Anomr. been spending a few days in the ing te engine- jt would be city. w:se for him to cut a hole through Ott Hartramuf is down lor a the canopy lor ms Kopt" so few days from the Cedar Canyon that he could occasionally stand hop ranch. I erect. DUTCHESS TROUSERS IO Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip WE are showing the full line, fresh from the factory, with many improve ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date and stylish. Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds; fashionable colorings in striped and plain effects; cut in two styles conservative and "peg-top," and every pair warranted. BAILEY'S BIG STORE Forest Grove, Oregon MID SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE August is the outing month, when alljthose ! who can, get away at the seashore,or the mountains, but we can not all leave for our vacation at this time. To those who remain behind, to stimulate trade and keep trade up to its regular capacity I will offer for a short time special prices that will make you so happy that you will forget the loss of your vacation. For a short time I will offer every "article in my store, except contract goods, at a re duction of from 15 to 33 1-3 per cent. Don't forget this Mid Summer Sale for you do not often get such an opportunity. LAUREL M.HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist I.1 Hr ft?- jr. p if ;i H ?! i