The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 18, 1910, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    E i
d Rl the I'vfl oiiii-e at Hiltsboru
tn. M iwcnnd-cliiMi mail matter.
I.. A. I.UM), tlilhtir
' oynty Official Paper
-iTijiiuni: H ..'. r Annum.
iuett Kyr-rj Tlmrily
I 00 MeKINNKt '
Kansas ami Iowa, with one of
t' iX-.kotas, and w ith California,
Ivl , boon holding primaries and
s. .i. conventions, and the result
.. Nvn a revolution in Kopuh-
unities. the insurgents
1. . v on overwhelmingly, show
i that the rank and file of the
. ! --s are against the powers
t : have controlled in tariff and
it'- r legislation. Where there
v . , J rimaries so that a popular
e' i ession of the sentiment could
Iv exemplified it has shown a
g.v .ter strength of insurgency
t: ii:: where there were only eon-vovr.oi-s
in the old machine way.
'I... is evidence that people are
Ikv:, away from machine
p .s i nanism and political Iwscs
ui 1 surfer defeat where there is
a t '(anee for expression of pop
u . r w. ill. Too long have tlie
p," , le been pilfered by the hi
lt ! -ts and no one suffers; this so
a; i ;:rently as the farmers. The
pr :vssives are winning in all
s;., the bourbon states where
political machines are
ed. It reminds one of the
days when states commenct-d
i .. against the Cleveland ad
rr:r iration. Mr. Taft already
st-.- the light and while in the
p: he has stood by Aldrich and
Carbon as well as Bailinger -he
row wants to ditch them.
W;! h one Dutchman -Roosevelt
by with the progressives,
C ere promises to be revelations
a;--t g political lines in the near
f'.l'.ire, and even should Mr.
Roosevelt swing to the conserva
t: i- it will make but little dif
fi i ace in the results. The steam
rc'kr propelled by the people, is
gtt-irg into action and it will
n i a clearing up of "things
a.- t cy should not be."
M. Chapman, of Varley. was
in u. e city yesterday. Mr. Chap
m:,n ;0me time ago lost a valu
a! K- nare on the Oregon Electric of way. near Varlev. The
&m:n&l which had a colt by her
pk. broke out of a pasture and
in crossing the line on a road
s.'. kched and went on a trestle
ti " being neither fence nor
cs: t :e guard for a distance of 60
iC i at the point where she
cr, ;;eJ the track. She became
fa ,ed between two of the ties
on the trestle, and swung off
di.-i was found dead by the own
er t ie next morning. The colt
wis a. so badly injured and har
to ;, : neljied to its It-et for sev
en! uays. Mr. Chapman savs
he could have sold the mare for
' 'i anytime, and the colt was
eai;v worth $100. He has pre-
-eu a claim to the railway
company, but as yet has received
no results.
A adjourned meetinz of the
Nxialist Counts Convention of
vv..- u igton County, Ore., is
y called to meet in mass
.Tit ion at tne court house in
"ro, Ure., on Saturday.
at 20, at 1 o'clock ri m
Oeo. Peterson, County Commit
ter, an.
William Pitman, of Hillsboro
v! iic working at the Palmer &
Son logging operations near Es
tate a, Monday, he was struck
.n the head by a choker block, j'ltman was foreman for the
crew and the hook had
t -en fastened to a huge log.
Whi e the slack was being taken
J'P :.y the donkey engine the
ho :-: hjcame detached and struck
Mr. P.tman on the side of the
face, rendering him unconscious.
I lo was taken to a Portland hos
piLd at once, and recovered con
sciousness before he reached the
City. Mrs. Pitman wentto Port
land nr,d is at the bedside. The
att-nding physician thinks he
will recover and the injuries,
while serious, will not be lasting.
As soon as he can leave the hos
pital he will remain at home for
a short time until he is completely
Po-'sons living in the country
and wishing to take the Daily
and Sunday Oregonian for one
year can, by paying a year in
advance, get the Argus and an
Oregonian map, or chart, for the
one price. 11ns oner will not
last ionjr -so get in your order
lb.? railway men of the P. R.
& R say that the boys at Tim
ber have been having a great
deal of fun at the expense of
Cha;;. Koontz and Cal. Jack, who
for a live one and filled it s full
of shot that it sank, w hile an
other joker took a pair of doer
horns and a calf's hide ami made
an imitation doer, placing it
against a tree a short distance
from camp. Cal. Jack wju, the
first to see the and pumped
13 soots into it before he dis
covered that ho had been hoaxed.
As a result of the practical jokes
neither of the boys will go down 1
to the track when the trains pull
Fine chance to build a home;
cheap; on easy term: part down, j
oaianee as rent: u acres. acres
easy cleared, rest not bad: near
ly enough wood on place to pay
for it; just off road with right of
way: a spring and on river. C.
F. Hansen.
S. R Uiwrence. formerly of
SchoUs, and a graduate of Pacific
University, has Iven admitted to
practice law by the Supreme
court ot the state, upon papers
from the slate of Washington.
Mr. lawroneo is a bright young
man and will make his way in
his chosen profession.
For rent: ofvo acre ranch in
Lane County. 140 acres cleared
and in cultivation. Good hav.
stock and grain ranch. Inquire
of Goo. Schulmerich. at Com
mercial Bank.
W. li. Irwin, of Heppner.
where he is encaged in mervhan-
lising. and who has been at
Newport with his family, was in
the city Tuesday night, the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zillv. at
the T. li. Imbrie home, on East
Washington Street.
When you want ice cream, cet
the best. Hazlewood Koeber's
W". H. Morton, w ho has been
at Hood River for several weeks,
has returned much improved in
health, having lost much of his
J 0
of the Season
Gresham Giants
The Game of Daseball ut yVthletic PorK
next Sunday, promises to be the Cann
ot the season. The Cardinals will have to
play Gilt-Edge ball to hold the- Giants even.
Number of Speaker Icll I heir
Opinions on Various Sul-jovtH
tiooo nvuki: om: n vi iiicukin
Announcement ofdeo. G. Hancock
To the voters of Washington
County, Oregon: -
I hereby announce mvself as a
candidate for the office of Sheriff
of Washington County, subject
to the endorsement of the pri
mary election, to be held on Sep
tember 24th, 1910.
If I am nominated and elected
I will during my term of office,
faithfully and impartially dis
charge the duties thereof, and
give to the people of this County
an efficient and at the same
time an economical administra
tion. I further state that I will give
the business of that office mv
personal attention, with courtesy
and fair treatment to all.
Geo. G. Hancock.
i -
For County Treasurer
Gray mare, 10 years old, weighs
1,250. True to work. Also 30
neao: goats, nannies and wethers,
well bred Angoras. Oral Gard
ner, Cornelius. Iloute 1. 2 miles
mnes above Mountamdale. Pa.
cmc states lei., Glencoe, 97.
James H. Sewell. who a vear
or so ago dropped out of hop
cuir.ure, ana nas been engaged
in general farming, was in town
yesterday. Mr. Sewell has been
a busy man lor some weeks, and,
since the 11th of Julv cut and
put in stack 250 acres of hay
wan lwo o-ioot mowers, a 12
foot rake, and four shork
and by July 29th had all the hay
m oaie except what he wanted
for his own consumption on the
farm. From the 29th of Jnlv to
August 13 he cut 40 acres of oats,
had the hay baled and in the
warehouse and barn; sold 225
tons of hay netting $4,000. and
still has hay left; has cut up 200
acres of land in small acreage (5
acre tracts) and has surveyed a
smaller tract -and by the way
nearly all the 200 acre plat is
sold. Considering that the time
elapsed is but 32 davs it. can I
are enjoying a vacation in thereadll,y be seen that Sewe'l has
The undersigned hereby an
nounced his candidacy for the
office of County Treasurer on the
Republican ticket, subject to the
primary, which will be held Sep
tember 24, 1910.
II. G. King.
forest Grove, Oregon.
Announcement for Treasurer
To the voters of Washington County:
I hereby a.moonre myself an a candidate
for the office of County Treaurer of
asmiiftn county, on the Republican
iicei, sui.j-ct to the action cf the
Primary Klection to be held September
M, iyiu. ii i am ncnimatKl ami - ert.
ed, 1 Will at a 1 tlnir erlavnr
ucci tne atlairs of the offire a carefully
it, f r. I 1. ; . . '
... mi iuvuic as i nave in tne past.
W. M. Jackson,
Ihilsboro, Oie.( Aug. 8, 1910
The City and the Country are bound
together by the telephone line.
The farmer and his family use the rural tele
phone constautly, calling up tach other and the
market town on all sorts f matters and for all
sorts of supplies and information
City people also find the rural telephone of jreat
advantage. A traveler front his room in the hotel
talks with the farm folks miles away. Without
the tele phoe he could not reach them.
The farmer himself may travel far ami still talk
home over the Long Distance Lines of the Hell
Kvcry Ht-lt Teltphnrr ii the Center
of the System.
Kctuiiic That M.m lluband Tail
lo Carry in Their Repertoire
llillslmro Grange Patrons of
Husbandry hud an opon mooting
last Saturday ami although it
was the busy season then' was a
fair attendance. Five members
were initiated at the forenoon
session atnlaftera typical Grange
dinner the literary program was
rendered. The subject of "Con
servation" was opened by Will
iam Schulmerich, who clearly
showed that fanners should learn
first to conserve th-ir soil by
proper methods of farming.
That our country's great re
sources of water Mwcr and tim
ber lands need intelligent and
careful administration u us voiced
by other speakers. They showed
how millions of dollars worth of
the finest timber had been wasted
through ignorance, and wasteful
ami greet I v methods, atnl it was
.shown how much U'tter ami su
perior in these respects is the
conservation in force in Germain
and Norway.
The re-forest rat ion of logged
olf lands unlit for farming w as
taken up by others soul hold to
be practical in this valley in or
der to keep up the supply of tim
ber for future generations.
"I he blea! Husband" was a
subject of much mtett. While
none present contended for (!,.
designation it was demonstrate I
that the ideal lu sb tnd should be
possessed of thrift. unseiiislsn.-M
and grkxl nature. Several v isitors
were present and the Grange
hopes their iiumU'iN will m
crease. The aim of this Hpi;!ar
farmers' order is to make thee
meetings not only pleasant but
insirucuve. At the Septem!--!
nu t tnig some 01 mo measure to
N Vote.! uiMm will be disnis...
Geo,, the 11 ear old son of U,
. I.uinan, of aUne Helvetia,
was thrown front n horie the
Olher day and the annual Mopped
on his cIImw, causing Uith a
fracture and dislocation one of
the most sev re known, I'r.
laimesie attended tho young
sutferer, lie was riding one
horse and leading another, and
the horse being led eitlu'f bit or
kicked the other, causing the ac
cident. Judge t'oburu, of Salt l.itke,
law yer and capitalist, wan in the
city the first of the week, look
ing over this section, lie is one
of the descendantsof early tiews
paM'rdotn of San Francisco, and
is celebrated as one ol the
literatti of the Kinky .Mountain
Hen Perkins, with the News
KeNt ler, of Mc.Miiinv ille, ami
who has been over l" American
Lake, attending; the National
Guard encampment, wits in town
today, visiting home folks.
F. II, Simpson, of South Tual
atin, was 111 Tuesday, trying to
figure out what be would get for
that oil acres of oats that Went
Til bushels to the mre and the
machine gave him Id Muinds to
the bushel,
Alfred Morgan, the eldest sou
of Mrs. Henrietta Morgan, mi!
feivd an oeral!on for blood
poiHon in one of bis linger this
morning, Tin infection came
front a sliver,
Will enter primaries Judge J,
W, Goodin has tiled his declara
tion with Guiltily ('lerk Hatley,
lie enters the republican pri
maries (o Mucceed himself us
county judge.
W. W, Hosteller, who has f,0
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,lnii.-, ,i,t I, ,
acres in hups at Keedville. was ! w .,.i,.!,ii, 1
1...., 1,1, au. f .... 1
11111 iht iliv t t, (,
I'a I 11. 0 , ,,u .,'
111 town
his van)
tins morning. I e say s
is one of the tilii-M this
. III! lie L' O' I HI II te Til,,.
as to the date of the open meet
ing. Grange Press Agent.
FOR st.i:
A good dairy and .stock ranch of
IN) acres: about I'.'., ti.r.w
1 . . ...
gooti ixiitom land; aUnit I'm acres
in cultivation; ha ance" of Imtt,.,,,
in good pasture; aUnit loo iiei-.-i
K'hmI timber; plenty of running
water; :l barns; live room hotis.-'
alniut PHI fmit trees; county
road ami telephone line runs
through place. Two urn! one
half miles from raiivvav i, ...
$-50 per acre, on easy terms .1
M. Greear, Corvalli. Or, '-
TUn ITM1..1 r- i- ,
ijic iiuisijro uaruinais and
Gresham Giants have signed up
1 or a game at Athletic Park, on
Sunday. Auerust 21. Thin u-;u
doubtless be the game of the
season, as the Giants are coming
10 tne votrri ot W HSliim'tim (utility: I hcrrliv mmmiiioi- nivK-lf ni n rnniliitair
1 1 1 . -
i nrrcriT unnonncc mysc 1 1111 canili- Ux Kfniwiitilivo1 iitilij rt to lh- li
(late for the r.fKee of la-i-onler of Con- publican I'miiHry clectiuii to In- htlil u
veyances subject to the Ki-piililxnti pri- .St ptftiilitr J Myln.
Diaries to be behl Srptriiil-r 34, lyto, Cluill. I'. Tiearil.
Ktve !
nd if noniinnU'il nri'l elected w.ll
the of.'.ct my best attention.
!; 1.. I'erkina,
Hilhlxjro, Ore , August 11, 1910.
iTo the Voters t.f Washington County:
I I l'ereby mtriouticr my candjilHiy s
j Kt .ie(:Nlmivc- for Wailuiilon County,
Valley wheat, per bu , aic: ""'"j''1'1 kepublicnn piuiniiii-s to
Oats, No. 1 white '- fU''' fl?' ' Siptt-tnU-r 14, lyio,
Timothy bay " " iW., W . H. Ilollin,
Onions, new, per sack fx,, I-0,CHt f'"ve, O-c., Aug. 11, 1910.
Potatoes, per sack ti hCbJiK I
Country butter, per lb 2
Outside Creamery, per lb 34
f'KK'. per dozen .. 2Xf ,2y
Hens, pertb ifif,iu
The scbululc of departure nnd arrival
for rortlstid
7 05 n in H 1 10 a 111
H 55 i" 9 25 ft ru
10 15 i" II 15 h m
1 .15 I' in I IK II III
45 1' "I .1 o.s p 111
4 ' p 111
7 1.5pm
y jx p 111
3 15 p in! ..
II Sunday 'mlv
1 35 I in
....6 35 p in
,,., 2u p III
I 2 2l It til
Smidiiy only
n u i 1 ri, of Oregon 1-lcetric Cars
G. W, Loudon. G encoo. onen- r.n .
, , , . - . ' .-
ea nis campaign tor the legisla
ture at Iowa Hill, last Saturday
evening. An attendant states
that he had a good crowd and
made his position clear in oppo
sition to the assembly and his
preference to the direct primary.
He also told them that ho was n
Statement No. 1 man and tlmt
he felt that the assembly plan
was being adopted by the noli-
ticians in order to kill off the
d 1 anr 1 rr rit 1 init-wi L'ti 1. . ., Ui u.ntru ouues senator, Manairor K n.w of i n. f.',Uf
by direct vote of the people. ! Grove and 1 1 illsb- ro ml.,,
It's a sin to be untrratcfiil. b.if ' was in town yesterdav. When
the Artus reporter can't help it. ' interviowed as to an article in a
once in a while, C. E. Koontz ! m:ent ISHUt! ot ihe Oregonian, as
and Cal. Jack sent a piece of ?-" 'H company's future action
venison in to him yesterday by:in case it established a factory
Fireman Alexander. It was at Tillamook, he said: "The
neatly wrapped up, but judging 'matter of jroing to Tillamook
by the feeling the bovs had eaten! will no way effect the two
three quarters of the piece be-' Washington County condensers,
fore they grew generous, so the! We want both of these to run
gift was left unpacked, and in ari nothintr will close thorn y.
the original package, at the C('Ijt a. shortage of milk sufficient
is-oontz place where they can Y' rnaKt operation an actual loss
work on
c a roa v st:n-t,.,
aviiur tin- i-m. ,.-..!..
I'I'H'ks for the J. W. Shut,, hous,.
in hast llillshnro.
(lenume Mason fruit jars,
pints, ,rf cents; tjuarts, i'M; half
gallons, 80 cents; other jars pro-
..(..,... uciv. j. r;. J!rvvi,k
Keedville, Ore,
W (). H.Mken's barn biirnc,
at Heaverton, yesterday. Thm
was hay and grain and" farm im
pements in the structure, am
all was lost.
Tuesday and yesterday warm
'd up considerably lift..!, n..
' . 1 - , . . J v- ( ill,
urir-inl In ,.r If..... I.... .i
.iwv , iuuiuiuy. 1 lie vv arm
wave came as a surprise, as tb
month of Auirust im tn tb,..t
er had been very comfortable.
r. n..;,.i,m., i , . .
luuuii hum moved hi-t
..,,,. 1... r . . .
ii-niui-nce irom the cni-i,,,H ,.r
1.' 11. 1 .. .. vi "i
rounn ana iiase m in M... 1....1
. e 1 1 1 1 , . L"'- im
Ill I I 11 liT m m I.. 1... .
..... . (.0).
crete foundation in foe (u,
erection of a' nine room cottage,
, v'ili vvas
uown irom Kodenck Falls, yt.S-
lo.uay, ana says that he and his
iumuyano. ivirs. .). C. Lamkin
are having a nice time in the
classic solitudes. They have a
cow with them for iiK.jr
supply and are liv inir (in 1 1... f.. 1
of the land. " ,,u
Miss Ida M. Hovdof P,n..i....
will be in Hillsboro Saturday and
will give an address .t ti, i.,..,.
Hotrial given by the American
Woman s League, 0.1 the court
hous.' grounds in the evening.
MissHoyd is one of the candidates
for state regent in the election
now pending.
The '.1 rar .ld son of Win,
l!.ia.M', uf biwa II ill, had the tip
if a linger cut ..if by v.'i-Uik it
luln a fe.-d liter, the nther lay.
Ih laillH'-ie dle U-d the WuUIld,
Juliu U. I'.nN'l f.tlfii' duun
fiHin liiivtmi last evening and
went back thn imirning. J. U,
is an nthiwiat over the future
uf his section a. a fruit producer.
i'arl t'iin-,!i n.-r, the tileiniH
butt hi r, who i htipplv int; the
Tinted Kaihvay crews, was in
the city this afternoon,
J. W. York, f Keedville, and
who has quit activ e fanning, was
np to the city this murninv;
it , . ...
.joim i.oce, ot I arnuiiKton,
x.i.-i .1 imniiv hi-ai caller tins
VV',., I , .- ti- . .
mil. .I'mi', HI eit, 1 IIIOIl,
was in the city this jifu-rno.n
Try the Argus and Uregoniun
lor a year, only fl.Z",
Argus and Oregonian, -J,.
SOU I lit KN PACIFIC (or l'"f llainl
t.'..,i i t 1 .
. 1., m n Tit M
I t-'ri-' on i'.uirlli Si.
Nl.cid.n lhr, , H 4la.
Knli-n ui,m It, ,,( v u,wt ,
I'omt Criivc I,tK;l ! 41 . in.
lOllrfi OU Jrlt,i,iti SI
I'mrit Crove Lornl . , ,, ,
Ivilrm on I'miiO, Si
Coivnliw On-iUii.l
I iiIiti on 1 miiili ,si.
l.-ivc I'mtlnnd fur Hi
CorvaUin OvrtUii.l
l.mvm on l-i.utili si
Voteti Grove Local , ,
l.rmr 011 l .niill, ,Hi
l urnt f' I,m , , lm ,
I r ..11 Ji ff, ,, Ht
SWi.hniHvrr, . 4., p. ,
hrmm I nii'll tr,,,t, vja Wil!.l,,e
h.rr.t (,, $ 4.U II
I.i ilH nil I 1,111 lt St,
Jil I ,
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.1 VI 1
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'". UII. it !.,;, ,
.liilo ..f llm n,, ,. , ,:, ,
I'l !(. H lllllll HI I (
I II. I llll
( Ann Wmlliofl. A.l.ieii.
rlnio ill Hi.i,,. r.jlj .f
t II. 'I'.HiUnr, Jl , A!!,
I (I., tMft
1 . )''! i
'!:.' I
I At-
lltlli (I,
i Hrt'itrnL ,)n
Inn liliul In i. i
of OrnKon r,,r
I" lli'ri.hy (iln.11 Una 1, ,,,,,1,.,.
inniKir III Illll n.luln ,.t
Mi'Kldowtiny, .liM-KiiiHiii
unity i'iiiim ,,1 11, ki.i.
vv.. i.: .'..1.-
In... 1 i .. . . . , '""'"'" hi.
mlJlliiliiynf M..,,t. j ,t ,,. ,
'""lr.w., liiliHiH.r,,, ,.,,,. ' '
"or III III,,',:,,,,.!, A M ..I . ""
I'l inil I' 1111,1 AiTinini , rr n... , ,
"' UriiiMiil ,,r (.,
'iiti'.l t, Ai'ii. till,, Him
"" i'.. j r , , a.i .
., 1 'iii'iiiNinuor
.....ifjurri j.niii .vii i;i,,,w
oniin i-iiii,,
ii.y, ili'i i.ii,,,
ItHUll'V .1 II , ,
AUnn.y for Allium
Wi'llSTk.VHON 01' I.ANI) -MTU
IM Till.' f'ii,,.i
. . ' . ' "o I 'M'UT ni,' Til J.
H A".' l.l.- '
- "i' uil-,U(J. K()ll
I 1.1 . lit,
Iii Hn' I'ln-iiit i ..'.n . f e ,,f ,'
tfii'i, fnr Wn!,Hi,;l ii, I ,ui,l)
Milllile I'.nilrl.l. I-Uiiiliit i
i. K. I'aiilli'M, Or!,-. .! , t
'In J. K t',l,,ll,.ld ,1. Icn 1,M
III III" llililili i.f I Uf n 1 . .! ' j 11 ' .'
art- licrnl y rmilrrl I" ii', r "l '
III- I .11,11. ,l,l iin iltMl I. ill in IW
iOk.vp miltllml I 'inift n l , 1-1 mi '.r
l.illi t Hrl-h fftnil mi.l .li-l 1 :,i-,!d?r ill
tlm lrt iiilil.'llni "I lien VIP..1.I-.IH l'
It nil nr nil-nit ro Ui Hn- I" II 'Of t
Si'l.linnlnr. I'MII, Hint If vn fml I ' li'
llm il,ntlll wnnt ili. i..l i!il
liI'lKlmiltt ttdlfinl y.,11 ..r a ,,.'fn.l-
'Inrliiu Hi" iiiiirrlit r.i,trr I ml.. Ii-turm
If nil mill liin IilllMilllI Ml ('..(lal.-l, llinf'
nil tlm m'iiii'I "I tIh u in , ', 1 1 1
unit mid vnl.1, and nl nn lor n rl.- t (""'
tlm Ik-kIiiiiIiik, nl d lint lini'lm " I'"
I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 If . ( I I ,,r HIII'll lilhrf nn.l lullii't
rllnf im lo llm I'niift ihi 111 ui mi-iH "!
Till" Hiiiiiiiinini I11 iml'Uh-.l l.v Of.i"
orihn Honor nliln J V ',.i. v 1 Im. I" I'
n( Inn Ciniiily Cuiirt n Hi" -ialii n( l""
K.iii. tlm I'oiinty of W.iiiin.'l m, '"
nld Orili-r w i Hindi, on. 1 .1 u- .l "ti tl
ilny nl Anyiml, Idlll, In I In' i!"'""11"'1'
Olfi'iilt Jnif!ii irn:.i Wrt.iiiuK '
mid llin dnlii nl thn Urn iu hlii-rtltoii of
Mi l Hn ti ,im In llin Ith .In- nl Aug""
HUH, kinl llm d.itn o ll,i. l.i.i I'liI'll'iH'""
nl llim Hinniniiiii U Tlium'Uv tl" I'"'
diy ol Hi hi, iim 1 , Hi III,
t'lvdii Itli'liiir'Uiiii, Ai("in. y for I'l1"
lilt, ;.s I'lnimlinr of Cniiiini'ii" I11'1'
I'ortlttiid, Ori'K'i".
hx; utor'i Notii e,
01 Hi'i'ilmi hi
11,11 U...I ,
, " ""Mull r.inT,.2M u
"""lonitiiill lonnly
hnd their darned old Venison.
The Hillsboro Chapter of the
We want to enter the Til hi moo b
field because we think we pn
get more milk, and more milk is
American Woman's Leatrue now i wnat w? want . to ""Pl'Iy our al
has nearly fifty members, an('rpVayf lrit'.roaHinK patronage. "
they are quite enthusiastic in i A f0'1'1',, Km U) Washington
hills. Some one took one of
Urico Wilson's decoy ducks and
ut it in the pond above the
willdam and Koontz mistook it
been busy.
Mrs. S. C. Killen and daughter,
Miss Helen, have returned from
a visit in Seattle.
their endeavor to be the first one
in Oregon to complete their
Chapter House, Arrangements
are now being made to secure a
centrally located site for the
building, and it is expected they
will have a beautiful concrete
edifice erected late this fall.
County milk producers.
Tho Oregon annual M. . con-
lerence wi Im
inc Multnomah Hoy f, 'u...:n
just below Wheeler station east
.0 .t..uuviue, nurneu at A a m
yesterday. No Hcoms V
know inw in(ifUi..Hi.i on
. .. ...v I.IV.DUU lUH, 1 I (If,
was no insurance. No lumber
HfClU I 1 1 ...I Mil . . I
.-. ..mi iuu. Jne motive powt
used was a traction engine.
the Tamiesie hotel is getLiiur
along finely and the workmen a n
,'V""UII mo windows for the
third story. J)r. Tamiesie ex
peels to have the roof on by
September 1 if the present artiv.
ir:n..i ..... u.. 1.. ... . V..l"-niaciiv-
beginmriir Xcritfimh.o- 01 .,.,,1 1 i,m;li;,, , . ','L . '.idencu
will last several" days?' 1 I movi IfuXr east f
F.Hh;rwill look after itertai 1' for the hotel Sirt whKh w7.m
the cxr,tw when they in , z t -
"tin: .till in. I . i
.nit! i ,,, MVV , ,.' ,.'' ,
... ..n , , HW
Wl'Ht ol' v,
l,.l, !.... ,, VlllHIlN
" onriniiini ,,,,.i i ,.
'mom, ,lril .. " ooii hit
"-:'' oioiin n; , '.; , ' '"""!'.
"on lloni'iil IihI ,,.,u,,i ,, " J,lll
'''"'' """d, Jnli ii , ' . ' l!llN""Hnd
li.... n . ' 1 ." Hllllllii,. , ,
""oi.-ii. n,,rH ,,r .
'onini'll mi, .i
''""'ii, Hlaln n " 1 iinnni.ll. i...
llm,.... . ' Onitfoii, ,i, ,,rilllk w
onim h '.7 "' Ontlloiudo
' n .1 i, ,, .-.,,,,,,, i
,..i ii , '"iron ior
. nivnrcily 1MN
On, .... ,
"w n..i,j ni nniii...
Hll.l Vat. 1 1... i.
'""it It lint v coiii'itm
July, A. I) imn . I -Hi diiy
ly wild Cvnm li
" I'l.lill.'Hlloi, WIH (U(11,
Ooiih of v" ', ' Hi" fir-
lniii.,1 .....i . . '""niniflon l!.i,,,,i i...
i"i on or in in,, ii,,, i,,,i. ,, ' i-
A l l'.IK) ,., , j , .'U V nl Aliru',1
"ii iiiiii'ii ii. ,,,,,, (,, - , . v .i-unin
ulll l.
Imrri'i ... . ' 1 y"" Will hn ninii...
onini.injr llioNHnifi,
Illid it ilrrii-,1
Niitlcn In lirrnliy gi nn, that tin" 'l'"1''''
lKiin, Inw I i nn iiiiiilnlt'il nnd r.iollrniw
l',y lliiH'iinnly Conn ol Wii-lilnk-l"" '
tV. Oii-ifon. .:..,.iili,r,,l llir io I WIN id Itlll'V I'HM', l!"-''il'l. ""
Inm di'ly onnllliud n 'li.
Now 'I liiiri'lnr., ll '. iri''iii It"1'1";
('Ullim nuiilnit tlm iHlnli' nl' mild lll!''y
Vvn, diN-iuiwd, nr Inn l'V i'''!""'"1 "'
pr.-iiinl. tint khiiiii lo llm ti n.l-1 U ,
llin Inw ollii'n of llimlny ,V 1 1 m o. m I111'"'
lM.rn, Ori'Kon, toKiillii'r iin ."r vinn't -ftn,
williin mn in, inihi liiiiii 1 1 iNt'"
thin IIOlli'H,
HhOhI J line HI, IHJil.
,U vi ICS W. cam:,
KjO'i'lllor of thn limt Will ami I1"1"
infill o Hllnv (!iivn. ili'ci'iin"!.
IIhkIhv iV lUrn, A tlorni'.vi I'nr K x '' ", r
Attention llolstciu I W coders
lieo, K, Iluu'ry, of llillslmro, 'W'"' "
fXrliHK tlioroiilllif'd Mi'lsK'"' '" '
ri'KlHtrrril, lor Hliotliyr h-khk
lil'HNOII to HlfVTIlt ilitril'H'OlU'K '" "'
Iti-rd. Thii h h liiif iiiiiimi1. Any""!
ImvliiK h lloUtcin wi'liiiiK t" fX''";'"
f ir mimt. u-in-on will do will mi"'1'
The Climax Milling " wl"
furnish sacks free of charge t"
armors desiring to sell or
their wheat at their vvh'1"
louse. 'lt
.Just ask Kmrick & Convin t'
Hoe one of their new
traps. Gets them every tinio -
and there is no chance " lH,(,l
ing yourself or running a HPear
in your hand.