The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 18, 1910, Image 1

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HILISlK)R(),ORIO,AUG. 18, 1910- U0-
.... i j .... Inn i nnnnn nnt ( aaaBBaaaaaaaaaaBaBaaBaaai
ninnuiiin inniioT Fnd ' "' T H K K II
.UH Nfl SCANS li.-.n.w.T. was in town Monuay. m UUUIIU UUI I
n in ii minimi! i
VI It I l l IkW ..W.....W.
ill! CAN Sti
Ml Im",,,0U S',,',,,,,,M,I,
to m.m ruii.sis
n,ituvlion fur lalrjr
F. M. V;iil ',snrlii. of hryond
( il.iicm-, hi III' Wailac h 1 1 U-
iiM-iit, ww iii tin' iity Sal!inlav
Mr Wu,i .a, nil, ii,,-. ',. -...!.(
(i.iMI jMiiiiiiliii) -.ti'a.s li rrii-H, hi.i
varii-lii-i nit iuiliiitf t h- M'-v.ri a
I.ati 'li.'niiiiim, I h"imis(iii Nu. 2,
Cardinal:, Dorland ami tin- Kx-rclMiui-.
Mr. WadvAorlh rn-xt, with anything likcaii nv.-r-uge
yield, says he will In- i I - in
market anywhere from 'i, to
iM,iiiil, of tl,U
fruit, and In' y of tin
that the era of
1h,. Whit-- Hague. tulM-iTiiloHiH,
a tbv attracting worldwide
(li,.T;li"H. and rk'ilati"'
Jllin. ,,-, part to obliterate the
fell .1; . a . T thin rod the
,-, ....ciiing at) oh' uir hun
atrium a f.-w miU-Houlof Salem,
,crc pala iit' If"" Wulnngin
County who are unable t" go U
gpriwi!'- '.tnatoriuiu, may niliT
una receive Irt-utrnt-nt free of
chan;' 1 lu" l'1 lM'',1'Ht',
the .In. a ' retained I')' the
sut.- an. I MKiatoriuni will '
ciu- Iii" " " tanof tulwr
culmi. ih- patient tntiHt take
vith lam "' hr Hulliciftit fund
tod. fra', traiii-l' toSnlciii,
ami hack hire f nun th.- htatioii
., it .. . ..mi., ami n!o take
...... .-..wi-ritiml articlcH of
rri uihi -' '
cluihii.i'. an'l "1;l rvmum nu
nxmthx uu.l. r riji.l .i-icii4iii.-,
J'h.c,- v. r I m i vr t HVUil tl:.'IM-jw-h.-H
i '.' "'V must Ukftm-ir turn
at jihf-:. liovM-vrr) hh.nilii at
uiuc make ai'i'lii-ali'in t't Count)
Jxi,!-,. J. W. iHnxlin. The wrti
i!f!t patu-iit nuiKthavc, f!lw,
an.l tin- i'lari m!I -n -rly in
S. -tr!!i:. r;
I jlif ii nil ihhm1 llirmirlvt ,
(,ircn' i l-fluic travltij! I. ' ''ir
Mnaif nit rt, ninth imi tc'raii.
' in ti.-xtrirloltiMiK. txrlriBlily lt
Itncii mi-.U MiiUy Knimrnt l '
ntflY i.r k n't un-'t tr
l.i i.i i r mluiK (tnnrl mjUil
"I J !U '
tu 'i."u: llitmrl Blijlil
W an, ,.-.i'i.t lullnHK.
I ati't vrlli.
An i.-it m
A It k I . nl tll ll t.
i nhiiU if ini"' ' titluK
fljflt.r. no h If hIiiiU
A ( t l .rc'Ml, or cttl i
A i in i- li.ict UUuWrl f x '
ir,.ii,i . !u,i. An iilm tt
I mil i u i.rllnH (.. lil 'iii("
A l-.' ii . I.nlh lol"- .il lijt I
A Iw! .'..-t tnidlr,
A .! ferilrr,
A Inn l iiilt, i-tmt mtl timtti tuiili.
A ih n .nu uiilht (or turn,
T v..c!ilr.i? Uiin.tiy li;,
Waim k ul . tli Ml wttklntt Wirt mi'l
-in nfiut Kami (or no-nrn
A . i'- i.iK-l ui hit Itrnl ti'tc tlir
I'aiirtiU tloll!lt lillll clollllll(
111 ll n jiul, lti lll ltf.
Ail i u.llitin; lio.llil t limtir.t "I'll
pilK llla lluliir In linlrlilile ink.
Wi t. Mini Hint (liry .to t"t IffiiiK
tiuiskt with ilirm.
I'.viruu , ill. I iwf Hint llirir Urtli
mi- Hi u iln I i.i.ltr rniiili it
A'-i (.'!!!. ii-li-i'if irlntlr lo lnf-il
mail rafiii'iinii'
is only in itsiiifaiu-y. Mr. Wa.l i
worth i'i tli.- father of T. (',
Wa'i-tworth, ra hi.-r of thoAnn r
i. aii 1 s .- l 'ou!iilne:i' ('nmiaiiy ,
of h.rlkui'l.
(Ii-rharil (iiM'ti, of heyoiiit
I'looiiiiii, wain town Saturilay
aiul hroi(.'ht III smne tin.
Illell of luriii"S of Oli
aiilei, rai .-il from a tree 1 years
oi aj.'e, ami wlueh, oahu: in u.s
l.-alit . 1 1 :t t he . er i fi'i-i lei )iray-
ill'. I he tlee iel,.-l about a
hu?ihel of perleel ; j pjjlt-. am!
there ii;i.i imt a sjot or hlemish
oil the I f"i k i iHt . 1 he satlliit'S
hhow ho'.s our iiiiMititaiii lainl-i,
Willi t'uitn atuiii ainl rare, ean
linxlme apple-i which can he
iieateil now here ill the rtorlil.
I Irani s our low laml ami make
it hrixiiice il'iiihle. We will start
the manufacture of tin largest
tile in a few ilav. We now ha e
mi.i.!,. ,.f 1 ic.-l, fi inch ainl U
nu h. on haml. I'ut in your ol
der at once. Osir clay H th.
!c-.t for nroilucini.' v ilurahl.
tilin. (li''li-r imw. (irom-r i;
Unwell, t'o., ScholH. IllilsUro,
(he.. U.'Ute 2. Iml. Tel. Tlf
null in n. iii rrnlng Uir inn'Hiilloit 'n
liclili h nl. w to
I'r. It. J Cl'.l.ll.
Mi!. nml Mr.lii ! lUrrrlnr.
Silciii, (lirk'i ll
The umlersii.'m'il will Hell at pub
lu sale :it tuHi farm lu'tu" K"". un
tin-!'. U. 4i N. Kailway, at ton
n. in., on
Mir, (, ipuri ulit, I Jim ll , w it'' "llt
iiif! lull , j iimiillK o'iI; norirl limit'. K'n
lliuir, two vrflUi rutin. Cv. '!
fnli ihn fiit, line now firuli; 1 ye"' 1,1,1
ll fr . fir.h lirkt NUlllli J llrlf. tn, Ih
iiiiui. limiM; itmc plow, I'milon .'Hl'll
I'luw, in-w; Imrruw, tmyinkr, t'iC !'"'
", j ""KK'rn, a ""ii im)(gy ii" "
k linim-m, ctillivulor, wnK"1'. J ll"K
"iiii. liniiw-liolit Itinnuirr unit nlli.'l
Jim, In imi iiiiinrniiii. to iiirntloii.
I.uiit'h nl nuon.
Ti'iiik of Siile IJiuIrr fu cbkIk 'I''""
nut nvri, t)n yrnr Imiikiilile iintf. S wt
'ml lhtnci.1. Twu jht crut, ell fault
"vi't fill.
Jmk V.M)it, l)yii r.
J W, Unfile, Aiifiiont'tr.
Tin' cminty board hM a so.ssin
ijisi week una trunMicioa im
lolluwinir ImsincH!
I'.,.,.l ,.e l.... T MIIU el
vwiui t-VI LltJI I Ul till
l I't'ad lirat time as to viewer s
Veiiol't ami net for
Viewers report roatl petition of
us i -u'Men and AlPert l'.neKsen
I't'inl first time and con tinned un
til ...,1 u
. 'i-1 1 1, n,
I'uhlie easement petition ller-
I11M., f'l....l... ..1. ..I .....I.......I lI'lll.
'H niariKU ei ai, tiiuenvi o"""
I licreliy nniioiinrc iiiyf If na riii'li'll,tl'
i, .i... . i . . ... ,i... u..niih
. mi- ii'iMiiiiuire sun l"
Ilr " , . . . ' - 1 Hill II
"ii j 1 1 1 11 11 r le it, nrpi. 34, ii" :
'inn liflkver ill tlie ilirect primnry 1111 l
tll'lll'i'i ,. ll. I...I.,.. I...,,l mir HtHtlltrtt.
' "iii 11 1 bo a helievtr in ilircct logisliition
'"t't Stateinrnt No. 1, unit on Uif-' prin
ipifs o liffore the WaNtitngtou County
-... mime.
C'Iihs. W. I.otiilitn.
Ci)liiml)ia rreciiict.Coriu-lius Route 1
T. U. Imbrio and daulitof.
Mrs. Kred Zilly, retunied Friday
I'venitiK from their Newport vacation,
Mrr. Nancy .loinisnn, of !!en
cih', accotnpameil by her grand
son, l-l.-r r.eliilH'cl', went to
My rt!e t 'reek, Southern Oregon,
the lat of tli'1 uk to visit
Uali'h Johnson. hr son, w ho is
fruit raining down in that favor-
I .section. 1 hev will l' aPseiit
a month or six w eeks.
l'or Sale Team; 7 years old.
erav weij.-!.. IMii, iay, u'"', sei
fTu'harness; Studebaker waon.
:', ;M; ail for ?".... Also Mack
dris ine- l.ov-.e. pacer, l,'"' lbs.,
$VM. Horses all round and
trustworthy. -Win. llervrert.
Cornehus, Uoute 2. -b.i
Curtis Vinhl, w ith "lie of the
bit,' harness making tirms of
Portland, and his brother, Henry,
in eharue f the elevator sen ice
in the Sh-i'Wk building, were
mit Snmiav. I'UeSts at the home
of their father. C iuhl. (2lil
Jake Milm'. who has just fin
ished the carpenter work on a
handsome new cottage. H,
H. Ueasoner. arehiteet and lui!l
er. was in town from his North
Plains ranch, Monday morn inp;.
Hop pickers wanted at tin"
Pay & Co. 's yard, at Witch Ha
,'.( S P. trains stop at station.
Write to W. P.. Peterson, mana
ger, Ueedville, Ore. 'Jltf
1 Warden Uoht. 0. Stev-
r i.ii-,t drove, was
eiisoii, m .
Portland visitor Min.iay. a en .
ii,.. Cniwi-'il of the late H. W
Scott, editor of the Oroe.onian.
e r.,i. crile- Mare an.
1 CillO 1 , . . I
1 .,il, .iltoiit PltHl oach
11(11 M , ' 'f , . ,
t ' 1 vv-,,i-li -miiiia s. Alxnit nine
venrs old. H. Harritmton. near
1 .1... t Wsill and family an.
,1000 .'i. " : ,
Mrs J.t'. I .am km departed Sat-
... 1 .......imr for neuminnir a-
uroa 1001 -- - -.
eta ion at Roderick hills, ahou
dales I reek.
., iinlivi-red to any
ice t ' t 'i'" ., 1
part of the town KonuMnU'r
we have liaeiw.Htu. ..o."
phones. Koet.ors loniecuon-
1 ,,i Mnnninir and his Jfttost
John H. Scognin. went over to
Newport last Sauuuay, an .
t'nded the bin ela.nhake, return-
inn Monday.
t 1 cii.,010- trave hnir nassen-
t ,.f dm On.imn 1', ectne,
iver lueni 01 i'"- , 1
out tlie last of the week,
conl'erriiiR with Atreni,.,-.
... in iMinnimr the Con-
l lOO. 1 ttll I'll, ' .
. , ,..f nf town, has
lu'ii lai 11, a
threshed part 01 ms rn - ..
1 " . . 1 .,..( nil vllMll.
place has uirneu out j
,.r .. :n 1,., i.,,.i,iv (o sell a tu
l' Will Ot' I V I....T -
leliver brick after Monday. July
or. ( vi' US a call. ioovun...
Pros., North llillshoro.
() Phelps, formerly ot the Ar
ca le, is n.antminn the Crescent
Theatre since the departure of
Mr. Charles to Washington.
Miss Margaret Goodin re;
turned from a several weeks
0 ting at Newport, Friday eve-
1 iwV
Mrs II. T. Bagley returnea
I'Yidnv from a week at Newport,
dm Lniestot fttrs. u. n. wb
Arthur B. Flint was up from
nhn S tit' laSL Ol Uic nn,
Honry Miller, of Witch Hazel.
Mnimgemcnt Pxpcclt Classiest
lii me tit the Season
fiainc V ill be Called at 3:00 o'tlock p.
m,, on l.itial (iroundn
The Ilillsltoro Cardinals and the
(iresham diants w ill try eonelu-
hioim at Athletic Park, Sunday,
August and as the visiting
team is one of the strongest
amateur aggregations in the val-
ey. and have loaded with the
est of the semi-pros, the fans
may exnect one of the classiest
games ol the hall season. The
Cardinals will have their line-up
just aUiutasin the past although
a reserve pitcher may be engaged
to help Williams, or to pitch the
game in case he does not make
it back from the Nestucca coun
try and Tillamook, where he
went, the last of the week, on a
hunting triii.
Fred J. Sewell says the dres-
h;imites are coming out with a
crowd of Portland and Gresham
fans to see the Cardinals get a
,l,-iil,l,inir hut I hev inav earn a
curtain back with them, instead.
Aj 1 lie xeiisnn is L'etting late
tlie fans are anxious for one or
two more good games before the
summer passes, ami Minuay s
will lie a name that should appeal
to everv lover ol the "National
Uoy C.Kik will umi'ire the game.
Albert Toier Will, After trains:,
be Mayor of Tent City
Former Resident Sends Arrtin Letter
Touching on State Fair
Dr. F.hner H. Smith, son-in-law
... in. t 4 I..,!,..;.,
0! Air. ami .irs. j. t. i""1'"-,
and who this Summer returned
from Kirksville, Mo., where he
graduated from tlie American
College of Osteopathy, will open
-..I, nili.-i. in this fit v alxiut Sep
tember 1. Dr. Smith pa-sseu
.mi, in ;i i'1'ic- of lai) before the
State Board recently, wincn
speaks well for his ability, or.
Smith is well known in this city
and Portland. As a youth he in-
ulge.1 in the National game wun
the old winning Uillsttoro team
and Ik-fore going east to college
was wedded to Miss Mae lmbrie.
u.. c,;iii li-i hud 1 he advantage
..f t li.i iii', inner
of tlie world and that he will be
Dr. Elmer H- Smith
successful in his chosen profess
: ,v.vj M.ithont savmtr.
lull K"" " '-""- --., ,
Dr. Smith is the first resident
Osteopath who is a college grad
uate ever establishing an office
in Hillsboro.
Por County Judge
To tlie Republican voters of Washington
County. Tue undetsinitex i '"
, ... ....... ii, w..ruhlii-Hn tnimaries,
Sent 24, 1910. fi"- tl,e t,l4rl' nonuuation
for COUUIT JUllKC Ol HiuuiiiKwii
It I am noiniiwirii nn i,.v,., ..
ilurini? my term of ollire' conscientiously
an.t impartially perform the duties ap-
. .1... ,,ll,,. n ml will une mv
periaiiiinir, "iv -- j
hct elf trts to Rive tbe fop'e of Vnsh
, ..... ,iri-iir..i,ivp. business-
niHioii v-mi'ii; "
like anil ecouonneat ailmiuistrntiou of
county affairs. 1 fvor the building of
.....w muila ,111 i form svsteill
neruiitiicin j-
of road building, and KtonB peimaneiit
returns lor puorn: money ru'-"
I Will cariieanj -
1 ,i.i in have t) aced on the ballot,
r. - ... 1i ft-iUnu-inir!
auer my ii""- ---n-
...t a,,,,,, (liNi rHi iiiu. i ci ,,n-
-OUBlllcooi. .
iient Roads; aud full value for every cent
Cornelius, Oregon.
.1 i..,., v,. rjKt nr ntre
hopgrower, was in town Monday
Vnrihrnri of Banks, was
down tii the county seat Friday.
Kd Mizen, of Shady Brook, wm
.1 .. t ,1m, u llrilt I'lUt flf
in im cuy a n. oj- -"-
the week.
We earrv a choice st)ck of
fiuits and nuts: Kotdter'a Confectionery.
c wir.ltmnro fif noar Iaurel.
was in town Saturday, and called
on Hit- Argus.
F. H. Keenon. formerly of
Vinelands. and now of Portland,
was in town Sunday.
lw W 1) I'ittenirer returned
Sum lav from a fortnight's trip
to tbe Wallowa country.
Carl Heidel and Bob Weather
red went over to Newport, Sat-
f I
urday, to remain a lew uays.
Mi C.wi Hancock and son.
Charles, returned the last of the
week from their Newport ouunK
Money to loan on real estate
securitv. We sell larms. try
us. The Webfoot lCealty tx).
llillsloro. lti
dame warden Stevenson was
from the drove. Monday,
on business connected with vio
lations of the game law
n,o dlimav Milling: Co. wil
furnish sacks free of charge
1,1 fiirmnN di'sirinir to sell or
store their wheat at their ware
house. 1'tf
Miiinh. Tucker, of Clarks-
Um, Wash., arrived in Hillsboro
from Newixtrt. rnday evening.
the miest of Mrs. M. A.
row f II and U. G. Gardner and
.met 11 1010. to Dr.
.1. K. Marshall and wife, a son.
Mniher ii ml child are doing nice-
v anil the Dr. is able at this
time to attend to his professiona
deneral Manager C. E. Lytle
imi .Inhn Dennis went over to
TitiftmooU the first of the week.
making the trip by b. v. ioner
mil from there troinsr in
with an automobile.
r r Kelmn nf Bacona. and
who formerly carried the mail
Monntiiindale and that
LT i,IVtl -
IMiint. was in the city the last of
the week and eontnouieu 10 uie
Best Boom fund.
S. A. Hutchison, of Vinelands,
was in town Monday, and says
II..O lln, o-r;iin on the ridtre be-
iiiul p. . . . I ; ...
yond Glencoe is pretty fair this
year, but that the dry weamer
has cut down iwlato prospects in
.. ,'i . j
all iiKeunoou
J. II. Collier, of Scholls, and
who is interested in general
f.irn-iiiiir HQ well as onion raising.
was in Saturday, and went down
1 to meet with the
members of the State Onion
Growers' Association.
YV. E. Smith, of South Tual
atin, was in the city Monday,
and savs that grain is turning
out fairly well in his locality.
He says that r. 11. Simpson s
oats went 70 bushels to the acre
ami that's going some.
Notice to Farmers-Bachot,
im i..inlir;itod Imoorted Reais-
tered Percheron Stallion, will
i.. 1,,. I, oil un. Winter nt. t ne
lllititr inv: 1 .111 "in..
ranch of the undersigned, two
and one-halt nines nortnwet.i oi
Banks. -K. isortnrup.
Flagg's paper, the Mist, at St
ti.ii.ino env that flolnmhiaCoun
ty has let a contract for a clock
tnv tn ecnirt house, which will
1 CuMI Tina WiHclviro
cost uvet ipv'ov. mv a. ........ .
t house should either have a
nr nave us ciuc:k iatc
painted over.
( .un H Waite and wife. 0
Sandv, Ore., where they have
bought a place, were in the city
ihfl hut nt t he xvpok. iir. wane
having been called over because
f v,io fntVier's Henth at Garden
Home. While in Hillsboro they
ta nt the home of Mrs.
Lucy Walker, Mrs. wane smoui-
M' ...nrmfnntlll-O rOllO-h fllld
lit; iiirtiiuiiii-i'""-
dressed lumber of all kinds, and
tino timhoiv 11 vou are
to hnild. irive us a chance
. 0 t mi ur'i 11
to figure on your Pitt, w 111 ngure
at yard, or deliver. We are now
sawing from the oesu tnnoer eui
in our section for years.-Groner
1- 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 .
& Howell Uo., sctious, niusooio,
Ore.. Route 2. Ttf
ViIUU iva uivvuv-it v. - -
recently injured one of his horses
when driving turougn tne sireeia
rm... otnimufl nn srtme re
very year, scores of people go
mm Hillsloro to the state fair,
which convenes in September,
and many from the countv camp
in the fine quarters which have
been arranged. Albert lozier
ms had charge of the camping
tm.unda for some time past and
the state board ha3 requested j
him to again report this ran.
Added to this he has been writ
ten by many Fair visitors and he
will again be there to allot you
space for your tents. A recent
ptter from Mr. Tozier to the
Argus, follows:
Editor Argus:
Please state to the W ash-
ington County patrons of the
Oregon State r air camp jtrwunua
that at the request of the Oregon
State ooaru ui ty,i 11.u11.u1 c nv.
1000 campers I have reconsidered
my resignation as mayor 01 me
tented city, and will be at the
camp grounds as usual. The
Hillsboro colony wilt De assigneu
their former location, ana me
space will be reserved for them
to be used upon ineir arrival.
The Hillsboro colony had the
most perfect arrangement of any
on the Oregon State Fairgrounds
last year.
After August 19, my Hillsboro
friends can address me at Fair
Grounds, Oregon.
High Q UALITY Drug Store
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs,
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
"Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. t-THE BEST EVER"
ttaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
President Vice-President Cashier
Forest Grove
James B. Waite, once a resident
of this city, died at Garden
animal- III IHlll. 3L LUC
home of his daughter, airs. i.ucy
u'irttan.1 He was born in Ely-
ria. Loraine County, Ohio, Nov.
4, 1837. He moved to ueaver
dam, Wisconsin, in the early
ilou ami en hstPrf 111 tne Oltn
Wisconsin. Co. H.. after having
been in the 5th Wisconsin, ana
served throughout the war of
the Rebellion, tie was marrieu
to Sarah Holcomb in 1868, and in
. 1 1
1S75 moved to spring vauey,
Wisconsin. They came to Ore
f!,.o 1-mim nirn nnd resided
tun un. . v . .-
r. 1 i.
in East Hillsboro. Later neweni
to the Soldiers' Home, at Rose-
burg. He was a memoer 01
General Ransom fost, or runs
The following children survive:
Wii.owl Waite Inst known ad-
dress Bridal Veil, Ore.; Mrs.
Lucy Kirtland. uaraen nome;
Geo. H. Waite. Sandy, Oregon;
Gardner and Mamie wane, do
tineau. North Dakota.
The funeral took place r naay
nt ton n m . at Garden Home,
and interment was in tne cres
cent Grove cemetery. His wife
died March 31, lWi, at spring
Valley, Wisconsin.
Capital Stoch $25,000
Surplus and Undivided ProfitV420,000
Exchange to all parts of the World
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time
Thoa. G. Todd John E. Bailey J- W. Fuqua
Wilber W. McEldowney J- A. Thornburg
of Verboort.
the eitv Monday, and
wtio ii - , .- .
ihat o-rnin is T.urmnu out
irood in his locality, lhe best
wheat yield reporieu w nun j
13 tnaion tuc uu 1 t-";-'
which went 33 bushels to the
acre. Oats, Mr. Jansen says,
are fair, except where very late.
IO Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
TVint hnH hpon burned and
1 VIPV Viin-v
thrown in the street, and drove
v.,,, fiict-v nni in tne Troir 01
a uiifiv iuij
the foot. Another farmer had
Attt. Vipfall a horse.
lilt: oivi 1 1- 1 1 v
It would be well tor people to be
........ f,il uKmit tVirouinur in the
Cell 1. 1 UI nuuuu W...V.. ...p
streets ashes or other refuse that
might contain jiatis, as a valua
ble horse might be crippiea De
yond usetutness.
The undersigned will establish a
... .. r T 1 1 . 1
r,.,,,- mi ir rwiire in ni lsiKim un
111. , 1 111,11. -
cfniKQW i ami wi Tiimisn
OClJl,C-(lUVI. A., u ......
pure, first-class milk, with stand-
fnoto rnnce wisninir nniit
aiu i,i o co, nvw - -
may leave orders for same at the
ri orH shne snon. near me
Crescent Theatre, or telephone
. . ... 1 nun J ..... .
i.,.i,.m.iiiiit ie i.i. or uruu
iiiuvt'tiiu'-iiv , ,:
postal to John Madding, Hillsbo
ro, ure. -
rhnrles Fnllett Jr.. son of En
gineer Follett,, of the Pacific
L..iil, Xr tl Q VT1 (T!HT lfTi I ,i iTTl I lM.ll V fS
this rit.v and Kux-
IUII uvuivv.. w.. -
inn Viae ifi en three nne ducks
so far this year. He killed one
Ucf nf trio weelr that weiffh-
UlC look "I ...... --c --
ed 150 pounds dressed, and all
u: f;,,lj io;o heen hnvino- a
IUO 1UCI1UO n , v, w.,.. . o
- . m III
feast of venison, iwo more win
latrol limit- and Chas.
illtirvv lia-J ivti ,
Vtrv rwnnaaaa tri atnv nn in
SUy s lie ui upvovu v -
.. .11 . M 1 J. .. J.1 TJy
hi a iinrii np iTfTs i.nt-'iiK lie
Ll l v. Ill LIO wimu -
did not forget to send down a
ot-ooir tn Shenrr i-iancocK
UIVV .'11 I I V v ' - - - --
and the Argus reporter, who
have been Keeping uacneiui s
1 1 1 i U AnmmunitlT nl Q n
while their families have been at
tne coast
WE are showing the full line, fresh
from the factory, witu many iuioioVt
ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date
and stylish.
Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut in two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
Forest Grove, Oregon
TnVm V narstens and wife. Of
V,1... - .
Hnnto wore in rnwn h riciav. en-
iianao, n ... wv...- - ,
route to Newport for an outing.
VA P.nmeliiia whn was raised
UUt W" . . 1 . v., -..
near Leisy ville, was in the city
last weeK, on ousiness.
nf Smith Tuala
tin, was an Argus caller Satur
August is the outing month, when all those
who can, get away at the seashore or the
mountains, but we can not all leave for our
vacation at this time. To those who remain
behind, to stimulate trade and keep'.trad e
up to its regular capacity I will offer for a
short time special prices that will make you
so happy that you will forget the loss of
your vacation.
For a short time I will offer every article in
my store, except contract goods, at a re
duction of from 15 to 33 1-3 per cent.
Don't forget this Mid Summer Sale
for you do not often get such an opportunity.
W atchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometmt.
was in town saturuay.