PAGE 6 HILLSBORO ARGUS, AUG tl 1910 3500 Acres Added to Bcaverton-Rcedville Acreage The lust trtct in this loc!ity bow cut into acrfre lots ml rft'cjed t i mIc. Rapid ieTlopem!iit of entire community now uml. , Silcct r bout? locttkto iu this Urye new .Ulition. H e Uve soul more thu wo sotcs adjoining ibis new platting, whkh is rapidly developing in fruit and intensive farming. Only 10 miles out; Rood stream and electric car service; all com rir.niiy conTniencs established. Tiailiertd land, with running water, $115 to $K per acre. All cleared land, ready for crop, f mo per acre and op. ,int tracts with home bui'.diog and some with orchards. x.n.ill cash payment and balance to suit. Ca ! at our ofiice, J45' Slatk street, arrange to go with us, with out expetse to you, and venfy the above. Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 Starh St. Portland. Oregon Sri ar - J: , if,.; Monuments Forest Grove Monumental Worhs can Save Money for You. m m K. MM M m, m. Designs and stock, none better. Quality and work manship unexcelled. Prices lowest on coast. All work guaranteed- Orders and all communications promptly attended to. Will call and show designs aud samples at any distance. Main street, N. of P. O. Block. GEE 8 JONES Box 343 Forest Grove, Oregon. If You are Going to Clean Out That Old Fence Row Call and Ash J. E. BORWICK For Prices on American Royal and Pittsburg Electric Fencing' I am still selling Dough erty Fithian Shoe Co. Shoes. The BEST Of The GOOD ONES My Groceries are up-to-date, clean and fresh. Have recently added the: Schilling Line of Extracts and Spices. "The Money Back Goods. I Will Give a coupon with every purchase which when presented at my store will be exchanged on a 0.JJ I ramed ricture. J. E. BORWICHl General Merchandise, Pveedville, Oregon. cGumsey Sawmill Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill i miles from B. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. A. E. McClMSEY Cornelius. Ore., Route I Born, Sunday. Autrrist 7. liUO. to Mr. and Mrs. IVtvy WVik. a daughter. Kirn, to Wm. Krothorton and wife. HiUshoro, Saturday, Aug. 6. 1910, a son. G. W. Morgan, one of the Vineland pioneers, was down to the citv Monday morning. Elmer Sohmeltzer, who is threshing on the plains, stvnt ; Sunday at his home in the city. Jacob KalTety, of alwe j Mountaindale, was a county vis itor Monday morning. 0. li. Barlow, of Portland, was out to the city the last of the week. He contemplates a hunt ing trip to Southern Oregon this Fall. J. M. Greear. who has boon in the hotel business at Corvallis for a year, was down to Hillsbo ro, over Sunday, the guest of his sin. Koy L Invoar, of the Phar macy. Jos. Cawrse. of North Plains, returned the last of the week from a visit to Spokane, where he visited a daughter. Mr. Cawrse says that Spokane is one of the finest cities in the North west Henry Mclntvre went to the Bechen ranch. West I'nion. Mon day morning, where he and his wife will camp while the Bechen home is having its interior repaired. Nathan Noland. one of the old- timers of Cornelius, and who lived near this city when he was a lad. was down to the count v seat Monday. W. B. Lousignont. of Gales Creek, was in town the first of the wtk. Mr. Lousitrnnnt u:i? one of the early settlers of the isortn rorest Urove section. C. Whitmore. of near Laurel, was in the city Monday morning. He states that Sunday evening gave them a touch of warm wave up that way that was not appre ciated. John Herdlein, of near Bloom ing, was in the first of the w eek, and says that while the grain is turning out well in his section it hardly comes up to last year in many instances. Hon. Ira E. Purdin, who ha been away from his North For est Grove farm for five years, was in town Saturday. Mr, Purdin has been living in Port land for several years, but states he wilt move back to the old homestead October 1, and try. like Jeffries, to "come back." Geo. Schulmerich and wife, 0. G. Wilkes and wife and Miss Nanni Gillenwater, departed Tuesday for three weeks in Southern Oreeoi. Thev will re main a few days at or near Cres- well, ana Irom there go to Klk Head, where the crentlemen will try hunting and fishing, while ll 11 M 1.1 me iaaie win cook trie game. Jacob Schmidt, who has been sixteen or .seventeen yars, off and on, in the Laurel section, was in Monday, brimrinir in Mrs. Schmidt, who went to Cedar Mill, where there is illness in the home of her relatives, the familv of Jacob Tracrmul Schmidt has five brothers in the Laurel section and they are all hustlers. J. B. McNew. of below Reed- vilfe, Monday brought to the Argus office a fine specimen of Maiden Blush apples, raised on a six year old tree. It is a beauti ful samn e of what Washincrtrtn flonntv ran rin in the nrilt linn " i I " ' 1 ;4 and is without spot or blemish an exemplar ot what care in spraying means in apple culture. Mrs. Frank Wallace who nnui resides at Hammond, where Mr. Wallace is in the government train service, has been the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Alex Scott, of near Gaston. Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Scott were in Hillsboro. Saturday, and went on through to Hammond that eveung, where Mrs. Scott will visit with the Wallaces for a week. About two months ago a year linir buck took a fancy to Sam Raffety's herd of cattle above Mountaindale and every night he would come un with the atnek For a week or such a matter his buckship refused to come inside tne Darn enclosure but he grad I ually became more domestic and nnany .went in with the rest of 1 1 . i i t r me siock. ne necame ( tame and was on a fair way to oecome a pet. Une evening however, about; a week hefnva the law permitted the open sea- son. .lake itanerv. a hrnther went over to visit Sam, and they went out to ook at the visit The bovs were nerrino- a ovf . M VUI1 ana his buckship objected. In about two minutes he had "buck ed" both Sam and Jake out of the barn lot and this settled hk fate. The dav after the mum season opened they decreed that he must be sacrificed to the pot and skillet. Having been placed hors de combat bv the int.erlnr.or neither felt it woild be good form to kill him, so they induced a neighbor to come over anrl ov.r the deer ready for the "skin- ninir " Onlu fnr lain mmlwHim. neSS he micht Still he rnnnina- at i large above peaceful Mountain-Idale. Slit fypfi?l(ll!U Pacific Railway & Navigation Co. HILLSBORO TO TIMBER Spend a Day in the Mountains Train Loaves Hillsboro 9 a. m. Sunday, August 14 Returning leaves Timber at 6 n m. Spacious Picnic Grounds. Train stops at all way points along the line. Tickets, Round Trip, $100 r THE STORE OF QUALITY is Second St. Hillsboro, Ore. Both Phones J t'i'K Hit: Best Firo Insurance ami iHuMiT si'.rn. it-Mi-Nr I'l-' ,usK,h Sit 15 JOHN VANDtRWAL Ai,;ciit Loiubiu Latic.i shiic I-'irc Insurance Co. I'm-'.lic SUIrn I hni.r i,4 1 1 1 .tS !u K u August Greetings. 3 Rice and Ix-ans and cupboard catches Overalls and shirts galore, With many clerks to wait upon you, Ever ready to sell you more. Little care we what your wants arc Let us All them anyway. Bring your whole and happy family Ready for you any day. Only first-class goods are carried; Say, come look our prices o'er h. we're sure you'll keep on coming, Coming, coming to our store. "Only this and nothing more." Yours for a Deal always ROWELL BROS. & CO. SCH0LL8, OREGON, Phone 5t x 16 SIRES AND SONS. Sir Unukrii. Ilu- Nt miU nil!ll,,n nlri- wlitt ,, KV,. foriuur i R ImtilKiriiil th.. Iitn hut (fwvrj xtiirr M. I'lmlmii, lllt I'n-iirh f-rt-itu tnin in-r. nti in trt- a n,. niwiH-r illnll IXTH lit Jiiinnl I J,- IKi-lllla li-IJMT. t.n .liKili-i', mill fi-iitlmil liix (-omm-lloti v iih ii imiti ii. iM jjiiiuiinj i,f hi. ,n,,i (millr t-nrr-r In n;i I Ailinlml Jh.i, nil" ntltliffi. who mi Li n ji-nri nen t,,,) u. Ailinlml Ih.i IiipI In Wl.lU. I'UiHih. him ,.w., h linlfl fur li-ii n-iir Ailinlrnl 1 1,. I In ''"""" I" H. ii niltf.1 life, m. I, I. wurih climi. In f-.'.'rfi.iMi, rn-cniiy ii,., nt st,.tilr-nl ilnil ho lnifii.U i niiikv ii wrl.. f in ttu. i-iul n r 1 1, Hiiiiiuit'r fi,r lh inrii..H. ,f it-iTliiii,i11 i lt. iMiH ii. nhn lly "if iii'iiiiiiK n ui.-BmiKi. m rtm ( mlii fnmi Un- Aliunde h, . 1 'tit-ri-. I'liTn- fiiintiiiir nf QneUr N nu i) ltirt.. ,,,. nt iihl ,i. ,, fll, hvr )l( Hilriy in,,, i liiidrei,, iwem (hr,.,, nr.. Ilvlni;. Tiny ,m, K mil, rcriy lv.. yrr , iiIk 'nii, I'mnliiier him !., imtrn,..! Iliri-e tliniH), Tin- oMrai ,.ii,l.,vp nK,j ,, j (,,.,) XlilliH Biiiirein,. court-tin,, t i 1.1 mi In lh.) ttervl,,. f iil( KonTiinienl In nny of Un i.iinieniun ili,u,.u Ar. hl.t " w"" I" 'lt!H,. ,,f , r,,l rowi ttt iiii, Jiisilt'eH, ,. w-rvlrr. in I In, n.url H ,HH,y Hi,rynl)l In 1SIJ. 8.,m..h,na H.p),i( Imlll nil nt, ,,f lhl t t t il line ruinili,k. Un. .1,. i, 1 ,, ""ihrn" bii.1 u ,.,iiiy I,,,,, M;u iiy," rr llilif tl few iti, ni;,, '""!ul "1 I ho i iiniijj nnui u , ii. ..t..r. . iiti.i. , iiiiir it 1 1 i. 1 1 ... . Irtll.-ll .lll tu ,, ,,, '"It lhl Intln -v., . i.i . ' "'""'t ....... ,,,,, IUu nt iiiiie M-,, 1 1 1 l-.r I In n hn wrel. UllktlKW II t.t 1'llllljJ nun. t. ,1, .. . Don't Buy Lumber From any and everybody, unless you know youire getting the Quality at the Right Price. We can sell you the Best at the Right Price. No order too large or too small. Try us and see. FRENTZEL & McFARLANE BROS Main St. and P. R. 8c N. Tracks. Hoth Phones"' Current Comment. liiHiirnnco cmniimil. t. nr.. reirenelilng mi lire,,,,,,, r ll. e,,M f ,VK. here's .1,1 ,,l,, uiue , ull(?m tli'velimil Lender. 'i'ln-y nr., mlkliiK rihont H -flUM,. '1'iy" now. ni ,,! H i.Kmill)1 lt) wonder wl.nt new 1,111 hn win . k. '! I ny iih ii reHiilt.-,.u.r uu. Ion and Advert Init. It will eot $,'i(K) herenfler to Nwe,ir In VlrKlnln. (;ni.l,lK nlmiu t, wwiiImt mid klc-klnic the fumlly lire (ho only aol,,,.,. , ,, na) Itoi heHler I),.,oeit , ctir.itih-l... , Wo hnve in, wImIi t e,,. r (tm, f""11- ' '' I t Heen, be n .Mirloiw imivlHloii on the - r m, nr.. Hint when y,,,, ,.,.,! , n,(, ,mmt II I'M'IU Hie fiiHl,.NlV-ChlriiK Trlliiin.'. Tales of Cities. In the limtler of (l,.nMy of populn Hon I'nrlM Ml,! Iterlln e, ,t u,u ,;. r.)iiiin ellleH. Hulllinoro wnntM ,(1 n worM.H full' In Hil l lo eelehniie Hie ,. ,. "'""I' "nnherHiiry f the -h.,- h,,,,,,. l'il llili.l.el-." written Kept. Ill, 1HM 'liirliiB (ho llrlllHh iiltnek on lrt Me. Jli'iiry, near Halt linoi... Miles City. Mont., hl,lH llm reronl for variation ipei-atur,.. -j-h(, '';l"l'K ,,'n '"'in-., r.vorded then. M III (h'Ki-eeN, which 1h wllhln 8 deK,-ee r the hlKheHl ,,.eonle,l 111 the tll.ll., H'H.-h Miles Clty'H weNt murk hllfl "mi 117 (leKleeH ,elw () nily arr ile. The ranKe between then,, - - .-renieH Ih 178 degreeH, wlilfb i t'coru. I.i ri.hin V.s.u, nittrh tirtir t,.,u, ,.. , ,.ti, " 1 "fn- H.illil.. ttl.hlu' at I,,. ue ' 4i'-' ! U..I kit, t .. ,l, , . l.-Ut.l In, " 'I I m a,ci, o tlr,,r r B l fOt'Vtl.t, tttl' I,., . , . . LH 1 Will till t,(. , lltl,.lt ' t'twlll,- hlml o' ,1,. B , .,, til HI "' """It IK.i. I ksta l( rt.u., rr, , , 1 ,!, !l. ' 1.4 t- Ul.i - m t L Hour, t uiiit.-rt.iii, thin , , mil lilt after ini,!L -!., . ' ' fflelhl III It li.k,., "t-n." n-.IM Mr M.,1,. ,,, h.-rs it 1,1 ,u tlmr" ' "Uiil ,.t, Iti,- frmii (, ,, ,.,.. t lli inli iU In n ltiii a. i, , ( ,,,... dKliliii,-!,.!, Mnr f ' ' -; ! -' H In f, Ull.r ' Kl.o ... ,.,,.,., t .lrl ll. I'gUf. , ...t , . , , r tc A.t l ei talk HO tll!,c ,.f , . ,, loo ll. -I...... .. , , .,!, K!, U,J ll . ,!,,,-, l 41 ' ' - U-.. if 1 ,.i l ,., A Dnln P,o( ,l( "An.) ).u . I, ).. i,,,,. '-M-oitii)-r " V It l III fvt i.f In in.- , (.-..j . It ! "IihI.-.-.I I .1-. Ai,. !;-., flf ,tf 11 1 1 ni t I, t ,;t ,t.i,. i: , ,t ,j )im my ir.- - it ,,.,!,.(, Apoios),., d M W t. t'e.Icr .t.-,ll.-.i r, ..,,, Um 1 liUf.o J- to. 5- l j A "Irotli , -, . . 3 -.. , f , Willi I.. i it-,,, , i , , Ah.l h fe .t ii, I f, Na - n-.e. i. - TIJ Wilh M M,ru. "I n li i u , t, f.r t iiiiuulp, It n . ii ;1 . i . rf. rr tii! Illf tlult." lii llie ,tre! !,.! ,, llllt t. l,,r !,.... i, V4 4 r.itlt.hi'l lie , I i. ii . -V a III. fatt.rr . fall . t . i.i i- , Hi. I il'.el It ...n i !1. i . a 15 t. 'llm little a.ei wan a. i i xl liy t. ....til ct ' 1 , .. r--i il I 111. l l ir.,: 1 te.fc Ati.orl,.l .rf-Tl.t felli.w rufllr, rrtsltvit Hie . f a llll ,i( I lite M)er U ll:tl tin- niisHi-r1 iter lie . ..Inj.l, '. K i ; , It) Ittttmelf - Milti I run. i i. " Mar, Tht 8un,mr G.rl, HI rui i,uitc Hsmob n ' o li- I t 44 let. , ... ', ) .a, A tul Ii, iw p , ul. i,. 1 1 li-h 111 lict lulliii.g (nil r i Is U)' ..nrmiil No Cruol Comtliii. "I'm tliilni; my t-t in tfi t M.'iV Aertei I'linllle "Well, lu'Hi'li klitttt f .ii iimhI uof," Hn. iilr,! IMillle - liilli, Pert Personals. Wttenl KIiik ltittn I He" t'nlf the KlMO-UlttllVU wurlil W (nlllllH9 l"u,t. HiUlllK fulled 111 will il,vrt u wnler. Sir 'J'lumm Mptim Imiilil !! n flip llflliitf nee In (t' ''" HlriiiliiKlii.tu Ak.' Il.-ri'l'l After nil, iHThnpi. Unit iH-rt uf M A. wlilrli llurvitrtl Iihh .,-, "I"10 .1 l'erM.iii Mnritiiii iit-nt,H -nHiti'f nfliiitln cl4ti," I'lilln.lelphiii lii'll"-f i nn worry to m-e i but dHtmii'il1 .I ll.wtiiiihiit Jolin I- Hum. un wm- Ins ' he Iiiih proven ilmi " of 'lirM Mr. KiiIIIvhii known ni ell !)r t tint Hid furrtt-l form of tin' P" imrtlelplo Ih "proved 1 '" c,hi- Aviation. A imtlmiitl iilimli-nl liilmnihTy l I'liL'Inn.l tin,. a lilrlli,k' lul'h' hI1" Hlxty f.Mil nrm lo U'hi Hi.' Urwt of nlr Hhl propellent. A French, iiewmmt hut put.'""" Iinlli.iiii whleh when tlellnlcd '"" ll? inn-kill III ItH lillHket lllid tin' t-'lllll'1"1'"1 cnrrlml im n 1111111 Imi k. tine of the novelHe" In H'" i,'liS aviation In n trlplan.' Itn.'i'i''11 nl ICiiKllHliinnii, who Kulilen It from " J"'" xiiHpeiideil helween two H''!" "f "ia pin lien each. Sporting Notes. Tim IloHtoti Viu-ht clnl) It" "sl n",,n' lll'l-H. I'rl.oH nirirrciriiilnir over J'-'MM100 . " ... olTie.1 for iivhitlon lil.'flH Ihio'll-'1101 Hie foil 11 1 ry. . 'J'lm nmvly f.trm.-.t Niill.'""' . In ton of KiiKlnml will ."t'''' ill ,11 l.lifc'ii'in ,il. lull. 1. 1.ll. I 111. I ...111 l.fl. feMMllllllll I'1"" Tim loir of tho power i-riilst'r Jin.', n coiili'Ntiint In tho ren'Ul 1 ' (telplihl to Iliivmm nn'i'i hIiowHu dny'H run iih IIHITi inlh'H. Short Stories. Street letter boxes worn Hint frfCtri h Mn roll. I.Wt. . .1... Ill, I V ii"- 111 HtroiiK coiiii-hni r i"" 1 wnler tfi'VNcrn of YcllowHtniii' hew (mn ejeetH Ice .-old WliU'l'. The C'hnrleNton (S. ll,l,,,m ' , ' uhleli umiu o.iriiiile(l III I81'. ... Iii'foro tho A Iniii llll'l" iiiitly ei'l.'hnil.'d IIh pcnl.'niini'- pfitt more Hum j.'DtM"1".1""' j liiiprovi'in.'iit of Inland navlif"1"" morn than $-IO,000,(HK) for Irrltfiit'00' iniili