The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 11, 1910, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Ill .,fut.l in llll" .
lio Dental Co.
Pa nless DentUts
i . lWiilmilHlMI. WHTUM) OMBOII
tl 1 XT I
Borbcr Parlors
Cmr.i.-uus Treatment
r H:ililc workmen
tt-Ui in eojnu-ction, ami a
I'uie vShower Hath
Xew ' y l'urnislied Shop. A
"i-'il 'a ill please you.
I'.Vl: i; n Hldg, Ilillsboro.
for LEGS
JUiMioH i yi, muioiow Boom. .0
PWf?, Trttu no. (.is
Jy vrn Doera 6.oo
MVi,t winamva, from TBo
W ii. II nothlm ut wll
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I'- On- ! ( )ur I'.,!,
Pdys V(m i r s Isitcrost on
Savii.qs !!i i ii Deposits
Commit tit'H ApMintcd .Monday
l.viniiiK Id Start .ill Polling
A Shrewd
American Girl
Copyright. 1910. by Amr1-nn I'ri-'i
Tht Langutdoo Canal.
cbiiiiI i.f Ijiii'i'-i!"-. ('"iiiit-tins tin-
Alliiiilii' niiil Hi-' M.'.iiUTr:iiiiiii. it w
I H mile long.
Will Try and Nut Conllat Wilh
faint in Section
Mlw ClirUtlne AUiiri.iu. ao KnclUb
jtti-l wIiom! Wrtli ha-1 tx-i-n of onllimry
pBrwim. wn a euit at the aoat of ths
luike of Ilrcoliianl. Minn AttiPrton
waa In lova with Ite duki-'a oldint eon
urn lii-lr. the Marqul of IIWMieton.
Amotitf lli iciii-ata at Hie Uuke'a rl-dini'-v.
Hliipiwr (irnriKi-. ' n Kansnn
rlrl. Mlaa KJltli lirown. the dflUKliter
E!l, Island.
lshnl 'van f.iniiirly nunwl hy
tin- t:ilfof New Y..rk. Ill il
t.i tin? I'niii'il sniiri i;i-M-rumt'iit
f..r iis in a miiiMiii-'. It H n-.w
an IIk- lainlliiK plii- f of all ImmirinU
i fiili-rliii; th (Mirt of New York.
Cod Livar Oil.
Il taken a hurnlred llvera to jl-ld one
jrrillon of cxl liver oil.
A ini-ctint? was hlil Monday eve-
iiiritr In Klurt un (irtr:ini:it ifin and
active work for the com in Htreft bf un ' ,'a'1 w.w,'d
I I. .. l..,... m il 1 1. r.rlnr-0 rif rmf'kl'ra.
carnival and livimtock show for
HillslMiroarid Washington Coun
ty, lt was Hct forth that the
dates for the carnival would
doubtless be set for early in Oct-
bave Imi-u cnlli'd IIip prince of packi ra.
MN lirown ai exixi'K-d to Inherit a
la rue fortune. iiikI llita aa the reason
for her l-lni in KlnpiK-r Grnncp. for
thi; r.rentnanli were not overburdened
with ready anh, anil the marfjuta wan
on the lookout for a wealthy American
A Taa Ttit.
To test ten, burn a am.ill finnntlty
on a metal plnfe. Wish irxl tea the
amount of aih remaining In small. In
oreaalnR In iiifintity a the quality of
thn aa tuple tested. UeP-rioaten.
ase - yoods
Our iot-
.:. . ai:.l Oar
I "is! un i acKle
iiln.r :il I lininrlt t lu- iri.i,i.r:il uiiin. 1 wife.
ion is that we should not conflict ' fMlM b?"JTJZ
ereii'-e for a title than for a member-
with other attractions. I he ,,r ewimr o.i..-ty. She wa one
Various COIIIinitteeS will at once of the kind to we through a tnlllatone.
htart actively to net things "" " ' ''",n h'"r ,,mt ,he mar;
. . e . ... ..... fuU wanled her for her money, and
Khajied lor a HidewJid exhibit. MH AlUvritn wnnted the wannila for
Ii. 1. Cornelius presided at the himwif.
meeting and Geo. Schulmerich -So ions aa I don't want him my-
acted as secretary. The follow- m-if." nniwii tiH lirown, "why
ink' committees were apiointed: shouldn't I help this young Eugliah
! Kxeeutive committee B. Klrl ,0 K'1 ,ll,ur , , , ,
ii- i;.. ..l...;f.. ...... VI' V Now, there wna a akeleton In tlie
,(,oriR'ius, cliairman, w. . , t.,,ii h,.
.... i ti Itri'tittiard c oKet. Ihedukif. no an
! Wiley, l.eo. fccriuimericn, jonni n .. mnn m.M fl tlnImmin,.,
Iifiims and V. W. lioscow.
India Is not a n.-cion, bnt simply a
collection of hetenn;pnems pe"t,l(
The mass of the population lu spite of
their sun lanned akma are Aryans, nut
the yellow rae la represi-ntiil on the
northeast bonier, while the farotriati
del coast awtlon conxiiita In lart; part
of the colored race.
Rica Wint.
Kxeeptltis Krai- wine, the oldest al
coholic bevcraee known to man U snkl.
a rk-e wine. It has been usfil by the
Japamne f'r over 2,) years.
Di cycle;
v. l
Rt jKiirt i. "
i H: -
G it Tltir-.l Street.
r inance oommittee ami con
cessions W. V. Wiley, chairman
ctimmitteeiiian to select balance
ul aides.
Livestock John Dennis -he
to select aides.
Agricultural Thos. Connell,
(ilennx-. and N. M. Alexander.
Music N. 11. Alexander.
Program 11. 1'. Cornelius.
Special prizes lor Livestock -L.
A. i-ong.
i Publicity and Printing Dr. A.
' P.. liailey, S. C. Killen, L. A.
tin old man. wan a kleptomaniac. He
was not allowed whim In the city to
tio Into the shm-s without a footman
to follow him and pay for what he
stole. When the old gentleman appro
priated tin article the footman would
step up lo the clerk behind the counter
from which It was taken and say:
" 'In grace Is shopping toduy. 'Ow
uiurh for the 'and mirror e took?"
"I see," the clerk would reply. "That
one hi three nud six.
This would be followed up by other
purchases acquired In the same way
and duly paid for by the footman.
There was nothing upon which the
marquis was so sensitive ns this mania
of bis futher. He had made every ef
A Be Lin.
The directness of the bee's flight Is
proverbial. The shortest distance te
tween any two given mints Is called a
bee line. Many observers think that
the Immense eyes with whi- h the h
si-ct ts furnished greatly assist If they
I do not entirely account for the arrowy
stralghtncss of Its passage through the
First Balloon Atcansion.
The first balloon ascension ever
mmle was undertaken by Pilatre lies
Uoslers Nov. 21. 17S3. This balloon
was Inflated with heated air.
A i . , v, r, fort to avoid the disgrace, even to an
Other committees, such as for I falher but as
ON . 1.K 1 t.MI.V
Oregon Elrctric Railway
And C'lv'-irc of Route
1 yorul t'ortland
n i. ! T
ST. r
ST. I.olTS
o. ST.
l'..r rates SU-per ' :
tii n a,hSii ss,
. 101' .
ii aii l full iufuriiut-
A.l" Kfn.A C V V A 11. Ci-.-ni, Aueut
I in 1 ii i e .
1 ,-,.! '
i fitvon I-In ttu- Uy.
Hi '-.Soic, Die.
iioultrv. horticultural exhibits,
i-tc. will be auiKiinted at the
next meeting ot the executive
committee, and this will start
things going earlier than last
Kverv farmer and fruitgrower,
as w ell as growers of good live
stock, should take an active int
erest in the coming Fair, and all
are asked to put a shoulder to
the w heel. The annual exhibit
in Ilillsboro has always been
attempt to shut his father up, but as
kleptomania Is not a form of insanity
that warrauts confining a person In
bedlam the duke maintained bis lib
erty. One morning Miss Brown remained
In her room when the others were down
to breakfast and. being alone on the
uoor vent Into Miss Athertou's room,
took all the jewelry the poor girl had.
carried It to the duke's apartment and
Upwd It Into the pocket of a coat she
found hanging In a closet. Then she
went downstairs to breakfast
After the meal Miss Brown kept Miss
III lllllMJOtO lliia cimais uvvn Aiirt nit uimi .hoj uiunu i.i
gratifying and 1U10 should OUtdo Atherton under observation so that she
any lormer demonstration.
nilirht Irfi the first to meet the English
girl after the discovery of the loss. Just
before luncheon Miss Atherton came
out of her room with a terror stricken
look, on her face. Miss Brown was In
Uie hall.
"My Jewels:" exclaimed Miss Ather
ton. "What of 'emr asked Miss Brown,
j putting a finger on her Hp to enjoin
"They're gone."
"Hist! The duke? Ton know his
"I've beard of It."
'Don't sav a word about It. The
Mrs. Christian Larsen, of East
Ilillsboro. died at the family
home on East Main Street. Sat
urday evening, August (5, PJ10.
Her maiden name was Catherine
Nicholsen, and she vva.- born in
Sehleiswig-Holstein, Germany,
May 22, 18-13. She was married
to l'eter Johansen, in Germany,
HI AOw. v laniilT tiivsvvt i - -
New Zealand in 1871, the husband ouia
. . ... . i 1 1 irt vi-rn Pitol r tIiiiiL- Ir luif ?
t ving there in lbfeO. bhe married
again, in 1882, to Christian Lar
sen, and the Larsen family moved
to the United States in 1885,
settling first at Cornelius, and
later in this city. The husband
survives, and two sons by tne
first husband, George and John
Tha Banana.
A peculiar fact about the banana ts
that no lns't will attack lt. and an
other that it Is absolutely Immune
from the diseases that fruits are sub
ject to. It is one of the curiosities of
the vegetable kingdom.
Fool's Gold.
Fool's gold is the popular name ap
plied to a group of minerals known to
mineralogists as pyrites and which ar
often mistaken for gold ore.
Political Quips.
The presidential campaign of 1912 is
yet young, but It is aireaay exiremeiy
activo.-Florkla Times-Union.
Some of the fences the politicians
are trying to mend this summer are
found to .be made of live w lre.-tums-
ton Chronicle.
The nresldential booms are still play
ins? one niirht stand eugacemeuts. and
ft is Impossible to decide which will
presently settle down for loug runs.
St Louis Times.
Do you really thiuk It best?"
"I do."
"And I must lose the gems?"
"Never mind that; they will come
back to you."
That night at dinner Miss Atherton
apiH-arcd without a particle of jewel
ry. The marquis uotieed It but made
no comment. After dluner he Joined
Miss Athertou on the terrac. He
Pert Personals.
A Russian law forbids a person mar
rying more than live times. If Nat
Goodwin lived in Itussia he would Join
the Terrorists.-Kansas City Star.
Count Zepnelln is as persistently
ntni-k-v in hi nlrshin ambitious as Sir
Thomas I.Iytou used to tie with his
vachtlnir chalieuces.-v ashington star.
Enelnnd comnlaln that George Is
too Independent. But his mother
seems to Be doing her oest i nrea
him of the tabit.-SprlngfieM Repub
lican. .
On night lure years later a num.
was til-might Into the same sers-nnt a
hail received wlien-Um th
sergi-iitit. who was a fncetloii man.
an !l:
"Hello. Ptlmson! You here again? I
haven't seen you for so long that I
thought you'd reformed."
Tin int Stlinson. My name's
"Well. I llk that. I'd know Hint
mug of yours among a thousand.
We've got you lu the gallery. Nut
what did you say alxmt being"
ycsConorer. It seems to ma th
name's familiar. Now I retiieiiil-r alt
about It. The last time you came In
here you tried the racket of mistaken
Identity; said your name was Conover.
fiur hold on. You were sent up mr
seven years. Toil couldn't get out this
early on good ln-havlor. hen iui you
break jnll?"
'Sergeant." said thu prisoner, cnang-
liijf his tone, "I was cllngln to a
straw, and that remarkable memory ot
yours has broke It. Three years ago
you sent np an innocent mnn who iook-
ed like me, and this time I was tliliiK-
lu' I might t-ossibly get off by clalmlil
to t( him. But It won t work.
The sergeant looked at the mnn.
greatly puzzled.
"Did vim do the burglfiry lonover
was sent up fur?" he asked.
"Yes. I done It. They chased me.
and all of a sudden I heered 'em stop.
The next day I s-r In the crim news In
the pnier that a bloke as looked like
me was took. He's doln' my time now.
If vou wasn't on to It I d a' tried to
prove I was him. No credit to the way
you co work things that I ultln t
Your memory floored me.
The real Stinisou went up, and lu
time the real Couover dime down. On
niirht he walked Into the station and
stood before the sergeant. He was not
recognized. Maddened by his Impris
onment for an offense he had not com
muted, deprived of the power to work
for his wife and children, he had at
tempted to escnpe, was caught and had
tni'ti treated with unusual severity.
No wonder the sergeant didn't know
hitn. He had aged lu appearance twen
ty years.
"Who are yon?" asked the sergeant. ,
"John Couover:"
Used as he was to the hard side of
lifts, ihe sergeant started
"Are you sure I'm not Stlmsou?"
"I had nothinir to do with your case;
the court did It. You were unfortunate
In looking like a Jailbird."
"I came to sav that while I ve been
In Jail my two little ones have died for
want of uroner attention. My wife
still lives. If this were not so you
would go after my children.
The man walked out. and the ser
geant wiped the swent from his brow
with his coat cuff. He knew by Con-
over's iook that only a life stood be
tween hlui and death.
The next dav Cutiover walked Into
Warfleld's store. Wartleld. hearing a
footstep behind him, turned, tie had
henrd of his mistake and was brood
ing upon it nt the time; otherwise he
would not hJve known this ghost ot
A few nitrates later a clerk found
Warfleld on the floor In a fit. No one
was with him. and he never told who
had btB with hlini c
All kin.! ef Fir. OaK and Ash
Wood, fenr l"'t, or 10 im'li.
First diss M..uii!.un Fir ami Al
polo Oak. Piicvs rcas.matk
All fir v. 'hhI mm! ly me will be
s.u'vcd for s.H'i'or c-nl for fir, 60c
cr cord lor niilsi.U- wood; (oc per
cord for haiuuood
sawiius i' cxtia.
1:, u n n-Li-i'iioNi-::
The funeral took place from hover not. "
the family home, Monday, and
the sermon, was preached oy
K'.n- Kvan P. Hiurhes. Inter
ment w as in the Ilillsboro ceme
tery. Mim Larson wns a woman of
kindlv imoulses and charitable ladles wear.
disposition, and was always a "Miss Brown, for instance."
willing aid when there was sor- The lady named had that day ap
row to assuage. The husband Iarl Unlteenrf with a small fortune
and family have the sympathy lu diamonds.
. r j. 1 "Hers are
01 a large circle ui irienus.
belomrluir to anv of his guests with
out dreading lest hU father had pur
loined It
"Christine," he said, "why did you
leave off your jewels today at dinner?"
"Oh, they're so Insignificant." she
said, "compared with what the other
John "W. Masters.
limmKmmm(timmmam, 1 1111 m
CllAUTl'.R NV ';-')
The First National Bank
At the Close of r.usim-ss June 30, 1910.
, tl)Sii.oo CnpitalamlSuil'lus f3n.oo0.0o
rtkiK Mouse luluui. 7
Cash and Kxdm"uc M'-"
Total -...f-JiS. Total I3..09
. .11 coki. John Tkmim.hton. T. W. Sain, II.
V W 'n4 (iKOlKiK M l.NUlt, LEVI SMITH,
Wenpprociatoyoii.-Paronaire and hope to merit a eont.n
VY 11 nance, ol dune. ,
1)m)S1TS: OinrialHtatcwnt January
1)KP0SITS- Oflirial statement dune .10. 11)10. fcJM.10J.o.
increase in Deposit 35 per cent.
. . . .... i.y
inir tn wit mp pvani nt 1.-0. r.
Libby, Jeweler, Ilillsboro, Ore.
Hers are very handsome.'
"Cmpli! Those Americans don't
know when or where to load up with
When on future occasious the mar-
f 1 . ...... llt.n I iKnAtl Otlll
means good time to you ior qui nom-eu mm m.
years to come. True economy in rcrramea rrom
a time-piece lies in cleanliness, wond em Then Mta Brown
The delicate parts doing indes- tSrt? the
cnbable work will soon wear -booauso she's ashamed of
themselves to ruin, destroy their them' ,.
high finish and perfect fit. when vonsense." replied Miss Brown.
mnninir in accumulating dirt and ..Timr-a not her reason, she has too
rancid Oil. lt Will cost you noth- much kindness lu her to hurt your
: - u1 1 . .. . k "
feelings oy giving you me uuc t. ,
-r.oiMl irraclous! Tou don't mean
they have been stolen!"
"i do."
"And the thief?"
"Search vour father's pockets."
The nutniuls made the Bearch and
returned the Jewels. The incident de
M.U hi in nn mnrrvlnir for love or
money. He proposed to Miss Ather
tou. much touched that she hnd pre
ferred to lose her fiuery to accusing
his father.
"As for that American girl." ho ndd
ed, "she had the Indelicacy common
among her countrymen. She did not
hesitate to remind mo that my father
Is a thief."
Miss Brown left the grange covered
with jewels, but when she got In a
ljniu she put them In her satcnei.
P. L. Moore, instructor in the
Catholic Gonzaga College, at
Spokane, is this week the guest
of his parents, J. A. Moore Sr.
and wife. Mr, Moore will in the
future enter the priesthood and
his ordination will take place
when he reaches his thirty-third
year. He and his parents went
to Rov. Tuesday, to visit his
Copyright. 1310. by American Presa
Found: In my pasture a
black cow, fresh; about 6 years
old. Owner please call, pay
charges, and advertising, prove
nmnertv and take same away.
J - -v .... , , , t
I. Crnvrn . southwest or
Ueedville, Ore.
Miss Stella Boscow departed
the last of the week for North
Bend, Oregon, Southeastern
coast, where she will be the
guest of Mrs. M. E. Everitt.
T. W. Wyatt & Co. carry the
new and up-to-date Utz & Dunn
ladies' shoes.
Frederick Johansen, of- near
Farmington, was a county seat
caller, Tuesday afternoon.
High Prices.
Onn of these davs an avlntor will
establish a world's record by soaring
six Inches higher than the cost" of
living Clevohi nd Leader.
There Is only one thing lacking to
make the summer of VJ10 a lifelong
memory, and thnt Is an Ice famine
Milwaukee. (Wis.) Sentinel.
AVhlle the high cost of living Is not
receiving much public attention Just
at present, the man who pays the bills
has not forgotten It St. Louis I'ost-Dlspatch.
One niirht a man was brought before
the sergeant at the desk In a police
court charted with burglary.
Hello Sthusou." snkl the sergeant
You turned un again? 1 haven't seen
you for so long Unit I thought you'd
"I'm not Stimson." replied the man,
who was dressed lu working costume.
'and I've never beeu here before.
"Take hlm ill."
The next moruliiK the case came up
before the court. There had been a
hiinrhirv in lien Wartield's store. ar-
fleld had entered his place of business
with a light and cornered a man rob
bing his cash drawer. The robber
knocked lilm down and ran. The store
keeper got up, followed, called a police
man, and together ttiey made chase.
Wartleld In court testified that while in
pursuit of the fugitive he had turned
nud walked toward theui. Undoubted
ly knowing he would bo captured, he
hoped to go by them unrecognized. But
Wartleld had got a good look at him
in his store bv the light he carried and
knew hlm at once. The rest of the.
evi.ienee niralnst the nrlsouer was fur
nished by a picture In the rogues' gal
lery which, though It was not a But
tering likeness, was near enough like
him, taken with Warfleld's evidence, to
convict hlm. .
Thn nrlsoner claimed that he wns
John Conover, a work inn u in n foun
dry. Ills employer's superintendent
was cnlli'd to the stnnu aim tesuueu
that the man. under the name of Con
over, had none to work for the concern
a week before, claiming that ho had
not been employed for Borne motitns.
Thnt wns all the witness knew about
Being nn old offeuder, Stimson was
sent to the neiilteritlarv for seven
years. Before he started his wife came
to see hitn, acting hysterically and ue
clarlnir that she and her children were
starving. This only confirmed the ver
dict, though lt excited sympathy. No
one ever heard of Stimson having had
a wife and. family. But the was
decided, and there Is too much work
before the courts except In the cases- of
those who have money to pay lawyers
and costs for a little matter like that
to attract even attention.
Naoolaon'i Marenqo.
The white charger Marengo, which
carried Napoleon on the field of Water
loo, reached an honored old age. Arter
Bonaparte's flight. Marengo was found
by a British ortlcer wandering discon
solately on the battlefield. He was
sent to England, where he spent many
happy years In peaceful pastures.
Marengo survived Napleon uino
Trio Twlv Inch Gun.
The naval twelve inch gun has an
effective range up to fifteen miles, and
will actually throw a projectile tho
astounding distauce of twenty threo
Th D.aHlv Fly.
A flv bncterlologiciilly examined has
been found to carry loO.OOO bacteria.
Containine but 13 per cent of mois
ture and the balance almost wholly
grape sugar (carbohydrates) the raisin
is on a par with the date and the dried
fig as an energy producer in tue system.
Tn mihirnl wonders Arizona Is one ot
the most attractive parts of the United
stutes Its Grand Canyon or tne Col
orado river, a mile deep, Its sillclfied
trees or fossil forests, its vast pano
ramas of desert mid sterile mountains
that rise to a height of more than
12,1)00 feet nbove sea level, afford splen
did visions for the sightseer.
Eli Terry's Clocks.
The first attempt to manufacture
watches or clocks on a large scale lu
America was made by Ell Terry, a
Connecticut Yiinkee. who inveuted
wooden w heels for his clocks.
Coerced Domicile.
Italy retains a special form of ban
ishment introduced under tlio Bomaii
emiierors known as coerced domicile.
This punishment corresponds to the
Iloman deportation to an lsiuiiu aim
like It couslsts lu criminals being con
fined to an Island for a definite time
and enjoying within Its limits personal
Overfatigue lessens vitality and In
consequence leaves the system more
liable to fall a prey to any disease
germs with which it comes In con-
Bolls come from the staphylococci!!)
pyogenes aureus and are very common
lu people with Bright disease, dia
betes, gout, tuberculosis and disorder
of digestion and often appear after se
vere fevers. Bolls wre commonest in
thn anrlue. and noiiietlmes epidemics
of bolls run through hospitals, julls,
barracks nnd any lu urn.
Ancient Banks.
Banks existed In China. Babylon.
Greece and Home before the Chrlsilnn
era. The earliest Tcntd ef European
banks are those of Venice founded A.
I). 1171.