7 The n li SB6R IIIM.Sr.OKO, ORKGON, AUG. 11, 1910. NO. 22 vol- XVII aPOMES FILE I HEIR Ml lRStf ,,ns ins mamiioN Wi.,r.orul KhW Vo.J. .nil IVniurunl Wuri rtl ..f tlif ran.li'lat.-H l-f.-iv I),,! pnmaru-H ha-.- lil.-.l th.r (k!ar;itl,.. ..r t.httf.'nn. with (.lHitltv n.-rk I'.aiK'V. "'! ,-iU Hi.- tin- tti-fk. TIh- ". la.- th.-ir iimtruin.-nH us fi''l"ttH: , . i . 0 V Mar-.li. f'"" entity J'l'U'". 'f Jam nominal-'! timl tlitrl, I will tluni.tf ' l, n" u1 ioms!!. loiiHt initHMinly uiul im urtiully h-rform tlx- iluli.-M n jHT!a!ii'it' t' m.v i!lU-c-. an. I will lHl. i l-t t-it.M lM in j,ri tin l,i''if Wa.hii'l.'ii County, it ir,rvii luiHitn'Miliki' an.l Kii..itu.;t! ii.liiiinitrati..i f M),in.".s aiTain. I far th. tmil.lms-' -f H-rmaii-htnKkit.:i,(, i unifi.ru n Kt.'in if ii.a.l buiKI hi t-i-ttiiik' iMTinaiii'iit n-- tarn hr th- it'nv I'xpfiuli'.l an.l will work to that ftul. 1 (i( M-c to have ilafl on tin Wint aftii nty name, tin- follow ini! wor.U: H.'shkt U'lminiHtratioii; IVrmai .'iit roaU aul full value for I'vcrv ri-nt fiH-niil. " (Im C, itatu'iH-k. for ttltfritf: "Jf 1 ttiii nominate! arnl tlcl-l. I .hruitf my l-rm of olhrc faithfully ami impartially din-rh-trv tin- duties thereof, an.l jfive In thu jH-ojile of t hi? county aninini !it an.l at tin' name mm an I'cuhi.miral admiiiitrali"!i. I further ntate that I will k'ive tin iu;ii!n.i of that olheemy M-rni a! mil hliun :ihil everv man a I'l'lillV drill. " t'harl. M W. bnalon. for leini X'titatie; "Faithfully perform t hi ilutifii of mieh oliire. 1 d mre t.i lave print! after my Dti'tu' on the ballot; "The wu ef t!i'" lM-u4e nhall rei'ii Mil 11 i Kiuir. for ttvasun-r: "Stru t attention to the dtiti- of the (itliti. anil turn nil interest follvi ti-. mi I'oimty funds into thf ivunty treasury . V. I, lVrkiiiK. fur recorder of cniHi'vaiu'es: Promises to su ii'pt and not withdraw, if noini nati'il. and says; "If I am ooin kited and elected I will during my term of olliee faithfully din- iharvi the duties thereof. W II Hollis, for representative: "Kavor such n jmliev f economy in nil public expenditures as Khali I... just to tin tuxpavfi-s ttml consistent with the grow th im. I promvss of Washington Ciiiinty and thcStateof Ori'oii." .U C I ION SM I- The undi-rsikMied W ill sell at puh He sale at his farm near Kuy. 'ii tit" l'. K. fi N. Railway, at ten a. in., on TIH'USMAY, SHl'TKMUKU 1 Wiiii-, (i trn ol.t, I jito llm , ilh milk' '"Kuili. i month o'll; mirrrl marr, ny Itiurr, twit yrtlili Ctll, 2 cu, f'r1' llim fail, one now ftmli; vrnr ulil l'-(e. fich nrit March; J hcilVr. lH uii.iiilinilil; (- pluw, Caul on rllplt plow, new, tinrniw, liayiakc, iliac liar iw, i Ihiukii-, 1 i't IniKitV liarnrs. wt .k hiitm-aa, t'liltivalnr, wj;.iii, $ luiii. i.iiic hmiHcholiI I lit n i in re ami ollu't ailiilii too iiiiiiirniin to inciitluii. ? i. ... ........ ItllllV 11 III IIWIMI. Tfiui nf Kale I'nilrr fin cash; 'IVn "vrr, nnr yrnr nmiKaiiir liiiif. c l liav la-iru'ilt...! Hill .Urn. Wil ham Thi -1 . -1 , aitr, f K laniat li fall, a... I ('ha,. C 1 ; t '. J . : Oakland, had an i 1 1 i r i j.' ii eiu e w ith a lii-ar mi Ai;;'.i I 1. They htarti-d ii it tin- day hi-fniv and on t h- hr-.t dav k 1 1 i - t ni-vi-r al deer, one Welv'lilh,' T'.." po'ilidl driviMi-d. On the way hutne lim moll's emil huiiiid juiiipi d a hear and ruiinuiK it a rusp'e of miles, linally treed it. I.nini.ilt and (iinnla!l fuHn'.Ved (he dolf a rlo'tely Hi Hri--l,e. A they reai-hed the tree into w hu ll Hil ar had been run. it started down. The huiilers Were on the ower hi!! iide a-i they shut, and the aiiiina! eaine down striking and hititiL' at them. The din' erahU-d In- iM-ai.lsin hv the liam and w aili.ped htm dow n the hill. t was Hi-s era! minutes In-fore jiimotl i'.it a e i m m 1 shot at iti lead. 1 he V was jiawed up a lttle, hut in. I s'-ri"U.! hurt. The hunter had had lra elun' to eel nut, and took mil V t he hide and one ham of the hear home, where the people eave them the lad and and the U.'.s showed them that the', w-n- eaine. llnei.e Ihulv. E m mm e, -anil We manufaeture re-.sed lundier of ;i out of line tindiir. em.; to Imild, eie to iiiin- on your hiil. at ar., or deliver. r..ueh and 1! kinds, and If )..u are tn a chance Will liwrc We are now awii, from the he- t timher cut in our sei tmii for years, tiroher X- l'.iUell ('( . S. hulls. lllilslK.ro Ore Route 2. itf John . Mibins. raised here and w ith the Southern l'acilic a conductor for several years .ast, is now located at Ashland, On m, w here he is a conductor on ii mi n switc nnv run. lie w rites that his new Hisiti.ni en ahles him to le home every mi'ht; that Ashland has the linest peaclies in the world: and that he mid w ife and children arc feelitik' the I tt in the world. lion i iu- kers wanted at the Kay t'o.'s ard. at Witch Ha el S. P. trains stop at station Write to W, l'.. Peterson, inaiia e.-i- I!,-. ,)-, i'le Ore. 21tf r. t " - ! (' Miillov. who has 1., acres .,f hoiis in the Laurel section. was in townNiturday. He states that the crop will he litfht this v..;ii- luit of hue uualitv, Tin '. ii,. .a l.ouever will furnish what U known as "outside picking,' tl,.. ehwteiN are telldinir t) Set on the outside of the vines. This will make nice picking and speedy. T..-OI, for sale- Ma IV and '.' . horse w eivli ahuut V-W each Cood work animals. AUnit nim veai-s old. II. Harrington, m-ar t'enterv ill'. "A '.,.,, -reie Modern Instance .( I.,,,U. I "hrist tan 1 1 V Will o tlie'thenie of Kvan P.'llnehes at ii... M,.-;ieiti r Hire h. next nun llll V III . .i ,;.,!,( Aue 11. at h o cliK'K. Mr. llucjies will sienk at U:IH) ii... ."us: i onurevaiuuiai a. in, in i.i rr i r I'lniivh on "The Philosophy of Worrv " All are must cordially invited to attend. I Inn. Harvey WliiUficM Stott Siiicumlis Ik Operation OM. or N1I0VS (ikl.AT IDirOKS (iradu;iliil I mm l'atil;c t nivcrnily in I lie l.arly l)j) Hon. Harvey WhiU-lield Scott, the .Nestor of Oreon journalism, and one of the real editors "f the Nation, died al Ilaltimore, Sunday, after having Mihmittin to an operation for prostaic ail ment at the John Hopkins Hos pital. Mr. Scott is well known in the Northwest as eilitorof the Morn in Oreonian and his virile pen proclaimed him as one of the reallv real editors of the ae. He waslnirn in Ta.evvell, ('ounty, III.. Feh. 1. KW, and crossed the plains w ith his parents in 1 ."-. The Scotts first settled in Yamhill County, hut later went to iie.tr Olympia. Wash. Alsi.it 1n!0 they moved to Forest drove. Mr. Scott graduated from Pacific University in ISM. His life was me of hard toil as a Ikiv. and his first trip to Pacific was made on foot from Mason County. Washington, and it is said that he carried his clothes on his hack and swam streams in making the trip. Aflrt uf4Ui;itiiui he wrtil li IJ.iho, uti.l I ii uuc yrar ciij;;iK 'l Mining n,l Ii !..:iii i. He tlicri tcttiriicl to 1 1 1- i.l in ciime to I'ortlnnil, ulinr for a Ii w munllm lir avcmiloyrO a lilifaii.li ill lie- IVilan.l lllirmy. lie thru miiitlil anil ulitatiiril a wurkiiiK j.lai-f uu I lit ( lu-Ki'liiail. MlowiUK a ilr ci.lt.l riV ut fir iicwajr woik. lie mu iidrr txciiiiic nlit.ir, a KiMliun l,i.h ith tlir raceie ion of a hutt intrrviil. m m is;j to n;;, lie lu rvtr return for jmli ic mnnry exprnHeil I will rarm-tly worlt to tnal enu. I ili-aire l have jilareil on the l.allot, after til V name, the fulliiwitiK: "ll.ialnratlike a.liiiiiiutratiua; I'l-rtna-nrnt koa'U.an.l full value for every tent r i i- ii'lfl. " (i W. JIarsli, Cornrliui. Oren'm. MCNfiW SI fVPPISII ROSELAIR AGAIN SENTENCED 10 HANG lirought to Millslxiro by Sherifi HanciKk Monday, at II a. m. ini "ut iiitireot. ovi-r fin. Two per rent, elf cli I ...I. ,1- 1 I t.......r J. W. Ilnhra, Aui'tiotu-cr. I OR Till LIHilSLATURi: I liiTi-hy HitiKiunre itivM-lfa a cnn.liilale tr tin- I, kihIhIiin' aulijcrt l Die Kejiule 'Hun uiniiirira, .Sept. 14, 1410. 1 am a jinn iK-licver In the ithwt pflinary ami li'hi vc 111 IM tiring kept on our atntutr 1 in 11U11 h hi-lif ver In direct U-i-lMliilioti in. I SliiW-iniMit No. 1, ami on thi-nr ntin fll'l's ko lu fiite the WuNhlnKtiiu Counly k't'lornte, C'liiia. V. I.oinloii. Coliunliia l'rei-ini't.Cortifllii Route I, FAILS TO (ilVI; ItONl) '-d. Tlmniita, of Forest (Irovo, had his preliminary before J udgt1 Karnes, hist Friday, and was hound over to antiwer at circuit ""'I in the Hum of $2,WK). Tho charge is a serious one, the ii'weciiting witness being his 'laughter. She was the only Witness examined, anil as the de fense neiil,, iw, ul li.mnr to trivo 11,. ibV, lllj'v v !--" I'vidence the court decreed that '.'if defendant should appear be fore a higher court. Thomas vvas unable to give a bond and was remanded to the county jail, where he 1ms boon incarcerated N'lH'e his arrest a week ago Sat urday afternoon. 1 .1.1 .lelivered to any f the town. KeinemlK't' i"". ' 1 i .11, 1.. I .1 .1 ,-l l'n I l:ili VVIMHI. IK' 1. 1 h,m,.s. KtH-U'r'a Confection cry. ii...., u', wint7 and wife arc V ll.l.-i. ..-..... camping at Timher. and expect to be absent this week and next, xi... 1.'. ...t io i-li.-ineroning the HUS. Iiii. 1 ,, 11 iMiimr adies la IOIIOW OIK . . .;,rick. NIattie Wilson Josephine i,',.li..it "heodate lloons. ivooj lleidel'imd Maud Griffiths. 1 .. .. ....1... I'..,,A eeil.'ll' OOStS. I'Ol rniie. -.e"" ' 1 if (1. 1!. Hays, one and one-luilt miles N. W. of Laurel, um. u, Uoiite 1. '' ..... ! of the Shutc V ill ililin " ' - i - - . , Hank, is enjoying a vacation at 1 ... II,., iriies;!. ot 1 lias. : The hshtluit these two v ..:..!,(, entc h - if they leavywcinio.- "v . (l, get all they want will owe tho Nehalem river so m : i " " " be no navigation al me moum the .stream. We cam' a choice stock of fi-iits ami nuts: Kocher s um-i I'ectionory. C.eo. M. Hunter has a crew of carpenters working ai Lin ton's, and before leaving they will build a resilience, a oa ,. . -. a granary. The UiAm a mile or so easi 01 wa Horn, August G, 1910. to P. G. son This is the second boy born Mr. and Mrs. Vickers. Ihe happy father is the genial South ern l'acilic agent. .,1 r.o., ...iiiirnod Pridav eve- nil g from ten days at Newport, mo-, ,. .. .I,,, II, K- lOI'O and reported inai Sny are lmvinK a hne time at that popular beach. Mrs II. T. Hagley departed SatuiVlayforaweekatNewtKir, where she is the guest of Mis. U A. Ixnir. .,n, r 1,11, ,1. In iMiiliri. lS'iS, Mr. Scott tnarru-.l Miw -.litrtll Niiklui. She tiled in thilihrll. Jo in II. an.l Kennrlh Scott, the latter ilyin in rliihi- liood. Mr. Soolt' second wife was Miva t . ,,.! M.-i hi hiii v. He married her at her lather' Imtnc, I-atrol, l'a , in is-. m, k.-. ii t mifviti-d hv hi wife and lour rhl dii n, Ji hil II . I.ehc M., Ant )..., It mid Mi-. Ju litli M.Srott. He ni Ihe lt of live lirotlieis two of wlimn died ill Itifint v. Ihe fourth. John IHn- ry Scott, die I at l-'ortt drove, May I. iVjj. rour sisters are Mill Hvio. atd in Portland. They are: Mrs. Mary I- iiimrs CtH.k. Mrs. Alugail Scott Duni ay, Sirs. Catherine A. Col.urn and Mrs. II- iriiet L. l'aluier. Mr. MaiKiet i;..,.,wi.l.- ami Mrs M:om Kcllv. two .Iir.l the former in St-ilftiiler. Mn and the latter III tool. Mts r.i eu I .I..M...O,- a half sinter, is livtui! at Ore .. I'm. and Charles Scott, a half a"-- . - - . . I....OI... il.i-il 111 1MJI1. n... i, ll. itir ihiliirrn there nre four Kriiudi-htlilieii, William Harvey and ..hi ami ihuivhur (if lollll II. Scott, a dni.Ktitf'"' Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Scott, anil Sluti-aiet, uauKimr t.i Mr. and Mrs. A tnl.ro e rcim. ti, i..i,K. hved at l-'irst and Market streets for n tune, niovint; in 1804 to their present home, 1 vvilltli ami .Morr 1.,.,.. ir..i Mr Scott took two triiis abroad, the first accompanied hy Mrs. Scott, in 1001, an.l another in tne ran 01 njo6,'wheii he ai-compiinicd hy Mrs. Scotland his dniiliter. ln the Inlter tiip thev visited the duel points 01 itil eiesl iii lviiiope, ainoiij; the in lMort-nce, Italy. Koine, Vienna ami Switzerland, U-iidei lOiidon and Kn(-!nih IlutiiiK the continninis service a etn tor of The tirewoman, Mr. Scott took an active part in political ami civic annus ... i,..,iii..i nin iirek.on. asioe uiMii mv I" 1 :. ".. ' , discusJlons in The tltegotuan 01 wuicii he was the ntithf r. In iSSb lie was the temporary secie tary of the state convention of the Union iiarty, ami at numerous nines m me k. 11. nWiiiu-iit vears he was an active participant a delegate In the Ke- COIlVeniHinS 111 ureon. whs a 1 1 1-1 1-f h t c to the Kepuhllcan Nntintiul convention, held at Cincinnati, and which nominated Kntherlord U. Haves for President of the United Stales lniSSoMr. Scott was a m legate u .1 ,i,l . i;.-niililii-Mii National llie I", iiiv. '- ---r--, - convfiilion which nouiuiated Janus A. Oarlicld. At the tunc of Ins tleatn air. .icon . ,.,,0,.... nf the Pacific University . I.-,.-..-! r.mw nf which he was tlif III iwi,'1' ' ' - ' - . , , ..,.,int.. Hi- hail been a inetitoer ..r.i. i.,rtliin,t Wntpr Board and always took gteat pride iu Portland's water svttem. Ilewasaiso a niemocr im mc T..-I l.,iilr Cnn.llllsmil.l. WlllCIl chose the text book for the schools of the tate. , In 1904 Mr. Scoll was ciectett prs.i 1 ,.f ii,.. 1 uiiu and Clark Fair As'O in in , - . ciation, but declined re-election in 1905, when he was succceilcil ty it. w. t.,ooiie. Mr. Scott was a mcuiner 01 tne cuar ... i.n.,,1 u-hirh drafted the present ,,r tin. eitv nf Portland. He was ciif,n v, - . , ,1 1 1 f a member ot the Arlington . inn ami ui the l'orllaiul Coiiimeiciui ciui). The friends and acrpiaintancoa ilrot.iM-d in at the homt.' of Mr. and Mrs. J. ii. McNew,- of be low liccdvilh', Saturday night, and the owning was enjoyed by the esiial good cheer ex periencod at the McN'ew home. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. I'rishy, Mr. and Mrs. Harbor, of Ziontown; Mr. and Mrs. Carey, Mr mid Mrs. Hrooks. Mr. Hnxiks Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Mr. I'rishy Jr.. Misses Nellie and l.ily Avers, Ualph. Hay and Walter Curtis, Mr. Livingstone, a I'ortland banker, Miss (J race Merrill. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Mc N'ew and familv. Miss Cora 15'irch- v, Mrs. McHrcyn and family, Harry Llery, .Mrs. Kelly. I.it-ht refreshments anl a watermelon spread wore enjoyed, with pastry service, and the party dissolved at one a. m. J. K. McN'ew was up from lie- low IJccdville, Monday. Chester Alexander, the fire man on the P. K. i: N. work train, spent Sunday in the city Ch.ts. WilloiiL'hbv. of near (Jlencoe, was in the city MoiKtay morning. Clifford W. Stippand Christina, Liljeson were granted a marriage license by Clerk liailey this week. John Siegenthaler. of Beaver ton, was in the city Saturday and called on the Argus. John Koch", of alwve Bloom ing, was in the city Saturday afternoon. We will be ready to sell and deliver brick after Monday. July 2."). (live us a call. - Klineman Bros., North Hillsboro. John Ibach. of near Banks was down to the county seat Friday. High Q UALITY Drug Store I Monev to loan on real estate security. Ve sell tarms. try us. The Webfoot Realty Co Hillsboro. 12tf n C. Uarlow. of Portland, was out to Hillsboro tho last of the week. Countv Surveyor A. A. Morrill will 1-0 to Harnev Countv on a business trip the first of next week. Wm. Clark and wife, of Port land, were out Sunday, guests at the home of Mrs. Clark s par ents, Mr. and Airs. K. rawra. S. A I Meek, of Glencoe whs in Saturday, and savs that threshing is in full swing out in his section, Tin- cariiontors have the new cottage built by Mrs. Henrietta More-no alnnit comoloted and the painters and inside w orkers are finishing the structure. The Climax Milling Co. will fiirnwh sacks free of charge to farmers desiring to sell or store their wheat at their ware house. 1 ' tf H. T. Bagley accompanied Rhi.n Hancock to ca em sunaav iH'tmi'il o- nnd returned with him when that official brought Rose- lair back for sentence. Keen vour chickens enclosed! Just received - a large consign ment of noultrv wire. Now is the time to buy. Emerick & t'orwin. Alohonse Hendricks, the Cor nelius merchant, and who is the to Hendricks & Son. was down to the county seat Monday morning. tJor County Judjre To the Republican voters of Washington County. The undersigned is a candi- date before the Republican pviiuarles, Sept. S4. 1910, fr ,,,e P,,r'y notnination (ot Countv Judge of Washington County, If 1 am nominated atitl elected, I will, during my Irrm of ollice, conscientiously 1 i.,,.,.iiallv tu-rlnrni the duties D- ItUU lllijwi.--J pertaining to the olbce, end will use my best efforts to give the people of Wash ington County a prcgrepsive, business- . . .l ...1 .tin, viitl.,1, nf like Htm ecuiiuuiiciii nuiu,m. ... county aflairs. 1 favor the building of permanent rock roads, a uniform system 1 of road building, and getting pettmuient Alep IV Todd was down from l-'ori-st drove. Mondav. and went on down to the Southeast ern part of the county with sur veyor Morrill to view a roaa. Married At the home of Max Berg, in Washington County, Aug. 3, 1910. Rev. B. H. Jones officiating, Mr. Otto Berg and Magdalena Leuck. Witnesses, W.'P. Snider and John V. Reid. Dr. PiUemrer is spending his vnntloii tin's Summer un at Joseph, in the Wallowa, where the fishing and hunting are ex ceptionally line. Incidentally he is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Reel. Drain your low land and make it produce double. We will start tin- mnnnfact.ure of the largest tile in a few days. We now have a supply ot 4-inch, 5-ineh ana 0 rwh on hum . mt 111 vour or dor at once. Our clay is the hunt, tor tvroi ucintr iroou ourauie tiling. Order now.-Groner & Rowell, Co., Scholls, Hillsboro, Ore., Route 2, lnd. Tel. 7tf MVS HAD HIS DAY IN COL'RT Wile Murderer Must Expiate Hi Crime i- on Thursday, Sept. 8 Sheriff Hancock Monday morn ing, at 1 1:31 arrived with John I). Rosclair, wife-murderer, hav ing brought the slayer down from Salem. The condemned man looks rather more pinched than when he left Hillsboro to await execution on the gallows. His appeal having Wen made and tlic Snnreme Court, havin.tr affirmed the decision of the cir cuit court. Judge Campbell fixed Monday, August h as the day for the final sentence. Roselair ate his dinner in the county jail, with relish, and when visited by sin Arirus ret-orter talked intelli trent v nn trip rrori eonrlition3 about Salem; about the prison l- L 1 management, wnicn ne says is good; and told about an escape from the brickyard. He was rational in all his conversation. evrent when dwellincr on his family troubles, tie saia ne naa not seen Jeffries since his mcar- m.Miliiii in tViu rmnitfintiarv and had received but two letters from him THE SENTENCE .1 1! f!amnhpll. who nrouidod nt Ilnsclair's trial, ar rived in the city at 3:05 and at once repaired to the circuit court room. Roselair was brought be fore the court at 3:30 and Jiiiltru f 'iimnlipll sentenced him to be hanged at the penitentiary at Salem, on Thursday, Septem hor Rth .Tudtre Carrmbell stated to Roselair that it was to the everlasting credit of the County flint it did not irive him summary iiwtire r-onsiflt-rincr the atrocitv . . .1.. , of the crime; tnat ne naa naa a jury trial by twelve citizens oi th. ponntv! his case had been appealed and the verdict sus tained by the Supreme court; unA that sviptv was now de manding, under its laws, that he must pvniate his crime. He told Koselair that tne aeatn to De mntort nut to him was not SO much for his punishment as it i j i il was as an ODject lesson ior inose f,n'niinnllv inclinfd. He said that he was ignorant of his early . . " i i i i i training ana naa no Knowieage nf hnw miifh pvtpniintinn his en- V . IIV.I Ml l.V.l ........ -" " - v iron men t might be, but that the court was only tne macninery oi the law and he must pay the . n i if penalty. Koselair was seu-con-tii-lltd nnd stood un for sentence without a tremor. Attorney Jef freys was present and heard the iiii-itin mi Sheriff Hancock returned to Salem with the prisoner, Mon- Hnv eveninvr. takinir witn rum the death warrant. It is noted that Roselair must hang within SI dnvs from date of sentence. The law says sentence must not h lusc thnn SO. nor more than (50 before hanging, and the court allowed but one day more tnan the 30 CHRONOLOGY OF THE CRIME P.v-fd-iir killed his wifeMavlo. A feVShJ-k IM . - r surrendered to Sheriff Han- i-i-i-k- Mav 1 i. at 01)0 O c OCK in thf morninir: remained in lail until December term of circuit court; the jury was sworn in Ki-ir IS- the iurv returned a verdict of guilty December 21; liiHo-p (.Birmhti spntencea mm t V.I - V- J . .. on December 527, the penalty to be hanging, ana tne aate oi ex petition set for Fridav. Febru ary 11. On February 4, Jeffreys asked for a new trial, which was rlpviipd nnd on Februarv 9. he appeared before the Supreme Court and asked tor a stay oi execution, which was granted. District Attorney E. B. Tongue, vi lin tripd nnd convicted Roselair. tiled a 90-page brief June 1; nro-npfl the case before the Su- nvpmp Cnnrt June 28: and had the decree of the lower court affirmed July 12-the case being finally determined in 14 months, from the time ot murder, The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. -'THE BEST EVER" ttaminshy's Make Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. J. A. THORN BURGH J. E. BAILEY W. W. McELDOWNEY President Vice-President Cwhier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. C 3 Capital StocK $25,000 Surplus and Undivided ProfitsO.OOO Exchange to all parts of the "World Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates. DIRECTORS Tho. G. Todd John E. B.iUr J. "W. Fuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg DUTCHESS T lO Cents a Button $1.00 a Rip ROUSER S WE are showing the full line, fresh from the factory, with many improve ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date and stylish. Made in closely woven cheviots and worsteds; fashionable colorings in striped and plain effects; cut in two styles conservative and "peg-top," and every pair warranted. BAILEY'S BIG STORE Forest Grove, Oregon DIAMOND RINGS Leo Schwander. of above Mountaindale, was in Saturday nftnirinnn lii-ino-inff in With him his 10 year old son, who had nearly severed a toe witn a snarp nv IV TWiiesie sewed on the member, but says he may yet have to undergo an amputation. J. E. Dickason, of above Moun t'linrhvlp. and who has been the i-nnd supervisor for his district for some time, was in the city Monday. Selected quality of diamonds. Plain and fancy ladies or gentle men's rings. Regular $38.00 to $45.00. Special price this week only, $35.O0 One lot, regular prices $36.00 to $38.00. Special price this week only $30.00 . These rings are exceptional values, and every stone is of the purest white, and guaranteed. Don't fail to see them. LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate 0ptometrit. 1 fc I f If I. I n ... ..,r....,....,. , -- "v. --- r-v o T--- '- -i --v r-r- r " 1 "" '