The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 04, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 21
sor.,0 i srui: oiiks
Utti"1 Alli,ud 00 " Cuun,
lliu.tua Scheme
U" ,H,-i,M..i.aUy. "f
mfit L iu "f Ul"
. flir nnnfXt wdh
r:!!.;',h. Monday .'...ming
WL c...,i,.-t ha vu.l Tin
.1... L tu littl' 1-viqN.H.' if
Li u'th- nmclni.m it has
..... Washington ( ounty
m.-funn.-ilion M Mullen
mail Tlu- (hvgonian h;ii ",,t
' . . 1 I K,. i,ail of ttlllifVU-
. LH f..r ti" purine of Kil
t'' U there. 'f for liny
!mk!V' . If tW ifm. i t'l
S pi.u ut the ,,,f
. i. n,.. r should U-
,1 !! .Ul, V"' . , ...
J-fout.-d. "it we think Willi-
...... .1... m,nUul t ie IH-W
-,lv scheme K-nTiily 1 if
,. . I,,.u not committed U
llrVifoiJi'i'1 ",lt "
, i. ,.i know. It
'know without infinite Udhcr
i i,i....Hu muuirv. Hit'
Is,,, fur tho mt rt n'Huits
t I l. mo.HIC USIVO. H1 '"-
: ii,i.h county Oilier
h directed wholly t'Mu'
' .. i n...v u inn hi not i
bought up for .UfiH..n by l lu
irHT;a ,:,rt..rato. which know
Uivi. t s nil wnmg.
r .!, IllltV IIH-UMUrCii
!;;! U- voI.hI .lown. un.l th
..,.1.-.,. ..( th i-irtmlv-mttktTs
takt-ti tin- l-.'wlutrt whi-rc
OK SAl i:
(V... ,.,.... 1(1 V.-UM ol.l. VVritfh
i 'i-ji i hi wttrk. Alf.
hilV";!'. isniiii-H ami wi-th'-i. 1.-...1 n.'..iat Oral liiirii-
mil nii'i .r.'
,.r C.rn.-liilS. KU' I. - l
r..;t.. t.iiiiilaiiulaU'. I'n-
fitir Slat.-H Tfl.. f.lciH'iw. 'Ji.
.il lS HHI CASl.
iti.mrid Attorn.-y K. H. T.mjou
I... i , liv the i'X.h'ii
tnxuf ih'sill of th laU'Samu.'l
Klnuiri' a hiT uttont.'V llu
a-irniiu , (ration of tlu' li -stnt'.
kilt.Ml lit AH
A i, if, .!..,; ihiu "simimt'r. wlllh' I"
" " . .
mi auto, the car Wintf slrm-h uv
i (,;,, M,- I'liimiv was .-on-
Uiiui, ... . r, , .
liniH-cl as i'mh-iUHx ami n'tauu'.l
Mr l i.iunii" in truiirht,n.H mi
.Stat.- which cuiiHirttHof ini'rtv
nil iilimi ilm Ofi-i'iin i-oartt.
lilli' l lit' in -hum ? ,
six and sown hutulroil thousand
ii,. i;ui.. . I. .iila l.nt uiial llu1
Ull M ,1 illlll- ll.'.lt'h
VilliiHtinn will t'O cloSO to II 111"
lion anllai-s. Mr. Toniruc was
li(inii I'm' a f.-w houi-H Montlay
.'voniiiK', ami soon itih'H on a trip
to d o Umpiiua ami Siuslasv to
limb il... oiiniutrv tilMDOI'tiOS.
n nun n n- i. . . - i
It will (l.nil.tloHH tuk two yoars
),. 1 1.. ii,.. ociniii iititt Mr.
i, n. nil Wl lliv I.'....' 1 .
Tongue will have many h'tfi"
coiniilicatinna to hamllo.
n,,, ni ini-iii'v wiw an
ii viiTVi iv . ivv" - .
oil frifiul of the Hhnoros ami
I him ahovo
v... I Al l 11 11 A Cllii i"
nil i.r il... ni tui'iu'va who hail
I'oon oonnofU'il with the Klmore
I'M. Thiiiiiai. uf I'l.n- t (in
Via-. IhhiihI ii'.it fin' a lii-armi' In
f i if J U"U'- Marin' . Sat in'ilav i-. .
hintf, in lh' Hum of '.O"". Il"'
I'hai't'o In-ill' a Hiat'itiirv dliiMi.ii'.
Ttio riiinplanunv withi-' -s ln
ilauKht't'. n;'i-i I'i iai i. Tin
jrtrl Win takrn In On- l''i ; Ai
tiirls A if i Snoiotv. I'orllaii'l. t'
ri'itiaiti imlil tho rxaiir.iialiuii
hhitll l' lu'hl. I human n a lu
l'i't-, umt ha-i U-ctt m u'k 1 1 1 p1 until'!"
Trump, th' r-awmill man. I
l anii- tlow n Saturilay, aii't short
ly ufti-r rooi'i'. mi-' his pay wa i
picki-il Up hy Six-nil' Hancock,
Ilr wart unahli' to y.iv w uu
was tilarril in jail. Tho ih-fi-inl
ant ha a fann! uf m-voii i hil
di'i-ii. Hi . pr'limiiiar w ill tal.i
plaro I'n.las .
Wo inanufarturi' rmu'h am
ilt-i-'l hitnlx-r f all kiiMs. ami
nut nf lino tiniU-r. If "U arc
t'uiii' to build, 'io us a chanoi''
tli.;uro on suurhill. Will lii-'un-at
Nard, or d.-lr. or. Wo an- ino.v
na-.i intr from tho ho;d cut
in uur soot tiu for soars. tirmuT
4w Kowoll lu.. S'lioils. lliii 'txiro.
(ho.. KuiUo-J. tl
II. W I.ion'i.d and I'ost
Ma tor i'ady, of Jloavi-rtoii.
i ,t t . I...l...'
Jia-iHi'il Uiroiijli l.i'AIl, .ii'inii.i.i,
fur Ti!lam.ok and .V'lart. mi a
twu wooks ouluii-r. 'l'hoy will
inako tl.o trip tivorland, Wlnio
i-nrouto U-lwoon lloavorloti and
b'-.r.t C.i-iivoa mil of hiankots
-v . .
iH'lm.k'iiik' t' Mr. t ady was lust.
Tlioro won- throo hlankots and
thov wore wrapped hy a mui.m
h!rai tho small way, and hy two
straps tho Sunk' way. Anyono
fin-lit' thoni will do Air. i au a
favur hv roturninK thorn to tho
Uoasorloii jKivtollioo,
Thos. TnilHnKor, npyA '"
voars, and whoso parous m i -
tiflios livod uoar oiiiorvnio.
thisoountv, was drow nodal A-, tho last of tho wook. I u
was a lunthor of Mrs. 1. 1.
( ".oof.
i; lYrkins .auto down Fri-
'. :. 1 ....... !iii,lriv
das ami ivmaincu m. . .
with his family, who havomosod
down fn.m r.uxl"" for l'nnanont
i... .,...,, .i..livi-1'od to any
lt V 1. K..f
part of tlu- town. i.on
,. ...... I i mhl l"ill H o
v ..- - .
t . . . f ....l..ifiikl.
. i I! of tho I'ommor-
'" .. . i. ... i
I'mk and '.an I'onoiM-u
. i.... r hi niilimr
.i.,t....-i...i i.i!iiia iin
aUise TimlH-r. on tho Salmon
urintod at tin
till I ill r. i ""',. .
,. . . . , . nt W lie l na-
" .. uf.ui nt station.
! I . II ill""
ti-.:. , i . VV 1! 'o orson. man.
"iv.1" .-,- ..ltf
for. uooiivuio. on-.
15 U. IVrkiiiH has takon a ih-
i , . . ii..
-. : ,. .. oil III. ' v
sniou ? i i"" '
ti:..... II.. ,nn KolMH U i aim
duimr soino ikh! work.
i. i 1,,'L i'..iuniod to 1 ort-
,siai 1 1 in ", .
Illu, Sunday, alter a
weeks visit with hor (m. .!.-,
near tilenooe.
i . i'.j .....hir nosts.
I'.u' m o. vn"i i
. i 1 1 .n-fci inn ;i in ."i.
U. I. 1 1...-'. - ,
il,sN. W. ol l-aun i mo
Snlluwcd Carbolic Atid
Snl unlay Morninu
I nrly
tkad Man I ill Scural Nutc l.xplain
Hi Kavli ail
Republicans Met In Convention
in llillsboro, Saturday
Thomas I!. 'audio, aj.'od lH years
ri.minil I fd miil'ido illMllit live
uYloek Saturday inoriiinr. hy
taking sovoral mincoH of earlxihi'
acid Thosuicjilo was committed
undornoath the window of the
'audio coUaeo. w hero Caudle hal
n-rioil a cot from one of th
out houses, j no suioiuo 'n
unox'ctod as ho had at various
times threatened self dostrue
fioii. Al-out ton days ak'o Mrs.
('audio was granted a divorce by
Judl.'o .1. I'. Campholl. hor ploa
boiuK uncontrollable temper and
drunkenness. The propertv
ttleil out of court.
I 'uudle realized two or throe hun
dred dollars out of the property
and on the evoniiik' of July 21
,vont to 1'ortkmd and limnm ai
ticket hack to St. Louis, ne
went as far as Seattle and re
turned to this city w ithin a itay
, - t i, Uiu
ur so, Mine iiisreiuiii no n.w
aid to several parties that he
Would OOinmH SUIllui:, mm n'v
thor day tried to purchase a re-
ver of a local dealer, inn was
refused. He then went to the
Mta dnik' !tore and asked lor
oarlmiio arm. say in n no "'
i., nut somen i no cneuucai in
who called Mr. Taart and Mr.
Il intor )r. lamiosie arnvef
. r.rJI !ini I found that dissolu
tion was rapidly ensuing and that
the victim was beyond medical
funmcr I'.row n drew a jury
and the luxly found death witn
wiiii.-idtil intent.
The jury: Ceo. M. Hunter,
I- II '.aird. Ihm.
Korr. .las. Kerr. J. h. r rank and
ll.,;,.l..r I'lwwI.H
I (lll.L, I ,.. ' '
.... . 1 ' I.- . l.rf..l
a verv likeable man. Ihe re- Effort
mains were buried hunday irom
the M. h. thurch. under ine a(Jv(;rtised Kcpublican as
ai.spicoHol theuH.ineno, u, vahinrt.n Ctountv
World. ICov. Usher preacmiiK i y . ' . , .lL
mot in this city Saturday with a
delegate attendance of 155, and
nominated a complete legislative
and county ticket. The big con
test of the assembly was over
county judk'e. Judge J. W. Good-
in nresent incumbent.- and a
the funeral services.
Th.. iinili-rsiL'-lieil Will So I at pUlJ-
lic sale at his farm m-ar Hoy, on
th,. l' It & Railway, at ten
a. m.. on
........... i . . r CM.'11'l'l.MIPI.'P 1
M.,rt6vr.r.M.uuo iu . iu. .uck- candidate for the assembly en-
iitit r'llt.'l iiioniluo'il, norrcl imif, gray (lorsemc.nt. losing OUt to Hon. G.
W.Mwsh. of Centerville, by a
lirif.-r, m-xt M.rcli; J I"1'' "' ,s vote of 85 tO 70,
"r.,b,-rl7 i "LZ: Z, Ue nomination were as foil-
lmrntSH. set
t.rl liKriii-M. rultivntor. wftifon, UA tv,- nn.mfv iiulcra Hon G W
,?;,:::i:L,!:::"::r,Zl ,hct Marsh, former member of the
1 urn h al tion. lemslature.
Ternmf.rsii!tr--t'ii'i r fi" cati; Ten Kor county commissioner
ami over, one rsr
Unkiiiiienote sir John is,'yrgi 0f Tualatin inteu'st. Twj j mil. ol cab rnrfsentatives-H
High Quality Drug Store
The Place where you
are always getting Drags
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. THE BEST EVER"
ttaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
.lacK uyuti, i'n.i.
J. W. iiuglirs, Auclioiiior.
Card ol Thanki
For rpnrosentatives Hon W
H Hollis, Forest Grove, John A
f.hanman. Middleton and Hon
f v Tiirnrri. ot utrara
For county clerk-J vv Kau-
ey. present mcumoenu, uameu
w.. , tn thank our trienas oj n .
..v. v v.. ...... .. For Shen t-ueo u nancocx.
and neik'h'fs wno mi m.iu., i - f ;mVnt
ed us in our recent twreavemei t, - , rtnvoV!inPP!Tiftu
.1,., ,l...,Vi nrl n KWIII C9 0 the WWturi i w.v,....w -
SeM, Norman GrWr. and re- Perkins, present deputy, oy ac
a train ri oti tW
turn especial thanks tor int p '"'7y treasurer-H G King,
beauiliui lorai one. u. w .lmatinn.
".IdVilvTurveyor-A A Morrill, pres
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
l? It CrtM-rand ramily.
Ii;iklnv Ore.. Julv 30. 11J10.
bath water, lie w;ls ivlusod.
and the strange coincnlence i
the fact that the druggist matt
ing the refusal irt the coroner,
ad later olhnated at me inquest. ,
......11. 1,. KUOl'OOl Oil III 1'11'UIJH.TIIU, V. ' ..v. .
i u Mil. , o" I ,.,..( t th,. ii Wr iTll
..: , ..'...lit milieu liolt f ai ss M a Kurai ui n.v - .
he' ' Pharmacy. At daybreak ard tj a th! gen- ved only
O.. l-e morning heWaSSlH'tl UlSt WOOK, illlllMj 3 inui. J '" H infvl' W
..rfiui iiu." r. - m. , . , 1 1 . . i i .i inu nni 1 IirOS-
. ii,..i t.s hv Joe Mctouri, iai uumn. -;:. i
wi; was waning- for the resuu- Ifan n J
rallt to open for the breaKiast a m- - - r'her.
ci,..Hlv hefore ve he ueur.v "'., . iIm
to ho home of his divorced mar, of 40 years inoiW
fo Placed the cot on which he and for whom he oH fJ
;ttelifcd,r the bednom yersago He ke d H eUhj
window, and there .wauowcu wk hlm thesame
theiHHMin. u(i,mJ iiint h.. did when he
Kver since tne "' : , 1.7 r,r him. Greener1
,,-ant, I anl e has o t ilubert Bernards will
despondent, ami ins nuoun ,
,e spent several hours prosi au- ; )Ur jow ami make
it prtHluce double. e w in muu i
I ho manufacture of the largest
Forest Grove
lie n'i nv ; - .....
on the grave of his late son, W il-
lis, who died several years ago,
from an accident. .
Candle was horn m Illinois,
.... 1 I.Jj mother. MlS. 1'ollV
ami in.-. - ; , -
Caudle, lives at Mils uroe, uuu
. . ti... i1. m, n.i.1 veei'o mar-
svaie. i no vino...- - uesi lor proou
riod in Illinois in ISM., and came Wm 0rtKr
to Washington County, settling loWlti c0..
at Hillslxiro, aUmt twenty Years Qiv Koute 2
tile in a few days. We now have
a supply of -1-inch. 5-inch and b
inch, on hand. Put in your or
Our clav is the
im (iv .....v. , . , i
i,.wt nroi noiiiir irixxl auraoie
nmv.-iin e ix
Soholls. Hillsboro,
n.... IJ.Mi,i' nil. 10. HI
i..i,.,,..,i ,111,1 ii
u:,:r ' ,iM'lMiWc e. Lvtie.
v-orv i ait in woiKoi, v..... uiiui." 7-- ,
, . ine bitterly at times about of the U. & N.. returned from
lam o l' i.i ..... iwnr th hne. Sundav
h s (lomeSUC l ouoien, unvi v.. u mi' v... - .
., I hi. wife tiled a suit for morning. He and other othcials
1 voire, the papers afterward 0f the road went as iar as lilla-
ui) " . . . '.1. 1 -r i nu'im iiu m.vib u ii'i'i' 1 nev nanuueiu'u uv
1 1 , .itiit I li.oiiir IM1 II I l I. 1 lv iv. lltivvrix. .i.v.. . ,
i..;i,..w at the school hunk - .. ,i,lh. fi... T;n..mooL- r.nmmercial Club.
I'll'1"" " " . I ... I'l'ri!1 L' ;i t m 1 a. v-'vv 1 viivT 1 iiiuiiu"-" : ...
tendont's ollH'o. V"' lhl, surviving Attorney W. G. Hare, ot this
Uoute 1.
Mrs. W
P. PlIoi-soii. of Ueed-
was'in 'this city Monday, 011 j
citv. was present at the dinner
member of the and made one ot nis cnaraciei is
I'arlov !'. lloldaway, of Mult
Uom:ih Cnmit v. and Zolllllia 1 hi
vis. of Washington County, were
united in marriage by Judge J.
W. Coudin, at the county court
parlors, July HO, rJH).
Team for mile! Mai'0 and
horse, weigh about WOO each,
(loud vvoi'U miimals. About HUH'
years old. H. llurriiigton, near
Mi's. KUa Graham, of Vancou
ver, Wash., and Mrs. liH'"'1'
Conklin, of I'ortland, have been
m the citv, atteiulmg me "'..-
side of their mother. Mrs. Ann
Mrs. J. C. LnmUin is at llidgo
fu'ld, Wash., this week, the guest
f Mrs. Ted Loeb. Mr. Lo.'b w
in Hie general merchandise busi
ness in that thriving Washing
ton town.
(I,,,, w.,i,iinn mid family
i' .i. i r tiwi 1 1 1 1 K v." 1 .
deiarted for Timber, yesterday
morning. Mr. Washington will
work at the Stephenson sawmill.
Senator W. N. Barrett and
wife departed Tuesday for YM
City, where they will visit with
u sister of Mrs. Barrett.
- . .1 .hm 1
ii , to .din liernaru um.
... i.iiw :i1 1910. a
wile, oi no), u'o.i
. . - ,-.1 .. L ie CUtUOII.Y vi
,), u. F. Hemeck, of minor child, Karl
i i... i,.w ii veie r narv i ., n
WOOO WOO Ul nt'-' " ',-' A ( Villi C Was l"o"" v' mm - ; .
Mnu, , i ii vi.."- ... .1 i ,..i .,,. ... r. 1 ,-,.. ciiiifhe
nractice, wasmiowu Woodmen ot tne worm, unu .. .-nc aiu'i-imun. ..v...-,
i t : ..,,.ii u-niui ni i
theweeiv. ried msuia..; - The Climax Milling Co. w
(;t.0. W. Stilt, the Ifcavorton recently f' 111 furnish sacks free of char.
oldtimer. was acoutuy M-an";o.- yorcou - , to farmers desiring to sen
Ii' Saturday, and called on the Lent to the hous no day Ut lheir wheat at their war
, weeu iion . -' . i Uiisn i-iti
A,KU ' ,i, . o-oinn to k himsen. ami
(j N. Thomas, of Beaverton ' st ' j find his body by E. L. Moore and Clay Free
1U1 vho resided there ma y 1 . .Hhe first boy. Sev- man played with Orenco Sun
JSars, was up to the city Mon- " were i0ft, some unin- day. against the Wdstock
nlainlv team, and Gillenwater playea in
o.i.. . 1 tiun u"" ...... . -- -- , i!.4. ::,
We carry a choice stock ol L vl,Uo,, The last missives bear the hel . J-t -
,.:i ..ii,I nuts' Koener s v,un- ,t what lie nau ireqili;in.ijr wiu ui Ciu. vi inn ; -
lllllirt il ' I, , .. . i, iL,,i l... wna Rt.illm-iA f.Tid Woodstock carried away
CoetionerV. US llieuua -- umi : i- .vv....
, , f ,,..i. Karnung- iieep y aiiaciiou wmv . ,
Carl Skew, of ne.u ... which were U" v,, MeVem enclosed!
.. ..... ii town naiiuo.i.i, v. ni... ivrv.p j"" . -
at the court house. legible read as lonows; jU8t receiveda large consign-
husiness at tut imut i.,...t, n ,,int nf nnultrv w re. Now is
. ( r iiear rnonuo lum inv j-- uivn v. t .
ihn Scoggin and. wik, o , . n body the time to buy.-Lmentk &
..,.4.. it I llll I (III. .'vr- . , ti i I .'iii. . were gues oi . (.IS nf niv , uar bov. WU- ( orwm.
Manning and wife, this w t K. of Napa
"My love was too strong. And Cal , and who has been visiting
I hope to meet you all in heaven. wjtri the family of her uncle, U
j.n, iiareweu, oiu oi in. mi, imiuoviuu, .i..,
i mi. w U. o "ii, i,..,,, a fr,,, stronur lor returned, lo ner numc m
UP. V. .1. ', " W . :r,C , iJ thU C.illi liYidnv
...i-tl'iiK were gnosis m. m. nonie. ima n'c V , i '
. . i..:i., iionuv over home. ,i,uwi l mstcan t uve. iwouui
r A . I till ii jr ...'-i u.." w . , ,
was the guestot tne. u. , f
ur u.,;i..u Sum av evening. i . : . ,,,
vy, iiunvji nave neen in iiust-iy w i"h. . . , ..,
V W Moore is assisting 1). H. lTom - Reuben Foster, tormeriy wan
iJa'm ,,;r on the Jake Milne res- & lo was in the habit 0f go- the P, R. & N, n its ear y -con-luiiswiiv.
. i.j ...i..a init i,nf ,m Aav was out aunday.
WcnCft JMJ h Vo the thrt IL T. Bagleyand
John Friday, oi .& ": rui,V nd was unable to get wife;
1W-L ' liquor in any of the saloons. We will be ready to sell and
Uiminv..... , i '.,, (liiMl aUOUt O O CHiv, .i..i;,T11 Vi,. PL- nt
Jack Wood, of Roy. was mine nff nod conscious- - "bjfe i a
. i .,.(-,i
Bailey home, uvei nuim.. ljusiran uin-. '"T" Money to loan on rem wiaw
n mreeter of Portland, like to say more, but I'm getting smu.ity. We sell farms. Try
out inflim
E C Brown, pres
ent incumbent. Il
Hon S A I) Meek, a mem
ber of the last legislature, was a
l!...(ii tnr rp-f POT. on. nui TV-
50 votes, onenn
had announced
i 1 llllVV'V I, "
himself as a candidate before
the direct primaries, was en
dorsed by acclamation after Bed-
f it l.i: Irtiof riwnva
had been named as a prospective
candidate. Hancock had refused
i i..l, V,ii ondnrMpmpnt. of the
lO U3I v.ivv-. .. - -- ----
assembly, and had published his
direct primary announcement in
the county papers, nis inenus,
U......i.. ii'oyo in thp asspmblv.
uoc viri, " viv ... v.. -
and made such a presentation oi
his candidacy that Laughlin with
drew and rlancocK went m vy
The assembly passed tne ion-
....;-..- vcoiliitinn "
"We iHiint with paruonaoie
pride to the record and achieve
ments of the National party and
mfflmi nni n psriance to uc
IV. 41 11. vv " - - ."
fiUllit:. ...
We endorse the administration
t u,.,io,ri.1nt Tnft and commend
it for having carried to a success
ful urmeusion the Dieoges as
contained in the last National
w' u,,o.tiUr pmiiirsp the) nom
inations made by the Republican
cina nasomh v. hp n in roruanu
last week, and pledge our loyal
.,........1- t,-. i-a nnminpps.
su ijmii, w i ..v.......
We believe in tne principles ui
representative government and
... j i-Kn rlirvMit iirimnrv law
enuuisc nit uii.v, --
on the statute books as the best
expression on that sumeci vo mc
We believe in nominating and
electing the very best men avail
state, district.
auic vii.w ... - - - .
..,,t., on,! nrpfinpt. ana we De-
un,-a tVrnt on nsspmblv of repre-
v lllV v... - - -
.,.iofii-o ronnh noans is tne Dest
ac,,i"rv t . . " j
qualified to bring aoout umi uc-
:iia rooiilt nnrl is also the
Milium iv..v,
U14- mm htipri to mdire oi tne
ability, fitness and character of
Wa ova in f flvnr Of SUCh 8 DOl
.1 V. HkV, ... ' " ' - - ' . -
in oil niinhe ex-
icy oi v-v-uiiwuij ... i ---- -penditures
as shall be just to the
taxpayers and consistent with
fiio o-rnwth and nrouressiveness
nf the countv and state.
11', HAa n P 11TI4 Wt-l V 1111!
vv e jjicum- v...
support to the candidates named
. , . i - ... 1.1.. C. fViti
today by tnis assemuij ii
various county omces.
t w v no-hps or rioum ror
dpd as chairman
CSl, Uiuil ' ITM,
and John Boeker Jr.. of Hills-
K, wna p pcted secretary, foUnn .Tnok Jr. as assistant.
YY I , . ' ... w " - - - ,
t T I 1 1 nnnnTV pnmr-
J, VV. VUliucii, wiuivj
,o nniiud thA mpetinc to order
iiiao, viiivv v..- o
in the morning, when the tempo
rary officers as above were eiecieu
i . AriAM..nn .v, n rl ti npr-
ana in tne nncniwi "u' "--
onnit rrhp committees.
lUUIlliiv. - ...
nv.,i.mtiQici .T H. Collier.
VICllvnuwi" w. - , -
ofii Tnointin- F. E. Cornelius,
OOUlll iv.w.Mv..., - . ,, , .
. . . j i . , i - -i . .
S. Hillsboro; ti. uiutter, su. vtum
Capital StocK $25,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits 20.000
Exchange to all parts of the World
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time
Certificates. t
Tho.. G. Todd John . Bail.y J. W. Tuqu
Wilber W. MeEldown.y J. A. Thorobtfrtf
IO Cents a Button
$1.00 a Rip
WE are showing the full line, fresh
from the factory, with many improve
ments. They are all new, snappy, up-to-date
and stylish.
Made iu closely woven cheviots and worsteds;
fashionable colorings in striped and plain
effects; cut in two styles conservative and
"peg-top," and every pair warranted.
Forest Grove, Oregon
ness after taking the draught.
call. Klineman
XT ll I ..h.Y.IA
nvnnk Westhotr, of near Cedar Mrs. Caudle heard a short- M KMnn- n( Hazeldale.
i n A.1..1-HO n i-ie il) la. nus. .. ,
U. lv. run"""!
in the city Saturday.
We will be reaay to sen " s. Hillsboro; ti. uiuuer, ucuai
deliver brick after Monday, July Creek; J. A. Chapman, W. Cedar
r.- i!.. n .oll Ivlirpmnn t w HvprVi East
'ed Mr.
n the cot. She summon- where he is in tne n.erciui , u.
Holland, the contractor, I business, was in town Saturday.
t M Dvprh ,itzer. East
Butte; L. M.' Hesse, West Butte;
i r i wv ( n nmDia. james
p'linrehill (iales Creek: Grant
Continued on page 6
That goes into your repaired watch
that results in a perfect job -it is
the KNOW HOW that does the
Any bungler can buy the fine,
kinds of material that I use in re
pairing; but SKILL is the most val
uable material that can be used in
watch repairing; and the bungler
can't buy it. I sell my skill for
what it is worth, and it will cost you
less than bungling at a lower price.
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist'