"HWl JULY in IV 10 S Ell. SE1 Bin FOR AUGUST 10TH inJ I nJ Salufdax TVyln'rV ''' ;,r,,'rly ixu,"i"a,1"" fir Wa i' ('mt' 1,1 Urm Vint 1) an.I . tlu Saturday Uwiiitf. Mr. IWh:i-h t4 this t.. be v-ry wyy , , T stati' examination lad tlf t'1' '"ur tl;i" jiS(t t. r.m'ity rvitminutioh will ,-nil Frnl; - cuing. Th rail, uilu-ial. f"r l"' writing, follows: II U.III MS lAVMINAHONS it ;f.-'. Kirn I'miu'V i . . .i llJ ...,.,...,,., t'..,tt,l IIIimM I1'' '"'' ' l'H"ni'U "r,J,.. f -r 'l- " t.' !!-. ,'lkrlV. " ll'H''i'IC " - (V t I -.OIK Ml (,miwi"it VVr.liirvtuV. AKiit t.i, l,it., .1 y 4 . "' -illiion1t ty.tt p i tt'tduwu. IViiiu ui.ln p, ll,.l,m, I'inv. l CcucKji'iy, Wrtliiitf, f!iui! - .Vn'lrii Aiilliuirlli', Tin-'" V 4 fr )i'uf. ' "''i':iM'. I'i.kkri .nif llli.-i" ' I ' t"rintirM llL- si. ii gt. lii-lulll. V nil I r itti.hir tig'tilt I. il t'.ttln. I llllllr U.S. ho'! I. .itUi.lai U lUiiy, I'Uiir (. jm. ti . Warul l!lt i" k . ii rv rrt( Coi"j ifc' "M V drn !) . AuKH-l li. w: J ('"i '"ik ( in ml ionium i.-j v, I I'.iUr, Aiitfuil II. I'iu l .; I i in f.!ii't!i r.rmnii'lii;. Ilitt, Hi'.litttK J tn Kf.:li;, 'll):i4l lir.i fEiainlil U'll'.lrw Altltlillrlir, Ilirull it te. in',,' l.iltitlt, I'll lili'H) . .. t,r'-t II. rM'ltwll l., K:: 'i. ii', I I K'lll I.Urt4tlllr llif(bM, 1 1" "i. Juiv. ii. titu I'm' jr. M C l.w. fount' St'lllXll Si. M I II V HVCON H.rUrt F. Nuttfc. uf IJosi-lmr. a'ui i!iM 1 'iina lliu'on, iunuhtcr of Mr. ii'nl Mn. Huion. tf VVi-st Hu! iSxu'o, wtTf murfii-il nt ('onaHH. Iliv., July l'Jl. The r!u in a ttf'.l known W-i!n 1'ari.M mi'.Dtfiijfrr. running IrtA.M'ii I'ui tlainI and UuHflnirn. !,! the luiil.1 wan fur a linn untM'f lln- ii!j.:lit oiH-nitorx nt Uw 'm(w Stitivi central in this city. Kf AL lib I A IK THANihEMS f M.p'u'ii s al i.i R , Cone, ren tmt i. n!r ( a f 5( t I ni I w fl M imi c(ul; in TIi.m CaiKllc, v; SiH ,-t S..uh llilltlHiro . . ,'. I Jin.li JI.MinKrr in I'unk .StruiUr, S 1 1 1 1 1 1 r J ij:j PI lUatli t.. K.ttir J Miiitun, lul IS Wlll.il. in, Vmm l,)0 ( ..,(, i, M,r lot lit (inoi Lvi:ic, luiuir 1Ko WmUiiikI .h Cmnilv In I'm Itrlnu K if I' b-'.ttr .j r loti 6 7 l.'ux k it inn luu ,,, Job i,,,, 'uh,r. i c jnt nri ltlU)r J " W ihikf lo Mf.r Hall, lul J I. Ik 4.mtlii!r Hill t:rl Jf ) C (i,,,Vf, til II tfl S:irln , I H Iti'-w -t tu Hrnvrttini CNny Mnf t'o.o.4fi llo Itravrttoit to Sn lo J.u.,1, Km rv, J 14 T II lniiy iluimtinn m C Wl.imWrt,V UiuIm-,, i , I'll Ih l-'iitrtt (in,!. t JUKI S Vr!.,i to .; j j)l rt Bi4 llii llti wii iloimiloi) Mjso WVmlli-t l..f, ) KmUt, lot i lllu! ,t ):,, )j.K) Nft"ii t M KtifiiliU,, 14 j, K l t . f J iH,K) Jiui ll,nnkn to Cl, Unll, W ."f l s ' iii'i? llumi'ilrn I ii) to ' W I'lnllipi Fl t to ,M t- Ucwin, IM 6 I.Ik 5 llill.l.oio mo 'I'lliniri, Collrtte to. I h l,f.illlK. iMWnl M 5, nrnr NVwU.ll Hlmulle to t;ro K HiiK'ry, pml WloWk i T.krr& Stewnrl ml- ilillim t H,ll)f I00 ? R ""xli y to I. Jrn, t.iem-M F u'lT , Kcl.rv to 1,,-nurtU l.imclirr, 3,1 16 n II, nr v Noliiiul Jr i c.. V)o0 '"'v ll.Mi.lrr to C M lohnwii a 'ui.'k IU.vr,t,m o 11 lor,-, I,, A (i i .. i.u S s. r, .'mw.::..::;..:::: tnn s,-iHrrrl t to Win Kulile, Koo r y-n in .Monroe cm CrnliT- Jnh 7700 Uni. ,,,. v HnuliK-li, to AJS IUn "", 1111.I 1, Im in f iij Jcrtblk 34. loini-liiu 3500 Mll ll.-ll t .ctl.r KJreltilll, 4ii ui- 1 ,.,,.r Sfboll iliiimtlnu lO.uoo Uin,,. 10 J A I'ui,,,,,,,, J5 - u 4 t j a , j Wii 7 jo SMITH SNYDIIR JwH. Sinitlinml MImh Min " hnyder wore unit oil in mnr "hkc at the Catholic Church. y, Ort'jroii, July 2G. 1910, Rev. Damn, parish priest. Couniy Convention Notice JJeH-K'ialist party of tho aounly "tiHiuiiKton is called to meet ' loimiy eonvention nt ('.anion iionui 1 1... 01 . 1 i. 1. .1.. lnt day of Autfist. 15)10, for 21 lurK)se of tunninatiiiir a tk-ket for Wnshinifton "it,v, and cloctinjr dolopatos " t ie state convention which is ff lWtlandon tho 7th and octl 'lays of Aun'imt, 15)10. n w i?..itn(i p Miite Chairman of the Socialist ' --y oi Urejjon. I'r.il. M.trv I ;,! !. nt ( iin', u I ,, j , jultil I'liiniinl ,. j,,, 'I'lralluh'ii Iii,,m 'a, im i.i,, . uf l'.,r- '('III llll ' : r i 1 - il A m i 1 . Ml .-, 1 'l nii'i '' !' fiuiii .1 l.i-lt..,-u i-i h,i im t ,-,! ir rnt, I nn i-1 m It i-i-iim Ml 1 1 1 II ) .' hi'liicil lln- Nali. it,;i at inii. .. a . I t ti-r .-tit 1 Im-II.T IiM, tlx- lilt an : i.;, Hi" V.I: .'it lull r, I l.lllll.;' I r.ar. ii iili'i tiuii run, 1 , , i -; 1 1 1 1 1 . I I.i- i uiii si 1 1 1 1 Sal. 'in la-t v.n-k. Ii ciiin-t on many h Ihh. Oii'Iiiii i '. wry j i t. aliiiu'-.t ali'ini-'l, wl-i-n mi IIHilli'V il i-iM-nt in, t,,. MViiii'in m the -.'at.- that thi-n are imt l..-tti-r . I ,h.! l,!iii,Im,,, atnl llli'l e ei)ti,!.i t i rimiiH. Anutlirr lirni v:h f,.r iii'liM, Hi tl i' In 'i'i I'limi'iida al dntikin Cllp't. ( IriN-eri-4 at en-1 White Kr,.-r :!uur. U. ..; A. II mh.,. Im-hI enrn "taii'li, ,V, 'ni Ih. ilairv tall, I'm-; .Vi IIi, . ;. v. aft, o-m:; I Slue KiIiUiii eiiin, He; I'.hi,. ,,. n l'U!iat'M-4, He, All nthi-rar-ti-len in jir.iirtn.n. 11. Wi-h-runi-r & Si it i -, l.iiinanl I'umj.k in will thin Summer round nut liiniii'i,ts of from si'e!i to eii.'l.t Ihniisatid lee.'ia!'ll Ulld ti'leilinne K.e.H from Wa -!iin-.'tui ('(mnty into Idahn and I'tah, J.- i imw Hhi,iin-.' cedar mles from Uih Jmint, Imt the luu.t of hlH eultin-.--H fioin fir. Wapatu and fjali-n allnrd hi-i laij-'eit hhipinenls. 1 lie Mie i are rust in-.; him a itiiiiiiiintn of alnit 7 ent p.-r llieal Imit. ttll'l ll l-i Iliat.iS thelll run into ii-; iniuicv. Sew el AiTei Aei'eae in j live, ten or twi iitv acre tracts. One mile north of Se'.sell station I ni (r'i.'ii!i I'ilectrie. S'-i- owner. No aentr I 'rices reaimalile tnd terms to suit. .las. . Seuell. Cantain (J. II. Kiiai.'ri, one of the early MteatiiUiat captains on the f'olutnliia Kiver, pUin! on the Wa.shit-.v'toii side, and now at IIim I'lirtland ("uKtoiiis Hnuse, was out to the city Tuesday. '1 he Captain is it pioneer of s2, and re!iiei,iU i-s all the early riv er day P a nicety. A'tUmuih HO years of ai-'e he still walks with a springy step and his eye uld still see a skill duwn-river fur li e miles. He tells the Ar- ., .,1 II tl' ... K'as inai lion. ii. . ,m-iiu is a ery sick tnan these days. I have money to loan on imhI feid estate Security. Also can find ynu a Inner fur ymirfann or iiisiness. ( all and see me at the confectionery store. upj-oMle Orenun Kh'ctric depot, llillslxiru. Ore. O. M. I'oiH'. Oli.erv 'at ion at the Oregon lllectric dejiut shows thai user three-fo'irths ot the travel on that line is from llillslmro pass- , - U ' I enifers, uuirir ami coining, nuen the car empties here, after cumin- out from Portland it fre- mentlv leaves hut three or four i I passengers aimani. Drs. W. M. 1'i.ll.K'k. C. II. l'ul- ock. Forest (!ine, and Dr. Da- mis, Portland, and K. Kowley, went out on the I , K. .v i-steidav morninir. to snend two weeks in the mountains and val leys over in the Nehaleni. 1 hey . i .i.e. i . ... evpeel lo I1SU IIIIUI llie uei-i sea son opens and then land some venison. For Sale: Fresh registered ersey cow. lias made JiMI hs. of lmtter in one year. isow fresh, with twin calves, h. r.. Watts, Uillslxiro, Orenn. ranch near Fanniuntnn, Own. river mad. -" -- C.eo. Ulersdorf. of North plains, says thai his hops are .wnLinu- vcrv line. altliuiiKU uie drv weather is cutting down the promise of production. 1 lie lice, however, are not numerous, one of tho lionelits of a dry season. '.. t t V Wvntt &. Co. for the newest and latest styles or notflitfoo and soft shirts for Sum mer wear. P. I. Lillitfard and wife wore . ..... t vitcfjtt. ji'itM iriilll Tl I Mil li,llllt I. lt-nvi ...v Mr. Filliirard says that his hops are lookmir fairly wen. nui 1 . . :. I.. ..IK. i, ..,,!.,! II Is'iMliI SllOWCr is umu.i ii"" ii., u.ii'u t im u cominiieu oi.v weather has dried up sunie ot the leaves, and they are tummR yellow. ... tu w (io to 1. W. vau w v'w.. ... Ino'ti tliev carrv tho Packard shoe the host on earvn ior ui uii i ---it . money. SherilV (leo. (1. Hancock has announced in this week's issue of the Awis, and asks the con sideration ot the Konora piume lie thinks he is entitled to an ..ii i,.v nt the ollico. and as lliere seems to he no opposition he will doubtless have a walk over. i, :., Tiaicliueu .1 nl v 25 iHirn, in 1 1 "" -i v l)l() to Thoa. Rood and wife, a son.' The little fellow isajrrand u..ii of Jiulire L. A. Kood and wife, and its papa is the P"l W bi-akesnian on tho 1. 14. & M. between hero ami mix ion, m.M loooe I ,owv. of Woodlawn, HI in. .- .-. if is out this week, the pest of ii... iintii. now nnd Lo ays. ot llll! IH'H" , .11 South Tualatin, and Mrs, witfht I'omeroy, of near Loisy'ViHe, J F. Saunders ami wife, of near Fethany, were in the city yesterday. Mr. Saunders is one of the poultry prize winners ot the state. PETITION OUT FOR L Pdiuircs 10 iVr Cent, of the Vot er to ul it on Hallol Wot 1 1) Ml N A I'.rt llK SVSII M Cilit ns Ui ni rally Arc Signint the In- Iruminl H. W. Fames has been circulat itii.' a petition to p't the matter of county hili .schools on the ballot at the ciimim.' election and citi.i-ns are universally Hitfninjr the j,, strumeiit. llillslmro, For et drove. Cornel inn, and P.ea verton, and perhaps Sherwimd and Tualatin, are very much in terested in the measure. Wash ington County the last school year had over 1M0 Kiydith Grade I it ;ta'iuaies, ami only in a lew i hool s are there higher courses. If the county votes to establish hieh schools it is probable that nit three or four will be held. These, naturally, will Ik, at cen tral mints, where tr.insiorta- tion will Im- easy, lhe county jui!i.rc ami commissioners, the itiiily treasurer and the county school superintendent constitute the Imam. If the vote shall Im VeS this Fall it will mean a reat saving to those who are sending their ciiiMrcn awav lor lusher educa tion, as, under the hitfh school system only the U-st of instruct ors can K'-t ixisitionn. Supt. Case states that only graduates of the State Normal, of collegi ate and university trrades, can '.' employed, except that teach ers iioiiimi; stale diplomas or late certificates. The tax for the mainUiinintr of the hieh school fund will be evied and collected in a fund by itself, ami will not amount to a very law stun. Mr. Harries says there will be no trouble whatever in jreiunji lhe nccossarv numU'r of sivrna- tures to net the question on the ballot. VmiouiKcmcnt o((ieo. (i. Hancock l'o the voters of Washington Count v. Oregon: 1 hereby announce myself as a , , ' . , .t e to. . .r camlnlate lor ine oinceoi snenu of Washington County, subject to the endorsement of the pn- marv election, io no neio. on nop temiier 2 Hh. VM. , . 1 A I 1 I 1 .. C. .. If 1 am nominated and elected w ill durimrmy term of ollico, faithfully and impartially dis charge the duties thereof, and vrive to the people of this County an efhcient ami at the same time an economical administra tion. further state that I will pve the business of that otlice my personal attention, with courtesy md fair treatment to all. Cko. Ci. Hancock. k'U'i Hi.ic vN i)i:i.i:i.vTi:s Deleirates have loon elected to the Kepublican county conven tion an follows: Cornelius -( W Marsh. Grant Mann. 0 K Huchanan, J W Cornelius, Alb Hunnimr. Henry Sehouremann, .1 Fuchele. J C Huchanan, and R 1! Porter; Washington -Jasper Kotl'er. Fred llamel. WmJosso, Wm liatchelder. Ihos (onnoll, A C Winnov, Jos Connell, alter nate: Huxton-H T Simpson, II S Hoirers. T li 1'orKins, an1 Paisley. Riley lhomas, Irank I'etrzieka; Heaverton L 11 try, Rossi. W J Hutner, C Hiwiies. lloopes, C L Kosan- dor: South llillslmro -J W Con nell. Win McQuillan, V t Cor nelius. J W Masters. J J Krebs, Andrew Jack. Cal Jack, Jno Vandorwal, Thus Wilkes, G W Ramos. Max Crandall. Irank Kelsav. Chas Bradley. Leo For kins: North llillsboro-R W Rarnes. S C Killon. U II Greer. Dr J F Tamiosie, T P Goodin. W J Greirir. W 0 Donelson, T 1 ToiiKiie, Jr., Wm Nelson, 1) W D WiK)d, John Rookoit, A A Morrill. Tho bij? convehtion will be held, here Saturday, PROUATU Executor of Hattio Hintfley es tate directed to make deed of 20 acres to .las Jaequot upon his payment of $500 cash and a note for $;)0. On Aur. 22 the court will hoar tho petition of Laura Gate ask ing that Geo Black- be removed as administrator of the estate of R L Gate deceased. Guardianship of Nelson Gard ner closed of record,. Citation issued in matter of petition of Emily Matod proper ty. John Purves, of South Tuala tin, was over to the city Wed nesday, The Schiller -a 10 cent ciKar. and the Grand Marea, a two for a quarter ciRar, are what you want when you buy a cigar. Kept at every bar in Hillsboro. Ask for them. COUNTY HIGH SGHOO S. A. I). Meek, of (Jlencoe, was over to the city today. J'orosknit 2 piect. underwear, 2T cents p-r ,'armerit, at Faird'a. I K. Fulmls. ranching at West tiion, was in town yesterday. A. I,. Grebe was over from near Laurel, Monday afternoon. John Koch, of above Floomintr. w as in the city Tuesday rnornirivr. It will surnrise von to vn bit (Ireer's and see the mimcruuu arjfain.H on his bargain tables. Hon. 0. W. Marsh, of Coriter ille, was in Uiwn vesterdav af ternixm. Do noti forget tht dance at Ileneoe. Saturday eveninir. .lulv 50. C. H. Freer, tho West Union instler, was in town yesterday morning Money to loan on real estate Terms reasonable. Annl v to Ku- ratli Pros.. llillslmro. Or. 21tf Jerome Palmateer is on duty tt the McCormick Music store luring the absence of the pro prietor, at Newport. Dance at W. 0. Hall. Glcncoe. Saturday evening. July HO. lociles orchestra; tickets, in cluding supper, $1. Come. Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, of West Union, were in town this morning, ami retmrts the roads very dusty. Fred Schomburtr has harvested 25 loads more hay of the same acreage on his Mountaindale ranch than he did last year. M. C. Hewitt, the carnenter. is still in thehousomovini? business, mil if you have a building to move, see him for an estimate. M. C. Hewitt has bouirht the First Street property, formerly ownou by Lam. Ouiles. from Webster Phillips and M. S. Bump. There will be a dance in the Cornelius City Park, Saturday eveninjr, July 30. Walker's or chestra. You are invited. C. W. IiOUilon. of near Glon- coe, was in town Tuesday, Ret- tintf out his petition for the leg islative candidacy. See Wyatt & Co.'s display win dow. Tho latest stylos in hats. Kingsbury soft hats: fine straw hats, and Panamas. Sheriff Hancock has been cir culating his petition to succeed himself and is having no trouble to get signers. Fred Heidel is over atNetarts, for an outing. He was accom panied by W. G. Hare, as far as Tillamook. Mr. Hare making the trip on business. For sale: A good cook stove, with reservoir; also a kitchen treasure. Will sell cheap. Wm King, Beaverton, Ore., Route 4, Prnx 5K). 19-20 Miss Edith Spicker, stenogra pher for the Laurelhurst Co,, of Portland, was a Sunday guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. David Kuratli. Buy your dry goods at H. Weh rung & Sons, lhey are retiring from business. All lines at cost and less than cost. You can have tho benefit of these prices Jack Hoover, pioneer and i universal favorite with Hillsboro people, is out from Portland this week, the guest of friends and relatives. For sale cheap. Cow, highly graded Jersey; fresh three months; test 4.2S; gives 4 gallons daily. Ren halvadore, Orenco, Ore. 18-20 W. A. Tupper, with one of the Portland Business colleges, as instructor, is in town, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tupper. Women's shoes in patent and vici kid, $4 at $2.75; $3.50 at $2.65; $3 at $2.00; $2.50 at $1.85 $2.25 at $1.70; $1.S5 at $1.39, at IL Wehrung & Sons h. b. waits, the progressive dairyman of near rarnnngton, was in the city yesterday morn. ing. There will be a dance in the Cornelius City Park. Saturday evening, July bU walker s or chestra. You are invited, Goo. Young, a Portland cap italist, was out Tuesday, talking over old times with J. N. Gard ner, who is over from the Siletz country Douglas shoes gents' Oxfords in patents, vici, gun metal anc russets, regular $3.50, now sell ing at $2.75 at Wehrung & Sons big closing out sale. J. A. Hobbs, who has seen val ues climb 100 per cent, since he bought his place between here and Cornelius, was a city caller, Tuesday, Taken up; Red, dehorned cow two slits in right ear; some white on forehead; white on right side ot udder; about 6 years old. Walter uercher, Reaverton, Or. R. 4. Will sell for costs if not claimed by August 1 Jacobs & Batclielar have start ed on the masonry of the second story of the Hotel Tamiesie and even the man who is not an arch itect can see that the building will be a great credit to the city. MOREPLENTIFUL Nearly fifteen Hundred to Work on lhe l R. & N. Line LtlOKS LIKE IIKST OF THE YEAR General Manager Lytic Sayi Survey i Spoiled With Laborer General Manager C. E. Lytle, who left last evening for the Nehalem for a tour of inspection and a recreation trip as well, stated, before he started, that he now believed the grade would Ik; completed by December 1, and at the latest, by the first of the year. Men are getting very plentiful now, notwithstanding is harvest, and he says that lore are now in the neigh rxr- lood of fifteen hundred laborers orking on the grades and in io numerous tunnels. The survey is covered with ork and the tunnels will be the ast to be finished. Track will m laid on both ends as far as le grade is completed and it ill be a matter of but a few ays w hen the rails will follow he closing of the gap this Fall. Contractor Sweeney had a big undertaking before him when he started his contract about a year ago, but he is making good along the line. Next Sum mer we can all go over to the illamook beaches and enjoy our vacations - and it will not take an entire day to make the trip. VINELAND i'e have not bten heard from for tome time but we are still on the map, or rsther on the Ridge, and are eniovine our share of the prosperity at thia season of the year. Hay making is the order of the day. The crop is abundant and the quality excellent. The Arcade Union Sunday school was reorganized last Sabbath after a vacation of several weeks. Rev. Black waa elect ed superintendent; Mrs. Sheppard, ass't. superintendent; Albert Lynn, secretary; Mrs. I.oltis, treasurer; Mis Belle Jones, librarian; Mrs. Fitk, Mrs. Sheppard, Mrs. Loftis and Mrs. Black, teachers. Mrs. Reynolds, of Ft. Spokane. Wash, ho has been visitiue her son and daufhter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Reynolds, returned to ner home last Monday. F.dward Seymour's auto was out from Forest Grove early last week with partie, who were looking at the Kelly place. Miss Black has been chosen to teach the coming term of school at Arcade. Mrs. Davis visited last week wtlh Miss aura Lynn. Mrs. George Sheppard entertained a few friends very pleasantly last Friday afterncou. The lumlx-r haulers are mskinir regu lar trips to Cornelius now altho they re port the roads on the plains very dusty. lhe rieisant Mew bunUay bchool in npper Vineland met last Sunday in the Methodist churcn and was well attended Mrs. John Brunswick is the snperinten dent. All are cordially invited to attend. Hour 10:30 a. m. MRS. NORMAN GREER (By Mrs. Imogene Bath) )eath visited the home of Nor man Greer, in this city, at 3:00 0 clock Ihursday morning, July 28, 1910, bringing sadness to the hearts of a devoted husband, kind and loving parents. irother, and a large circle of friends. The announcement of the birth of a fine baby boy Wed nesday afternoon was a pleasure to all their friends, but the hap piness was not to be shared by the young mother, who sank in to unconsciousness early last eve ning, death following at three o'clock. a sad ending to the happy anticipations of mother hood. The announcement came as a shock to her hundreds of friends in Hillsboro, where Mrs. Greer was loved and respected by all. Grace lrma Ballard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Bal ard, was born in York, Nebraska, April 15, ISSa and in early childhood moved to North Platte, in that state, In July, 15X)3, the family came to Hillsboro, where she grew to womanhood. She united in marriage with Norman Greer, son of Hon. R. H. Greer and wife, in this city, February 21, 1909, Rev. L. r. Belknap, former pastor of the M. E, church officiating. The funera! will be held r nday afternoon at 0 clock, at the Methodist Church, Rev. Belknap officiating, assisted by Rev. Fisher. The husband and the families of Mr, Greer and Mr. Ballard have- the sympathy of the entire commun ity in their sad bereavement. She is survived by her husband, her rather ana mother, ana a brother, Lynn Ballard, Dr. Via. of Buxton, was in the city the last of the week. Will Darety, of above Glencoe, and who was raised, man and boy, in that section, was in town yesterday. Oaka Beeler, of Multnomah County, and Miss Ethel Fitch. daughter of H. G. Fitch, of Cor nelius, have been granted li- cense to wea, ana license has been issued to Ezra S. Dixon and Lillian M. Nelson, Forest Grove and Gales Creek, respectively. Thos. Sughnie. aged about 25. and a native of Newfoundland. was found at the I'pschatt place. Sunday, by Deputy Sheriff Dave Kuratli, and brought to jail. Sughnie was first seen near the T. Ii. Davis place, and was beat ing his head against a post. He then went to the Rrandaw farm and asked for something to eat, and was there picked up by the officer. Sughrue has a badly formed head and doubtless con gential condition, according to the report of Dr. J. P. Tamiesie, the examining physician. Sugh rue says that he does not know where he hails from, but that he has "been to 1 1 11, and it is a good place, and I'm going back." Attention, Telephone Sub scribersWe are desirous of giving you the best possible ser vice. In Hillsboro we have two switch boards-one called the 'City," and the other, "West" n giving the number of the call you wish, you will materially aid the operator, 11 you will give the word which precedes the num- tx?r. ror instance, where the number is "City 323," give the word with the number. Thi3 at once gets the operator on the City" switch board. Where the number reads, "West 325," you call, "West 325," and this will help us to give you your party without confusion. Wash ington County Tel. Co. 20 Ladies' long silk lisle gloves are now being worn. $2 gloves at $1.00; $1.50 gloves at 75 cents; $1 gloves at 50 cents; 50 cent short gloves in silk and lisle at 40 cents. H. W ehrung & Son3. Jas. McClaran, of Gales Creek, aged about 80, and the father of County Commissioner McClaran, after delivering a load of lum ber, was thrown from the wagon and sustained two broken ribs. The attending physicians think there is nothing- serious, bat it will take a long time for the fractures to knit owing to, his advanced age. Taken up: Red yearling heifer. No marks visible. Owner please call, prove charges, pay costs and advertising, and take same away. -J. A. Imbrie, Main Street, Hillsboro. 20-22 C. W. Hendricks, of Cornelius. has sold his interest in the Hen dricks & Son store, to 'his son Alphonse. The Hendricks have been in business in Cornelius for several years, and carry a big stock. Frank and Grace Connell, of Glencoe, went to Long Beach, this morning, to be guests of a week with their uncle, Samuel Connell, and wife, at their North Beach cottage. When the kitchen 13 properly equipped there is sunshine in the house. Come in and see our Champion and Charter Oak ranges. They are the best Emnck & Corwin. Mays Bros., of Glencoe, and C. S. Reynolds, of Mountaindale. and who take care of the general merchandising in their sections, went in to Portland this morn ing. If you are in the market for cedar shingles, cut or sawed, in large or small lots, do not fail to see C. S. Reynolds, of Moun taindale.' 20tf W, J. Gregg, the well known Leisyville hopgrower, was in the city yesterday, having about re covered from his serious attack of erysipelas. Owing to the many demands from my patrons I have again opened my shop to horse shoe ing. U. G. Gardner, Blacksmith, third Street, Hillsboro. I. H. Smith and wife, of For est Grove, were guests of rela tives in Hillsboro Tuesday after noon. 1 it 1 1 aii Kinas 01 things are on Greer's bargain tables that are really marked cheap. Come and investigate before it is too late. District Attorney Tongue is at tending court at Astoria this week. See Wyatt & Co. 's display win dow, lhe latest styles in hats, Kingsbury soft hats; fine straw hats, and Panamas. tf. A. C. Wirtz, of above Moun taindale, was a Hillsboro visitor Tuesday morning. Bargain counter, 10 cents, at! H. Wehrung & Sons any piece of goods on this bargain counter table at 10 cents per yard. J, A. Vandehey, ranching be yond Glencoe, transacted busi ness m town yesteraay. Mrs. AN Dooher and children are camping at Buxton, this week. S. F. Goodwin has just com pleted a fine barn on his ranch a mile west of town. Born, to John Wohlschlegel ana wue, oi ocnoiis, July 26, 1910, a daughter. Forest Grove is arranging to have its atternoon mail sent into Portland on the last train. Born, July 24, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck, of above Mountaindale, a daughter. Clem Shaner, of North Plains. was over to the city yesterday aiternoon, PKOFKNHIONAL. F. A. DA I LEY, M. D. t bysirlan anil Snrg-pou Otflc Bftilpy-Mrrga-n Mora, iixttiirv Rooms 12, 1.1 ami 1ft. RmIIm!o So.uii WMtromar Ratlin and Mcoml Mtrm. Both 'Fboiits. S. T. LINKLATER, M. B. C. M., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oftlo upnUir ovnrTIi Drlta Iinir fu.tt Rllno Kaatof Conrt Houw, In Mm corner of th bloc. AMAMAWWVMVWWW JAMES PHILLIPK TAMIESIE, M. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Surgeon Southern Pacltlo Rallrua.1 I'.. (nuIUlion In Frmwh or KhsIi.mIi. Of Wf upntairs. ovr A. Orusa' t.iri, north aide of Main St., HUlshon, Or. rWrrrWWWVWWWW A. B. BAILEY, M. D..D.D.S. Physician and Surgeon. Office Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Bailey-Morgan Block. Both Phone. ITillcU r-.. DR. W. B. CUNINGHAM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Calls Answered Day or Niht Independent Fhonc ORENCO, ORF.CON DR. W. E. PITTENGKR Dentist Rooms 10 and 11 Morgan-Bailey Hhx k, street. Over Dennia Store. HILLSBORO ------ ORKlioN Om. R. magtmy W. B. Hmrm BAD LEY & HARE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Boomi 1 and i Shnte Building HILLSBORO. . . OBKliOX. E. B. TONGUE ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Room j, 4, j, Morgan Blk. HiiUV ru JOHN II. WALL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Offic Cpatain, Bailey Morgan E.cc Rooms, i ant t. HILLSBORO, - OREGON. AMAAAMAMAAVWAV A W. N. BARRETT ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Ornc: Main Street, opp. Court Hou w. HILLSBORO OKKOU THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNRY-AT-LAW Morgan But, UpsUlrt, Room 3, 4 and 5 Hillsboro, - - Oregon Dr. S. M. REAGAN VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON The only graduated and licensed Veter inary in Hillsboro. Sixteen years prac tical experience. OFFICE, HILLSBORO LIVERY CO.'H STABLE No. 1 Office phonea: Pacific States 501; 1ml. 213 Residence phone; Independent 'Jl.f; l'a cilic States 481. DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST I am Prepared to do High Class Dental Work. A New Office with Modern Equipment Tamieaie Bldg. HILLsBOBO, ORE. Main and Third. MODERN WOODMEN Silver Leaf Camp No. 8193, Modern Woodman of America, meets every first and third Saturdays in each momh at their Hall in Reedville, Oregon. Visit ing and sojourning Neighbors are cordial ly invited to attend camp meetings. S. G. Rhouus, Consut. R. E. Hamierman, Clerk. fUB MfMM Kiifjj j J. S. L0RSUNG 1 Contractor and Builder H w Ind'pt phone 151 Rood's Div. u 1 Hillsboro, Ore., R. F. 05 m mmmmm mmmm a;. . J! DR U. F. HEINECK, V. S. D. V. D. VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office SHERWOOD STABLE Ind. Phoaa 09, 8herwood, Ore. Cream Separator for sale -Sharpless No. 2; price $25 - C. J. Haggerty, Beaverton, Or",, Route 2. 13tf Did you take notice of the new line of back combs at Libby's? They are just "beauts," arid the price just suits. H