Piil " ! ' I ( 1 lirviis !?'. ii n ill mlmm mm I TELEPHONING TO THE (WINTRY j Can r ax tha Post offle at HillsS.ro Ortr:, wi sssoond-cla mail matter. b. A. l.'JM. MIHor. County Official I'aper Siii ... tl.Hi lr Aurttini. Issaeil Kvery Thr1j -BY- I.OXG McKINNKY Ti c many newspatver attacks on the condition of Washington County roads and jvrhaps some of ti cm are merited -coming from Portland auto men, cause some amusement to those who know conditions. Washington County is one of the richest in the late according to population. It has a better percentage of production considering acreage under cultivation than any coun tv in the Willamette Valley. Its soil in the valleys proper are of th;.t nature that road making is not she easiest matter in the world. T.ut times are changing and reople are working for per ma'H -t roads. We have hereto fore been in no condition to get rock ..r gravel except in the ex treme eastern and western sec tions. Hillsboro this yea raised $10.t"r0 for permanent road work and if we get results from this expenditure next season will see anothvr appropriation. Roads car: rot be built in a day or so . but they are coming along. Meantime Washington County is each year getting its crop to market: mortgagefigures are be ing reduced; the county is grow ing in wealth; and we are doing very well, thank you. The proposed cut-off of the East end of the county has no place in state politics as there is nothing the nature of legislation about t he affair. These questions should be left to -the county affected, but as it goes to a vote of the entire state it must be met as a state proposition. The cry for better roads has, it is claimed, caused the desire to be taken into Multnomah Connty, and there are those who aver that taxes in the strip will be no more when annexed - than at present. As a matter of fact Portland and Multnomah County have expensive bridges to keep up; more will follow; the port is a big expense, and it is a drain on the entire county of Multno mah. It will be but a question of time -perhaps but a year or so, until there will be a merger of city, county, and port of Port land government and the taxes will then be piled up. If better roads are given the strip by rea son of annexation, it will have t'j If paid, largely, by the road districts themselves and this can as well be done by special taxation while in Washington Count v. Little Billy Clark, of Gervais, has been given the assembly nomination by the Republicans of Oregon. Duniway, who has given a good administration in the state printer's office at Sa lem, will be a candidate in the direct primaries, contending for re-election. We shall see how Mr. Di niway's work has been appreciated. Hillsboro's womanhood has suffered a distinct loss in the death of Mrs. Norman Greer, who thii morning sacrificed her life to the advent of a son. Mrs. Greer was a young woman of sterling character, and made and held many friendships. The be reaved husband and parents are entitled to, and receive, the sym pathy of all Hillsboro. REEDVILLE PARTY A very pleasant party was given by Joseph Ingram at his new home below Reedville, on Satur day evening, July 23. The eve ning was spent in music and dancing and at a late hour re freshments were served, all hav i iig a very enjoyable time. Those present were: Mrs. Herbert Ullery, Misses Martha and Eva Ingram, Emma Adams, Nellie Robinson, Emma Olsen. Winnie Morrison, Messrs. Joseph In gram, Olsen, John Losli, Got fried Losli, John Johnson, Archie Manuel, Riley and Joe Ingram, Jr., Christie Morrison, Edward blsen. On Tuesday Otto Siodelman. while working in a deep well, on the rorlvs place, above I'llley. suffered a fracture of the skull, ' just above one of his eyes. Ho was working at the bottom when; he heard something striking, along the walls of the well, j Glancing up he saw the bucket ; coming but was notable tododco: the missile. The vessel hud in some way slipped and no one seems to know just how it hap pened. Had Seidelman been working, stoojvd over, he mast assuredly would have boon killed instantly. Dr. S. T. Linklater. who attended the injured man. thinks he has a fair chance to recovery. Strange to say al-j though there was a severe frac-j Uire and a great gash cut in the forehead, Siedelman did not lose consciousness. Persons living in the country and wishing to take the Daily and Sunday Oregonian for one year can, by paying a year in advance, get the Argus and an Oregonian map. or chart, for the one price. This offer will not last long so get in your order soon. Howard Monley. of Grand Forks. North Dakota, was in the city the tirst of the week, the guest of his uncle, A. lxiher. Mr. Monly is an electrical sup ply dealer at Grand Forks, and came west as a delegate to the national meeting of the Hibern ians, held in Portland, recently. He and his cousin. Miss Evylin Dooher. accompanied the Hi bernians on the Columbia River excursion and Tuesday he went to Timber with his undo, w here he witnessed some of the big trees in the Briee Wilson section. He thinks Oregon is a great. place and will go home with nothing but praise for the West. All persons knowing them selves indebted to the under signed will please call and settle. -Herman Ostennann, Center-, ville Store. The Washington County News complains because Clerk Bailey does not furnish him w ith the commissioners' proceedings. Clerk Bailey has furnished an abstract of the claims allowed ever since he has been in office, and that is more than any other clerk ever did. If the county clerk furnished a complete trans cript of what the commissioners do, and sent it to the News, it would till three or four columns. The work can be condensed, written intelligibly, and placed in a space commensurate with the payment and the public can have full information as to what is going on, and how their money is handled. When you want ice cream, get the best. Hazlewood - Koeber's Confectionery. John Vanderwal will tomorrow go to Buxton to adjust the fire loss of the Catholic Church, which burned yesterday. The forest adjacent to the town was ablaz and flying brands caught the church and consumed it. Brands also lighted on the roofs of the residence of C. A. Peter son and store of T. B. Perkins, but watchfulness saved them from burning. The church car ried $400 insurance in the London &. Lancashire. The town had a narrow escape and a big wind would have put it out of business. C. M. Burns, of Portland, has sued Volheim, the Laurel mer chant who recently sold to E. T. Turner, for a commission of $200. Burns claims he has a contract on the sale of the store and that he was to get his com mission, no matter who sold the property. J. L. Fitts, a graduate of a military school, and one of the most impressive of speakers, will lecture on Socialism at the pub lic square. Hillsboro, Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock, and on Sunday afternoon, at 2:30. You are cordially invited to hear this talented orator. No charge. Martin Reiling, of Roy, and Geo. Bacon, of Hillsboro, have placed some nice grain and tim othy exhibits at the Imbrie Land Go. s office, on Second Street. Harry Hall, one of Shady Brook's pioneers, was in the city yesterday afternoon. If Harvey Dance, of Laurel. will call at the Argus he mav have book which was lost some time ago restored. County Commissioner Butner was in the city from Beaverton, yesterday. I if i if i ivnrea neywooa was over from the Jobe section this morn ing. Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. OREGON ELECTRIC The City and the Country aro bound togethor by the telephone line. The farmer and his family use the rural tele phone constautly, oal!iii up laeh other and the market towu on ail sons of matters and tor all sorts of supplies and information City people also find the rural telephone of j;re.;t advantage. A traveler ftoni his room in the hold talks with the farm folks miles away. Without thctelephoc he could not reach them. The tanner himself may travel far and still talk home over the Lone, Distance Lines of the Bell Svstem. THE PACIFIC TELE- , f r TT VT 1 aV T i " TELE JR APH CO. a & 3 i-ry lu ll Til- pit re i llic I'cntrr '. ol l lu- Sv ?tu. y.tA' Wl 1AT il li: KNIAV ABOUT LAW ! ANNA MAKSI I CnpyrUht. I'll'. by American I'rsws AssiH'latl.'.i E. L." McCormick and family deoarted for Newport this morn ing. They were accompanied by Ethel Cornelius, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. E. P. Cornelius. The schedule of departure and arrival of Oregon Klectric Cars for Portland follows: FOR PORTLAND FROM PORTLAND 7 05 a m .' 8 uoam S 55 a m 9 25 a m 10 4S a m 11 15 am i 35 P i 05 p ra 1 55 p m 3 05 p m 4 6 p m 4 25 p tn 7 15 P n 6 5 P m 9 5S p m 9 20 p m 3 45 P 'nil ..- t 2 20 111 I) Sunday only Sunday on! r snag Pacific Railway & Navigation Co. HILLSBORO TO TIMBER Spend a Day in the Mountains Train leaves Hillsboro 9 a. m. Sunday, July 31 Returning leaves Timber at 3 p- rn. Spacious Picnic Grounds. Train stops at ail way points along the line. Tickets, Round Trip, $1.00 f.-r PORTLAND MARKET Bridge Hints. Valley wheat, pr bu Oats, No. r white Timothy hay " " Onions, new, per mck Potatoes, pet sack Ccuntry butter, per lb Outside Creamery, per Hi.... ''-KK'i dozen liens, per lb For Sale 90c j t.v ... ilUhfiq t'X 75'" h ' .V'"o3 hi Eighty acres of land, short dis tance from Glencoe and one-quarter mile from the li. P. Cornoliun farm. Fine springs; about 15 acres cleared; balance in timber. Price, $50 per acre. - Mrs. K. Al berts, 1028 Railroad Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. 19-21 If you hold ii cood heart, don't dlH card It. If you And an ungminln knuve, kirk lil tss nnd run. If you ii ro Hhort of honors, never mind. Mimy on obscure limn dim rleh. With throe t''Mid nuIih mid four din uioiids. It Is nafi! to ficrept nn Invita tion to n week cud pnrty. If your p'.irtner Is n dummy, don't complain; Hlie probably wouldn't have ninnlnl you If xhe hadn't bi'i n. Holding n eommniidiiiK club, don't licHii.'iic. to I ell the- rook It looks like rain If tlm soup Jii.stlflon the declara tion. Willi the yon in 111,'aliiHt you. never venture a weak hoart derlutnlloii un ions you have diamonds enough to pull you tlirouKli. -Smart Set. r t 1 c 1. I uwiiBiu uuiik it-aves jor a wecK at Newport, Saturday. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Leavei for Portland Forest Grove Local 6:5c a m Killers on Fourth St. Sheridan Fiver..,. .,. .... 8:4Ja,m. Enters Union liepot via Oswrjjo Poreat Grove Local 10:43 a.m. Entera on J flerson St, Forest Grove Local ... 3:31 p, ni. Entera on Fourth St. Corvallis Overland 5:lo p. m. Kutera on Fourth St. Leaves Portland for Hillsboro Lorvallis Uverlanil 7:20 a. ui. leaves on l-purui M. Forest Grove Local . . 8:.V) a m. Leaves on Fourth St. Forest Grove Local 1:00 p.m. Leaves 011 Jefferson St. Sheridan Fl yer 4 :oo p. ni . Leaves Union Depot, via WillKhurg Forest Grove Local 5:40 p. tn. Leaves on Fourth St. Kicking the Cat. Now they miy rata Kpread disease; nlso they upread Insomnia, profundy lind n few other Ihlnn;. Atliialil Con ftl ft ul Ion. . A well Unourj tialiirallNt mtlmutc tliut In Now KiiKlaud ulone J.oiiO.OOO Mrds are destroyed annually by rntn. ItOHtOII UlollP. . C'iiIk are rofipotiHlhlo for many mis deeds on farms attl'lbuled to tinwkx, owIh, Hkuiiks or weasels. A cat bus been known to kill 11 whole brood of chickens In 11 day. 11 font which only n mink could equal. New York I'ont. I lo re wt a rlniJ nt the il.eibell of Mr. Ki;,n Hentley' rcldcii.e. 1 bo butler XM'tit to the d.x.r. and nmu nked lu e. Mr. lU-titt.-y If h t homo nnd Mm. Heinle)- If he " nt Home. Mr Item ley eutd..u lut the hall where the nun " waltlutf. "I'm a countable, tnu'tim. and hnv Ihvii Ki-ut by tho ourt to make a enroll for certain paper required In the cn"o of IVrklui onin Ib-iitley " ' Throw liik" bill k M ro.it. he hoM t:nUe. then took a paper from ht : pocket, which he presented ns a aearcti ! warrant. Mm. Heutley knew iiothliitf 'of the ha due and ti"t ulhilelitly lonitl In court procedure to dleer If Hie nearer! warrant a In form. tl'0 knew Hint her lituhand wn Iwlns ued i tiy hi ex partner In huliio, and he considered the alil e fanner a M I cal S!ie save 11.1 tlioutflit to the Ben. ' iiioeum of the warrant. She colleen j irntiil her mind iiou the problem of j clrctinn entiui the nenrch Iter !u I hand had told her to keep the paper 'In iiuoHtlon where they would lu't I lea. lily found, nluco It wa luiioft:uit j for hi own aide of the milt that they ' be n. ! produced hi court . ept tun. 11 I the chtHiluK of hi own compel "I'lease wall a moment." he a.ild ' ami turned 10 o Into the library. hen j the man Mopped her. I "I can't let you fc'o and hi.le the prt- pem," he tut Ut. "Very well I merely wli.lt to en milt my brotlirr" Then, calllog "Will!" a joiuitf loan f m-rloua and IntelUH-tiial mien npi-red Mr Itentlcy told 1 1 1 nt of the nenr.il r rum. lie examined It. preiieiiuced l! nil ord-r from the coirt and. taking hi kKler iisi.le. warioxl her let to refuse the man permllon to make the search. lme Bhe inluhl render hemvlf liable to Hex ere puaNlinielit If he did - l'r ha. inirloiimeiit. "I don't U-llexe lie's nn officer of the eouit at all." said Mm. lleutley. "Why uof!" nkel her br. tlor, "Will. I don't knoxv. Ill I crH kc.l. and there I a cast lu hi eye." "Thai's n pretty reas.ui. Ikj n )u pleiio. but If you p t lmprl"iil contempt of court don't blame me. "I wim'l." wild Mm. lleutley, Mrn lleiitl. v toUl tho oanmhle to make the march Hit went upstair, she follow Inn. Wheu he entered a bed room to nenrch It he ordered her to re ma. 11 nutnlile lu sucli commaudlui; ton.- that she obeyed. Finally he CUIlie to a clo,ct n herein wn kept the family silver not In use. An Iron i.r had been put In to make it ihaiMy safe. It wa o k.'il The man demanded the key Mr, lleutley pn .lin ed It The man o-ued the d.r uml went Inside. Mm. lleutley closed It and turned the key. Then she w.-ntdoxxu lull in? told her brother what she had done, lie Informed her that "he had cor talnlv b.s-n k'ullty of contempt of court Mm. lleutley, without h.-edltig him. went to the telephone, called up her huxhaiid and tM Mm what atie had done. Mr. lleutley telephoned hi lawyer, nnd the Inwyer telephoned the clerk of the court, but found no one who knew anything about tho search warrant. "1 thought he was a fraud." ald Mm Itoutley to her husband over tho phone. "Why so?" "I don't know. I didn't like the look of his nose, and he a.piliilii." She heard laughter through tho re- relvor. "Well." said Mr. lleutley, "k.s-p him whern he I. nnd I'll come rlht up I'll brlni; n ioleeinnu." Mr. Heiiiley h.kui appi-arcl with a Ip-milne. cop. They nil weut to tlM closet nm unlocked the door, and out MleiH. the constable. "My eye!" exclaimed the cop. "If It Isn't Joe tircen, iillns Tom IniKiin, alias m'veral other iintnea." "1 told you so," "aid Mr. Iteiilley. "I.oolt nt his piH-keta," said the cop. They were IiiiIkIuk xvllh thi! Jewelry Mr. (rccu had pickisl up while In the bedrooms. Von didn't know him for what he Is, did you, ina'ain?" "No, but I didn't believe ho wn what he pretended to be." "Why not?" "Don't you hoo," Mr. tcntloy put In, "that his uoso Isn't Btrulnht mill ho' cross eyed. That' how alio spotted him. She's no cod for logic, but alio hit rlnht conclusions." Mr. Green was removed to tho atn Hon house, where he explained Hint In had seen In the inornlnk' paper that I hero was n dispute about certain doc uments In the case of Perkins versus lleutley. nnd It had occurred to him that the circumstance furnished a chanro for 11 stroke of Renin. Ilnv ItiK bail n front deal to do with court (though they wero the criminal court), he knew enough to perpelrnlo the fraud. PoNscKslmr himself of n blank search warrant, he filled It tip himself, and. borrowing it fireman's budtjo, he considered himself well equipped lo play the part of constable. It xvns only Mrs, Itenlloy's peculiar melhod of (li'ternilnliii; Ihe dllToronre between a thief ami u coimliiblo that spoiled bis K"ip. Mr. Hentley's brother, who had pro nounced the search warrant k'otniliio, became n lawyer. Mr. lleutley iilwnys Insisted that Mrs. Ilonlloy could tell more 11 bout law by the twist In a iiian'H noso nnd 11 rnst In his eye than her brother could tsll by a legal document DAMES OAUGHURS. Ml., J.,hiooi It.sloi.Mid daughter of John li'odiiioiMl. " ' ' ' ,,,,,,.,1, skei. h whl. h Is to I pr.Kiii. c.1 . .. 11 nt a l.oinioo iiiiish lo... Mr I lia H"W' oiniB. I'hl. ..... I..... ..r flOHSl M eol ll.eillliei..i.-.. ... .mis. Im suited M mole HI ward snfei;'oii.llo the r.e of public a. ti.s.l pupil Anna II itedt of New Yolk l e of lb t ' I" ''l"r ,,,, fin, or nlrs!M Inventor Iteoi-litly he wa ki anted biter pnlenl on n l ombln it Ion automobile, ll) lu In ,-hloe and boat Mis Allie fhrlstopher of llvan 1 .... I.i I ! ... r w i ton. III, on ner nm. 1 ink t II, own of litiliicUin.l.r. Wis. received unosonl brhlal i :ft Ihe city of Villi 11,0 ImsIowihI to r fnmlly name on u iiiinili Ipnl phiyw'i'uud MK Mary Kalhelioa t etteruian Wn rleik lu ihe diplomatic bureau of the stale department when she n wl.-cl. I to serve ns s.s l il sc. relary lo Mr I' 11ft Miss l.ettel loan Is a onll 01 IYioiv l mil nod was rtim nici 111 I r.ioce Mls ICinllr Unit r the (list w.uo . . ,. ,i ... 1.. 111 lo lii'vo Hie privilege 01 me o-o 01 I worUloi; s.nsl.01 "f the Mlsslwlppl ifcihituie 11 w is nc 'rdisl hi-r In or iler ttml slir miuoi I'M""" mk- if I he juvenile refi'imalery bill recently passed For sale, cheap, a jood Jersey cow, 5 years old. Good milker, and a good flow and test.-Kline-man brothers, North Hillsboro, at brickyard. 19-21 Pond Tragedy. A tadpole out for a sail Was struck by n tiorrlblo ruIr. ll cried "Iklp!" for a Joko, lint Ids cry vvm a cioalc, And that was the end or his ttln. Cleveland bonder. Hsard In a Habarciashsry, Customer (returiiliiK; nnd pultlnjr down counterfeit rolii received In 'hancei-1 xcllt )(.t,,.r m)f t'leik- I'.etf imrdoii, sir, but this Isn't ii iniitrimonhil agency. -I'.oslon Trnu- KCflpl. The Bass Fiddler. Ach hlmmfil, dor iiIkIHh when dor ortders huff suiik "nor liclla on Her Tons" yet, imd, tlolt He slriKs mitt his mbhta like a lld.ilu W. HtruiiK Ven otTery von hopes ho would not! -Kansas City Hlar. The Latest Way. Ella-rtellit always wonts to do Hotne thliiK out of tho ordinary. Klella-Thnt's so. When she heard nbout fl roniile KottlriK married by tel ephone she decided that she would be married by wlreless.-New York Press The Writers. Mr Virginia 1 ertmne Van do Water, i ho writer, la a d.tiHiliiir ol Mariuii ll.iilaod lleiiryk Sleliklrw lc. the pellall li" ell, I. was lx.ru III l l.i and Is leaner of the .Sntlou.illsl In 1'uliiiid I. slay Word toiiie fri.iti I oiidoii Hint Mr Wlllb'iu de Moitf i" t "ii Ins way back fr.'in I b'teii.e. brlnitii: with him tie tlii.il i.oti led prm.Hi of Ids new Uk.Ii 1 1 In. li. .ill. m of bow ( iireftll nn artist ihl, nullii.r 1 Is the fa. I that be l ..ml to li.ive almost rvwtllleii III !. rl Hi the pfs M.iiia.'et I'lianler Aldrlcli. the nil Ihi.r. I a sister of former I.H-tit.-iiont il.oi-ioor Lewis hi it) v iianl t b.iuler nnd a giitiil.se if Mr Julia Ward Hone As Miss I'luinUr she wa one f the founder and br seirn years ore, i. hut of the Women' Municipal le.itue of New .ok city tli lnnritiu. 'Illc e.OU-iJo K-l ItoHl -n l0;c: 'he lirll, fario IO, into ll.il lirf mln.l I ital . lt.... how own A S1..I est h?r. is SiMUilt I'Ul l.cr olij n rl.finl .h, h Mllor - tllslul ! I rcnsim r oUl. Soil, v s luovbr ifimn it,,,! vx utr waiiit.o m, u, ., . ps I si., in,, , ,,t,, I I lo. elllen n th,. nu,, .... .,, . ll.ill Ulr. o !.,,)! pli. .l.,, III I Klai. nller till, .l.iln I'. J, 14-1, (Ol I It, 'i IlillslMilO, l.l.i.OI, JV ), , Nona: N. ifn K 1 1 1' xi cl.ii , in.-, , XX XV III fel Xl.l.t , X),, IM XX X-.MIM.liO, , ,., Halo of ireeioi, t'.llllll llf Vll!li;l,, III Ihn I ..out, i IlliltiOl I Mlllil V . Ill the M.iller til Hie ,,.. ,, ol Hill, Is. IO I OII.Imii I ,.ii.im Hi. II lii r,l ilotsll Iok.-ioj. i , .nLot l'i. inly, I ii (', I. Iliu ii an. I , i j t iiiK ot . ism. I ir Ion tti t la llllllliuli w Ii I,,,- I I. I ' Tim to Ec). "Why were yu In suitl a hurry lo r,.-.!;-e from that maiiV "He t'dd me bo had Just found out way In which I Cuiild Iwioino Very ll.-h 'hleatfo Itrt-ord Herald Rvng. His Uva rnoi. i-ralsf l 4!'i l.w ',i , .in Ms l !e Fur lis r i i ; I In il II, c ail.r. Ho !.'. i!'o l ;. live -I tin - Woman H.iohi X unijidHliWi. Dringifiy th Ottsr Up lo 01. Knhlier-I would through ftr a t id water f .r you Stella-Air l.w?- New York Hon CUM ION IN THK lOl'NTV fi't llf UK IHK hi ATK ni i IUiioN. Kui; W ASlllNU ION I'ld'S I Y I llnlvlimlter lie, titbit lis 111 .) Y oil nod em-li .( x..ii , null r U. si lb. Ilil,, Is.,,, , p.y. 0. ii.xl.oi, I,,, i ..limy l i.iiii i. lbs Ma.,, , . Wsshliih'toii I'm ml, j.,t;!i. , , H.U..O ".l llii J.'rti H, t, ..( , ll.l I -KKlurf ... i tr 1 , I J i. Ihe XX , 1 j ,, I N.illli, I llif 4 W cat nil!., i Xloll.liAO, til" I-Olillirii, ,i, p. ,1. ci 111 Irl In in, t Inn M i ,, H j, . il. loio n ,ai. lielit ,.( i..l bolo f s f .11. ,i I.. , 1.Iii.Oi.S ! o '"t .nt !',, .il si.l hci-ii.iit i .u.L. j 141 !i t, w nl i.l 11. i. XX ,. , il l,-t r i. 11 r . .i.l I, , , , ul, bt Imlill bnliiil l lmiti, x .. su sj.iif s ii r , i. v l.iii,.',. , '.lirni-o In N t. I bi i ; y ,1 . . ot ir In the tell liti i in. 4 i ., i frrl. III. taltrli In t.,.t N.olll I den .l lulu, ., , 'MO ti-rl, llivli. n N.. 1 1- I .1. 1 . 1 41 lint tlirli.W N-iMl.rr.v , llio Irll b Out l i. lo,, ,. , i, li,lam 1. 1 I :: ("I II.....,,. , , C. uiiii wssl V (.. 1 II, r, c ,.ll A t ill ti t lor flh-:,l I,,, i t. : .' Ill s f. i I A illHalu - ., ,i -. . .N.oi b . .1. if ill lulu Ki.i i, , N.irllirrW "O niMf 1.. II, r ., IS.H., I.l .lO fMrl ,1 ii . Ilii-n i e ,oilli di . : i. , Ir. I; lliclni tinltli-i i ,oi .i , ,, II, I.l lis. lo f as. 1 1 ... .0 Umsiil i'i Ifei Hi,!,,,.- ,.,., Mill rt, IT I O ItfO , Mini.. , a rlllvs 1.1 llin Irll bstli,.- i .' tm-f a iti,ta'-. ..( i. t, , Niirtl. I .leg .1. i. ...I. v , . '.hen. at ..Mb. r I y ioi a eitiii t I. ax Uii la-lois nt !.. I I,,. i , litrp, tbli. Ni.ltlil , l.l, i n I tcrl . lb. ... .. S i - . .il , n 1. 1 lllr lr hal il.i A I, . Ir a ilislAiil i.l .11.. t.. ( l;.. II .lr,( IT lo ill. XXr.l, .1 ' S.olheily .in a rum l.i c.r . a ra lius loin I Iwi a 'I . . .. I'irJitCi .N.Ktll ,' iti.v- I' .. ,11 1'ici, Ui a imiIoI .rn ihn N. rH ; H..II l"l ! ot .,! . ( u ... ,-i.rnrr ol sAbl rasi I.' .-f ! iaieliiirt on said spot .Ir. ii' .! Il, k.iii..li, at a p-Oni , I. . llll Ulb ll ! II. r l. i r ftior sitttfiy li.iiiil.els. I. u , oi:H ,T dm. IT lino, '. i twi ; tlnc .Noun ai ilrh' t'.i lew.i, lhnlM-0 Noltli ,'. -'. rst, H. ti-( tltrlii n aiii!i. . i tail t I.! lliniii-t. In a o (v (..ii i. n i-orvti in I ii i!,i,: r a 1 In or Tlo S lr., a .HU . , to tlm pi i.f t-KHiloin; V ; 1! l4iill'. dsi-f ilfl t.-u,. !ef outing: 1 His iiniti tsn.l.i.it. . llililli II. r i , r ,l-t, U. oOll. wm., dltUti v (lien.sf N..rili d-K j iii. i, Oel, tliel.esi N.olli H..l.!(( I . IrMl III p,.Ot ly I I' v uld ra.l I '; ol Wesl I .' . t 4,1, I I i i 10 1! 'I ; i , I i.l i,l I In tin. Mailer ol the i'e of Mary I'.iollv Mat. ul, .l,,,T,ie. To J.iepli f M. it. . I. f.irj; .inn, lifn.,ii. snll, . )., .,,,i,., Ilionr II ill. nr an, iilivi- 1 1 iilmr. ami all other iiitsrmtr.l in said le l, i lirrrli-!? 111 the Nsille of the HUlri of llfriifi- Y'nil nnd ete Ii ol ymi nr. bernbv rlfr.l nn. I noirr. .i a.Hir in in I'lmniy I'nirt of the Mute of iirenon for lb,, county of XS nl , 1 1 , -. ,,n nt I In. i .. r ( r ...in in.rr.,1 t ,. r... lu Hie l ounty XX sslnnixtiiii. mi .M.ioday, Hie V illi dnv ul r..(,.ini,i.r, I'mii, the sninii bsiui; tin. ..n, Jiidi. Inl day of the Mi....iiiImt loloieno of stul I ininiy Cmrl, at lu ' lis k In t l.v fnreiiiKiii ol Hint day, ami Ihen and lliern simw eiisii.u any you have, why an iinlri nf Srthl I 'on rl should in, I Im iinxile author llnif. tl -naiiK an, I rlllli, irlntf W. l. MniiHi, u.lu.liilairatiir ,.f Hie r,taie of Mary r.mlly Mai... I, lo ,.-ll at ,i,ii, auri,,, t,, no- innin.,1 ii..i.i-r bir rash a I of ibn f., low ii, k d-i iil real ,r peny, lyiuu. nelliK at d Bil.iiiln In W ie.hliujt.in fnunty tiii'K.oi, ami pmllciilarly .li-si ilbe.l , follows, to w ll : Hi loo aeie. In the. aoiilhwest ipi iru r of in. ie riowesi ipinrter iu Mei'tlon 4, -p N.H.I. W. ilrserlhiul as lollnw s, t,'i w it . .iiionmieniK S'. slitkn p.i llm center of uir i,orinr,i .inirli'r or Nc. Hon I T ' N. It. 1. w. of the Will. M,.r. and ruc'iu I'lt'Ir thence west,, rods; HiHiue .ii Ii ,i r,.. thi.iu e east S rods: llu.ni e norlli PI i , (' 'hepla if beKiuuliiK. as piayrd for In llm petition ol sai.l W. I) Hiii.th. admin Islrator. for tin. pornon. ,,f realluiK funds lo pay the ilcbls nuiinml said e,lnti. nml llii- lost nnd i liares nf adiiilnlstnitlon W itness t,i, Honorahli. J. W'.iliunh'n Iiultre of the fouoty Court of tin. Mint., of Oriymi for WasliuiKlnn folnitv, W illi 11, sen nf sni,lc,,rii,, i n t,l -iHh ,ttV of July, pip) l''d.lle.itiui July '.Nth, Aim. III., mil, mtii. ",u,, ,sU),i, it ,! Attest: (HKAI.) J W. I alley, fouuiv fhirU y Kdw. C. laiu... Dnpuir. RIKHSIKATION OI I.ANI) THI.i; IN TIIK aitCI'IT CdllUT OK TIliO STATU OK OltKdO.V .'()i WAHIIINtiTO.N COUNTy. L"t!r "!'lU"f,,'tl' appllenllon or Cyrus "'rf ..." Wi'r" 10 r:'M"r 111(1 tm lose , i.i, , i in. , an . , n miiilloii lil and went lao,sw -;i ol ,,w I and wV's' M " ! Wa 'ol' w W " "'u1'",' "'''TP.2N I OreKo.i. ' "' WrMiI"K""I county, John Doe llerniiinn'rm,d .liinn Hon ll,.r. tiiami heirs ol Mrs. (!. ll. rii.Hi ,, e ;;'' iJohn Hoe llos..,,!!,, '' ,", "j, , Hoe IhiMi nlhal, helm of w p, " ,., r. John Hon HummeM ,T, "' t !, "m"'';"' '"'' Iluinniall ,,. i aural, Willi, oiHroKiui, and r,ank W Htii'T'l'' ,' "V ,!,,wr 11 "'id lleorifn A Html, aM Coin.iilMslnncrH of t, n,,,,1? ,,, nmlHHinn.,r or H,H hlt rt , " , ' V . iBsaloorHeliool ami Pnlviirsl v la uIk i ml lor Ibn investment, of fun Is a 1 ,,J "ll,Mr"'" "'Hall wl It ,,,ay coneern1? ''" Wh 'My! rn!"'"',"l""tM Jilv'A,'nmi,ll,,t mi,,h" -'"' ''"Vol nvmJiilll;, "u,"1',",'Htl"" whn lyHttiii ( yriis It. Woodworth In tli t'lr "Ul Court of WaHhliiKlon Countv f.e wil Kken'?'1 '""l"-'?""'' w ?. 1 . ? ""fosHed and n decren wl hn en nmd aiaiordliiK th . of Iheniiplli niton nnd v..,? ..,01 .. r1 '"y"r r ..:. . : " " mrever 1'nrw.l Iron, illH..itlr.K'ilt, 1' Wr.nlit, Al.lleanfHMlon.ey. I ! ..I , -' t In .1 -it , . I I .'I'. . ' 'If ... Ir.l. O l I ...1 :1.1ft', .X , '."'iy I.si nd 1 ! : i. iii, , ;l W ... cii .; ,,t .: , n Wr-,1 n ;-. Ibil, . ... 1 i.i '-. ',1,.! clan a im-1,111,1 laltdloit nn 'i i .i! .! wriial as follows: HrKliili!li al p ill. I uhe h . . 1 l. Willi siailmi ;X.i ot tl.s i 1. ,1 n'i n iles.-rtlM.il; riionlo ltirl.i-i! N r'.n !,'. Vi ll.ill wsl. pll frw.1 ; tt.sii, .S.o ill 11 An. ...to . .1. Ci st. i.:,tipf ..-(I !:.!. ill'.. wf l -i SJ..1I 11 : . ...! ..I S,.rU. i ,.f fcrt I i I li lliin, Kasl I ii fret , llirui ,.l loin. Kasl. Ill fw (, II. nn, I V il t r . , 1 1. hi .111 .1100 I., t: a la-bus i.f '0 I " liel. a .lo Iret lo Ihn pU- e of lw In in 1-. lu sael landii.t di as rU .I I In fti.nl. ii; al II. o 1 ! . said laudini; r u 11 1 i.tf rg .'Jiiilu XVisil. a .II,:. lo a in. ml I-) oi.l Uo- a . ii rast I .lit w pat I J of n,-li..i I i. r-,l.,-ll 1 h',l 'o' it:, v ihe i,..iii 11 .1. tf. J. !' -Hill ' i, ...i.ili'cy Hur l lamlli s- on said Mini ilr. I V.I i folll.W llna'luulliit al 1 - t I li . lib stall.. 11 41 ' ..I (he s. li-scrilmd: (0111111.- thenre PI II III. Nx rsl : fi-t; f. le . ;-i 111M1. W eat. I ( 'I lh .I.e. 10 1010 rasi 11 feel. On on a curve Ui Hi It ft. Iii"k" .s 1 -i-nu, " I (cxl, a disiani. of i ..i.iaili plai n of l'linilnit, ala .s ' ir tu MlJ nui.llnif .lea, 1 ll. I as follioi li iflniiH.K al Ibn mollis. "1 . onsr i-l aid lamllnif, riliinlli (Inii " Sorlli'. dev. I" "dn. il, I" li"-' I ' P yond llie Hel line ol sal. I ' I .('' 1 a of section j. And aaiil application will n."' bn beard al llio rnk-ulnr Amu. I i.-mi. I'W .f said County iMiurl tor h. n-it "' lv polulinelil ol vlnwnra o li .o..l l.s-il said road and estimate rn. 1 .1. teiinlii' li" lhn.l.iiiat,'ns analalund bv o ' hs ,tl Inn llieieor, said term iieiieiiig; on llio .Ird ilr or AiikusI. I ! 1, l lt-l liinn you ' rr.pilri-d lo pt-.ir ami la your 1 .oiiplslols lor ilaiiini;., lhat )"U eonslder (roll will aiis'iiui In rasrssia rtshlofwV 1 located bv "';l ""IJ shown and In said pelillon pr.iyud. blither jroil dotlieii nn rue, "? you bv, why inld rlvht "I ')' not be ha ateil a by aal mnp siioaii" projected. , Witness my hand and sral ol I'ooniy Coint of WashniKloii foutiiy in 11 day id July, ll'l". j. v. Hi.il.-y. Coiinly Clerk ol Wasliiniibm toan'Ti Oreijou, Biteiutor's Nolns. Notice Is hereby Klvell. thai the H""''r' sli!ii.l has :i appointed mi l 1011I rtin by the County Court id W iMn;i"'; ": IV.Orevou, I'ixecutorol llii hc t W I I 11 fcKlanirnl i.r lllley Cava, ih ci ase.l, stm Iiiih dcly uunlllled a sii 'li. . , t Now 'Iherefore, all I"'""'"" , ,' ., ; in. oil l" claims nmtlusl Ihn estnl.' ol 1 1 I.L 1 1 1 11 1 1 e . H.ll, ll..-l-l.l , l" 1 .. , . , , .- , . , liroMnut the same to llio ti m I ' K " the law olllee of IhiKley .t' Hn'". 1,1 Imro.Orenon, toKiilher with proper via"" era, within six moulhs from the il'i" this 11. ill. e, JAM KM W. CAM'.. Kseeiitor of Ihn Inst Will ami l'"l nii'iilol IllleV Cave. deeeasil. Ilanlev ,V Hani, Attorney l"i' AHcullon IIoIkUIii Hivcik'rt Ceo. K. Ilae'rv, of Hillshnm, fxchatiKe a llioioiiKhbr.il llohU'"" ' ' rcKiatereil. for another r-K ,s .' 1 , , ui IteiiHOii-lo pievctlt iiiteihieriln'K 111 herd. This Is a line Milium'. Any"' having a llolnleln wbhlnn l for same lenson will do well l'e The Climax Milling tf fumiHli HiifkH fivo ol' vhnrW J" I'armcrH di'siriiiK t sell HU7 lli.'ir whfiit nt tlu'ii' lioiirtc. J'11 JtiHtask Kmrifk & Crwin to hco. one of their now Wm traprt. (lots thorn every tirm antl there is no chains' of '1,,'1' in: yourself or running Wta in your hutid.