The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 28, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 20
A for Three T huninl
,( ol J. N. UarJitcr Will Itl I'mli
Kt) Shlctrj Ihouiaml
Att-.m.-v i l.rinK' K. Adams, of
I'.H'Ua! i.l, and Geo. U. liaelt-y, of
IblM..'. have micd Lucy Ami
Cunliu t for $.T.iW for mt
t U,- to-. . ring a period of four
wars. the litigation runci-rning
the breaking of wills of Mat tin
(iilhiiiui ami wife, parent of
n. (l.i. hu-r. Tin' Gilhhan
w.i, down the v oiumoia
li-n timet Gilhhan
river, un l til tn
xi Uwn a oiu of the big
tiUktH 'li 'f the lower Columbia,
1'iith.r an.l mother made will.-
iiU'iiti.a!. an. I when they pa- -!
aaa t! 'A a,- found that .Mrs.
(iarilm-r, .wle of J, N. Gardner,
wfil kt. '.ui here yean ago. wan
to Kt - ninth of tlx esTate
thi-rr riv nine heir ji"v ilt
she i.ilir. ! Mr. Gardner, tlx
;,i,!;i-,l If she died In-fore the
i,.j.;i.C:S. -die WUS to get ''lit "'
tMiiir a il the share w a to go to
thi" other . !;!, t heir.
Gen. K, Bagloy ami Iuniig K.
Ai:t;n tk the nw anil ulU-r
four ;. .i! . J mini' Webster, ot
j'urtiai.'i, U foiv whom the a.e
was tra .l, wan held with them
that U.- clause as to tho demise
Jul ii..t provide fur vesting dur
iiijf th.' 1 1 ft. of tin' husband; an. I
Will, secondly, it U'lllg dcjKlldilit
tm the life' of the bust-and. it
:n contrary to public olicy,
atn.1 sin -v. a.s ilifivtijiot) i-rivfii her
inti-n t in fee simple. Tin' law
a ( ;.-ar that the heirs ac
cepted the decision, ami tin
iinii.. rt) n now Hal! to Im going
u sail and division. The inter-t-t
o! Mr. Gardner runs well up
to th.- .flt'i.otM mark. J. N.
Gardner anl wife lived east tf
lii!Mri for .several yean. Gar.l
tier a , a stockman for yean'.,
ami at one lime handled (iilli-
Imn'ii I... on the fiver. loi
ter he i unit' out lieiv and ran a
sawmill near Orenco, lie in now
on a homestead over on tlu
Silet. sonu'wliere. . The will
which -.WW hrokeii rend. . fol-
luttH. iicrUiiiiinif to Mr, liard-
lier'rt mli-ivKt:
'ln i uf my ..i itii(;liler, Ann
(mi,;-, i ,, , mmc I,, i aU huliul.
llicn I ail, u,l .hircl tll! he WiHtrH III tint Hem
liii h limit inucl an.l ..! rliir In lull
ful.T mi,! i iic. 1, I. ul in raw' ln', tll MI'I
l.u. inn, atiftll not atitvivr tt-r nil-1
Im.l.iu.l, i hi-u, anil lu llinl Caw- 1 Kivc,
ilrmr iml 1rivttltt to lief ill llir lr.l
of i ,.i:i ( 1011 of my miirily wilti
HV . H,. r In!. licit, llir tiini 'f olio "t.'l
Ur i,n mi,) in fw my hinl ilu;hn-f
l.u. v A uii lnill ilie taiiiir lirr Mill lm
Iwm.i .!..!, llu u I tliirct tlmt tin- mI-I
"iitl "in- ninth rl tint wuiil.l have
llr.ilirl , ,, )er , 1,1,(1 (il.vnr.l tier
tiut..ii,l, (.hall, witlt the tce.Um ol
nut .lul nr, Ucoiuc tin- roftty if l"l
It .1i i.l.-il cjimlly run. mg tny ullirl riiilit
Cllll.lllll lirii iiilwloie imim-ii."
IOK sai.i:
dray mare, 10 yours old, weighs
i.'hi. True to work. Also Lit)
head I'liats, nannies and wethers,
well Ane-ora. Oral Oarii-
iier, ('.iniclitiK, Uoiito 1,2 miles
milt's above Moiintaindale. l u
cilic Slatos Tel., (IIoiuhh', S)7,
. w. Wlutmoro. of near
I'el, was in town the first, of tlu
W. Iienslow, of CoriK'liiw, was
In the city Saturday, ami railed
"i the Ai'Riis,
''. K. I A II. , ei-tnTal ln;i
'f the 1. U. .V N , ;. n. ral
l'.T .1. P. ( I !i i.'ti ai l S ,
teiideiit l''i.-!. of t -i h.-rii
1'ai'llic, and I '!,n- I i , - -; f m . - r- i.i.
I., haviis, of . 1'. ;. ,v N',,
eoiiiiuii.-. hy ' ,. .;, I !,., . .- t
delil of II,.- ,;i r.,;l'lnl
yi-hterday for a -,m -.(.. nr (, n
online on Ih.- Sahii.inlH-rrv.
when- they '.Mil li h ami hunt.
and f.irj.'.-l ail aU.ul traihe,
Hi'heilulert and HUI". ' !
I train your l.iw !;n.. ;th l make
It priMliiee ! iul .!-. . v.iit :.tarl
the inanufaclure of t !, Iaiye..t
tiie in a few (lav i. We ho A l,a',
a miily of tm h. inch ;u,, li
liich, on hand. I'ut in or
der lit once. Otii eiav li lh.
Iie ,t for jirmliiciiij.' 'ihh durahh
tiinu'. Order iio'A. (iro,.'r vt
liowell, Co., S. holl i, 111!:: l.o!'0,
Ore., liuut.- 'J, il. Tel. Vtf
Tl.e I', U. .V N. will ,.l;,rt it :
et lir:i.Ht to Tllliher, S' . I ; . I.'l ', at
nine in the nioniitij, and will
lea'te on the return trip, at live
o'clmk. The trip i s a delightful
one, and well worth one's tune.
I'uie picnic ('round hau been
laid out for (he e.iln fort of t he
pas iehster-i, and th.-r.- will he
plenty of r.rtini for all. A-; there
w ill no hall K'anie on, there
will doul.tte-ii he a j,'. 1 att.-nd
Want to rent .small place with
eardiii land. Uesire ranch suit
able for poultry. Will pay rash
r. iit, or cut enrdw hk tor pa-
llleht. W I dl to take h.s ie-ssiol!
I lctoU-r 1. Write particular.-;.
M. t', l'o.t. Cornelius, Or. li lljto pa
A crew of civil etietneers has
.-en sun eyiiiK' a route from
Orclirn to (Ih-lieoe, to Collect the
I'nitcd proni?.cd Inn and the
Oregon lilectric. loth lines
in(.; tmw under Hill control. It
H said that a survey will aUo be
run from tiieiiroe into llilihboro
and then the choice Will rest
With the lltot feasible of the
two routes,
tliK'fHcs at cunt White Kiver
Siour. $1.1i; A. &. II. sinia, .V;
U-d corn xtarch. .V; fl il. dairy
salt, IIV; "Mi lbs, II. (I. salt. 2.V;
I'lue KibUin crn. v'; l'.lue Uib
.oit tomat.N-s, Kc, All other ar
ticles in pinHrtion. II. Weh
ruiiK' ii Sons.
The .MeN'amer stak'e is now
running hot ween Forest drove
and Tillamook, and the trip is
made to the hay city in one day,
with a relay of fresh horses at
McNaim-r's ramp. Passengers
eoiniiiK' imt from Tillamook are
started in the niornine; ami
lauded in time to take the seven
o'clock evening car out of For
est (iruve.
)r. C V. Sehmelel, osteopath
;,. olAsician. of Portland, will he
at the Commercial Hotel. Jims- Smii
,ro, Tuesdayx, 1 hursdays ami
Saturdays of every week. Hours
1.U0 p. in. to l;ik i"u
,1. Uvnn, the rural mail carrier
- . I t . ,l't l-llld
on Kollie a, weiu i
Monday morning, to allemt un
e.leral court as a witness airumsi
one of the yotine; men who luue
t - i ' i ......i.i.i n i ur
u...ii makliur im uouon
i,;a .;! i-.iute. he vouue;
1 1 it 1'ieiii , . .
ow was arrested at the nunmR-
ton sawmill.
Airsalo: Fivsh lIolstine-.ler-1-.
.. . ... ii I in iriio.1
Soy (OW, line iioowi, " f-
.,.,', liiion C. Sorenson, Ueaver-
ton. K. I. KesHlenee Z l-- mm
... . ll 11 M
smith of Koedvilio.
II. Mitchell and wife, am
i.a and wife, the hit
tor of FariuinU'ii, start Sunday,
i i-... v.,t Hi-Id ltene h.
I',,.' "Illll 11 1 MVIll'l" ' -
...i. H.ov wi eniov tm eoasi
breezes for a couple of weeks.
The Climax Milling Co. will
furnish sacks fret' of charge
I'm-niei-H desirinu" to sell
store their wheat at their ware
Says (In- Old '. S. A. Ih (iood
I nullah for Him, After all
WMII I) Mol Ml. NT 0I: WM. WI.I.ACI1
Sj Cii-I ol l.oirig in Abuul I lie Same
ah in Oregon
father of Mrs.
Ooueison, returned the
Tony Sinay, of Iowa Hill, waH
over to the city Monday after
noon. Cus Steves, of east of town, is
avrain at work at Celilo, alxjve
The Dalles.
J. 15. Trullintrer, in charge; of
the county quarry at Oswego,
spent Sunday with his family.
A. W. Walker, of South Tual
atin, was over to the city the
last of the week.
Geo. Schulmerich, of the Com
mercial liank, made a flying trip
to ("re-swell, Sunday,
We carry a choice stock of
fiuits and nuts: -Km-ln-r's Con-
Deer Slayers Priming: Their duns
for the Open Season
No Hunter Can Kill More Than Five
Bucks in Season, and no Does
the week from a two feetionery.
W. O.
la d. of
month -i trip to Scotland the Mrs. Thomas Murphy, of
land of his birth. Mr. Kirk wood auive Moiintaindale, was m the
sass In- found hut two or three M' Monday afU-rn-Kin.
co'.i.iins and that he was jiam-
luny lonesome ai limes, ih
made Fdinbui'''h, Glasgow and
Slerlin, and while at the latter
place ascended the monument of
the pvat William Wallace. Scot
laud's premier patriot,
(ilasi'ow is a (.rival city, Mr.
Kirk wood says, and it is kept as
clean as a parlor. Living there
i sal Mint the same as in Oregon,
some things U-ing higher, and
I,,.,..,- II., tlwio.rltf ),
would buv hi'm some of the eele- Muunt AnKl'L
I. rated Scotch clothing, hut uikdi We will be ready to sell and
examination found that, after deliver brick after Monday, July
all, he could do aUmt as well in 25. Give us a call. - Klineman
I Oiepm. Bros., North 11 illsboro.
.Mr. K irk wood says lie is glad T. i,.;,, n,i Kdna
Fn-il Iiufener. wife and chil
dren, were in from Helvetia, the
last of the week.
Dan Iisy was over town from
South Tualatin the last of the
week, getting ready for harvest
Miss L K. Ferrin, who taught
here last Winter, is taking her
vacation at Garibaldi beach be
yond Tillamook.
Frank Waibel, with Kmmott
Pros., returned tho last of the
week from his homestead above-
. , i.i 1 I I 4 111. ,11
...f. ,i I Intllllll ......
un .lo.oe, ioio.mK r lmeni. of i-uruand, were
guests of Mrs. II. 1. liagley, the
first of the week.
Frank Simpson, of South Tua
latin, was in Monday, and states
that the Winter wheat harvest
is started in his locality
For sale: Good cedar posts.
G. H. Hays, one and one-half
miles N. W. of Laurel, Ore., on
does not rev ret toe inn. 1 lie
old U. S. A. is good enough for
me, and now that I've made the
trip, and revisited the scene of
my lioyhood, I'm satisfied."
best Aggregations m Multnomah Hugh Rogers
County and they have captured m bwn jn por1
nearly all the games they have lhp
play.-d this season. 1 hey were tht,ir hoine jn Bv.
F. .1. Seweil is now trying to get
,t... I I. .,,,1 r ! i ..,-, j I, com, to
in. Ill . lUllH'" v.' iv I-" i , .
Hdlboro for a contest, and. if ouu. I
he shall succeed, he will have a John Gfeller and Jas. Black,
series of vames that will glad the store keeper of above Moun-
the hearts of the fans. The taindale. were down to the
Givsham Giants are one of the county seat Friday morning.
.est Aggregations m Multnomah h iw,,, and wjfe. who
tlaiui lor a day
through Friday for
I,,- it... U,.l Sii . ti'.'im. a
..i ;,.. L- Lot i n. 'im i. 11. liarnngion, one oi v.enu-i
nal Pitcher, Nick Williams, was ville's big ranchmen, was in the
airainst them. In-sides three or city 1-rulay, ana cauea on me
four of the Cardinal infield and Argus,
outticld, Sam Paisley passed through to
Mr. Sewe I is trying to get a his home n hove IJuxton. Friday
. i . i. ......a. I - . . i .i . i , I ..
game wan uie vuaiiw ioi ,i wi-vr ajtor attending Hie lU'puoncau
rom Sunday. convention in Portland
I If I ii-idcov nf iuitri Tnnla.
ohn Algi'sheimer, of bcholls, , h is one of the liveiy
was m tow n aiuiuaj. lw.v. ,.f u. Vtare was m he c,tv
Jack Uobinson was up from pain ruay.
the last of the week. August Boge, whose land has
ri... ri neiv M l i-iJ heen H ouoieu m aiue Mute nc mmpui
building a turret story on top of his fifty acres at the Farmington
their main building. sioro, w m to.i ouum,.
Julius Christenson, of near U. G. Gardner was out above
Laurel, was over to the city bai- iauiei, ououa.y, .w. ...o
urdav morning. -"'-& -
Miss Minnie llartrampf and " i,.-.,...,, ...ul
Miss FUen Cillenwater wore u. . i ' ,
visitors over Sunday. me o. r. cai-Miops, m iuuwiu,
Was out Saturday and Sunday.
ugust Wedeking, of near -riveting friends.
Scholls. was m the county seat , . f .
nartod the first of the week for
he open season for killing buck
deer w ill begin on Monday, Au
gust 1, and will continue until
November 1. Dog3 are tabooed
and the law is very stringent on
this point. Local hunters are
getting ready to get into the
timber by next Monday morn
ing, and Buck Mountain, the
Nehalem, and the Wilson, as
well as above Mountaindale, ap
pear to be the choice of hunting
grounds. When a hunter goes
out this season, it will be well
for him to have a thorough
knowledge of the laws that
govern hunting of deer in order
to avoid trouble.
The statute forbids the killing
of females at any time, and no
one can have in their possession
female deer, dead or alive.
Other pointed expressions of the
aw are:
It shall be uulawTut at any time, with
in the State of Oregon, between one hour
aftei (-unset and one half-hour before
unr'ee of any day to hunt, pursue, take,
kill, injure, or deitroy any deer; and it
shall he unlawful for any person to take,
capture, kill or dettruv, in any open ea
on, more than five deer. It thall be
unlawful within the btate ol Ureeon, at
any time, to sell or offer for tale, barter
or exchange, any deer wnaisoever, or me
meat or flesh ol any deer.
The ccnaltv of violation of any of the
eame laws affecting deer Is a fine of not
less than 1 50, nor more man JJ50; or noi
less than 60 or mote than 90 days in the
countv jail, and the court may, at his
Iiscretion impose ootn tine ana imprison
It is also unlawful to mutilate a deer
10 that lue sex may oe ui-.uiseu.
Neither can any one ell or offer for sale
or trade any hide of deer, or boms, until
he shall have Rone belore a county clerk
or a justice of the peace and procured a
tag, alter wnicn ne can go inio me mar
ket with tbem. .spotted tawns can noi
be killed, and neither can a person kill a
deer of the first fear. Running with
dogs is prohibited.
High Q UALITY Drug Sto
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride iu the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. THE BEST EVER"
HaminsHy's Make Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Forest Grove
fel- Newport
the county seat
(Tins. Grabol. of South Tuala- their annual meetintr at Netarts.
tin. was in town Saturday, tak- noar Tillamook. They will be
ing out harvest supplies. absent several weeks,
The Wiley barn on Second 1L T. King, of Forest Grove.
ct. k . uimir mven a new has announced nimsoii as a can
dour, Jos. Lorsung doing the didate lor county treasurer, suo-
wtii-k. " Meet to the endorsement oi me
Jack Wood, of Hoy. was in the p"" W
.... ..... 1. 1 llf... 1-1 P nUnA Hf.1,1,-,
,. ti- . i-iiiav. iremmr out saie v ni. noucseui, u; iiuu c mvmu for nn auction on Sootomuor taindale. where mere is always
' " ' ... 1 1
1 plenty ot shade ana cooi running
Mil..,.,! on.i veif.wh. water, was down to me county
aas. moo.- is - ";r.. cat M.viv. av morn iiff.
parted the first ot tne wee-K ior p-" -' -
The undersigned will sell at pub
lie sale at his farm near Roy, on
the P. R. & N. Railway, at ten
a. m., on
Mare. 6 vears old, I200 lbs , with suck-
iue colt, months old; sorrel mare, gray
mare, two yearling colts, 2 cows, one
fresh this fall, one now fresh; year old
heifer, fresh next March; 3 heifers, IS
months old; disc plow, Canton clipper
plow, new; harrow, hay rake, disc har
row, i buggies, a sets Duggy narness, sei
work harness, cultivator, wagon, 3 hogs,
some household furniture and other
articles too numerous to mention.
Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale t'nder tio cash; Ten
ami over, one year bankable note, 8 per
cent, interest. Two per cent, off cash
over tio.
j act wood, uwner.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Capital Stoch $25,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits 20,000
Exchange to all parts of the World
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time
Thos. C. Todd
John . Bailey J. W. Tuquii
McEldownex J. A. Thornburrf
I'avid Rice, who sinco leaving
'I'olk lias boon at Rosoburg,
and then at Scuttle-, was in town
Ml'S. Fred 7.illv iiml ihiuehter.
Helen, accompanied by T. R.
Iiiil'rie, wont to Newport, Satnr
"!l.v iiiorning.
Mrs. Oscar Simons and Miss
''''mil Bacon, daughters of Mr.
"'"I Mrs. Goo. Bacon, have boon
Newport visitors the past week.
Team for sale: Mure and
horse, weigh about I'M) each.
Good work animals. About nine
.Vears old. -II. Harrington, near
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Christon-
S(n, of Nowborg. were Sunday
Wests at the homo of their
''Wghtor, Mrs. F. A. Duncan,
"Turning; Monday.
John Masters is commencing
Vie shipment of (J00 cords of
'V111' foot wood from a siding
move hanks, on tho Pacific Rail
.W.V & Navitfnlion line. It will
ie brought to this city for next
v mier's fuel.
. 1.1 ..!.. . W :.,i,n,.;.i U T....4- ,,,.1, l.,,n!lr .ft Pnini-m in
atieXUlKieil 11IO lO YIVIVIUI, i'l uusvusiv uuiiioi -v w. i. ... vv
C lind other British Columbia see one of their new gopher
v ' 1 . n 1 11 ... i..' v.
traps, uets tnem every time
in..., : r, Biee;ers. ot La
r. .,'1.. e.-inie down bust week to P Mrt,.fU uiiia. and there is no chance of shoot-
rhoi-parent. Mr. a-ujMrs- -or n. uei --;"of inff yourself or running a spear
M. L. AblH'tt. . ooirimn l-Vidnv lastnecessitating P" l1'
Mrs. Abluitt with w uiaiuuiv cajnjrintwo physicians in con- EH Bowbeer is laid up with a
the last ol the week. miltation. He Is now getting bad knee, caused by a -bruise
U'.w.n vour ctucKons t'ucawvM. a 0ng nicely. .. some time ago.
I . t ,,1.004-,..
IV Oil
Corwm. ssnnreme Court and briefs are For sale, cheap, a good Jersey
The joint is
and it will be
Mi.a, Womei of near Laurel, I i tl. oonfi tn the cow. 5 vears old. Good milker,
was over to the city the last of Slll)P.,me tribunal. From the and a good flow and test-KHne-
the week. Mr. Womer was one of thc w8e it appears that man Brothers, worth niiWMro,
of the pioneer nopmeu or the trustee sued Shenll tor some at. um-Ryam.
Hillsboro real estate wnicn naci M c v Elder and two
V : 1 children, who have been visiting
, Mrs. Elder s sister. Mrs. C. L.
i mil his s houHior 10 uiv iiiiiimi-.. uv.,v, 1 i.vt 0. have departed ior meir
i - , , e ...... , own to u,a,i 4 iit tm ivusree was en- r . ' ... -u- 11-. -ft
section. Hillsboro real estate wnicn nau RIrg
Thus Talbot, former mayor of hoon deeded to Mrs- Sherill just hil lr"
i, - lius and who is still ready before Mr. Sherill went into JurE
S 'hlsSuldorto the wht-el bankniptcy. Jtidge Campbe 1
the week
1 Mill 1 II. ,c'-i ...T -
n;ilhnro. ,u i,niiu ti-ii-niurh thu mistake Mr. Brown says the tire ot last
ChM Eames, of Oak Park, f tho scriVener. The attorneys week did no damage, but that
win Soon start for his annua for the trustee, however, allege the timber on hw place and on
w 11 soon u hevond r. . 1,., ' .i,i,m,. Wa that t the Bag ey holdings was saved
trill over w ""'--'i uimuieni - . : f L, u
was Sherill s property anu was omy aiwei a oucuuuua ""
Dusty roads.
1 bought with his money.
the flames.
"I am mighty glad to see
Hillsboro improving so rapidly.
It Gratifies me to see that three-
storv hotel going up on Main &
Third, and i 11 be here at its
orjening. without doubt And,
to show you that I want to do
the right thing I'm spreading
the news everywhere I go."
Hon. Hubert Bernard, citizen of
Yamhill and Washington Coun-!
ties, who was in town Saturday.
Milton A. Elliott, of Dillon,
Mont., and who has large prop
erty interests in that thriving
city; and Chas. Martin and wife,
of Portland, were out, bunday,
guests of 0. Westcott and fam
ily, of Shady Brook. Mr. Elliott
was many years ago a neighbor
of Mr. Westcott back in Nebras
ka, and Mr. Martin is a half
brother of Jas. May and a broth
er of Mrs. Westcott.
E. W. Dant was up from Reed
vil e. Saturday, and will soon
haye his threshing outfit in the
field and add another season to
his lengthy career as thresher
man in Washington County.
Haybaling has commenced on
the plains and some of the cut
has already been received here
for shipment. Late oats are not
coming up to the standard and
many acres have been cut lor
A. B. Smith, formerly with the
P. R. & N. Co., in the days when
the company was building its own
grade, was out trom Portland,
Saturday, and went on out to
The value of advertising m
the Argus was shown when last
week a ticket from Portland to
the East was recovered and re
stored to its rightful owner.
Save Your Money
By buying Your GENERAL
Forest Grove,
We have quite a number of pairs of child's,
women's, and men's shoes which are slightly
damaged and more or less out of style which
we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes
for 50c; $2.25 shoes for 75c. Men's and
women's up to $3.50 for $1.00.
These are all good material but not up to
present styles. Now is the opportunity to
get a good shoe for little money. We shall
be pleased to show them to you as long as
they last.
I l-
If in reading you often have to stop and rest, or rub
your eyes, it. is a certain indication that you need
glasses. If the type blurs and runs together, if the
eyes burn or ache, if there is a tendency to hold the
book at arm's length, or very close to your face, your
eyes should have attention at once. With some
people severe headaches are the only symptoms of
eye strain. Others can read or sew without tiring,
but do not see distant objects well.
Still.others have none of these symptoms, but find
by alternately covering each eye that they are doing
nearly all their work with one, while the other sees
very poorly. In nearly every case these troubles
can be entireiy relieved by glasses. I will be glad
to make an examination of your eyes, and will tell
you just whaf condition I find them in.
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist,