The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 21, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 1Q
f i i
iif. MMi: AS IUVIN
(her l Sum ot
Via. practicing phvi-
hud Ills henring
1 Until
but (!iI nut remember
is eivcn IiV the l!r
pr. "
;.... of i; it"ii
iJforv Jtidtfeli. W. Harm. Ia,t
Kri'laV afi'-i'i'""11 !u"1 "l
.,f III.1 CVI.lellCO OI .him
AnH". tMt' defendant
, ,ivi-r in UK' H11"1
J.,',, lh,. uld IKUIil. given tl
fowil-i)- .ri"i', war permitted
to stati' i. hi Huivlti-t being ('.
.'.!.:! r an I Con MoNamer.
t ...... i ,.. lu o.ive Iter name an
8W; iu i- (.:' -t years; lt-r
r,.,,,!,-:. , m near Cornelius; and
tnSitiol that td bad been work
jnu fir it Mr.. Walts, al 1'i.rvAl
Cmie Sin' Hvvore tliat sdie lir. t
m,-i Dr. Via al a dance Auguxt
!.. I.ilii
nveruvr. Sin- nail lu met him
f.tiu'i;?,!v mi l hi tt reels
t',ir,-t Gc.-.e aii'l that hi' a!wa
siki' l' ti' '. Sla testified that
i-adv in SItiiilT hi- walked
home wilh her unc evening front
ih.. nthec. anl that a nbter
of iht Wit!i".t accompanied them.
iW;m: r.irthiT into her Mtory of
a!i.".'.-l wromr anl neduction
Mim A' " l.i ftai.l that on S--pt in
r 1 they Uraiiii' engaged.
i:i hat na' U' - l r Uial hi
riiiiii' vwi' Haskell rVrrin. Sin
kIu had been engagi-d to it
man In the name of Klwtt, hut
that (!. wrolo hrr lintave that
tin r'u'.twim-nt a.t tatic l UhI,
Via, ;!; r-asH, t-. l the date of tin
narr, .; fur )etiler 'Jti, She
tsw.iiv titat the H'ihttiu took
place on tin.' night of Septemltcr
Aunic W, (5. Uaiv. who
waiin iticirl tit thi iitUTi'st of
the (rf.'iitant. did not 1'Ut Itin
' ciiriit n!i i ho Htatnl.
ir, ia to an Afj-riw ivortor
tiriiifd that ho oVoi'Kaw tin' Kir
in Im !if-' until ho wan takon l'-
fuiv her whi'ii nrroHtoil. .Mis
Anu'i'l'i, o!t I ho othor hantl, jHt
inoiy i.iotitilU'tl Itiui an tho man
ttholKi.l tuhl hor that he was
Ha.Mk'i! I'orrin.
VuiU'C I Vrrin i. a Hon of 1'i'oh
Went IVrrin, of Pacific I'niv' r
Ssty. uIumi hho told tho otiioials
that hor Nomonis win lhir younjj
man. I iri'iii wuh taken Ui'ton
hit. Mio nanl that rerrm wan
nut tlu man and xlie further n
markod that to her knowlo.l
hi' uitl know him.
Ih. Via ami wife wero b th in
court nnd Minn AmkoIo, hjhhi in
nauon m Dopmy uiHinci ai
onif I. II. Ioiilmo, tnoKot
him out from tho audience. The
case will iiriihahly trot to tin
k'raml jury at tho fall term of
Nuiii-o to Contrctor
S nli'l ),U will t.e rrcrlvnl V tlic
Cmmiy ('n,t f W'mliiiiutim IVtinty
tmlil i I', M. nl liter i vt lV of July, tyui
mi nun tiiH'iirit fur ilir lmiiloii;
cuhIu.I i..,-k nt IlilUhnru, Cerm-Him niut
1'iTtsl l.rtivc, unit Hln tti ! timile on
(' imlr from the ntwrlniK point
ecu Hi. , 1 1 lu ck for s iter cent lo nceom
'any li il. Thr court rcni-rvrn tlte iilif
'W ' ji'i't nny or nil tiuU.
"r Imilu r inrticuliin nee ("utility
I'-y " r uf ihr County Court,
'"'y '-'III, iVu.
J, W. (5O0PIN,
,H, County Jti'lur.
I I... (..: I . . e m a ., . i
. in ll iriun li l ,, , nil-in
iii-ai ii'iinm le. nrv wurkiiii
I lillll to a(C iL t hi- eiiUlit
oiniiiiHHiiiiu rHhili at tin" i-omHio
eetiiiii, and tln-y aver that In-
jllht the inari fur the tilaee.
Mr. I'lielh in an ciithiioa .tie
iO" I rad: man, and ha. 'luno a
ri-at deiil uf Kulirttantial work in
it. ciiiniiiuiiitv, lie n a I'.-tnih-
liean and if he ran y l the num.
iuation they think he can run
iko "a hottin' a lire, "
Drain uurluw land and make
it jinxluce douhle. We i!l jstart
(lie manufacture of the larenl
tile inn few daH, We now have
a hu i.dy of t inch, 5 inch ami f-
inch, on hand. I'ut in vutir or-
r al once, Our clay b tin-
e,Ht for jirmlucinjf k'ihhI durahle
tihni,'. Onhr now. dronrr A
loweil. Co., Scholll, llillhlnu'o,
Ore.. Koute 2. Jnd. Tel. 7tf
Julni Latiiue. reHidin li-ar
thany, cut alxut nine torn of
ttmuihv tin year that for onrth
f ntraw and liead U-atH unythiiij,'
ever seen in llu section. 1 ht
held avt-r.u'ed ery close to (i
feet and 1 iiiehi'i, and the heads
were remarkably lootf. A hunch
of the yield w a hrotiitht no hv
ural Carrii-r I'red Olson, and
iil In' iiosor jor the coming
htivet carnival.
('hivor hay h:w leen selling in
the fiohl for ?1I n, r ton this
mv harvest, rani'iiur higher
. hero the location is closer to
own. Tiinothv han hecn ram.'-
im' from il'.l to 111, according to
tho i lo-tenesH to the citv. N'ear-
y all hay cut ha. U-on nicely
tired this season owinK to the
thseiice of rains.
Want to rent smut!! ilace with
eartien latnl. ieKire raucn huh
able for iKitiltrv. Will pay cash
rent, or cut curdwiol lor pay
ment. S ish to take KifiSi-.s.sion
OctoU-r 1. Write narticulars.
M. I". Post. t'orneliiiH. Or. 17-'.)
P. (I. Vickor. Manager of the
Western t mon J olograph ( o.,
htates that on August 1. they in
tend to put on a inesscii'.rer I toy
i . i i ..... ...
to oi no e ie oirrai us nee m
.- it ....... r i. .. ..,( ..
ami i nun an pan oi me ui)
I'hifi will I e uuile an improve
ment over the tireseiit system oi
ihoniiij-f ines,sa(.reH a. they will
k more conliilential in nature.
Moss.ioes will Im handle! uuT
ithoi iihnne, aihlitionnl. if
Ci-tH-erles at cost White Ki it
Hour. $1.10; A. cv. M. soda. ;k-,
est corn Ktarclt. .V; W U'. 'tairy
i!t. :t.V: U) Ihr, II, (!. Halt, 2.H-;
Illue Kihlton corn, Sc; Hluo ivin
Hin tonuttiHs. No, All other ar
tides in proHruon. m.
runi? & Son.
llonrv Kreitnjr. who lui. l-een
rtmntmr n wapm on me v"
ollSef route IIOUI Hie I'mmn,
ubil.. wresilinir with a tneiu
s,.i.,l:iv ni Helvetia, accidental
ly had a shoulder broken. Henry
ii'.u ii'ite he. Ill) hV IT. A' l-
I'nilev. and it will bosom
In-fore he will be able to
the heavy milk vans
I'lpublitiin County Assembly Held
I tist Saturday in llillslxru
To Meet July M and Nurninalc a Court.
I) Tickcl; Aiu l.cxihlati'ic
"I he Kepuhlicaii host. met here
la.-t Saturday in county iLssembly
for the purjtoHe of nominating a
set of (leliyatos to attend the
.siate assemiiiy, wtucli will en
dorse a Ktate ticket for the com-
it UT primaries. Three or four
precincts did not send in dele
k'ates, having held no primurioH,
K. P. ToiiK'ne, district attorney
for the Fifth Judicial District,
was chosen chairman, ami J. A.
Thornbureh, of Forest drove,
was elected secretary. The del-
et'ate.s e ccieij to me siaie con
vention were authfiri.od to also
sit in the eoiuTcssiiuia! nomi-
natintf coiiveiiti'm. The follow
ing were sent to the state assem
bly :
(' 11 Fry, C Sihimller, II S
Poers. John Ireland, ! J Bar
rett. S A D Meek. C A llicker-
.sois, o A riiein, Julius Aiuniitaz
v, James Churchill, Wilbur K
Newell. T II ToiiK'ne, J P Imlay,
W Haines. P.enton Powman,
Dr (' K llines. Herman Collier,
re. Hamel. A N Davies. J 0
(Justin. Dr W D Wooil, L K Cars
tens, Julius Asbahr, (1 W Marsh,
X Hardin;. Sam Paisley, J A
Chapman, C K Kindt, (' K Camp-
,'11. W A Williams. C N liKranl,
Amrtist Possi, N II Alexander
IK 1! Tomrue alternate), M C
.incoln. John Nvbeiy, J C Clark,
A C Hoffman, John Connell, J A
Thornbuirh. M H PaiiKhlm. J W
llus-'hos, K 1 Kuratli. 11 L Davis.
M Hi'sse, 1 L Johnson and
Thos Council,
There was no attempt made to
endorse any nominee lor a Maie
preference, althoUk'h it is con
i i .i.ii.. i w'u ...
cetleii Miai lion. .James iiuij
eombo will have the entire dole-
i i
00- , ml. m i'veent lief h.'OiS two Of
three, and the unit rule may
prevail and jrive him the entire
membership. Tho assembly was
made up of the oldtimers of con
vention days and it was a re
minder of ton years no when
tho convention meant everything
Well- to aspiring candidates. The com
mittee on credentials; l, l.
Kindt. West Butte; J C Buchan-
. 1 .... I.'. . . . A I ... '.....1.,..
Hit, i tu neuus; ai. vioi-uoh,
(ileneoe: C Sehimller, Peavor-
dam; J II Collier, South Inula-
tin. Committee on order of bus
iness: Hugh Rogers. Buxton; J
W llmrhos, Dilley; U 1' ligard,
WestPutto;!. FCarstons, Banks,
uul John Chapman, West Cedar.
On Resolutions: w u ooiiis,
Forest drove; J VV Bailey, Hills
itirw Jack, I' K Cornrllut, R Crnitll,
itrulun Howii.un, M.n C run dul I , John
lirmiK, K II T.miuc, N H Alesaietcr,
1' M Kelsay, NtU I.rrwn.
South TuuUtiu C K AUin, T C Joho-
w.n. J V Taylor, I I' Chumlm. M C
Cf.llirr, I' II .Suriirton, W II McCormick,
J I! Collier.
Washington Kul Ilame t, Tho Conn
til, A OrU r, W h Btchellcr.
Wrt liuttr A N Davie, K I Hit,
I, M He ft, 0 K Kin-It. J J Van Klttk,
K S Kobiuwii, by K ilitc; A 11 Flint.
West Ctsl ir - J A Gustin, J A Chap
man, A W Hall, A I. Saylor, C True, T
Mathirnen, 1' Ixtttiu, 1, Schallenhraml,
F tiuatoi.
Took the Star Team of Multnomah
in on Sunday Afternoon
Nick William Pitched (or the Winners
and Got hit Game
Adolph Siegrist, salesman, is
home for a few days vacation.
Gresham, which ha3 a star ama-
i . . ... i i
J. C. Puchanan, the Cornelius teur tjasebail team, ana wnicn
hopgrower, was dow n to the city was reinforced by semi-profess-Saturday.
ional players, gave the Portland
We carry a choice stock of Red Ruierts a game, Sunday, in
fiuitsand nuts:- Koeber's Con- which the honors of war carried
fectionery. . a Hi,e.8take of several hundred
C. Sorcnson, of south of dollars. Nick Villiam3, the Car
Reedville, was in the city last dina lAieher, waa on the mound
for the Red Ruperts, and the
L. . Haines, of ! orest Grove Cardinai3 &so furnished Houston,
ti'no fd.iioi tit (ki nntnttf cont
Monday afternoon. Bn andL Bw"' Turk
played with the Ruperts. The
J. W. York of below Reed- finawas5 to 4 in fav0r of the
ville, was up to the city batur- . ,. , .
.hi v mi-in , Pupert-Cardinal team. The
day morning. werg yery &nd
J. 0. Guslin, of nearMiddieton, Williams had to contend with an
was up to the city Saturday at- umpire w ho would not allow him
tending the convention. striked on cutting the corner of
Albert I-Yi.hiV of near I tan ks the plate. Several costly errors
was down to 'the city Monday by fielders gave the Greshamites
morning. ' what runs they piled up, and, to-
K, , '" . . , . gether with the ruling of the
r ,i -it 11 1 "'s.-,u umpire, the game was larger in
of tho (irccnviUo-Banks section, ua aAa nf
was a county seat caller Monday than iuhoutd have been with an
101 1 noon. , umpire who appreciated big
James Churchill, of Gales league vitching,
Creek, was down to the city Sat- Ash Houston wants to select a
urday, and incidentally called on team to go over to Tillamook and
the Argus. play against the local team there.
We will J ready to sell and Thf)av hot forM?h
,i..i; i.,;,.i. .,r,..i,..i.,., ti and Hillsboro fans would like to
i. Give us a call - KUneman see Williams take their measure,
Bros., North Hillslwro.
Miss Maude Tucker, of Clarks
ton, Wash., arrived Tuesday
morning and wont on over to
New port to spend her vacation.
For sale, cheap, a good Jersey
cow, 5 years old. Good milker,
and a good How and test Kline-
man Brothers, North Hillsboro,
at brickyard. 19-21
At the First Congregationa'
Church. 11 0 clock Sunday morn
July 21, Evan P. Hughes, the
Pastor, w ill speak on the subject
"What is the Christian Method
of Observing Sunday?" There
are differences of opinion, evi
dently. even among those calling
Isaac Allen, who m the sixties themselves Christians, borne
w as one of the crack shots of the seem to think that the encourage
county, but who has now prac- ment of Sunday base-ball games
tically lost his vision, was up and picnics is distinctly christian
from his Keeuville ranch Monday and praiseworthy, while others
morning. pronounce such occupations to be
A l.imol, nf tho hm-n wont m-(.r Subversive 01 tt!6 hlgneSt gOOd
to Gresham, Sunday, to witness
Where does the truth, from the
High Quality Drug S tore
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. THE BEST EVER"
ttaminshy's Make Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Forest Grove
Capital StocK $25,000
Surplus and Undivided Profits 20,000
Exchange to all parts of the World
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time
Tho. G. Todd John E. BaiUr J- "W. Tuqua
Wilber W. McCldownex J. A. Thornburrf
i 1 1
Dr. G. F. Schmolzol. osteopath- Intro; John Nyberg, Fast Cedar;
:.. ..i, .... nt l'nri nun. w ue vv iv rtcwc i. vuuiiun, ii- "
... .r... ..,,.. r.'i:.l Hotel. Hills- nines. Forest Grove.
i r,.a,l!1vrt. Thui-silavs and The following wore the dele-
Saturdays of every wwk, Hours Kates by precincts:
t iui ii in .1: K . low iKi.nuAinfi
.,f C.,l,ltj wns lU-nvorton-M
s lUrnfi. H li l'islier.
droller, Ol SCIIOIIS, u (, v Uco Thy,, a Roi, John
111 town lUOtlUU.v. '', oliliftill, II li 'nceiu, vy k. i .
...if., nn.l Mrs. William Callow ,oxv; JO Willlaiut, CLRttsaniler.
vi . ..,t tn tho Timber line 0I1 Mt. Uunks-H C Carstcu, Lester Ireland,
llK)l. Saturd
ed to the summit,
port very gool roans 10 . . Wilcox,
v;..l- v;n;.,,o n.-rn;cf .v... unnsuan sianuiioiiiu uei loose
iiviv ii iniuum i.fivv.11 uKauioL. i.itu . . m. . . .
Gresham star team and win hishh?kn.0.w MT: Hug.hes pe
mat nis uiscussiun win ue
.. ' . . , ... straightforward and vigorous
Mrs. L. A. Ixmgand son. Chf-ko rant, noharaniminu. no "lee
ford, and two daughters, Marie During" will be indulged in, but
and Margaret, and Miss Margaret a fearless presentation of the
Goodin, departed for a several truth as he sees it. An appeal
weeks outing at Newport, leav- wju be made to two classes of
ing out Tuesday morning. men on two different grounds:
I). J. Barrett, who is a member to those who acknowledge the
of the commission firm, Buchanan Bible as the standard of their
and Co,, of Cornelius, was in the lives and to those who accord no
citv Saturday. His firm expects such position of pre-eminence to
a good business this season ow ing the Book. Everyone is cordially
tn the snloiiilid eron nmsiwcts. in'l ted to attend and will be
,, ix.n .... made welcome.
X no iHOuniainuaie-oaconusiaKe
and mail route has been discon
tinued lor a time, ine govern
Timber line 011 Mt. Uunks-H C Carsteiu, Lester Irclaml,
Pie nnd then Walk- Oeo ateOmw, Chas Herb, N C Shipley,
'I 1,1 tho re- Jon Ireh.u.l, HI' Willi., bjr L V Cars-
milllt, and they n- u i,en,U.rSon Smith, C, V. Herb. Pied
(K)d roads to their Wil ,ox joun HiTb, Willintu L Moore.
Room collections nince last
imblislied report:
J. Ii, hnkiv. Ifi...ilvill.i SI (H)
J. H. Johnson, j)hotogruihei. i
M- C. Lincoln, of Glonooo, was
v'P to the city Saturday.
J. C. Hare, of tho Hillsboro
biiiiiber mill, and whose plant is idle because of lack of
right of way, was in town the
I'wt of the week.
Fur Halo; Fresh Holsfein-Jer-
ey COW, llllO lllllkOI', 111 gOOd
condition. -C, Sorenson, Heaver-1
H. 4. liosidence 2 1-2 miles
S(,"lli of lieodville. 19-21
' P. Imlay, for years the
w'oilville warohouse man, was
lll Saturday, and saw that the
"J'st room fund was enriched to
Ul-1 extent of u human dollar.
P, Steventon, of Gaston,
"I'd yho gravitates between
"t'tland and his ranch, was in
the c-ity Saturday. K. P. says it
is tho "simple life" for him here
a lt'f, and that he is going to
slay with the farm.
i. .. i , 1 1.,.
camping place, rem ...
the sun was a bhsteror and that
climbing Mt. Mood is not as easy
us it might 1m.
i.'.iHv nrces for sale; Partly
..I.... ,.,,,f - nni. fourth mile from
school house; two and one half
miles from railway station, near
i-i.. Pi'ieo. $1SJ0.
li) James Gray. Hillsboro. 113
i vv titt. of below Beavor-
i .... ,i,u nn Mmidav. in response
uni, "i' '- i i
... .1 ..,'!. CI minions, boo. nau a
,,.,,,,,,1.1111 Wl th a mad Jersey oow
I sustained a few
iTHimii.ri i'i-.
minor bruises.
I'limnv Ml HUT L.O. Will
PfHVordaiii Kent Berfer, Chris
Sehimller, Krwin Rltter, J J Wtsiner,
Neils Johnson, John Lehman Jr.
Biistau-HiiKll Hgef, PiOsley, R
T Thompn. IVrkins, nrosy; k. i uomaH,
Willtnm KelH.
Corneliiia J C lliiclianan, liraut Matin,
G W Mrh, D J Hioriitt, R W Rlc.Mitt,
A llcnFOii, li 11 I'orWr, V U l.alollelte, .
W J dine.
(.lnmt)ia-M C Lincoln, SAD Menk,
a . i imrev. proxy uy a
Lincoln F Seliifftflin, proxy by A Gor
don: Marion Maya, proxy by SAD Menk
Dillev C A Dickison, C H O'Neill, J
V HiiKhen, Aimer UriRga.
Kaal Untie O A I'lietli, J Mllverliolt
1 .. .. , , i.l. O Kllll. I '
wt, ll 11 llg'iru, nunn, o miiivit v
V Tiiinr.l,
r.,iKm R M.itteion. A M Porter, A
,1 Hummock, B V Ptirdv, K X Uarilitig,
John Gieenwootl,
North Hillsboro W P Wood, Clem
Cn.niali sacks tlVO Ol Cimrgi: Chas Westcott, W K meweti
r.,,.m,.iN desiring tO Sell Of Keedville-J 1 Imlav, M rajtnatcer.
store their wheat at their ware- by imlay; J w York, Jos.ah Miner, by
llOUSO. t (ar Chns Ocilieruer, Krantus
ltncn to Irving Bltell ami WHO, Siivage, J Martimu.i, J R C lhontpsoii,
ol the iloiulerson place, near the j0.,n Nyhe,, Pre.t min, Vn, Ds.
Ol uu in pmiu ,vtei' im (i.O.-ii IVeek Jatuca Churchill, J Mc-
'0U'i Ti ' lit 1010 a Vlauult- R'ri'i WalterSuriJ. 'til, John McOlareti,
1,IIUICI1, .117 "i -f -
iiieut ' i'.'..v. . i.
the time to buy.-Kmenck U
j H. Brown, who is now buy
ingand Belling horses ,n 1 ort
hind, was OUt 10 Uie oiu
Monday, grouting Inonda. .
Money to loan on real estate
security. We sell farms. Try
81U 'ci!' whfit Uealty Co.
tin. "
' . vmif ehickeilS enclosed! Slianer, W K McComt Thoa H Tongue,
M'ep yoUl consign- S C Killen, S A Curry, J W Bailey. K I
it received ; a laigc co i s m Kuri(tlii ,olm BorUeri K H oreerjK
poultry wire, iw" 'r Prank, TP O
Prank, T V Gooilin.
North Poreat drove C B CampK'U,
H O Kiii, H II Porter, II Buxton, J
T Pleteher, B 11 LangliHn, K J Bondsher,
L J Corl, E W Haiuia.
South Porest Giove-Cliaa Ymca, Chas
O Hoe, J A Thornburg, A H Todd, F S
names, A O Hotl'inao, John Tempkton,
W R Whitney, W H llollis, V M Stariett,
W I R Beach, Byron Lauiont, Chaa
South Hillsboro 0 W Barnes, Julius
Asbahr, JW Conuell, T S Wilkes, Au-
monr. cou Id not nav enoutrh to
com wnsate the carrier and the Gray mare, 10 years old, weighs
natrons of the me cone uded to l.zou. inie to worK. Also
not. lonuor aid with cash assist- head goats, nannies and wethers,
ance. iweu urea Angoras. urai uara-
Kenyon Crandall, pioneer of .r Cornelius, Kouta 1, mues
1 ...... .1 1 . l 1 I m 1 1 MS UIHIVH IVI I II 1 ( t 1.41 1 1 1 Irt 1 r. r ii-
announcing the death of his only M States Tel., Glencoe, 97.
u,r it r iim i tie ImAi h Vai rvAitrialr I
Crandall, ajrod 83 years, and who I, Mrs. Carrie Ramsey has sued
resided at Petersburg, New "rH 7.U1 k
tua she asks the custody ot three
Grafton Mountain. minor children. They were mar-
, , , neu in ceaver vuy, ieoiaaivii,
Mrs, Chas. Black, whose hus- hv, i5C7 She comnlains that he
band was killed at Manhattan, h9 nmilien vile enithpta to her:
Nev, last Spring, is in the city, caused her to wash and work out
the guest oi nor motner, Mrs. w. for a living; and that he once
A. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Kobert told her that the only wav she
Earl, of the state of Washington, could get rid of him was to
ana wno nave oeen enjoying a "either poison or divorce" him.
California trip, were also guests j v Hoffman, of Forest Grove,
at the Powell home last week. j3 her attorney. They have no
Effingham Schiell'elin, who has community property except the
hist enmnleted a handsome bunc- household goods, which the wife
alow on his ranch at Centerville, wants in order to keep house for
wna in the citv Saturday. Mr. herself and children. There is
Schiell'elin recently received the one child over 21 years of age
sad intelligence ot the death on pau c. Long, now running a
lieu Aaams, ageu years,, wno locomotive on the double track
is the son of Mrs, C, U behieffe- ingor the road between Portland
lin, of Centerville. ihe young and Tacoma. taking away the
man was a lormer suiueiu at rode from one 0f the big tunnels,
Pacific University. Death en- wag over Sunday, the guest of
sueu at Kiversiuu, ui.
Simonides Lodge No. 37 K. of
P., of Cornelius, installed the fol
lowing officers at their last regu
lar meeting: Grant Mann, chan
cellor commander; A. Benson,
vice chancellor; H, Drorbaugh,
his brother, of the Argus.
Leslie A. Fry and Rose Whippl
Were married in this city, re
cently, by County Judge Goodin
m, J H-.-i.1 I
iney are resiuing in roriianu.
Oral Gardner, of above Moun
Save Youp Money
By buying Your GENERAL
Forest Grove, Oregon
d a We have quite a number ot pairs ot emia s,
t women's, and men's shoes which are slightly
t J damaged and more or less out of style which S
0 j vvc will iui uuc-inuu ii.c viz, i.u auuco w
for soc; $2.25 shoes for 75c. Men's and f
women's up to $3.50 for $ 1.00. f
These are all good material but not up to i
present styles. Now is the opportunity to S
cret a eood shoe for little monev. We shall w
be pleased to show them to you as long as
they last.
, Vf v, .., 1 , 1 1 . .. ft 11
,iof. Thoa Tnihnt. of tainaaie, was an Argus cauer,
xohecquer; A. T. Stratton, mas- Monday afternoon.
ter of finance; V. H. Massey, lra Hoard, of Leisy ville, was
keeper of records and seal; F. in the city the last of the week.
Mow, master at arms; J. Buck- Q c t f tof t
AAX was in the city Monday,
master of work, Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
Don't Abuse
Your Eyes
If you go on allowing your eyes to smart
and ache and trouble you, you may
never be able to make them strong again.
I have studied the eye and know what
I am talking about. It is a patient, long:
suffering organ, but if neglected it will
fail you at last, and then all the oculists
and optometrists in the world cannot
give you the vision nature intended you
to have. Don't procrastinate. Any ir
ritation about the eye whatever, means something.
Qome and find out. .
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate OptoaMtrkt.