HE JnllLLSB vol. xvn HILLSBORO, ORHGQN, JULY 14, 1910. NO. 18 JUDGE CAMPBELL DECIDES FOR L1CHTYS Hli ciilt Opinion S IMx S l rm llvldriuc he ustimosv or toMiii! AM)HMiri: thai H Other IMJcftu Mj bf Di.rcprJcd Jmhr ('Hml"-ll Saturday hiurd argument in the nine of J. II, !',,!,. iiguinut K. H. Tongue. Mr. IVrry tJar.lnfr. Will l.ichty nnd IVunk l.iility. Buit brought to recover iHK'fi ti of certain mail..' the Iat four defend 8iiU in l'."M. Tiiw'Ui held the den!, ami, according to bin le. timony, wan to lib them ujhi Mr. Kimti'nl'uth. Judge Camp-U-ll l'M iKVnrding to the cvidi'mf uf Imth Mr. Tongue ami Mr, l'te. there wan lint oi,e thiiiL' fir liitn t do. atnl thai wa t enter a ili't ii't' fur the de. f,.ii,!.ii t . Thi have tlu- ca.se licre it stood riir t the unit lilrl Some tunc during l'.fcW Mr. Fk'Ii'. now making bin home with Perry I'oote, a brother, at tin- lb'tel Tualatin, deeded each cf the four children of Mrs, Klia l.irhty, i) ttcrei of land. These iliv.N tteie duly tdgned and rn mited. and uckno!vdk'cd ty Mr. lininii. and tin attorney mis i?ntru Uil t liK' the deed uf )' i I ii fn jih Mr, I'oote ilii'd, or a. Mr. poole himself, at the tmii H;iid, "the wind was out uf Ins body." Sinn' month ago Mr. Fooje hnxih'ht suit for u return of re call of tin deed, and when he ... . .i t t wttf ti-sti! iiijf Uu oilier lay lie uu.re ti.at I here wiw no intention of recall at the time of the con vt'wuiiY'i vu-re made, but that he had since changed his tliiiid. It was lar 'rlv upon thin evidence that Judk'e Camidiell rendered hi decree, holding that the ex iHutiMii of tlie deed, was a valid coiivejance of real t v. The will cane of route against Sew ell w .h submitted to a jury Friday nii-lit and after leiiig out until the next morning the jury disagreed, tdanding 11 to 1. I Ik one juror, saiil to W Lincoln (leiKer. a brother-in-law of Mr. Hiudoii, attorney for Sewcil, who liunjr the jurv, gave an bin rea noli the contention that the will was of no value, utnl that replev ig could not therefor obtain. cm a ir coi'KT Atuui km:d IROCK TO ROLL IN Court Will U-t Contract at That lime, In Hillsboro IVIKVTMIMi Kf-ADV BfTTIR ROADS Sccrl JukIIu Court Transcripts Were Allowed In a conversation with Chief '.npneer Havis, of the Pailic lailway & Navigation Company, riuay, lie Maleil that the eom- pauy cmdidenlly expects to con- nect the tracks now Ktarted from lillnlmro and from Tillamook, in ecemln-r. llenavK that notli- in.f w ill prevent il but a Hhortaife I men. Hie bridie building de partment has its hands full, and the Heidel Creek bridge is Haid to Im the talleBl in Oret'on. 1 train your low land and make it produce double. We will start the manufacture of the largest uie in lew nays. e now have Xhc county court last week de- ... " ' ' " cided to advertise for bid for ouii, im itioni. i in in your or- , , , .... er at once. Our clav is the Uu "aulin 01 cntHheU rock irom m-hI for proiliicinir irool durable Jint8 on the Southern racific tiling, (trder now. Croner & and Pacific Hailwav & Navk'a .owcll. i ,, N lioIiS, Uillhtjoro. tion Coinnioiv for HilUUiroK )re., -kotU' IliU. lcl. it! . i: The increase of jnistal receipts cinct and one Forest Grove pre- It the M"l!ices ot rorest drove (-ict I'.iddeiN mnv hi,l aini Jiuisiioro lor the hsca vear i i ...I,,,,, t, til nun ,..,.. M"aiier ealthy increase all around. P orK- an" "'''ncauons us 10 me 'oresl Crove's ollice shows a net ienvcth of haul may he seen upon increase of over IM percent,, and application to the county judtfc IillslKiro otiice, ai'cordinur to The hids lire in;t:illed nnd the t ost Master t irnelnm, has made crusher will have been busy for a fai oj : s rcent. 1 ids Itf Uoine davs by the time the con- ....I ..1.1.. f. . I.. .1 . . '!,, 'l II ! i "in. 1 1 Riiwii ii. i ihii oi.urn. rnicis w e auanei. 11 ms Want to rent small nhice wilhUill be opened July 2T arden hind. Desire ranch suit- 1 he road petition of J. t h!,I,. for iiuitrv. Will t,av rxsh Clark et als, tor road in forest r..it .,r coi ror.iwoo.1 f.ir r.iiv.M-rove. w lis r.'ferred to the dis inent Wili lo i uie inKMKsion I trict attorney ( IdoU-r 1 WritM oui'iicuhirs I tie ih'uikjii oi J. l. iilalliiews M C Post Cnrnelhm Or 1 7 f l ost, lor relief, veteran Jos. incher. who recent v sutiereii a nnnur .MunK'er, aKcuu years, severe fire osH. was wanted in 1 I f I i . . . . " . ana wnose lamer lives near the Hum of VZt. and the same Mountaindale. fell from a plate comes out of the regular indiirent on a Imiiilmwr at the ( , Johnson furu . as nruvii ed bv aw. farm, northwest of town, last Mrs. C.. V. Wilkins was irrant I'hursday. and struck on his head ed a rebate of $15.20 for error in and (thouldcrn. Yoiinir Munjrer ussessinn her proinrty, just east made a descent ol 11 feet and (,f the city park. considerable concussion follow ml. A nuit claim deed w as made Dr. Linklater attended the un- o Simonides Ixxliru No, 37, Cor nelius. to lots G and i, block 19, Ctirnelius, property which at one lcr mile of Team, watfon and harneHS for sale. Iniiuire at Artfus office, lit Dave O'Donnell, of Huxton. wan in the city Monday morning. J. C. Schulmerieh, of Hanks, was in town w ith Iuh auto, Sat urday morning. The Wyatt cottage, opposite the J. A. Imbrie home, is rapid ly lioiriK pushed to completion. Chas. Brown and family were visitors with relatives in Tort land, the first of the week. John Ennea, the South Tuala tin sawmill man, was over to the city Saturday. Charles and Joseph Hicken Isittom, of Shady Brook, were in the city Monday, D. II. Willers. of beyond Jobe'B, wa.s in town Monday morning, Ketting hayintr supplies. J. S. Iirsuntf, the contractor, extect3 to finish the Rescuer is a Son-in-Law of I .ate Owen Murray, Cedar Mill DOCTOR HAD TO ASSIST PARKER Man Saved From Water Grave Returns Thanki and Givei ao Name fortunate youn man. (Iroecries at cost White Hiver Hour. SI. 10: A. &. II, siHla, oc; U-st corn starch, 5c; 50 lb. dairy alt. ;ITk-; fill lbs. II. (5. Halt, 25c; Blue BibU'ii corn, He; Blue Uil lion tomatoes, He. All other ar tiL'les in iiroiMirtion. 11. Well- rnntf & Sons. (!. N. Havden, work in),' in the k . " t K. vV .N, rail wav service, wnuc at the "V Sattirilav, ran against a stick of cordwitotl and ran a sliver, three inches in leiiRth into the muscles of his bicep, Dr. F. A. Ballev rnmovtid the sliver without Kivintf any anaes. thetic. Dr. (5. F. Schmt-lzel, ostiHipath time was sold to county on de linquent tax sale, the lode hav in paid the amount of tax with penalty. 1 ransenpts allowed and order- i i . i . . i i t . u. en pain: juuhc names vuui i, HillslMiro State vs. Keinhard Kerr, charged with violation . .... . .i . . t Kame law; Male vs. i. na-s. nurn- ham; State vs, rrank Mcquillan, t ... . I ...!.L I- I.ai.. ciiarKeu wiin miceni oi o uuisc and airainst whom the prand jury rejKirted a not true bill. McOui lan evidently satistied the krrand jury that lie had hired the nurse uu a icriu mm intii. mciv was no intention of keeping tin animal; State vs. liamsford, be Thos. E. Parker, son-in-law of the late Owen Murray, of Cedar Mill, and well known in that vi cinity, saved a stranger from drowning at Astoria, last week. The rescued man fell from the dock, and being unable to swim a stroke, was fast being drowned. Barlow Parker jumped from a ship, with bridge, near Glencoe, this week, all his clothes on, and, being a The Henrietta Morgan bunga- powerful swimmer, soon had the low, on Second Street, between drowning man safe ashore. The Baseline and Oak, will soon be stranger was very profuse in his ready for occupancy. thankg but wou,d ve nQ name Money to loan on real estate to his rescuer. Parker had a security. We sell farms. Try hard struggle to get his man us. The Webfoot Healty Co, safely in, and although exhaust- Hillsboro, 12tf ed and nearly strangled, he re- U. C. McDonald, in the auto 'U3d the aid of a physician for business in Portland, was out Beveral hours- Pt"f a very over Sundav. the guest of L C. courageous young fellow, and at iii.. nt.tt ' the risk of his own life haa saved ,. . ... , several from drowning. will torwin. Bon ot Mr. ana 0ne of hla ghlpmates writes ni. uav.a v,o.wm, "wj the Argus that the crew are all progressing bo nicety i nai ne is very proU(1 of parker, who al able to gel up town every uay. waya mects danger with a stout Chas. J. Schnabel, a prominent heart and a smiling face, Portland attorney, was out hi day. before circuit court, on ukasmj jukt KtruKi business for clients. Come out Saturday evening The grand jury reported to Judge and enjoy an open air dance at Campbell the last of the week. the city park, ioelle will furnish and. In the parlance or the street. he music. Refreshment stand it la a hum-dinger. the re- on the ground. Tickets $1.00. port reads: t i i ua We, the grand jury, duly im nr. I. u. viiaoia, a i ui tioou . , , . Osteopath, was out the last of TJL"A 11,.. .. ... ,b n r.f h c n .u.a owwl wimn vviuuunm v.. t 1 u . I M., auicin liiis tuuuu. aim iviuuuuc r. r t1' rlnl into the conditions and manage- L'l , VIltAlltO I -l U IIIVI.IIVI lil aw of D. B. Keasoner,. Mrs. coe ;.. i.i.i i. iun f 'on niu . w i be fore JudL'e SmocK. snerwotxi. I ' . t It t ItMl . .It ..1. !)..!! ... t...A at t he ( otnmcreiat lluiei, nma- i htk iiih7 iqi'ipme ...... r....c,lvj T iiiini ins unit no U-ctei at SsiiW. 0 neeoruer c .tnr.i .vnf everv week. Hours Ireland rcwrts June tees at 1 m i, m I,. 1 1X1 l.itt SIUHLU "" I' ' ' .... r ii ! I..! ..! ltie loiowinir Claims, oiuer lircuit court adjourned Satur day evening, thus ending th term which started in March. A new jury and it new term of cmirt will open next Momlnv morning. Judge Campbell hand ed down the following, usid from what is published else Kline; r. K. & N. Jv t'o. was granted a decree for right o way in the case of Heidler et ills, The First National Bank of HillslMiro was granted ll decree mtaimd !;. Shute. Richard Cou ntable et als. w. II. Stratton, tf t lornelius. was ordered to turn $7.r into crnil for his wife to conduct hoi Hide (if a divorce case, Divorces weiv cranted ill lt New man vs. Newiiian nnd Jag tiw vs. .liignow. The grand jury returned Z true bills of indictment, nnd one "ot true bill. Next week's jury term for July will have the fol lowing jurors on the panel; l' i"l Howl, I'm liter, South IlilUboto "'""ik I, I. it Ii i y , l'Htuier, lU'uvriilmil Jno Hi rji r, I'Hiiurr, IUnvrrilnin AH) it l',iiyi Hiiriiic, lliinki ''"'I C llei.ltl, I',)uruiilliT,N.lIilllro WiiIIit IIhuiuiii, l'.iriniT, Huxtun 'dwrfrd C Mulloy, I'nriui-r, 8 TimUtln 'enl C. inner, I'luiner, W Untie '.iim-r M. Nutt, Meiclinnt, N I'nrest Otove loiliKtil M Kvle, Farmer, Ilenverilom J"lui OImui, I'mnirr, HeHvenliun N'li J, linker, 1'ntmer, Hunks (' v' l.inenln, I'miuer. Wwiliing'tcn h'liii II Howell, I'aimrr, Moui.tnlii A'eliie A pike, 1'iiniier, Heiiveilon Sinim-I l' emir I'm mer. Heriverttmil lom-jilt MrUolirrl, I'rtinier, Olden Cteek W Stilt, (i ,,.,, iicveiton '"Im C Hiictmimn, fanner, CornelliH "eUUuu, Riiiiht. Went lliitle I'n.nk J Willinum, Farmer, N Hillilwro Jeln lliuiHon, Fnrnier, Keavfiitimi ""in Cmitiel, 1'armer, "ii"lll"'' Juljii A McCny, Fanner, ll; J'Uneii 'rrnllj Ker, Meclmn'lr, N HillHlioro I1'1") II II.hIhiiiI, Fiuiht, VVtiMliiii(loii (Voriji. Thyng, Merelmiit, Urnvf ttim loiepli s Hoblimon, Fanner, H TuHlin lHiert H'liomtuoii, Farmer, Heavenlam 'ver Weniiott, Faiiier, Colmnliia Amliew .lack, Kanier,S Hjlll(iro .Henry Wehrunvr. the pioneer, Will not make his annuul trip to The Thursday night club of tha published in last wwk's Ar the Keedville Presbyterian us, wore allowed; Church is to give a lawn fete on w , lHlnefi Mll ry ,m, p(nse..,.5J ss i he rlimvh awn. luesrtay pve ning. July 10. lee cream and ,-iiL,. home made candy, nnd somethinir to drink will In- served Tln.v urn tilnnninir some line music. Fortv acres for sale; Partly eleneed! OIIC- fourth mile Irom schiHil house; two and one half mile fenin railway station, near ( eticoe. rrlce, l!Si, J V Bailey, niilnry 35 lohti MeClatmi, l exp tx txi W Hailev, rriiinu ani exp s K 11 IWinl, c li anil j dl 3 f0 Olniei S: I'rmllumimc, lHtitmeiy.... 14 5 0 A I'aUernon, c h ami jail 9 4u 11 Wetuung. A Sons, c li ami jail. . 14 81 TC llulley, nurveyor'a ollice Ji po M C Cane, trav exp 1 1 10 M C Case, sal ami uC";ee exp., 79 5 ArRim, printing 6S jo M N HonliHUi, aaesi'i)ice....H7 4" J W (iooilin, l ami exp -115 S 11 Omilnfl, sprc ilist Nu 1 47 3 till... i i.,...o ( i-nv Hi s horo. K .lis H Dnuliill, limine ami nu 171 i.s " U Olaaa (fe I'rmlhoumie. slat 480 ltobt Sclirs, Homer Hnimott, S N Foule, assesuir'a ollice 7 00 1 i' 1 r. , vueni un to KlVie Owlniati ' ". 9 00 ami n. 1.. mi v. - - A ' ' j W McRoterta " " "7 Summit, above t orallis. hatur- john s te livt.ry s J0 hie. for a fishing expeditipn m s 11 Stoeil. bri.kea. , j 9 1 . nu ... . 1. :. . .. . ' i.r .. : il. ,.iim 111ns 1 CV 1 lane Brarc urns reiin , UW ,,.,.,.. V. M...,., ..i,l.,.. 0,1 YwriTH . , irii; 1 1 se..aiV KciiVreii:::::::: .i o0 ancli, while tlH't'O, nnd tepoti a T u To,iKne, ilit atty ollice ao 00 ram ine time, Willi Ireland, wl aiut exp 190 00 , 111 i numriiH r n a w .... - ' . it, 1 .1 w 1 " - ' . 1110 Climax iuiiioiK v..,. " ,; o Hauciick, salary aia 00 furnish Slickfl lree 0t Cliarge 0 0 Hanetiek, board of prU I3'75 Ciemers desirillir tO SOU or J H MaltliewJ, reuei jos micucr... j uu .1 .1.. ..... l ..t J In tn hnv fsr !,..; .nt nt ii'ir wi ro- ntwi u'onimuv iti 1 1. . . 3 to store men nnvv v , 412 i ri 1 tlOUSe. ' " r. U Hancock, exp 1 1& 7 Dr, Cunninglmn, of OreEg;::;::: was in town imohuuj , i.u - Nel!(on Hl)w COi (limny Uppiiet...n9 s& t he mirserv town is getting along i,ll8honi, Co, iat 1 04 l,.,.Kr The McDonald bungalow, pc Stales Ttl Co, c h lihoiie. 19 40 l"'i". .. , ...1. --. iU.. If u 11... ...UI. ,1-r nl .1 iH IO.I i 1. :.. ...... ..f tiin nnem. 111 l.ne 1 rv iumiv ...... . , -x , WHICH is ui c . y 11 Umx. lief li so ..,..i.,iit ui soon ue iniujr ivi , o u 1 1 m li L, rieam, iivciy , j CC Hancock, relief p bo .1 u: Kmr ek & LOtwIn, C U 7 P II P I ....... . it I lOV'IU II III 1 IIIN I i V.'. U, ei r, '? "t 3 vr Connelt ACp, 4 High Q UALITY Drug S tore The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. THE BEST EVER" ftaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. A. THORNBL'RGH President J. E. BAILEY Vice-Preaiilent W. W. MCELDOWNEY CMhier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE. ORE. C 1 mitrtia mmrrv I 7 CC assistant. ' Mr.' Abry. Vum? BhH'hIo BlVam Hotter Co, t tollerjUas 00 the lirst of the Tl'H vPtl went m 0 c.e. retMt typewriter 7 " Oil 0H U'! , 11,0 lu'I'iV, L Uleo Morrill, turvey 640 work under bweeney. - 0 Ct nncock) prisoner. ... 7 as IH'Ct tO return, r riuay, passing ihtli grg,le examiners, each receiv hroueh Hillsboro. ing $9-K H l'iteh. Joe s Case, KMimt llliunh." ,.,.u nn r,.i,ii Keep your chickens enclosed! jOB(i9 aml hi(fhwys-May & Con- Just received -a large coiiHigu- over (l0 7J Woif Bros 143 , o, 4 j jautv ,..nr of 1)1111 tfV Wire. INOW la m, DJSi K V, tteBSiri(:r iiu 77i L' Z I L t o buv -EmwicK & H'in iJ 5 Moo,e 960,1. w the time IO uuy. mom-!.?: J,ge 7 ri0i Conzelman Bros 9 75. J K Corwin. Dickasoa aj. . ' ' - H ,... 1 1.... ,1 ..n . 1 ,.a If Krnst, Or t oriianu, Circuit uourt jurors nuurrmf injjs m, '..11.,, .lumrhtpr- C Relue at L K Shute L C R Shoiey 6, ncCOIlipailieu uy ik , "nl ok Vmn i' T M Kerr a, Willmtu MI'S. UingllMiii, v iv,,v.., . Rftbert8 6. L J tiuslliow 3340,.) Red Willi IHT mw wrri" J'alinatfer, over bunday. Frank Wejsenbeck and sU of near Witch J-M. wre ' c.ty Haturday at'teruoon, fl Nnlson. the Mountaindale- mull man. was down to ment of the offices pertaining to the courts of justice, and to the Wm. Kohr, formerly of Green- management of every public Ule. and later ol bnaciy tfrooK, prison and public institution in is back in Miiwaume, wis., anq the county, respectfully report writes the Argus that it is "Hip, the result of our investigation as up, hurrah tor old Washington follows, to-wit: County," after all. That we have returned 30 true B. 0. MeKir.ley, of Portland. bili and 2 n true ms: , . . and JvaAngelo. of Forest Grove, inal '.e nave exammea into were married July 9, 1U1U. at the ".uumuita wi wumjr tM. lomeof the ofTiciating minister, iarm, anu " uie saiue w ,t. i u n .ui n i r n vtr on iinnr 11 11 mi iOV It V. otlV'erS, uumwiw. aim an uiuii. piav-c w . i r n KeeP t-ne county poor, ana we Chas, I). W aglier and Ul C. Ux'ommpnd that the ronntv Starrett wero married at the VvQivt Ka antVnei70fl tn V11V0 o ... 1 UUUl VA SAU btlVl 11IL V. M homeot K M. btarrett. Jorest competent man to superintend Grove. July 7, 1910 Kev. Hiram the .mT farm by the year, sub- Uouia oiliciaung. ine prroom is to dismissal at anv time for i.. ii:..i... ..,..., k;. ". .. . . . . imiu i wwwax v,uuiivf, viuu. failure to do his duty to the sat L. C. IMunkett notifies his pa- isfaction of the county board. trons that he has sold his lease- We have ajso examined into hold to D. H. and Kay Keasoner the condition of the buildings on and that he will discontinue his the poor farm, and hnd that the wagon. He also wishes to thank dwelling 3 sufficient for the the neou e tor their uatronaire. present needs, out recommend j some improvements in me way 1 MMZaaw of Mtot. Plastering and I ven- ... . i . c...,.i is necessary, anu oisu suiutj mi- ri' i P in the water tower Julyia loel8 orchestra for . th t fpom leaki t-.itli ti'nriuitihmant ctan ii An r ; a r i...TT i , i n through the Hoor, Hie kivuiius. iicftcia w . ftYnm:nv intA th Sheritf Hancock, when asked conditions of the county offices. about the allusion to beer and and recommend that the county cigars, said that to his knowledge books be experted, and the re- none had been sent to the ml ports maoe ana puDiisnea noi hut that he understood one pris- later than the middle of Septem nnar did tret some beer when they ber, 1910, and recommend that wr work nir in the courtvard the uounty ooara see mat tnis last Spring. report is completed and publish- The house of Hans lmusen, d". 01 . V1 8 c!!atvA'L.;. .T6L. not to allow both livery hire and C U,K 1 r' 1 'T JZ i mileage to county officials, as we about 6 o clock, and was extin- v,Qa k2 th guished after about ?25 damage "Vica fa tKebaat had been inflicted. Mr. lias- hlve Sbed into the musen's boy smelt the smoke and tJVitVJ fw'untv Tail and blaze which hac caught, doitbt, b t mQmmdt the priv. less, fvoiu a defective u. lh Uehat have been granted to howasxn prisoners, such as cigars and &. Lancashire, and John an- r..' i. i.-n a fc v ' ii- i. "... a,. j I occi, uc uiaauuncu. aerwai nus ueo i uVw w au- We would respectfully submit jusitneioss, w ueu.g me aseiu this M 0Ur report and suggest Dated thia Juljf a ma iJhany U Benehel, Capital StocK $25,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 20,000 Exchange to all parts of the World Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates. DIRECTORS Thos. C. Todd John E. BaiUy J. W. Tuqua Wither W. McCldownex J. A. Thomburg Save Vour Money By buying Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon t We have quite a number of pairs of child's, women's, and men's shoes which are slightly damaged and more or less out of style which we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes for 50c; $2.25 shoes for 75c. Men's and women's up to $3.50 for $1.00. These are all good material but not up to present styles. Now is the opportunity to get a good shoe for little money. We shall be pleased to show them to you as long as they last. I 1 MRS. RUANNAH HUNTER W Mire StwelU, li I- MtCoriulk a, G J Pa', ter ai.Roy farceur ?i, H V XJcKn 91, M M Hrvfy B C WiUon 9. Jesse APPlega.te, abstractor with the Washington County Ab stract Title & Trust Co., was a Salem visitor over Sunday, the guest of relatives. Mrs. Ruannah Hunter, who died at Beaverton, ' Qregon't June 1910, was ageo: oliyrW, and had been, a resident 0)' Oregon since is 5. t or 10 years she haa re sided in Beaverton. ShewaaR woman of exemplary character-. and none knew her but to love hoc. She is survived by tour We desire to thank our mends sops and three daiiffht'r8i! Al, for their many kindnesses duringd A. C, Winney, M. HUI, Exai Heilman, Jamea Borwiek, J, A. Abbott, John R. Greenwood. Cara ot Thank Richard, ism and W, M, Hunt er, Ueavertan, ana Jnrs, Mauaa fus, Arlington, Wa.sh,, Mrs. Ell erson, Hazeldale, Ore., and Mrs. Poitraa, of University Park. the recent illness and death of our brother, Bernard Westhoff. I Westhoff Brothers, Cedar Mill Ulrieh Kemp, of Helvetia, was in town Friday, with some fine Swiss cheese. Engineer Harry McLauchlan E.T.Turner, of Laurel, was in the city t rioay eveninir, en- route home from a business trip left last week to take charge of to Portland. an engine over at lulamook. S1LVERWEAR Is a delight to every housewife. It breathes into the home an air of purity, cleaulintss and refinement. THE LATEST PATTERNS Of this beautiful ware made by the best manufacturers can be bought at my store at prices that will please you. I handle only the standard brands of guaranteed Sterling and Plated Wares and you can depend on what you get at this store. CUT GLASS Is another ware greatly admired by those of good taste. Of this I have many beautiful designs to show you in all its brilliancy. LAUREL M. HOYT I r I 1 U 5 I H i: 1J the city the last of the week. Newport this season.