The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 07, 1910, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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I! i Vt tfl" rf Hillahnio
r . ' ,,.. iiii-fta" mad niltr.
I . . I,'MI, Keillor
( cr Oflici il Pip-r
.1 , - . i .hi : J!. ' it Annum.
I . il I h i) YlmraClai
.'he meeting at tho court house
t iii,! iv i.-inniir snoi! ul be
t 1:
.' i t ' i V .
; tV
,n ty.
i t
! ;y every
citi.en of tho
farmer thrviijrh-
.'iitra' portion of tho
he question of ti.ditinji
ion of a portion of
shiii.rt.''n County is the suh
trr.uur of pressed liiscus
i a vi as it means more taa
n i; territory is lost it should
:eret evervbodv in this vieini-
Tra tiers coming int. Wash
irvrtm v'ounty from other parts
of the state are remarking on the
t-'plcn.ii.l outlook for crops, sis
cumpaivd with other portions of
tho Willamette Valley, is just a
question uf soil ami lirainajro.
r:n-RAs va.v.ct
The Washington County Veteran
Association the other day elected
the fvii'ow in.iT officers for the en
suing .war: F. M. Crahtree.
Forest Grove, president; H. J.
Groat, lleaverton. tirst vice; J as.
Forest II rove. 2nd
vice: Anltl. rorest Grove,
secretary; J. C. Giltner, Forest
drove, treasurer: F. A. Haines,
Hillsboro. chaplain: R. W. Me
Nutt. Cornelius, standard bearer.
Tho organization decided to not
hold its annua! encampments
current with any holiday or cele
bration. The next semi-annual
meeting will lie held in October.
Yal'cy wl.c.vt. per bu
Oils. No. i white
Tin:ohy hay " "
Onions m.-w, per sack. ."e. ;4-r sack
f lo( i $11 .'('' fiV
.( 75
O uiitry butter, per ft
tmwMe Lrciinioiy, r Iu 2i'jK)
K'V-i. ;xr rto.en 27
iku , per !t ...17S
A rretiv
nome wedding was
on Ju!v 3. 1910. at
the ho-ne of the bride's parents.
(' 1 .1,,
udu;,i:iti. jjeaif
in man luge to George Frederick
Hutcher.:;, of twrbffg,'iierr-W.
A. Fros-ser fitlating.
, ih h-i :de was dressed in white
..rftrPYifefgP1 chine trimmed with
yatawrnes, The parlors were
beautifaS'y decorated with sweet
pens arid tern.
'Ihe groom is well known in
11.1 in. 1 1
ixewnerg and rortland, and is
highiy re spected, while the bride
has a lare circle of friends in
Washington County. They will
reside at Columbia Park, Port
Of the
( 'uuntv
comlition of tlie Washington
.". Ilnnks in the Stale of
.,t th : cloe of business June 30,
I.nans an,', ,'iscouuts fiS,4H 57
Jiotuls, se. i;:ities, etc 19137
lin. inn In i,e, furniture and
Fix'.u ts 3,156 71
I)i.e frcru banks, (not reieive
bai.ksi 86S 52
line iroui approved reserved
liinks . . 10,617 26
Cheiks htiiI other cash items... 2070
1 nlere t pa 1 i,.6 76
i-aMa on unu 2.744 79
Jupeuses 1.I49VI
Total 37,16864
Capital s'ook p.ird in fio.ooooo
L iiilnitlf ., profits, lets exnse9
anil tixt-s paid 646 11
Iuilivlduiil iltpo.sita subject to
check 18,25024
Demar.c! certificates of depifit 684 79
lime cerl.hcrttis 01 di pouts 7, .507 5
Iota' 37, 16H 64
Mute of Oregon j
County of Washington )
a. v. , .aiaway, casnier 01 tne aixive
na.ncil bank, do solemnly bwear that the
aiiove sta'eirifnt is true to tue best of my
knowlulge and belief.
W. O. Oalawav. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me diis
otli day of ,1 uly, 1910. W. McOraw, Notary I'ublic.
Correct Attest: N. I. Uuinett, I,. F.
CarstebS. Directors.
l.ernanl Westhofr. aged 48
years, died in Portland, July G,
and hi funeral will take tilace
batard uy. Deceased lived be
tween i.eaverton and Cedar Mill
for about 20 years, and he leaves
a wile and two children. Mr.
WeothofF was taken to Portland
for an operation, from which he
relapsed slowly until death came.
Three brothers of the Cedar Mill
vicinity, survive him. Interment
will be in the Mt. Calvary cem
etery. The Reaverton Rand, in white
Uiiiloi'n.s, was the subject of
much complimentary talk during
the celebration. There are few
towns the size of Beaverton that
have as fine a musical organiza
tion. 1
Long; of Claims to be Audited
This Month
County Treasurer Jackson Shows $ 1 15.
IIS Cash on H;inJ. Various fund's
Tho county court for July term
j has boon in session since yester
idav morning, and will adjourn
tonight until next week. Coun
ty Treasurer Jackson rejHirts
that he has in the various' funds,
special and otherwise, the sum
ot $113. 138.3 1. Out of this half
of the state tax must bo paid
this Fall, but as a checkmate to
this there are several thousand
dollars of half tax to be collected.
F.ight road otitions were re
ceived and reform! to District
Attorney Tongue:- M 1 Doughty
etals. Roodville: V W Jaquitii
etals. Scholls; H R Horner etals.
Beawrton: Peter Vatnloranden
etals, Verloort:W I, More etals.
Ranks; A C Kniirer etals, Mid
dleton;T J Allen etals. Reaver
ton, and Ira T Mills etals, R.ux
ton. A R Todd and Thos Connell
were appointed viewers on the
Herman dlaske public easement,
to view July IS.
Road controversy Hulort Rer
nards John VanOyko, referred
to District Attorney.
Thos Rradiey unpointed mad
supervisor District 3"2. darden
Home section, vice Otto Nichol
son, resigned.
There is a large claim list to
lie allowed.
Claims allowed:
J E ZiiutiKiui .n, co mad fun 1 .. f9 j.'i
J K Zimuurtinn. fp-o K 1 No jS
V 75
Ambrc! Svhmidlin c r J; A. IV.iv
er Creek 4500
Wui Jckon, co trea-urtr 51 05
J W Ballet, freight ... 7921
Win Kou.kes, co road, t a th fid 5 00
Cha Jackson, wi ms S.non & Co 3.20
Glass A Piudiiuunn, priming 90
C R AJam, Roa I Uisl 31, Jiec al 37 4.1
Securit, Vault & Mct.lWoiks,
Culvert 43 50
Spieriug ci; Solder, lumber Center
ville bridge 124 4
Washington Co News, printing.... to 5o
L M Bue !. lum'er roi!s 12 96
Boring Bros Beaverton, rij;, co
court j ,ro
Grace Deichman, wuik survtyor'i
office 65 uo
Pacific States Telephone' Co er-
HilUljoro Water & Liul. jt-J'
Ootf drew, liabbilt OX: Lai. CilU rfmi
llenrv kiwaUL fifMor...1..129 00
I B Iuilat'Uor...J.. 22 .kj
Allan Kice, neu a- ".ir... 49 so
haWasgcssor 27 00
A . ecu, . ru.
A,iAPi3tb34tn iboroIu(!ependest, p.intine... 2645
J C Wengcr, lumber 35 2
Max Crauda'l. assessor -too 00
J W Bailey, deposit for rock work
Hist 6 and U 2,000 00
I V Biiley, stamps 22 50
J N Grab;., roads and highwayj 1650
.1 K Borwick, powder ioad 103 60
Security Vault & Met Wks, culv't 121 40
C K Potts, Orenco bridge 47 fo
L N Tompkins, luiuler (iren.o
bridge 87 50
Sam f'ooley, diayage 75
W A Venb!e, meals jurors 3 25
Hea!l & Co, county roi.ds 7 5-,
W J Butner, fjr li st 26 51100
H B Tigard. field ass.-sicr 69 00
Fasluoi stable, rig coronor . . 13 00
W F. Taj lor, hitchiug rock 17 85
C S Stan'ey, fit Id assessor 39 00
Htllsboro Undertaking Co, coffin
, I P?r ("" ,7 5"
' J anuay, ituil inspt cior . , . 90 50
Iir W I) Wol, health officer 10S So
John Thornburgh, witness grand
G c I'o'.ts, Ctn erville bridge ..
Kendeison Smith, couuty r a'l
Irwin-Holson Co, paiuting ...
Joe Zimmerman, luuling tile...
4 7S
2 00
2 50
Marlin Vndehey, county fa in 42 25
June grand jury witues,es: F ed Col
felt, $6; Win I'laie, f 4; Walter kosewum,
f 20; Isaac Bieilsoe, fS; Kliert Honda,
; Loui a Halter, ff to; Walter Zuer
cher, f4; Henrv Scotc, f7 4 ; A H S,iran
er, f 4; VA Colfelt $6 8o; Gus Rossi, l,
uhn Boland, 4 60; Rev. Spie?, f4; J bn
Welch, f 4 40; Fred Sumjieis f 1; MiUa
Haines, J6; Bske We.tfill, f6, Arthur
Galbreath, f6; Bert Fonda, $0
Of the condition nf the Hillsboro Com
mercial Bank at HilUboro, in the State
if Oregon, at the close of biiniuess June
30, 1910.
fians and discount" 253. 370 02
Bonds, securities, etc 12,31 27
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 8,800 00
Due from approved reserve
banks 66,967 47
Checks and other cash hems 376 17
t.'a ft on hand 18,124 30
Total 360,019 23
Capital stock paid in $ 25,000 00
Surplus fund 14,00000
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid 5,314 85
Individual deposits subject to
check 160,799 36
Demand certificates i f deposit 1 1.393 02
T me certificates 4,13670
Savings deposits 139,375 3'
State of Oregon,
360,019 23
County of Washington J
Iffj.o. Schulmerich, Cashier of the
above named bairk, dj solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Geo. Schulmei ich, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
2nd day of July 1910.
W. N. lUrielt, Notary Public.
Correct Attest. Kdward .Schulmerich,
J. W. Bailey, Directors.
John li. Railey, of ahwve Bux
ton, and who came down as a
witness on the Stowell deer case,
says that apples, pears and
prunes will be fine crop on his
ranch, this season.
Dimension Lumber and Timbo;.r.
Rough and Dtcsscd
ler of all Kinds.
Mi 1 t 't miles fu.m R. 1
Cornelius' Place.
Will Deliver.
Cornelius, Ore., Route I
The deficiency in rainfall since
last SeptemU'r is 'J.02 inches.
Leo Mead, who luus been at
Springfield several weeks, re
turned for a few days, the last
of the week, and contemplates
iromjr to Sheridan for a time.
All poisons knmvine; them
selves indebted to the under
signed will please call and settle.
Herman Ostermann. Center
ville Store.
Miss Mariraret Crusiv, Miss
Marjorie Martin and Miss Kdna
demons, of Portland, were
quests of Mrs 11. T. Raeley ou r
Sunday and the Kmirth. Miss
Clemons remaininir all week.
Sunday School at the Christian
Church next Sunday at lOoYlock.
KMer Win. X. Yalbndivrham w ill
preach at 11. On Wednesday
eveninjr at S o'cliK-k. Rider Stiv
ers, of Forest Grove, w ill preach.
All invited.
The Hart & Matrann meetintrs
closed Sunday, with, it is said,
over 'JtHl conversions to their
credit. It is understood that
they received something' like $S(M
or $iXR) for their services. Their
meeting were larirely attentkd,
and the bijr tent tabernacle was
always crowded in the evenings.
lira m- t n r a t
Copyright, K-10. by Amfrlr-.n JYesn'Utlon
I van in Kgypc ln-fore- tile faiialkal
outbreak of ls'j. When u trouble of
that kind U ocniilii j; llmsy who are ut
ill the neeret eillier know n Ihlnj;
alaitit ll or have only vhkuu mtspl
clous. 1 heard si.ine ugly rumors 11a P
wlul was alxnit to liapa'ii. but did Imt
know how muc h dependence emild !
plar ed iijioii tliein. 'J'o all uutuiiid i--araiifeT
everything was mo nitf on
us usual
1 wu obliged to go to Ismallln mi
busliies.s. If I had known tin- eoiidl
tloii of the people of the eouuiry I
should not have trusled uiyself out of
I'ort Said, where Kurupeaiis were coin
parathely safe. To make a Journey
Into the Interior was iiiadneM.1, but 1
did not know II. Indeed, I only real
ized that under the cln umstam t-s I
would rut her not go. A matter of or
dinary gain and being uiurderwl were
the alti-ruullves.
I went on a night train. lielng Nome,
what flu leal about my diet. I iix.k with
me a hamper tilled wllh as Hileeiileiit
eatables as I could gel together iind mi
the top placed a box of elgara from
which only a few of tho weeds had
been taken. I got Info my compart
ment, put my hand baggage. 011 the
rack and settled m..self for it Journey.
Being lu 11 Miiiokhig coiiipai'lmetil, 1 lit
a cigur.
The compartment was filled with tin
tlves, 1 being Ihe only Kuropenu In It.
'J'hls in Itself was not encouraging.
The tiniu had hardly got under way
when 1111 old Arab sheik sitting oppo
site urn leaned forward and calmly
took my cigar from between my llp.i
and. pluciug It between his own, smok
ed It himself.
To have resented the Insult would
have been equivalent to Inviting the
Until to slab me. 1 therefore paid 110
attention to liim iind, taking it news
paper from my pocket, began to read
that Is, 1 pretended to read, but 1 had
no Idea of what wus 011 the sheet be
fore me, my mind being taken up with
tliu fact that 1 was hi 11 compai-lment
with seven Arabs mid utterly ut their
mercy. My eyes appeared to be fixed
upon the paper, but I was canting
quick ghincerj side wise ut the natives
and knew by their chillier and occa
sional looks at me that I was the sub
ject of their con versa tlon.
Then u lucky thought occurred to
me. I reached up to the rack, got my
box of cigars from my hamper, took
out one for myself mid handed tho box
to the sheik who hud robbed 1110 of the
one 1 had been smoking. He took It,
appropriated 11 handful of the contents
and passed it to the others, who did
the same, mid the box was returned
to me. empty.
Notwithstanding my peace otTerlng
I expected every moment to feel cold
steel entering my vitals. Most of t he
Arabs wore long knives where they
could be seen, mid 1 knew not what
other weapons they had coueeilled.
As for me, 1 was unarmed, and even
If 1 had been armed my oponenls
were seveu to one.
I cannot describe the agony of thai
night, expecting, as I did, death ut
any moment. The Arabs in my coin,
pui'lmeiit paid 110 attention to any
thing that was going ou lu the 11:-1 of
the ti n In, but 1 had a vugue feeling
(hut something very luiportunt uilyht
U going on. I can't account fur this
1 feeling. fvr I heard uo sound to pro
duct- It. I only knew that I fell that
there was murder lu the air
limilly their looks and acts were so
suspicious that I tx-thought noie'f of
souio other way similar to 111 v otter of
Ijj.irs to placate them. Then' my
lulu lu-oti occurred to me. Ceacliln
up again to the rack. 1 brought down
my hamper, opened It and dwpl.oed
Ih eatablet. Kery man's were
ou tliein, but Hot a tuati UiomsI to
touch auy of them. 1 offered the ham
per to the mail who sat liet me, tint
l.e dcvllncd lit turn t handed It to
every man In the compart inent; but.
though they all looked with eager eves
Uhu the viands, nol a man would nc
cept a morsel.
At first 1 was astonlhel at this
Then 1 remembered that lu Arab will
break bread with an enemy
The moment this oourre! , mt I
! knew I was dootmsl I put my tiamwr
back on the rack and. wrapping uivself
In my oven-oat. lay back In my seat,
with my eyes closed, to await what
ever was In store for me.
I heard a great tb-al of wrauglltii; oil
the part of the Arabs, but I Iteauht I
would rather rely oil my weakness
than on being prepared for resistance
that would U) useless. So 1 did not
' epeti my eyes, presently t felt a hand
on my arm. Thinking my time bud
; .sune. I looked, and there was the
'sheik who had taken my clar fr.nn
my mouth 'mldlng out a plcve of dry
bread I took It and. biting fr hii It.
' chewed vigorously.
I A II'mhI of relief and Joy seemed t
have been (sum-d over me. I knew
i from that moment I was safe. Ue:i, h
lug up for my hamper, I look ll down
and hand, si It to Ihe sheik lie lu-lpc!
himself, then passed ll annuel to li e
.others, each man partaking pw-iitlfulU
of Ihe cotilenls
, Noiv that they had broken bread
with me tiud I having 110 more to fear
I rigaln leaned back hi my seat tttid
' this time slept. I knew that I was as
, safe from my Arab companions as If I
j were In my own bed at home
Hut 1 did not risich Ismnl'bt that
ntshr. In th morning I found 1 tin f
; the native had murdered the etulm-er.
atoker and ftery Kuroppun on the train
! Miss Ileiirlettn C. Ii7.ler of AHaula.
j (111.. Is ri suiressfnl arclillis t.
j .Mrs. Herbert II. I). I'elri e. wife of
1 the American mlulster to Norway, en-
j Joys Ihe reputation of Is iug tin- urnst
I successful llMherwomau who has piled
1 hook in the Holds.
j Mrs. Iteubeii A Steer, out e a clr
flis Mini museum iilliaclliiu. Is imiv the
owner of a restaurant and coiifectlini
cry store in Chepachet. It. I. She Is
; forty four Inches tall.
! Mrs. I.ulii liiee of Imgmoiit. Colo.,
recently rei'elved 11 cerlllliiilp eniibllug
her to practice einbaliiilng. She was
,thi- only woman among the stueu can
illdates who took the reipiirisl ejnuil
mi t Ion and the only person w ho got a
j Mrs. A nnn Slurges liuryea lias been
itippoliiled by the International School
iof I'eaee ns Its olllclal repn-setinit Ive
011 lh- platform. She will deliver free
of chiiige talks or lectures before any
woman's club or other society Inter
esleil In the object of the sm lely, mil
versa I peace and arbitral Ion.
It Is unofficially announced that Mrs
W. K. Viinderbllt will fa- ib-eorali-d
with Ihe Order of the Legion of Honor
ut the next promotion. This has peen
rumored before, but then; Is every rea
son lo believe the Trench government
has nt lust yielded to Ihe iiIiiiomI mil
versal demand on the part of those
who are Interested lu the (hurllable
work of I'nrls.
Sporting Notes.
i Rddlf! Onint. I'lilladclphln t,r,
baseman lusi season, nmde more tills
than Hans Wagner. He smms the
llrst strike Ihe pitcher fries to sucim
I Or. Sargent, Harvard's famous pbys
leal director, proves by weights and
measurements flint the American ath
lete Is five pounds heavier ami an Inch
or two fuller than bis brother of llilr
' ty years ago.
Maurice Only, the veteran billiard
player, belleies Hint Thomas Huesloa
Is (lesllned to become one of the
world's best bulk line billiard players
if he applies himself to (he game and
takes care of himself.
Arthur OulTy, speaking about Al
fred Sbrubb's great records, kii.vh lie
thinks the little KiikIIsIiiumu'm' best
mark was his I) minutes !) a-fi seconds
for two miles n ml his Till minutes 40
seconds for ten miles.
At forty-eight "l'lirincr" litirns, wres
Her. lx flopping lln; younger mat art
iKls wllli surprising uvldlly. 'The
"r'nrmor" has been n professional
grappler for thirty yeurs. He doesn't
drink, mnoke. chew, swear or use po
lite cuss words, but lie knows how to
get tilt- money.
When you want ice cream, k'1
the best. Ilazlewood Koeber's
-1 .
Tho City ami tho Country aro bound
together by tho tolephono lino.
The t.uincr and his family use the trie
phone constantly, c.illiti;.; up each olhi 1 and tlw
nut kct town on a'l smts of ni.tttcis and lut all
sm is ot supplies mid iiifid in.ttiuti
City people also iind the telephone id ojc it
advaut ice. A Hauler tmiu his loom in the hotel
t ilks with the I'.iriu folks miles aw.iy. Without
the tcli phoi- he eould ti t tc.icll tliein.
T'hctuiiH i hini-cll' 111.1v travel l.u and sliU talk
licuiie oir ih I.oiiv; 1.. Maine Lines olthcRvll
S stem.
, m ...a ....
id dir
liupoiud iVom 1'r.nuc ly A. C. Ruliy : Co, in June
10 5- I'ul.V r.-totdid in the Amcinan IViihcion
Ilo'se Hrccdcrs I tllp. t let s' Asms, i.ition's Stti.j I'.is.k.
Color, nil hhuk; Splendid coufoi 1 u, A line Site.
Mond iys, :it (JK-tuiH-Tuesdays,
at Moimtaiiiil.ilc
Wciliicsd.tys, on call
Thin sd.tys, ( Hsoit 1'lacc, I.oitsii;
liont I.ake
1'iiil.tys, Home Uaru, li.tuks
Saturdays, at lltixtoii
Tt-rmn, -SiuK:c seiviu, $7; Scasi.n, $12; To insure
coit to stand and stick. $15. Care to prevent, hut
imt rcsp itisible lor accidents.
J. r.
I.rnve for I'ortlaiid
orrnt (iinvr l.issl
hrridsii 1 'Iyer ,
'on nt I ,roe l.o, . ....
orrxl I i rove 1,'s nl
',, Overland
f, a 111
i n a. in
10 41 a. 111.
J.HP. 111.
V'O 11. m
Le n i n I'ortlanil for 1 1 ilNU.n,
'orvn'lu Ovcilaiid
''ileal I rcn v I.khI ...
1 r.nt C.nne
.hctidau l iver
on t C.nnf lcal ....
7 io .
h ,0
1 iti p,
4 is 1 p.
5 4o l.
oki:ioN i.i.ixikic
The m lu diile of , I, p ,,!. n , , . amv
"f Urrgon I Jtclri,' e,im for ',.,tUn,
follow i;
i m,ti.m, iM.1M I't is ri, n i)
7 "S " in . . . s mi h ui
H 5''" 111 'I a m
'" " 11 i a m
" 'S p m ; 1 ,, ,, ,
1 s I' "' 05 p 111
4 " I' 111 4 5 p m
7 'M' m 6 n p m
Vs I' '" io p m
I l " ! t tm in
I! Sunday only ; Siiinbiy mU
NOTICf; onviuv uu.s
Notice is herebv trivi-n tli-.i 11,.,
liepiibhcan primaries will b.. held
in Washington County in the
several nrecincls ut. run. i.',b.,.b
in the afli'i'iimiii mi 1 ... ,
, . I., I 1 , III V .
July it, 1!M0. for the purpose of
electino; l-l-j.r;tt.cs to the county
assembly, which will be held in
iiiisuoro, Ureon, at the court
house, jit ten a. m . on Koin..,!,..,
-Inly b, 1010. The apportionment
ol delegates is based upon Un
vote cast for Supremo .Judp-e, and
is as follows:
itcnu ril im
1, . o
liuxloii ,
'''riieliiir. "
t'lillirnhin '
lia t Untie ?
Ka,l Ce.lar 0
(We Creek I
Ct'istriii '
Mtainliiin '
N .rib Hillsboro.
vt -.1.1. .,, ' 12
ii t ii rorew i.rove
Keeilvii e
Hunt Ii Ifil Islsiro
Slllllll li'rirMul I-,.....
"""" ,
:i utli TuaUtiii
WnsliiiiL'tou ;
Wi st lint e 1
West Cidar ',' 7
; 164
J. W. Connell,
County Chairman.
Milwaukee. Deerinir ,,r,,l
, , , ' Ill III
I .tii-mo'ly .v,..,....u.. .. 1
"""""H MMIWeiM. 1'lkHU li,l
binders, at the Hartnunpf Feed
fttori!, on 1'. If & w. Mnii. t
station. Jhemachirwieu ibui 1
stood the test of years. 15tt
n:ii "x i . fH
U Jim-Mi
' I K .Iir A,- V 1 nil I I
S ii in
CARST KN. M untin'tr,
N.ltlt'n ) llCaffi t.W Ml . M I It.- wi.
InrsiKiml. Iiavn H,u ,y lb 1 ,,,inlr
'iij in iiinuid , lrg,il, ,,r
' llllllin I'ot.ltlv ilnlv ,..,..,...l A
- - -ri-.. -, niiiiiuiiv uf tl,n Kui. Ainlrew ll.utk.
II.1TBK.I. a, ,,a,( .,,
All iMTKolm ,1.1.... ...,.... ..,.1
la'.aln linrPr l..IUie. I., I'rrM ill 11, r
"") r Votirlli.l . Ii, ,K ,,y
oltire lu l',.fi,rilim (f.'Koll, al III" U,., r w, .s. Ut., i. u. i, iihi.ihih.,
""gun, wul.ti, ,) ,,,
il tin.
j ll,lli.l lliia Junn -s. l lln
j I'll. r-.KM-.-il K Kllrsr.
I A.linli.uii.otr of llir ruu. ,,( ,i,.,
j 1 1 nil. k, tln-rarr.1,
I ,,N lUrrni, Atu.riirr for aI, '
jUI.. ,..,
' noiici:
I'nrtlninl, tirr , Jtinr j,i t(lo
J Notice u heirl.y VIU ,!,, )Iir mi,r
I .iiln King, I,,., , ft 1,1 M1f,j
withtmi !,. , ,,.,,.,, ,,!
. will tint I ri-ponmu r lot any lulls idir
.mv lOhliaCl.
Aic.i sr c. Kkif..
Allcnllon llnUu-ln lin-t-ili-ra U tt.'.iV.. ,.r ii. oi .
i : k -7'"i iinnriofo, nra' ira lo
I rxchaiigr a Ibo oughliiid HoUti-n, ,
I rt-ginlt ti',1. f,)t am.iher n g .irii-, bull!
hcnmill III litreriil I..I...I ..I.. .. I., t.i.
, , , : "ling III lll
lenl. lln, in a line annua'. Anvoi.r
having a iloMein wi hiug to r. h,g,
lor ir,,. wu , Wrl, , h(m
j Nonci;
To our customers: We. t. ,,.
dersiKiied, KVl. mivit ml ((
arid alter July 1. )), the price
;;fmilk per ,,uart will be raised
from $1.7.r to $li.(MI, UeSp
t. II. Carter,
... . It- II. Creir.
HillslMiro, Or., .June 15, HMO.
ui-:sii)i-:nci2 roi sai.i:
l'or aale, my seven room house, rrxt
to helonregiiii,,,,,,! ,.,,.,, Mn(1,
"i t. All modrrii, nepnc tnnk, hot and
"hi wafer, barn, , ,,,.lv lf fl1
lrres, .try ,)MN)lp, ot
'A? 0 W. HATH,
I have nuide arranementH
with Krnest Coetter to tlo black
Hnnth work in the shop at Lau
m on Mondays and Thursdays.
He will a ho be there part of the
ay at other times, if patronatre
lj.'mands. We trust the peojlie
l the Laurel sectitin will favor
1 1 u , . . j ' pairotuiKeand help
is to build a greater and better
Laurel,- - K. T. Turner, mer
chant. 15.7
l'ersonu lioinr : n... , in inu coiinirv
and wi.Hhi.iK to take the Daily
and Sunday Oxonian for one
year can, by paying a jn
advance, ,r(.t tho ArKus and an
OreKoiuan map, or chart, for the
one tii-ieo ' ri,:,. ' ,. .
last on,r-ho get in your order
N-ruK ,., urn, (i
w y r c
is '.111-,,
SlNti. , I
' ' ,. w',
Ill lln. 1
Ini'l.ill ('.,iii ,
tit ,
i 1. .11
Hi III" Mi, lt)
Mill. l.u,,, i.,., 1 , n
11,111 In, t 1 . .
Ittgtotl ,tt,( y
To e. 1. ii,.',. , ,
log i.l eUili,.i i, ,
llllolIKh M In, 1,
'"v. ,
a, I
l"-'.,,.i .
"' ! 1 . '
II.., 1. . ' ""!
iif,ii,n.ji,t ,r4, It(v(
to. lr,l
oil .ii, r..'li ,,
loll P llinl II, ,
,r,y. 1 .1,. , ,
1 ',11111)1 ' oil ,. th
Wuailn,j,,,, 1 ,,,, 1 ,
all. ill .l i,,4,, ,,, ,
tm a I, -attf 1
I i -I Hi., W I ; ,
I .N.trlli, 1.,,,,-r t u ,
Mi, ll. II111, 11,.
e ,, l. lii,.,,,,!,,.,
, Hi I, ,ni 1. 1 .,,,1 1
I I ,, I
" ' In
,.l II,,
1 "I
g l-l 1
IV i
C,l ,.
l, I,. In f ,11, , ,.,
I1.'KIiii,,iib- .t , 1 ,,
ul .0. Sc, titlll t .( (
l.ll,l, I, M i-t , i , , a.
Il l.c . .1 ,,f t ,. ,,,,,'
,'t, J. , ,l,ll l, , I,,,,, ,
n ..' l 4,, .,ii ,1,1 , , , 1 t
tlicltp III . V.t.,
, oi, In II, n o It I, , , .. ' '
liol llin I.l.,., 1 . 1 t,, 1
.N..lll, 4 ,. m ,w ,.., , t .
! , III- ll, .N..HI. I .,,
I l-i toe,,,. N ,, ; . ,
' ""'"i ,1,,,,,
' "int..
1 tm. ,.r
,1 .(,,
' in ,,
llln I, II l,i ,1. . ,,
1 I,
.1 ;
lilt .
ll.: .
.tUI.M.V i,l . , ,rt
I't II, In . ttr ; d, I,
,11 r, t ,lli ,, II,, ,t.
. Ill ' 1- l .. .1,1,,,
V'lllt II..
l 11, r
I I.l,
i r
.Sol III .' ,l.g III ,,,, I 4
Si, Hl, I I, ..II . i HI , t
l.,li, ,, ; to S fr I ,..
Ilil,,n StoUi Jt ,,y
l I; tltrlit . II, .111,, , Ly , ft
llUl.t ! lu l.!,., ,,(
14 ,i l 1 I. rl ll, r ,,
llllll, ll, I, 1 I. 1,,
i llllo I.l tl, I, it I,,, !,.,
' "". I
' I II,
'! .4
II l 'l' .11 , ',
tlieinn ,S..rtlit rl, . tllf
t'-., ,
l,avln . I..I,., , i ,., ,,t , ''
' I.H U.rt... S ,, ,i , .
r.4i, i ! , irfi , ir,. ,,, ,
' 4l! 1.. llir lrl ,,, ,, .
Irnl . ,lilt,. o "I ii', '
lift.. V
I I .lr. I, W r ,( i , (v.
s iriix n , , ,,t , ,
, H.lill. ,il I 111, .i , , .,(
n,:i i.
iw ,, im i.iiut mi mr s.,,1, .
I H-i
m'll.'ll s l' l.'.vt r,.,(
,'.,11,1.1 til ..l -.l I, ; ,
"r l,,,,
'ii'iina u.i i i ii ,i. v , i,, i i
ll. ginning .1 (,, i . h u1, ' '
itli uii.'it ;'i i .,( u, ;.,,, t tK,
tMir ai.tirl iiumiIw
.u.h r; a g. o; nun
''I H( 11. i,
'I Iwl , ll.rn,. S ! 11, .,1 r
I.Vll.,; tlmli,. ,S.,,l!i ,
a' ,. ,
t. S. I'"t. tl,m,, n .n!.'i . ,p. "K,
r- .i, Ki I I. at iii.-n, ,. i
irt I), ,l 1,11 I'littn t, l',"
r .. , i, s Uv.
I !,.,,, ,
lo tlio l-U-e , ( tM-fi.i
uel laielli'g ,ft,.. tit..i f
Wl,,l,lll( ( llir i.,.f.',.
aid U'ltlmg,,,. 1.., .,,
.rx. u, 11,10 (, a ,i,itl,
tlielltv N.illll 71 dr c in n. Hn( J,
r.. tin 11, N III ' I')f i 1, in a,
;l I.l .iit U, , ,,l (i.r . j
mIiI al I .,1 ib. 1 - ,,r v.t i
at., a m,-ii. Ian, im
.'iit.1 at l',ll.,w
llrnltmli, al I - . 1 1 1 1 h I, 1, , 1,.
Willi ti,.i .V. i, if c, ,,if e, -Ml .
I.VM'f llr.t ; ri,IHtil!,riv -rtl, V
l mill !. I'I'IikiI tl,i n ..,l'.i,i
11 tlitll, ..l I 11 .l I ,11, r , Hi, V
Ulltitl., f.rl, l.'ifli.r il, I. l'..ri
l Oimlimi .01 a fin (. r... ,! m it
ra,bii,( :,. i . ir, 1 .It. ,, 4 .1
Irrl til tltn pU It t,l I. jft ,1,1 ,w :(; t'
to ant fan, In, .r-ii .1 1, r.u.i
CriiltililliK at tin. 1 ' I, ..'.,,- V
alii IimIiik ruiiumg ui-i
l-t Mllltll Vml. a .li.Uan olM
to a H,l.t Im,,.,,1 til" w t nrir ol H1
ra.l I .'ill w ,ml 1 'I .-I tt V. I
tllif'l latldl,. oil tAi.t "ir .Irvl'.unJ I,
fiiliua -
II, Inning al a ,'il h , u i tct a,
1th UII..U II ",..l i:, ., r in .! . '1
Irw-filaMl: ruiiiio, l.., i,itt, ' U;
In litlll. Iltil S." Iwl, ll,. i,.r i,illli-l.t
'fi llllll. W e.l I ' I-'' I l lilH'n i ilfi '
letf 10 llllll rl Ul frl , tliriter H.utll I
oh a I'lllVn In Id.- irll lilitf'J M'lltl
'I'l I fmi(, a .li.latl'' ul I 'trt, lw',1
plain of la gloltli!.', i,a J'f U'H.-i
lajKlliiK ilia rlU',1 a l,.ll,.a
l ginning at Ihe n.,riii ,,. i hw'
aid I miii 1 1 tBf . rtiniiiiii; tiniiii S'lin'
il.g, I" mill. .-il, ' l.-i ,,,nl!
v.. ml i It., a tml line ! n I .-a-I I ; of
I J ,,l wn il.iii js.
Ami id ap,!li l..m 111 t,,iiw"ti'
la. heard al Inn hk' r A iirml irini I'
Mid Comity I-. uir l lor io,ni,g il 'P
Hitl, unlit of Vlnnioa l,t lea ami k'l
a I.l road and r attinaic i " I .li-lrrinlwiW
llin tUiiotii'" ii'liiiiiiil ,y Mii'ii
l.a all, ,11 Uteri-.. f, am, I trnn I'oliillit"1 i
mi llm .Inl tlay of Am n-.l. 1 iii, i
llnin you am mi(iiir. ,l ! upi-'ar i"l i
Voiir t'.ttiiplalttt? f,ir ,tn'"iiJr ttirtl ) a
ii,er roil will n.'a'ii I" '""
rlHliI of av la .a-all l-V ''
kIiowm and iii aai'l ..-iilio" iil ,al
llirlher yoll i,it!ii.n H'" ran". ''
you hai, wbr laid rllii of JJt 'Ii""1
imt I lin alt-il aa l.y map U"i',i"1
pr,,Jiiiu, .
llneaa my linn, I and wl "I
I'oiinly Coiul or Walil,iil in C'euiitJ
1st day of July, I'M"
J, W. Iltuli'y.
County Clerk of Wii-huiKt"" I'"1"1'''
Kiuiiifih j .in. ,.n . I'll"'"-1"1";'"-
In Iheliiinii. ul tin- hist..,. I "f1""".'' ';
Clnirlis lolniHoii, im n,,iiiii,'l Hi1
. it i.n Ihe in lie' I"'" ' ' .
!'.. .1.1......... . ' t I. , ,'.,11. II !'
n,),i;i 'i.l ..,,,, ., - - ,
lirnvliiK or an older I":'" ' ,
i r lie
i ne i, in, I" ol in. ii run"" v
ll.e phiiutld bun in mi l Lu ''-j',!,,
. . ...i Villi
eiiHOHiv oi inn linn, ,
and Tor cat" and iIihI.ii ' H" "'
iiliovi. setloii rt.i.l for all Unit '"l' , ,,.
In aaitl pelliloii. Von urn html')
llial you ini'Nl eillii'i' ileiiiurrr ""J I I,
i.l.-sil'un or bi.rori. Ihai'Mli !.' ' j
l:t r a ,.,lu t ' ' K
aunlual you a- praveil f-r lu U' V'",M
i order ol Ihe I'oiul . , . ,,.(
I'l.louiumoiii l" piibh-li'"' VI ,,
Hon. .1. W. O.aidlii, CoiMity
Wiiililiiirloii I'onnlV. ti""l" "''. ,ir,i
f . i li.. n, lull), ami Hi" dam 111 "I,1 ',,,
publlcalioii in Tiiiliil"V. " ' Ylilinr
llllll Ol til" lllhl pllllic,lll"ri "
lay, July M. ltd I. sM,w 1'l.iiiltf-
h xe. utor'ri Nom e.
Nollca In hereby iv I hid I ''' '
i., i i 'il noil i"111".' ...
"". .," ... , ci . ',niii'
hy tin. Count V Coiirl nl V t I "J V.!. (i ,,,1,1
tV.Oietf I'Seeiilnriil ll11' ,l,t",l .nil
I'.'.i I.'il.iu Cam. il. l ea"",
lliia ib ly iiialllle,l lit u ih. . t
Now I lllirelore, llll l" '"."', ilrf
Inlma auaiiiHl. the iwl'U" "' m. i in
i avii, ilecea-iiiil, r IicpI'.v r"' ' ,. nl
,1... I., ll Hllt'lNlJ1" ......
...'n.,r,. lilt. an. hi- Ill III"
llin law olllen of lliieley '"" ' ,,i-
horo, iron, loi'i.tlier ill' I"'" ' r, B (
era, wiIIUii au inonthi H'" ""' "
thlHiiol.vv , ... ..If
' JAM KM W. AX T,'lv
.:x.,nl.,r of tl nI Will "' v'
mentol Itllnv Chvh, d hh"I. ur,
llaijlev ,V llarn, Altoin'.vl"
keiiuest (r I'roposuli
He.) DlHlrlct No. Ill, f Jjl'llil"
(lounlv, will receive I.IiImuii l 11 ' m
IH 11110, lor fell her dlititinK ' " h
well." Tim aebool liniii'l l'"H A,,rrri
l lKl.t lo reject liny or all mpf
all propoHiilM lo W. 0. Ur..ll"Jf"'
Uin, Oreuoil, Iloiiln S. .
Iluavorlun, Or., Juiib i,