The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 30, 1910, Image 1

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no. i;
ll..rc kiani.
ttat StfU " ""I timnljr ilh Hufara
,mJ Ihrfl lli.aitcar.
J,u jh M 'ait n, h !li-r in th
Untish uniiy in tin" I' !" War,
t..;iT, ami I:ijkI:-hjm Kiirili'iii-r.
ami a l.iilil'-'i utU-iithnt at Sun
,;iy !ii'l w in WaliitiKt'tn
ctmiit). h: ilitruo-! liiniHilf
ami i"! hi I'lnj'liAi'i bunch of
niniH), stii'l iiii-iil'-ntitlly follu
nit un hi'!-H"4, which 111' llJl'l
, i t aftvr in lln- Ji'hn t uy.
tat Spnn. Mi l'itirii w as almut
40 jiiu i if ai.;f, ami had worked
furs tun.- f r H. M. I'.afrl,
of N'rwloM, ami ih'I far
nmi I u'nmtoii. Kurly in Aim!
ilojiftn l ta .McCairn innn-
ami m ill I. mi to tl' Juliit 1 a
country l 1'i'iiitf I"W two or
a i i r o and niaiv, 1 t h uf
which ' branded "II" i the
left ih"! -.'lil'T, ami lie wit hint
jkrti nl .! ! . ViTiiuii, (Irani I'oun
ty, tthi ; In- tulil a livt-rymnn
that the U-loiignl to Mr.
iiaffri, of in-itr IlillsUim. ami
that In- via hringini; thi-tn down
to U.e .. :. Iruni that imiiI
he left !i' trail, ami it W mij
peif sli.a he lai.Hit from the
path ' nKlitt-otmiieft.H and for
jfut Ins Sunday hcIki lejimin,
'Tlu'ii hhuU not covet thy neinh
Ut's" I'lc, etc., (tin! iol'l the
animal', ami look a long hike to
lintish Columbia, or Mr!il
cruwil the big jmiul, back to
Mrn- Knulaml.
Anyway, Met'airn in a minim
q ;:ifi;.! . wian- the hot-.-; ami
lis si-lKe, which lunl U-eii
ma! l) Gentry & Nohle, of
llii'l'inT, and which lore their
letter iflamp, and a new hridle
with a half Spaninh hit
Mr, lla.sforil is out to get Mc
Cairn, ami will pay a reward uf
j! for the Veteran of the 11 er
War or the return uf the horse.
cokMitji's 1:1.1 iot
June 21. 1;10, ut high litHui,
thi- nmiTiagt' of Miss liej-wie
Kmily i orm-liuH to Mr. John Ar
thur Klliult, Huleinuizeil lit
the linnif of the bride's purvhts,
Mr. mill Mr. T. K, Cornelius,
101 South Uth Htreet, Salem,
Thr Inide was Ik nn iii Hills
lieru ami spent much of lur
early life in Washington county.
Both hrnle and groom are gradu
ates of Willamette University,
and the groom also it gnu Unite of
the University of Washington,
Mr. ami Mrs. Klliott will make
tm-ir hiiine in Seattle, Wash.
now ui:t mtsv
Til' (.real Northern Uailwav
writes the hoard of trade that
"ill vvill this Summer and rail
s'iil Kast a car of exhibits alonjr
nrnniltm-al and horticultural
lines from the Orojron country,
for exhibition in the Kastern
states, Tlt. t.aP wj t,( lahelled
1'roiii Oivkoii", and will contain
t-xhihits of jrrains and uxasses,
n'"l fruits. 1U wants cherries
(" the branch as well as other
,ri'ltS, on u. Ixhij,),, u,id has 80-
fii'yil a party in 1'ortland who
"in 1'ivserve them for Hhipment,
11 's niil yet too late for Hins
Ull(l l.iiiuherts, and hero is an
M'lMirtunity, as WushinRton
tonnty ahvavs has some elegant
Hl'' of this fruit. Hill
will have a display in the St.
u"l ilepot, and has also urranu'ed
!!!r. iin exhibit, permaiumt. at
Anyone having cherries or
other fruit, Kntins ami jrrassos,
."' Illu' vegetables, are reiiuested
wN. II. Alexander, secretary
01 tin' board of trade, who will
thai (hey reach Hill's head-'I'lai-tern
in l'ortland.
'''"in, wap;on and harness for
Balt'- liuiuiro at ArRUSollice. l it
ui('-,Vioh. of Jobe's Cnwsinjr,
w-w m town Monday.
. b. KotiHoner, the contract-
k. l'in-ientor, was in the city
Will ln,, ..,1.. u.... i :.,
i fvfiuf.ii, wiu:N;ia in-i-u in
unroof a hiur Hnnu
fnd-iTi'w, n tho (Columbia, came
"'"in' the last of the week to
uio holiday with his family.
Saill Uaffctv rxf Mfiimtni-ndnl.V
Ufn., ".ft muniivuiti-.....,
c; 1,1 Monday, Sam is jjettint?
' H ai'lK'tite whetted up fora line
, 1 venison, which htv ex
it's to capture as soon as the
"-anon opens.
! Jiwsylin, of Si-w Imtj,', had
a peculiar an ifh-iit at th corner
of Main ami Second. Monday
im.rtiintf. lb- wai aim! raitedly
walking down tin- street ami
came to a crossiiiK just as a
farmer was pas.iiiif in a rarn
Hhai kle hnri-ry. The horse mnv
ed nIhw ami Jossylin slowed up a
trille, hut imi ctiouj.;h. as he
liiMiu discoverel. His rit'ht foot
Went into the wheel ami before
he couhl extricate hirnwlf he
Wits turned cullipetey over, the
w heel making a revolution, liy
this tune (lie horse was Ktop,ed,
ami Jusxylin (iiilli'd out his pedal
extremity, with no damaye ex
cept a skinned ankle ami a slight
bruise mi the none, which was
scraped on the street planking.
"iy eiwh," said the NewUr
man, "I'e heard of fellers hav
intf wheels in their head, hut
this ii the l'u.t time 1 ever knew
a punsuii havinjf wheels in his
I have made arrangements
with Krnest f en-tter to do hlack
smith work in theshopnt Ijiu
rel on Moiulaj ami Thursdays.
He will also in- there part of the
flay at other times, if tjntroniik'i'
deiiiaiids. We trust the hoji1o
of the Laurel heclion will favor
the thoi w ilh patronage and help
tm to build a greater and better
Laurel,- K. T. Turner, mer
chant. 1.V7
(!ei. Schuhncrich, cashier of
the 'oininercia! Hank, returned
Sunday from the Hankers' meet
ing ut Pendleton. The money
lenders had a vrreat session, and
U-fore leaving old I'matilla went
out for an auUj trip to Hritfharn
SpruiKs, one of tho finest mineral
development in the iua Moun
tains. Twenty-seven auto loads
went out and Geo. uid that thy
bankers all had a plunge in the
famous hot w ater that cures u!
the ills known to the materia
Groceries at cost White River
Hour. $1.1; A. &. H. sisla, fx-;
k-sl corn starch, fa; W lb. dairy
salt. :kV; W lbs, II. ('.. Halt.
Hlue Riblsin corn, 8c; Blue Rib
Imn Sc. All other ar
ticles in projHrtim. H. Weh
runir & Sons.
lr. K. Brown, an old time
HillstHini favorite, came out Mon
day with his car, enroute for
penny's Crossing, alnive Moun
taimiale. to (H'inJ the day. Two
other cars were with the party,
and Miss lzetta Jewell, leading
lady at the I taker, accompanied
Mr. Brown. They returned in
the evening In time for Miss
Jewell to lake the lead at tho
Forty acres for sale; Partly
cleared; one-fourth mile from
school house; two and one half
miles from railway station, near
Gloneoe. Price, $1S,V).
l; James Grav, HillsUvrc, R 3
The Shute Park tlanciiiK' pavil
ion has attain U-en put in shape,
ami will be opened Saturday,
July 2. A lark'e canvas over
spreads the dancing floor, and a
tive-ii'ee orchestra, and Tindle,
will furnish the music. Do not
fail to come out if you wish a
nice time.
Dr. G. F. Schmelzel, osteopath
ic physician, of Portland, will be
at the Commercial Hotel, Hills
boro, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays of every week. Hours
LOO p. m. to 4:00. 13tf
Geo. T. Bnckell, for some
years road supervisor in his dis
trict, was ui from the Sherwood
section the last of the week G.
T. found a $10 warrant which
had lain in the clerk s oincehev-
ral vears and he is tliat nuicn
Miss Pearl Smith, of the
Arirus. and Miss Laura Glascoe,
spent Sunday at Collins, Wash.,
a jruest of their aunt, Mrs.
Kmnia McKinney, wno is ineie
for her health.
Keen vour chickens enclosed!
tr received - a lariro consign-
ment of poultry wire, now
the time to buy. - hmenek &
K. S. Shattuck. now livinR in
iiu Count v. and who formerly
ranched on'the Kast Plains, was
down to the city the lirst of the
lelivered to any
i ,f the town. Remember
.... iiieelwood. Both tele
phones. Koeber's Confection
Contractor Holland and T. P.
n...,i,,,,.,i hnvH returned
Newport, where they finished a
cottage tor uunts j
formerly of this city.
Money to loan on real estate
security. We sen
us. The Webfoot
farms. Try
Realty Co.
(rwin Foot and wife, of Cen-
terville, were in tne cuy
day, attending court.
i round t I'rcparcd In Nice Shape
ut the Shutc I'ark
IcHtivilici Will Ikfia in Hillnburu Sat
urday Morning
The committee on arrangements
have Shute Park in splendid
nhape for the bi celebration
which commences here Saturday
morning and w 111 last three days,
closing Monday niKht with the
bitfia-st pyrotechnic display ever
witnessud in all Washington
County. The park has been giv
en a irreat d.-al of work and the
concessions are now leintf placed.
The S. P. trains will stop at the
park to allow passengers to dis
embark and Ket altoard, and the
f)rifoii I'll w trie is but three
blocks distant. A lartfo crowd
is expected out from Portland
and llillsboro is promised a reat
time, The program for the
three days follow s:
jt v a.
ID oo A M Auliimotiilr race, 4 milf;
f io ftrtl, f s to Mcomt. I'our to mlcr;
uarbinr lo l a(irrlcil If)' ownrf.
I oo I', M. Ratluan ii!iit'0.
3 ixi I'. SI. Uil gum?.
jei.v j, scspv.
l.o I'. M. Balloon atrruaion.
J cxi I'. M Baar Hall Kimr.
h txi P. M. lUml t'uiittrt (SacrcJ
muaic )
jn.v 4-
Aaaruibte al corurr of Mail) imi Src
oml aorria al i) jo a. ui. Coriu in liu
aiel tuanli to j( r i.tind, Auirrtcan Hag in
Irail, earned by J. C l.auikm.
KuJIownl by tnda.
Mayor lUtlry, ihiutman of tbe day,
llli oratur of the day, Hull. T. J.
Call lo order by tbr Mayor.
Mu lie by baud
Iimnalion by Rrv. M. C. I)avi.
Vinal nmaii-.
Heading of the Ih-claralion of Inde
pendence, Hand ninaic, Hall Columbia.
II y, ballixiu ameiiRioii.
Iloyt race, uuder lo yeara; ft to Gral;
5o crnt to aeond; tlirre to enter.
Mrn'a race. Ho yards; f$ lo firat; f'.' so
to accond.
Fat Mn'a rac, weight not leas tban
joo; f i S" 1 lt"t. f I-.VJ accoud.
C. iris' rarf, under 12 jeara; f l to first,
f l to aerond.
Running race, io to lirst, f$ to acc
oud. HiiKKy racf , $to to lirat, f$ to li-cmid.
CntcliinK greased pig. Winner to take
tbe pig.
8. jo 1', M. Fiie worka.
There will 1h a rrand union pic
nic of the Hazelia, Oswejro, Ti
irard. Tualatin and Wilsonville
Sunday Schwls. on July 4. in the
new nark at Wilsonville. on the
Oreiron Electric Railway, patri
otic exercises to begin at 10:30.
Ion. Clarence Irue Wilson, of
'ortland. will lie the orator of
the dav. There will be a hue
and, athletics, Ramos, baseball
and boatinir on the lllamette
and valuable cash prizes will be
distributed. Extra trains on the
E. will carry people to the
meetine. Une and one-tnira
rates wi be tnven for round trip.
subject to a minimum rate of 35
cents, and 20 cents lor halt tare
tickets. Admission to the park
w ill be free. For rental of booths
and space, telephone 11. D. Aden,
Wi sonvi le. Ureiron. -Committee.
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
Mike Kehrli and C. Gertsch,
dairymen of the Hillsdale section,
were up Saturday, attending tne
Christenson sale, at the Brown
livorv barn. The Cows went al
the way from $10 to $G0, and
were a tine lot or stocK.
C. Nealigh, of Scholia, was
on to tne CUV oaiuruay. mi,
. ll I 1. ...... 1 ... . I 1
Nea litrh and his brother, J. l
late of Hood River, have just
finished nutting out a nursery o
Xt.HlK) best apple varieties, on I
C. 'a place, at scholia, and they
expect to soon have stock tor
sale. They have carefully se
lected the best trees adapted for
the Willamette Valley. J. T.
Nealigh haa ma sawmill now in
Died at the County Farm.
Mrs. Catherine Miller, aged 70,
and a native of Illinois, died at
the county farm, Saturday, June
25, after an illness of several
months from Bright'a disease.
She was sent to the farm about
three yeara ago, in company with
her husband, J. C. L. Miller,
coming from below Beaverton.
The husband died a year ago
last August The only property
the old ladv had was two small
lota, for which she was offered
$100 a short time ago, but which
Bhe retused to sen.
Jeptha Garrius, the pioneer
minister, of a!ve Ranks, was in
town the first of the week.
When you want ice cream, Ket
the liest. Hazlewoorl Ktx-ber's
Martin Vandehey, superintend
ent of the county farm, was in
town Monday, accompanied by
his w ife.
Miss Anna Dean, in the ac
counting department of the First
National Bank, Forest Grove,
was in the city Monday.
Kntfineer Harry Mclauchlan
and Fireman Chester Alexander
were down from the front, over
Jake Milne, who Is having a
fine cottagu built by D. H. liea
oneron his ranch on North Plains,
was in town Monday afternoon.
Will and Geo. Darety, two of
Glencoe's boys, and who have
put in i)oyhod and manhood at
that point, were in the city Sat
urday. A. L. West, of Sherwood, se
cured a U)nd for his appearance
before the grand jury, rnday,
and was released from the county
jail. He is to answer the charge
of statutory assault.
Jas. Gray, w ho has U-en in the
oot and shoe-making business
at Glencoe for lifteen years or
more, was in town Monday. Mr.
Gray is thinking of going back
to tho old country in the not djs
tatit future,
C. F. Libby has moved into
the Imbrie frame building on
Third Ac Main and will remain
there until the new Tamiesie
lotel is completed, when he will
take quarters there with his
jewelry store.
Tunnis 1ST, of South Tualatin,
is exjierimenting with alfalfa and
has exhibited some fine grow th,
of the first cutting at the Imbrie
,and Co. office.
Fred Zilly, traveling for the
rwin Hodson Co., was home
over Sunday. He has just com
peted an auto trip from The
Dalles clear through the interior
to Prineville and Bend, and says
it is a tine trip for a sightseer.
Do not forget the dance -own
air - under the big canvas, at
Shute Park, Saturday evening,
July 2. Toelle's five-piece or
chestra and a fine floor, all newly
dressed down. Just the place
for a nice time.
Andrew hggiman, tor many
years a resident or near Cedar
Mill, and who was engaged in
dairying the bust few years, was
up to the city, Monday morning,
He is now in l'ortland, working
at his trade.
Marshall-Wells' hardware
salesman was in the city Monday,
and says that in all his travels
over the, Willamette Valley he
found no county where grain
looked as well as it did in old
Washington County.
11. K. Simpson, who owned the
former L. E. Shute place, below
MoH'att, and who left here for
California, in the Vallejo section,
some time since, came up a few
days ago to renew auld ac
W, H. Forney has about four
acres or wheat on the uaseune
road, west of town, which has
heads averaging at least six
inches in length. From present
indications the cereal will go at
least 40 bushels to the acre.
Elbridge Cheney, formerly o
Forest Grove, but who last year
bought a place above Banks, was
in town Monday morning. His
brother, the tinner, M. R. Chen
ey, is out at the ranch taking
life easy, but his health is not
the best in the world.
Julius Asbahr, of South Tual
atin, has a fine field of barley
about the finest to be seen in the
county. N. H. Alexander, sec
retary of the Board of Trade,
wishes all farmers who have fine
prospects for grain would save
him some nice sheaves for dis
play, as well as for exhibition at
the carnival.
R. Sesseman, of Vernonia, and
who has been over there for 20
years, was in the city the first o
the week, returning from a visit
with his son, J. P. Sesseman
clerk in the big Bailey store at
Forest G rove. He returned home
Monday and says he and his wife
will be out to the Hillsboro cele
E. W." Dant, the Reedville
thresherman, who has put in
over 30 years turning out grain
was in Monday, enroute making
his machine stands for the com
ing threshing season. E. W
savs that the grain so far has
more straw than last year, but
ta vield is still a matter of con
iecture. Last season he had one
of the best runs for yield in many
Team That Shut Out (Iresham
Falls to Hillsboro.
Millsboro Batten Slur Out II Hits
on Vixititif Pile her.
he Piedmont Stars the nine
lat shut out Gresham -came,
saw ana was conqured by the
Cardinals, Sunday, by a score of
ght to nothing. Horse col-
ars were all that the Piedmont
xrys could get although at one
time it looked as though they
were going to have a batting
rally. Fitzgerald went on the
mound for Hillsboro and he held
the visitors down to five hits
and struck out ten men. His
support, however, waa aa classy
as is generally seen In amateur
games, tho fielding by Hinkle,
.Iriggs and Batchelar being sup
erb. The infield played great
all, as well as Brow n, Wilkes,
ouston and Freeman being all
to the good. Every man on the
Cardinals got a hit except
Wilkes and Houston, and Hous
ton made first and scored in the
eighth on an error of the short
stop. When Fitz gets a little
ess stage fright and a little
more experience he should make
great slabster. The line-up:
Brown, 3b 4 a 1 a
Wilkes, a a o o 1 t
Hinkle, If .4
B''KK. cf 4
Houston, ab 4
Freeman, lb 4
Batch, rf 4
I'helps, c .4
Fitzgerald, p 4
34 8 10 a; 9 a
Sbeehan, ib 4 o t
Shaw, ab 4 o 1
Scott, cf -4 o a
Husky, rf j o o
Pealer, If .1 o 1
Vosper, 3b 4 o 0
Link, c -4 o o
It. Scott, sa .3 o o
Brown, p .3 o o
o 3
34 t7 7
I 3 4 5 0 7
Bae on Balla Fits, a; Brown, a.
Left on Bases Hillsboro, 5, Pied
mont. 7.
Two Base Hits Batche'ar.
Struck Out FiUgerad, 10; Brown, 3.
Double Plars Brown to Houston to
Passed Balla Link.
Wild Pitch Brown.
Hit by Pitcher Pealer.
Umpire Cook.
he slang expression, "Got His
Goat," has become almost uni-
ersal for anyone who loses out
on a deal. The metaphor, which
is now world-wide, originated on
the old fair grounds in Hillsboro,
in the early seventies, and has
been going ever since. rat
owers and Steve Scoggin bought
race horse from California
which had beaten everything he
had gone :against W hen they
purchased, the seller gave them
a goat, which had always been
stabled with the racer as com
panv. There was a strong at
tachment between the horse and
the billy, and, two days before
the race, some one stole the
goat. The horse grieved, and
did not eat, and when he went
under the wire he was in bad
condition. He lost, and when
Robert Imbrie, now passed to
the beyond, and who was one
of the judges, was asked why
the best horse lost, he replied la'
conically, "Oh, they got his
goat. And it has gone the
rounds ever since with turtmen
The county central committee of
the republican faith met in the
citv last Thursday and voted to
adopt the assembly plan in the
coming election. It was voted
to hold the primaries July 3 and
the county convention on July
16 a week later. The assembly
will Dick out candidates, it
said, for ratification at the pri
maries, and it is contended by
the leaders of the move that
will have a tendency to discour
age so many candidates.
Jake Rafferty, who has hunted
fished and farmed around the
Mountaindale country tor over
fifty years, was in the city Mon
day morning.
High Q
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
"Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. ''THE BEST EVER"
ttaminshy's Make Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
J. E.
Forest Grove
Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller,
Tuesday, March 29, 1910.
Uesoi rcw and Discounts
I". 8. Bona at par
Other Bonds
Banking Hotu
- ltl.ifl.0O
C&ab and Dues from Other
Bauka and U. S. Treaa. 151,83.12
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time
Thoj. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. "W. Tuquai
Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburtf
Save Vour Money
By buying Your GENERAL
Forest Grove, Oregon
We have quite a number of pairs of child's,
1 ' , i ,t,:t. r
J damaged and more or
we will sell lor one-tmra price viz 1.50 snoes j
for koc, $2.2 s shoes for 7 sc. Men's and
women's up to 3.50
These are all good
nrpiipnr stvls. Now
t get a good shoe for
f 4 they last.
worn on the long
locKet chain.
Places for two
Plain, Satin Finish, or Roman are
good form.
$2 OO to $5 OO for the large ones.
75 cents to $2 OO for the little fellows.
Engraved with wearer's monogram without extra
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist.
Drug S
- President
Capital 8tock and Surplua 1 12,000.00
Undivided ProliU 838.10
Circulation - 25,000.00
Deposit ... 432,090.90
less out of style which
for $ 1.00.
material but not up to
1 the nnnortunitv to
little money. We shall t