The nilLLSBR VOL. XVII HILLSBORO, OREGON, JUNK 23, 1910. NO. 15 UMBER ORDERED FOR BIG CRUSHER Will be liilnUil the 0wcic Quarry lr XVorK 01 0,KC HIN HIIMi !1Cki:0 IP ' VMIKK J S. urwtt I'sH lf Fi"ninlo Bridrc "J ''III. Saturday Xlu.counly Ifanl ha.l u M'mnii Saturlay. 'l w,w ,''t',l,',l l" jin work al once i the Oh we. p quarry just an soon an men an f't l'u' rriiJiltfr eHtubliHlicd, Iiul t" lW f!'(U'lH (if lumiM-r haw In-eti nent down to ,-t.t thtmr i" MMlillffW. Hither (he IUui. i-rt'fi crusher will U install"! "i' a brand new one. The court mnted the work done hy Joseph laming, on the KarmiiiKt"" fill, ami , warrant in tin" Hum of Mil as draw n in payment thereof. The nail petition, ivjkm'I of view tri John tiaanle ft liU, Tigard nik was adopted ami mail or established. Tlu road of K, M. Heron ( ul. win ordered nut established, iii accordance with the v iewern' rejHU't. The following claims "ere a! lotto I; Sjin oiii4i il . . ul t.o.W . ju2! 7i ti, A r!r'.ll, J.rt 11 lilt, M.vU ,, 11 oi j M I , I, JJI ) j II IUtr mi.l lnt;ly- ' ; it iii ic s w i; hairy in wi Owinn to a ehaiufi it bimiueSH I sell at public auction at the J. II. lirown Feed Hani, Fourth ami Main Street, Hillslioro. Ore- Kun, at 1 ii p. in., on SATt'KHAY, JUNK Z my entire latrv herd of 18 good milk e w s and otto heifer, All ere frc-h since IVbruury ami the herd Kan Iweii tenting from Ui to I'M AH are gentle. Any tine is welcome to insjuTt these roses up to the day of Hale at my place on Hillslmro, Route 5. These eowH arc all guuran twd to lie good ami liealohv. Terms: due year time bank shle note, S per cent. Two per cent olf fur cash. Julius f hristensoti, Owner. HillsUtro, Route f. J. Kuratli, Auctioneer. Kdhute, Clerk. FINi: AT NOkTM ItllACII Pythian Grain! l,die tiiitiM m. thi week, in Portland, com ineiieiiiK' Wednesday, lVrt liar- hT and W. ;. Hare are the telesales fr the HillHUini I'v- thian ux and Han- is on the Grand Body Jndieary committee, while Mrs, (.eurt'e Kchulmerich goenan delegate t. the I'ylhian Sisters' (irand Temple, George Sehulmerieh also attenls a he is Crand I'ndate of the Oregon mam. I'ersoiiM livinir in the country and wishing to take the Daily ami Sunday Oreonian for one year can, hy pasin a year in advance, eet t. Arus and an Oretfonian map, or chart, for the one price, his ol fr wi nut htst lonu so yet in your order WMHI. (', F, Hayes n turm-il the last of the week from a sixty i rip uacK u ui'iiana ami Illinois, where he yisited relatives ami iked oser his lioyhood home hection. He returned via ( ali fornia, and sasv a (,'reat deal of country, none of which, in tils es timation, can iM-at old Oregon. FORMER TUALATIN BOY SUIK FOR LOVE iKinunstretions to Telephone iirl Not Heartily Peeclved John Hughes, of hdow New- on, and who is Iniildinjf a bam, was in Saturday, and called at tho Atkuh of lice. Mr. Hughes recently found a $10 bill that a Miss Saxtori had lost onroute hfimi fmm tVt. rtiru(rKfr nrifl the first thine he did was to iret Jolly Crowd Take P' R' N- to IIKI S llli.l.irr IMKOKill HIS BKAIN W Rurtd on a farm Near Tualatin, Wanhinjlun Cuunty Kjihriam Jamerson, raisel near Tualatin, on a farm, killed him self, in Portland, Thursday after noon, by shooting himself through the head, the weapon useil being a revolver. The suicide was lays' prompted from despondency over the refusal of a Miss Gladys Maker to marry him. The two quarrelled at the Maker home, 11)2 Columbia Street, Wednesday evening, anil the, next ailernoon Maker fired the fatal shot. His last written message was found to a newspaper office to advertise it. Miss Sax ton proved her property and received the money. Taken up: Spotted heifer, 3 years old - owner please call, prove property, pay charges, and take same away.-G. W. Whit more, Laurel, U. 1. 15-7 Howard Kelsay, who has been visiting w ith his cousin, Mrs. C, ) " County, Michigan, Friday Je goes to Kdwardsburg, where i i i a i le was reared, and wnicn was W Meaeh, Wash., June 21 l'Jhl, The line weat her prevail i'lk'on the North lU-ach. is bring iiik hosts of visitor to the Ocean wore, mtent on necunng rest aim a etMd coat of tan. Hie otiti.Kik is particularly bright for a remarkably busy itson this summer, the number of visitors at this time Iwing far RTeater than ever k-foio at the Mine time of the year. 1 he march id' progress is evi- "'IH throughout the entire k'liitth of the Meacb, and devt ppiiient being assured, prosperity 111 hut a mat ter of course. Work on the Automobile Hoiilevard Progressing very rapidly, beach noises ny the score are being put into shape to take care of thi? hoards of Hummer transients winch will soon lie down tion us. .The North Meach Push Club ith its combined ell'ort, simul ating the Wheel of Progress, hilS iiwriheiieil nn nen tf nnlivitv . , '.... V MV W. ..... which will undoubtedly secure the proper recognition of the un siii'lKissed advantages of the Jwth Peach for enjoyable out lnkr, and, at the same time, all the comforts of home. Negotiations are now pending w,t1' Portland capitalists for the "iNtullation of u water system to ?"lll'l,v the beach and s'urround nK countryside with fine moun t:iiii water. With the culmina ll(m il this project, one of the "hstacles to un nl lnii.uMkiii liwAin. . .. ,v , ,T ,,,v V'l.. parable locality is obliviated. Groceries at cost-- White River """r. $1.40; A. &. II. soda, fie; Dust com starch, 5c; GO lb. dairy S11- :irH-: r0 lbs. II. G. salt. 2.r)c; "U't! Kibbon corn, 8c; Mine Kib- " 1 K'inaioes, 8c. All other ar in proportion. H. Woh- IUK Sons. A. (I. Winney, who has just ""lulled painting the home of Mary A. I) rd. of North 'i,llH. says that tiiis pioneer of has one of the finest gar- he has seen this season, "'in Mr. Winney ,has painted """uieivetia to Hebron. , .1- H. McNew. of below Reed I""1., and who is making small day 1ay was 1,1 town I have made arrangements with Krnest Goetter to do black- beside his dead IkkIv, and read: smith wo.k m the shop at "Pi,.:,Ht. u Gladys 1 did thi rel on .Mondays ami Ihursdays. H.(.aus,, 1 oVt. wr, Gwd-bye, lie win also im- uiere pari ol llie u i,' i t , - , ll, Ul lav at other tunes, it patronage .l:,,,,,,.,! father lives near demands. We trust the people Tualatin, but was at a Portland of the Laurel section will lavor h,.KI,;i., t the time of tbesui- .i . . -.i . ...... . - . . wicnoi wiui paironagcano neip 8UlT,.r,n.r frm a broken leg. us to build a ureater and U tter Laurel, K. 1. lurner, nur- ,.... Tualatin. Or. At an earlv chant. P)-7 be went to Portland and lived Mrs. Marv IJeisacker. of Con- with the P.aker family and se- ' i ii. i . : i i dun !tni w ho has U-eli e eeted cured his educauon in local ii-.;.fe .,ni.bietri4 of the Schools. 1 hroUgll HIS pel'SCV Cr- istern Star Grand Inlge, re- ance he secured tunds enough 10 ided in this city, when a girl, liquidate his tuition ai me 1111 Hi,,. J!,,-,irM,.r,l n M:irv Mi htarv Academy. lie eruereu Hoover, who is a sister of Mrs. the institution m lie was F. A. Hailev. She will doubtless prominently identified with the at i eticso the school, r.ecause V.-. ....v v , I ,L (Jraiul Worthy Matron. t nis maiKeu emeieoij n. u.- etirs he H-came a memuer 01 base added a complete line be ncadernv'schampionship unit of baseball goods, balls, hats, ,,( s,iua,i during the season of nuts, gloves, masKS, in laei, an) - phis .....I- i .... , . i- thing vou mav want in ttiai line. After finishing his studies Also tennis goods, rackets, balls, janierson took up apprenticeships etc. N. K. Greer. in several hK'al electrical con- iiatrons of rural mute No. certis. He wiw serving in that 1. out of Forest Grove, have capacity wun me vu-i" in stalled a popular subscription to trical Company at the time ot buv a motorcycle for the use on msieau. , mMnn n,;...,.rri..r ( )li v.-r ( irt is. who is Since his cluldhoiHi Jameison ......... . . , , , ,i ,,..,,.rt i e I... I.,.. l'ul li'iil ss ilia I utiiiwt a ni.i... -lass oi JUiiKS- v.. ...... ;;. -. ,!,, -0 Mr. Curtis has been atlectu.n i or miss n. . . the route for several empioyeu uy un i - .: ... e eiihone i-ompany. ueirmij .... i ....... J4 nit 1 r r vu' vnvu vr anu in t. v .1 I !!.. t ...ul I 1 1 ?"(ll M 1SII 1 I t' OtlilLlKl.. f..... ceieraie uie oi iisei '! . - . , . , 1Q ...i : i;.,...,,ir t . i-.iote miss naKcr. nimw j-"-- Kise mm nii-- mm v... v... - i.,,,,,,,.,.,.,! Jamerson III! IL'l-. ll IIHH I v si. r lb.seitt. the canienter. is flesoondent. still in thehoiisemovmg business, Probably a few minutes oeioie if vou have a building u hlt. tired the fatal bullet nuo l is him for an estimate. u.xid .Ponerson ca ed tier uy a son-in this city. carrier on years and t . Ins services. and move GO ON EXCURSION Timber, Sunday, for Outing FOUR COACHES AND OBSERVATION Left out at Nine in Morning and Re turned at Five High Q UALITY Drug S tore her home. He again (Yopsare ooKing very me - 'Ct become his wife. Washington i l'""ina wne he received an unfavorable especially applicable to g.a in . N nt m rii dosuondont Oats and wheat are carrying a informed her that she t. . ... i- . ...i ill,,, oiornev N. ih a held ot winier .u,,. s t , onn0(l the caI1ot be beaten the world over. At - to Mia Baker, Ranches of acreage sold or ex- jamerson evidently recalled a changed for Portland property. promjSt. he had made to Miss Write or see WollT Land Co., l h ,., uimun. an acouaintance, i .o St Portland. Ore. 12-15 t '...i,,im be beoueathed his watch who married a tiaugiuer ui u the room lute Wash Jones is now a icm- f K)to waa found: j,nt of Port aiHl. n- nUy .'X thto fob to Miss registered at ho of 94 ( X Mary 1 odman, of 180 Lowell Mr. Paulsell is a veteran of ' the Mary xkk .:..:i C VU T V!1.. "e : iV to hr when I died. So here ways attomicu uie s v.. - Uiye ings in tliis county. "Ephraim Jamerson." a.i,.;.u, Vandehev and son, ,!,.,, n.wfmnn could not bo lo- John, who are farming up ; in the UlBt njKht, but when m Grand Kotulo, Yamhill County, formod 0f the tragic death of her were down the first of tho week, ito Mis3 Baker was visibly visiting relatives, ami mey atvect and swooneu. mtnnn that while things look fine up of tne Baker household, in which Miu there is no Place like was regarded as a son Countv. nnA Umihor. were likewise much (lUi 1 T " 1 O v - 11V v'."- , . 1? Clns Purdin and Chas. Heim distressed wun me new sot ... nye'bought the horses and roll- suicide. . it. tsrown Airs, jainfiaun, - .,i,,. luuiotta. mnther. and a brother are It was a gowJ natured crowd of Hillsboroites that went to Timber Farnham, started East for on the excursion last Sunday, over one hundred and fifty tick ets having been sold. Four the former borne of Mrs. Farn- coaches and an observation car lam. made out of a flat were in charge Money to loan on real estate Chief McLauchlan, and Chas. security. We sell farms. Try rollett, engineer, and Fenn us. The Webfoot Realty Co. Frost, fireman, were on the head . . . . -n. I iiiisiMro. lii enrj. Thos. Rood looked after Erwin Hitter and Andrew the order of the excursionists. jit.-i.ini a.., ui iis-jdi in itoa..,.,, an(J everything went merry as irr'v, the proverbial wedding bell. tuue. P' Q Passengers were taken on all ness, connected with the Jacob h d had hg d Sehaerer estate and lieckman , ,, ' , l ' coming up on roau i : uuhiiieas. uu a Itoe uunu. The train stopped at the Brice part of the town. Remember Wilson place, where the big tim we have Hazelwood. lioth tele- ber begins and four and one-half phones. Koebcr's Confection- hours were spent in luncheon and erv. seeing things. Wilson s manu- Chas. Crwker recently lught factory, which is all over the Hnl. Morthwest for turning out decoy stein bull calf from J. W. Jack- ducks, was an object noted curi son, of Glencoe. The youngster osity, and the big mill ready to is one Of the largest Of his age run, arm just ninsucu uy ui ever seen in the county, and his Stephenson Lumber Co., came grandsire took a prize at the St. in for its share of sight-seers. Louis Fair. , .Jr, "". " '" " , , , . nis noiaingsat umDer iorenougn J. R. Bailey. Of above P.UXtOn, n maUA him Inrlprwrirlpnt for was down Saturday, and went out to the Kelly sale, beyond Hillsboro friends and gave every- Glencoe. Mr. Bailey says he is body the glad hand. to have a fine lot of Bartlett TCp hand went alonsr and dis- pears this season, although this coursefj music for the edification variety is short in almost every nf tkp pvmir5ionist?. Th trin other section ot the county. was made without an accident to Andrew Bendler. of North mar the occasion. ii.,;o u.u v,A mwAat. Operator Cooper, of the Ore Uick of illness, several weeks ago, Kn wecmc went atong as ai- was in town Monday morning, oi uie uanu auu wuMua- ing the scarcity ot the memner- ty will be pleased to learn of his sh'P ,the music Put UP was I i-i j. Allen Tannock, chairman of School District No. 61, of school k.ivwii Vliti licfvwf Vine VAtH toevoend 2.(XK)inimorovements A dainty wedding took place and a new school building, which June 16th at the home of Mr. will be completed in time for the and Mrs C. W. Fitch, south of Fall term Dilley, when their daughter oaro ' . . r, line Estelle, was united in mar Mrs. C B. f nssell, of Oregon riage to Cecil Ward Tolson. The City, died June 18, 1910, after house was decorated with Oregon an extended illness. Mrs. rns- Unme. and svringa. Vases of sell lived in Hillsboro when her white Hiies and maiden-hair fern husband was S. P. agent. She Lorrrl nut tbp enlor scheme. was a daughter of J. C. Sawyer The bride was attractively gown and wife. Pri ;n white silk and carried a W A S.-ihnow. who recentlv bouauet of bride's roses and purchased the Ostermann store ferns. She was attended by the at Centerville, onthe P. R. &N., Misses Ruth Fitch and Mary was in town Monday. Mr. Sah- Mornssey, charmingly attired in now's business is in one of the pale blue and pink mull. The finest agricultural districts in the groom was attended by the couritv Messrs. Enoch Will and Edward Mrs. Frank Williams, of 424 iLZZV r i O. ,1. l)....,.,J .oc IC IIS Ui OlttOJ' S.OOS4J OU uwuu- Sacramento Street Portland was Th h le a guest of the past week at the lefton the evenin train for nome oi ner pateoui . McMinnville where they will Mrs. Jasper Kefter, of Glencoe, d f ; d After Jul returning home, Sunday evening. u h m t home t0 II. E. McKinnev and wife and their many friends at Banks, Miss Susie McKinney, of Port- Oregon, land, and Hugh Smith and wife, xf IVmot Hivsvo urpro trnusts fit PUtiLlC SALE fbaMra Mckinnfiv home. Sunday' Mr. F. W. Latham retiring from - The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies . ' THE BEST EVER" Haminshy's MaKe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore. J. A. THORNBURGH President J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEY Vice-President Cashier T0LS0N-F1TCH ivivn houtrht ing stock of the J .vl,,,y " " ' ....ri nke a resent visiting 8!". i iviii then buv Golds more. Mo short vacation mi " and sell horses relatives i it p t r .nvled at Harod Taylor, son ot w. m iuoi,. vii , . position the sawmill at tne hoi o ... m ir -T -t.. Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Conditions at call of " the Comptroller, Tuesday, March 29, 19 10. KEsoi'Riia Liabilities Loans and Discounts - SS2,S7'J.S.8 Capital 8 lock and Surplus 142,000.00 U. S. Bonds at par - a'j.OuO OJ Undivided Profits - 838.10 Other Bonds - - Si,S90.0ll Circulation - 25,000.00 Banking House - - U,2S3.0O Deposits ... 432,090-90 Cash and Dues from Other Banks and U. S. Treas. 151,883.12 4tW,929.00 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time j Certificates. I DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailer J. W. Tuqua I Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg; I Leo sctinur, iormer y 01 ue- n ftf the follow halem Mountain, and later ot . nrnnortv n!aP, Hillsboro. returned the last ot "' . r ;,-nrini0 ,, T , Ull IllO COtULC III luuuunuuuuik. illCVllI Mil HI M' vi July. Save Your Money By buying Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon Ben Ml thn t(WU 111 11 I H V 111 UIIM ' .. Ill1 J liwtt'ti.lil TniMMJIin l.RH IJ. kJ. ViUHlUllVUiv uvv. Htroet, all Wnvt-r. f j : . . , Ca, n milcs K J Snn wh ehe ou tin San Francisco Bay and he 11 I nnlh for a while, in is employed in painting the gov will tough ii io ' , 0m(int biddings. Harold is hopes ot regaining "l evnment )1R.h oi gaming h'ng the Argus sent to him to Thos. Ilylanil, who has lpM informed on local happen- many years in uo- ulo;s m !,toh'SS' C Dr. 0. F. Schmetol teoV?th fflSI V a. in M. nejK - ic "-At lun-hood WHS UP 10 mo ai Uic wiii..w" , j j S'S, boro, Tuesdays, Thursdays and day nioinms. onfQva of everv week. Hours R -13tf turning to Portland in the even- Herman Ostermann, in the yul . n..j; wcivit. v so d iMiainoaa nt Center- inir ivir. in'"1" I i cuii"v .T i,..i. ...wwii vpii I mi. i u P Xr M fnr a his rancn at naima vine, on uic x. x. .... - " 5 ..;,.o for it. nnmliM- of vears. and who re- T.rn wagon and harness lor centiy som out, .... iv...... ,.IV.nn I At I MTU i!lT.llrllMV sale, lniiuire aiArguauim.c. 10 a. m., on WTTnNRSriAY. JUNE 29 T II Tl V. f Af,,inl i?X rLiTioaf Four horses, one of these fifteen extenduiMsit. implements, household furniture, G. W. Morgan, in olden times farm wagoni double harness, 2 one of the best deer shots in the horse buggy, "Planet Jr." with Vinelands district, was in Mon- combined drill, wheel hoe, rake, day morning. G. W. still thinks cuitivator and plow, jack screws, he could kill one if he got it in etc Refreshments at noon, close quarters. Terms of Sale: Under $10, t . i iv ii i,..i,n.,.nn,0 cash: $10 and over 6 months S'Qn, approved note, at 8 per guest of his mother, tor several '" . . 0 weeks, departed this week to re- 1 Auctioneer sume his duties below Los Ange- B P. Cornelius Auctioneer. 1 OUUI1 VOIIUUVIOI, F. R. Dailey, who has been Qerhardt Goetze, of beyond running a bicycle repair shop Blooming, and who is interested near the ureseent ior sevei tu in breeding registered Holstems, months, has aisconunuea aim wag over to tne Clty Saturday i 4 II .. ...Uhi tinll I gone n"y;."rr "c Keep your chickens enclosed! conduct a like business. iteived-a large consign- Herman Rehse, running the ment of poultry wire. Now is big Rehse farm, near Farming- the time to buy. Emerick & ton, was up to the city uriaay. ujorwin Jrm Kamnaand lamilv were C. R. Adams, formerly in the up from Farmington, Friday, in mercantile business at bcholls, I the big touring car. 1 was in tne city r rmay Hiuuims. i i We have quite a number of pairs of child's, a f women's, and men's shoes which are slightly i t damaged and more or less out of style which J J d 1 we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes i for ;oc: $2.2 s shoes for 715c. Men's and f f women's up to $3.50 for $1.00. i These are all good material but not up to 1! 5 present styles. Now is the opportunity to (I i i get a g00 snoe or Utite money. We shall i be pleased to show them to you as long as j , they last. f 1 Belt Buckles A Comprehensive Exhibition; Novel Ideas; The Most Charming Effects at Prices that Please, LAUREL M.HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist. VICTOR AGENT t f it : i, ' i