The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, June 16, 1910, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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ilium" UhtpH Orndiinlra nt
l'nt MM SMpman
, llmm' Vaiallu Hi-lore
liiiln( Aboard Ship
Will :: K- narrrtt. wM of Mr.
IlMl Mr, I.hi. W. N. Iturrvil.
8rrii-l lim' 'll-st W4''lt fr"m
AiiM.i!"'ii. hff In Rrmlimtnl
ul tli.- Naval Academy mm
Mi.l shipman. Mr. Marrvtt has
hud tlnff yt-aru nt th' nnuli'tiiy
mill int'-rsTMftI with thin wm-iiiittK-rouH
crtiiw'B otTthe Atlantic
c.ia't. II' "w t"litj for two
yrai'.i a- pant midshipman, Itti'l
tin n taki-rt I'xaminatioit an an
riisin. I'roin then on cadi
ti-rm of cai'H he pannr to higher
foiiiink'.ioiiH. !! wan onlcrcil t
the I'ai ilic I'ount on pay ami imy
trawl, ami i'xjhtU hin onlcn
liny tunc within the Next few
wrVks. ami may jro oil her to
p.ri iin i Ion or to Mure Island.
Mr, liam lt in hmkiiitf line ami
it Ui'ii two years Kim e lie
kiw Hillshoint. He Keen a emit
iiiiiniwMiciit here in that time,
The Mmlern Woodmen picnic in
thUuu wart attended by a fair! t-mwil, last Saturday, hut
the thr.-atetiiiitf weather pre
vciili'l a inamniolli attendance.
The heavy rain of Friday nik'lit.
ami the overcast xkyofthe morn
im.' we.e Hullicieiit to keep many
away from the city. The I toys
had a pl time, however, ami
the Dankx'Mnnd wart ilown in
uiiifi'i in, to help out the Hills
Imrit r.aml. in heading tho parade.
The really characleriHtic float was
that .sent up hy Silver Camp, of
iVed'. il!e. which wart an immense
Ink' on heels, hnulrd hy a four
Imrse d am, driven hy Neik'hUir
Fred llamel, ot NS'i-st Union.
This limit was gaily deeorated
ttiiil was well worth while the
many press ion of adniiratioii
it hnmtfht forth. Two other
cveivreeii flouU were in the pa
rade, sent down hy the Royal
NeihUirs, of Forest Grove.
The day w as M'nt on the grounds
t Shtitel'aik and a steam merry-go-.riiiimj
Jeiit to the spirit of the
invasion. The Uiys will !ioe
fur more favorahle weuther when
they hold another out-door picnic.
iim Mi:iniMis
The Hart and Magann meetings
in the tent on the court house
mpiare have heen well attended
and the sessions are always
crowded, so much ho, in fact,
that it was necessary to enlarge
the taliernacle. Mr. Hart is a
rapid tire talker and seems to de
list his audiences, and the solo
work of Mr. Magann, and the
chorus work under his direction,
arc the siihjectof much favorahle
Mr. Hart is considered one of
the greatest pulpit orators ever
visiting the city and us the meet
ings are under the auspices of
H the churches he is getting a
strong siipimrt. He sH'aks nt
3: p. m. and 7:lr daily, and at
ll:ixi next Sunday morning.
The ming friends of Miss henna
tiirod, of Oreiico, gave her a
farewell surprist party, Friday
I'vening, June 10, nt the home
f Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kunz, at
tlrenco, Miss (!irod leaving for
Salem to join her parents, who
have moved there. Tho evening
was enjoyed greatly, tho program
heing music and games. Those
I'resent were:
Mi. nml Mm. Sum Kim, 1'if iilit Kuu.,
Kt Kim., ,roim Glrod, Row Nli.llor,
J win- MrCoruiick. Clarit BrandciihriK.
""y Wciif, A. In VVctfill,
Miuli., Mabel Townwnil. Orlle OtU,
I'.Iiiiit Vniiim, Victor Wtntfiill, Mar
Mmlilox, O, Sport, John Jossv,
Arthur (irml ly, Clarence Benin, A. Mi-gs
! "luCauirel.
school Mi'iniNO
Next Monday the school districts
' the county make their annual
fleet ion. As a rule these meet
ings ;il'o vorv rwwirlv ill tended.
fly, ' J J'ww ..v
1 'ie school system upends a great
deal of nionev iinnimllv nnd tax
payers seem rather indill'erent
lls to school management-not
that good men are not nearly nl
w.vs elected, however. The
school meeting in the city, next
Monthly afternoon, should receive
11 hhoral attendance. Turnout
and vote your choice.
I'hoenix IiOtlge K. of P. Monday
eiiiug dyeted the following ol
mers tt)p the ensuing term:
Jesse Annlcfifiito. cliRneellor com
niantler; John Hooker, vice; Ktl.
?V-hulmerich. orelute: Leo Per-
master of work; Fred Hei
master at arms; Dr. Mar
8"H, inside guurd; E. A. Gillen
water, outside guard.
Suit for rh'.M h ',. js ( ()t
very l.fl.-i, ,;,t ;, ,...,,.'., f,.
H church ; it.-. 1 , t ; j(
hlilht that ,lo,. ; :i. t t . ,n, d o",
tlllst Week. I!. imU r,,r ,
ation of a dei -j r.r a lot H C:n
ton. on which a clnn h i .lo.'aied,
and namert at defendants y
I'Virin. president of I'aeilie I'l'ii
versitv; U.-v. K,!,.v, p,,.-, h-nt ol
McMinnville I'ollee; ;! l;,.v
W, I:. I lollmsheail, pi'.-'iding
elder (of the Portland I (Uriel,
M. K. Cliuiih. The complaint
Sets forth that the deed wa'i ex
ecuted iii iN'iTi, and that ,. ,,
the eomlitioiis i f tin- dei-c w;t,
that the defend. ..nt. "shall make
lltie I'rte, ij.ioi:i ,v eolleelion fn.,
(Mtiple on dayw of wi.i ; ip . i k
otherwise, for fiimlslo ! (Vp .sm l!-,
Iiouse ol worship in repair and i
.. I . . . . I . . . , r
in. ! "''co a msurc'i iro' i ' is n,
lire. Mr. Ca.-do.i alle.-e.t thai
this provision has heen iok.te I
and the church hat fallen into
decay, lind he thercf.xe units a
decree declaring the deed Void
and setting it aside.
To the customer huyiiij.: the
largest total amount of goods lor
the 1 1 days from Saturdav, June
11. to June St. P.Hil, will U- giv
en in gold. Tl in- haying
the next largest total amount of
goods will receive $10. The per
son luring the third largent
amount ofgiMMhwill receive.
Kggs name as cash. These
Prizes will he in our window
each day during the sale. Al ter
Jl'NK liTi call at tiur.tore in per
son, or mail us your Purchase
slips. These prizes will lie given
away Tuesday, June li-H, l'.HU.
Wehrung Sons,
(sar Thayer, an oldtime
Newspaperman, ami now dairy
ing alxne daston, was down to
tho countv Heat. esterdav.
l'haver made his first trip to
Portland inside 5 ear, this w eek.
and that's going some for n man
that was always in the thick of
'he itopulation.
I'rain your low land and make
it produce double. We w ill start
the manufacture of the largest
tile in a few days. We now have
a supply til I inch, h inch and (
inch, on hand. Put in your or-
ler at once. Our clay is the
est for producing good durable
tiling. Order now. (Ironer &
Unwell. Co., Scholls, HilLsUiro,
Ore.. Koute 2. Ind. Tel. 7tf
Next week in pioneer day at
Portland, and the oldtimcrs here
ire planning on the annual visit.
.Mrs. Marv liird, the eldest in
lioneerage in the state, born
icrc in IS.' 10, will attend and have
the pleasure of meeting the path
finders. Mrs. 1'ird resides a few
mill's tmrth of this city.
A big reduction sale "on all
millinery." We offer our mer-
handise. with price inducements,
that are Uiund to command the
, . . . f i r
general atleiilion oi uuers oi
gotnl judgment throughout
HillsUiro and vicinity. Our
styles are correct. Mrs. H. Khea,
Main St.. Hillsboro.
Public scIiihiI closes this week,
and examination is practically
tinished totlay. The session
losed considerably later than
usual, owing to the fact that
school started later last Fall than
in general. This was due to the
tardiness of completion of the
school building annex.
Sew ell's Acres Acreage in
five, ten or twenty acre tracts.
One mile north of Sewell station
on Oregon Meet He. Sen owner.
No agents. Prices reasonawe
and terms to suit.- Jas. 11.
The United Uailways got a big
engine olf the track at the front,
this side of the tunnel me tuner
day. Delivery of piling aiong
the line westward still merrily
goes onward.
When the kitchen is properly
equipped there is sunshine in the
house, ('ome in ami see um
Champion and Charter uaK
ranges. They are me ocm.
Kinnck k Corwin.
C K. Hurst, who has heen
essee of the Postmaster Cor
nelius place, beyoml iiiencoc,
was in town yesterday, ami says
that crops ars looking tine out
his way.
The Schiller a 10 cent cigar,
and the Craml Marca, a two for
a quarter cigar, are what you
want when you imy ik.
Kept at every bar in musooio.
Ask for them.
Ray Kmmott, who is working
... i ,.,...,ii Southern Oregon, is
Iwm.e for 11 Week S VlSll Willi ma
"""" v. . !.. II...,,.,..
parents, Mr. ami mrs. ni.ii.
U'een voiir chickens enclosed!
jst received -a large consign
.... ..i- ,,oltev wire. Now is
menu oi ,, i i
the time to buy. Fmerick &
Clarence Frost came down from
Hood Hivor, the last ot me weeK,
' . i.,i en.of h tx)d poison-
mgofo e ofhishands Hewas
Ked hy Dr. F. A. Bailey, and
is getting along niceiy.
:.i Una moved to his new
. .. . (I... Ileidel Block, one
Eor this tle of the Odd Fellows
Thos. Madison ami Frederick
Johansen, of near rannmgu....
were in the city yesterday.
,i .... f...,U nliofries call UP C
I'Or lienii i
li. Bloyd, lnd. Tel. .
Commit tee Ci li hrntion Hopes
In Sit ure Miltridc lor Orator
wokk on coMinns I'kim.klssino
K-ryihlin 1'ninlH lu i Splindid
punlifiic bay in IlilUboro
Hie various Fourth of July com
" working steadily Ut
e end that Hillslmro shall have
rouKer at the three davs cele-
in July 2, 3 and 4th. The
'ommitteeon fireworks have con
'l a -ted for the finest display ever
I . rchaseij in this district, and
the i.oys say that on the evening
'f Urn Fourth the pyrotechnics
will 1m- a thriller.
The committee on orator arc
working overtime trying to get
in touch with Hon. Thos. A. Me-
Supreme Judge, who has lieen
invited to make the oration.
Pride, whom they wish to make
the Fourth oration. Judge Mc
Uride, now on the Supreme
U'lich, is a favorite here, where
he occupied the circuit bench for
many years, and subsequently
was a number of years district
attorney. He is an old pjoneer
and was one of the broadest
minded of men. An oration from
him would certainly touch a jsip
ular chord.
Jacobs & Umdess have the ce
ment foundation of the Hotel
Tamiesie nearly completed ami
within two weeks they expect to
begin the laying of concrete
blocks. All of the blocks are
now manufactured excepting 300,
which is but a matter of three
days laUir.
The foundation is essentially a
fine one, and it will be allowed
to thoroughly cure before it is
burdened with the weight of the
building. Substantial piers have
also been placed under the center
of the structure so that there
can Ik' no sagging when the
weight of the blocks falls on the
The iiiiiliTsiniif'1 will H'll t public tale
.t liia fiitm i miles N. W. of Glencoe, on
Pumpkin KtilKe, and 10 miles north of
IlllldlKirO, HI IO . III. nil nniuiiiy, Juc
IS: Three cows, one fresh wilh calf t
i,lV' one in milk four months: one com-
tt,K fn-iih soon; yearlin heifer, 4 be"'1 of
noun. SOW Will, IUKS HI UIC, 1VI licnu
sheep li old sheep nnd 6 lamb, some
cli t kens, MerriiiR mower (jotxl as new,
i ul.orne Kiike irooil as new, horse power
thresher, kik.iI, mounted power, K0011
tiiiiks; U-int'h Oliver plow, 7 ilimble
shovels, steel beams; one single shovel,
steel be in; lever harrow, inch wagon,
i..,.i Imck. set double harness, garden
tools, hayfolk with rope and pulky com
plete, carpenter tools, (jrnm sione, -cm
numerous articles household furni
ture. Also between i$ alul 3 acres oi
grain, bay, oats, wtieat, clover nnn tim
othy, to be harvested at will of purcha-er.
tw lunch at noon, and refreshments.
nfsate. I'nder tio, cash. Over
f io, iS months bankable note, at 8 per
cent, interest.
Ctto. W. KKI.I.V, owner.
II P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
Chas. Miller, Clerk.
Mr. R. G. Prosole ami Miss nan
Quick were united in marriage
at Montavilla, June 11, 1910,
Rev. Harold Unerg, lormeriy oi
tbia eirv. otliciating. The happy
couple departed the last of the
i, tt-a civ wwks' trin t.hrotnrh
Wfcri iui ct,..-. " ---i- - -r,-
nniifnrnia. after which they will
Vint"" , ,t
take up tneir rt'suifncc m nic
LMntnath Kails section. The
rwnm ia a well known civil en-
V IUI II I vll ...
trinter. and now nas ciiaie oi
, . ... i i
tt,n t nnnols on the S. P. branch
I."- V' T, . , T-l II
fm Natron to luamatn rans.
Hp whs formerly well known m
this citv. having had a responsi
ble tuvjirinn wt th the Oregon
Electric, when they constructed
the line through wasmngion
County. , ' . ,
The bride is the eldest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett
Quick, of this city.
Team, wagon and harness for
sale. Inquire at Argus office. 14t
Peter T. Meeks and Mrs. Jane
Roberts were united in marriage
at the Hotel Tualatin, June 14,
1910, Judge G. W. Barnes officiating.
Berry Ixixcs at Greer's.
John Trachsel, of near Cedar
Mill, was up to the city the last
of the week. j
Ittt female jsiinter, 4 months
old; lame in left hind leg. I-ave
word at Argus office. 14-5
Herman Prahl, of Fast Plains,
was in the city Tuesday after
noon. W'hen you want ice cream, get
the Iwst.- Hazlewood Koeher's
Fred Narup, the Banks' straw
berry grower, was in the city
Money to loan on real estate.
Terms reasonable. Apply toKu
ratli Bros., Hillsboro, Or. 21tf
Mrs. ('has. Parker visited with
friends at Cascade Ijcks this
Miss Uuth Anderson, of Salem,
is here tosiend the Summer with
her sister, Mrs. Dr. Marshall.
Douglas $T shoe at $3.75; $4
shoe at $3.15; $3.50 shoe at $2.50
and $2.85, at II. Wehrung & Sons.
Page Gardner, who has been
attending 0, A. C, is home from
school, and at the Mountaindale
See Wyatt & Co.'s display win
dow. The latest styles in hats.
jury soft hats: fine straw
hats, and Panamas.
Mrs. Margaret McKinney, of
Seaside, was in the city Sunday,
the guest of her son, C. H.
It will pay you to buy what
goods you are needing of H.
Wehrung & Sons lefore the busi
ness is closed out,
J. V. Cornelius, of the Bloom
ing suction, was in town tnis
morning, getting ready for hay
For sale: Seven beehives, all
in good order.-Jacob Hiltbrand,
Hillsliopo, K. J, Box 113. 14tf
Mrs. W. 0, Donelson, who has
had a four weeks' trip to High
Uiver and Calgary, Canada, re
turned Friday.
All persons 'knowing them
selves indebted to the under
signed will please call and settle.
- Herman Ostermann, Center
ville Store.
E. W. Barnes, w ho has been
farming around Glencoe for a
few years, has moved to Beaver
ton. He was in the city Tues
day, greeting friends.
New Bed Hiblxin white pure
gum Mason jar rings, selling at
10 cents tier dozen- now 7 cents
per tlozen, or 4 dozen ior a
cents, at H. Wehrung & Sons.
Born, June 14, 1910, to Her
bert Miller and wife, of Fourth
& Washington Streets, Hillsboro,
a daughter. The father is sales
man in the Nelson Hardware
Co. s Store, and tie is receiving
the congratulations of his friends,
Square piano for sale, $90. In
first class shape, and a good in
strument. Also a new top buggy
for sale- latest style $105. Easy
ments.-Schmidt & Kulisch
Store, hlmonica,
Mrs. Martha Stalder, of Beth
any, lost an almost new lady s
tan driving glove, between the
German Pres. Church and the
John Meier place, about a mile
south of the Bethany blacksmith
shot). Finder will please leave
at Bethany store.
Driving mare for sale. Good
animal, well broke, six years old,
Price very reasonable. Inquire
of W. D. Quick, Forest Grove,
R. 2. One mile and half north
east of Forest Grove. 14-6
Harvey Batchelar, the Cardi
nal right fielder, has bought the
interest of Grant Landess, in the
cement block works, and is now
associated with Marion Jacobs in
the manufacture of the Miracle
blocks for cement buildings.
Will sell or trade the front 10
acres of my ranch at Rood Bridge,
on Tualatin River. 2 1-2 miles
from town. House, barn, sheds
uart cleared. Fine for chickens
and fruit. C. F. Bunsen.
Ranker John W. Shute wil
build" a cement block residence
in East Hillsboro, and Contractor
Adams has the contract for its
construction. The building wil
be two story, and it is estimated
that t wil cost at least S7.U0U.
When completed it will be the
finest residential building in the
David W. Marsh, of Forest
Grove, and who spent several
years in the Sandwich Islands,
when Hi Naylor was 2nd Lieu
tenant in Queen Lil's throne
room, was down from Forest
Grove Monday evening, the same
old genial chap. "Sandy" was
a orint in those days, and Hon
olulu was a great place for profit
and pleasure.
Yesterday was Grand Lodge
for the Masonic fraternity, in
Portland, and the delegates for
Tuality Lodge are: CalJackJr.,
Ira Barrett and Dr. Pittenger.
Dr. F. A. Bailey also went to the
session.- This is a very important
session, as the constitution and
hv-laws. which have been un-
phnntr (.ri for 40 ve ars. are ud for
consideration of amendment in
many cases.
argre Crowd Will go to Front for
Sunday Vacation
Hillsboroilei Will Spend Day lu Moun
tains Above Timber
he Pacific Railway & Naviga
tion train will furnish an excur
sion for a large crowd of Hillsbo
ro people, Sunday next, and the
train will pull out of Hillsboro at
:30 from the Main Street stop.
Those attending will take their
dinners along and remain all day
in the hills.
The excursion will make stops
all along the line to pick up pas
sengers, and it is expected that
the return to Hillsboro will be
made by six o'clock.
'1 Ickets are now on sale at Jos.
Williams place, the Wigwam, and
the Pharmacy, and the round
trip will be $1.00.
Ami Ktreiman et al to Alb Croeni.
quitclaim iH a sect 18 Hi 20 t or
1 w .
M Spickeltuier to Louis Arata, 4.5 a
sec 36 t 2 r 1 w.. j?oo
Orton Graham to W K Shoemaker,
40 a sec 13 t 3 n r 4 w 10
A S Sholes to Wm Josse, 10.62 a sec
4 I 1 n r 2 w 1504
Peter Jove to A S Sholes, 88 64 a
sees 4 & 10 t 1 n r 2 w 100
Wm Josse to A ri Sholes, 10 63 a sec
3 and 4 t 1 n r 2 w .2126
W A Sahnow et al to T R Davis &
R C Ilartrampf, contract to sell
97 93 a near Centerville 7500
L I Bohn to S W Thornton, 50 acrei
Amos Unftith 1
John Williams to O C Jackson, tr id
bile 9 F Q with stack conreations.,3500
W E ljsidlaw to Rebecca Yotler. 3
lots Greenberg Heights 10
G W Beal to Geo Deal Jr, 37.87 acres
Joseph Davia donation I
G W Beal to Ethel Beal Calhoun, 13
a Joseph Pavls donation 1
Prank Waller to Rainier Trust Co, 6
lota teutonic Heights
D C Burton to Frank Wilmot, 2 acres
near Cedar Mill
V E Thomas to Ole Hage, 4 so a in
uaston -1200
N'els Holm to Wm Mills, I a John
I, meld in donation too
J C Doyle to Geo Wise, 40 a sec 13 t
a row 10
Harriet Upton to Robt Kirkland,
3 22 a And Harper d 1 c 600
Eliza McKenzie to Donald McKen-
zie, 3 lots Henrys' ad Cornelius.,,- 10
H M Drorbaugh to F.dith Stratton, e
H lot 3 and lot 4 & 3 blk 10 Cor.., I
Jas Wood to A H Young, 48.60 a see
21 t 1 n r 4 w 2000
Geo Wise to J C Doyle, 40 a see 13 t
1 a r s w 300
W li Black, to Sarah Black, 10 a sec
25 t 2 n r 3 w soo
W C fisher to the Bagley Co, 100 a
sec 21 1 3 n r 4 w 2850
b V Cimeron to Thos O Rouike, lot
in w rort'and Heights 10
Alonzo Williams to Levi Brannon. 2
lots Hillsboro Acres 10
Mary DeLmey to Elizabeth Carbar-
ry, is a Koston Welch d 1 c 1
Chas Dillaboy to J It Leighton, trsct
sec 25 t 1 s r j w 400
hrnest lie Utstimutt to Inez UelJish-
mntt, 186.00 a Chas Stewart d 1 c.
R L Thomas to EM Catlin, 2 lots
Orenco 325
tl fll Urorbaugn to Wm Roger, 3
lots in Cornelius
Agnes A Caples to F M Sutfoid, 80 a
sec 10 t 1 a r 4 w 4000
Jacob & Fred Losli to E Buell, 37.85
a near acotcn church 5000
K Buell to Jacob & Fred Losli, lot S
and 6 blk 2 Thome a ad 4000
E C Brown to K Buell. lot 6 block 2
Tliorne s addition 300
A B Caples et al to M J Whitney, lot
in Gales Crest Forest Urove 330
Kuth Trust Co to A B Calkins, 10 a
J W Chambers donation -.2000
Thos Thompson to Annie Wingate,
2,1.03 a sees 1 30 t 2 s r 4 w .wo
Ortoa Graham to Repass & Wood
yard, 40 a sec 13 t 3 n r 4 w 10
W C Repass A Woodyard to
40 a sec 13 1 3 n r 4 w. . . .'. ....2000
To our customers: We, the un
dersigned. give notice that on
and after July 1, 1910, the price
of milk per quart will be raised
from $1.75 to $2.00. Resp.,
G. H. Carter,
R. H. Greer.
Hillsboro, Or., June 15, 1910,
Robert Schneider and Miss Anna
Brandenberg. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Brandenberg, of
near Orenco, were united in mar
riage at the home of the bride's
parents, Wednesday, June 15,
1910, Rev. Welch, of Orenco,
Geo. Dooley was down from
near Banks this morning.
Born, to Ora Kay and wife,
Gaston, June 14, 1910, a son.
Thos. Tucker, of Portland, was
out the first of the week, the
guest of his daughter, Mrs. U
G. Gardner.
M. C. Hewitt went to Beaver-
ton this afternoon to move the
Oregon Electric depot back eight
feet to permit of an addition be
ing built
George Alexander, who has
been ud on the Central Oregon
road, for Hill, arrived Tuesday
evening for a short visit with
his mother, Mrs. C. E. Koontz,
F. C. Orth and wife, of South
Forest Grove, depart the last of
the week for Mayville, Wis,
where they will visit for a month,
Mr. Orth is milk route inspector
for both condensers.
Wm. Conley, who has been at
the Stephenson sawmill, at Tim
ber, for 90 days, was down to
the city Monday evening. He
says the engines are set and all
is ready for a record cut. This
mill, Mr. Conley states, is one of
the finest equipped small mills
in the country, and it has been
so constructed that it- will be
easy to double its capacity. The
am is in and a million and a
half of logs in the water, ready
to cut, while there are millions
upon millions on the right of
way, which will be derricked
and run in on the railroad track,
the spur running right into the
millyard. The mill is on the
rice W ilson place, and is situated
in one of the finest timber bodies
in the Northwest.
C. R. Blovd is now ready to
start his machine shop on Maple
Street, just south of the Hillsbo
ro Lumber mill, and will do shap
ing, planing and lathe work as a
specialty. Will also do all kinds
of machine work and general re
pairing. 14-5
Hillsboro once more boasts of
first class machine shop. C. R.
loyd having completed his shops
on third and Maple btreets,
south of the Hare sawmill. The
shop is fully equipped for all ma
chine work, and will be a great
accomodation to the people of
this section. Engines that have
been sent to Portland for repairs
can now be put in shape in this
ty, and at less expense than
sending to Portland. Mr, Blovd
is a mechanic and understands
his business. If the business
demands it, Mr. Bloyd will put
in a foundry later.
I have money to loan on good
real estate security. Also -can
find you a buyer for your farm or
business. Call and see me at
the confectionery store, opposite
Oregon Electric depot, Hillsboro,
Ore,-0. M. Pope, -' ;
Oak Park beat Hoffman Park.
of Forest Grove, in a ball game
bundav, by a score of 10 to 6.
he Oak Park uneuD: John
Miller, c; Francis Olaine, If;
Emil Miller, cf; Elmer Wohler.
2b; Ed Miller, pj Louis Fischer,
rf; Ralph DeVille, 3b; M. J. Fis
cher, lb; Ray. Chapman, ss; and
Wm. Honeyman, substitute.
Any one wanting games write or
calf up Francis Olaine, Manager,
Hillsboro, Route 4, or Ind. Tel.
Now is the time to bring in
your threshing engines and har
vesting machines for repairs, and
avoid the rush, a little later on.
C. R. Bloyd, Third and Maple.
Hillsboro, Oregon, south of the
dillsboro Lumber mill. 14-5
Henry Gurske, of near Bloom
ing, while driving a hayfork.
Monday, had a hand caught in
the pulley, and was lifted 6 feet
before the horse could be stop
ped. His fingers and hand were
Daoiy lacerated, although no
bones were broken. Dr. F. A,
Bailey attended the sufferer.
Found a piece of money,
Loser may get same by proving
property and describing where
it may have been lost, and by
paying for this advertisement.
William and John Hughes, 3 1-2
miles southeast of Hillsboro, on
old Bradford place.
u Haskell, formerly a
Washington county resident,
with a home near Phillips, and
now dairying on the Island, be-
ow the mouth of the river was
in the city Monday, on business,
Mr. Haskell is a son-in-law of
Mr. Whitten, of Phillips.
We are selling: all lines of goods
at cost. Men s work shirts, 39
cents; men's regular weight
underwear, 39 cents: men s sum
mer weight at 25 and 40 cents.
H. Wehrung & Sons.
Wm. Hostetler, of Reedville,
and who is engaged in hoprais
ing, was up Saturday, and says
that the vines never looked bet
ter at this time of the Summer
than at present.
Lost: Male and female dogs.
Female is white and black
spotted, and has brown head.
Male is black and white spotted.
D. Burkhalter, Hillsboro, Rural
Jack Wood, of near Greenville,
was in the city the last of the
week. Jack has been here over
30 years and says he likes it bet
ter every anniversary.
Go to Wyatt & Co., for the lat
est shoes. We carry the Pack
ard; the Bradley-Metcalf; the
Utz Dunn and the Hamilton
Brown the best makes and
styles. See our display window.
John Ben Stewart, of South
Tualatin, was in Monday and
says that he figures that the big
rain storm has made him $251.63
in crop returns.
Cream Separator for sale
Sharpless No. 2; price $25 C. J.
Haggerty, Beaverton, Ore,
Route 2. 13tf
W. B. Peterson, of Witch
Hazel, where he manages the
big Ray hopyard, was in town
the last of the week. Vines are
doing fine this year he says.
Last Dance of the season at
the Hillsboro Opera House, Sat
urday evening, June 18. Toelle's
orchestra. Do not forget the
Physician nd Surgeon
OtHco Balley-Mcriran blnra, nrmtairt.
Rooms 12, 14 and 15. Residence Houlh
wet roraar Baseline and tiecond Htreeta.
Both 'Phone.
Otfioe npntalra ororThe Delta Drn(t SIoib
RMidence East of Court Moumi,
In the corner of the block.
8urKon Southern Paciflo Railroad Co.
t-oiiBultatton in French or Kiijrliah. Of
fice upHtairs, ovr A. dross' store,
north side of Main St., HUlaboro, Or.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office Rooms 7. 8 and o.
Bailey-Morgan Block.
Both Phone.. Hillsboro, Ore.
Calls Answered Day or Night
Independent Phone
Rooma 10 and U Morgan-Bailey Block,
atreet. Over Dennli Btore.
9mm. H. W. a. Him
Rooms 1 and i Shute Building
Room 3, 4, & 3, Morgan Blk, HUlaboro
Offica Upatalra, Bailey Morgan Block
Room, i anl t.
Ornoa: Main Street, opp. Court.Houue.
Morgan Blk, Upatalra, Roomi 3, 4 and 3
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
The only graduated and licensed Veter
inary in Hillsboro. Sixteen years prac
tical experience.
Office phones: PaciUo States 501; Ind. 218
Residence phones; Independent 243; I'a
eilie States 481.
I am Prepared to do High Class
Dental Work. A New Office with
Modern Equipment
Tamiesie Bldg. HILLSBORO, ORE.
Main and Third.
Silver Leaf Camp No. 8I93, Modern
Woodman if America, meets every first
and third Saturdays in each mouth at
their Hall in Reedville, Oregon. Visit
ing and sojourning Neighbors are cordial
ly invited to attend camp meetings.
S. G. H110UHS, Consul.
R. E. Hai,i,erman. Clerk.
Contractor and Builder
Large Barns a Specialty II
Ind'pt phone 151 Rood's Div. jjj
Hillsboro, Ore., R. F. D. 5
mm snBi: mmwmbI
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice ia hereby given that the under
signed has filed in the County Court of
Washington County, Oregon, his final
account as executor of the last will and
testament of Malinda Tnpper, deceaaed,
and that said final account has been set
for hearing and settlement, before said
court, on Monday, June 27, 1910, at 10
o'clock A.M.
Dated this May 36, 1910.
Executor of the Last Will and Testament
of Malinda Tnpper, Deceased.
Benton Bowman, Attorney for Executor.
OR U. r. IILISLCK, V. S. D. V. 0.
Ind. Phoje 09, Sherwood, Ore.