PAG E HIUSBORO ARGUS, JUNt l 1910 ilSPRAY FOR 1HE r ii Time SiKn Mere to (let the k' That Makes Wurmv Trull Hardware, Farm Implements and Plumber's Material t r High Grade Stoves and Ranges. We have the Wasbingtou County Agency for the cele- Fj brated Toledo aud Mouarch Ranges the best ever installed in a kitchen. Famous Mitchell-Leius ci: Staver wagons and buggies, the wagon and buggy adapted es pecially for this section. 1 Harvesting Machinery The Champiou binders, mowers and rakes which have stood the test of time aud endurance. Plumbing Supplies A complete line of pipe and plumber's fit ings, baths, and everything connected with the business. We will give estimates on plumbing your new, or your old residence. ! t us rut you in a bath G OFF BROS. & IRMLER Cornelius and Forest Grove ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE SIMMONS IN THK ClRCTlT COl'Iir OF THK static ok kk;o.v, fok WASHINGTON lil"STY H M. Viri ANtiiie, I'laiutilf Carrif MmM illrr Van A!tiri. Iipfrn.lant Tn ( arne Mae Miliar Van AUtiue, ile-ft-nilaiit stinre Tiamul: In the nam of Hik Sut" of Or(jon, You are hrely rjuiroi lo apH-ar mM an crHie complaint !ilr.l against ynu in the above eruiliel Court on ur Iw-fore ttie rxiraliin of fix wpek from ami after the date of tl rat I'll hi ic t n n of thi nni niurm. to it- on or liefore Hie ti r-nt ilay of July. 1;1J. ami if you fail so to apporr or ainer. for want thereof, the plaintnl will atipiy to the Court l r the relief piayel for in his Complaint tilel herein, lo-wif. for a decree of di voire Iroin you and for sui'h other and further relief a may to the I'ourt seem just ard equitable. Tliis H'iininonn is served upon you lij order of the Hon. 1. S (io.xlin, Judtje of the County Court of the btate of Ore gon, for Hshint'ton County, which or der was inadw and entered the 15th day of May, lulu and the date of Hie timt piihlicatioii being the llnh day of Way, ll'l'l. M. 11 Mem-ham Attorney for V laintill'. SUMMONS j IN THK CJRCTIT COURT OF TIlcJ STATE OF OREtJON KOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. ! Medu Mills, I'laintit), va Gilbert HefeiKiant. To (jillieit M ills, the above imnied de fendant: ! In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby eoiiiinHiided and required to be i and appear in the above entitled court j and answer the complaint liied against you in the above entitled cau-e, on or be lore the expiration of ix weeks from the dale of the lirst publication of this sum mons in the H illsboro Argu, the dale ol ; the lirst publication thereof being May 5 j l!lll, ami the dale of the last publication l.eimr June ii, pun, to wit: on or before June 1910; and you will please' take notice, that if you fail so to appear! and answer said complaint, the plaintill will apply to the court fin a decee liis Kilving the inariiage ami marriage con tract no existing between the plaintill . and the defendant upon the grounds I desertion, and lor nch other and further decree as mav lie necessary ami proK-r ! This summons is served upon you by: publication by order of Honorable J. N . 1 lioodin, County Judge of Washington County Oregon, made ami da'ed the .Vh j (lav of May, Killl, ami which order re ! quires inai you appear ami answ. r on or before the ex pii ation of si x weeks from th-" (late of the lirst publication, to wit, on or before June Z, 1HI0 Kagley ,V Hare, Attomes for I'laiutil!. BANK OF BEAVERTON Beaverton, Ore. CAPITAL STOCK $10,000 J. A. MOTT, Prest - W. E. PEGG, Secy. J. T. WILLIAMS, Vice Pres. H. W. BOLGEli, Cashier c 3 Transacts a General Banking Business. 4 Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits. Money to Loan on Good Security. Fire Insurance in the Best Companies. We are Insured against Burglary and Fire. Our Officers are Bonded. Depositors are as well Pro tected as in the Largest Bank. 3 "Keep Your Own Key and Counsel" Sound advice within certain Limits. It's all right when applied to holders of keys to our safe deposite vaults. Absolute privacy. We can rent you boxes for$i.ooper year. Call and examine them. CORNELIUS State BANK Cornelius, Oregon. rciR CHAIR Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Capable workmen Baths in connection, and a Fine Shower Bath Newly Furnished Shop. A trial will please you. JAMES ANDERSON, Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro. ORRUON l:I.I:CTRIC The schedule of departure and arrival of Oregon Electric Cars for Portland follows: K.,R PORTLAND l'KOM PORTLAND 7 05 a 111 H 00 a in K 55 hi 9 25 a 111 10 45 a m 11 15 a 111 u .15 P ' 1 05 p in 1 55 P ui 3 05 p in 4 P tn 4 5 P I" 7 15 P tn 6 35 p in 9 5s P 9 20 p 111 3 45 P "Ml I 12 20 a ui Sunday only Sunday only Meat Market 3 Choice Fresh Meats of All Kinds. Give Me a Call at My SECOND STREET SHOP In The Pythian Building E. w. MOORE dirr votr si'kvy kkvuv r unci: A I'tw Trite Kcmin Jcr s l or I ruil Uru rrs in Count) Rival apple taken Some Washington County has fruit inabilities in tlio j lino, if a very little caiv U at the opportune time. time since the Arjrus had a very comprehensive article on spray for tlte codling moth, and it rave the proper time for sprav- I inir for U'st results, I jhh re- quest !?. l.eis, of Heaverton, sends the Arrus the following on the essential time to o after this pest. Here it is: Some liuie j;u I on tm f the co.l inj uiuib o tint k'oxk would I- when the time tame. Well, the tune i now ui hand wlicn tin- cialiin iiuvin win iicHit ilu ir rK ati.l (Irjt r (oi;rl) the tune spuMno for the lust I'iimm! t no here. 1'ioin the jitih 01 June in aiMxit the im ut July will tw the proper lime tonpnty for IU' paranite. hv ui"K hree (Hjiinds ol ntwtmle of lead to 50 k!1oiii ol ter, Hdiliim lo the mixture one nllon of luue mid ul hui to jo k1Iouii of wttr, or 1 V4 Kllon to SO Kllori., which 1 rllei'li e for the Haldwia rot, or hroMii rot ui the upp'e. Now I iti tocnll the a'lriilion il rr to the fact of pelting the piojwr 1. mm. 01 arwiuie 01 leml, wltult hou:d I netilml, a lnmnU of aiwnale do not un rll mill tunc and iilphur, ami you ur lul.le to norih Ihf uliSe, 1 williiuolr Piof. Coidley ill Hulirtui No loiiol the O. A L: '-Ii iir.,. ti,.i the acid artenale huxt ouie temU iu-y to innue loliKe, and cannot i rll In used with Hie lime and tulphur .lutioi. ita can the neutral clndex, according; to the aaiue anthontr, Smfl'a lleiunik:wava and the 1 von Inatid.H. Tue are acnl arsenate".' Personally I am uimr th 1; artenate. which ix a neutral artenate ol lead, and which mixes readily with the lime ami the xulpliui. As I may I 111 truditi5 upon your ajMce, I will cloe for this time. If any reader dcire further information I will irtmllw iity it if thry will ciil me up by the Independ ent phoLC, lleavcrtou. A Cl.l-AN WATCH The Deacon Recalls Something Ol' June is here with wealth tf green An' eheriies hanging red So full of juice beneath their sheen, You jts' eat off your head. The woods 'n full of dowers gay, An' wild birds whistle calls To neighbors in the pucker brush. That giows below the falls. When June comes round with all its charm, ft makes me voune once more.' An' I fergit I'm growin' o'd An' pasted t tie mark four-score It makes m? think of boyhood dsys, When hearts wuz all a-tune, An' all wuz bright, an' feet wuz light By Gosh! I'm glad it's June. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith, of near Greenville, were in thw ritv Tuesday morning. Chas. Wren, a native Wash ington County boy, and a son of the late Michael Wren, who came here in the early days for the Hudson Bay Company, is here this week, the guest of his aged mother, of near Centerville. Mr. Wren is a resident of the Seattle section. Look at our bargain counter for summer wash goods. Any piece of goods on the table for 11 cents per yard. Apron check gingham, 7 1-2 cents; all dress ginghams, 10 cents, at II. Weh rung & Sons. I). W. Bath, former editor of the Independent, and now located at Kiverside, Cal., arrived home Tuesday morning, to attend to some private business matters. means gixxl time to you for years to come. True economy in a time-piece lies in cleanliness. The delicate parts doing indes cribable work will soon wear themselves to ruin, destroy their high finish and perfect tit! when running in accumulating 4irt and rancid oil. It will cost yo noth ing to let me examine it. C. F. Li buy, Jeweler, Hillslioro, Ore. Frank Mayer, of between Os wetro and Tiiranl. Tiuxnlnv examined for his sanitv ml n.i. judged insane. Dr. A. B. Bailey k-ing the examining physician. Mayer is 4U years of age, and has a wife and five children, the youngest k-ing but 15 years of age. Mayer has been in Oregon for 17 years, coining to Oregon from Austria. He worked in a brewery for several years and is troubled with excessivedrinking. His postoflice address was Oswego. Mayer aimlessly drove down to Columbia County and was picked up by St. Helens of ficials and then turned over to Washington County authorities. Groceries at cost White River flour. $1.10; A. &. H. soda. Cc; U'Sfcorn starch, Tic; .7) lb. dairy salt, .5Tc; .7) lbs, ll. 0. salt, 25c; Blue RibUm corn, 8c; Blue Rib Inin tomatoes, 8c, All other ar ticles in proportion. H. Weh rung & Sons. W. II. Galvani, consulting en gineer for the Oregon Klectric, savant and linguist, and who wields a facile pen, was out from Portland, Tuesday, on business for his company. Mr. Galvani was at one time a resident of Washington County, residing several years up in the hills above Buxton. We have thousands of kale plants, cabbages, tomatoes, etc., for transplanting. Also some fine shrubbery geraniums, etc. ('all in and see us. Morton's Greenhouse, Second Street, North of court house, Hillslioro. Mrs. Anna M. Long, who has been the guest of her son, L. A. Ixmg, departed Friday for Wash ington, where she will visit rela tives a few days at Vancouver, and then take leave for Montana. Buy your dry goods at II. Weh rung&Sons. They are retiring from business. All lines at cost and less than cost. You can have the benefit of these prices. Jos. Robinson, of near Farm ington, and who has committed himself to a fruit and vegetable display at the coming'street fair, this Fall, was in the city Tues day morning. Women's shoes in patent and vici kid, $4 at $2.98; $!.) at $2.79: $,' at $2.18: 2.fi0 nt $1 KT- $2.25 at $1.70; $1.85 at $1.39, at H. Wehrung & Sons. Ben Thurnher, of beyond Blooming, -and who has a nicely im nroved til ace. wn in Ihorntv Tuesday morning. Baird has moved to his new quarters in the Heidel Block, one door this side of the Odd Fellows I'.nck. yn Oei Letter I wioh to announce to the publio tluit 1 havo moved my atock of rooJo from tho Linklntor building to moro convenlont and comtnodloua quartora in thu now lloidlc block noxt door to Donelaon furnlturo atoro) whero I will carry n moro comploto and up-to dato lino of ahooa nod furnlohlnpn and will by tot ter able to aorvo my patrona than I waa in my ronn er location. I wiah to take thia opportunity of thanking thu many frienda or the atoro, whoao fieneroua patron.iu haa made thia move neceaaary, and truat, that I uuy by my motto of dollar for dollar" merit a con tinuanco of your valued patronapo. Youra for Buainoon, E. II. BAIRD. Baird buys your butter and BAIRD In the New Ilcidcl blotK 1 Four Days 4 Four Days JULY 1, 2, 3 andj;4 AT 01 1 The annual encampment of the Washington County Veteran Association. Baloon Ascension overy day. with illuminated Ascension at night High Dive and Slide for Life Tne best Drum Corps in tho Stato The Orator of the day will be one ?iihQtomostr.noted spoakers in FiMus?cr.gram Wilh the bcsl of BkindBsal1 eame'and sports of all T wiifbtf AinSement CoPany thXbattrTctSLgrUndS Wlt Ll EVERYBODY INVITED The More, The Merrier Don't MissK THOS. TALBOT, President P.E.PHELPS. Secretary.