The .HiLLslii Smb. VOL. XVII 1IILLSHORO, OKI-CON, JUNK 16, 1910. NO. 14 I I RQCK HAULING BEGINS A t'mie nl Surilr from tin I rout alloi .lr.l a Kn-.d i.-al uf niiuiH4-iiii-iit Ui,- utli. r dav. vsliili in town, mrunti' to Portland I'.aeli wiw ratln-r uhove the nvi r .. .... .. . I . . ! I I . I BK on'inri, arm Ulflr t- n - vernation was nmr or ! eon trovt-rHial. Tin- word "miliar wa dually called into tustion mm inn- Hani: av ix'i yu a ,1,, i ii , i ..i i tin' Mn?er and lux answer v.a. a revelation to tin- Instaii. 1i!-h " A . 1 I . . i I n miiM-r nam- a ma mud bane more siniii-r minded a; ooer iiuier mho ne uim iiw i . i I ii i ii..n .i i i . . ' . i . -i iiiK-nnli'i iii u. i . " ... ... wiuinui any iiiit EARLY IN JULY ON S. P. , ... n llrU n ItkKriiplu 'I'lml spur win bcWwJy by Ju,y 1 -I l.l.i.Jll HO lul C CUMBl Dill ua . it N. aoJ J"k' NEW ID SILLS FOR I Was I'.uilt in i:ixhUi-n lifty Two, and Hand Dressed NOW I.OCATI D ON MAIN STRUT, CITY WimmI vwv 0 vsall, still in l ine Con- dilion After W Year ; i ii.. ...ii.. iidd ,... .1 . C.n ii'l' I I HI 111. !-- l UK" . jfmplu-a tl"' -mty court that c,mi utii memo win nne track th iU mmr ami xiil thdWK ht.itu'inuirry by July will then U- ready t haul for tin' mad at HilUUro. ! represrnt tin Stiin-lla corset. Make Hi'liM'tiimx in ymir limnc, whore accurate in-a,-!ur'nn-iit.i laid intocun 1' taken, ami you yrl a ror tf. . I.i in. ...I It... r... n i II-..I.1..., I - ..( i your ligure. rvml al card, or IiIhhh' rail for am-ointment. Mm. M. K. Candle. Mil U blKifo, M. Hunter this week has engaged in putting in new inml ami ground sills under the old county court house Wash ington County's first frame court now occupied hy the Wig wam and the Sorenson barber op. This is the building of I'lrtn-lius and i'Wext drove ut Oregon, r'ifth ami Jackson antiquity, ho far as business ''n t . . i i i . . i i . .... Street. Independent telephone Ml. .'Ml The heavv rainfall uf l'Vldav night meant perhaps a half mil lion of dollars for Washington ( ountv farmers and it came nist .i li I' V. V.' r... ll,..i.... .i ' . . . !..:.. ie el na i . iv. v jii me (ijiMiriuue unie. Miain, iU'hitir. tree l eiiuie. nnu fHtMfiully the late sown. w;lx sitlf duniii car will Ih' laleii at badly in need of moisture, and iuarr and HWtcbeI tip to h, vegetable crop is now suiil- the Mam Street cmiwintf tu I inn w ith luxuriance. Jupiter V. tho rate of i" etlti4 JhT tn. Their frcilil aent, Mr. Hin- A.a iiime out t nee (leneral MmaifiT l. He, of the 1'. II & ' and lliat olhcial telideietl the Tillamook road, by ,S. I'. JhiwiT. Ihf rant diiiuiH-il ami taken uwny inntliatflv. and all without my rhaitic by lu l.ylU' nul. limwill be dumH'i at tliv Hil Imrs" cnsiui:, North IlilUUmi. un the same basis for th North- t rli work, ami the Main StrM sb'ti will U-usisl lor the nvkork out toward the Jack. m iilace. The !4. I', will also unliad near Join' for t Ito rtH.k urk in that section. The county court vtll at olire came alontf just on schedule time urn! the farmer can now smile. iVrxoim liinK in the country and wishing to take the Daily ami Sundav Oreonian for one vearcan. hv I : v i 1 1 ir a year In buildings K", and was built in JS.1U, when all lumlwrwas planed and dressed by hand. The weather ItoardiiiK and the inter ior walls are still in splendid re pair, and the structure has with st'Hwl the ravages of time U-tter than its builders ever ilreanie(. Of those w ho took part in its car penter work but two are lmnif, Henry Wehrunir, of IiillslK)ro, and William Kane, of rorest drove. The late James Imbrie was one of the contractors. I In structure w as moved to its present site years ao, when the uuijnly ut uji jts first britk advance, t'et the A runs ami an struct urn. OreKonian map. or chart, for the n ()(,.) (iys prominent men one price. This otfer will not f (Won nractieed law within Ixst lonn so eet in your order waH biLran, John H. Miteh- sooii. ell, the late Senator Dolph, and J:il-. Wilkes wishes to agitate !. II. Williams, subsequently . 1 1 , . i t ..f f.ii-moiLr i u.i Alioniey ucnerai. Ill" H.IPCTWWII ' ' r. , . ., . usi.v,;,,.,.. I'.in.iiv i. , or- inos. iucmt is auu-m an uie M (I.-IIHUKV...1 iv ...1 1,11 ., l, j l'u vi o.n t in con ill ssioiiera no oeiu louoiv Villi. . Hill t . . it- . i ) . ... .i . .. ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 j ... iti n ii. iu .. i at I k. u.llur 111. ,1 n I L';i L VILIIII W VWIIIMI1M, oi" I"HIK'. ..... .... I in.... ,.l r.nmtv mui a nuie remtMieiuiiK uim , stronn K'iety should years, unless it is removed nuiKc piace ior a ui ick. to ifutall the cntsher. and tt will Ukflhmii two week or more to k'anuatioij, iA reiiilv .if iToxhiniJ' WbetherMreel - " ' . " ... . VI' ..l,;..,,!. ..I tf not 0 new mistier Will hl. M.... . ..i.t Lnii.ti,,., u ill lust another ii- . . i . .. I I , ,v liiiilii.i.ISi li l.H MMil O.oie.i r .- - nrtMiM u noi ei iii ier iiiiUNi. i- , ,, ljt inor.. than li'kelv thin ill be "d a tf-" theca.. Inform. ihe construction tram on the Vex I keen Arsenate ot i,eai IVaviTton Willsburif rut-otf th,. verv hkrhest irade, I.lkf vill taU in the crusher and un- the Aetna brand of Lime am Sulnhur snrav. there is nothing Mrs. Anna Friederike Zetzman, letter on the market, noie- ,. ,f., r w, etzman. ol INorin sale and retail. 15. U'ls, I'.cavci- jiaiSi Cetiterville, (tied at on, Oregon. The Wilkes' Uros. brick pre . . .1 I n.tCkJ scuts a very natty ai-peara.iLc ; - since the front has k-cn furnish ...I ii concrete face and a new front put m iy eimui;hiotorw'arlenminn : ' ii. ........ u-d Trulor out lion. ....... l ... n . t i ..... l . l on. 1 1 un ii'i i - . - 1" llllllJ' llll nil1 SIHTIIil IU 1H'- ., MIC Jude (loodin made a business trip to Linnton, Saturday. H. I'. Dauchy, of Greenville, was in town Saturday. Ceo. Uolinsn, of near Laurel, was in town Monday, J. F. Carstens and wife, of Hanks, were county seat visitors, Monday, 0. Gardner, of Mountaindale, was down to the city Monday afternoon. Miss Ona Fwrd was out from 1'ortland, Sunday, a jruest of her mother, Mrs. Alice Foord. Money to loan on real estate security. We sell farms, lry us. The Webfoot liealty Co. Hillsb,ro. 12tf W, K. Iloucsein, of alwvo Mountaindale, and whose place is located where the hot Summer days worry not, was down to the city the lirst of the week.- Ice cream delivered to any part of the town, Remember we have Jlazelwood. lloth tele phones. - - KoeU'r's Confection ery, Dr. G. F. Schmelzel. osteopath ic physician, of Portland, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Hills Itoro. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays of every week. Hours 1.00 p. rn. to 4:00. 13tf TROST-RHHA A quiet home wedding was cele brated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Hairley. m HlHsboro, Sundav. Junti VI 1110. when Mrs. Henrietta Rhea, of this city, was united in marnape to Mr. A. J. f rost, oi uroviue, Hutte County. California, Hev. Kvan P. Huirhes officiatincr. The vrnxtm has been a resident of Oroville for over 30 years and is a hiirhlv respected citizen of that . 'mi i ... i . : . 1 1 ,.e piai'C. 4 ne onue is a uiuinrr ui Mrs. H. T. lUiKley, and has been in tho millinery business in Hills several years, iney Williams Strikes Out Nine of the Visiting Team THE SCORE WAS FIVE TO TWO Cardinal Pitcher Walked no Man to First Base had it n( the Oswego quarry. The pro fhtu-e a.x far as ilwUmi will U but !i) cents per Urn, iiinl the method of un Uillntf will also save the 'cial Uk imuh money in uuloadinti. Judtfe (.(hhIIii is now positive that rock will W deliviT'.Hl early in lull- ..,. I I. ...Ml 1... ..ol...,l i.i .ui, nun ii not ov llil.ioviji , i l fr. rapldlyennunl, to forward enough v the special tax U-V. MkfS. (11:0. ZIH7.MAN the St. Nincent Hospital, Port land, June 11, 1910, after an i 11- of severa months. Mrs. Zelznian wius taken to Portland last week, and death came im mediately after a surgical opcra- Mv tin- Fall. ralim loniinenru next ll'BI.IC Sl V. DAIKV IU KI Owinir to a chaturc in business I will Ml at public auction at the vie J. 11, lirown l-eed Ham, roiirth and Main Street, HillsUiro, Ore M. at l;(Hi p, in., on SATl'KDAY, JUNK 2.1. "1.V entire dairy herd of IS vro milk cows and one heifer. All m- fresh since February and ' herd has been testing from n to l.'.lH. All uro gentle Anyotmis welcome to iu.spect ini'se t-ovvs up to thu day of Kale imy piace on Hillslsu-o, Koutc inese cows tiro all tfuaran IM'U to (,. i'imii mwl henlohv. ,. .id tli. i il'imrliter of Geo. ' ("ineiit. i):....i....c ,i viif.. of North i piei men i "' ..i 1 have added" a complete Him iMains, anl wn lsrn in Saxony of baseball tf"ods iaus, oai.s. MeinniKer, uermany. January oi. mits. glovt-s, masks, in iaci. an;-aI)d came to America iui think' vou may want U nun m . (,,, parents ammi Also tt'unis kikmIs, rackets, balls, u, resided in Minnesota, V i r nnrt came 10 vreRou in jow ,.' ...lls. was She was married to Mr. Zetzman ,,. vooii...;. . Mo-eb '0. lSST). in and sas ui.u , , . fiM1 ,irn .1. ... ...un i ne noMl.t u aim .v.... v 1 . . . 1 ., . , no ."Mill n , "t . ,,f i-nn . a mil. inn overan im-u " ' ' . . fin , iinrvu ii f..ll l.'ri. nv IIIL'ht. mis liw r i i-r. .. ...... ..i nt i i i -1 it ii in i a tiik' on on cio(i.-. m v.. country. three children having away. The surviving i -I i.. VViilt.ii- ntr.iji r i i c i an. "i"-'i - - Urrv. niret 21: Theresa, aged M. ('. Hew itt, the carpenter, is 1S. ,m(l vvilma. aged 13 years, still in theliouseimn i. k an nt Home. i if vn have a building to Tl, funeral took place lues (inn ii . - ., i . . iii move, see him tor an (aVi al the lamiiy noiue, ii in. i ( (I,., ni :,V. LUCKO tllllCiailllK. Ml Marry Todd, . i ,f t he in . Lev. 1 t,il. 11 ..T was at Hliximing, Hanks section, and v u r WJW cs8entlal y ...l in as unmire at me .ni.MTJ i , - .,. n.i u.nq hurh v 'Tins: One voar time bank- .mmexof baseball in tnai v u . , momber - i ri1 . . i k t. i (in ri'jsni'i n. u. k-Mtv- -r - ftun I . .....i li llllll V' i . 1 WW l l IMM 1S1U ill , " -1 l note, H p,-r cent. Cl''it otf f,. .insl, Julius Christenson, Owner. IlillsUiro, Koiitt? ft. p. Kuratli, Auctioneer, od Shut,., ci,.,. KMCIIARI) JOHNSON )..f ii,., C.ei-man Luthern ClUircn city. Saturday. , KUj u wide acquaintance In U, P.igham, who fanned seur- hva.shingtou County. i.i vears ago, tu-ar oi m" Th0- ioiiown'K brothers anil i, town from Montavillu. HaUir- Hvva survive her: Mrs. Lena iv coming out to the Modorn mhefsit Seghers Ore.; Coo. fciim-n picnic. H,ersdorf; North Plains; and l r. ... n...,.ik seed pota- H. 11. Uiersdorf. of the t-euum nrsicia . ,,. ,.,,11.11, a I . M1 Ill'l .lilt .v..n ii UI t' i)U m" r ' .... , This BulKling, Porthmil, (iiLi.i;T-MCLi?on Ilii'liHi..! nil. ii i . ' i i.,ii.inv store. "mi a, .lonnson , wei Know n inquire ai i .' . i , n w i. in . i. 1 1 ..... i... i Cm one week oni. ""nil asinngion i.ouniy, oiler is go" llTwl ti.l... I I I . . I a 1 I ml " "uo nan ueenmoroor loss N m jom.s, ot uppei y " ni1d Miss Minnie "'an nvalid for some vears. . 7 ,J ,i ih. citv Saturday, Orval T. Gillot and Miss Minnie ,li..,i ... . ,(,r . ,n.1 J, ' ' am h. was In tiu in ni i.,.., ,, . , . ,., lln tad in marriage - ui l, e nome ot ns s sier. ... ... iw nmii io i " iuciav ,, , im I ii i m... I'lirouie i" ' . .i.v.ikin L. Vionie Ot MI'S, marum -"ii. f. i i nif 1 1 iiikittii tuii.i i . r iiwi Kiiuii rii.-LiMtii in. liiv ' ,vs ri,,, ' J L "IV. the list day oi m ; r.7.1 1 June 7. law, ,7 "" niiikr, lJlino v, rJlu mr f Fll,m. ... - -;,.,.- The J llie.o, 1 I I .. I V I IvlWMIIMriL f.' - I I 1 truilI'MII UlllllHihi :7, wus a HinR,e man. i.e lhet.lty Sat--'' , ; "lowa college grad and w ' mn from his a,rarance was &Q bl,de ia well k0wn io ll" " nt Dilley anururcai.uru, "v''', High Q UALITY Drug Store I The Cardinals added another scalp to their belt Sunday after noon, w hen they took the Port- and Blues into camp by a score of five to two. The visitors were a pood amateur team but they found a Waterloo. Nick Williams struck out nine men and never allowed a walk to first base dur ing the game, except when he hit Hansen with a pitched ball. The visiting pitcher, Crandall, struck out but four men and allowed three bases on balls. Paseball luck was with the Car dinals and the game was in no danger except in the seventh inning, when the Blues tied the score, the game at the end of the inning standing two to two. In the 8th inning the Cardinals clinched it by running three over the home plate, In this inning Hinkle waa the first up. He smashed out a hit, made first then stole second; Briggs made first through an . error of the pitcher, when Houston walked, filling the bases. The Blues then threw the ball away and before Freeman, Batchelar and Phelps were retired, Hinkle, Briggs and Houston had crossed over. Williama pitched league ball all the time and closed his fifth trame with fifty-one stnke-outs, The game was the shortest and fastest played on the local grounds boro tor several years, iney since the days ot tne old Uia- ill remain in this city until hiond-W. nine, and the time con- all. when they expect to spend Unmed waa hut one hour and 38 their Winter in the South, minutes. The six errors of the visitors were costly but they man wii 1 i:t) - were errors made every day m 1. . .. . , . . - baseball, the Cardinals had but 1 a . i- -ii i i .1 i 11 t i m nt;,.Qnf Fin iwo errors cnaiKeu 10 mem ami Am rew Hna',a 21 u! lm'a this is some playing. The line-up: CARDINALS ab R H The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. THE BEST EVER" - Kaminshy's MaKe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hiilsboro, Ore. 0 o 3 1 1 o o 0 0 a o a 1 o ia 1 9 3t 5 7 7 PORTLAND BLUES md, was killed, Saturday, in a ide of earth in a tunnel near tho Btjition 20:iS. above Timber. and by the time he was released i death had ensued, naaoa was ; . 7 ; workinir with a fellow Finlander R Brines, c f the slide took Place. The Houston, 2b . . .. . , I l? . u arth knocked the cap ot umoer .r .l ft,ll fro vietim pRiciiemr, r 1 oil a jiciat aim icn vii w.v. . 'v" V Plieip. c Vlftn lumuiou over mm, mm uv Williams, p ih .1.1 fn h. n iirrnftiaKi. wno was with him, with tho aid. of ToUl mis Hose, who was working ,.1, wo lw i-.ileneii the unfortu u,,,,t "V- .-"r-r k1W u . .... i,n -i , uvna unmin. 1 1 naif niau, out nc . ; Go.Ward, cf 8C10U8 When exincaieu, turn .n:3 Smith, ab think he was dead. Louis uose Hansen, ib savs the work was being prose- Kouerman, ib cuted as usual, ana no uiame is p - - f attached to anyone, ine aeau preduickson ,3b man was working tor riannan saub w if )avis. A. B. Davis stated, to Uamiaii, p the coroner, that iiaaoa pan , 6 alMUlt $ir) Coming to him, Haaba sre by Inning wasatxiutai years oi age, mo 1 a 3 4 s 6 Uirv Sitting OP Hie case wiu uuisnoro 1 o o q o 1 - . . , 1 . Tl I I. .1 . . K vmiiiiiK h 1 niwi ronmuu u u u w u v svyvii 11 r vuiuiin - v V a-Mm fc. A. Ives. Guv Jefter- SUMMARY son, U. Templeman, H,M.lby, Stolen Martin liesiwaa aim .. '"T1 liamn. Two base hiti-W. Saub. Three SOU. 1 ne Vermel Wa r- base hits BrieKS. Kate on balls tran eenseil came to his death by SUf- dall . Left on bases H.llsboto 6; r.......I.M, iioiuui iv n r-nvrt-in in a t'ortlBml a. btrucn out w iinnis o SI! tS on the'raiad grade, g-jn man to Saub. Bit by pilcliea uau IUIXTON TO CELEHRATR UUusen. Uuipire-i-ooii. J. A. THORNBURGH J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNKV President Vice-Presiilent Ctihier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller, Tuesday, March 29, 1910. Resocecw Loans and Discounts V. S. Bunds at par Other Bonds Banking House 1252,872.88 25.0U0O) 5.!.W).00 16.2s3.00 LlABILITICS Capital 8 took and Surplus ? 12,0)0.00 Undivided Profits - SW.10 Circulation - 25,000.00 DepoalU - 432.0H0-90 Cash and Dues from Other Banks and IT. S. Treas. 15l,SS3.t2 AB PO o a t 3 4 10 a 1 o 1 99,9JS.00 4JU,9&.00 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates. DIRECTORS Thoa. C. Todd John E. Bailay W. Fuqu. Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburrf 34 14 6 9 o 1 AUCTION SALE OF HORSES 1 t i 1 wimi 1 wn arrived in Vancouver, Wash.. The parents came to ot u 'inou uouaiion iiinii ciunu. '.1 1, f,.i verv llianrvMii ni 1'lliejr o""'"lv,' , , y i i.Minii n ot aooYo i'UM.i,i,i ai aug iieroi ui ivv. Jl I . V t o hist of tho Fl,r several years she has ,-as n the city w , iaou. nwtronlan . " . . i3.,imI,iu , i.m..i i tha Oreironian wwk, retun.iuK o.o - ' IV'" Thiv will be at proof rooms. morning. tn their fne Wm.lW,o ro f Sitee, h Street, ami one ,,f the old veterans friends at 475 Portland the city Heights, after July 1. OTTO WAGNER wc'eased was txirn on thirl dona on Julv 7. 1818. Of his imme ?" family the following broth ei'U lltv.l , . mm -. Hisiora survive: .uenry vi,.k wa3 ,n l,v . lvir- M. A. wni, on - f , ri.lnCoe. d... . niiisooro Mrs. j. v. vv. . over , . "ni, ,.,.,.. Mr C M. u'iw n Hiituruay, j-rr n.. Wairner. son 01 sat. t'Uk. of w..i,i. on.l, niLrht's heavy ram. wnnnm Wanner, of near Mv... 1 .''""WII, lillKKOHI, l' I IVIIV . . WHO. ,11. .." .nin i "'is. Letii.. !..-., aw,w4 ii.l . nt ..r ,w,oP T.!iut-e . r i.,.,,riii.i H od June 10. ivlv, ai 'in. "V ? jr.oiiuujf Cnn, c 1111111,01 ii- wpjo"m -,; nn Tup iinern took 11 ii Mnn- .. unil caiieu uw,,, hnmo 01 n s uairiiw, v. .... .. ,.,vv- . ,.)w , fHUV -- ,. . ,. p the Argus 0.,,. !tUr" nfiar Blooming. Sept. lin v ton Is to hold an old-fashion- nd ' Kourth of July celebration this vear. and bills are now out tVia undersicmed will sell at nub announcing one of the best times jjc auction at the Cornelius Livery twer held in tnai secuon. meie stable, Cornelius, Oregon, on w 11 be oratory gaiore, ru ii Southern Facitic and Uregon and contests, baseball -and a Kiectric. commencing at ten a i-nno between trainea cows, nux- , nn SiTiTRnAY. June is ton neunleare iroinir to give their csVrv Vionrl rf horses, all broke. home neonle entertainment, and from 1.000 to 1.600. all thev expect a recoru urvaMiin vounur and well made, minis crowd on July 4. Frank Petrzil- hot several match teams can be ka, chairman ot the committee, bought. These animals are all and David O'Donnell, ,who are ppr.heron and Shire bred and rustling for the big time, inviie an(j are very hardy and tractable t tl,. "Jmnns " ! I All ln tnr eVt-rVUOU.V W uvm. ln nisiHisiLioil. All Clean aiuiu wire cuts, and aees win De guar- ' . . ! 11 - Tm wii 1 pii pn anteed. A so will sell a span 01 lW " . - .j," J 1! mules, years 01a, anu weisuiiis Save Your Honey By buying Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon 1 - 'iu-iii UIOK ! 'V. and interment was in the juuiiitin i.AnH Presbyterian " v,ieiery J We have quite a number of pairs of child's, J 'c clirwc wliirTi are slicrhtlv w t damaged and more or less out of style which a a we will sell ior one-third price viz $1.50 snoes i for (;oc: $2.2$ shoes for 7SC. Men's and 5 women's up to $3.50 for $1.00, for 50c; $2.25 shoes for 75c. These are all good material but not up to present styles. Now is the opportunity to get a good shoe for little money. We shall be pleased to show them to you as long as they last. I I SPECTACLES flU ; 2. 600-sound and true, well broke, flle'nu prS and a fine pair of work animals. 1 .Nathan Nol ninl tvi f f the P oiieers of Cornelius, was in the Clly Saturdiiy. Uanches of acreage sold or ex- WKL'(1 for 1'ortland jiroperty. Write or soe Wolll- Lanj COii i4r, ut Portland, Ore. 12-15 1 Vl .it .u Cmirh wiii born near diwhhub. i.,i,o Sl rihich and Hugh Smith " . twR lace were down from gunday, and interment was at Blooming, tie was a v, worthy young man. and the fam ily have the sympathy of their community. Kridav A I, Croeni. of near Bhany, wtfs'in town Saturday, and called on the Argus, n Nniz Sr.. of Shady Two wiliswere meu 1.. u.uua the last ot the weeK uuey uf and are wdl Cave's last wui anu vesta ..e.a .. , leaves to the widow tne 101 anu j,nno -aa trnm ihree home residence on Washington ... f and here ig Street; leaves the westerly iom opp0rtunity to select from the adjoining, to Miss Rose; and the K . herd of work horses ever Dusineaa uuuoo.K offered in Washington vjouniy. who is named as executor with- T . . Four months out bonds. Une nan 01 ine . . . M approved note, or rental of the building wiu go cash; Note3 to Dear 8 per cent Mrs. uave uuiuik nei muiic, interest The will of Mrs. Eliza Barrett, Merrill & WOLF, Owners. W. N. Barrett, son, executor, j w Hutrhes Auctioneer. Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. leaves her personal property to all her children, share ana snare alike, except that the household property is left to Miss Deborah Barrett. J. W. Connell, Clerk. J. Q. Johnson, of below Witch Hazel, was in the city Monday They're Eye-Helps If Right Eye-Hurters and Headache-Mahers If Wrong 1 o Who but yourself can prevent your having them wrong if you don't get them at the right place? Not the average spectacle peddler, or uu-registered optician. His mission seems to be to get your nose harnessed with a pair that strikes your fancy and opens your purse. It is by knowing the optical business thorough ly and attending to it properly that build higher and keep a reputation. . LAUREL M.HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist. . VICTOR AGENT . I I J Ri r 1 i I iM r. k f r t: f 1 k- 1 ; 1 f 1 !