if ir nlLLSBOR XII VI)!-. jiUNEW ROAD OVER T0J1LLAM00K 1IIU.SHORO, ORKGON, JUNE 9,1910. NO. 13 Ti.iiHH.k County Cmi.t A.kcJ to ,mhJ MS."" It ChnnKe ltk-KStlVl WNfS AITO I'Vlll D,.(.Uh Sa Wiltl"l" Count) Will Al.u be ,pproaihca i mi u u Ui'hlmm, vice w,..thti.i:ist for ih-w mud i- frii W.u.hinntonund Tillamook r,niiili. '"! il tlist-li from the past la,,H l,ua ,t,,u-sk,'l t. count . Uardovcr there t rxf-tHl fur U'1' MV"'''1 thaw. II-' want lh Tillaiiik jhvI,!.' t- fllw tin- Wilnoii river insti'ii'i ": I'liimiK . v South f"'k. an,l '"' 8a'H ,,uit (iy t.i-ii'li'u' tw ant (Jlenwond ?ini f.rt (,f filiation would ! eliminate' I. Tlini, iMiiti'mU Mr. Wicker slutm, if Washington mtit y wimlii s-!'l a like amount from on to tin' county line tin-re wi uld ! a !iin thorough fare lh war around und one KujM rli !"!' mU'-i. As lh re are two nil! a. iv lines hea.hil for Tillamook. ltli of which arc lvt.l to ! over there in n few nmntlit, "' hv next year mime time, ju-'i why eilher comity fhoiiM fw a Imnch of money to ojn-n si new vuik'oii road in not m:iic w evident t" the average UivaT. WMIU I'AK'MS I "OK SMI" l'"r l l it V. Il.m jw, u, l,u rein!.. , ! with hit i;unlili-r, M,i. Stabler, of near Cedar Mi!!, cut' fereil a pi-euliar aiii.-(it a t Friday, I In smi-in law. I'mil was culling a naplin and Mr! Hansen wan Fitting near, wulrh ing the work. 'I lie sharp blade went through the laxly of the trunk and the handle Ih-w out of the chopper's hand. Ileversinn its-lf. the end of the handle Hi ruck Mr. Hansen on the hip and fractured the neck of the femur Une. Mr. Hansen will now haw to remain indoors and play with that recently arrived grand daughter. Iir. Taunesie sa n that the patient vi ill out in a few days. THREE BRIDGES GIVEN 10 THE CONTRACTORS County JihIjjc Instructed to Close Contrnit With Southern Pacific will. IIAU. KOCK l"KOM OSWhliO ContraUnr licasoncr Kallclv and Shady Itrouk Itridxcs Three hundred and twenty acres ail in wheal at Ci an acre; -loo acres. acres in wheat at STi an acre; U'H acres wheat and (a-ture land at ?''' an acre, Hiuall rid) tuiMiient. w ill take a small Valley farm in cvehungc. or for first tm mi iit with easy twin for blaiice. W. M. l'.arnett, Wasco, Urep.n, Kti:j iiiii.i:m ItCK A very pretty home v editing W.vl rel.'lii' ile, i tit the home ol Mr. tun! Mrs. !!. (J. Luck, near lileiiciH., un .Sunday, June. ri, VJW, when iheir daiiL'htcr. Miss Clara. iis united in marriage to Ma Churl...; It. .It. .1,1 i,f I'.ntlni.il key. !;. l.uckc officiating. Mifn .Martha l.uck. the hndc sister i; i . :.i i Hi- fai ei Mielll.llll, Him illl. iil.l I.mk, a lirothcr of the liride, ut ti'iuled the KrHim. Mrs. Frank luickert. of l'ortlaml. samr "O. I'rumisM Me," and Mina KKthcr opiiiman, id Ivonnk'. I'lavcti inc ... I I' - La II weuinnvr march lrom Mctuici twohn. IllC hl ide wnco rrilu flu chint' over silk, and carrie-il u iMnnpiet f i i . .... ... i vi mule s roses, l he hniletunaii wore nil." creeii silk am! cnrriei IMI1K KUeet Imuw. At tlT till I't'renioiiy the laiyo wciitlinvr tinrtv u-w u. ,.,(.., I i. ii i!i ,1. .n.li, I ( ...... ... Illl.l l (1 ....... .... I e . ... ' weuuniK dinner. Ilio.sc iircseni were: lr. ti, JM, . (. laick, Mm. l'rril lnrk, Mn. llrriiMii K.iniiuo, Mr. mul '. H. W. Cuiipn, Mr. nn.l Mi I'rui! ""K'f, Mr. iui,1 Mm l.rniw.n. Mr. unit Mii.SwrriUml, Mm. Cook, It WitKKi0r n Opii, u.il.i, juttil.aun, Mm liim Kiik.(i'iuk MUit Vtcloilii, Ooliliimn, 'tl'i IIiimiiuIi S.tcliriiNclirtl, Mi Miy l)lk. Min Limine Co.k. m H-'lict Minimi, Mm. l'mok Kuckrrt, I'dwiii "'! AlUit l -ii. Winter mul Kolit. 'Him. Mim I'irila Km((inru-r. MIm witiiu- (ii.Mumn. I'otlliiinl: Mr. mul Mm. I'rl I I .1.1 I'l... l.f .l.l M, ....- '". nn, i inn, , .....t.-- (.atlir i .ir, M.itKtrl, limlirl, tt lid Jumi'i " Will CliBlmrm, Mici Ci-cilln, Mf I'i'i nn.l . nn 1 Max mul llettirrt '"'k; I'riusl. Kiluiir Hint Theoilnir. ' ""'In, I'liim null Wilum jtnlinow; Mls ydni. .;,1H , ir,,i, SUiki Mir 'liiin.l . 1; i tt n n mul M a Untie I mi.f. Mr. and Mrs. Hollcm returned f" I'ui lland Sunday evening, in P'l'ir car, ami they will be at l1.01"1' to their friends in that Cty after .Inly 1. The jrroom is tahlislu.d in t.u, araRe busi- i'l the Koho City. Mrs. lie cm iu 1....n i, ;,, Wnuli. . 1 lIIIIVll III IM."' lnKtim Count v, and has been a ""ueiii ut l'ortlaml for ten J't'tll'H. 0ll;(lON IILIXTKIC 1 lie t lu-ilule of departure and nrrivnl "f(rfK liiectric Cara tut Portland 'oIUiwm: Ul l'OMTl.NH l'MOM I'OKTI.ANII 7 "5 ii in N no a ill " Ss ii in 9 35 a in 'IS n iii ii 15 a ill 11 35 p 111 i 05 p III ' VS Ii III 1 ..c ti 111 . - o "J r I JS p III 4 aj p III 7 '5 p 111 6 aj p m 9 5s P 111 9 20 p 111 3 45 p in J u ao a til II Sunday only J Sunday out v Rnn l'".'aK' from 0,10 ucrc u,) t0 m Inquire of Jus. II. Sewell. 1 represetit the Spindla mrset. Make selectioii'i in jour home, where accurate measurements can be taken, am! you et a cur set to meet the requirement of your figure. Suid iostal card, or liholie rail for llpximtmeiit. Mrs. M. I!. Caudle, HiIWh.pi, Urep'ti, lit tti ami Jackson Street. Independent tele'iholie, Wire Chief Harry Morse, of the Pacific Slates 'Jeleiihone, is the proud lH.sM-i.Mir of a hand made tool chest made out of Missouri rherrv, hv Mrs. Morse's father, W. H. Kiilbuck. of Sprincliehl, Mo,, and who visit'-d t h 1 .h citv last lehruarv. II chest is one of the most beauti ful eer seen in the city, urn arrv sin-mis all his idle tinu w itli his oplics Khicd to the work of art. which came to him as a Present, Mr. Kiilbuck was very much taken up with Oregon atx hojM-s c entually tuliKate here lVrsotis livinir in the country am! w ishiiar to take the Ihtily and Sunday Oreoman for one year can. hv pamk' a year in iiilviince eel the Arvus and an OreL'oninn map. or chart, fur tin one nrice. This otfer will not ;ist lotuf so cet in your order soon. Mr. and Mrs. l.inton, of near Oreneo, Saturday evening, K'avc their .l:nieht..r Miss Hervl. a i.art v. and the features were an nl.l-fashioned tatfy-iuill an. vraines and soir. Those present were; Misses Jiervl and l.laiivs l.inton. Jos. lensley. Orenco; Clarence Hettis, Klizabeth, Vada am! Pearl Petti uud Arthur iraddy. 'efore the county court adjourn- '! la.l week, the Judje was in .tructed to close a contract w ith tli- Southern Pacific for the haul ing of rock over the Southern for the special road work voted y hcveral road districts aiont' the line. Other business trans acted: Petition Herman (ilaske et als, public casement A P. Tmld and l'hos. Connell to meet with Sur veyor Morrill, June 1M, and view said proposed road. C P. ltuchanan & Co, of Corne iiiH, were c'ranted warehouse li cense tor one year. Coroner P.rown's rcuort. death of Uastnus Mosby, apiiroved and lees and costs ordered paid. 1 rauscripLs state vs Daw s ami State vs Kruller, ordered paid. On Saturday, the court a:ain met and took up the matter of awardinif bids for bridtre con tracts The bids were: - II II Hall Pridw. at Shady Prook - J S Iirsunt'. $158; C h I'utts. $1:55.15; H K Iteasoner. $P!2.78. Contract awarded to lieasntier. lialTety P.ridtfe, almve Moun taindale J S birsuncr. $1258; C !: Potts, $1(50.30; li K Keasoner, $157.77. Awarded to Keasoner. Harlow Kridtfe. near (llencoe J S I.rsunv'. $.515); I'olts. $510. 15; Keasoner, $771.17. Awarded to liorsunvr. Claims allowed: J II Collier. ncc roiid .list No 3 f37 W Hailry, county ctrtk, al ; c 227 75 rii Snrii. wit dint atly - 4 x 4 M.,ril1 iuivrvor'1 ollice - 22 00 1 He 1 1 lull. rol viewer 6 M C t'litlMrimwv "'t " t; .:;-$' I. .I,.n Hsrwr' oK.ce 4 00 The Oreneo ball team (lofeateil the Mover team, of Portland, Sunday, by a score of 9 to 1. 1 he Orenco hne-uti: McDonoutfh. catcher, Chas. IJettis, pitcher; Ked (Jil enwater. 1st base; Alvin Huffman, 2b; Will Pettis, 3b; Martin, ss, making four scores; Will Cillenwater. If; Weston, enter; Salvador, rf. "Two things that are sure death and taxes." To this has been added a third - and that is Watkins' remedies for stock, poultry, am! for the man, woman or child, Watch for the Watkins' remedy wairori. Z. M. LaKur, Forest Grove, Oregon, 11-13. ERRORLESS BAL L BY THECARDINALS Splendid Exhibition of National Game Sunday Afternoon BRIOOS KNOCKS HOMER OVER FENCE Fan Saw a Fine Game and tbc Catholic 1 Played Ja Form High Q UALITY Drug Store I Baseball fans witnessed a splen- irame at Athletic Park, Sunday time of his life these days, lav- aftcrnoon when the Cardinals mi; in the waters of Dairy Creek , . , , . , r and the Tualatin. No matter hitched up with the Catholic how cold it is his story is always ioung men 8 iiuu, 01 roruanu. the same "Come on in -the It was a league game all the way water's tine." Mothers are put- through and but three hits were tine- in the evening hours rub- Ln j u :,i PoA - - , auoweu on eacn oiuc. Jaiu untr cod cream on their sun- .. , , , , . , burned backs. IJltc, er "CK ,ouni"e T w " . neitner anowea a Daiier w waiK Or C T Sehme e . osteooath- . . ic physician, of Portland, will be to hrst base. McK vv imams at the Commercial Hotel, Hills- pitched Matthewson ball all the ioro. Tuesdays. Thursdays and wav through, and his opponent Saturdays of every week. Hours wa3 there with all the dope that 1.00 p. m. to 4:00. lcJU makes good. Henry G. Guild, for 20 months Batchelar's steal to second and on the Argus, leaving the paper an error by the visiting 3d base last year in May, and who has man brought over the first run been editing the Newport Senti- but if Batch hadn t stolen that nel, has sold the paper to a Port- second the run would not have land man. Mr. Guild still has materialized. This was in the . i a!, -it.. U aonnnrt fhantar There was noth- properiy in uu cuy, nc w -"""i;" ;.i TC niu t.ects to remain at Newport dur- ing doing then, until in the 7th, The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride in the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies . 'THE BEST EVER" Kaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies ing the warm weather Eleven cows for sale; all fresh; irive crofw test, and a irooa miiK- ers; test goes 5 and 5:30; graded Jerseys and Durham. J. u White, two miles from Glencoe. Address Hiilsboro, Koute 3. 11-13. Con Pavne. who left here a few months ago to take charge of a dray business at Sheridan, The Delta Drug Store, Hiilsboro, Ore. when Bnggs smashed out a homer that sailed over the left fipld fence, makincr it two and after that it was lemon3 in the score snuare. H inkle, Houston and Briggs got the hits for the Cardsand Bochheit, Gleason and Knippel recorded the smashes for the visitors. Phelps' fielding a bunt to first was a pretty piece of work. Not a Cardinal registered UI a Ilia) UUftliitaa at uii-'-"ii.vvuii nut a uini iv,bov w w as down to the city the last of an error and the Catholic Young . i ii mi i uifln 4 ,..."4.u r the week. He still has a halt lntnrt in thp cmn Of hoDS On the John Sewell farm this side of West Union. W. F. Dessinger, of Beaver ton, w as up to the city Saturday, and went out to the Mountain- and Banks sMtnililiei-v. roses, peonies, lll- lics. all kinds of plant (low ers and i.lnnts. ( atihacc and lotnaio plants. Celery and caulitlowcr. Also kale plants, l-orsaieai me Campbell Greenhouse. Seventh and nr. 1ml. plume. A NewjMirt advertisement con tains the advertisement of Wil cox & Hamer meaning Geo II. Wilcox and Walter Hamervboth ...;i ........ i.t K- .I. unities with Shcr- itr llancink setting forth their claims to patronagcof the beach ers in the grocery and hardware line. Mr. Hamer him had a gro cery at the beach before and the two should make a strong team. Yes I keep Arsenate of Lead, the verv highest grade. Pike the Aetna brand of Pimo and li,hur snrav. there is nothing I .,. ., ' , a. better on the marKci, .....Mo saic and retail. 15. 1-eis, iH-au-i- ton. Oregon. Frank llarberg. the big wholc . t VV..ct inon. sale meai man o. , has been laid u. a tew cnys w u.. IiUmmI poison in one of his knees. He is under thecarcof Dr. A. a. Bailey. 1 luive added a complete line of baseball PhkIm. balls, bats, -i . ...I..,.,ilj miWk'S 111 UU U tt"J thing you may want in ut line. Also tennis goods, rackets, halls, etc. N. K. tiriHT. H Matteson and (J. W. Hf Al ;,f c.aston. were down to he city Monday. The U,y- deputy game warueus, - been iloing some "eieia.. in getting after ottetuiors. For sale: Ono6x9 Pedgerwood donkey;ngino,withcaWolockj rigging, ready for loggmK. Call rr uldress C. S. Keynold. ifounUiimlale. Oregon. 10-13 i. i ,,u,.n of Cedar Mill, was,p,UthecountystSaUu- Pie k inking nanus in .'' Ku'inmii neiirhbors am i',.,,i linK.r. Funeral tiD 1'owell (IndiKenl l"d) 45 00 L- T......I r.il vlPU'fr S SO l) II Kimiw, Slti r(te ex Ixl - 9 00 i?..ii. II i.'iirli Slli triiilc tt Ul.... 9 uo Josie M t'e, Stli j;iaile ex b.l .... 9 00 Kitie-t Weld.. Sth (rdetx Ixl ... y 00 Chm Waller, tirnlKen i 7 M llrtu, Inulgea 9 4 A M Culile, work on safe I 00 Knimoll Hroa, pt-c ,llsl ,s 36 5" S N Poole, aweasor'l otlice - 7S 00 S Pauley, ans"''1 o'lice 7s 00 it. i'..,l..il wior's aalarv...-loo 00 lirm-e lvkhman, surveyor' ollice 55 60 Tluu 11 Tonuue, .list Uy ollice... 20 to Henry VanUvke, transfer to dial.. 1.0 1-1-' li..... t.irf ri'tief 6 20 I'Cim M C Caw, ul ami exp - l 45 M C Ciiae, trelin(( exp Ji 45 uu,, .1 r.xlinn. ae9or' otlice... 7S 00 1. 11. (... muiilnv ami hauline u ' v...- 0 - - . rOk lit 9 ...iiS 4J . n..,n.lpf .nrvrvor omce..lJO 00 ut nil."."-. - Mat till Vamleliey, relief. 4J 5 Paoil.c Telephone Co, c ll tel.... 4 Doualil l.lr Co, bri.l(jf U 3 John M.'Clarao, at it c co court . 69 00 W I Burner, co court ... 5 4 W J llitti.tr, pec work (list 10.. f 1000 00 ... 1 11.., ...r Hit 10 aic "Soo 00 K B Todd, 'lec road uist lj. . . .fjoco 00 HrinK.Bron.H-lief U - I. W House, livery - 7 Kiln Wilkes, judtie'e ofliee S 00 J W C.oodm, al anil exp Men were charged with but 5 and that is some ball. The visitors have been signed nn tn return durintr the celebra tion, and will play at least one of the three games. The line-up: CARDINALS AB 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 PO I o I t a 10 O 12 O A E J. A. THORNBURGH President J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWKEY Vice-President Cashier Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller, Tuesday, March 29, 19 10. Resocbcis Loans and Discounts - t252,S72.SS U. S. Bonds at par - 25.UJ0-0) Other Bonds - - 53.RHO.0O Banking House - - 10,23.00 Cash and Dues from Other Banks and U. S. Treas. 151,83.12 Liabilities Capital Stock and Surplus 42,000.00 Undivided Profits . - 838.10 Circulation - 25,000.00 Deposits - - - 432,0,J0.'. 19 2 3 M C. Y. M. C. 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 30 o o o o o o o o o I o IO o I I a 9 o o o I o S 3 o I 12 any 3 75 7 oo 10 on 10 00 38 50 50 OO 2 24 I 91 13 75 222 25 . 15 75 I06 60 rnu'usneonie. M. 0. Hewitt, the carpenter is still inthehousemoviuK "r';7' 5 f you have a bin ding to mou see hi.n for an estimate. f. of Route o t y Sverlo;, "were in the St? Monday, and called on the Armia. 1)id you take notice of t o new line of back conibs at Libby sj They are just beauts, price just suiw. Horn, to John Johansen and wife, of Hiilsboro, June 3, 1910, a son. if ll ll.ird. relief A I. S.iylof. relief R H Reasoner, hritlges bohinill & Kuliacli, relief Crusher supplies, Uoff Bnw Win Tupper, janitor' sal Schoeiimecker B'oi i; mmoU Bros, supplies )all Thos Murphv, btiilges John Bever, spec dirt 9 Mays Jit Conover, M nisi 3 .... A nrilltini? J lVrahcl.d lo 35 Willis behind, salary and c if9 00 . m i.,..i,.-,M fo Ireas sal 50 00 S J Calloway, fruit inspector 94 00 Intiuest 1' B1 tua'"cr " 3"i " " .lmlU . , 11 v Cantwell I. Kred V. John Marshal ,,K C Bmw- 1485, lr A L. M'Kr i, u .v-. (M...d itnuilt inan I. 1 in,, Wove--Davui Wencer f.1. ' A,1 Hrrkman 519 35. raV v WorksS aeuiruy y,c.m Klchardson ,0 50, Cmnell & w9i M. J"- V; ' A1. Nick Keninier iou, nwin" Son i 35, H L Russell 365 70. COUNTY MAN HONORED According to the register at the Threshermen's convention at Al bany, last week, tne io.iow.on ..:ni,,Mnon were there from Washington County: Chas. J. Herb and George Vanderzanden, K-uiks E E. Schmeltzer, Hills- Ferd Langer, aneryvoou, u. ,,.,v iVwaf drove, lne tSUa.c,lnfwm;bea. y 1 . n r nnr - ' 1 1 1 1 1,. ul Lauranue. - lne Scholls, was elected president of the association. dale and Banks sections, on a l.iiLMnoci rir IToenva that Rea- ljuailit.i.i 1 - verton is drifting along nicely - and making improvementa every Hiukle; j f day, B Brings, c f , . p l 11. nousion, u T.ioL- P,d. nenn nf Scholls. re- I., . v. nr.n.1,1 Vl'i.llV from SI trin tO the! R.trlirlm-. T till IIU .1 iuuj ........ . u ...... . 1 - - Tyghe Valley country, above The Phelps, c .,J., t..i. " 4.u i,..,l I Williams. O 1 iniEiLi 1 utii v 1 iir ir ri 1 stretches and gentle rains of total this country are good enough lor 1 Him. C.ll.n.l.r . f For sale: First-class red cedar Leary, 2 b shingles, cut or sawed, in any b f quantity. Will deliver. -t. b. I)avi,i,i Reynolds, Mountaindale, Ore. Id Hediick, p Franz Kisling and daughter Mary, of Yuma, Col., arrived Knippei,3b Sundav. and are guests at me total Jos. Brandenburg home, near Orenco. They will remain sev eral days. Cardinals Ice cream delivered to thu town. I , 1 I- .1 A . 1 . I. T. . ti . ..., i,.,...i n mo W(vii rsinn Leie- i oases micdcui iwuv i, , ,.- .. -1. rfM5n. out-bv Williams 9; Hedrick 9 iinones, rvoeuei o wnmuvn - - - ,, 1 ine ill.iciiuain.c aiJ nun . 1 rne merits oi me uamc auu Herman Ostermann, who has pe n can -en in business at Centervnie, , hig sorto receiptS- There AUn 1 ir.1 HQ CI 11 i 1 ' Mil I . . 1 ior seveiai . - are many who are ottering to sold to one of the a now , was are management of the over to the city Saturday, and . , Htt,e Binonthly sub. was n caller at the Argus. L--i: tu Pninoia ' 1 wit.iii 11111. 1 ik: vjaiuiituiu t, i. T X? ntViom nnd I n flnoilooanf omnronr IHHU, LO U. A-.- """I""1 uilkUUK Ullftiliicuii"""'"".'1-"' wife, of Hiilsboro, a daughter, ball, many of their games being June 5, 1910. This is their third reai league work, and the town daughter witn no narness uwk snouia appreciate iu yet spi liiKteu among (." nuiu'v,,, Humphrey Boyd, of Dil ley. was n town trmay, anu raucu on the Argus. Mr. Boyd came linfi(irfi;tnied will sell at Dub- down to see his sister, Mrs. iu- Uc auction at the Corneliu3 Livery ley Cave. Stable, Cornelius, Oregon, on O B. Potts, of Gales Creek, Southern Pacific and Oregon onri wiin mixes farming witn v pntne. commencing at ten a ai u " av - - -- - 1 1 - . - Ki.i,r .nntrsict.inor. was down m on Saturday. June is: 4y,9-J9.00 499,929.00 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates. DIRECTORS Thoa. G. Todd John E. BaiUy J. W. Tuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburjf o 1 24 Score by Inning ia34S678 OIOOOOIO PVMOo O o o o 0 o o I rr. 1 r.ll.,l. r V M. Remember r a llnmr runs Briee. Stolen btruck AUCTION SALE OF HORSES Save Your Money By buying Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon 3 We have quite a number of pairs of child's, women's, and men's shoes which are slightly damaged and more or less out of style which we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes for 50c; $2.25 shoes for 75c. Men's and women's up to $3.50 for $1.00. These are all good material but not up to present styles. Now is the opportunity to get a good shoe for little money. We shall be pleased to show them to you as long as they last. I I I ur.,.. v.n nn.intv court. Satur- KSffu Viond nf horses, all broke. UeiOlC Vll tVUll.j ' , - I A H ... ' .I cnuntv work. woio-hinrr from 1.000 to 1.600. all W B Peterson, manager of young ana weu iimuc. iuiu , V i ot vvit-Vi Ha7el lot several match teams can be the Ray hopyard at Witch Haze , 101 s was rfVr and Shire bred and carrying one of his arms in a tractable sling IX VI VllViVU m nnrl nrp verv hardv and tractable in disposition. All clean from Money to loan on real estate wjre cuts an(j age3 win be guar We sell farms, lry or.taoH Also will sell a snan of oanivifv We sell us. The Webfoot healty ' 00. muies 7 years old, and weighing Hiilsboro. 2,600 sound ana true, wen uroice, m, rn t- n,i vuifo nf nnrl ft fine nair 01 work animals. ItlOS. IVlCuuit au , 1 n . .1 ti,a niiv t.he Have trood life and are well lOllianU, WC1C III wv. -.-j; ---- i 1 1 1. ,,-,cto nf rfilfl. mnTChPn. nrstOI tne xveeN, KuCo -r- . f. .. . , . L1 ' . I l - .. I Ul . . n v..-. rv nrva onrl ham la cuiiiiKtu ii : v f n ' r Write or see Wolff Land Co., 145 Realty Co. 12tf Ranches of acreage sold or ex- &n rtunity to select from the changed for Portland property, j t herd of work horseg ever VUifa nr BPfi Woltl Land LO., 1) a J : W.lmfnn PMirtf .r 1-2 St., Portland, Ore. 12-15 A L. Grebe, who has been rapidly improving his ranch near Laurel, and who has added a fine acreage to his plow land this .Mon. was in town Saturday, putting in an order for rain. of near Cedar Mill, was in town the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Downs were Rose Festival visitors, Monday. John Goodin, of Montavilla, is in the city, the guest 01 relatives nfffirpd in Washington County. Torma nf snip? Four months time, bankable approved note, or cash. Notes to bear 8 per cent interest. Merrill & wolf, uwners. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. J. W. Connell, Clerk. Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. TheSKillful Repairing of Jewelry a a a You have often heard it said that really, right repairing was a lost art that the average mend ing done now days was a bungle. Those who bring their jewelry here to be repaired will find unusual facilities and unsurpassed skill. Your search for faults will be faultless. If you have any old out of date article of jewelry let me remodel it for you. Prices are right, and worK the best. Old gold and silver taken in exchange, or high est market price paid in cash. a LAUREL M. HO YT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist. VICTOR AGENT r " c i 5 I- I X. v i t IZ - ! I ; v 1 . -