r The Ml vol, XVII inU.Si:ORO,)RK(;oN,JUNK2, 1910. NO. 12 FIIZA PURDIN BARREn DED FRIDAY ffll w ViisliniK" Cunly I'M.nur l in.n. v.'ri"-l"K lHu N0n l IHMtl'IK CO., MISStUKI Woimjii ! SpkiiJU I'h.irmltrUlii ,in J um-r.ill) IWIuM'd jlN. .a 'it .I. I'ur.lin It.in clt, Ih.- Int.- W, U, l'.anvtt, il'., a! lh- family Ikmih- id Uih city. I'l'i-'V f '. M;l' jiljii, :i:;.-r ;tii i!htcM uf Mncral W,-rk S!i- !H U'l H it) I'-xiric ('..ui.ii. Miv.oi.rj, July I!, ISItl. (! r;i!!t' n t)ivpti in l'il. with "(,.r ,,ar-' I i, Ira K. I'unliH Sr. tui.l tin fiiniily lii'tltifH' hUi,.- I ii -I (Iruvt. tn the north uf t! i "n April ll. I''m. (,!,, u a-, mai rii'il lo William II. ',;tn H. li'l i " f V - 1 I '.. I . I ill llrl 'A tin ri'i-i.nt U- I ! . ,i . ' . ' IHIIHMU Ull' l.,tHI'l- tuV. W;t;i III lOVSII Siltllll II.- Kivg ll.-.l III' i'4 I'liini' Id htiM k tin in nlniiu. ami m 1 1 1 I v In ti rnlory with an up lo natr (:4alishini iit. Mr. I lirillT Uil'i lllt.Tr-itci! iii l.il 1 im- at 1 '.auks wild hi lirutli. r, Mont pniifiy Tunii r, for Hi-vcral 'Uis ami lit reputation an u liiinincss man h first class. He in now cnt'aj.'nl in ertiiii in ruorv stock ami kci p-i a team on the mad all the tune. I represent the Spirella corset. Make ivi li i tion-i iii your hollie, where accurate ineaHureinciiti can he taken, ami you ct a cor set to meet tin- reiUirement.H of ) our figure, Si-ml otal card, or lihone call for aniHiiiitiiienl Mrs. M. K. rauJle, ilillhU.ro, Oi'eenn. Fifth ami Jackson Street. Imlepemlent telephone, :.hi. J. Huchele ami A. l'eiison, of t oi'liellict, wefe in tuWIi latur- das. 'Ihev reiMirt a shower of lailfitoiies near ( 'enterville. I'Vi- lav forenoon, ami nay that Her man Senllcr nml R. Schsvanke eie Ix.th m the storm and that their hores came near runuin k a-Aa. There was no material damages to crop and tli path of the htortu dnl not cover much .'ilea. l'ersoiis liviiit' in the country and ss i i . i t to take the Iaily ind Sundas Oreonlnu for one ear ran, hy laying a year In advance. e,t thi- Arms and un tlreeooian map, or chart, for the one price, This oifer will not !a.-.t Ion: so ct in your order soon. CARDINALS CRIMP THE GREENFIELDS Store of Nine t lour Was the Mory of Sunday's (iumc iMI:. HI) SI'KISkl.lMi 0I: IKKIIKS Nick William Develops (ircal Ratting; Slrcak, and Stores I our M,' I'.arretl cr"H!ed the lith- m " Panama and from there hy Imat to (Ireuoii, and a stranee nt nii 'dclil wits the fact that she and her hu-.haml fUtin' to Oregon frmn the I'-tlumiH on the sauu Km!, aithouuli neither knew of this m.fii lliey met later in tins iiiiihl Mr, Hamdl haMus-'set lied near ( IrrrtiV ille. Aftel thur tii.trriae, they settled n a donation land elami lu-ar dreen iile. her htislianil workinwat tin cui v tradf. Tin' husband was al o an Indian War Veteran Thcv cni imiieil (Hi their (liven Mile farm until IS'.Kt, when they iiitned P 1 i sUu'ti to reside. M- Harrett was a lister "f II. m Ira I'. I'm-ilin of Portland. and 't,ll interested in farming .iImh.c il etlrove. Her children arc; ihm. W. N. l'.anvtt. Stat Scnalof, of llillslmro, recently at Anaiioiis. Man land, atlenunn the eiaduatioit of his son, Wil liain, at the Naval Academy. Mrs Alice lloolev. wife of (! 1 i.Kii. i ,,r C II.. Mrs. Amanda I'urdin, widow of the late HucJi I'urdin; Mrs. Anna I'an-;. h u ifi.i.f M..lem,. Parrish. a Willnir, Wash., merchant; Miss I'ehnrah P.arrett. liillshorn, ami Hias. !', p.arrett. of llreenville, on the home farm. Mis, Harrett was widely tvai tind a wavstiMik un active Intel 'St in niililic nlVaiix. She was : uoiiianof very kindly disposition iind a snlemiiil ludirhlKir. ller many sterling (piiilities avf Iut a wnle Iriendship in North a.sli- iiiKion County, and her doinisc lanirs w ith it a Kincero ivre Hun till' t'or.l in m lirnllirr ef Mis Knit, it, n IhoI Hie (rip fniiii Mi ,0 Un........ It.. I.'.l.. .U. . ..... ul I tl iii rriutito, i'1,!!, Il I Mi Kim, nujl)( liy Klnyr l3r,llliliS to l.iMiiH, ilure UikliiK the Klf iiiu r Clam f'ir Ni w ( Hlfiiim. laiilwnkiiij; llit-re on In' riiiiiK-ro, rniiiniHiiiU'il ly C'nl'tni" I'IiiimI. m, liioilicr ef llifliU' t m l r t n l'liui.li ih, t,( I'oit'.mid, we clmnm-il l'"Hs l'ir liimn In HKci-iii'.lnn llir Smi I'lvii noil rtiwhing l.nkf N i'iiinnua. W'f lone (in iihiU-h fniiii l.nke Mi-iioiii" l Un- 1'iii ilic Const, tnkinti ihiish!C on 'li-iiiusliin Sicrrit Nfvmlii, f"' S" I'OlllllM ii. At lllllt JlOlt, VI' t'lllllHlkl'll " tin- Aliii'iiin fur 1'nrtliiiHl, Wi wnc two nionlln nmMiiK I lie ti)," SOUJIiEKN PACIFIC l.' iiviii lor Portlatnl I'oiint ('.rove l.ocnl 61 " Hln-i Dlun Pljrr 9:11 r. ho I'lniiit ('.rove I.ociil 10:4a 1,1 I'oriHi (.rove I.ucal y.U !' CorvitlttM OvcrlKinl j:lo p. m l, uven Portliind for IlillHlioro torviillis Ovcrliiud 7:1011.111 lon t tove 1,01'hI ,, , , . ;.ki in I'l . ....1 1 . . , in - .1 iniive 1,01'HI ., 1 1 Mii'iiiliiii Plyor :w P- " "'oriht C.rov 1,oc'h1 S:4 V- " I u 'P.. 1 in. il... yi.,1v,i " . jauer, wn.n il" kniii" l i'ar Co., owners of the ltouvor tiiii lieodvillo Aetvajfc, wan in n'wn p nday mornintr. Piano for n:ili chean. Masy U'l'iiis. Will take organ aw part PHvmont.- C. l'lifkor, iu' hni'o, ,1. lm...i,. nf Smith Tuala tin. w:w (tunn sio iifil-iv ImvimlT Hi ".iPljlioH, ami shaking lunula witn iuti trioiuia, The Cardinals heat the (Ireen lields, Sunday, in a game st full of errors that Scorer Bockcr lost his heariuys hut it was a game that kept one on the sharp edge of anxiety and interest. Tin visitors were heady fellows, hut they could not connect with Williams' curves for safe hits and he funned Some of their best natters. W 1 lam devedned a hit! inur Btreak, and by timely hits in two innings scored two in each. The four scores made by the (ireenficlds were not earned in any sense, and it should have been ashutoiit came. Ash Hous ton took many chances and play ed yreat ball, andj.tie was there with the himtes. Freeman ttlav- ed a 1001I tamc at first and v:ls charged with hut one palpable error. CAKPlNW.s am k II I'D a k llrown, 3 1) 5 Wilki-a. liiuklr. I f It HiiKlik. r f 1.. I,. Craw ford, of ("raw ford tat ion. aUive Hanks, was in the it v the lad of the week, return ing this far with Mrs. li. P.. ni, w ho has been visiting w ith is famils. and who Wits eiiroute to her home at Olympia, Mrs. .on isverv lironuneiit in drango work in thi-slate of Washington, and is a cousin of Mr. Crawford. .-1 ; 1,1 ...in- 11... a tieonieS lib ies. nil kimisof plant llowers ami plauK Cabbage and tomato hints. ( elery and caulilHiwer. kale plants. For sale at the 'ainplM'll tbveuhouse, Seventh 101, 1' r in . nnone, n I'roik Smith. Soil of W. K. Smith and wife, of South Tuala, tin, U ill with typhoid in M, Vincent's Ibmpital, PorUami. I l.i 14 ii fireman for till' 0. H. & N, I'o., uml has Urn in tin' Al- .ina yards and on the run ne- tween Portland ami 1 manna. His father was down to see hmi the last of the week. Yes 1 keep Arsenate of Lead, the wry highest grade, cikc .1,.. A.,ina ln"iiid ol l.iine and V III , vii. " . . . Sulphur spray, there is "''thing ,etter on tne tnarhei. noon- ' 1 II I .I mil' sale and retail. r. iis. on, Oregon. 11.. 1 lull. iter's kid a baby in, it " i. " . , , goat; not a child; deinciateiy walked into a vat ol HUtKing nno i front id' the Wilkes Hnm. )Uilding, the other morning, am. ts a result had a bail eye and a tender quartet of feet lor a few davs. The little chap did con 11 11 11 rim lime sideranie meainix 1. ,omleiiced working on ins eye. 1 t, ., ,l,le.l n comnlete li'u of baseball goods. balU, bats. mit.s. KloyeH, masks, m vfu ., ,. unnt m that lino. i iimn , on in. 1.' . Also tennis goods, rackets, halls, etc. N. K. ti'ver. Ceo. II. Wilcox and family de parted the first of wwr ' . . 1 W.ni nort t )r.. their new uome 01 - -where Mr. Wilcox will en tor the business. All lhllslM.ro wishes lor m success in lus inisuie .v... Ful.sa(,: ()net;xi)Ledgerwc)ia donKoy enuioe, o- S o 3 i I 40 100 4 1 U 1 U O Hi, 11. ion 'ih 3 2 0 FirrTun, I ti j a o 6 o I Huh hi-lur r f 1 1 0 o 1 o l'lirha, c 2 I I 10 I 1 Wilhiini 11 i 0 3 a . 0 Tot.t 31 S) V 7 C.RI-KM'Il-XDS 3 All K II I'O A K J 1 2 I 4 I 4 o a 11 0 J 1 o v 0 4 o u a 3 1 i 1 o 7 a 40 1 10 1 o 1 a o o 40010 3110a llnttfillri-t, ft Akin, j li JubtiMJti, I ti. Nor li v, I li, r.lrMtin, c I.. Ilar.lv, ( f K. IUi.lv, 1 ( Strminlian, c f I'urlli, p Total ja 4 7 J3 ia 5 tUtclicUr out, kit by balled bll. Score by innings 1 a 3 4 6 7 8 9 Cnnlinii's o 2 0 3 a 3 0 x 9 t'.reetilie do o o o o 2 o o 14 KCMMAHV WilLet. Iliiiik!. Batell SiiiTiiii-p hits I'helua. Hoiu ton. llae on Iwlls William I'orili a. I.cfl mi bi- Hillsnoro 0; i.recii 1..1.1 1 Two Imsr hits, lloimtoii. Akin ii ii-.,!. Siriiik mil Willninii lo O...H. c' ' li.i il.li. nlv ItulterlieM to Olrannii to Jolinwn. Hit by pitelied ball Noiliy, Johnson, freeman, iuhmc umiif- 1 00 it but bis buttinir eve Sunday, ami Ins bit lo left tie Id brouH 111 two sre-orc. Un billing broinjbt i four score. Anil Himnlmi took fvery rbance nt secoml and nude gootl for llie aicv reiue iliH. Little ltatch bits Unit bead foremoat iliiiedown like ltalley'a comet and it won out three times out 01 lour ami omc nt the home plate C.leason, the viitinK catcher if some snort and a uooil loser The error column Sunday was as big m the recent eclipse ol lite moon Mrs. Anne M. Ing. of Miss oula. Mont., arrived in the city Saturday, and is a guest ol her son. of ' the Annis. Mrs. Img still owns one of the best dairy farms in the state ol Wisconsin, and at the age of 01 is going into another wilderness, having drawn one of the fine prizes in the Flat head country, atove Missoula. Her son. I-on. well known here, and in the mercantile business at tavelli, Mont., was also fortunato n the draw inir. She states that Paul C, another son known in this city, is now running a loco motive over in the state ot Wash ington. "Two thineH that are sure- death and taxes." To this has been added a third-and that is Watkins remedies for stock, noil trv. and for the man. woman or child, Watch for the Watkins' remedy wagon. ., M. l-AUl'E, Forest drove, Oregon. ll-U. Sherilf Hancock went to 'li gardville, Saturday, and brought Chas. I'.urnham Jr. up to the count v bastile. Younir Burn- ham, who Is a foster son 01 tne Uninh:miH Is charced with steal ing $1D from his foster mother's nurse, and blowing in the coin at Port land. (lhas. returned home, evidently, as soon as his money was expended. K even cows for sale: all fresh; e-ive vood test, and all irood milk ers; test goes b and 5:Jt); graded Jerseys and Durham. J. L. White, two miles from Glenuoe, Address II llsboro. Route d Sam Humnhrovit. well known here as a boy, and who was in the eitv the ast of the week, says he is wonderfully surprised nt the nroirress Hi sboro is maK- lnir these ( lavs, bevera DntKS have been built since he was out to his old boyhood home. (".caiselierries for sale. Will pick or deliver; or parties can nick in the yard. - Jonn ueiiiy, llillsboro, lioutel. Pacific States, Telephone 1- armors 4(5. 11-14. GLENGOE 10 HAVE HEAL RIVAL Company now Platting Lots and Acreage on Barlow Farm ALSO CUTTING LP CORNELIUS TRACT New Town g lo be at Least Half Mile From the old One I A Hid MAP 1-lNISHl-U on Key cnum . - , igging, ready lor logging. Ull , .K dress C 8. Heynoli Moimtaimlalo. Oregon, i. .f, RonsonercouUl not jveaoiivi vv wmWxw work on the Keo uis liridge before this week owing lol'ilu-vtoget theine dnver w hich was m useai, u.et ton bridge. M C. Hewitt, the carpenter, is s.minthelumseinoy.il.us mil if you nave a im. -So, see him for an estimate. John Kamna. the FJ ,.,eher am owner of the ng Kdwlmb Place, has bought a line touring car. I,,,, cream delivered to any l i i ill' town Kemembor 01 IE Hoth tele. P we phon erv - KiwUt'b Confection- N Wom of near Laurel, was 1N . .i uv dtiv. lie le aver to l ie cn-y , . crop looking hne out his 'm you take notice of the new , r luiek combs at Libny 9! line ot back V.',"; t9 and the They are jiwt oeauis, price just suits. ,i,lvr Snrvevnr A. A. Morrill i.u ioct riorn nleted a handsome map, TiOxlW inches, embracing h... ludilino-s of the Shaw-Fear Co., on the line of the Southern Pacific, between Keedville and St. Marys. This is the largest (inre'lire eve r nlatted in one body, and the various tracts cover over ;5 GIK) acres. This has been cut into i;K! tracts, ramring from a fraction of an acre up to as high as 20 acres, the majority, how- ..,, mini)' cur. into a acre ttx- l u" "V." , V ' 7 i i..:.i i tions Koaus nave oeen iaiu out to every tract and a great num ber of sales have been made in the last few years. The body of land lays on both sides of the b. P and some of it extends to within a shore aisiauce ui us Orogon Electric. The map covers: The Heaverton-Reedville Acre age, Kinnesswood Acreage, Al drich Acreage, Wheeler s bub Division, Alton Acreage and the Johnson Estate. The map is to be photographed and piaeeu on exhibition at the coming Kose Festival in I'ortiana. WHUAT FARMS FOR SALO Three hundred and twenty acres n ...Viuof nt. S:i.ri an acre; 400 acres. 300 acres m wheat at an acre; U20 acres wheat and nasture land at &n an acre, Bm cash payment, will take a small Valley hrm in exchange, or for first payment with easy term for balance. W. ai. naincm Oregon. xxo states that the Farmington bridge is now ready for public travel. Mrs. C. L. Baker, of Sumner, Wash., and three children; Mrs Amanda Wolverton and Sam Humnhrevs. Ixvih of Portland, were out the nast week, truests of J. H. Humphreys. They came over to attend Memorial Day ex erases. For sale: First-elass red cedar Rhlmrles. cut or sawed, in any nii'iiititv Will ric hver. L. S. Keynolds, Mountaindaie, ure. J. K Andeison. who recently sold his place a half mile west of Beaverton, was out to liillsooro Satnrdav. Mr. Anderson sold out, owing to his health, and he contemplates a' trip back to the old country betore long. Look out for Plunkett, the viHH.tiililo man. He sells al I-in. la o f fivsh vegetables, and is i.itnhlishiiif a house to house route in the city. In llillsboro every Wednesday and Friday. Fred Faetsch. of Shady Brook. , ... ... i. .i, and YY. w. t ame, oi uieucoe, bavu Immrht. tilacesui) near bher idan. Land is selling at about $-15 per acre up in that section. Money to loan on real estate security. We sell farms, try us.-The Webfoot Kealty Lo. llillsboro. 12tf Mr and Mrs. A. Persimrer. of Rural Route No. 1. were in town Saturday, and called on the Ar gus. Frank- Rin-mson. of South Tua latin, and who has a fine prospect for a big crop, was in town Saturday. tiVnd Schmidt of near Laurel. was in town Saturday, shaking hands with his county seat friends. George Miller, the Cooper Mountain honman. was up to the city Friday morning. T. C. Johnson, of the Johnson Rms sawmill, was over from South Tualatin, Saturday. J. N. Miller, who has a nice little farm southwest of the city, was in town Saturday. A. C. Winney, the contracting nainter. was in trom beyond Uloneoe, baturciay. ni P, R. Brown and son, Hovt, were out from Portland Decoration Day. i.Vnd Rench. of near Glencoe, was over to the county seat, Saturday. n IT Willers. of Jobe's, was over to the city, baturday. Acreage from one acre up to 500. Inquire ot J as. li. &ewen. S A. D. Meek, of Glencoe, was in town Saturday afternoon C. S. White, of near Gaston, was in town baturday. Sam Johnson, of Shady Brook, was in town baturday. The United Railway survey is doing things to the old and his toric town of Glencoe, six miles north of Hillsboro. A company has purchased the O. U. Uarlow farm and the Scott Cornelius place, and of late they have been surveying it in acreage and in town lots. This property will be placed on the market in the near future, and it U expected that it will sell very well on the open. The United runs through the tract, and then neada tor Cedar Canyon. This will mean If successful, that the old town of Glencoe will either have to move to the new town, or tne new town will have to build to the old one. ! The United has reconstructed the map in another instance that of BankB. It Is said that arrangements are being made to start a new town not far distant from Banks near the Dooley place and if this be the case there will also be things doing up that way, as well as at Glen coe. Many think, however, that a town will be started where the United crosses the Tillamook line. Glpnenp has heen a tmod trad ing point for many years, and the Mays Bros, have a big mer cantile hnslness there. Several families make the little point their homes, and there are two thrifty lodges, each owning their own halls the K. of r. and the Woodmen of the World. A few months more will determine the future of Glencoe the little vil lage named after its prototype in Scotland. High Q UALITY Drug Store The Place where you are always getting Drugs of absolute purity and High Quality and compounded by pharmacists who take pride iu the accuracy of their work EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR "Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates, and Candies. THE BEST EVER" ftaminshy's Mahe Man Tablets and Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies The Delta Drug Store, Hillsboro, Ore.j THE MEMORIAL SERMON Rev. Evan P. Hughes preached thf Memorial sermon at the Congregational Church, Sunday forenoon, to a crowded auditori um. The address was one of the finest ever delivered from a pul pit in the city, ana alter its close. Mr. Huerhes received many expressions of praise. He re viewed rpn ete v tne unaer vine thought upon which all true pa triotism is based and extolled that, adherence to unitv that is the making of all homogeneous organization. It was happily de livprpd and was an address that will linger long in the memories of those who were fortunate enough to hear it AUCTION SALE J. A. THORXBURGH President J. E. BAILEY W. W. MCELDOWNEY J Vice-President Cashier I Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, ORE. Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller, Tuesday, March 29, 1910. Loans and Discounts - $152,872.88 V. 8. Bonus at par - 25,0u0-X) Other Bonds - - 5.I.Si0.lK) Banking House - lti.2s3.Ci0 Cash and Dues from Other Banks and U. S. Treas. 151,883.12 Liabilities Capital Stock and Surplus J 12,0)0.00 Undivided Profits - 838.10 Circulation - 25,000.00 Deposits ... 432,090.80 $l!i9,929.U0 4!W,29.00 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates. na I mmJ The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at his farm 1 1-2 miles from Hillsdale and 3-4 of a mile from Council Crest, at 10 o clock a. m., on SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1910 Tram nf milieu 8 and o vears old: span of mares, 10 years old, weigh near 2500 lbs.; 5 head ot cows, one win De iresn in 3 weeks; 3 shoats; Milcuell wagon com plete, 3 inch; Bain wagon. 3 inch; low wnwnn new: heavv hack, single horse buggy; hack pole complete; set of work Harness, new; 3 set 01 won narness, 1, tod anmpr stemii nim r : ram: 70 feet 1 'i inch iron nine: ioo feet i-inch pipe; 2 pipes for steam cookers; cultivator; 6o teei steam pipe, 3-0 iuuu, ouccp wji mu, water trough; 2 large cookers, scalding vt! 1 set of block and tackle: 6 hoe gauilels; 8 slop cans, No. 8, new; 6 small slop cans; 6 Darreis, 30 gallons; 3 oarreis, a.. .Yuilnna- sickle criniler: a loir chains: h.n rarV tplpnhone. pood as new: 2 "v 1 r --. o-- . . scoops; work bencu; 15 uoors ana win dows, band truck, potato nigger, wagon, 3 barrels. A steam uireBning ouini m nr trail, mi ip ree uuen ai noon. Terms of Sale Sums of $10 and under, cash in hand; over $10. 4 months time at 8 percent 3 per cent discount for cash on sums over $1U. A. i. Kruger, uwner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. Ed. Shute, Clerk. J T fierrish. of East of the city, was up to the county seat Saturday atternoon. Ranohpa nf acreacre sold or ex .liamwil for Portland DroDertv. Write or see Wollt L,ana uo., iio 1-2 St., Portland, Ore. 12-15 Jasrjer Keffer. of near West Union, and W. C. Jackson, of Glencoe, were in the city batur day. iT Viohl. of bevond Oak Park. was in town Saturday. He says thnt the Reaverdam farmers are through their work of seeding and planting earlier thia season than lor a numDer oi years. DIRECTORS Thos. G. Todd John E. Bailey J. W. fuqua Wilber W. McEldowney J. A. Thornburg Save Your Money By buying' Your GENERAL MERCHANDISE at the J. E. BAILEY STORE Forest Grove, Oregon 3 We have nnite a number of Dairs of child's. women's, and men's shoes which are slightly dnmacrpfl nnd more or less out of Stvle which we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes for ;oc: shoes tor 7. Mens anu v'" women's 11 n to 4l.CO for ftl.OO. These are all pood material but not tit) to nrpcpnt- srvles. Now is the ormortunitv to J L l J get a good shoe for little money. We shall be pleased to show them to you as long as they last. - C I The SKillful Repairing of Jewelry C3 O You have often heard it said that really, right repairing was a lost art that the average mend ing done now days was a bungle. Those who bring their jewelry here to be repaired will find unusual facilities and unsurpassed skill. Your search for faults will be faultless. If you have any old out of date article of jewelry let me remodel it for you. Prices are right, and worK the best. Old gold and silver taken in exchange, or high est market price paid in cash. laurelmTEoyt Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist. VICTOR AGENT 1 1- t t : I 1 k I fc, A" 1 i ', ! i 1 1', - V ir : i 1 u I . t 1