The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 26, 1910, Image 1

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    i n -tg
:no. n
Juliii Sjin'""i Suiuunh" to
Mn.kc f lrnl
H,J nni Itivn Slrimx Siiuc Kunaa)
UiiiUnl 1o Vcart ant
John M. Sini 'ii, Jii'irn-i'i- nf
ISI'i, i" 'I liunttT i t'aiifui iiia,
j,n,i w h ;i Uu- victim i'f a run.
artuv :ii .nl''iit in HiSl.l"iiii, twi
:ii-s ;i .'. li-'l at tli' family
, im Smith Tualatin. Friday
iiiuniiir,-, Mas 'J(. ufhr an illix-KH
f . mi ilayH. Mr, Smiit'K.ii
;;. ! ' ( l' t M '!l tliU' will tiilllV
th.M'M!ias;iv acriilrnt. wliidi h;q
jwrn .! .iuniir a llimiili-r nlmwrr.
w (i(n I t. tram ran north from
near thr ('onum-rrial Hotel,
'' , Siui".uv, I'locirrr of i"i
thr... win
t. r t-.-..
WU-. h:ul
:.'" hi-
him out at the l.inkla
'iu'f. nnd in ss hirh hr
imurnl, A fru days
Hui!Vrri a Htrokr of
;tnii' ,);,
Mr. Simpson ci'us.'UmI thr plains
t I'aliii.niia iluriiuf the jmM i
ciirmml ami rrai'lh'tl tin F.I I i
nnlu alter an a-lvnituroas trip,
I!.' rciit.iiheil tlu'ir until lKt',
ulii'ii l.r catiii' pi Wa.-'hiinrtoii
'rnnt). That scar ho sva-i mar
rinl to Mary A, Stewart, ssho
tta.-i l.rn at Witch Harl in
ainl u ho January 1,
l.W. She wa.s a tlauulitii- of
t'harles an.l Martha Strsvart. na
tives i,f Missouri, ami pioiierrn
t.f IMu.
.Mr. Simpson ssntf Imrn in Ash
lahtila County. Ohio. July 2:5.
1, ami wuul.l have hern S2
vears at'e h:nl ht' lived until
liis n. t hirth anniversary, He
has been a Mason since 1ST.7. ami
at death ss as a im'iiilM'i of Tuali
? l oiU'r, Hillslmrt), Tll' follow
ing i liil.lren mourn hi.s luxs;
Franklin II. Simpson ami Mrs,
ll'-ster .lolui.son, South Tualatin;
'Mrs. K,nma ,M, Husvll.y. Iluhl.
Idalm; John M, Simpson. Ciniper
Mountain, below Uecilvilli', ami
Mrs, I'.essic I'urvcs, of San Fran-
Hie funeral took plan- Satur
yav' ami interment wan in the
I c wis cemetery, near Knniiiii-
I lie Hoar! pioneer wna highly
rcHpeeti'il and his genuine svortii
character emleaiyd him to a
wiilc acipiaintaiuv,
"inion Thrcsher.s Association
All'iiny. Ore., June 2 & It, I'JIO.
KoiiikI (rip rate of one and one
lll,i'd fare on the certificate- plan
will I"' made by 0. U. & N. and
I Vs. Tickets on sale May
:'" t- June ;id inclusive, k'o(,I
ln' 'vtiirii until Juno 10th. lm
l""'laiit subjects will bo dificiiss
includiiiK' an address by a
fecial Uepresontalivo of tlu- U.
h- '"ivernnient.
''"!' further information as to
''''I't'.s, dates of sale, vh' call on
""V. li. & N. orS. 1'. AroiiI.
J.i"iv-A fr I'0rUntiV
Wt (;rf,ve l,ocii 6:r.i a. m.
"'riilnn Viyvt 9:1a a. 111.
roifHt drove Local 10:41 a. 111.
' "'HI Cmve I.onil 3: p. in.
V-orvalliH Ovt-rlanit jilop. m.
I'uvei Portland for Itillstioro
Corvaliu Ovrrlaml 7:10 a. 111.
'""t Orove Local H:fK a. in.
' or't drove Local 1:00 p. 111.
'"iilmi l'lycr 4:00 p.m.
"m'st lrove Ltwal 5:40 p. 111.
, K- M. Chaimmn and J. N. Mil
"I west of Jobo's, woro in
town Saturday.
maiio for Kale cheap. Kasy
,u,,". Will take oi-tran as part
'a.vnicnt.- C. S. Parker, Hills-boro.
.1. II.
'lU'er, (ll h(.;ir ,PUI1.
wa, iii Salunl.-'v II..
reports the ,,f ,,M itucLi-r's
11, i.) me, rrnlay evi
Mr, I'm In r La
V'lllle user to
to make a few
the house caui'ht
purchases, ami
lire iluri
US ahseni e. Il was
I'eil iv !i.u.l,U,i- j .,,,,1 A
S. Muiier. Ibury Keenon ami
the Wilson linn, went over ami
saved some (,f the jM-rsnnal
c I feels.
1 represent the Spirel!.-, ci
Make selections ill sour I
where accurate measurements
can he taken, ami you p-t :
Set tn inert t),,. reilnirrmeilt
sour li. 1 re. Send astal card, m
. t 1 1 e
pmuie can ior npiHiuitme
Mn. M. K. Caudle. Hills
( treuli.
Fifth ami Jack
Independent telepl
I'rank M.KId.
lU!ii-' UHlii.rin
triideiit and manaernf the (.add
t'rs.tal Springs Farm and of the
pri.e sttN'k OSS lied hy those pet 1-
ple, vs a m tms 11 Saturday, and
sas that he is more than pleased
to see priireS.illu; so
rapidly .
Persons lis in in the country
and w l-diin to take the paily
and Sundas Oreonian for one
year can, hs iasin a sear in
atl saner, i t the Arus ami an
Oreonian map, or chart, fur the
one price. This oifer ssill not
Ianl ion
so el In Solll
(ius Steses, of Yirinia I'lai
and ssho has Item workiu
the t'elilo canal, alios c The
Oalles. returned last sseek, and
is workm on his place, east of
town. Mr. Steves says the work
is laid o!f for awhile, on account
of hn'h water,
Shrubbery, I'oSeS, pronieS, lib
lies, all kimis of plant llow errand
plants, ('abbao and tomato
plants, ("elery and caulitlmvcr,
Also kale plants. Fur sale at the
Campbell (ireeiihoiise, Seventh
and Fir, 1ml. plume. 2tf
John I tennis' prize Jersey heif
er ase birth to tssin calves last
sscek. one of thelll llsill. John
is bewailin the loss of the
SounMcr as he wanted Inith of
them for the Street Carnival and
l.iscstock IMiihit this Fall.
Yes I keep ArHenute of Lead,
the very hihost rade. Like
the Aetna brand of Lime and
Sulphur spray, there is nuthinn
brttrr on the market. Whole
sale and retail. 15. I.-is, Pcaver-
ton, Oreon.
.lint l-'miiS ti f South Tualatin.
and who has just concluded mov
ing the Knnes Lumber I'o.'s
mill, wan in town Friday, return
in home from a business trip
to Portland. John expect a
ood season's cut this year.
1 have added a complete line
of baseball Roods, balls, hats,
mits. loses, masks, in fact, any
thin you may want in that line.
Also tennis imhIs, rackets, halls,
etc, N. U. Creef.
Henry Jlunti'iiian. who owns a
nice little pencil orchard, south-
n-twi nl town, was osei nuih-
dav, and says that the early
frost crippled his prospects so
that he expects only about one
uuarier oi u croji.
lelivered to any
,c,ri ..f the town. Kenieinher
I . . . i l i 1.
sve have llaeiwoou. coin ien-
phones. Koeber s ( onlection-
T 15. Perkins enial old Tom
was down from Huxton, Fn
.1... I SJ.iinnhiv. Ho looks lor
i .... ..r ti,,il,..i- to he shmneil out
III.". HI l.MI'- ' ,
,. i t:.,., i,. t ,.. niivt few
Ol IUS SCCllon in i"
For sale: OnefixD LeilKrorsvioil
donkey enine. withcaWe. uiwks.
..;; renilv for loiruin. tall
or address C. S. Reynolds,
Mountaindale, OreRon. 10-1.5
iieii:..... 'Pl,...nlnirirli ssdlOOSVUS
SS liliain i Hi" i." "'" .
a nice ranch above Hanks, was
down to the city Niumuty, . ac
companied by his father, Am-
M C. Hewitt, the carpenter, is
still inllieliouseiiiusniK .
an, jf you have a building to
..... see him for an estimate.
Harrv Weber, the Portland
machinist nmlKinting vnm ex
pert was tmtFiMHay, overhaul
inR the Argus bij? drum cylinder.
ili Vnrminirton
J, ), VUlllllf)
blacksmith, was in town the last
of the week, lie reports wu,
as lively down his way.
Mrs. Council, widow of the
late The. Council, was a Hillsbo-
u n or t no iasi oi "vv...
i' ii"- - -
.. . l.t i.,Uo. nf near Banks,
i laus i . u i ,
was jrwetinfif his many county
seat menus m town mi.'-
Saturday eveiu .K, -j.-wl
music and a splendid time.
Piano for Sale.-$150.-C. S
SuHrintciuknt M. C. Case
port Results of bmiminatioiis
Oscr One lluiidnd and T I' it I v
(iradualc frtm the (iradc
M the 8th rade examinatioiis
held ill this counts- M:iv VKVA
'In, the follosvinz named jjujiils
SS ere successhl in earnmi'- iiiln-
- - i
mas ur in iassin conditionullv.
1'iit. i Carl C. Hn lit-ii, Mit lmcl I'il-
iiiiiiuiin, Art-lnt- Cowvill, IlilWtoro. K.
I 'lt. 5- I't-iiii li.nid, Kthrl StBti, Kr-
Will ll.llit V, I tHrO littHT. K.i.
l'il. ft -Alln Ky'f, I.vtli IVilwh.
Vu.lrl Wrl.l,. folUand. K. 2.
Put lti-l rm i Mi vrn. MhIm-1 Sti-w-
Htt, Minnie I'tlrniin. Imrrril Ilt-islt-r.
Irwin Tutnt-r. Ilarl Iliu-lici. Ilillt-v.
l'il. I !)( SS'itllfr CritiK, iMini.
I 'int. u Ivnii Muiiinis, Ia u Pain-
ilrt. Itnii k K, i .
1.1 Isv.i Cittsltiin, Kva SllllllllIlT
u-li, Milih.-.l McConinliiiv, Joint Sclnil-
tiiftuli, llit.-iks.
I'HI i'i l'liylhr l isilirr, CUre Walk-
rr, S ivinn linon, l t tn Crtwlrv, t'liarln
M.itrv, l I r vim. Clma 1'uw'i-r. Kov
link, Vrrrir llrllniifrr, Artlmr Muulton.
Mtl'linl Mil'tinry, Ct-ttf uilc Siiiiiiini'-
I'ih, Is'lirl IIUl. Inli-y. I.tly Wnnner,
".rilir koliitihOD. li.ittilliy I'lmhrr, Jc-
ir Sill. Inu IId rvtMl. M nt vti-
Wrt'rn, Mnni- llraillrv, licit Ru, llis-
timik Kwlr, I-'itrrtt (iicivf.
lint 16- kalili V. Kntix, Oistnn, R. I.
I'it. 17 i;.Uiinl Oltin, Amy A. Hny-
lrr. Slii twiKiil. K. a.
Pint iS- J,hn lirllimn, s!t-y He-
Imiitll, Wm. Ktlirli. CUm Krii'kiuii.
1'aulinr Wrt. Klirni tuiil Sclii-oii-r, l.cna
Urn, 1'innk Iriikitnn, Ik-rtlm lk-n,
Klif .l.flli .Mctliuini, I llaf JoliiiMiii, liuth
C'aliiwrll, Ailntii Ik llaan, Willtrr Work
man, llritsrrliiii, H. i.
put. j;- llaroS.lh. Iluhnes, Slu-rwcxxl,
R t.
lnt. jtjt- (ifO'ge Viiicitit, lU-avt-r-
Ion. It. i
Pint. J Harrv 0. llet-f, Ciirm-liiis,
R. J.
Iit. j(-l.iie Moiiir, Olailys Bvrom,
lioroihy Willaril, I.o!a Smith, Tualatin.
1 list. avHrlrti Aiiilrrson, Bt-sie Kirk-
wtHMl, lliouins KirkuciHl, Kiilli Swal
Irv, Rrfilvillr.
lint, so- Noriimii Lilly, Bruce Mc-
Cann, l',lrs Crri'k,
Pint. 37 Lila Willis, Jontpli ltuiin,
IU-avrr(on. R. t.
Pint, js Helen Olson, Orcnco,
lnl. 41 l'rarl t'tm v, Mmiutaiinlalc.
last. 4'1 Carrie liaiilonl, Zoa lirown,
lutet Grove, H. I.
Hist. 45 Mary Culr, Jane Cert-ulittio,
Slier wikmI, R 1.
Hist. .iS.lainrs Norton, Pearl Ilnjjh-
n. clttf lellt, Willis I., enrtv, lltlila
M. ami Charles C. Carlson, Iieaverton.
Dint, si I .imlit Koch, Ruth Iviines,
John Coetf, Cornelius, R. l-
llt. 5S l.illie Zurcher, Dan'ol Hor-
rinn, hlla HerRi-r, Anna t.rosseit,
llillshoro, K. 1.
PhI. 64 Ruth l'nrshiirg, Caston, R. 3.
Pist. 71 William Thoiiiimon, lln'.tie
ait'l llerthii AytU-lott, Hanks, R. 1.
Pist. 74 Otto Si-hulU, l'ortlanil, K. 1.
Pint. 75- l'Miih (larriijus, Carl Wilcox,
(ieorne Si hiieiili r, Hanks, R J.
Hut. 79 Rola-rt 1 aterson, t liurles
Ro, Hinest llrlvovt, Hillslioro, R. a.
Diit. ,Si Hansen, Hillslxmi, R. 4.
Dial. KS Kthrl C.illett, Valeria Peters,
lVlla Smith, Julius Larson, Cora Archer,
Geo. W. Mourliark, Sherwooil.
Pist. oo Mallie Clark, Kunua Wilson,
tanks, R. 1.
Pist. 91 Kim Sunileruieirr, Oiiston,
R. 1.
Pist, 94 Kva Returner, Murk Tuck
er, iteiiveitou, K. 3.
Pist. us Wmy A. 1'iitton, llillstliile.
Pist. 97 KlUahtth Heil, Mamie Her
mans, l'im ami ftiinnie iiermirus, ncttie
lletiuiius. Korest Crove, R. 2.
Pist. ov Martha Mucy, Albert Dristig,
I'oiest Grove, R. I.
Punils ssho passed in all but
two studies, or conditionally, will
write on said branches in the
June examination, and, it re-
uuired grades are earned they
ss i I receive diplomas.
Those passing; conditionally
were as follows:
Pist. 1 Paulina Lsmlnuer, Freiila ami
Clara Pubols, K1111I Is. .lossy, I.cster
lli-llinner, Jus. Jacoliselt, Htllsboro, K. I.
Pist. 5 Myrtle anil Krwin Hailey,
Korest Grove, li. I.
I list, tfi J. Knnes Miller, Archie
Nichol, Khoila Ktischeile, Orwin La-
(:ourse, Carroll llroclc, Alma nursn,
Paul Knox, Klhert Taylor, John Ireland,
Robert Russell, Laurence Moulton,
Kloyil Tatiton, Lewis Tuuibleson, Forest
Pist. 16 Lloyd Knox, Gaston, R. I.
Pist. 17 Kay V. Blossom, Kilith King,
Beaverton, It. 1.
Pist. 2i Allan C Harrington, Iva
Gorslitie, Sherwood, R. 3.
Dist. ajjt Julius llrontier, Beaverton,
Route 1.
Pist, 35 -Clara Thompson, Chris C,
Holl'inaii, Cornelius, K. 2.
Pist a6jt Chira Moore, Thomas Tolls,
Kdwatd lilatik, Tualatin.
l)ist. 87 Laura Knighton, Forest
Grove, R. 1.
Pist. ao Helen Rusimissen, Ida Berg
strand, Kva Hertroche, Keedvil'e.
Hist. tH--Jessie and Josie Henry, Har
ry Quaintaiice, Cl lVoul Catliu, Orenco.
Dist. 30 Maggie Koeber, Gladys
Mitchell, Sherwood.
Pist. 41 Retha RalTety, Cornehus.R t
Dist. 48 Azalia Young, Kmily 1.
Hoover, Hazel Hunter, Margaret K
Peterson, Lester M. Davis, Beaveiton.
Dial. 88 Anna HatiKen. Sherwood.
Dist. 97--William Vandercovering,
Forest Grove, R. a.
Daniel Leisv. of South Tuala-
latin, was in town Saturday.
S. C. Inkley, of near Green
ville, was down to the county
seat Friday afternoon.
John Powell, of N--dk', Cali
fornia, and who has been work
ing with the Santa Fe, arrived
home the last of the week for a
visit with his mother, Mrs. M.
A. Powell. He was not aware
of the death of his father until
hi; arrived in Oregon. John was
hurt in a recent wreck, and is
now making the rounds on
crutches. His sisters, Mrs. Effie
Reynolds and Mrs. Agatha Rey
nolds left for Wilson Creek.
Wash., yesterday morning, after
a lew days stay in Hillslxjro.
"Two things that are sure
death and taxes." To this has
neen auuea a itiini - ami mat is
Watkins' remedies for stock,
Doultrs' anil for t he m;in woman
orchild. Watch for the Watkins'
remedy wagon. Z. M. LaRue,
l-orest (,rove, Oregon. 11-13. win he present and deliver a lec
Fred Emerson, formerly a res- ture on the "Good Hoads Move
taurateur of Hillslioro, and re- ment." Mr, Eldridge knows his
siuing at m jo ins ior a rew
(lay. talking over old times with
,s vai n, ii om nuiiiruuy nnu oun
his friends. Fred had a bad fall
a less- years ago. irom a pile
Iriser. and for several months
his life was despaired. He has
sufliciently recovered, however,
that he can now eat three meals
a day. Fred says that he still
rcmemlicrs the Kinr Solomon
suppers he served in the county
seat years ago.
r . , 11 1 I
Eleven cows for sale; all fresh;
give good test, and all good, milk
ers; test goeri 5 and 5:.'tt); graded
Jerseys and Durham. -J. L.
White, two miles from Glencoe.
Address Hiilsboro, Route 3.
John Ileilly, of near West
Union, was in Monday morning.
Mr. Keilly has a nice orchard,
and gives it great care. He says
that this year will be rather short
on apples, trom present indica-
ions, as he notices that W of
his trees have not set aa Well as
UHUal, Jho Shortage, however,
Is generally made good by a bet-
ter fruit when the trees are not
Gooseberries for sale. Will
pick or deliver; or parties can
pick in the yard. John Reilly,
Hillslioro, Route 1, Pacific States,
Telephone Farmers 4G5. 11-12,
J. 0. Wilson, of Bethany, was
in Monday, and says that he
never before saw better looking
early grain at this time of May.
The late sosvn is also looking well,
and the timothy promises fine
returns. The clover, hosvever,
got hurt some last Winter, al-
though there s not much of this
crop in his section.
Don't forget the dance at V,
0. W. Hall, Glencoe, thisSatur
day night-May 28. Toelle's
orchestra - and a grand time.
li, D. Horn, a Portland eon
tractor, has purchased the Geo,
Corrigan forty acres in Shady
Brook, and will take possession
in a short time. Mr. and Mrs.
Corngan were in the first of the
week. making out the deeds,
Thev go to Portland after re-
easing the n ace. and mav ocate
J. A. Prisbine, a former drug
gist ot rorest Grove, died in
Portland the other dav, after
several years of illness. One
child mourns his loss, a daughter,
Nida. ssho is married. The fun
eral took place at Cornelius the
first of the week
J. L. White, who has been
dairying on the Darety place,
near Glencoe, for several years,
was in the city Monday. He is
thinking of going out of the dairy
1 11 J? j--l
ousiness, anu nas a ior saie nonce
ot his cows in another column.
TI c. ,, ,
M. II. Stevenson, the ab-
stractor, was operated on tor
appendicitis, in Portland, the last
of the week. Miss Jennie Arch
bold is employed at the Wilkes
Bros.' abstract office during his
E. T. Turner, who recently
bought the Laurel store, intends
increasing his siock so tnat it
will be the equal of any country
point in the county
Mra. Alexander Scott, of Scog-
gin Valley, and who was former
Miss Nellie Wallace, visited
with friends in the city Friday.
For sale: First-class red cedar
shingles, cut or sawed, in any
Quantity. Will deliver. C. S,
Reynolds, Mountaindale, Ure. 16
Chas. Willoughby, formerly of
Reeuville, now out on the Glen
coe Plains, was in town the last
of the week.
Jos. Bishup, of Helvetia, and
J. B. McNew, of below Reedville,
were county seat visitors Satur
Bernard Osterman and Herman
Osterman, the Centerville store
man, were in town Monday.
Reinhald Schwanke, of North
Plains, was in the city the first
of the week.
Morris W. nidridee Will be the
Principal Lecturer
Wi" Ask
fur Road Awakening in Wash
ington County
There will be a good road3 meet
ing at Forest Grove, on Tuesday,
May 31, and a large crowd is ex-
Pwted. Morri8 W. Eldridge, of
the Department of Agriculture,
buainesis an(1 his talk will be in
stnwjive, and to the point. He
W1" accompaniea Dy juage
Lionel Webster, Lhairman of the
Executive committee of the Ore-
Lon nflflfi pj, Aintinn Mr
Webster bespeaks for Mr. El
dridge a good hearing, and the
chairman writes the Argus the
As repreaenttne the Oregon Good
Roails Association J ihall accompany Mr.
l-'I.Uwl,,. n 1,1. t.l .... J
I'lp, nuKi will aucait W11U
him at most of the meetings, i shall t
in Forest Grove with him. and it will be
a part of our effort to further the organi
zation of a Good Roads Association in
Washington County.
11 seems to me the occasion of this
meeting affords a great opportunity for
your county to get actively in line in
this great movement for the develoDment
of the state. I hope you mav see vonr
way clear to give publicity to this meet
ing, and that you will give it as much
-opie together; it is their work and
their interest. All of this is voluntary
wo: 80 ,ar ,ue peop'e re concerned
very actthat the Government is sivine
this assistance to the work here ought of
V11' "tnow gr" encouragement to
our efforts in this state. Everything you
can da to assist in giving the widest pub
licity to this meeting will certainly be
in the interest of better roads, better
conditions in every way, and will further
the development of the state, and espec
ially of Washington County.
Three hundred and twenty acres
all in wheat at $35 an acre; 400
acres, 300 acres in wheat at $27
an acre; 1120 acres wheat and
pasture land at $20 an acre, small
cash payment, will take a small
Valley farm in exchange, or for
first payment with easy term for
-W. M. Barnett, Wasco,
The K. 0. K. A. "Stickers"
again slaughtered the Forest
Grove "White Sox" on the Paei
he University grounds last Sat
urday, by the score ot a to 4.
the game was welt played, al-
though the roughness of the
grounds was the cause of several
errors, ine btickers main
tained tneir reputation Dy get
ting 10 hits, 3 of which were two
K. 0, K. A.
Hoffman, s 8 4
toord, c 5
Lytic, a b 5
c!'r,oa!r: 1 f
Bettis, 3 b 4
E Gillenwater, p . 4
Fitzgerald, I b... 4
Finney, c f. 4
W Gillenwater, p.... 4
39 9
10 3 21
Russell. 1 b 4
Looney, r r. - 5
Nichols, p 3
scott, 3 b 4
Ilutt, a s 4
Ireland, c 4
Boyd, 1 f 4
Henderson, c f 4
Ireland, 2 b 4
Total 3 4 5
Summary Three base hits, Hender
son; two base nits, Bettis, Kusaell, Lytle,
Fniuev; base on balls off Gillenwater i;
off Nichols a; struck out by Gillenwater
to, by Nichols 7. Umpires, Guyn and
The "Stickers" play the
Christian Brothers College next
Saturday, at the Hiilsboro Ath-
letic park, and a good game is
promised. Game called at 2:30.
The schedule of departure and arrival
of Oregon Electric Cars for Portland as
7 05 a m 800am
8 55am 9 ssara
10 45 a m n 15 a m
ij 35 p tu 1 05 p m
1 55 P w 3 05 p m
4 25 P n 4 5 P m
7 T5 p tn 6 as p m
9 58 p m 9 20 p tn
3 45 pm ... J 12 20 a tu
Sunday only t Sunday onlv
W. N. Hathorn, of Laurel, was
over to the county seat, Monday.
High Q
The Place where you
are always getting Drugs
of absolute purity and High
Quality and compounded
by pharmacists who take
pride in the accuracy of
their work
Whitman's Celebrated Chocolates,
and Candies. 4THE BEST EVER"
Kaminshy's Make Man Tablets
Dr. David Roberts Veterinary Remedies
The Delta Drug Store, Hiilsboro, Ore.
J. A.
. E.
Forest Grove
Statement of Conditions at call of the Comptroller,
Tuesday, March 29, 19 10.
Loans and Discounts
V. S. Bonds at par
Other Bonds
25,( i0-00
Banking House - - 16,2X3.00
Cash and Dues from Other
Banks and U. S. Treas. 13l.8S3.l2
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time
TKos. C. Todd
Wilber W.
Save Your Money
By buying Your GENERAL
Forest Grove, Oregon
1 3
We have quite a number of pairs of child's,
women's, and men's shoes which are slightly
damaged and more or less out of style which
we will sell for one-third price viz $1.50 shoes
for 50c: $2.25 shoes for 7 sc. Men's and
women's up to $3.50 for $1.00.
These are all good material but not up to
present stvles. Now is the oooortunitv to
get a good shoe for
4 be pleased to show
I they last.
I have an "EASY PAYMENT" Victor for
YOU. Come in and get it.
ThinK of the delicious melody, the sweet old
songs, the stirring band, orchestra and grand
opera music that might be trickling into your
senses day after day.
The $I.OO a Weeh payments are soon fin
ished, but the pleasure keeps on trickling.
a a a
Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist.
Drug S
- President
Capital 8took and Surplus $42,0)0.00
I'ndivitled I'rolita SI8.10
Circulation - 25,000.00
Deposits - . 432,0H0.!X)
John E. Bailey J. W. Fuqua
McEldowney J. A. Thornburff
little money. We shall
them to you as long as
1 ;
' ,
' ft if
U '
r. '
1 1
fe .
! t
Parker, iliiisuoro.