3 PAGE 4 HILLS80RO AROUS, MAY l 9lQ -s I -1 I 9 II 4 1 r iii i a W II a Hardware, Farm Implements and Plumber's Material j Hivjh Grade Stoves ami Ranges. We have the Washington Comity Agency for the cele- brand Toledo and Monarch Ranges the best ever installed in a kitchen. Wagons and Buggies Famous Mitchell-Leins oc Staver wagons and hng-gies, the wagon and buggy adapted es pecially for this section. Harvesting' Machinery Th; Champion binders, mowers and rakes which have stood the test of time aud en-durauce. Plumbing' Supplies A complete line of pipe ami plumber's fit nigs, baths, aud everything connected with the business. We will give estimates on plumbing your new, or your old residence. Lpt ns rut ou ia a bath GOFF BROS. & IRMLER Cornelius and Forest Grove ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE NOTICE .S HKI;E ;Y CIVKS. that the undersign,! lias Iwn by lli- Count v 'ourt o! tbf Stale ot Oregon f r Washing ton Cnumr. duly appointed Ailniimstra torif the Kitate nf John K. 'I iltvpAMnl. and liasiiuiv qnnliliwl ami pn tcri U.,.n the ihwhHr'i;" of Ins ilmit-i ai Mjr h. NOW THKRKI-'OKE. all jwrsoi. hat iiit; fianiis :iptint thp ptaie nf said John li. T.tinifiip, dccaH,f, an- hprWiv rffpiir ii to prp-nit t tie nanii- to the imilcrsijjnul a( the lai otli ( of Hntrley A Hare, in HilKhoM, Oreic.in, lojfrtlir wini pr.iprr voui-hets. within. nil nmnths from tlie dale therptif. iialei this A pril IS. !K I J PTamieMt?, Adinininitor cfilip' estate . fjclm B. Tatmesio, Iei-,d I Haul"-)' A- Hare. Atlornejs fir " I Adm nislrator " IN SUMMONS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THi5 STATE OP OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. Meda Milla. I'lamtitl, VI !;illrt Mills, IiefendanU To Gilbert Mills, the abovs named de fondant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are herehv tHHilinntiilo.1 . .1 : ,1 ... l ainl appear in the above entitled court ami answer the complaint tiled against ymi in the above entitled cause, on or lie. fore the expiration of 8ii weeks from the dale of the first publication of thia sum mon., in the Hillsooro Argus, the date of the lirst publication thereof being May 5 WW, an i the date of the last publication fher.r I........ T. ...... ...... . , -uiir i, r.nv. lo u t: on or before June ia. IHIO; .,, vu w , and answer aaid ro.npl.int. the pl.j ltilt i " ''Mly to tb. court Ah a decree ui, I -'li "lei iarnage ana inarriaite con tract no etlsiing between the plainti I and the defendant up,,,, the f , deaert.on, and for such other ami fu rther I decree as may be noeiar and proper, j ThUsummuna issterve-l upon v.i by ' publication by order of Honorable J. W ! ou'"y Judge of Waahlngtmi ' t,mnty or. made and da'ed the 5 . omrel Lh m' H"'1 W,,i''" ""I" quires hat you appear and aiianvr on or before the expiration of aix weeks from 1 or I ? ' Publication, to wit. o or before June SI, I!(0 V. O. W. NOlICK Ail Woodmrn of tin' World of ,Hillshot i 'amp No. fntO are iv iiucstotl to meet at the Wehrunjr Hall, on Sunday. May Li. lilt. at ten a. in:, for the piirjKiso of arran.uiti.u' for unveiling exercises at the l!illslxi) eemetery, the tiis t Sunday in June. Prompt attendance will be appreciated. A. W. Marks, t'onsul lm. S. A. IYkky. Clerk. Hillslmm. Ore.. Mav IS. pjio. H. Taylor Hill, who left the buneh.i;rass hills of (.'rook for the riven glades of Washington eolllltv. several viviis moh m dinvn from his .Mminf.-im.l'il.. niiuh. Tuesday, and he isn't' sorry he is down w here the rain falls oceasionally. -j Jas. IxMidon. the tall man fmin bnva Hill, and who is that tall that he has Invn sitting down for some weeks for fear the eoinet mijrht strike him. was in the city Tuesday niorninK. Jim say's there are some disadvantages in having heihth. H. C. Wri.cht. of Portl and. and who for years sold marble in this seetmn; was out to theeitv. the tirst of the week. Mr. Wright j ereeted the monolith over the Jfravoof the lale Congressman' 1, II. lonyfiie. j Hon. W. N. Manvtt and wifo: reaehetl Chicago last week. Mr, I Hanvtt was present in the eourt room a few hours. :it k'nrw-w '... i ; when Dr. Hyde was U-injr tried for munler. Fred Greener, of the McQuillan place, below Hood's, was up to the city Tuesday. Fivd is whip ping his newly purchased hold ink's into a line dairy nmch. M. 11. Stevenson, of the Wilkes t.rus . Abstract Co.. had a slight attack of anDeinliciiis iIhju....l anil it may k necessary for him 10 unuertfo an operation. Lincoln Hill. Almoran Hill, pioneer, was down irom t laston. lllesd.iv :ui.l -t1hl on the Argus for a few minutes, j ! C. I). Karnham, who has been! imnruvmvr his place a mile and a! halt north of town, was in town! Monday. j W. N. Haynam. of Mountain-1 dale, and who owns an ideal' ranch, was in town Tuesday! morning. j t t't IIin('s' of tho vineelad hills of aUn e Hanks, was down to the city tho last of the week. Lawrence Hrownand Ccrhardt (joetzo were in from beyond liloominv;, Tuesday. Chas. Holcomb, of Hethany was over to the city Tuesday. u n Men's and Ladies' UP-TO-DATE 71 22 FURNISHINGS MKN'S Oxfords IN TAN GUN METAL AND PATENT LEATHER LADIES OXFORDS AND PUMPS IN TAN WHITE AND PATENT LEATHER CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS IN TAN WHITE AND BLACK The House of Quality BAIRD Between DrU, Sl(jr., i I nngley a- Hare, Siiii n Ci ft n Ml i 1 A X I I II II I I I I II I I 1 I I ' ' I W LI U i l II a m mm wm on the market and ui Ul . , . m going on oi Business. We are placing onr magnificat stScIo Sell at GOSt 11 and many lines will be sacrificed below cost. The WtohiK?- , , ., ... , ",o V,,1J 1U" Ui mi lines A u I W Ofl you to call at our store. Men's Suits 2 50 sale price Men's Saxony $25 ex) men's suits $18 Jackets 22 50 men's suits 17 $3 0o sale price 20 00 men's suits 15 15 00 incu s suits 13 15 f men's suits 11 12 50 men's suits 8 Odds and Ends in Lot Black frock suits $(j 00 Sack suits $5, $6, $7, and $H hvcry boy's suit in the house at cost. . 1 60 Unit ...2 00 00 kid j 29 5 k'l 1 00 2 75 tan Blucher 2 IS 2 50 black Blucher....! 90 2 OO Hoi'c TWimlnn 1 OA 2 50 Marine calf 1 85 Lad,es White Canvas YaU.' Shoes 3 Highest market price paid for eggs. W. L. DoUfi'laS 2 25 Nap-A-Tans 1 75 l 5 '.Ue canvas 1 50 ?c xyUgias 2 00 Marine calf... 1 50 2 "Q canvas 1 2fM"nt O. bhoeS 1 75 Marine calf j or J.5o white canvas 100 ' All broken lines of shrP Retail Price Stamped on w be sold at 50c on Every Shoe Uie 1 00 $3 50 shoes, sale price $2 85 ... . Ladies' Shoes . T nisses Shoes in V;: ... T IV! Kid, Blucher and Bal T . , T.i..uiirn ..liy, ioi-out m (1..i all Sc ontiuK n cl 15 """" nanneiettes HIT "tire line of K'-ods at lessthn, " V' , 1 ?..ck 1!) ,.2 Amoskcair stanle 7 1 .0 u uaru 10 American bl VMI1VW 1 50 kid glove. . . 1 75 kul glove. . . 2 (X) kid glove... . 115 125 150 .... 8 5 .. l.'J ' 1-2 $2 CO lildt'pu' lurntiiwri! 1 71' 2 U) ladies' wraniK-rs ... 1 4 . .. . 1 ' Ladles WrapperJ Toweling 1 5 ladies' wrappers 25 ladies wrappers, rs V M -- - . Ln w 001 underwear 5 00 shoes, sale price 3 75 Jp2 00 sale price H 50 NflD a Tlin Q . 1 75 sale price 1 18 Bi'Ik " 1 50 sale price 1 08 r Tan 1 25 sale price 88 6 5 H'gers, sale price 5 00 7 5 tau 15 inch top ... 6 00 4 00 shoes, sale price 3 15 Vlcl and Patent turns i but- ion, uiucner or ml It 1 a W 00 sale price $2 98 3 5 sale price 2 79 3 00 sale price 2 18 1 . .-.v....iui iir v 1 . 1 .'hx..viA.iii:i.ii 111 r u. 1 ... 1 ..... ........ t ..1 1 . Tr :: -.. .o.j .) . fi. lit j liiuics wrapix Mioe.-, sale nnce 'h Olinnson's Vi ,nV .. 1 . 20 aievcns ci--l. r . x 50 shoes sale price $1 15 Garnet Red 5 W Stevens crash IZ..!! GrOCeTlCS W.nilds Shoes Cenua-n blue calico C m 12 J"2 Stevens crash Q t.-, 75 s ioe, sale price 1 30 er'an blue calico IJ 10 Stevens crash 8 H H Amond yj Mioes, saie once... I If wti'an oiue so t fin 1. 10 '..,75 Men's cotton underwear 50 cent sale price $ 39 35 cent sale price 22 50c and 60c fleece lined 39 Men's French Flannel -Shirts $2 50 sale price $1 50 2 00 sale price 1 35 Men's Logger's Blue Flannel Shirts $3 50 sale price 2 40 0 00 tan 12 inch top 4 69 3 50 tan Blucher 2 98 5 5" hlack 12 inch top ...4 25 5 00 black 9 inch top Blucher 375 5 00 black ix inch too n 1 uai 00 sale price 2 18 1 25 shoes, sale price 85 32 inch Percale . ' "' Z PnmfA' 4 50 sale price 1 85 1 00 shoe, sale 36 inch I 1 oe cal nwn. 1 rtn .u 1. r 11. M .1... 1 . 'f r. 1 F 1 'u tK 01 oau sizes in Miss wpori siurting 19 1 85 sale price 1 39 and child's shoes will be sohl ' f2 1-1 r 1. 1. 4 00 kiu ieu imeu 139 at 75 cents on the dollar 2 25 calf felt lined 1 59 " ' " 2 25 King calf 1 59 Men's Hats 2 25 Marine 1 59 Women s Oxford' in 1 en Tiin-..l.l.j 1. .. ... titn .o black TllnrW 9QS ;VS lciai 5" ?. 'u.th",an "ats. .. 198 R , " z. --'" " vici nws Doys Nap-A-Tan i cq nat welt and trc 9 00 J ( " w J A. v J 4 (jy 3 75 tan 10 inch top. .$3 00 3 00 pat welt and turns 2 00 2 75 tan high top Doug- 2 50 pat welt vici kid 1 85 -las 2 00 3 50 gun metal ...2 30 $ " X OO 2 00 (.lobe hats 1 49 Wash Goods 20 Sterling cambric... Shirting Ranchman blue twilled 11 "lack Hide " jf Galctea cloth , 14 Feather ticking a'ca".'" 1(J Cretons and Drapery $ .20 sale price 15 sale price Z 9 12 sale price o , 10 sale price ' 7 yuting Flannel WalnnlB Arm it Hmiimof Hod it .... UivHrhidb OlcHH Btaroli .. lM Cnrn HtMrob Celluloid Htarch KUctio Htarch 75 sale price C1 or. 2 si I. t1)r-lce 100 i;umo...::.;: li 1 1 'CC lf Cr,'nolWhat... 2 K).s.ile price 1 )() Jr Nut 1 75 sale price 1 25 Korofl 1 uHium uhioii Hh redded Whntt .. Columliift What... Oolumbla OilB.... Gloves 1 ''j Vailie 1Q Vlolnt Pann.bn Vl.. 75 silk and lisle... M Olympio Pnoke Flour 2 on long silk " ' 1 nil Arhuokle Clfe ! I SO loiur KiH. 1 J.'" Onrn Meal, 10 pound suik 14 Amoskcag teazle 9 K ,1 50 Kverytbine in the OrtKtr.V I 1 Corner SECOND and MAIN H8E & m J 98 Dept. at Rhducri) IW Hillsboro. Orpqon